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๐Ÿšจ๐ŸŽ™๏ธ Gareth Southgate REVEALS Luke Shaw IS NOT Available To Face Denmark ๐Ÿค•

Gareth Southgate and Kyle Walker speak to the media ahead of England’s game against Denmark.


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uh carve solol from Sky Sports News uh one for Gareth Gareth Casper Michel uh just said that England were World Class side in 2021 uh but if you look at the addition since they’re a better side now um would you agree with that assessment and if you do how do you think you’ve improved um I think we have to prove that really so um obviously the opponent’s not going to sit here and think and say we’re a load of idiots and um lead into the game that way um so yeah we know that we have um good players um we know that we can play better than we did the other day um but I thought the players in what is an incredibly pressurized moment uh started the game exceptionally well and defended br throughout the whole game um and I think they’ll be better for that game I think they’ll be better for having a game under their belt physically will be better for having a lot of the players having had a game and emotionally yeah there’s so much tension I don’t think people can really understand what it is like for young players so um pleased to have got the result from that and we know we have to be better now against a a strong Danish team tomorrow thank you up front here hi G good evening n from sport one Israel I want to ask you about Jude Bellingham and former manager perspective but also from your playing career can you recall working with a player that in such a young age shows so much maturity in such a consistent manner um well firstly I mean he’s a pleasure to work with very coachable um which you know I think when you’re looking to be a top player when you are a top player and you want to keep improving that’s a that’s a brilliant sign um look I played with Rooney at a very young age as well and I think sometimes in English football history we underestimate what an unbelievable player he was if you think back to 2004 Euros uh when he arrived on the scene really in the tournament for the first time incredible player so you know over the years we have had some good players and we have um good players now and the success of the team will not depend just on Jude it can’t all rest on his shoulders everybody has to contribute um equally he’s got a fabulous mentality for the big big occasion and uh he produced some incredible moments in the game the other day thank you Ola FL for Sweden Kyle a question for you you played against Denmark in 2021 and you meet a lot of the or you challenge a lot of the players in the the Premier League what’s the biggest dangers do you think meeting Denmark will you is there risk that you underestimate them no I don’t think we underestimate any opponent that we play I think that you have to give them the level of respect that they deserve obviously they’ve got a number of players in the Premier League as you just said I played a number of years with Chris Erikson um at Tottenham and he was um in some moments it can produce magic you know on a on a drop of a hat so listen we go into the game fully focus and wanting the three points as you know we did the other night and hopefully we can probably like like the boss just said just play that little bit better in the second half and them nerves have gone a little bit thank you questions I with g Italy uh you mentioned the importance of playing the first game having that under under your belt how much do you think the mindset the the mentality aspect is important in the growth of a team that wants to win I think it’s everything um yes you’ve got to have quality but in the end um mentality ability to uh deliver in the big games um you know that’s what we’ve been able to do over the last three or four years in particular particular um I think we’re better for those experiences but also we’ve got some players with us who haven’t had those experiences so we’re we’re exposing them to that as at the same time um but the teams that win things in the end the difference really is all about mentality thank you had some questions at the back em from Danish chip play is to Carle you as you mentioned you played with Ericson and we all know what happened last Euros can you put some wson to to his great comeback no it’s fantastic it’s a testament to him um obviously as both playing in Manchester for the for the different clubs we do bump into each other from time to time and you know have a catch up but um for what he’s done and what he’s achieved after you know the the sad news or the sad incident that happened um you know it just shows what a character he is um and what he possesses really yeah thank you question up front over here second row thanks hi Gareth James o from ESPN um you said the other night that you had a lot of players who didn’t have 90 minutes in their legs so how do you manage their load from here does Sunday’s team need to play again to build on that or do you need to freshen it up with a view to hopefully playing another six games yeah they’re the decisions we have to make um not just for tomorrow but um whenever we whenever we play what what’s what’s the right uh physical level for the group what’s the right decisions for individual players so with without a doubt um players will benefit from having had the game uh there’s been just about a long enough recovery for for that to uh for that to help um and we’ve got to balance whether um whether to stick with what we did or whether to uh to change and refresh the team Luke won’t be involved tomorrow no he’s um he’s actually on track for where we thought he would be originally we were hoping a couple of days ago we might accelerate that a little bit but he needs a bit more volume work so uh he didn’t train with the rest of the group today because he needs to do you know there are days where he needs to do more than the rest of the group and there are days when he needs to recover uh when the others are pushing so he’s still uh in and out with the others but but operating on his own program as well questions up front over here and one at the back thanks thank you uh hi s wiconsin and Arcane Norway just wanted to ask both of you about the the pickle juice that has been like a Hot Topic back uh home in in England Kyle do you feel like it’s working and what does it taste like and and Gareth uh kind of tell us the thinking behind it and was there any equivalent when you were playing oh thank you um well I think it’s been around for quite a while I think that obviously it’s just been highlighted when uh trips has had the the picture and everything of that I mean um I don’t take it personally uh keep myself well outr like s boss and you know so um I’ve been very fortunate you know not to receive the cramps or anything but it’s part and parts of the football now you know football is developing and that’s something that a sports science have come up with that they feel that can benefit is when it’s the latest ages of the game thanks I can’t add much more than that really with one question at the back everybody’s always had an opinion about the England team but now there’s more of it than ever I guess and certainly more accessible social media as well as traditional media how do you guys deal with that do you is there a rule on BL blanket out or do you meter it how do you engage with that there’s no point having a rule because um you know young men are going to use social media in in a positive way in the main um they’re going to search for things you know when I was playing we we we read newspapers um I don’t do it um my world’s a happier place if I shut myself off it’s not good from a global perspective because I haven’t got a clue what’s going on in politics uh or events elsewhere but for the next month that’s going to be a better place for me so um so that helps me really keep on track um I think some of our players take a similar approach others will definitely look at stuff and of course it doesn’t stop people sending you a message saying you know ignore the nonsense or whatever it might be so you go oh okay right so you know it’s kicking off use your thing but you know that from the line of questioning anyway really so um yeah look it is what it is there’s more noise around every national team than than there ever is a club team um millions of people in your own country um extensive media coverage social media one guy writing a comment on social media gets put in a newspaper now that’s a story so it’s a different world um and we you know personally I accept that’s how it is it’s not going to affect what I do my job is to keep the players on track um what are the what are the realities what are we doing well what do we need to be better at what where actually are we because you can drift and you know you can see them for a lot of them who haven’t been with England right okay we we’ve won our first game and this is how it is yeah that’s a strange experience for some some of the boys that haven’t been with us so it’s great that we’ve got experienced players that have lived through it that can say no no no you know this is what’s important this is how we stay on track um our assessment of the game is the most important we’re never slow to pull things up that aren’t right aren’t good enough um so therefore yeah that’s that’s the most important view the way that we dissect the game and and of course we have all of the information around what’s going on as well we need the mic please sorry car do you read it or block out no I answered this earlier I don’t I don’t read it at all um I feel that like the boss just said there you know we all can play football and it’s mainly the I call it the top 10% that’s going to separate you from you know being a very very good player or an average player and I feel if you have outside noise whether that be you know positively or negatively people take it in different ways um so I rather not see it and just concentrate on what’s in Camp you know what the gaffer says mainly what my mom says my mom always tells me I I have a good game so I listen to her and then just go from that really thank you we have a question over here in front hello Coach I’m Mar from Morocco uh as we know we are fourth or the last World Cup in Qatar we have a great potential young players like in England do you have any any advice for our national uh coach I you got to the semi-final didn’t you we didn’t so how can I give advice to your coach thank you behind over here please thank you Christopher from Danish TV2 a question for you Southgate um what have you learned about the Danish team after the match against Slovenia and where can you hurt them well of course that depends on whether they stay with what they did because you know Casper’s an excellent coach um and you know he he could quite well tweak certain things for for each game um that’s that’s the way the game is now so yes we we look at that game but we look at the previous games as well and all the permutations that might happen but of course we have to try and be as clear as we can with the players so um Denmark have normally been adaptable with him um I like how they play I think the character of The Players through the last EUR I grew more you know I’ve always been a an admirer of Danish football um but this group I I I have huge admiration for the way they dealt with everything in the last euros and um the leadership that they showed as a group uh the mentality they had as a group and um yeah so with a lot of respect going into tomorrow’s game we know we have to be at our very best to get a win thank you we’ll take two more questions from the floor and if there’s some questions remotely please raise your hand thank you we start from here first at the back second row sorry second wrong sorry thank you hi Gareth Dan Sheldon the athletic at the weekend Eric tenh har said Luke Shaw won’t be available until after the group stage does that marry with your timeline and how important is he to unlocking the best out of Phil ferden on the left well Luke’s obviously an outstanding player that’s why we’ve taken the um the decision to bring him although he’s not played for so long and you know we’re hopeful that that can be as soon as possible I I don’t want to put a timeline on it right at this moment but as I said he’s progressing he’s progressing well um and of course the balance he gives the drive he gives um whoever plays with him down that side of the pitch he he he gives a different outlet but at the moment we we don’t have him so uh we’re we’re adapting to that and uh having to find a different way and Kieran at the weekend gave you know performance that yeah he’s done so many times for us um in big matches and I think if you speak to any Winger that plays in front of him his communication and the way he talks them through the game is an enormous help for for players so um yeah he he has different attributes that uh that Luke doesn’t the last question over there all thank you just talking earlier about the reaction sort of from outside to the first game um it was only the second time England have obviously won their opening game at a Euros both of them were under you I’m just reading here that England have never won their opening two games at European championships do you think we’re guilty sometimes of forgetting that forgetting that history that we’ve kind of got to overcome as a as a as a team look I I I’ve been in this environment for eight years so I I understand it all and um yeah it doesn’t it used to annoy me now I’m ambivalent to it so um winning matches in tournaments is incredibly hard incredibly hard and um you know this tournament you’ve now got the extra dimension of incredible support for all the teams in the stadiums as well so that’s a little bit different to the last two tournaments we’ve been in um but yeah that we’ve had some good results over the years so maybe even we sort of uh take wins for granted which we shouldn’t you know I should definitely let the boys enjoy their wins more than I do I get about 45 seconds of enjoyment the whistle blows um I cuddle everybody I walk off the pitch and then that’s it um I hope they have a little bit longer than that there should be more joy in it but um that’s not my reality if I’m Frank so my focus is get qualified from the group um which we’ve got two tough opponents um that but two games to to achieve that um and yeah I’m not looking Beyond tomorrow night’s game at this moment in time thank you we take the very last question over here thanks Eric Peters with Germany question for GTH um there are discussions that um England played too defensively after the goal against Serbia um in Germany we have a phrase um a good horse only jumps as high as it has to so is that um your approach too or do you want more spectacle no we want to play how we did in the first half an hour of the game um there are moments where you have to defend well as a team and um when you don’t have control of the game you have to show that other side but without a doubt we want to play with the ball as we as we did in the first 30 minutes I think there are several reasons for why we didn’t and they’re the things we have to unpick and improve um but you know we didn’t we didn’t set out to sit back um Serbia also came at us they were goal behind they have to take a different approach um and um you know they’re also not an easy team to press you know teams that play with a back three drop Midfield players into that back line but then can play over your pressure because they’ve got Target men as well and players that get between the lines that they get five players High they’re a complicated team to prepare to play against so to give as few opportunities as we did we were really pleased with that aspect of our game we have to be better in the other aspect and um uh that that’s the bit that uh you know you have to get get both things right on am on da via the talk sport app and on your smart speaker talk sport


  1. Not taking a fit left footed LB is criminal from Southgate. Why take Walker Trent and trippier, 3 right backs, and Lewis Dunk but no proper LB ? Shaw was never going to be ready or available

  2. the last title luke shaw is available, this title luke shaw is not available playing trips in left back as a right back and almost got injured well done southgate

  3. The amount of Southgate haters on here is unreal. Considering he's achieved more with England since Alf Ramsey you'd expect a bit more faith. Everyone writing the team off and being negative about selections and tactics after 1 game (which we won!!) should disappear and "support" another nation as it's that toxic culture which has brought this team down for decades now. Constructive criticism would be fine but it's every opportunity to pick at what he potentially could do differently and use it as a stick to beat him which is particularly grating. The players are behind him, maybe the fans should try doing the same!

  4. Southgate is the type of guy to press the button at a pedestrian crossing when there are no cars and wait for it to beep.

  5. I would guess that most of us have watched every match so far in this tournament….IMO England appear to be the team least interested in fighting to win a game. Is it just me?

  6. why would you take a player that hasnt been fit for most of the season and im a united fan shaw not fit omg really i didnt see that coming!

  7. What is the obsession with playing a half injured – half fit left back, praying he can do the job, hoping he doesnt get injured, WHY not play a left footed midfielder like Adam Wharton ? The Safegate era will not be remembered for the great football we played.

  8. Southgate is so bad itโ€™s laughable how he gets away with the disastrous decisions he makes. I have nothing personally against Southgate Iโ€™m not a hater Iโ€™m a football fan that is giving my opinion of what I believe is the problem with our national team the manager thatโ€™s the problem. We have a pool of talented players that are playing out of position and scared to play we need a manager that knows how to play attacking football take the game by the scruff of the neck not be negative and boring but positive and play the game.

  9. Honestly it doesn't matter how we play lads, as long as we win. ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ

  10. Please use rice and saka slowly and less minutes.๐Ÿ™
    Because that two are our important player for Arsenal.๐Ÿฅบ
    Next year, we have many matches to compete.
    Rice and saka please don't hurt. Take care.

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