Improve Your Entire Golf Swing | Ludvig Aberg INSANE Golf Drill

Insane Golf Drill by PGA TOUR Player Ludvig Aberg | Transform Your Golf Swing & Fix So Many Common Swing Issues!

Welcome back to David Leathem Golf (DL Golf Tips) In today’s golf video, we’re diving into an incredible golf drill showcased by PGA TOUR player Ludvig Aberg at this year’s US Open. Ludvig Aberg has an incredible golf swing and this is a golf drill I’ve personally used for years to improve my golf swing, and it’s fantastic for golfers facing common issues like casting the club, early release in the downswing, not turning your body through the golf ball, flipping your hands at impact, and seeking better club face control.

In this comprehensive guide, I’ll break down exactly who can benefit from Ludvig Abergs golf drill and what specific swing issues it addresses. You’ll learn how to practice it correctly to see real improvements in your golf swing. Plus, stay tuned as I have a little fun attempting the golf drill exactly how Ludvig Aberg did—with a full swing. Spoiler: it was quite the challenge lol

Don’t forget to check out our channel sponsor, GX Golf Gloves, for premium leather gloves at a fraction of the cost. Use code ‘david’ at checkout to save 10%.


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so actually this will help out with so many factors and I encourage all of you to try it because it can actually help your pitching listen it’s a great allinder it’s just not easy to do hey golfers and welcome back to my YouTube channel in today’s video we’re going to look at a drill that ludvig alberg hopefully I’m pronouncing that right any Scandinavians can let me know if I’m correct on that but we’re going to look at a drill he was doing at the US Open and it’s a very tricky drill but it actually has a range of benefits and it could help each and every one of you out so we’re going to discuss that what we’re trying to achieve from that drill and also how to take it to the range and start to implement it okay so before we get started if you haven’t done so already please don’t forget to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button let me know in the comments where you’re watching from and let’s get started so I pulled up on screen in the intro a video of him doing the drill okay I’ll pull it up again here basically what he’s doing is he’s taking his setup and he’s got his right hand on the right hand side of the golf club he’s not kind of grabbing it this way he literally has it flat on the side so when you’re doing this kind of be reluctant to grab it with your fingers that’s not what we’re doing we’re literally looking for the palm of the hand to be on the side of the club all right and we’ll hit some shots it’s really really tricky I struggle with it because it actually really helps me fix my issues in my swing but I struggle with it because I really want to get this right hand pushing and firing okay so how can it help you well if you are a golfer who at the top of your back swing casts okay or comes into the golf ball and we’re scooping so this is the right hand kind of overtaking and and pushing against the grip letting the club head pass your hands that would lead to a lot of pure contact kind of heavy strikes maybe some thins struggle to transfer your weight loads of things like that okay this will stop that and we’re going to talk about how to do this drill so that you can try it the other thing it’s really good for is if you’re a golfer who flips the club through impact so this is me comes down strikes the ball and your hands kind of travel down the target for too long and there’s quite a lot of flipping or rotation on the club face is a great drill for you guys as well typically those guys will struggle with more kind of maybe blocks and hooks as well so a little bit too much activity in the club face rotation the other one as well is guys who maybe don’t turn as well with their body through impact as they would like or should okay now generally the reason will be if you’re a guy who is not turning through is because you’re likely getting the face open or pushing it here and your body doesn’t want or can’t turn so actually this will help out with so many factors and I encourage all of you to try it because it can actually help your pitching listen it’s a great allrounder it’s just not easy to do okay so what we’re going to do is talk about how to how to practice it we’re going to start really slow you notice from that video I’ll pull it up again that video he’s like way up here doing it okay now I’m going to be honest I’ve never went that far with it I’ve only ever really gone hip high to hip high if you’re lucky and you stick around I will try it and probably I don’t know what could happen but sure we’ll find out and I promise I’ll post my first attempt I’ll not stand here and do loads of takes until I get it right okay so we have setup there taking our normal setup and we’re just literally rocking the club back a couple of feet you got to get a feeling for this first here reluctant not to grab it it’s literally on the side we’re back and we’re through that’s a nice little strike very good for guys who want a much more kind of passive body release on the way through without a lot of hand action okay so we’ll try that one again here little soft one there I’ll do a front on just beneath hopefully beneath the window just feeling this so I’m really just keeping that on the side body’s turning back body’s turning through I’m not this harm can’t fire it can’t do anything it’s helping me kind of create some shaft fan as well there’s another Advantage from it so here back and through that way okay so we’ll build it up once you feel confident that you can do that you can even do this with like a pitch and wedge with the chip and green just to get a feeling of it um and then we’re going to build it up a little bit Fuller and then actually a little nervous about trying the full one but we’ll give it a go now we’re going to go more what feels like to me hip high hip high not letting this hand push away on the club it’s got to stay intact as I turn my body through here yeah that was a good strike I say I’ve done this drill quite a lot to that height never the full one here and that really helps me just use my body and take the hands a little bit more out of it okay the other thing here there’s loads of stuff there’s another thing that it’s actually really good for take away inside take away okay you’re it’s just coming to my head if you inside your Club gets inside and rolls open you can see that that hand is underneath the club so this is really good to get you into a a takeaway position where the face is much better Club head slightly outside the hands face matching spine because I don’t want to do this I can’t sort to hold it I could never get down to the ball so you’re keeping that hand there facing the ground more as you do this that’s good okay so here will we try put in the comments and I’ll do it in the next video no Jing I’ll do it you’ve stuck around this long listening to me talk talk about the go swing we will try a f swing just for you guys all right big one I already know this is going to KN cool well let’s see didn’t do too bad try it again if you’re anything like me and you like to wear a good quality leather glove when you’re playing golf but don’t fancy paying a high price tag for it only to fall apart in about three shots well go and check out my channel sponsors page gxg gool use code David at check out and you’ll save yourself a nice little bit of cash as well really difficult up there so don’t be starting with this build it up yeah not bad thought that went I got a lot worse okay guys so listen if you suffer from any of those issues it’s a great allrounder this drill for face control body rotation you casters want a bit of shling loads of stuff like I mentioned in the video so please give it a try please let me know how you get on in the comments and thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video please don’t forget to hit the like button hit the Subscribe button I’ll see you guys in the next one


  1. This is a great drill…I'm guilty of an over active right hand. I've seen the Michael Breed version that is a little easier for those that struggle with this for full swings – just take your right hand index finger and thumb off the grip; keep your other 3 fingers on. Sort of like a middle ground.

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