Golf Players

ハナ銀行インビテーショナル 3rd Round

ジャパンゴルフツアー第8戦は舞台を韓国のNam Chun Cheon CC(ナムチュンチョンCC)に移して6月13日(木)~16日(日)の4日間で争われる。

開催コース:Nam Chun Cheon CC (韓国)
共催:日本ゴルフツアー機構、 韓国PGAツアー


[Music] for for for go for this [Music] [Music] for for [Music] [Music] come on come on got [Music] on for go there Sho H this ni be right like there [Music] Che [Music] nice see for spe [Music] [Music] w hey it’s safe good for for [Music] you for for for for for for [Music] go [Music] sorry spee spe sh [Music] [Music] w for come on think ohle for for song Kim now for a par at 15 just hasn’t really been his afternoon has it just going to slide back to 500 now Sandi up the slope on 12 for a biry you should Park a lovely try day three action continues to roll on here at num Chun Chon Country Club Kazuki hega getting out of the left Ruff now at the 15th looks to be a decent light for the Japanese star pitching very firm the greens [Music] it nice oh [Music] who beautiful [Music] [Music] see the [Music] spee [Music] this par 4 14th Hall really a demanding looking team shot but there’s a fairly bulbous area of the Fairway that the players can hit into the general tilt of this is from right to left 302 to get to that right hand trap so a lot of players hanging back with three-wood some do hit driver which leave you a much shorter second shot into this elevated three tier green the characteristics of the surfaces here at namun Chon lot of slope and undulation the pinate in that very friendly front section of this pting surface fore speee yet to miss a fair we to ATT has your so [Music] still hasn’t missed a fairway today don’t want be you also got the three wood is that going to stay in the fair yeah just about have a testy one here for MAA at the par 3 17th [Music] [Music] just wide for the defending champion on the last incredible defense of his championship J [Music] [Applause] Yang one today for G just level up to his [Music] bogey okay limits the damage to only one leaves Kazuki hea all alone as ao’s closest pursuer yub been to complete a very solid round of golf oh this 21y old can play let there be no doubt a 67 for euben Jang has he done enough to get himself into that final group tomorrow afternoon J in a first win as a professional here go hands well forward here trying to get that Leading Edge into the ball as quick as possible minimize the amount of grass trap between Club face and ball very good Sun caring share of the overnight lead into the weekend alongside Hiroshi IAT but pair of them struggling this third round a just a game of fine margins five yards right that’s decent it’s just a fidly little chip left as hega looks to clean up for par hey nice save Championship lead well placed t- shop J can be aggressive here it’s a soft pin it’s been some ball striking display for Takahashi ujo this afternoon dwad Le fall above his feet so has to be wary of that toe digging in a little bit be addressing it a touch more upright yeah okayer 16 just going with the three-wood remember the sight of his whole out Eagle 2 on Thursday this Par Four so sangi slightly downhill but he can be [Music] aggressive give it a great try get Park after that curious little short Miss at the 13th he’s going to have a chance at Redemption that’s a sparkling wed shot the two-time titlist here in South Korea you’re watching day three coverage of the Hana Bank Invitational St aged here just south of the city of chunchon where the Japanese star Takahashi oiso chasing a first ever win as a professional golfer it’ss two clear of Kazuki Higa and three clear of koshiro MAA and the red hot euben Jang who just posted a round of 67 to leave him at 7even underpar going into the final round for for for for for for to what looks like yungan S at the 17th doesn’t gain much ground today but still any one within five shots of the lead going into Sunday afternoon surely still has an opportunity and a chance that’s a solid t- shot from the 2016 Singapore open champion left to right of dongan Lee [Music] here one on the kpga tour never kept his card either spent the last three years on the Srixon tour so a huge week for Del one to and the t-shot of song Kim 4 years of age made 15 million1 this [Music] season this 1.3 billion one event is certainly going to picking up couple of extra [Music] dollars Jes to extend his [Music] Advantage except 10 been absolutely Stellar on Saturday sugura hasn’t quite been the same since his double bogy to end Friday he’s always got to be considered a threat particularly with iron shots like that that’s wonderful [Music] [Music] Park gets that shot back birdie for [Music] inin at the moment it’s a very Japanese heavy top of that leaderboard close action event between the kpga and the jgto attracting the finest from both sides of the North Sea hea 102 not quite as much zip as he had in the opening round but still a fabulous shot nonetheless MAA second on the way into the par 58 just trying to lay it up to a nice comfortable yardage and we have a look here at the beautiful 15th Hall at num Chun Chan Country Club it just sort of angles the Fairway from left to right and it also tilts from left to right but it’s it’s a tight little Landing Zone if you want to take on that bunker down the right hand I see a lot of balls in that left rough and that leaves you a bit of an awkward stance with the ball well below your feet coming out of the thick cabbage now the main defense of this hole is the rather crumbly green you say that a lot R Nam John lots of slopes here deep Banker short right pin all the way in the back left just six from that back edge of the green today once more just a demanding approach if you want to leave yourself any sort of reasonable birdie opportunity Al with as firm as we’ve seen this green play over the first couple of days it’s vital to be coming out of the Fairway because you catch a flly of the rough there’s absolutely no chance almost no chance you hold the green Immaculate driving display of Takahashi oiso Contin continues go up to S Kim take him up to 600 par wasn’t a Million Miles Away still hanging on inside the top 10 don’t want Su has he learned anything from the P of Kim done almost the exact same thing [Music] don’t surely someone’s going to make Birdie on this hole after those three good t- shots can it be yongan song just lack conviction and Pace don’t mind Miss put as a goal furly hatte it when they never even have a chance made made it up to just outside of 70 M this par five closing [Music] hole decent shot about 18 ft [Music] sangi still very much in the picture he just needs to start stringing together some birdies get him some confidence back really slow start with a bogey on the first couple of Drop shots around the turn that’s not exactly what you would call a a great wed shot into this very accessible flag just gone off the boil a little bit 36o leader he to claw back to within two of his [Music] countrymen seeed low and stayed low unfortunately for [Music] to make a birdie on this back nine it’s just a huge weak for danan Lee because you Bank a nice check here you pick up a good number of Genesis ranking points and you don’t have to worry so much towards the end of the season about keeping a car which he’s never successfully done ranks you into a couple of the big events towards the later part of the year including the Korean open next week just half a club short there for lead maybe a full Club short this is the problem with the approach got into the 15th well below the level of the green you can just see the you the top 2/3 of the flag the ball’s well below your feet and you know that this is going to be coming in low and sliding from left to right but anything less than perfect yardage it feeds off to the right just kicks off that bank about 10 Paces short of the whole location so you really have to trust it send it out left and just hope for a soft kick like that that’s going to just trickle off the back edge of the green unlucky up against that very thick color of rough it was a well played shot for oiso he’s got no idea that that’s gone long for a closing birdie MAA on 18 justest wide third straight round in the 60s for koshiro sometimes it just takes a little chip in to jump start your round decent try from sangi this is going to be another frustrating part nothing really going right for all three players in this final three ball seventh hard is Al today 3 17 just four birdies it’s yielded been Jank Cho K and do four men to have taken a two at this 174 M hole [Music] still it has to be said it’s one of the easier ho locations you can get on this screen that round started so promisingly with a birdie at the first double at six a bogy at 10 the 20 21 shinan open Champion well down that leaderboard sh 30 second that can change things fine shot there from H Kim who hasn’t hard this hole yet this week [Music] 29y old from Okinawa has not won since the dup Phoenix in 2022 in that Blockbuster season and saw him Pi up four wins money title and Player of the Year honors ask for that to go thankfully it does it’s going to catch that here okay his best effort but get away with a loose [Music] one try and Claw himself out of this hole he’s dug himself into and Ice birdie for hosi back to two overpar for the day do you want to try and run one up the slope or try and carry it over the slope and take that out of play entirely this is pretty good from dongwan Lee nicely engineered shot there only made three Cuts this season one best finisher Ty for 56 that the kpga founders cut back in April oiso three clear of Higa for Clear of yuben Jang and kashiro MAA who are done and dusted for the day lovely rounds from takasu Oak and Sun Kung Park as well so two for S Jun hiramoto youngan songs coming up the par five 18th this his final hole 260 million Korean one up top for the winner of the Han Bank Invitational to the man has only made 15 million one in eight starts this yearim promisingly with the top 20 at the pr me open but then it was a series of seven straight Miss Cuts before he finally played the weekend at A1 CC last week at the kpga championship [Music] juicer look at the hairy light back of 15 green just watch this technique ball well outside his back foot hands well forward deal off that club just a little stab and run nice played got case of Catch Me If You Can right now Jesus’s lead stays at three it’s the 27y old from aichi currently leads the Hana Bank Invitational another one on the Japanese tour does have a third place finish at the crowns earlier this season he’s only made three Cuts but he’s your front runner in chunchon this we in South Korea going seriously impressive man reiew mirrors right now Kazuki he [Music] go starts back on the jgt even defend open Play Europe that week one top 10 at the tlop Phoenix tournament won by sugura that one’s tracking and Kazuki heager claws back to within two of oiso has only ended five rounds on tour this year inside the top 10 this would be his sixth his eyes on the very Summit of the leaderboard delightful birdie there from Kazuki heer first of the back line first into the eighth hole he’s five deep on Saturday afternoon can be known to boil a little hot under the collar when things don’t go his way got a tight lid on it despite some poor shots in this third round this would certainly make him feel a little bit better t- shot into the 17th and a nice birdie that almost got away from him relief for H kill it’s the 63 recorded on this par three today subura into the last birdie here try to put something special together final round [Applause] lengthy Eagle putt here for y Han song bit longer than the eagle part he had 24 hours ago this one almost 70 ft it’s closer to 100 ft but hurry along hurry along the thing that noticed about these greens at nin they look so pure cuz they are but they are a lot slower than they appear to be so visually it’s just hard to s that up with your mind and how hard you need to hit it want you get your ball to the hole going with driver here on 16 is aiso you have it on a string off the te like he has had to do why not himself a much shorter clubing your approach and see that’s where he’s done most of his damage this week par Force play the nine under par take that one down a little stinging Fairway finder found another one impressive display of ball striking man from AI yansong hasn’t lost his turn yet on 18 this now for birdie three day where Yong Han song was pretty much stuck in neutral for most of this third round going be a round of 70 again for Yung Han but is he too far back toet scoring caser aiso and hea attention with the old helicopter follow through there getting a little right oh more than a little right Goodness Me penalty area not really in play that was a wide one from Vin opportunity for Kim 18 very well done from the 48y old it’s around to 69 from Sing young Kim d one also got this one teed up pretty low steepen out the angle of attack with the driver a little bit a little squeezer down the right half of this Fairway suur the was at his date with the birdie four it’s just been that kind of afternoon for you sugur I think quite going 22 year old’s way 71 second successive D he got back on the te 3w indicates that he’s not thinking about going for this in two he knows he does his best work with with his wedges he going to poke this one up the Fairway about 240 M 100 km east of the capital so and it’s a Japanese name the top the leaderboard with Kazuki Higa just lurking Two Shots behind yubin Jang the best placed of the local Lads after a sparkling round of 67 for for for for I for You’ seen it’s a pretty getable pin on this 16th all the way in the back with that slope long okay daners is that one around and Takashi oiso stop it this is just merciless right now from moiso he he’s got to be wary of this one leaking off a little right with this hanging light all below his feet tends to put a little bit of cut spin on it if you’re tekashi oiso that’s the one name you really don’t want to see in your rearview mirror Kazuki he’s just very efficient in the way he goes about his business doesn’t show too much emotion doesn’t blow you know too hot under the collar he like a little Bulldog Kazuki in park wide right off the te looks like he’s had to take a penalty drop this is tekashi 78 M left what that one wrong that’s not going to be an easy butt coming up and over that slope Park third shot after driving it into the soup a low flighted punch run it on to the back edge of this parf so that’s the bar that looks okay for dongan Le we get plenty of height on this just sounded a little heavy when you made contact with it s birdie 15 try to get it into this section just running wide so much of a momentum game golf is at this level times when the other two players in your group are struggling you tend to have your issues as well and you’ve got two guys playing well a lot side you sometimes it just pulls you along he expect to be in the correct section of the green inside 100 me going to be inside 15 ft more often than not perfect line in the middle of the Fairway the issue players are face sometimes you get hot bouncers sometimes they just pitch soft and they rake back with spin was getting hit of myself that wasn’t Takashi Riso hit that shot in fact it was subasa ukita there two overpower for his round now make it one over nice birdie there for subasa Jan Lee Fair bunker for his third shot wasn’t the best of layups from Iron Man the cut last week at A1 CC the kpga championship that’s a real crowd pleaser that one finish outside of the top three first four starts of the year did pick up another couple of top 10 but still seeking a victory in 2024 sock can straight downhill 117 for birdie turning keep turning oh you are kidding try this will give aiso some idea of how much that slope is going to affect speed of this part just clob at that one don’t one Le about Pace management here takash just get it to Crest that bridge and have to slow through the rest of the work not bad at all not the length of Birdie part that Kazuki Higa envisaged on 18 but it’s a birdie opportunity nonetheless for the Japanese star lot of players come up short here it’s not quite as quick as they think lucky still that’s a very solid round of 6 six Kazuki to end 17 Monon windless drout he’s going to be in that final group tomorrow knows what it takes to seal the deal as a professional should park for par it will be some par oh Brave effort Kim can finish with a couple of birdies decent effort frustration for H old Kim power round to 72 J Lee’s going to make the drive back down south to be with his newborn twins and his wife Sunday evening before getting back up to chonan for the colon ker open gets underway Thursday comes action event with the Asian [Music] tour think Daddy’s going to be in an awfully good mood after round of two over pass 73 comeback of a B for dongan Lee down the hill at 16 get every single shot every dollar earned so critical for a play in his position [Music] D it the early walk it’s been frustrating for D Juan Lee 200 to the turn dropped three shots now on this backside [Music] still no give me this for Takashi set a cup nice PA [Music] one step forward one step back Forin Park that loose t- shot costing him a bogey five the championship leader and Company will head up to the par 3 17th nexts where we’ve only seen six birdies most recently by Kazuki Higa and Hol Kim the shallowest green that you’re going to find here at namun Chon still 30 Paces deep pin in a very friendly spot in a little collection area on the front left six Paces on from the front and just eight from the left Edge a variety of slopes which players can use to funnel their balls close very good scoring on Saturday from Kazuki go turned in the best round of the day you been Jang takayasu and hoto counting rounds 67 68 from MAA o and sun park the been on fire 500 power with two to play including the power five 18th is now standing on the penultimate T box with the two shot cushion the more he puts himself in these situations the more comfortable he’s going to be but he Carri the lead into the final round of the crowns back in me he was leading last week at the B building Cup on the Japanese tour before stumbling with a closing 74 to finish outside of the top 10 [Music] he’s asking for that to sit don’t want to go long here okay when it’s your day it’s your day just short enough that it catches that slope and funnels back to the correct portion of this putting [Music] surface so Kang at 18 should just be a layup here Park jus to S iron for lin cut across the ball quite a bit com up sh too difficult of a Chip Shot remaining match play champion of two years ago here in South Korea second of his two victories [Music] [Music] [Music] BL this Ro every single day the only play in the field to do so don’t one doesn’t like it that is why yes comes up Shy just been different man the turn [Music] one okay off the up slope on that back part of this 18th scen really does look a lot softer balls were pitching over the first couple of days to those front pins so jel two clear of heos just carded the best round of moving day 5 under past 66 to leave in at 9 under going into tomorrow’s final round for for for for for for just picked up a birdie back at the 14th hole but Yosi un fortunately a bit of a mess of 15 he’s got a chance to get one of those shots back here at 16 and the 43y old we’ll do just that mess coming at 12 excuse me for a water just downhill all the way for dong one just got to get this one started Through The Fringe the slope will carry it down to this pin but the third straight day these SCS really showing that they do slow up significantly later on in the afternoon now ukita trying and get back to level for the day sug well done subasa back to back birdies for him with these are the kind of puts you tend to haul for around going your way downhill not too much breaking it if anything just slightly off the left for the tournament leader look good just left the pace s the edge of the green got the flag stink out likes the look of this one two playing Partners have both made three and so will sangi nice birdie back into a share of third and back to where he began the weekend at 7even under resilient stuff from the five time Champion don’t just got to keep your focus here still not a [Music] gimme all right we [Music] hold okay so Kazuki he and a few others leave it short from this very spot get in the not going to get in the hole if it doesn’t reach the hole sir just a tough read in that corner of the green at the power 58th great closing hole here really present the players with options dare you challenge this 523 M hole in two or do you just just hang back play conservatively and try and make birdy the oldfashioned way with a good solid wed shot you get past that 241 M Mark you can really entertain the thought maybe not so much today with the pain in the back left of the green we saw Yung Han song on into the walkoff with the three part power a lot of your layups are going to be in this region leaving you approach shed at the green anywhere from 60 M to about 110 M the distance control will be critical that pin today tucked in that back left pocket you can throw it into the slope long and try and spin it back off that but see this section of the green is pretty soft so you have to throw it quite a long way past lest you be putting from about 20 ft short time for the lead overnight between subasa ukita sangili and Hiroshi but say he’s the only player level part out of those three G so new tournament leader at 11 under five under for his [Music] rounda returning clean scorecard five birdies against no Bogies for a 66 so be nine under with 18 to play looks like it will be the third time this year that tekashi oiso will carry a lead or a share of the lead into the final day will it be third times the charm that one the full scent and can’t tell that might have just stayed into left hand rough a tough date the office for veteran dony Jen Birdie on 18 will make him feel a little bit better going to Sun just outside the top 30 Park lost a couple of drives out to the right don’t want to push it right on 18 that’s going to go down the valley and that’s lost ball [Music] country safely up the left side the park [Music] he’s got a big day ahead of him tomorrow don’t want leap put a couple of smooth swings coming up 18 give yourself a look at birdie maybe go and work on some things on the driving range after the end of play today and come out all guns blazing for the final round tomorrow afternoon just look at their numbers thereo with good amount of cloved speed Yoshida a birdie at 18 lovely wed shot into this point a nice conversion 72 for Taki yida for INS K one over 72 for him as well par through 54 holes back with the final group and suasa with the honor on 17 slow deliberate short back swing really rips at it Allah John Ram from a very abbreviated position water like he’s lost that left that’s not going to take the slope that’s going to be devilishly quick so finds a birdie in these last two holes he could be in the final group again come [Music] Sunday that’s going to help that’s going to gather some pace take that slope turn left turn left ball oh dear desperately unlucky for S Elite don’t bunkers that need to be avoided with the layup and he’s done that jeez so first Fairway he’s missed today but by about 3 ft Slide the hybrid up the right half avoids that Fairway bunker and puts himself in a great position now to try to access that back left pin got to driving iron instead of a hybrid but that ball looks like it’s sitting down a little bit more than oiso low and hot up the left side water needs to look out left here quick for the first half but just around the hole it really flattens up about we get to that shadow of the lampost all’s going to like it’s coming through treal [Music] nicely coped down there from the water s a yard or two away from this ball funneling down close still a birdie putt but it’s what he’s got to give some respect to very quick down this rise just couldn’t attack that but have to be content with the par for three birdies in a row get there don’t one the third shot on wait but can’t play this out about 110 112 steep back stop behind this hole this back left portion pretty soft that’s the ticket that’s the shot you got to play into the last fabulous from dwan leap come over here let’s enjoy that together that was pretty good always have massive respect for the professionals who haven’t really achieved great success and has found have found the game quite challenging at times but still show up still grind still trying to put in the work to perfect this silly imperfect game Park replicate from 20 yards closer [Music] have any spin on it whatsoever it’s pretty firm put the strike on it would have liked birdie here gives him a three shot cushion been a fine fettle this third round Tashi ojito three shot lead without saying so much more comfortable than a two shot lead 70 M left didn’t carry it deep enough seen that a couple of times today can’t believe it but from what we’ve seen is the banana peel this 18th home now back down on the tea with the final group strong left hand grip shuts that club face on the back swing and then just drives really hard with the lower body to sink everything up not going to get any points for balance there subas ke that An Almighty Lash water barring some kind of miraculous finish it’s not going to be back to back weeks in The Winner Circle for Hiroshi it’s going to bury itself into that right rough don’t think they can move that t- box any further back you can see Sagi Lee barely able to get in behind his ball before running into a sponsor board engan Park a 34y old n with a for [Music] going to be the pop two putts for the equal low round of the day this to best the efforts of Kazuki Higa by a shot running straight uphill so expect him to give this one a bit of pace not tentative from aiso this 37y old who’s been a pro for 17 years yet to pick up a victory has a chance to get to six under par five back with 18 to go oh great birdie there for dong Wan Le it’s a level par round to 71 Tail of Two n for him he’s just on the fringes of what would be a life changing Victory he’s going to take something special tomorrow and he’s going to need some help from this maniso will lead by two after a fabulous round of 66 sees him sleep on the third round lead for the third time in 2024 just one too many mistakes on Saturday afternoon proving costly Forin Park 74 for 34 year old today wasn’t in the right rough and this is very awkward for Hiroshi yata he’s got that lip very close to the backs side of his ball on a severe down slope just had to get that one back in [Applause] sangi just going to be laying it up here and just start it right edge of that rock wall and just let it slide off that looks like subasa stepping in over it already he’s got what looks to be a three-wood can he get it close to the front edge of the Green from here pretty close to the front edge two Good Hits there from 23y old from okama for for long ways back for iata’s third shot but most importantly he’s going to be coming out of the short grass regulation what you would call a a good dirdy look a 43y oldi triple bogy at 12 ultimately proving quite costly sanki we’ve seen him put a lot of spin on his wedges you can see his shirt flapping so that tells me the breeze it into his face maybe just slightly off the right as well definitely need to fly this one past the pin cuz he pitches this short with the amount of spin he generates be putting for from the left edge of the green The Fringe to short where we saw oiso in the penultimate group sometimes when you’re playing into Breeze like that you know what’s better off just taking a slightly longer club and trying to dead AR maybe a gat wge for example comes in a little bit flatter a little bit less spin just a touch more controllable but you can see with the grand stands around the back of the 18 that flag hanging limp right now this wind just tends to to swirl around comes in gust at Nam John off a slight UPS slope as well which is just going to exacerbate the L of spin that sangi is going to put on this must land this at least three yards past the flag a good six yards past the flag and looking r a spinny go still really well played for sang We’re going to have a South Korean in that final group will it be yubin Jang will it be sangi Lee P throw a little little Skipper in here from 45 M taking up high sort of accidental chunk and run but it’ll work out his best finish of the Year Ty for 16th at the crowns back in May missed two of his last four Cuts two times he has played the weekend mat to finish inside of the top 45 so Uncharted Territory of sorts this sweet he rolls that putting he’s going to find himself in the penultimate group with koshiro MAA just how that leaderboard stacking up you have to say anyone at 600 P going to need something special at 500s you need to take it really deep and get some help so potentially it’s just going to come down to nine players on Sunday sangili for a birdie P wat’s got a putt first s’s birdie would get him into that group alongside oiso and hega fo just a matter of Pride here if it goes in great if not he’s got his eyes already focused focused on the task at hand tomorrow money and points counting towards both tours respective money and points list the Genesis points list here in South Korea the Mercedes-Benz points list on the Japanese tour it’s really a wful effort from hosi AATA could still be 43y old first toart house couldn’t come soon enough for him okay still going to count as a two for here a 74 well that puts pay to his chances for back-to-back titles so will it be yubin Jang or will it be sangi that all important final group on Championship [Music] Sunday you would have noticed how slowly wat’s put crept into the front edge so should know that he give this one a bit more of a RP move from right to left it’s going to be sangili Kazuki Higa and Takashi oiso resilient couple of holes to close for sangili birdies at 16 and 18 close to one underpar round of 70 chasing a first win since the 2017 mung [Music] open never for his third round that birdie C dropped at the last po 72 for subasa that is it the play has been completed for day three here at the H Bank Invitational 63 players who made the cup done and dusted as we reflect on what has been an action-packed moving day here at namun Chon and we’ll start with well Kazuki hio pars on his first two holes t-shot at the par [Music] 33d flag hunting to say the [Music] least and then at the fourth koshiro MAA would find a birdie from long range at the Par Four didn’t take tekashi so long to grab a share of the lead and a nice birdie at the second after a fine approach Kazuki higo would continue to keep the pressure on off that birdie at three back it up with another at the fourth playing in the final group one of your overnight co-leaders grab the solo lead Lita his first birdie of the day coming at the par four S started slow with a bogey get straight back with this excellent t-shot at the third jiso pick up another birdie to move alongside ukita at a andar was to be elite that he would not relinquish MAA kept things interesting for himself for this great approach from 106 M at the eth that lead to his third birdie turning in three under par 32 then heer continued his March up the leaderboard another birdie at seven starting to find the form that saw him win four times on the Japanese to in 2022 he would join oiso at 800 bar another birdie at eight he would turn in four under par 31 the same seventh hole jiso start to go in a bit of a run here that one took him to nine under this excellent wedge set up a birdie that would take him to 10 and why settle for back toback birdies when you can make it three in a row but first it was dongan Lee a 37y old journeyman who’s never won on the kpga tour he was throwing in some special shots that was a nice birdie to go along with his one at seven he would turn in two underpar but this was O for a hattick to end this front line then at 10 tyi Yoshida third shot into this par five from well back in the Fairway absolutely perfect a hole out Eagle three that faulted him to two under little bit further up the back nine was MAA dropped a shot at 10 but got it back with that birdie at 14 sanki Le too would drop a shot at the 10th got it back a little bit quicker than MAA there 126 m in only just a pitching wedge for sang he judging that one to near perfection Chang couple of groups ahead was really tearing up the golf course that was one of six birdies recorded at the difficult 17th Jang would get it to six under par at that juncture MAA claw to within two overis so with that birdie at 16 fortunately would drop a shot on the 17th and settle for round of six 68 Jang got the fast finish he was looking for Birdie on 17 and a birdie on 18 for the 21y old Asian Games gold medalist second 67 of the week left him at seven under par going into the final round hasi Roo bogit the 10th couple of pars followed and then an absolute Dart into the par 44 the easiest flag we saw all week an excellent approach a nicely HED Putt and he would take it it back to 11 undera Kazuki hega he would have one final little hurrah a lengthy part finding the Mark at the 17th it took him to 9 under 66 for Kazuki higer Tangi didn’t really have much going all throughout the day that Birdie on the 16th would take him back to where he began the weekend at 7 under giso post the second 66 recorded on Saturday matching the effort of Kazuki heager will carry a two- shot Advantage into the final round teed up alongside heager and courtesy of this Birdie on his final hle sang he Le finally got it to Red figures to his third round with a nice closing bir 70 for sang he he looks to reclaim the form that saw him win five times before he turned 25 so as we head into Championship Sunday that’s how your leader board’s going to stack up oiso by two over hega sangi at 8 underpar yub been Jang and MAA rounding out the top five at 7 underpar should be an absolute Barnstormer of a final round here at Nam Chun Chon certainly hope you can join us for final round action at the hanab bank Invitational same time same place tomorrow afternoon bye-bye for now for for for for didn’t oh for for yeah for for r for okaying [Laughter] fore for [Music] yes spee for [Music] chion for [Music] [Music] fore for [Music] [Music] for [Music] for for [Music] [Music] spee [Music] for for [Music] [Music] done [Music] [Music] for for for [Music] for for for [Music] for for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e

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