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Bryson DeChambeau Wins US Open, NBA Finals, Pete Rose Text to Kentucky Player | Ep. 176

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Today we’re talking Bryson DeChambeau winning the US Open, game 5 of the NBA Finals, Pete Rose’a Text to Kentucky College Baseball player Nolan McCarthy after recreating iconic slide, and more on Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero. Special Guest: Keith Lyle.



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[Music] it’s high noon in the desert and this town is big enough for both of us oh I’m doing old western quotes welcome to the South Point Casino welcome in behind us is the sports book the show is called punchlines with Frank Niko that’s me longtime comedian lifelong sports fan and Today’s Show well you know you win the US Open you obviously must have an exercise regiment and Bryson de Shambo shared that so here he is learning how to celebrate take it away Bryson put let no you’re more hyped This Time come on baby the shot’s going on coverage he used to be a lot more yolk remember when he was like huge yeah he would do the longest drive and he was hit like 500 yards yeah no come on so he lost a little there’s a here signing he’s 500 hot chicks away from Tiger Woods tiger was rip people forget how R there’s a dog there a dog in the gym he gets towels I don’t know look at that [ __ ] but anyway congratulations to BR and de Shambo oh wait sorry blaming my cat I forgot about that one oh God it was really his fault this time well he put all these emotions he did all of that stuff yesterday on Sunday in a very thrilling ending to the US Open and by the way he was so like jovial and everything and Sig he’d stop and sign in the middle of his round there was a kid in a wheelchair he signed his hat and stuff I mean he’s really he’s working on the image yeah all right so let’s get to who is in the studio today you guys know behind the glass the man who celebrated his first Father’s day yesterday yay the producer of the show Ryan B McCormick the be stands for big papa how was your day yesterday and what’s on today’s show menu a new thing I just first time ever called it the show menu well yesterday’s father day was Father’s day was good I got to celebrate with four generations so my grandpa my dad myself and then Aubrey so it’s four generations of mccormic we’ve got a picture over here oh my God I was wondering four generations yeah and as The Godfather I couldn’t be more proud that I yeah apparently was uh so that’s that little thing I was doing for a while trying to scr where’s we see the picture now uh Ann’s looking for it oh okay uh straight screen four generations of mccormic I got it I got I got uh so my my brother uh is the one that’s taller than me on the left and then my grandpa my dad’s beneath me and then Aubrey’s oh that’s outstanding my grandpa’s lap that’s the brother I met at at the Ballpark yeah when’s the how’ the prom go uh I would imagine it went well yeah he asked his girlfriend to the prom at the ball game and we did a little thing in the game Alex and I and he was real nervous yeah then I’m like hey is there anything you want to say they I like he they played the game and then I’m supposed to ask him he’s supposed to ask her to prom I go is there anything I want to say and he goes thanks Ryan for say I’m like I think there was he was really was sweating and and he’s oh yeah will you go to prom with me and she was on the scoreboard it was a very nice moment yeah yeah anyway so coming up on the show we’re going to look at 100 episodes to go we’ve got a Monday Montage Drew dog signature y uh we’ve got a couple good post with punch lines we’re going to be talking about the NBA finals tonight got a lot um yeah and uh and special stuff with our and the hundred shows of go clip is particularly funny to me because it’s a lot it’s you and Jerry freaking out it’s going to be a good one uh I like that one a lot in the studio ladies and gentlemen all right I have a good hold on it’s a good intro sitting to my right who’s a very funny man who is also funny when he is not in the studio because he’s always in the live chat Keith Lyle is here ladies and gentlemen yay Keith Keith you are an avid sports fan yes you like to gamble so you probably have some picks for 1236 I do I do I have some piics for 1236 uh I do have a couple and I’d like to uh as a tribute as a tribute okay to our fearless leader Chris Andrews I’d like to put together a three dog roundie we’re this is my first three dog roundie ever Chris also said this would be if he owned a horse this is what he would call it this is what he would call it that’s how came up with it I asked both you and Ryan I’m like What’s the round robin again I had a friend in Los Angeles who used to always do these and I just said it was in Los Angeles so you know that means it was illegal through a bookie so anyway this is years ago 20 years ago statue limitations he would always do the round R he would do roundies roundies and I would be like wait why don’t you just bet it’s but I guess there are benefits to it and we will get we will explain that if you’re new to the show or a friend of mine or someone who watches through the entertainment and likes to be educated on some terms we’re going to educate you on how a three dog Roundy works which I asked both of you yes because I kind of knew it Alex tried to explain it to me one day and then I just drifted off and thought if you yeah if you couldn’t if Alex couldn’t explain it to you well I’ll do my best she did a good job I just was like I just didn’t know if like I’m like but why would I do I just would try to hit three but there’s benefits and we’ll we’ll talk about it yeah a good idea Three Dog Roundy and what any thoughts on anything on the weekend of sports I uh I had a very special Father’s Day myself I uh spent it with Felipe ELO’s dad Bob you know this Balo thing that he got me on last week I literally here’s you know I read a lot of the live comments and by the way hello live chats we have Aaron oconor in there and we know Bob zany is listening Bob zany will be here on Thursday can’t wait for that Jeff parl was very happy to know that that Bob was coming in I broke the news to Jeff live on the show and he goes oh God okay so anyway um that’ll be fun on Thursday fun she oh and Aaron might come down so there we go uh so Aaron we always appreciate everything mini dar’s there saying hey Keith and Tommy’s there Keith let’s go yeah all right so uh anyway what were you going to say about oh the Babaloo thing I got to read these I got to read them before I start reading them out loud don’t do that that ruins the fun the most fun is how we could trip you up we love you and that’s what we love B his brother Bob was traded for Desi Ares I would like to watch that because I just go Desi a son of yeah and I almost I couldn’t get it here in time but I was going to wear a Desi Ares t-shirt and I just couldn’t get it in time so now I I because you know we’ll be bringing up Matty Aloo and phip the chop busting just can’t stop with me it’s what the fun is I like it I like it I like it so yeah big weekend yeah so we had some fun uh so when it comes to betting and gambling um gambling I’ve been in the business for so long to me gambling’s for suckers but um sports betting because I love sports so much I will throw money here and there uh I just realized that when you’re betting on sports you aren’t betting for or against a team you’re really betting against the guy who made the line the person who made the line that’s really what it’s about looking and and that’s why I’m always looking for Value looking for this otherwise it’s like well yeah anyone could bet the favorite but then you get hammered every time the favorite loses because you never know what could happen so uh in a did you bet anything over the weekend and win uh let me think I did not bet over the weekend okay you’re betting tonight but I will yes yes yes yes I do uh yeah we’ll get to it at 12:36 very good we will stick around uh Ryan where did you guys go yesterday for Father’s day was it just a home thing uh well for with Tiff’s family we were at their house and we went you got double location Grape Street in downtown Summerland with my family so Grape Street yeah where is that in downtown summer they have a location in downtown oh it’s a it’s like an Italian restaurant yeah Grape Street I did spaghetti western was it’s right over where I’m staying here it’s good food little pricey learning everything’s a little pricey nowadays though I keep thinking you can get dinner for two for 20 bucks well no let you go to McDonald’s you really can’t so even if you go to McDonald’s dinner for one’s 20 bucks I know right so like three things I it’s just like $67 I’m like all right and then okay you know what then it’s this so I’m doing pickup all right I’m doing pickup to bring home and she has the man and she goes okay 67 and then they do this and turn with the custom tip they already have the 18 and the 25 and the 30% up there then I feel like a I have to do the custom and I throw her a tip and I’m like you know you put stuff in a bag right it’s really you know there’s a joke about uh a female little person dinner for 220 bucks is and I thought that’s where you were going to go with that no I was just saying that everyone wants tip now yes I mean if you’re you know they did handle my food so I’ll throw you a few bucks yeah but don’t don’t just do that I mean I always have okay let’s let’s move on this isn’t and Sound the Horn no here we go uh anyway we like to have a fun fun look at uh the weekend and we found a comedy clip now here’s the thing it’s very popular Ryan nowadays for these student athletes or even kids to do these photo shoots like like action shots and they set up these like lights and everything and they got the highp camera and then they’ll throw like water on them like a lot of swimmers do cool ones so this little league team did one yeah and um it’s a cool shot but probably not the shot this kid dreamed of being on a baseball card someday yeah so here we go he’s coming into home and face PL scorpion look at the guy holding the light has to turn and look away and there’s the oh that’s awesome that would be the best one to have that tops where’s tops yeah tops get on that one of one now how it’s one of one how do they make it look night though it was bright daylight there but that’s the the light yeah they wash it out can I do that on my iPhone can we do yeah yeah if you spend time on set you fig right watch it again let’s see it again face PL and then the guy the funniest part is the guy turning and laughing oh man that looks like my nephew Sam but the kid was safe at home and he’s doing uh some sort of yoga pose there actually did you ever have any of those done were they doing those when you were playing football or anything not action shots no because those are awesome yeah but I I did we did have one my either sophomore or Junior year and I I held the football to my ear like a phone a house call that’s what I please tell me you have that photo for us yeah but I don’t I’m not a big fan of it can we have it later in the week please someone get me a tips number someone give me his mom I have access to your mom’s number it’s actually on a on a poster oh we need this right okay you know what next time you know we’re going to make a bet this week and if you lose you have to produce the house call photo oh that’s awesome because when I was a kid in Little League this was every picture yeah just holding a bat on my shoulder that that poster will ran can you see the smoke coming out of my ears how much fun we could have with that like oh my God make it a house call I love it all right you you said it we still haven’t seen you singing That’s Life by Frank Sinatra or is it my way it’s that’s life oh these are we could lay that over the photo and then split screen with him saying got middled real hard yeah I’m thinking like if we just have a karaoke party or something have a few drinks have the crew over and at her at somewhere we party we have all kinds of material I’m sure there is a national produce your most embarrassing photo day okay I’m sure there has to be some at some point Google it someone Google it someone I usually this is usually where I ask for Keith to do it in the chat Keith look up next photo I have a feeling it’s coming up let’s say next week I think it’s next Monday all right today though let’s talk about today today’s June 17th 2024 happy 81st birthday to Barry Manalo Barry Manalo ladies and gentlemen M’s favorite he’s become a Vegas Legend he is my sister’s favorite she used to blast his Greatest Hits what are you going to do oh my God I know the words to probably every Barry Manalo song Brian can you name a Barry Manalo song I don’t think I could even point at who Barry Manalo is in a picture come on Ryan could this be the magic of you picking a Barry matalo song maybe if we the song cab a girlfriend Mandy weekend in New England I can’t smile without you I mean I I do recog but I did not know that his name was and I’m ready to take a what movie is that from play play yes with goalie H an and I that movie scared me because of the albino guy and the snake in the beginning and the what the snake snake in the beginning yeah and B just mared it that was his snake yep watch file play kids it’s from 197 77 yeah something like that 76 what you say yeah Chevy Chase wasn’t Chevy that’s Jeffy Chase and Goldy hon and then they did seems like old times which is another classic but not as good as no these are early HBO movies uh Foul Play was scared the albino guy scared me oh yeah and Burgess Meredith had the line that I went he he knew karate it was bur just Mar of after Rocky he goes if you need me I’ll be up there I’ll be upstairs in a Flash kicking ass that’s what he said you remember that one yes absolutely all right so Barry man happy birthday everything you guys just said I know you didn’t even Barry manalo’s Billboards all over town I didn’t know that was his name oh my God I should just bring a walker to work oh my god when I was his you know I write the songs I write the songs that make the young which he didn’t write by the way no but he knows that’s life well that’s Sinatra though I mean on Sinatra’s over Barry yeah but I mean Copa Cabana was Copa Cabana you know that her name was Lola girl you know that feathers in hair I’m in the DVD couldn’t tell you the any of the lyrics to that song you’re in a Barry Manalo DVD yeah the one they recorded over at when the Hilton when was the Hilton yeah because I’m in the walk-in but the funny thing is my brother-in-law is watching the DVD he goes I think I just saw an Ann’s in the barry Mano special anyway speaking of uh not speaking of bar let’s move on to 100 shows ago I we I love this feature because we get to look back in our vault we’ve done 175 this our 176 show but on episode 76 comedian I don’t know if you know Carlos isaki very funny he was he’s on Reno 911 voiceover car I never met him yeah he actually said yokiro Taco Bell oh yeah that’s a guy bottom a house wow bottom a house bottom a house Taco Bell house he’s a big ners fan we had him on the show we were there to talk sports about the ners it was playoff time but Ryan and Jerry and Sean uh all they wanted to talk about was all the cartoon voices he did and he did them all and made Ryan a giddy little girl here we go Carlos alari Carlos alari is here Carlos thank you yeah watch out for nasty noric apparently drives people crazy now look at Ryan now this oh my God aw we’ve never seen Ryan our producer like this Carlos he’s been freaking out that was so good yeah nasty nor is toast do you have a favorite character that you voiced um Rocco is nearest and dearest cuz it was always my first you know he’s just so sweet and likable he’s like Winnie the pool he’s really nice and then Mr Crocker because I borrowed from the best I borrowed from Harry shears Montgomery Burns Richard dfus and Jean Wilder and turned into Timmy turn fairies um say he’s so out of his mind mother mother girlfriend these are like two little kids over there right now Jerry who you can’t see on camera is dying right now oh man he’s buing his his head in his hands you you have no idea they want you to yell Fair which we needed the fairies for sure now to do the inverse of Barry Manalo I knew none of those cartoons I really didn’t well you know the cartoons were we had Mel blank we had Mel blank Mel blank did the voice for everybody did bug Bunny saying did them all did them all then he be on Jack Benny show my name is Sai your name is I yeah oh yeah you would do that okay so I didn’t know any of those cartoons but that was Ryan’s youth there and Manalo was my youth apparently it was cuz my sister blasted the records records were I will say this if you were to meet Barry M have him sing in the in in the room yeah you You’ smile you may be a little excited but not the excitement that those guys had the Joy on their faces I’m tell when I really special like there oh they were losing their minds when I go it was even better before the show right so I sent I’m like hey this guy Carlos aaroi and I said he does a lot of voices and I come in and Ryan’s like I being going he did F he does that he does what was the one you screamed he does oh Spyro Spyro that was it he does Spyro loing their minds oh yeah and then I’m like oh Carlos can we talk about football real quick because it’s Sports gambling show but uh great guy very nice guy yeah and we’ll have on again we’ll have on again for uh when San Francisco goes the long way oh I don’t know yeah all right so anyway uh it’s also you know I usually mention national days here I wanted to mention uh besides Barry melo’s birthday it’s National bring your cat to workday but I don’t have a cat the only problem is I don’t have a real cat o but I do have a kitty named chalk there it is that’s crazy that’s crazy there he is chalk or crash crazy did you come up with chalk you came up chalk he likes crash K chalk well yeah the K sounds is enter all right so anyway uh it’s time for that’s crazy we don’t do just Al oh I’m sorry we have wait a second is it strudel day or root beer day what else do we have here it is National root beer day it is also National apple strudel day apple strudel day so again you know what we do have to make this a regular feature also National mascot day and so there you go oh wow now you know what I realized did Kaden make this one or did you make this one okay I want to do these we’re gonna do these daily forget but Kaden they’re fun because it only takes gave it the prompt is Kaden over here yeah oh he’s here there he is uh K good job I you know I love doing them every day you combine them all no other you’re not going to get that on any other Show Ladies and Gentlemen but I want to point out that the cat on the right is also my accountant so go ahead show him he’s known for his root beer and if that’s A&W root beer we could have done this on a day Alex is here Shelly Katen does my accounting yeah but he’s always well dressed he’s got the teardrop in the tie and then who’s the guy on the left that’s just a crazy cat what’s on his head is that a hat more like Taz yeah that’s a hat yeah looks like a chef he’s a mascot be looks like marshmallows yeah no it looks like buns from Texas Roadhouse looks like he beening you go back quick yeah it looks like you could just pick off like one of those and just you know dip it in that cinnamon butter I wonder where he got that Apple teeth are pretty creepy too it’s not right well anyway uh we have fun with AI and we’re going to continue doing that because uh I love doing it all right so uh National bring your cat to workday so we’re doing that crazy Keith you have something that you found that that’s crazy yes um is this the first one of second one I don’t know which one I I gave you two of them the the video oh the video okay so if you’re at a if you’re at a baseball game yes uh and you see like a fighter jet flying over the baseball game right what would you think I know what I would think especially if I was in like say Baltimore depend on the city okay Baltimore I’d be a little worried a little close to DC to DC and you know the jets flying over blah blah blah blah uh well that that’s what happened uh in Baltimore playing the Phillies and we have a timeout fight jet timeout the pitch clock but by the way here’s the thing so it’s like it’s not like the jet just did just a flyover it came back and then started doing nose did we ever figure out what was going on here it was just I don’t know if he was just busting chops or like hey look what I found I know they used to do now if you’re a Cubs fan you know that they used to do the um they’d have a whole air show in right outside Wrigley Field usually during a Cubs game once a year but yeah look it I mean like scary to me when he’s doing that yeah when he’s doing that I’d be like okay let’s let’s head to the yeah take cover or it’s like that Sky King guy the guy who stole the plane you ever see that video oh my God yeah the play the guy who repaired planes and stuff and he just took a plane and said yeah right well he was a little he wasn’t wasn’t well all right that is that is crazy did you have two or was that that was the the one I had another one it was about uh the golf and what happened but we’re kind of discussed uh you know Rory giving up the whole up two strokes and like that was crazy he’s up up two strokes he has four uh he ends up bogey in like four of the last five holes yeah and then dambo comes through it’s a wild first shot on 18 gets a second shot in I mean it was just an amazing final round the whole thing and I to watch that uh was like that’s crazy what happened you’ll never see anything like this and he’s had all that off off the off field off the links off the course that’s word yes uh drama going on probably really wanted that one hadn’t won a major in 10 years years yes and kind of choked on that just under four one guy’s likable one guy not so much you know the whole thing I used to hate Bryon but now I like them yeah all right yeah much more now all right Ryan do you have a that’s crazy for today yeah my that’s crazy looks at the men’s College World Series over the weekend so on Friday yeah North Carolina walked it off against Virginia with a walk-off single then later in the day Tennessee walked it off against Florida state with a walk-off single the first time that the first two games of the men’s College World Series had been a walkoff and then the next day Saturday the first game uh NC State goes to Extra Innings against Kentucky Kentucky then hits a walk-off homer so the first three games of the men’s College World Series were all walk-offs and then the fourth game was a one-run lead um for Texas A&M going into the top of the ninth and Florida has a runner on first guy hits a Fly ball to right field that will be a home run the right fielder robs it yep so game saving home R robbery in the fourth game of the men’s College World Series so we had three walk-offs and a game saving robbery in the first four games and then yesterday Carolina and we need to spread the word about college baseball because it has been really exciting Series so far I’ve been watching a lot of it in the background whatever I’m doing we’ll get to that in posts but uh I know Alex uh had that tip from her dad to take Florida State the big Underdog against the overall number one Tennessee and it looked good they were up by two in the I think they were by four maybe four at one point yeah so I was thinking oh Alex’s bonus pick is looking pretty good and then that happened Tennessee scored four runs in the bottom of the nth yeah and they also had a strike three call a check swing strike three call that he swung but they called it a no swing and then they ended up walking it off there was some guy that proposed that any check swing from now on in baseball reviewable no should just be a strike oh to make it easier on the I know he was just like any check swing that’s not how we be called a strike and I’m like well that he’s like it’ll speed up the game I’m like yeah but it’s just natural reflex to sometimes start your swing and check in we had some fun at the Ballpark this past weekend oh really on yeah on Saturday probably in the fifth inning there it’s been some questionable calls kind of all series but Fran Reen the manager of the aviators ended up getting tossed arguing a check swing um in the fifth inning can’t argue balls and Strikes immediate ejection right that was the oat milkers night yeah who won the game oh they W uh no they got oh they got they got milked well wait I got I wait did they win yesterday they did they did they got creamed yesterday cuz I got an alert that I I get a free car washor Keith is watching the show that he’s on he’s watching on his phone I got a whole thing going all right so it’s time for my that’s crazy right we’re gonna get we’re going to shift to NBA because I know a lot of people want to talk NBA Dallas looked uh like the team we expected to see game one and history will be made in this series it could end tonight but no oh no go ahead back to that what happened I don’t know what happened image disappeared image um but yeah so yeah no team in a series has won after going down come down being down love right yeah and then no team in NBA history has ever won a series after losing by 38 Plus in a Finals game um and so with the Mavericks winning game four by 38 the history will be made tonight or I like how Tom habber Thursday or Sunday ended that history will be made uh I don’t know I mean I’m excited I I’ll watch a game tonight we’re going to talk about it in a second but I mean d i mean Boston gave up I mean at that point they’re like just rest everybody yeah no they they benched their starters with three minutes left in the third quarter the third yeah they’re just like all right we lost this and we can go back home and clinch it is what they’re thinking we got to give them one it’s a gentleman sweep as you say no not as as Alex had you heard that before Alex used it I had never used it and I was out Saturday night or Friday night I Google it and I sent it to these guys to Ryan and Alex and it said it it said on the the Google or the Siri thing that it’s only NBA but it’s not yeah the Google AI takes the results that it finds and makes something and so the most recent thing being the NBA final so that made it assume that it was NBA specifically but it’s really all sports but I’ve been watching sports for 50 years I’ve never heard of J had you ever heard of that I’d heard of it I think you may have heard of it but you didn’t it it escaped you because it’s like eh CU I’m not a gentleman no I don’t know gentleman swe it let you win one game so we’ll find out if Boston can do tonight what do we have the lines uh six points yeah six and a half here six and a half and 210 is the overun all the games have gone under so why don’t we talk a little about a little bit about the NBA right now game tonight since the finals game is tonight and is this the area code thing here um or the date I mean well one in the same one and the same so today’s date is 617 written in code Boston’s area code uh so written in code is 617 um and so with it being possibly Banner number 18 for the Celtics uh the Celtics last won their last title today’s date 16 years ago oh wow today’s date is 617 BOS area code is 617 so is it all part of the plan it’s pretty wild and my 617th favorite movie of all time is the town which took place in Boston benle mine’s Jurassic Park 3 it’s way down on the list that’s way up on Ryan seen it 617 times Bo boom there we go uh yeah it’s crazy how it works out lucky the Irish I don’t know I want to see the series keep going um I want the NBA to go till July I want to see Fourth of July game no I’m Ru for I’m ruin for Dallas I have a Futures bet I got uh because Steph furry picked it yeah damn dog y um I don’t know so well don’t know we’ll watch it tonight although it kind of goes against it’s opposite something I want to really watch but we’ll get to that in case uh anything else on the NBA or anything else yeah so we’ve got two more graphics on it but the the big Network ESPN had had showed some highlights of uh of game four as well as the games in Boston um everybody’s seen that Luca is getting blown by very often through games one and three and in game four it seemed like he kind of stepped up his defensive effort um whether it be letting the guy go but covering the guy that was then left open um and creating a lot more turnovers on for the Mavericks um and so so now looking at a stat is uh there have been 580 instances in NBA history where a team entered a playoff game having being outscored by 30 plus points in the series of those 580 579 still had a negative Point differential in the series after game four or or whatever game that they were down 30 plus okay and since the Mavericks out scored the Celtics by 38 being out being down 32 they now lead this series by six total points that is it’s mindboggling so that’s why I titled it uh only the series was determined by total points uh and I want to point out that Alex pointed out to me that this this monitor down here is a good place to read like the graphics easier and sharper for me and then I just noticed that it’s not on today oh there’s a monitor down there there is there was one there was one here for a while but I broke that I didn’t like that one that was the one that but no it’s like really crisp down there but anyway I could kind of read that that’s so if Boston sweeps him tonight beats him by three or four then the Mavericks are still up in the series by total points yeah because you know what that’s a big stat in baseball if you look at the standings in baseball run differentials huge right usually your top teams are in green bad teams are in red and that’s a really good stat to look at but like the Pirates are really under but I know the Cubs are too I think yeah yeah and we’re still like you know and we’re all in second place behind the brw right now in that division it’s weird well don’t they do that in like uh EUR in like British soccer or something there’s an of some kind of something or other when I watched that reom show Welcome ra like we got to win we got to win by two Golds that was a terrible accent it’s too much math I don’t want to do that much math you win you win you lose you L and uh what else do you have on the NBA final just to go along with that point so with Edmonton beating the crap out of Florida in game four to one they’re now up in that series that’s weird but they were both team both the Mavericks and the Oilers were down 3 so in my mind it’s more just not to put a Tim foil hat on right but it makes the series seem much more even in the grand scheme of things for the league to be able to say hey well it was pretty even you know we need we need a tinf foil hat here to occasionally throw on either you or me for conspiracies I like it arts and crafts who could do that oh not me I’m bad at arts and crafts yeah me too that sounds like something Sean could do Sean feel like Sean would be good at that yeah he could steal the tin foil yeah he cooks a lot yeah he’s creepy he’s got his cat burglar outfit Sean if you’re watching we need a tinf foil hat yeah or give Jerry something to do in the basement when he’s not busy yeah Jerry hasn’t chimed in where are you he has has he yeah mine always freezes a little bit so I got to like hit the refresh button and then other windows pop up that I don’t want to see okay so the the last thing uh on this series um before we eventually talk about it in a few minutes yeah um so Jason Tatum on Friday night had a negative 33 Point uh plus minus while he was on the floor he is the only player in NBA history to have a plus minus of 30 or worse in multiple games in the finals and he could be MVP probably not yeah the favorite is Jaylen Brown Jaylen Brown yeah but what if he has like an awesome game tonight and scores like 50 and they’re like oh we got to give to him he’s kind of the captain of the team yeah and that stat plays out that’s weird uh no losing MVP since Jerry West Jerry West uh won the MVP win the Celtics beat the Lakers people are saying well maybe Luca could but I think um I don’t think that’s going to happen no no no no no no there is a Super Bowl MVP and it’s a trivia question his name is Chuck something it was for the Dallas Cowboys there is one MVP in the Super Bowl who was on a losing team it was Dallas versus the Colts Jim O’Brien hit the game-winning field goal the guy is from Youngstown Ohio and I want to say his name is Chuck uh damn it hey Siri who’s the only Super Bowl MVP on a losing team Chuck holey oh yeah everyone knows Chuck howy yeah he was on Dallas uh it should be on a winning team I don’t care how good you’ve been yeah all right uh well there you go NBA play come down to the South Point ladies and gentlemen it’s been a good time to watch the games down here you can bet the game minus six and a half or six right now six and a six and a half two1 the over under all these games have gone under I don’t know what to make of that Ryan you’ve been following the over unders a lot because I know uh but it is this game going to finish over under do you have any lean either way no this Series has kind of thrown me off I know right cuz they were 214 I think to start yeah to start the series yeah in Boston Dallas was looking to be more prolific on offense but no one could hit a shot being in Boston that crowd just got to Kyrie I mean he had barely he hasn’t had well in games one and two he didn’t have over 20 points so he wasn’t contributing uh LCA was their whole offense is a game one and two and then everybody was thinking that going back to Dallas that we’d see much more offense and and and yeah didn’t happen the Cel didn’t make their shots and then well the NBA game is going to be very exciting we got picks in about 5 minutes so I figur it’d be a good time to show the Monday Montage it’ll take us right to 12:36 Andrew Drew dog is a little under the weather he is not here today is that correct Dan that’s correct but this is what a what a trooper he is he still did the Monday Montage no matter how bad he felt we never see this till we see it and it’s Andrew DG’s Monday Montage with Four G’s Greg Von gave him the fourth G will he get a fifth G we can’t keep adding G’s let’s keep them at Four G’s for a while yeah five G’s is when you got all the problems right he gave him one of Greg gave him one of his G’s yeah exactly all right here’s the Monday Montage all right we’re going to throw this I got it sister-in-law caught this an has not opened this there are rubber bands on it so I’m unfurling this we and has not looked to see what the shirt is so we’re doing this live on the show I’m opening it up and it says Mazda Park all hold on what this say better at the Ballpark that’s not bad rookie he just kept talking the whole goddamn time I’m I’m up at the plate I mean you’re ready to hit yeah right and it pitches the ball and then he goes oh we got to have that and then he goes hey you know a strike is a strike I said man shut the f up because I’m just saying the bur oh no if I pulled my pants down right now time for me to go I and it’s also National call your doctor day so let’s call my doctor right now okay what’s that hey what’s up doc it’s Frank y uhhuh well I would have thought you would have bought me dinner before doing that okay there you go I don’t know what we’re doing anyway uh call your doctor the original Jurassic Park came out 31 years ago ladies and gentlemen here’s Michelle Rosman ever doing John trol Frankie baby oh my God oh my God it’s the cops Frank like early Travolta though it’s early TR early trol like pre fiction yeah oh my god there there you go oh my God uh we are going to be backing the p spur Pirate no you can’t take that one wouldn’t you want it to win though he’s taking that was his pick we can we can share the same pick I’ll come up with another one goad we usually open with some funny clip I don’t know what I’m about to see so just roll it they didn’t tell me Ryan McCormack’s getting you hard and ready forch today uh Alex will be there uh Frank Nia will be there that’s joining us though us our guy Danny Burke hey yo what did he say Alex white gave me Mike Adams as a HUD no that was Ryan Ryan did that I don’t even know how to make graphics I don’t know how to make graphics how could I do that Pacific life has the opportunity to do the funniest thing possible what is that the Pack 12 slow clap into the big Club that’s good 12 donuts Big 12 Duncan Duncan Big 12 Duncan 12 Duncan 12 ain’t bad that’s not bad for Hoops but would it be 12 or would they be a [Applause] dozen very good right vill see that and what Sean just went like this that was really you see that Sean doesn’t even have a camera on him Jeff Carl said the he’s on the board show the camera go for it I don’t buy it I don’t I think I would have at what time what was the timing the Dennis Bono show he said hey can I come in oh yeah I know what i b you have an open door anytime you want to come in and I realized it was also he said you look like who champ from anchor man hamy that guy he was bald all right he was bald Keith did he say the FW you were at home watching because I heard that it sounded more like could have said fun okay he could have said fun he said he didn’t say it and I saw it was bothering him so I’m going to say that he said fun I don’t I don’t want him to be bothered on I think I think Kaden wiped his name off not it’s on parl you’re not on the board uh by the way the Big 12 I had mentioned they should call it the 7-Eleven Big 12 on the show then I was watching PTI later that two hours later what’s that like two hours three hours later two hours later Mike wilbon goes oh one of our producers uh Andy or Sean or something said maybe they should call it the 7-Eleven Big 12 oh boy are you watching is Andy or whoever the producer is for PT hey put us on the show or come on our show is his last name uh what Wilson will no no no the comedian that oh Greg wil sto my I don’t know I don’t maybe maybe great mind s like but the fact that I heard it two hours later I spit up my uh my lunches I was like oh that was our joke but maybe it’s an obvious joke I don’t know hey it’s 12:36 let’s do it pick to 1236 and we’re getting it in we’re getting it in oh jeez and I made the Montage for next week 12 all right it’s well it’s 12:37 now but we the idea we technically we started it at 12:36 it’s my fault uh Keith you are our guest today we let you go first so what are you looking at today for Pixel 1236 uh well I’m looking up and down the baseball Dock and you know like I say I always look for Value uh I saw that the Rangers were only minus 120 uh against the Mets and of course anything against the Mets you know if you could get something below one minus 150 you know that’s fantastic uh the Rangers have uh gray going today he’s um had a good last five starts last three starts he’s looking good uh and it’s the Mets so you know like I said minus 120 I’ll take the Rangers defending champ now before we move on let’s just discuss the Mets real quick and Jeff parl who we just talked about as a big Mets fan yeah Ryan Grimace what is it now is it 5 and0 Grimace yeah the Mets since Grimace threw the first pitch G threw the first pitch out at metti Stadium they’re five and them so yesterday when the Mets won Jeff parl sent Ryan and I this like like meme or whatever of Grimace Grimace has been the cure to the Mets problems but no more says Keith ly no more uh it’s going to get Hamburglar right out very nice uh all right so take the Texas Rangers uh right now they’re around minus 135 or so is that you said well it it was 120 on the on the morning line and it may have jumped since you know they just heard it so and John Gray’s pitching for Texas so I was like him pitching yeah he’s good uh all right so Ryan McCormick is for big papa no no nothing for pcks at 1236 more just looking at our Three Dog roundie okay we’ll get to that in a second all right this will be a big shocker to everyone it’s a Monday uh the Pittsburgh Pirates are playing today they are they haven’t they haven’t played on Monday in a couple weeks which is really throws off my Monday right cuz I like to come home I like to eat lunch I like to watch a game Ry and then they been but anyway they’re playing today and it’s aul day now what the cheap owner of the Pirates did was skipped ski start he was scheduled on Sunday right but that’s a road game in Colorado oh so Bob nutting says well you know what I’d rather pitch him at home so we can get that big gate walk up so that’s what they did they went with a bullpen game again third bull Bullpen game in eight games for the Pirates that’s pathetic believe they’re three and0 in all those Bullpen games they won them which is insane so now we can’t be like well this is stupid uh Josh Fleming started through four plus good Innings shut out Innings yesterday so we took the extra day we have Paulk going tonight I’ve seen the line anywhere from 180 to 190 currently I see 185 is is that what you’re seeing 170 here it’s 170 oh my God I am running to the window after the game I am taking the Pittsburgh Pirates it’s Paulk until he loses and Sean who is off today is always trying to jinx me on the skin he’s like oh first loss is coming tonight first loss is coming tonight against do no it didn’t Paul skes tonight I probably will bet his over strikeouts which I’m sure is probably seven and a half again yeah it’s always seven and a half Jared Jones and he both uh with large numbers I’m going Paul I’m going the Pirates lay the chalk we had chalk the cat on the show take the Pirates and we’ll get to the roundie later or we got to do the roundie now I guess right sure you guys let’s do the Roundy so explain what you want to do here Chris Andrews will be very happy about this okay so uh a three dog Roundy so the the dog part is the under dog and the three is you take three of them and the Roundy means round robin so you’re betting all three of them in two team parlays so all three of them in two team parlays and you’re taking them all in in a three teamer right so so if they go three and0 boom you’re gold I mean like you’re over the top right if they’re uh if you get two out of three um you’re definitely ahead yeah uh if you get one if you get one out of three you get some of your money back depending on which dogs cover win so it’s are you it’s four bets um it’s always an underdog it’s dog the dog part right what you’ll see a lot of is it’s almost like um it’s kind of your boxing thing so you’ll see like uh some people do like four four of them and keep uh not do and do it not take a uh not two team them but do three and four team them there’s Alex Alex white likes to do the many different ways to go about it but if you feel comfortable confident in all your picks you know you catch it you catch it now okay we’re going to try to catch one so thank you for explaining that Keith we love when you explain some gambling terms so does Chris Andrew and I appreciate acting like I knew what you were talking about but I do now well I’m going to say you knew you just didn’t want to explain it exactly ding ding ding for Keith L that’s why we have here on Monday today so who do you have in the Three Dog roundie well in in the Three Dog Roundy that uh getting to uh Paul SK I would like to take the p On The Run line they may be uh I think I saw them at plus 1155 or so right yeah so uh you know it’s skin it’s your it’s your boy I’ll stick with it uh and we’ll take uh we’ll take the 115 and hope he wins by two and the the bullpen is still able to cover the last three Innings okay hopefully skin can go six or seven this time uh Ryan what do you got uh I’m going to take a big plus price oh big the Dodgers are losing their number one or their leadoff hitter in mooki Bets with a fractured left hand yeah so I am going to take the Colorado Rockies on the money line with Cal contro on the on the mound uh he’s got a 3.2 er uh they’ve won his last two starts uh both on the road uh so I will be taking the Rockies money line hosting the Dodgers that was my second pick actually I ever written down yeah I I looked at it boy that mooki they don’t even know how long how can he be back for the postseason Sergey yeah I mean that that came in on him as soon as it hit the announcers like oh no oh no he is the Catalyst for that team of top of the lineup uh he’s like probably the fan favorite besides Otani um have they haven’t put a timeline on it not as of yet but a broken hint so what is it it’s June middle of June July August I mean you want him back for the postseason it’s three months three and a half months can he be back it’s at least two but then you got to get your timing back you got a rehab that’s a big loss yeah yeah um but if he does come back he’ll probably end up coming back right towards the end of at least the Minor League season so he won’t get much rehab time that’s a good point and so he’ll be coming back real cold never thought of that he’d had to jump right into the big leagues for Rehab which is never good um this is unfortunate for the Dodger fans I like mooki so I’m a mooki fan am I against the evil empire winning yes even though I’m a Dodger fan it’s too much money this will now make the Dodgers go out and get Luis Robert this will make them go out and get somebody and it’s going to be unfair because they’re going to be stacked for postseason even more I know that’s going to happen because that’s what the Dodgers do and they always have a good minor league system all right that’s what the Yankees used to do yeah I know right yeah it’s the same thing yeah all right and to round out the triple dog Roundy I took the Giants going against your Cubs now one of the reasons I also took them is Jordan Hicks you’ve been on Jordan hick a couple times yeah uh this is the former St Louis reliever can throw at 100 he left St Louis after struggling giant said you’re going to be a starter and he’s had a really nice season for him so uh and plus I want the Pirates to be higher than the Cubs now the Cubbies can’t hit right now they they just lost to that they lost that Series against those Cardinals um Javier Assad is on the M for the Cubbies today yeah uh but in the series against the Cardinals the Cardinals had scored six runs six total runs in the three games and still won the series unbelievable yeah and that’s and that’s one of the best rivalries in baseball I really enjoy watching them play if I’m my team’s out of it but my team’s in it so I’m rooting for whatever team has a worst record St Louis again has somehow found them themselves at top of those uh those four teams or top of the Pirates and reds at St Louis they’re always there except for last year but I hate the Cardinals more than the Cubs but I’m going to go with the Giants okay in Wrigley and my first game I ever went to Wrigley Field was a Giants Cubs game and that’s where I almost got a Barry Bonds was in my hands and a guy knocked it out Bonds hit to Matt Williams hit to the wind was blown out and the wind was blowing as I went to that gig that night because it was a tornado right drove through it got there and they’re like you’re not booked here right you drove all the way up to dcal yep exactly uh all right real quick uh uh well we should go to post let’s go to post I you want to Sound the Horn I would love to do it and if you would be so kind as to Sound the Horn Sound the Horn in all right it’s time for post with punchlines ladies and gentlemen and I’m going to get these Monday headlines out too we might as well include them in posts yeah let’s see real quick Ryan I’m going to read yours first that’s not how that works but okay what what how is it I can do it within post that’s fine cuz we post will take us to the end no I know we could have done San Antonio and Wade Phillips win the UFL Championship final score 25 nothing they got shut up true Wade Phillips fashion and I truly was like I’m gonna try and watch a minute of this game couldn’t do it no did you watch any of it uh I watched about five minutes when it was 0 I walked back inside and it was 22 nothing I was like look the stallions have been a superior team the whole time wait Phillips is still cursed by having uh coach the cowboys he’s just not going to win the big game going happen no my uh I wrote a Major League Baseball cycle will happen and it’ll be Connor Joe or Brian Reynolds in the thin air of Colorado first game Brian Reynolds let off of the Homer I was like okay here it happens and then it didn’t happen all right Alex who has two what’s that there was a cycle in the College World Series that I saw that on Friday for Tennessee second one ever something yeah all right so Alex white has already won two of these right y are you kidding me we actually uh yeah we gave her we gave her the one right what she had the yeah Bryson D Shambo wins the open no way yeah that is amazing come on I just got chills if you want to run uh number eight with it can you believe that unbelievable Alex white Alex congratulations there it is what a celebration amazing that that’s exactly what Alex was probably doing at home by the way that shirt’s more aing did that bother you too an that would bother me like like who let him wear that uh that pattern HD is not supposed to do that anyway no I’m putting it in the slot here she’s done it again that’s why she’s our sports betting analyst oh God shut she’ll be back Wednesday and sat Wednesday and Friday Thursday we have um and Bob zany Bob zany yes Bob zany and Jeff paros tomorrow’s Matt never all right let’s do Post Ryan you want to kick it off uh you didn’t read yours I did no the the I said someone would get a cycle oh oh oh ran red panda Jeff didn’t do one no that was mine Panda oh je I don’t see one from Jeff in here Major League cycle no I don’t this is just our two garbage ones okay why are they still in the bucket no that’s San Antonio oh did he write it on his big 12 press thing no empty he just shoved a piece of paper with his big 12 pre-season this is who he thinks is going to be yeah okay is Kansas wining the Big 12 he’ll get to that and then there’s just cash in here for the first person to hit a cycle but Alex white again damn it good I’m glad I’m glad unbelievable she makes she’s amazing way to go all right so first post what do we got baseball uh so yeah first post we’ll do two things uh looking at the men’s College World Series uh the first one has to do with the Kentucky Wildcats and a little text from Pete Rose I love it yeah Mr bl’s got something for you so after you did that your Pete Ro slide night sir I texted Pete no way yeah so I got your pict there I said who the guy who knows Pete Rose do we know Pete R imitation pretty good that’s the guy booking his G so he text it back to you oh that’s awesome it says tell him to keep having fun however the way and the only way to have fun is to win yes sir typical Pete everybody’s in a better mood when you win and you can’t win every game but you should want that’s awesome you got to field hit be a good base runner don’t care who you are three for 10 and you’re having a good day play good defense and have fun he said I made 10,000 out so don’t worry about it that’s especially s to you well tell him I said thank you I already did I already did appreciate it and I’ll make sure he does oh that’s amazing yeah and I got five grand on you boys it and by the way when they shut the camera off uh the Kentucky guy thank you for that Kentucky gu’s like who’s peros yeah and then he goes who’s Barry Manalo it was weird it was weird cuz that guy was like oh by the way do you know it’s Barry manalo’s birthday on Monday he’s goingon to be 81 years old 81 81 pet Rose is about 81 years old too oh he is but anyway uh that’s great that was really cool on that kid that’s was awesome I’m rude for Kentuck I can always rude for Kentucky I had friends that went to college there I’ve done shows down there uh go wild cats they’re one of the better teams yeah yeah they uh are actually the higher seed on their side of the bracket yeah I just I never seen myself being a a rooting for Tennessee and anything I don’t hate Tennessee but I just they were your pick because I just said it was chalk I just said it to because Jeff put me on the spot they were the only team I could think of in the world series at the time and I didn’t want to say North Carolina cuz I knew you would yeah yeah so I said Tennessee I was about to say LSU aren’t even in it cuz that was last year paules ly dun boom all right so what do you got next uh well so we’ll take a look at the the remaining bracket uh today’s game right now uh it looks like NC State is up on Florida um so that game is going on right now the winner of that game advances the loser is eliminated um the winner of the game will advance to play the loser of Kentucky versus A&M later today um so that game will be end up being uh tomorrow the late game tomorrow um early game tomorrow was going to be North Carolina versus Florida State as Carolina lost to um yeah so Tennessee is the only well the first team remaining in that winers bracket um so yeah there there’s a look at yeah it’s been exciting baseball we talked about it earlier in the show all the walk-offs the cycle uh it’s good stuff man I I you know ESP wish there was a team in there I cared about I UCLA is usually in there I usually Roe for uh last year I was R for Paul SK or or Dylan Cruz CU I’m like the Pirates are going to draft one of these guys um by the way what was the Texas A&M fan did you see that guy yelling getting kicked out oh yeah in the Florida Dugout yeah yeah right on the side of the what was he yelling about did we ever find out uh he was yelling about the coach and that he did something some yeah some W man as well firing those fans maybe look out for Texas S&M to win it watch this watch this is this in the Monday Montage next week cuz they won okay anyway uh that just cursed himm Alex say it in order for it to happen I’m still flabbergast she’s amazing man R it wasn’t oh my God it wasn’t I mean it was three days left the place though wow Alex white uh what were you gonna say Ryan the A&M does have that fun tradition of chanting how many balls in a row pitchers thrown we’ve used that on the show I think haven’t we not in an actual clip no we we showed Pete Alonzo hit a homer red panda cut CBS and then we showed that yeah uh thank you man but uh uh yeah it’s a great tradition yeah I love it I the 12th man they’re called right the 12 man there was a series of books at the library when I was in Middle School all about college teams touchdown G Notre and it was the 12th man and was I read read them all and they were just they were like for kids but I read them all and I just remember the 12th man I knew that’s how I knew anyway great story isn’t it all right next up okay so going from college baseball to Major League Baseball something out we we talked about the fly over at camon yards this past weekend so something else that was outside of camon yards um was Rick Dempsey Rick Dempsey who I watched play as a kid oh this guy flipping somebody WWE style breaking a table like bills Mafia now Rick dmc’s got to be in his mid-70s I watched him play in the 79 World Series against the Pirates he’s 74 he’s 74 okay so there you go I fig he’s 20 years older than me he is also famous for which you might not I’ve ever seen what he used to do during rain delays you remember this absolutely so he used to dra I think the Toma and I don’t want to get us legally in trouble but he took towels and shoved them in his and he he acted like he was Tommy Lort put on Tommy’s uniform and ran around the bases sliding and it was Rick dempy he was like the first guy to do that I think yeah he was he was and then Piaza did it years later yeah but Rick Dempsey was the CR he’s supposed to be like one of these funny guys and by the way if you’re ever playing Immaculate grid Rick Dempsey is good because you play for catcher play with the Orioles the Dodgers I think there’s even Cleveland maybe I don’t know he play with a bunch yeah he play a bunch of teams but uh he was like a real character so that was kind of cool to see him doing that yeah if there’s a baseball player that from our era of being a kid watching baseball thinking of who who would do something like that he’d be one of them Rick yeah to do that wasn’t a shock and and he was and by the way you know what he was singing in his head Barry Manalo songs my guess would be uh her name was Lola yeah there you go we’re gonna get him bar Manalo tickets that’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna make you go to a show you lose a bet you got to do that and show us the video of you doing what again oh yeah house call yes all right uh we can’t show the Dempsey thing I’m sure you were Googling it but yeah I also did didn’t yeah don’t worry all right next up uh we want to talk uh is this a brook skate thing yeah so a stat from Brook skate uh this was posted on Friday um so games where the opposing starting pitcher pitched at least six plus Innings and allowed zero runs the Phillies through the weekend yeah still remain at zero love and by the way immediately when I you sent this to me and I read it I went right to the top of the chart to see where the Pirates were yeah they well go yeah going into Friday they had done it 12 times Jesus and then they play and who’s the two top teams that have been shut out the most the A’s and the Rays not a surprise there uh no not not not exactly although the A’s are better than we thought the Rays have just I don’t know what happened to the Rays yeah um they always said such that good organization every they just they don’t look I’ve watched a game but I was so bored by watching them they’re just boring there’s you know sometimes those uh saber metrics don’t always work out and this may be one of those years where uh the stats don’t you you know you follow the the team you know you you guys still got to play the game you got to throw the pitches you got to hit the ball you got to run the base yeah uh Jr from the ballpark who I saw when I was there last week trending notes cards have played Seven unders in a row they’re at Miami tonight Cubs have played nine unders in a row they host the Giants tonight so if you like to bet unders well on Sunday the over under in that Cubs Cardinals game was 10 and A2 oh my God I bet the under 10 and A2 I bet the under 9 and half and I bet the under nine and I won all three wow nice very smart you didn’t get midd real hard I was going to say you could have got middled real hard yeah and middled real hard and stop I thought you had it set up on a bun so now we’re going to move On’s too busy snacking over there middle of the show she gets up I’m like oh she’s doing something important just grabbing snacks the employee dining room here isn’t what it used to be that’s go for it so moving to Minor League Baseball the daa affiliate of the world champion Texas Rangers the the uh Rough Riders the frisco Ru Riders had a in-game this kid game where a kid was running cha running to beat this uh breakfast is that what it is this plate on the on the warning track it looks like a nice breakfast or a pancake meal or look bacon on there so look by the way the stamina on this kid run forest run so look at this so you don’t know where it’s at right when there’s a padding the kid stride remains strong so now look he’s ahead keep going kid oh coming yeah he’s almost to the finish so this I mean this kid has some stamina man look at this run forest run exactly so he wins and he’s like all I want to do it again he goes he goes oh no I have to get back to the other side still beat it which is not how the race works like he feels like running look at him and yeah I speed it up cuz it would take anothere and by the way they’re trying to play A Minor League ball game by now at this point right y got Gary yelling in your ear get off the field so he ran get the kid off the field foul Pole to foul Pole to foul pole yeah oh wow he could have been an ult milker by then I mean I I give it up to this kid I love it yeah good job buddy you can stop running Mac good job little budy and then he disappears yeah what kind of prize does he get he gets breakfast I don’t know what he gets but I love that clip it’s like locks and bagels yeah it’s awes awesome little kid unbelievable um so another thing that happened over the weekend uh moving now to soccer um or football as it is in Europe soccer um so the Netherlands were going into a match against Poland and their fans showed up on their way to the stadium I thought this was really this is like my shows down at the Jimmy Kimmel there that’s that was what it was like at the Kimmel shows when we were there was yeah oh my God that’s insane but how rhythmic are they that’s awesome is that obviously something they’ve done this before yeah did please tell me the Netherlands won the they did they ended up winning two to1 they were down one nothing or 1 n and ended up scoring in the 28th minute and then I think in the 80 something 80 where is the World Cup again or this Euro Cup this is it’s in Europe yeah uh is it in Germany this one yeah that game was in Germany you say it’s in Beijing China no that’s uh unbelievable there’s been a lot of good fan videos with this euro thing and the one the other day the it the Italian fans were playing I think Finland I don’t know and to get them they were breaking spaghetti they like oh don’t break this yeah yeah it was very funny good stuff Euro I don’t I’m rooting for Italy and Germany that’s what I do because that’s my background I don’t have any money on that all right next one Ryan uh so now going from the Netherlands and Poland to France uh the kid from France kid that came over from France Victor wanyama won Rookie of the Year in the NBA this past year and so tops decided to give him a card that also glows in the dark awesome uhw so there’s the that outline of him that’s awesome uh because he is the alien getting that’s what they’re calling him the alien yeah he’s a free um and so yeah glows in the dark um and then these cards were getting randomly added to orders how many has sea ordered already of more than the SK card yeah has he I mean that’s an awesome car that would be good that’s not a oneof one though but we’ll be seeing those in pack break we want to call him alien and not like undocumented or something seems a little offensive to some people this true this is true Keith brings up a good point this is what he would be doing in the chat I would absolutely be doing it in the chat Jr points out the Rays lost their shortstop last season and they flamed out what happened to their shortstop anyway moving on okay I thought you were actually asking no I’m not okay all right it’s baseball I’m covered on that he went to the Copa yeah this is uh this is something that you wanted to include the Pittsburgh Pittsburgh Steelers it’s mini camp um something from mini camp now look what they did they made the players’s little kids come on this is comedy right here camp but make it a mini look at the little baby uh that’s not TJ wat is it yeah that’s TJ watt is it TJ Patrick Queen and then their punter and then the punter who everyone’s saying is a dead rer for Bill Burr he’s a guy they got from the Texans I believe he looks like Bill Burr but there he goes mini camp mandatory the cones even look huge next to him or the little things they got to run around the the Bears had done that last season and I think the Cardinals had done it first because there was a big joke going around that they didn’t change the size of Kyler Murray Kyler Murray uh by the way I looked it up 80 days till kickoff y September 5th game 80 days till NFL football it seems a long way but it’ll go fast it will go fast all right and we have one more uh yeah so one one final thing uh punchies in the chat let us know your thoughts uh so somebody tweeted one drive to win it all in the Super Bowl you cannot pick Montana Brady or momes down by four one minute left any quarterback in NFL history to lead the game-winning Drive who are you taking who wants to go first you go ahead I of course I’m gonna say Ben rothberger because he did it and I was at that game I was there in Tampa against Arizona I watched The Miracle Drive anonio Holmes with the catch in the corner which we couldn’t see in my seats which were better than an of Sanders over there but anyway um I mean Bradshaw I mean of course I thought Steelers first if I could choose one of those three I would take Montana never threw an interception in the Super Bowl I’m just saying that whereas Mahomes and have uh but I I mean Big Ben I mean you got to go way back I mean like you got guys like stabach you could maybe take is that who you were going to say the first thing when we were talking about this last night there were the first name that come came in I said Roger stach right away and only because when we were growing up um you know he was a guy whose team was never behind so he didn’t have like come from behind victories that that Ben rger had he had teams with great defenses that were were and and it was a totally different game back then but um he was always when it was when the chips were down he was always running out of the pocket he was always finding a Pearson one of the pearon and and hitting them for Touchdown it was amazing what that back to Ben Ben was going to do it against Green Bay too but Rashard menen Hall fumbled I’ll just point that out right now well he Green Bay they don’t have much to live for so he gave him a freebie Jordy Nelson will still haunt me Ryan who do you have in this scenario um so I was looking at Rex Gman definely was a joke Cutler Cutler didn’t even get to um so my my picks was going to be one of the Manning brothers I was going to say where’s payt Manning that but not that one Eli Manning man won a Super Bowl by doing this scenario twice eating The Undefeated Patriots in ‘ 08 so the only team to win 18 games in a SE well 18 and0 before the Super Bowl um and then in 2012 did it against those same Patriots to win two Super Bowls and making the schedule longer it’s going to make it the Dolphins the only undefeated team ever uh yeah think Eli Manning is probably the pick uh Plaxico burus Michigan State ex stealer and I remember watching that of course I’m rooting for the Giants because I hate the Patriots that was unbelievable yes and I’d like to choose Brett farra BR fava far it’s a good one Brett fava would be good too he Chuck but he always took those chances where he chucked it up your odds of an interception are good but I would tell hey look I’m never gonna say yeah Eli did it twice and there’s one I think that we’re forgetting if there’s anyone older than us arge star Johnny unit Johnny U yeah that’s another good one I mean the greatest game of all time he brought him down in 1958 or whatever and then all couple Super Bowls himself I mean come on guys that’s a good one you gota watch the Google It Jr takes Bert Reynolds from The Longest Yard Jr giving Jr a clap that was a good one stop talking about Paul deang going to the Dodgers all right uh who was youring oh Eli Manning all right good yeah Eli’s a good pick all right are we closing up the posts that was that was see the Monday Monday headlines fit in there it worked out perfect yeah hold on it says Mook bets placed on Oh I thought maybe they said how long yeah they put them on the I big shocker uh unfortunate it’s gonna be at least 6 all right so we have some picks we have a picture of Keith with his pcks actually that an put together oh it was nice oh ken did it sorry sorry snacking I’m sorry there it is look look at you there oh my wife will like that one okay well that’s a very is that that’s like a head shot there right yeah yeah yeah there you go so you like the Rangers uh minus 120 versus the Mets yep and my uh for My Three Dog roundie it’ll be uh Pirates and if this three wrong rout he hits we’re getting closer to our 215 for you that’s what we’re looking for the 2 I said it’s there once we figure out what did you say the odds are 10 to one yeah so if if you parlay the three of them so the Pirates minus a run and a half plus 115 now um it was before um and then the Giants plus 104 in Chicago against the Cubbies and then the Dodger Rockies hosting the Dodgers at plus 151 that’s one that worries me a little but not if you parlay those three yeah it is $10 one all right and then if you do it as a round robin and you do it as a $10 bet you can win at most $326 unbelievable all right we got to talk about betting Ryan always still producing when he’s not even talking Ryan the skin is eight and a half now for his strike excuse me yeah it’s the snacks are coming through me plus 128 for the overrun I don’t know about eight and a half strikeouts I hate the Reds the the Reds also strikeout are one of the least strikeout teams in the league that’s the other thing I know Pirates as we know top four Seattle probably still up number one which is really makers are trying to get you to bet that because it keeps and then you pound it pound it pound it and then and I’m looking plus 128 oh my God I all back they know what they’re doing here uh thank you Keith ly for coming in today on Monday uh always a pleasure having here always well prepared and always funny I’m sure we’ll see you in the chat tomorrow oh yeah we’ll be back tomorrow Matt nett is here we have Matt nett uh always fun on Tuesdays a matina as we like to call him Ryan any final thoughts there looks like you’re looking at something uh yeah no I was actually checking out the strikeout totals I I I miss spoke on the Reds they’re actually the seventh most strikeout oh all right I thought okay um by the way we won our farlay parlay we want to point out we we forgot to mention that me you and Alex all hit on Friday y so we gave out a farlay parlay winner oh we did you get the full clap for that I think it’s our second one we’ll leave you on that high note we’ll see you tomorrow punchlines Line Stands for live in Nevada every show [Music] [Music]

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