NEWEST training AID HACKMOTION ALL NEW HARDWARE #golf #trainingaids

This is the all new hackmotion device. Be Better golfers get a special discount on this new device at

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Joby Tripod for iphone

In the bag Srixon z765 irons
Srixon z965 irons
Evnroll putter

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hey guys thanks for watching all right I have a new setup here I upgraded a few different things I have a lot going on here that we’re going to try today okay so I have this is the new hack motion hack motion is like the number one high-tech device uh for body motion this specifically is for the wrist this is like a really really popular device with golf teachers and regular golfers but this is a brand new one I’m the first person in America to have this brand new hack motion that they sent me from Mia this is uh new hardware whereas this is see a new wire it’s a little bit lighter it turns on a little bit differently and uh fits on your wrist a lot better the main difference with this one is that it’s way more accurate than the previous hack motion the previous hack motion why very accurate was uh kind of like a consumer level amount of accuracy this is does eight times as many captures per second so what that means is that now that it does eight times more captures per second it’s going to uh capture impact way better there’s a couple things that I really like to do on the hack motion I’ve got to go in here the probably the main thing that I like to do is this thing called the dynamic impact drill where you just take it back to here and then you you hit shots just little shots like that I I’ll I’ll try it now and then it shows you where you were at impact and it gives you like either like a you did it a good job you did it or you did not but that is done with the lead wris the thing that the new hack motion does really really well is it reads Trail wrist impact much better Milo who has we’ve seen Milo’s impact at impact is like this right and he’s got all this Trail wrist extension in the old hack motion because of how many captures it was doing per second it was actually telling Milo that he was like two degrees extended at impact and Milo’s like well I know that I’m not because of the ball flight and because of the the face on uh high-speed video so they said uh okay so then now that they came out with this that should fix that issue so something that I’m working on that I’ve seen from hitting this my first couple shots with this were like this okay so if I go to my impact there see my impact was minus 99 there so that would be an impact I’ll go to minus 9 on that right there -9 -9 there that impact would be like that at impact so this basically is telling you how lagged you are at impact which is it being able to do this with this this new version of hack motion is amazing it’s like really really powerful so and because of that that would be like my Classic Pool that I’ve I’ve always had now these are cycore balls that I like to use back here in my little area but I mean they’re pretty pretty fair for it’s definitely fair for how the ball would have flew they go just like slightly shorter though but you can see see that would be a pull and I would be thinking oh man was I over the top or no no I wasn’t over the top or anything it’s just I froze my chest and this got let out more so my goal here now is to see this number here this minus 9 number I want that number actually to be like plus extend so that’s minus 9 I want it to be like plus 15 to me it’s going to it feels like at the top I’m my right wrist is extended like 50 it’s like plus 50 like Beyond even 45 I want to feel like my chest gets to the ball and Beyond the ball before I hit it and it’s going to feel as if I really never release that angle so see in that air swing I went all the way to like my impact was in plus 40 like that’s ridiculous from 50 to plus 40 but that’s kind of where I want to be is it’s somewhere in that plus and hopefully double digits in that plus and we’re going to see what that does to my ball flight on the uh gc3 that felt pretty good and you can see that is flying really nicely 163 yards it was a bit of a cut that felt pretty good plus 11 double digit plus that was really great so that’s what would have to do and see I felt like I swung slower that time but the ball went further ball went 160 so before when I felt like I was swinging fast I was losing this angle and the ball was ballooning more and went 154 that one I felt like I was swinging slower but I kept this angle more and the ball went uh seven yards more but the thing is you you don’t want to do it by freezing this wrist I had this train a that I used that I had for a little while that was like a ratcheting system on the wrist it would gock click to here forget the name of it anyway um it clicked to there and then you physically could it would not let you release it this way and that actually was I think uh not that great of a training aid because that’s not what the good players do the good players take it all the way there and then they start they get the maximum amount right about here and then actually through the ball they’re releasing it it’s just they still pinned a little bit but then after the ball it’s fully out all the way to like think about like Arnold Palmer Bay Hill that statue or vco Nur or something like that so what I need to do is M start matching feel and reel so even if I have to go really slow I want to see what it feels like to have that right wrist back number quite extended wow that felt weird but that was super effective wow okay the ball came out low I mean really low I could get the the height on here but I don’t feel like pulling it up what I like is the the launch angle was only 17.2 and the ball cut a little bit so that’s what I want to feel that one was 18° extended that’s good let’s see if I can get into more than 20 holy mackerel I got low there hit a beautiful shot tiniest pull cut nice and low that was only 6° extended that one went super straight impact was Zero I figured cuz the way I hit it straight is by kind of casting at it just a little bit launch angle at 19 angle of attack was Zero I want my angle attack to be like three launch angle to be around 18 that was such a good strike I’m I’m really liking the way my chest is working here plus five now I’m in the plus like every time wow that felt great all right that was super good plus six all right so that’s really kind of where I am with my Pivot right now is that a really good shot is going to be around close to like so I’ve changed from my impact being let’s see what was it before minus 9 when I tried that kind of super released way there and then all the way to plus six around there and then my goal eventually is to get about there I don’t think I want to get as much as that all right final thing I’m going to do this is like my favorite thing to do since I juice with this this is something that I would like to be able to do couple times a week is this Dynamic release drill this is basically the functional swing plane drill the fsp functional swing plane drill from the B better golf protocol so what that means that it is going to keep you super honest to making sure that you only swing on the functional swing plane and you have a good Dynamic impact all right that one it said I went too far and that’s the thing that I like about it because it really keeps you honest make too big of a back swing it will not count that one too so got to do this with my rotation that was maybe a perfect rep and impact there I was so this is like a vit drill something that I think that I should do every day minus 4 cuz this just really trains where it matters in the golf swing which is on the functional swing plane wow what was wrong with that out of range oh I was too extended there I was short enough but I released it too much and didn’t keep my chest moving see the main thing with this stuff is if it’s flipped it’s probably not be because you took your wrist independently and you flipped at it like this it’s because you turned and then you stopped turning and then you give it a little with the arm and that kind of extends the wrist not in P6 that was too far that was really great all right that’s a good one to finish on that one was at minus three at impact all right so this is the new hack mode I think it is a Quantum Leap Forward in technology not only for the hack motion but for just working with anything and when you can either like use this in conjunction with like being on the Range and seeing how the ball’s flying or with a uh launch monitor or something you get to really match feeling real you start doing some things that you would not have thought of I’m trying to get my wrist back more like this but I’m doing it not through freezing the wrist but through hitting this and when you’re using this training mode that they have here it’s really teaching you where the the money is made so to speak just being from like getting really good from here to here with really great impact and then you can also kind of see where the ball is flying if you’re out on the Range or you’re using like a launch monitor oh it was a little it was almost a little too long but it was good there I was at minus six so I really like it so I really like it this is the new hack motion if you go to to hack SLB better golf there’s a special discount on this new one while while there it’s in its very first phase of new release you’ll be one of the first ones in the country to have it or really one of the first ones in the world to have this newest version the old one worked really well but this one does some things in the in the rear wrist and then also does some things with this almost like AI kind of coach that makes it work really really well I like it a lot check it out hit the sub subscribe button later bye


  1. Great info & detail on the video! Keep up the good work. Think we may have competed back in the mid 90's scjpga tournaments

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