Golf Players

Travelers Championship and Women’s PGA Championship Best Bets | Green on the Greens

Iain MacMillan and Cody Williams are back in action this golf season breaking down their best bets for the PGA Tour each week. This week, they’ll be breaking down their best bets for this week’s events, the Travelers Championship and Women’s PGA Championship.

-Top 20
-Top 10
-Top 5
-“Closest to the Win”

e Hello friends welcome to Green on the greens uh Travelers champ P chip K PMG women’s PJ championship this week as well so we got some golf to talk about joined once again Cody Williams what’s going on uh you know I’m just I’ve been spent the last couple days absolutely thinking uh thinking gamblor that I was not on Roy maroy for the third straight major to win outright because uh I might not be here today I might not have made it to the show yeah one of the all time uh choke jobs Heartbreakers my heart goes out to anyone who had Roy mroy I thankfully got off Roy M Train at Majors two years ago I think I officially said Roy ma is probably going to win another major but I will not be betting on him when it happens because of exactly that he just he he chokes in the big spots at Majors and this was the biggest one yet missing two what two four foot putts inside four feet one was inside three the one on 16 was two feet 11 inches that’s tough uh those two misses loses by one and then still even with those two misses he had a I mean there’s a pretty good chance I thought it was going to go to playoff I thought Bryson was going to Bogey that last hole hit one of the greatest uh up and downs from the bunkers of all time and in major history um a 55 Yard bunker shot is is there a shot that’s more difficult than that than that I don’t think so he did it to win the US Open hats off to Bryson to Shambo um and Cody speaking of which hats off to you I think actually last week for this season might have been the best overall Collective that we’ve done on this show uh we hit you hit Russell Henley top 20 plus 250 finished t7 uh he had DH ambo top 10 that cashed at 2 to one obviously would have been nice if if he was your pick either top five or to win uh but hey a win’s a win we’ll take that you almost hit heekim monama top five as well uh one stroke he finished solo six that would have been a plus 650 winner uh and then I got on the board only one winner for me but it was a good one uh Cory Connor to finish inside the top 10 at six to1 uh so that was a pretty good bet for me only one winner there but six to1 uh certainly walk away with a pretty solid profit there last week so uh and Cody not only did you get two wins with Henley and dambo uh you got closest to the win on me as well with uh bade new uh he finished what t32 or something like that it was like a couple Strokes ahead of my pick Ryan Fox both our guys made the cut um but Biz new did Ed out Ryan Fox there by a couple Strokes so you did close the gap it is now 11 to five and closest to the win uh you’re still alive barely uh but still alive and close to the win yeah yeah just barely um and I also want to give you credit because I know on uh Saturday night Sunday morning you said that the live bullet to fire it wasn’t fun but it was Bryson and you were absolutely spot on with that so uh you know give you your Kudos there because you called that as well yeah I’m not going to do a Victory lap about a minus 110 uh bet but I mean most of the time when I do give out live bets either before the weekend or before Sunday I search you know for Value somewhere on the board but after the first three rounds with dhano that lead I actually thought the value was at a minus 110 price I thought he should have been favored by a little bit more and uh yeah it it was a little bit closer at the end than I thought it would have been and and kind of need the Rory choke but uh I did get in on in on some live uh Bryon action uh my good friend from Italy uh is in the chat for the first time in green on the greens I bet Cody Williams can speak Italian because of his mustache can you confirm or deny Cody I can neither confirm nor deny but I’m gonna uh lean towards I cannot speak Italian I can barely speak English Franchesco and I apologize Franchesco regards from Italy there is no tomorrow and as always he likes to quote 300 thank you thanks for tuning in Franchesco uh we got to get you on the show sometimes maybe he’s a big Molinari fan does share the same name as in Franchesco Molinari so hey Molinari delivered one of the best moments of the weekend at the open absolutely making like making the cut with a and one on his final hole what a what a scene yeah I don’t think enough people talked about how crazy that is to like first of all the ninth or 18th hole is almost never a power three I mean I don’t think it ever is the 18th but very rarely the ninth hole is the power of three and to step up to the power three the last hole uh of your round needing a literal hole in one to make the cut on the line and you make it that I don’t think that’s ever happened before in PJ tour history or in golf history professional golf history not recorded I uh data golf tweeted out after the fact that it was a 0.02% chance of him making the cut when he stepped onto the ninth T hit the hole in one essentially I mean I’m sure there probably weren’t many people out there with a bet but imagine if he had a Franchesco moliner to make the bet or to make the cut bet uh that would have been an all-time winner what if you had the parlay of make the cut and a hole in one you cash them both with that one shot let’s go or on the flip side of it if he had a bet on him to miss the cut which which was probably the more popular bet I would guess of the two that that got it missed the cut and he gets a hole in one on on the last hole of round two unbelievable right there uh but yeah let’s move on it is The Travelers Champion championship this week it is the final uh PGA Tour signature event of the year and then we go into a couple of Duds and then we head into the Europe swing with the Scottish open uh in the Open Championship aka the British Open uh next month uh and it was also the third major of the women’s uh golf season so we’re going to give to pick for that at the end of the show as well the women’s PGA uh Championship uh but let’s get into it here Cody uh I mean and i’ I’m kind of looking at the the list of our picks here we I mean especially myself a couple repeat names from last week because if you’re going to have a good week uh in golf betting you’re you’re kind of tempted to run it back with a couple of guys so uh we have done that your top 20 pick is is a new name though that we haven’t talked about in a few weeks yeah I’m going with Adam spinson at plus 275 uh finishing the top 20 uh his form hasn’t been incredible but he’s coming in off of five straight make Cuts including at the US Open he also finished top 30 at the memorial and at Charles Schwab but the numbers are just kind of seem like someone who we’ve talked about previously he has a ball Striker DNA and it seems like he’s trending to really getting into form last 20 rounds he’s 21st in Strokes gained off the te 13th in Strokes gained approach and then more importantly for TPC River Highlands because this is a short course with a lot of short par fours uh he is ninth in this field over the last 20 rounds and scoring on 44 two 450 yard par fours and he’s also 18th in scoring on approaches from 150 to 175 um he’s not the most accurate driver but I expect him and a lot of like longer hitters to be hitting three-wood off the te because this course is so short it’s like 6,800 and change in terms of the yardage book some like 800 yards shorter than what they played last week at Pinehurst and I think he’s going to be having three woods so I think that 150 to 175 range is going to be very key for him specifically and so the fact that he excels there has my catches my attention um he hasn’t had a ton of success at this tournament he has two Mis Cuts but he also does have a T25 so it he does have it in his ability to succeed here so I’m kind of taking a little bit of a flyer on Adam finson um you know signature event only 68 players in the field tried to find some value there yeah tough to to have some long odds to finish top 20 here in this in this shorter field and and that’s going to be kind of the case uh for my pick as well only plus 125 odds but it is a type of bet that I love doing uh at events and it’s just to take last year’s winner of the tournament take him top 20 the next year you know he’s going to be comfortable you know he’s going to feel confident uh so that’s what I’m doing this week like I said not the sexiest odds in the world plus 125 uh but Keegan Bradley plus 125 he won this event last year um he should have been on the Ryder Cup because of this win last year um he was not chosen to be on the ryer cup Zack Johnson proven to be one of the worst captains uh in history uh the episodes leading up to the ryer cup on um uh full swing the Netflix documentary it’s hilarious because you can see Zach Johnson is just a dork that wants to be a cool guy so he put the cool guys of the PGA Tour on the Ryder Cup with his Captain’s picks and it bit him in the butt uh Keegan Bradley should have been on that team uh you can get him plus TW or plus 125 to finish in the top 20 this week he’s been playing the past two events not great but the I mean the US Open in the memorial I don’t think were were tournaments that maybe you know fit his style of play best before that he was T2 at the Charles Schwab challenge t18 at PGA Championship t21 Wells Fargo and I mean still the last couple events not bad performances t43 and t32 so it’s not like he’s missing the cut and obviously uh fantastic history here uh won it last year but it wasn’t it wasn’t just that win in his history is t19 here in 2022 T2 in 2019 T8 in 2017 t18 and 2013 obviously you got to go back a little bit ways uh for that one but still solid history at TPC River Highlands uh makes a lot of sense this week not getting too aggressive with them uh especially with us being a signature event a lot of top names here uh but top 20 plus 125s I think is a pretty fair bet yeah absolutely and I mean there’s a reason he plays well up here this is like his Super Bowl this is the home game models off the charts charts for him he’s a big New England guy Celtics just won an NBA championship The Vibes are going to be high for him so yeah I think uh I don’t hate this at all especially getting a little bit of plus money on it yep for sure uh all right let’s move on to top 10 you are going back to the well a guy who cashed fore last week absolutely and honestly I feel like I should just bet him every week with the way he’s playing Russell Henley plus 200 for a top 10 um I mean when you think of a shorter course that demands accuracy and to fire at pins that’s Russell that’s what Russell Henley does that’s his game he is a he’s not a long hitter but he is one of the most accurate uh drivers in on the PGA tour I believe he’s fifth in driving accuracy this year on p on the PGA tour but everything just kind of checks out he has a great history at Travelers four top 20 finishes and six starts here including a t11 and a T6 and he’s been t19 in each of the past two years here um and I think he’s even better I think he has leveled up a little bit this season last 20 rounds he’s ninth in this field in Strokes gained approach he’s second in scoring from 125 to 150 and still in the top 30 in terms of uh his approach numbers from 150 to 175 yards and I just think that we saw him shoot I’m pretty sure it was the round of the day or one of the rounds of the day on Sunday at the US open at Pinehurst and I think that the fact that he was able to shoot that while not in contention not feeling the pressure of contention and being in a major like he was never really a threat to win but he just you know vaulted up the leaderboard I think that’s a good sign especially coming back to a place where he has really good feels so Russell Henley top 10 for plus 200 no complaints for me I’m a Russell Henley guy I agree with everything that you said so um I will not push back on this pick uh I like it uh we got a top 10 pick in the chat here uh Paul says give me Brian Harman top 10 plus 300 course is an ideal fit for him with driving distance not at the Forefront and a getable course from Strokes gain putting course history is unbelievable uh five top 10 and last six Paul once again uh our minds are locked buddy because my top 10 Brian armman plus 250 I got plus 250 Paul I’m guessing the odds you’re citing are dead heat rules apply if it’s at like DraftKings or mo sports book uh so that’s why plus 250 odds I have uh are ties included just in case we sneak in there with the T10 I want the full payout uh and I’ll take a little bit of a pay cut for that uh but yeah Paul we we both like Brian Harman you I mean I don’t really have anything else to say to add to what you said fantastic course history here sometimes and this seems to be one of the courses where there are guys who just play well here every single year used to be bubble Watson Bubba Watson was the auto automatic bet every single year at The Travelers Championship uh Bubba Watson now over at live and obviously you know a little bit past his prime to say the least so he will not be competing this week but there are a couple of guys and Brian Herman’s not the only example like Patrick Hanley which I don’t think either of us are picking on the show I don’t want to spoil anything uh but Patrick cley another guy who’s like top 15 every single year here at Travelers Championship so this is one of those courses that you can get a guy who plays well almost every single year and that is certainly Brian Herman uh he has finished uh as you mentioned Paul he finished uh what and I I went yeah three top five uh and six top 10 finishes here the last nine seasons including a t to finish here uh last year now his form does concern me a little bit which is why uh at least for the show I’m sticking to top 10 I sprinkled a little on him right as well to be honest but um top 10 or top 20 might be the way to go because his form isn’t great it’s not bad it’s been consistent he’s been in the top 35 and four straight events but he hasn’t really uh been in contention on the weekend at all um but hey uh if there’s an event where he’s going to do that it would be this week at the traveler so yeah Brian Harman I’m going to play it relatively safe for the this week top 10 plus 250 I mean you know I’m in on this because uh you know little pre-production uh show notes I was uh on Brian Harman top 10 as well so we both like this pick a lot uh one thing in terms of his form that I did note um in this field he Strokes on the last 20 rounds he’s 15th in Strokes get on approach so his approach play is kind of peing a little bit and I think it’s everything else that kind of needs to you know get in line in terms of his short game specifically but with how well he’s played at this course this is the perfect place for him to get that right yeah uh yeah I agree all right let’s move on to top five you’re getting aggressive actually with your pick to win and your top five we’ll get to the pick to the win here in a little bit but uh then we’ve had some chalky picks here at start the show if you if you want some some picks with some big pays they start now what’s your top five pick that is OA batia at 11 to one for a top five um look I modeled this out and OA baa is not really high on the model but I’m looking a little bit deeper and looking at what he’s trended towards since his win in Texas he has kind of been inconsistent or middling at best like he’s just had a lot of like t35 like those types of finishes in his on his resume but he’s been trending a little bit he finished t16 last week at the US Open was t22 at the memorial the week before shows me he’s like trending a little bit in terms of what you want to see from him and more importantly he finished t16 at the US Open while losing 1.7 Strokes on approach now I know that’s not great for form but that is what his DNA is he is a ball Striker he’s one of the best ball young ball Strikers we have on the PGA tour so the fact that he was able to put together a t16 finish at a major when not gaining Strokes on approach tells me that the rest of his game is in a really good spot right now now we’re coming to a place where I think it’s going to really suit his eye he’s long off the te so he’s gonna have a lot of short approaches he’s top five in this field in scoring from 125 to 150 yards on approach over the last 20 rounds he gained more than five Strokes with the putter last week so if the putter stays hot and he’s just dialed in on approach we could see a lot of numbers and the one thing thing about oay and the one thing about this tournament that really marry for me is we saw Keegan win this I believe at uh 23 under last year and oay can stream together birdies like as good as anyone on the PGA tour so this is definitely a flyer on him just being hot this week and hitting those trend lines at the right time but I think everything is shaping up for him to have a really great week this week who’s out in your window in the background do they have a pick for us that would be my landlord I believe he’s dropping off some mail uh he I don’t think he’s watched a round the golf in his life uh no I like this s shet pick and you mentioned I mean last week t16 even though he lost Strokes with his approach I’m willing to kind of uh Overlook that and forgive him for that at Pinehurst because those greens are so hard to not only hit but to keep on it uh like everyone’s you know was saying last week it’s like if you need a 144 shot you hit it 146 it’s going to roll off the back you hit it 142 it’s going to roll off the front uh so even the best iron players it’s like you’re you know a couple of feet off and it’s not stick stick on the green so uh I’m willing to forgive him losing Strokes uh approach last week I don’t think that’s necessarily A Sign uh that he uh um that that that he’s OD a form especially when you consider how how many gain how many strokes he gained around the greens that kind of tells me that he was missing the right spots too yeah and the other thing is too is like I think O’s biggest advantage in terms of his approach play is when he has a wedge in his hand and piner’s still long golf course and there’s not a whole lot of wedge opportunities for him so yeah getting these shorter wedges in his hands I think play more plays more into his strength all right my top five uh I said at the start we’re going back to the well with a few picks and this is a guy I picked out in a couple weeks in a row uh I’m not going to jump off him yet because I still think he’s being extremely underrated based on how he’s played uh cashed him last week top 10 this week we’re going top five Corey Connor five to one last week not only and I think we talked about this on the show last week but Cory Conor basically had to finish in the top 10 to make the Canadian Olympic team because Adam hadwin sniped it from him and he did exactly that he’s back in the Olympics I feel bad for Adam hadwin but as a Canadian uh we need our best golfers there to try to win a gold medal and really the only realistic chance we have I think is Cory Connor because he has continues to strike the ball extremely well uh second on the PJ tour the season and strokes gained approach behind only Scotty Sheffer and what’s really promising which is why I continue to bet on him he’s now gained strokes and like significant Strokes uh in two of his last three starts uh gain a ton of Strokes putting um at the Canadian open uh lost some Strokes putting at the Memorial tournament so I thought maybe the Canadian open was a little bit of an outlier but then they gained Strokes putting again this past week at the US Open uh and is actually his approach numbers are actually his weakest area which is usually his strongest um but still T9 finish uh kind of similar to OE uh you know kind of similar thinking where like didn’t gain a ton of Strokes with his approach but the areas where he usually weak he was extremely strong so I mean if Cory Conor can continue to gain Strokes putting he’s going to win an event very soon uh like I said he has been the second best ball striker in terms of Strokes scene approach on the PJ tour this season uh and I think it’s only a matter of time so I’m not going to pick him to win uh this week I got him top five though uh plus 500 a little bit more aggressive with obviously a little bit of a relatively weaker field with no Liv golfers and no Roy Maly this week uh so I’ll get a little bit more aggressive top five five to one uh and I think he’s had a decent yeah T9 at this event last year as well so he’s already had a top 10 finish here no I I’m in on Conor as well this week um I had in my picks on fans I have my winner pick and uh Cory Connor’s in a top 20 parlay top 20 parlay 383 on FanDuel which obviously has Dead Heat rules in there but uh I think there’s a lot of value in that because I think uh both of them are finishing inside the top 20 I like it we got Paul’s back in the chat with a top five pick he did not uh take a top five that we are on o on so we got a unique one here Sam Burns which I did take a look at Sam burns his game’s uh kind of been peing the past couple weeks he has some top five plus 550 he says I think this is good value for a guy who might get hot putting stroke looks back to early season form two plus Strokes gained four of last five events could be the start of a run for SB I agree I didn’t end up pulling the trigger on him Paul so I’m glad one of us did uh good luck to you with that but I I I certainly considered it because yeah his game uh has kind of been quietly peing and I don’t think a lot of people have really been talking about T10 at the Canadian open T15 at the memorial T9 at the US Open yeah and I mean he missed the cut at the PGA but he was t13 at Wells Fargo the week before that and he gained seven stroke cting last week at the US Open which we saw what those greens looked like seven strokes putting is a pretty ridiculous number for that so yeah all right let’s get to our pick to win uh you’re going with a guy 50 to one that’s right and it’s my boy Tom Kim um I mentioned I believe two maybe three weeks ago that I was kind of eyeing Tom Kim for the US Open he didn’t play that well at the memorial and so it kind of you know took me off of him and he end up finishing t26 so I’m glad I wasn’t on Tom Kim at the US Open but the t26 I think really showed me what I needed to see to pull the trigger on Tom Kim and we’re now to a short shorter Golf Course where we’ve seen Tom Kim Thrive we remember when he had his breakout win at the Windham Championship which is another short course at Sedgefield which I think Compares pretty favorably to what we’re going to see this week at TPC River Highlands and what was it a quad bogey he made on the first hole and then he went on to win it and so like we know he can score on these types of uh these types of courses and when you look at the numbers we’re I’m starting to see what I really want to see from Tom cam going in a place that suits him well last 20 rounds six and strokes gained off the te 2 second on approach gained with the putter in three of the last five he’s first in scoring on on par fours that measure 4450 yards he’s first in scoring from 125 to 150 yards on approach those are the all the key metrics I’m looking for this week and he is at the top of it in all of them I think that Tom Kim is really trending towards another win I don’t think I one of my things about Tom Kim is at a place like Pinehurst at a US Open type of setup at a low even the memorial I don’t think that Su suits Tom Kim particularly well I think he is made to win birdie Fest I think he’s made to win uh tournaments where you have to go low this is a tournament where you have to go low and it sets it plays right into his strength so I’m on Tom Kim 50 to one I like it I think I bet Tom Kim is in some form or fashion a couple of weeks ago so uh so yeah I think talk came up that I was looking for him at the US Open yeah yeah uh all right I’ll give you one guess to guess who I’m picking to win it’s Xander choffle Xander shafley listen in my opinion I think I think I’m right in saying this there are three golfers this season who have been by far the best three golfers on the PJ tour Scotty sheffler Roy mroy and Xander Schley Roy mroy is not playing because he needs to go mentally recover from the biggest choke job in US Open history uh besid what’s a bigger choke Roy mroy uh at Pinehurst or Phil Michelson at Winged Foot I think ju I’ve got to go Rory and perhaps that’s recency bias but the the seemingly easiness of the shots that he missed to take himself out of the tournament really stands out to me yeah um yeah I think I’m more willing to forgive like a like a bad Drive than I am missing like a three-foot putt two two three foot put two three foot yeah uh yeah so ryal mroy is not playing this week and uh Scotty sheffler who knows what’s going on with him uh kind of an under the radar storyline from last week was that Scotty Sheffer almost missed the cut for the first time in like three years two years is his worst finish since October 2022 um got four birdies the entire tournament combined four birdies so a lot of things to be concerned about Scotty Sheffer I mean we saw with Nelly Corda Nelly Corda and Scotty Sheffer on very similar runs uh the US Open Nelly Corda missed the cut and I think missed the cut in their last start last week too or if she didn’t miss she wasn’t even she was never in contention she might have missed the cut let me see if I can look this up really quick but we might see like two golfers on both the men’s and yeah she has now missed two straight cuts we might see the number one golfer that was like winning almost every single week like that’s golf sometimes you just lose it now I’m not saying that it’s definitely happened with Scott Sheffer it’s only one event and there’s an extremely go Piner course um but just keep an eye on that my point in saying Xander schlein is now might be like the best golfer in the field this week if Scotty Sheffer doesn’t bounce back Rory’s not there it’s Xander Schley and then it’s everyone else and obviously goes back to an event that he’s won before he won this event two years ago in 2022 um I mean I can list off all the stats that he’s first or second on the PGA tour this season but I’m not going to do that he’s my guy uh he finally has the monkey off his back of winning a major this is a course he’s comfortable at like I said I think he might be the best golfer in the field if Scotty Sheffer doesn’t bounce back so I think this might be the last time this season I’m betting Xander though I don’t think I’m gonna bet him at the open um I will bet him at the tour CH I’ll bet him at the Tour Championship because he loves East Lake um and that might be it yeah he does love East Lake uh and he might be I mean I don’t know what the FedEx Cup standings are right now but he might be second so he might be kind of the only one that can catch Scotty so yeah and Sheffer struggled a little a little bit of the Tour Championship like he hasn’t been like he’s gone in there with uh you know a lead before and he lost it last year to Victor hin so like that’s years AG go to Rory yeah so I mean we’re you know we’ve seen it happen before in Xander that’s a place he plays well uh but you know that’s a little jumping ahead but as soon as I saw that Xander has only finished outside the top 20 here once I knew you were gonna I knew this was your outright pick as soon as I saw it let’s go let’s go uh Paul’s giving his out right winner in the chat is is feno 28 to1 I did look at fow I like this pick two Paul hasn’t putt well here in the past but recent form is rolling them well and that is kind of why I’ve stayed off fow not great course history uh but another guy that can get birdies and bunches so yeah Tony fow if you want to look at a guy whose game is trending in the right direction I mean his is the definition of trending in the right direction he’s gone t52 t18 t17 T8 T3 so he’s improved his standings uh in four straight events um he does have I mean t13 this event in 2022 so I mean his his course history isn’t terrible he missed the cut every year from 2019 so three years straight um but he has had some sol finishes t17 in 2017 as well so uh yeah I looked at feno I didn’t end up pulling the trigger but uh no arguments for me yeah I think we’re all three actually pretty align in this because I looked at fow and I looked at Burns as well didn’t you said didn’t pull the trigger on him but with feno one of the things I think is underrated about Tony feno’s game is he played for being as long of a hitter as he is he plays short golf courses really freaking well like it’s just something like one of those Oddities and I don’t know if that’s just because he’s really good with the three-wood or he’s really good at bombing and gouging with the driver on these short courses but yeah he plays them really well so it it has my attention all right let’s get to closest to the win if you’re new to the show we pick a we each pick a golfer at least 100 to one odds or longer to win whichever of the two golfers finishes further up the leaderboard or closest to the win uh gets a point that week uh the winner at the end of the season or the loser at the end of the season has to pay for a rounded golf for the winner I lost last year but I now have a commanding lead this year I was 11 to4 I was winning heading into the US Open but bazay nuke got the win for Cody it’s now 11 to five I don’t know how many events we have left but it’s pretty close to dormy so you need another win this week who do you got for close to the win yeah we’re going with Ben Griffin at 220 to one um I’m taking a little bit of a page from your book Ian and I’m looking at literally two stats and that’s what I’m hit that’s why I’m going with Ben Griffin and those two stats are over the last 20 rounds in this field he is fourth in scoring on par fours that measure 400 to 450 yards and he is uh seventh in the field in birdie or better game percentage over the last 20 rounds he’s been putting it he’s been scoring a lot of birdies and he plays well on short par fours that’s why I’m going with Ben Griffin uh let’s ride all right I like it mine’s pretty uh short as well I’m gonna go Lucas Glover at 150 to one uh I think it’s a pretty decent fit for him it’s a you know as we’ve talked about it’s kind of a course that qu hitter is going to thrive at he was abysmal at the US Open he missed the cut and he lost major Strokes in every single area uh but I mean in may he had a T12 at Charles Schwab t16 at Wells Fargo uh so he’s had some solid finishes at times uh recently uh his course history is not good you’d think because if it’s a good course fit it’d be good but it’s not he misses the cut almost every single year does have a T20 in 2020 you have to go all the way back to 2009 he had a t11 um but hey this is what I do with my closest to the win picks I look at a couple things and even though he doesn’t have course history here I do think kind of fits his style of play well and he has had some solid finishes this year so I’ll go Lucas clever the one thing I noticed when like diving into the numbers with and basically a lot of past finishes at TPC River Highlands in this Championship it’s weird that there are a lot of players that seem like they should be good fits but aren’t another one that jumped out to me was Colin morawa like I had him kind of circled in terms of just you know how the game that col moraba plays he should be a great fit here he has not played well here and Lucas glubber fits into that category as well so yeah it’s super interesting to look at that type of stuff all right let’s move on to the women’s uh KPMG women’s PGA Championship the third major of the year I’ve been just flirting with Victory on the LPGA on an almost a weekly basis it is killing me um I’ve had so many cers finish one shot off the lead it’s unbelievable I had Lydia Co earlier in the season lose a playoff to Nelly Corda Nelly Corda had eagle and birdie her last two holes to make the playoff she didn’t and W in a playoff um mine sster blow a lead late to rosang in that tournament where it was like those two and then a 15 stroke gap between anyone else last week I had Ali euwing was leading into the final round and she finished one stroke back uh and there’s a few other examples there was a couple weeks ago was it a yaka fway was a stroke back I think as well I mean every single week I got at least two of my outright picks in contention one of them is like the live betting favorite at some point in the final round and I’m just finishing a stroke back every single time so the process is right the results have not been there this year um but I’m confident I mean I had a huge year last year in LPGA it’s not like I’m picking golfers that aren’t in contention I’m just the balls aren’t bouncing my way this year but I mean that happens so uh I think I have a extremely good feel on this week’s women’s PGA Championship it’s up in Washington uh when was the last time we watched a professional golf event up in Washington I mean it might be the 1998 PGA Championship because that was the last one that was held this course which if I’m pronouncing correctly is sahali sahale uh it’s a Haley Country Club in Washington uh it is treelined it looks like a golf course that I play in Canada um because it is actually a play to golf course a couple of days ago it’s Fairway and then trees there’s no rough uh I’m talking about the course I played I think this course is very similar there’s no rough uh you basically have to hit on The Fairway and if not it’s a loss ball because the the woods and the trees are extremely uh thick and deep I think I lost 12 balls my round the other day uh and I’m going to read a couple of quotes from some of the uh men’s golfers when the PGA Championship was here in 1998 Ernie L said and it’s a pretty good test too trees coming to play everywhere and if you miss the Fairway you’re probably going to make bogey you better hit it as straight as you can uh Davis Love the third um said you have to hit two very good iron shots in a row to get on the green for me it’s probably one or two drivers the whole course you don’t ever really get to a hole where you can just bomb a driver down there and have an easy shot uh Colin Montgomery said it’s a lovely course it’s a beautiful place to play and a beautiful test of golf the trees get in the way too often that’s the only problem from above I’m sure it looks like you can walk single file down the Fairway so driving accuracy driving accuracy driving accuracy driving accuracy is basically obviously that recent form are basically the only two things I’m handicapping this week um and obviously I mean we’re not going to take complete you know darts here we are you know some good golfers as well but like for example a itical second on the odds list do not bet her she’s 124th and driving accuracy she’s going to be in the trees Al tournament it’s going to be disaster um so that’s my quick breakdown for the women’s uh P oh Chambers Bay is in Washington as well yeah okay good call Paul uh Chambers Bay um yeah so let’s uh let’s get into our picks Cody I know you’re not an LPGA guy but you did dive into quick so you’d have a pick for the show and it is one that I’m on as well so this is a this is a squad ride and we might we might have had a squad ride this exact go for earlier the season maybe I mean it’s hard not to it’s Megan Kang at 40 to1 uh leads the LPG at T and strok gain T to Green this year uh just a ball striking machine uh the putter has been whatever the opposite of that is whatever the opposite of machine she is uh losing 0 N7 Strokes per round with the putter but you look back at the 1998 PJ Championship who won that event Ian uh VJ Singh his first major and what can VJ Singh not do putt and uh he’s a ball Striker who puts the ball and like Tia green was awesome but putter was would always seem to kill him when he you know had shortcomings and so when you look at Megan King I think that he she has a VJ seeing like game that could really play well here and on top of that she finished T2 at the uh shoppr uh the last time we saw her and she gained more than three and a half Strokes putting so maybe even the Putter’s getting hot maybe that’s not the weakness right now and with their T to Green play this year I just really like her and I think the value there at 40 to1 is really there yeah I’m betting on her as well as I mentioned uh driving accuracy uh eighth on the LPGA and driving accuracy hits 83.7% of Fairways so that’s going to be massive this week so yeah I love that Megan Kang pick my top pick and you can go dive into that pick a little bit more I wrote up the article over on Sports Illustrated you can go read it but and it’s I’ve bet on this golfer I didn’t bet on her last week I didn’t think it was a good course fit but I’ve been on her so much the past two months she has to win one of these events it’s a yaka fear away again um extremely good form uh ranks fourth on the LPG and total Strokes uh is one of the more accurate drivers I think she’s top she’s fourth in in LPG and driving accuracy but for my pick for the show I’m G to give one out h a long shot here uh for the folks at home we’re going 80 to one oh Allison Corpus corz Corpus corpo corpo thank you who whoever says you’re not an LPGA guy uh I don’t handicap LPGA I watch a lot of LPGA golf but I just don’t handicap it that often um I talk I I mean I couldn’t have said it more how important driving accuracy is so let’s just go ahead and bet on the most accurate driver of the golf ball on the LPGA it’s really that simple she it’s 86.6% of Fairways which is crazy I don’t who’s the what’s what’s the PGA Tour driving accuracy leader are they are they hitting 86.6% of Fairways I wonder I se and it’s 78.6 I think I literally looked at this before the show it’s the only reason I know that I’m not like an encyclopedia or anything so there you go uh more accurate than now obviously it’s kind of tough to compare the two obviously the men are hitting it longer and all that stuff but still uh that is extremely impressive I wish I could have hit 86.6% of Fairway so if anyone’s not com be in the trees this week it’s corpo that is that how you pronounce it it is corpo I promise you because she’s a also she’s a past major winner too on top of that yes um and not only that she is coming off her best start of the season so so she just rounded in the form at the perfect time T5 at last week’s Meer major Meer LPGA classic uh so there you go um 70 to1 80 to1 I think there are some 80 to ones available out there uh Allison corpo um fantastic pick once again I mean maybe I didn’t read this anywhere but maybe they cut down a ton of trees since the 1998 PGA Championship but I’ve been looking at pictures from some of the you know the social media that’s there and it’s tree it looks like the type of courses I play uh in Canada and in Eastern Canada specifically which is Fairway and then trees like I said I played one like that two days ago and it was not fun well it was fun but it was tough so I wish I could play a course with trees uh New Mexico not exactly fre line golf courses uh mostly a lot of hunting for my ball in the middle of the desert yeah I think mean you play the most opposite golf courses possible because mine it’s just trees and and it’s said like I watched the PGA and they or I mean LPGA for that matter too and and they’re in trees but it’s like room where you can like find the ball and still hit it out like the courses I play like you can’t even walk in there because it’s just like you’re G to scratch up your legs let alone you’re not going to find the ball if it goes in the woods it’s just gone it’s just gone and no one will ever find it ever again so I’m interested to watch the LPGA play a course where I mean maybe it’s not quite to that extreme but from all the quotes and from what everyone’s saying and from the pictures if you put in the Woods your toast so uh it’s going to be a fun week on the LPGA yeah and then on top of that I uh I play golf at 6,500 ft of elevation too so you know got everything just flying like crazy there you go there you go yeah I have never played any course like that just a lot of trees mostly um all right that has been uh the show thank you so much for watching subscribe to the BET sided uh YouTube channel give us a like um any final thoughts here uh before we wrap this up Cody you know uh tough break for Rory you know Rory’s been my guy for a while and uh really tough to see uh hate it for him he’s gonna win a major at some point but I think I might be joining you on the I will not be betting on it when it happens yeah I’ll be happy I yeah I’ll be happy for it when it happens but I’m not living through what happened this past week because there could still be a few more choke jobs like that uh in the carots for definitely unfortunately um Paul with a scorching hot take he says scorching hot parting take us open the Masters thanks again gentlemen see you next week I disagree personally but I see where he’s coming from I also personally disagree but like it’s to me it’s just too it’s like trying to you know compare apples and oranges to me because like they’re two different very different types of tests in my opinion they are but the Masters just has yeah it just has a little something that the US Open doesn’t and one thing it it doesn’t have that the US Open does is the first two days of the US Open can be a bit of a slog because you got 156 players playing one of the most difficult courses they’re going to see all year so it takes for freaking ever yeahh all right um all right thank you all so much for watching we’ll be back next week I believe it’s a rocket mortgage classic next week shouts to uh Y and then uh the John Deere classic the week after oh yeah we’re we’re really hitting in The Heavy Hitters now yeah uh all right good luck with your bets this week Gambler bless uh and we’ll be back next week goodbye

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