Golf Players

Use this tactic to stop three putting Under reading only causes a wider miss @JamieDonaldsongolf

People always feel more comfortable aiming nearer the hole but it’s causing more anguish than you realise !!

okay let’s look at underere versus overread and the black golf ball that’s by this cup actually signifies the correct read for this whole location we’re about 20 ft away and the first part I’m going to hit I’m actually going to I’m going to aim a foot lower than the correct read so it’s quite hard not to hit these puts too aggressively trying to make them so I’ve under r or under aimed by a foot okay pretty good speed maybe even a foot too long but that’s that’s missed by quite a bit okay that’s the problem with under reading you magnify your Miss I’m now going to go over read so I’m going to aim a foot higher than the correct read into this whole location so I’m a foot too high okay and that really only had a chance of going in absolute dead weight so I reckon that would have probably finished about there and this last part makes a lot more sense to me cuz now I can actually aim at the the correct read I can play it with the correct speed okay much more comfy here yes there we go so under reading tends to magnify your Miss over reading means you miss a lot closer don’t always get to go in but they’re going to miss very close and of course you get the uh the read right and the speed right and the start line and we hold the putts so I’m always trying to get people to aim higher than they’re comfortable with and you’re always going to miss closer for some reason people are comfy aiming nearer to the hole but it might not necessarily be what gives you the best chance of H holding the next PT


  1. This is a concept I have never been exposed to before. I can't wait to play with this on the practice green myself. Thanks Jamie!

  2. I couldn't find the video / article that talked about this (maybe I saw it during a tournament broadcast), but this is a great example / proof that missing low leaves you farther away. I feel like the Tour stat was something like under read putts ended up 2-3 times as far from the hole as over read ones. It basically turns into you putting downhill without adjusting your speed for a downhill putt.

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