Hit The Golf Ball Straight, Draw Or Fade With This Foot Flare

Learn how to hit the golf ball straight, draw, or fade by adjusting your foot flare. This simple tip will improve your golf game and help you control your shots on the course!

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so what if I told you that the simplest little change that you could make at a dress could either get you hitting a lovely little draw on call like that every time or the opposite a dress could get you hitting that lovely little fade giving you lots of control and if you are a golfer and if you are a golfer who already shapes it one way or the other and once to hit the ball straighter the little adjustment I’m going to talk about here at setup which takes less than a second to do could get you hitting the straightest shots you’ve ever hit now I’m sure you’re intrigued so what we need to understand is if we’re influencing the shape of the golf ball where the ball sets off is very much where that club face points the shape is then the path the club’s moving on so the face to path becomes important so if I were to make a swing and I’m a sliced with the golf ball and my club face was open to the direction the club’s moving the ball will shape from left to right now how open depends on where the club sets off and vice versa if I hook the golf ball the club face is going to be close to the path and then moving the Path Round is going to affect the face pointing Direction but it’s face to path that’s key and a lot of golfers work really really hard on do I need to change something that rest do I need to fiddle with my grip but for a lot of the time if we were to understand that the way we’re delivering the golf club is we move back the lower body unwinds the upper body turns and when we can get our body opened up the correct amount for us that club face would be perfectly square but we all move a little bit differently different strength different flexibility so our ability to open our body up can change drama atically so if we were somebody who wanted to get the ball to curve from right to left we’d need to get that club face more closed to whatever our path is to get the ball shaping right to left and a great way to get that club face to stop and I don’t need any help with this but a great way of doing that is to restrict how much the body can turn out the way the body stops the hands keep going and that closes the club face so I know what you’re thinking how do I get my body to do that so if you take your normal address position and then your lead foot turn the foot so it’s Square maybe even slightly in what that’ll do is you’ll only be able to get the hips so far out the way they’ll stop then the body will stop and then the club will move and if I were to set up in that position for me we can see straight away there the ball curving from right to left and we can see the face to path the club was 2.8 de closed now be honest for me that wasn’t full speed so I didn’t see the club really kind of wrap over a lot so if I were to do that a little bit quicker so again set up turn that foot even so it’s pointing in slightly and go a bit quicker we can see there again curving from right to left left there’s that draw one which I don’t need any help with and that club face a little bit more at 3 and a half degrees closed so by restricting the body ability to turn out the way that enables that club to close quicker now let’s say for example I want to get the ball to go the other way which I’m sure maybe 90% of you watching don’t need encouragement that way but some golfers draw the ball or hook the ball and they’d want to be able to work the ball the other way or take shape off so what they would do is they’d set up and from their normal position again with that lead foot we’re going to open that foot out a lot and that’s going to allow that club that body to really open up and then you can see there that club face is going to be more that way as opposed to this way so open that foot right up make my normal swing and we can see that one could curving left to right and we can see that club face there 36° open now in my opinion and I see lots of golfers who tell me they hit the ball dead straight they don’t there’s an element of curve but you might say I don’t want to curve it I want to take curve off my shape so if you’re a slicer of the golf ball we want to restrict that body turn so if you’re that slicer you’re going to take your normal setup you’re going to pull that foot back just a square to begin with and you’re going to hit your shot and you can see what it does but we want you to feel that you can exaggerate that a little bit now I would you say more from a physical perspective here if you are a little bit tight this is putting restriction into the body so I would hit a few without going full speed to begin with and just see how the body feels but if I were to really close that lead foot for me well we can see that one viciously shaping from right to left Club face nearly 12° closed and if you’re somebody who delivers that club face wide open that might be a great little feel for you and what you’ll do from restricting is it’ll help you learn probably how the hands and arms are starting to deliver that club a little different now obviously if that’s a little excessive and we always want to be excessive in practice we would then set up go to where we were just move that back a little bit so maybe go Square make that swing and we can see there not a huge amount of shape and that club face one degree closed but I wasn’t honestly trying to do anything different in my go swing it’s just how I’m setting that lead foot which then restricts how much the hip can move is getting that club face to close more now obviously if you’ve watched my videos particularly from years ago the right to left thing is never an issue for me and so it’s always a case for me that I want to feel that I can get my body opening up as much as possible so I’m kind of leaving the club face a little bit behind so I want to really feel that left foot’s open it is going to restrict my back string a little bit but again for most golfers I that’s a massive issue if they’re a little bit shorter here if they’ve got control of the club impact so get that lead foot wide open for me be nice and aggressive and again we can see that one just shaping from left to right face to path is the key number here 1.6 de open now I need lots and lots of help with that like I said probably 90% of you watching need lots and lots of help the other way so even though I’m talking about how you’re going to deliver that club face more open or more closed if you’re somebody who’s delivering it this way address we’re definitely going to see that curve from left to right so you need something that helps helps you get that club face closing I don’t need any help with that so I need something that helps me deliver it a little bit more open than normal so we could see that even though my lead foot was really really splay open I didn’t deliver the club face massively open and and I kind of like that feel so I’d go just slightly less open on this one put a swing on it and would literally take that one all day every day very little shape on that one Club face .4 de open I can take that all day long now in my videos I use trackman for feedback I’m never just Ultra reliant on that but it’s great that when I think I’ve done something have I actually done what I’m feeling and what I’m thinking about because if I have then it becomes a little bit easier to make that little change so from there just open it up a little bit for me make my normal go string we should see a relatively shapeless shot so maybe a little bit thin but again we can see not much shape on that that club face very very neutral at impact and it’s great as a coach I love it when you can just make a little tweak to somebody’s setup and something that takes like less than a second but you have to make sure you do it and you have to be willing to experiment to begin with but next time you’re practicing play around with the position of that lead foot so if you’re a slicer of the golf ball you want to turn that foot in let’s restrict the body and get the hands and arms working a bit more if you’re a hooker of the golf ball let’s open that lead foot out but experiment see how much or how little you need whether you’re trying to draw it or fade it or maybe just maybe try to hit the straightest shots you’ve ever hit


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