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Caitlin Clark’s USELESS COACH NEEDS To Be Held ACCOUNTABLE. Dear Christie…Here Ya Go. (RANT TIME)

welcome to the Ben Daniel podcast where we’re calling a spade is Spade Christy sides continues to make all of us do the same face Kaylin Clark is doing right here chrisy what are you doing what are you doing what kind of Coach are you I still haven’t even managed to figure that part out are you a type of coach that g that galvanizes the troops that motivates the troops are you a brow beater type coach are you a MyWay or the highway type coach kind of where I’m leaning are you a Personnel type of Coach do you need to pick your personnel properly in order to have this team be successful type coach what kind of Coach are you Christy sides you’re the type of coach that goes into the media after the game and just throws your entire team under the bus this isn’t the first time that you’ve done that you do this continuously you do this repeatedly you do this often good games Bad Games indifferent Christy size continues to make all of us scratch our heads Christie what are you doing what what are you doing every time you go out in front of the media whether it’s just a regular Indiana Fever media availability whether it’s a pregame availability or a postgame availability Christy side you just don’t know how to conduct yourself you don’t know how to actually coach a team maybe like high school girls you can coach I wouldn’t let you coach a high school team around here maybe that’s where you are best suited maybe a division 2 Team maybe a division one team not named Iowa right like a group of five team right like Louisiana Tech right Christie every time I hear you talk and address the media you just say the wrong thing you just say the wrong thing and this is just more instances of you saying the wrong thing this is just another scenario of you saying the wrong thing why must you continuously throw your team under the bus I don’t think you realized how in that game you guys actually were we’re going to get into that don’t worry eyebrow proof trust me yet when you go in the post game you throw out media and then we have the ability to do what I did folks I rewatched the entire Indiana Fever versus Connecticut SU game today and I made a few points that we’re going to get into as I start addressing some of this Christy size nonsense here in case you guys did miss it this is Chrissy sides talking to the media post game post game addressing the media why she sat the starters why she played certain players etc etc let’s take a listen here what did you think the biggest I’m gonna start with you can at this level coach effort I felt like we were just trying to ask them to keep playing hard play hard you can’t you can’t you can’t start there you can’t play in this league if that’s what you know if you have to coach effort it’s just it’s just too hard what was the reasoning behind Ben starters quarter we were down 28 and I wanted to put a group in there that would get out and play some defense I’m really really proud of that group that went out there and and um cut the lead they played hard you know we’ve got Atlanta coming up we got Chicago coming up um just thinking ahead what was Boston doing well she was able to be in that group in the second half yeah I thought she was battling down there I want you know I’m trying you know a you know I’m trying to get her some confidence so she can you know feel really good about her game and herself and and really help our team and so I thought she was H she got really aggressive with that second group I was really proud of it with that second group disappointing that you guys had more regular schedule now practice game like crush it earli on that you have to sort of Coach effort as opposed to for when you’re in New York you knew you retired you put so many games back to back this one effort should have been issue so to speak yeah it’s really disappointing we got to figure that out yeah seem in the second quarter pretty frustrating com that time you know you talk about that no I think they were all really frustrated coming in um Grace obviously she kind of lied off in the fourth quarter is you know like the severity of that injury yet yeah I’m not sure if she had it’s she goes on talks about Grace Berger she goes on talks about Celeste Taylor what did she see from Celeste in the minutes that Celeste Taylor gave her folks we’re going to touch on a few things right here Christy side said the lack of effort before she even got into saying anything before she even got into answering any questions the lack of effort from the team folks I went back and I watched this entire first game I watched this entire game the first quarter and the second quarter did they come out and did I did I say yesterday that they look slow I did rewatching it did they look as slow as they did yesterday no but they look like they fought folks first quarter 2 minutes left it’s 21 to5 2 minutes left in the first quarter the the fever are keeping the game close it is 2115 a team that puts out no effort a team that puts out absolutely no effort would not be within six points after already playing eight minutes of the first quarter especially against the Connecticut Sun not against the Connecticut Sun not against Alysa Thomas danana boner DJ Carrington Brianna Jo not against these women maybe against the Washington Mystics but against the son no but what happened this team has lapses where they just don’t know how to play defense they have lapses where they say you know what I’m not going to try hard defensively but it’s not ugly defense it’s just damn can we not rotate can we not rotate so they go on runs and they go from 2115 to now it’s 2915 to now it’s 29:15 is that a lack of effort watching it in real time I was saying it was but this happens every single Indiana Fever game they get down huge every single game every single game this team goes down huge 2915 folks just two seconds ago we were over here at 21:15 and here we are 3 minutes later after a three-pointer to start out the second quarter 2915 14-point game just like that Indiana f are behind the eightball but Chrissy size this team lacks effort she said this team lacked effort that’s what chrisy well a team that lacked effort what would they be doing would they be coming back would they be coming back to make it a 3931 folks this is a singled digigit game with 3 minutes and 42 seconds left to go in the second quarter this is somehow someway an eight-point game how the hell is this possible how is this possible this is despite trash coaching chrisy sides that’s you I’m talking about this is despite how bad you are how awful you are how garbage you are how trash you are how useless you are I continue to tell you you’re useless if your team can come out and in your mind lack effort and somehow only be down eight points then you are trash you need to do a better job coaching imagine what you could get out of them the games that they have effort in your mind this is the Connecticut Sun you’re talking about the tough team the defensive team the team with Alysa Thomas on it someone who could have been MVP danana boner came out scorching [ __ ] splashing threes D carington plays D every night but it just seems like when she goes against kayin Clark she does her makeup extra well and she plays D extra hard just is what it is but that’s the point when you have the spylight on you shine and she shined the Connecticut Sun team shined this is team 39 31 chrisy Sid you’re telling me this team lacks effort did they suddenly lack effort it’s a 20-point game at Halftime the Connecticut sun went on a monstrous run 16 to four Run 20o game at Halftime they just stopped putting an effort the last 3 minutes and 42 seconds they just stopped putting an effort the last 3 minutes and 42 seconds did you think to yourself at the I don’t know minute and a half mark let me call timeout how about at the two-minute mark from the time it goes from 3931 to 5535 you have three minutes and 42 seconds to call a timeout and you called zero timeouts zero timeouts yeah you’re going to come here and say you lacked effort Christy SIDS you lacked effort that whole first quarter you were were playing D but then the second quarter you stopped playing D on the sidelines you liked effort like hey should I call a timeout well then I’d have to coach then I’d have to draw a play then I’d have to hold people accountable then I would have to you lacked effort Christy sides this is about you you continuously throw this team under the let me throw the team under the bus let everybody else continuously throw the team onto the bus but you’ve had weeks of doing that and they don’t respond so how about we switch things up before I start calling you for interviews hey what was it like coaching the Indiana fever and throwing your team under the bus constantly hey what was it like [ __ ] the bed with a fan base that’s riled up for the first time in x amount of years folks Chrissy sides took cin CL out why is the bench in right now oh who why you Tak the starters out when we were down 28 and I wanted to see people that put an effort I wanted to see people that tried okay okay so we took kayin Clark out and it was a 28 point game fair fair but how did we do when Caitlyn Clark was out did we did we catch up at all did we get better at all I’m not a math major folks I’m not 6941 that looks like a 28 point game to me when we fast forward four minutes of kayin Clark riding the bench 78 to 50 that looks like 28 points to me what the hell were we doing where was that effort that you’re telling me about in this postgame interview where are all those people hustling and playing and running around and playing defense that you’re telling me in the postgame interview no you were more honest when you said we were down 28 you should have kept it silent there we wouldn’t have any we wouldn’t have any issue but when you start saying oh I just wanted to see I just wanted to see people that wanted to play defense and energize and exercise and run and play and go and let’s go white come on white defense defense come on go go that’s you Christy size that is you it was a 28 point when cayin Clark got taken out it was a 28o game still what a little run at the end of the third quarter that brings it to a 24o game I’m supposed to give you a [ __ ] cookie I’m supposed to give you a pom pom and wave my hands and do a dance let you off the hook not call a spade a spade folks it was a 17o game Victory 18o game victory 19point victory but what was the score actually 21 points they have the whole entire fourth quarter to play the defense and do the hustle and show the effort and it goes from 28 to 21 Aaliyah Bolson scores six points in the fourth quarter against bums that’s why Leah Boston stayed in because she literally needs to build her confidence she literally has no game she literally needs to play against the gimmies that’s the facts Nelissa Smith can get her game she had a bad game whatever but Aaliyah Boston like the fact that you say you need why’ you keep Aaliyah Boston in well we wanted to give her her confidence what do you mean give her her confidence why is her confidence shattered because you can’t run a play for her cuz you can’t design an offense around her because when you stagger her minutes and kayin Clark’s minutes you don’t understand okay Kaylin Clark’s on the bench let’s run some high low let’s get Aaliyah Boston and Alissa Smith involved in some post screens let’s get something going that gets these women free instead you just say hey stick your butt in the post like we’re in the 1960s of the NBA like we’re in the 19 70s of the NBA Christy siid you are terrible you are terrible you’re a bad coach this team doesn’t want to play for you that’s that’s the truest thing I’ve ever said on this podcast your team just does not want to play for you not at all and I don’t blame them I don’t blame them not one bit yes you supported Caitlin Clark when it came to the USA snub in my mind I thought you said things okay all right but every time that you before game after game re revolving around the game You’re In Too Deep you were in too deep and you’re in deep Waters deep Waters deep deep and you can’t swim you need Lyn Dunn to throw you a life vest you need need Caitlin Clark to throw you a life vest the only way you have a job next year or the year after is if Caitlin Clark somehow gets her [ __ ] going despite you holding her back despite you holding her back Kay Clark needs to get it going and she has fastest rookie to 200 fastest rookie to this number fastest rookie to that number tying the record most three-point games in a WNBA for a rookie Kaylin Clark’s holding up her end of the bargain Chrissy sides you are not this is the Ben Daniel podcast we’re calling a spade a spade I’m on it now I’m on it I’m on to these media’s availabilities if something’s going ay if something smells fishy come here and I’m going to talk about it let me know what you guys think in the comments section Bel I appreciate all the support don’t forget to like the video have a good day


  1. yeah right she blames everyone but herself it's all the players fault every time she always got something stupid to say about her players

  2. She’s a petty B and a HORRIBLE COACH. She has NO CLUE and needs to be FIRED and apologize to CC and the entire league.

  3. I was at the game last night. 70% of fans in GEAR for TOTAL – both teams- had #22 gear – Fever, Iowa. The CROWD was there for #22. PERIOD. The chanting of “WE WANT CAITLIN” in 4th qtr was real. The fans are going away because this team SUCKS because the COACH NEEDS TO BE FIRED. And CC needs to be in charge!!! She sees the game better than anyone on her team.

  4. My question is, will this get any better?

    The players HATE her….that won't change in 1-2 years

  5. I'm new to WNBA because of Catlin Clark and the very first game I watched, I said, "Sides has got to go!"

  6. If I’m the Fever, I’m firing Sides and giving Lisa Bluder a blank check. You can’t have a transcendent talent waste away due to incompetent coaching. You have to try to make her reach what everyone thinks she can become at all costs.

  7. Ben i love your analysis of the games! Is there any way you could be there after a game or two to ask real questions of this incompetent coach?

  8. The face of your franchise, your best player, sat for 18 minutes in a 40 minute game. She only played 22 minutes. Sides quit on her team. Her offense and defense is robotic. You can’t script basketball. You have to react and improvise. You have to adapt to situations. Sides as a coach has to make in-game adjustments to what her opponent’s doing. She’s makes zero. She virtually never uses her timeouts and she doesn’t coach her players up when she does. Her team is a reflection of her ineptness.

  9. You’re doing an outstanding job sir. This ridiculous incompetent coach has been quickly exposed with CC’s arrival, who owns this team exactly? Whoever or whatever entity needs to fire this coach and send her packing.

  10. You are the only one who compare CC stats. with the other chosen players. I believe that CC was in the middle of the chosen ones olypians.

  11. Absolutely correct. They had it down to a 9 points late 2nd quarter. Sides makes no defensive adjustments to stop the Sun pick-n-roll. The Fever have no discipline on defense and are constantly out of position in every game – that is a coaching problem. Sides does NOTHING to adjust to other teams blitzing Clark. The team does not support Clark. When Clark is on the bench Wheeler and Mitchell run. When Clark is in the game they stand around. Nobody setting picks. No enforcer to get Carrington off Clark's back. Boston looks confused any time Clark is in the game. She has no skill or intuition about the game. Sides has no clue what to do with this team. She has a system and is trying to force Clark into it. She does not call out the refs for bad calls. The other teams assault Clark the entire game with very few calls, but they call Clark or ticky-tack fouls. Where is Sides defending her team??? She is horrible – she has to go!!!

  12. This was a setup. I think it’s because of the Olympic backlash. They are trying to make her look as bad as possible to justify them ignoring her. They are mad she is already breaking records. The only way to do that is keep her out of the game.

  13. in the thumbnail, the
    CC forehead scratch is body language that says " i do not agree with what you are saying"

  14. Christie Sides is at the helm of a “Run Away Train “ and her new Coaching philosophy for her players is to run faster (effort) and get on or they will miss the freaking train wreck. People need to immediately stop calling this woman a Coach. Sides needs to be fired. Its time to take out the trash and put this clown to the curb

  15. Ben great work and analysis as usual. 👍💯🔥🔥🔥🔥💯👍 Keep “Calling a Spade a Spade”

  16. Do The INDIANA FEVER problems start with The OWNER & General Manager Linn Dunn ? Do The INDIANA FEVER probably need a NEW General Manager ?

  17. I played middle school basketball and my team was more cohesive than this professional team

    This is not lack of effort but rather no game plan, proper offensive identity, and efficient coaching. They all just seem confused.

    Sides I think have up on her own team… It's like she went well it's Connecticut so we are going to lose so she didn't even give her team a fighting chance

  18. Let's hear from the GM. I'm tired of listening to Sides. They should survey their players anonymously.

  19. Caitlin is wise and really intelligent when it comes to the game of basketball (and life). She truly needs an elite coach. Or a coach who makes this CC’s team. “Caitlin, how do I make you thrive?”. Because if she does, the team does!

  20. Why slow down a bb game ? Because no one wants to work hard or give the fans a good game for their money, who are paying some of the players wages? Fast game is why I watched CC in her college years and came to the wnba. Don't know how much longer watching this league. Slides don't like. As you have said, she is not a head coach. It seems the nonfavorite players don't respect her?

  21. I say the same thing bro. Also I don't know if you see it but they don't know how to run man to man properly and it looks like they're running around with their heads cut off like a chicken and completely lost out there so they just give up on defense. From what I see they need to move to a 3-2 zone defense or a 4-1 zone defense anything with a home defense to help protect against the screen.

  22. Crissy sides didn't even want to select Caitlyn in the first round. She is just a flat out woke coach without a clue. She needs to go.

  23. Sides needs to be fired. If she’s fired guess who they’ll blame? It’ll all be CC’s fault. The msm will be rabid. If only she would resign- she cannot coach CC. She is in deep water & drowning. Fire Sides-CC can handle the heat .

  24. People came and spent their money to see Caitlin play. People tuned in to see Caitlin and no Caitlin because the coach benched her. Why should I go to a Fever game if the coach is not going play her.

  25. Thank you. you are beyond correct I continue to say it’s mind-boggling to see her lack of leadership even entry-level leadership my daughter who’s 21 would understand that you don’t do the type of things she is doing. She’s gotta be paid somehow by screwing up Kaytlyn you can’t be this bad can you?

  26. I’d tell you what I think of her but because of my upset stomach I have to go take a Christy Sides ! 💩💩💩💩💩💩💩

  27. If I was the owner I would call coach K and give him whatever he wants, he said he always wanted to coach CC , make Lisa Bluder assistant

  28. Leadership starts at the top. Caitlin should have so many screens set for her that her defender needs to put her head on a swivel.
    Lessening quick turnovers will eliminate easy baskets and being down double digits early in the game.

    Easy buckets, early leads feed the confidence and energy for the opposing team. Simultaneously, depletes the confidence and energy of Fever.
    IMHO, Fever are playing against another team AND their own team’s poor coaching/ poor game plan

  29. Went to the game Monday night. Still can't fathom she was benched for the second half. PATHETIC !!!!!!!! 90 Percent of the people had Caitlin Clark shirts on, and all those little kids there with their parents !!! People kept chanting "We want Caitlin." AND the tickets weren't cheap

  30. Well I caught another article on Athlon which I think is bound and determined to destroy CC with all the negative articles they write about her, with a smiling picture of Kate Martin. Innocent on its face. However, later her teammates sang Happy Birthday. Nothing wrong with that. Next, it speaks to how appreciated Kate is in the locker room, that's nice. Earlier she said she was honored to be sitting next to the best player in the WNBA. At least 3 or 4 articles about how Kate is relishing all the attention. Her teammates have not said anything against that. No one's ask her about how she feel about the way her best friend is being treated. Knowing how accommodating is CC.,I am sure they talked, and CC wished all the best. At least 2 me they are trying to drive a wedge between CC and Kate. To demonstrate, see we like white girls. Look we have a 2nd favorite White girl. The first being Cameron who drank the White Privileged narrative Kool Aid.. Most likely she is now down with her homies. Funny you never hear about Cameron and then in the same breath talk about her being White. Why is That? Now Kate is the new BBF of the league. Look at are token good white friend Kate. So, you have 3 outstanding women's Basketball players who just happen to be White and only one receives grief. CC in the face of months of adverse pressure has said nothing adverse about anyone. Sure, there is no agenda against Clark…….. Very surprised Kate has been so silent, Great best friend. Now we may know how she really felt about CC overshadowing her. at Iowa.

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