The Preserve Championship connected by Microsoft Teams | Me vs. The Disc Golf World!!!!

The Preserve Championship presented by Microsoft Teams is upon us, and we have new guests to the channel! Check it out to see who it could be!!

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Connor O’Reilly

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2.4 J you used to that number I don’t know plus minus I forget what so that means that you to bet on me you bet in the minus right you’re the favorite you beating us by two and a half what’s going on you guys welcome back to the channel today it’s me versus the disc golf world I got Jefferson and I got Drew with me today I met drew a couple years ago at Las Vegas he caded for me and these guys have a budding Disc Golf Channel in the disc golf world that is over 20k subscribers now and if you’re not one of those subscribers what are you doing go check it out they got some awesome hot takes and they and they like to kind of just share a bunch of disc golf knowledge and uh just all the prevalent topics that are going on Jefferson also you just started a new spin-off Channel tell tell me about that one just bogy man there’s not a lot to say you just got to watch it you got to watch you enjoy hopefully we got no bogis today but we are going to play me versus these guys as a doubles group out here at The Preserve it’s windy and uh that’s going to play a big factor we got probably gusts into the upper 20s right now so see how it plays out message with a good drive here so I’m going to take the first shot this is probably the worst win you could have though here from1 we got a power force 708 kind of just a setup shot off the T but the further you get the easier that approach across the out of bounds water is going to be we have head right to left coming at us so I’m going to take my straighter warb bird first see if I can finesse the angle got the stable one for the second shot [Applause] [Applause] all right a little low that was a safe one now we get to get aggressive it’s the only hole I get to play doubles on so I got to take advantage [Applause] yeah not going to do it but hey low misses are good golf misses right you know that’s what we [Applause] say JK rocking out in the Crocs and you know what they’re good for going in the water so he’s ready first throw of the day two I never played [Applause] basketball oh there it is come on what was that [Applause] there we go nice through with the big one that’s why we’re parking I just had to get a warm up in 370 in here do have to Pro to cross that out of bounds I’m going to take my spur play out in this right to left wind let it swing back see that knowledge of physics right there the lift exactly when I calculated it I hope he throws a 260 ooh attacking with that A5 that’s not bad yeah that’s a butt that’s what I was playing for [Applause] huh now when it is ripping on the wind I didn’t necessarily do that on this hole but sometimes it’s good to play to a certain side of the green set up a putting angle that you like I have kind of a tail left to right these guys have a pretty strong headwind so even though I’m a little bit outside I I kind of pick my foone over there so see if I can stick it [Applause] though hold J oh he had the one I I can respect the one [Applause] too I told you it was your job though I did all the driving you just got to do F we’re at Hall two preserve pretty much just want to make that double Mando you know go straight for a little bit that’s it it’s a pretty short hole you make the Mando going to give yourself a look as long as you don’t hit those early trees the am break down no it is a simple hole throw it straight the M don’t even think about the MOs in a hole like this they shouldn’t come into your head hit the line pick the disc based off the angle that you want to release it at for me I like flat through this Gap so I’m going to play my yellow rose and Bravo plastic it should range out perfectly on this one we do have pretty strong [Applause] Tailwind a bad day that’s going to be a little short kind of dropped in that wind but the line was right Nicholas yesterday I feel like my form has leveled up so I don’t know I talk about Commando saying it’s not even there it’s not even there he said don’t think about it that’s why I started thinking about [Applause] it oh Drew getting local almost but and blacks a lot I made you’re good oh had the effort good background I’ll try to make it dude you got to respect they’re playing doubles but they’re not just here to play safe they’re going to attack every shot and you know I love that yellow rose off the T and D2 yellow rose into the basket here hey you got some new Columbia shoes that’s why I want Dela in maybe that’s the key you know we’re not superstitious until we play game like Golf and then we are apparently they’re set themselves up with this right oh lean stroke no wobble love it he’s confident good Dre is just happy he didn’t have to putt tail in Ft pretty much straight I’m going to just try to make sure I stay in the Fairway keep myself the but that’s not going to happen you know what I’m a fan of setting high goals not low goals like Jefferson so I’m going to to go Ace running with the Wrangler oh I probably should have thrown a slower disc and it was like 45 mph of tailwind and in sudden I’m long about 45 so and you get the flip o yeah h no flip but there not bad Circle Edge hold it come [Applause] on he’s hungry oh chill oh boy J so man yes oh man that’s three guys yeah you got a raging headwind on hole four here this is definitely one of the more difficult birdies on the course especially it’s going to be the hardest hole at the opening I feel like they kind of ease you in here with the first three holes and this is the first like really good birdie um um 746 not the longest but it really forces you out left off the teeth and then it’s pretty much like a big c shape for the hole and you have to enter into the woods on the second shot so really important that you have a good drive here I’m going Dragonite warbird put it high let it turn right out the whole [Applause] way little wide there little too wide I’m probably going to have a par unless I throw a miracle second windows open open I tried the roller yesterday I hit that log perfectly that thing is well placed let me tell you absolutely ooh smooth with the is that the legendary wild honey no that’s a destroyer oh Destroyer [Applause] there low is the good Miss sometimes you know I’m going to avoid trying to make the hero shot here just play forehand Heiser with my warb bird into the Gap maybe take a long stab out of three you know you never know at that first war of the day hope I got far enough something that’s not that bad there’s a will there’s a way yall easy Park we got whole five uh pretty straight shot bends a little left super tight though you want to get the angle right and the nose angle right on this one so let’s try and do that hopefully yeah I feel like this one has enough technicality to I think if you try to perfect it it can make it a little over complicated cuz it really asks you to play like a Hiser that stands up the flat um I just try to kind of play a Heiser get out to the left side hopefully have a putt going back to my yellow rose that’s actually the perfect way to play it if you keep it low and you can get to the ground you’ll slide a little straight and yellow roses are good man I loving that D sound like really got to get the Revenge [Applause] bro I got to say everywhere we we are around here in Minnesota is flooded right now and the mosquitoes are real so shout out to Swiss for braving them on the camera that’s always in the worst spot when there’s mosquitoes so with the logo disc oh yeah [Applause] [Applause] you know I I didn’t need the luck but they probably used code 12 or 20 when they bought that disc at lstar so it worked out for him there whole sticks like 700 ft curves down at the end right there I’m going to try to land there I don’t really know what happens after that it’s kind of like a double tunnel you set yourself up from this first tunnel into the second and if you can be looking at the basket you thre an incredible shop see I’m going to take my Trinity new Fairway driver from lonar just try to get a little Heiser flip this straight keep it low here I think is the key you don’t want to get off left or right you really want to be in the center and we do have pretty substantial left to right win go Clover 20o works every time don’t over 20 he doesn’t need help oh man you guys if you kick left in that spot it’s Pinel tree [Applause] death oh Jefferson playing the mature game with the mid-range flip up buttery go crazy love it oh had the yeah I’m sure the wind didn’t help this is a tricky position we’re pinched off you have to throw an Annie backend into the Gap if you want to try to flex it all the way down there which is kind of a Fool’s go play I can just try to get into the Gap I’m going to play turning yellow rose hopefully it flattens out late in the [Applause] flight I thought I was a genius not quite [Applause] [Applause] is that bad it’s all good it’s all good it’s an important hole to know that if you’re not in a perfect spot for tea just get yourself into this Gap probably throw a putter so you can keep it in the middle give yourself a long bid cuz this one has a pretty low birdie percentage that come on woo if he had that Mojo Riser he probably would have had enough height to make that one something I’ve always enjoyed about the design out here at The Preserve is they switch up the rhythm of the shots you can’t just kind of throw the same disc over and over as much as it is an open course they kind of switch up the pacing and the distances this is a nice dead straight Fairway shot here I actually changed out for Ace a couple years ago so let’s see if we can recreate some of that action maybe get it to stick I’m going Wrangler here we do have right to left wind to deal with so I’m going to make sure to hit it flat give it enough height to fight that [Applause] wind oo just enough height to find its way back to the left Edge there that turbulence kind of scared me for a second but got it done I got to say straight shots are probably my favorite part of the game y’all if you can Master straight you can play Anywhere [Applause] come [Applause] [Music] [Applause] on Poké ball Wrangler getting it done you what’s that &m lyric feel like I got the the disc off world on my shoulder sometimes it feels like no ain’t nothing y’all come on all right we got whole eight here uh pretty big water carry right off the tea you can kind of decide uh where you want to land based on how much since you can cut off how they changed it to a par 4 this year um they moved it away from the red chips put it down by the water um it’s still a kind of crazy hole we’ll see if we can birdie it Conor up red CH red chips were a better play raging head I’m going to take my beefy Starship here just play it out to the right I just want to keep my disc here and I’m not too obsessed with a birdie and this kind of headwind man this is a true Testament of do you trust your distance driver or not that’s all I got to [Applause] say that’s what we call it fistle missile y’all oh that Conor O’Reilly Sig hold on that thing going fly good [Applause] he could probably throw it straight out the water with that kind of signature on it and it would just jump straight into the land come on they’re [Applause] saying stay out of this stff I think in this wind we’re going to see a a lot of pars on this hole I still have 480 in and I feel like I threw a decent drive so I’m just going to play it out maybe for like a 50 footer on the right [Applause] side wide open door now oh my God all right sometimes you got to be reminded that you are human and sometimes you need to be reminded in practice that certain holes are just dangling the bait and do you really need to grab it maybe not I’m going to go Sig just to deal with this wind now I got to get up and down for bogey pressure’s on Up of the same Paradise all right we’ll take our five [Applause] all right this is to get a stroke right here it’s a big moment it’s a big moment big PT you scared dude oh got my head you know his misses have all had the want on it and I got mad respect for that Jeff [Applause] you we play a game you can’t always pull out all the cards and all the crap talk so when you get the moments with your homies in practice you got to take them so I’m sorry but I’m not video the for by yeah all n basically I just don’t want to throw in this water feel like I shouldn’t just open the heer I throw in water still yeah this one a lot of people like to come sit here in the bleachers look for the ace runs I think Kale’s thinking with switching up hole eight this year as a par four is uh it’s no longer blind to the green if you’re sitting these bleachers so I guess you can kind of cheer for two holes at once um I think it’ll play solid I kind of missed the par five but I don’t hate the change like you got to change it and try stuff out to figure out what works best sometimes so going back to this G here [Applause] soad all right you guys I’m falling apart out here let’s see if they can take advantage this [Applause] time ooh playing the lift well that’s a real opportunity get up I should have listened to Jefferson I’m the only one throwing in the water like a chump I’m going try one more just for no you’re good for fun [Applause] is I just way too beefy I need to not throw that disc here PG it up y’all here we go from the Drop Zone hor [Applause] tone all right they got a chance for two strokes here uh-oh big head in the back n now you got to watch our video it’s all a marketing strategy you guys I know if I’m blowing them out by like over a handful of Strokes you aren’t going to watch the back n so I had to let him get close ni that’s it for the front nine at The Preserve championships brought to you by Microsoft teams that’s awesome for kale and his crew to get some big sponsorships like that I think we all want to see the grow growth in disc golf so because of that make sure to share this video with some of your friends and try to get them to watch see if they maybe want to go play some doubles against their friends and do a little little talking and and whatever it might be but uh thanks to these guys let’s go check out the back n over on the disc golf world YouTube channel

1 Comment

  1. I was a big fan of their channel until they started making every video a click bait nightmare. I hope they've changed, but I'm not going back to their channel to find out.

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