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LIVE | MAIN FEED | Noon ET Squad, June 2, 2024 | PBA LBC National Championships

Live coverage from the June 2, noon ET squad at the 2024 PBA LBC National Championships.

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] minut [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] all right we have a hand [Music] Mone and good morning everyone from Bolero Mount Prospect this is the PBA LBC national championship 2024 Edition good morning I’m $2 Phil Bri will bringing you through today’s Squad third Squad of the tournament last Squad of our opening weekend there’s still six more weekends remaining if you’re looking to go out ahead get your chance to bowl you can win up to $25,000 here at bount Prospect and then there’s another 100 Grand up for gra grabs in total uh in September for the top finishers here at Bayside bowl for an FS1 show so got a special treat for you today we’ll have Norm Duke here in the booth with you later on and we also have a special treat for you right now as we have Jason sterer flash hitting the Lanes on Lanes 15 and 16 now the PBA exempt division Bowlers have their own prize fund own separate division so it’s not like the bullers on this pair are competing directly against Jason sterer today so I’m sure that breathes a s relief for those players on Flash’s pair or around Flash’s pair there you see FL coming in the left side of your picture and 10 back is the start for sterer thanks to everybody joining us on the feed this morning can’t wait to get Norm back and with such great Insight he provided us yesterday uh and I was lucky enough this morning to man the cameras for some great pieces at Neil stremel uh head of equipment and specifications for the PB and Norm Duke talked about some things dealing with the mental side of the sport and uh once we get a couple of those Neil stal bowling breakdowns those will come out in a few weeks and it’s going to be mustsee to get kind of inside the head of one Norm Duke one of the greatest of all time so for those of you that aren’t familiar with the LBC national championships concept it’s a great tournament the PBA has put together together all squads bowling the same pattern it’s a 43t pattern it’s about 4 and 1 half to one on the ratio it’s a very playable pattern you still have to make good shots you don’t have to make PBA tour quality shots but you have to make good shots and uh man’s made a bunch of good shots during his career and he had some great insight for his yesterday in the booth and I’m sure he’s going to share more this morning PB Hall of Famer Norm Duke Norm we got flash out there you got a chance to talk to him and uh see what uh he was thinking about going through his preparation was pretty much the same as any other PBA event even though this is a different format than what he’s used to right you that’s the thing you’re going to see with professionals is they don’t change their their uh pre-round rituals um the same tape the same everything stays the same and uh I tell you what if you don’t like Jason sterer bowling you just not you don’t know him this guy is just he’s one of the good guys and by the way he’s got a baby coming really him and Heather oh it’s wonderful that’s the reason that he’s bowling this squad because she’s du okay and he didn’t want to you know be in the PBA LBC when they have a newborn you know so he’s getting it in and going home and they’re going have a baby Heather if you’re listening congratulations we oh and that’s surprising for Flash so excited for you yeah slides behind the six takes out only the 10 with the spare ball yeah I noticed when Heather was in the crowd at the Tournament of Champions that she had the little baby bump Shan and I didn’t know how far along she was and I had didn’t get a chance to Jason ask Jason anything when I saw him at the World Series or uh or TLC if you have some great names you want to send our way hey we’ll we’ll get them to flash and maybe that’s what we should just name flash I I could see that for a boy H you could have that for a girl too flash why not I’m sure Heather would have a little something to say about that I’m pretty sure of it maybe the grandparents are like flash so oh there’s so many people in the chat right now uh just happy that you’re here norm and there’s already some questions flowing in and thank you we are on 43 ft but this is fresh fresh fresh so you know early they’re not quite as playable as when you know they they break down a little bit now this is not one of those unplayable patterns as you were mentioned before it’s very playable however you can’t just throw it anywhere uh look there’s a lot of mish headpins right Miss head pins left if you get it going toward the gutter it’ll go in and so listen uh we are uh represented the pattern represents PBA tour just that way it may be a little bit softer when I say a little bit it’s marginally soft yeah it kind of reminds me of the Roth pattern but with a little more length and volume in it that’s correct cuz the rooth is 42 and it’s just a little less on the Vol and that’s what you your team’s all bow on in the PBA League at bide bull was the Roth PA and that’s what it’ll finish on again this year for the league so people can kind of get that feel of of what you guys hit during during the elite League finals so and as we see at Bayside it’s never easy oh no no even if the lanes are easy gosh you put it in that environment it gets tough and so look if you’re playing the PBA LBC in the following weeks then just realize that if you do make it to main oh man all of the things that you’re going to experience there uh one of which is you’re going to throw a ball and let’s say you make it out of the first round well you don’t throw another ball for 30 minutes you just sit down and wait and you got commercial got other people’ got a B and you’ve got to get up there and throw the biggest shot of your life when you haven’t thrown a ball in 30 minutes that was the one thing that I peeled out of that format last year that I thought wow as a 60-year-old that’s my age now that would be that would be almost impossible now Lenny Bor did it last year so if he can do it you can do it look where flash is letting that ball just ride out to about five board at the break point and he’s got strike open double to start now one of the comments we had a couple of good scores uh yesterday a couple players Ryan Coler and Matthew mner uh both broke 1,400 for their six game totals so they averaged over 230 a player and they both said they both have B last year as well and they think that uh scores could be down a little bit here at Bolero M Prospect as compared to Bolero Wawa TOA last year they think it’s a little little tougher across the house there’s some differences from Pair to pair and that’s the challenges all PBA players have when they go to a tournament like this is great you just got done with 10 minutes of practice you open with 250 260 on your opening pair what are you going to do you move three pairs to the right or four pairs to the right or go all the way across the house down to the low end that’s something that always has you as a PBA player thinking of what’s going to happen next right and the benefit that we have as Pros is we know the players that we’re about to follow we Bowl against them every week so we kind of know what they’re going to do to a pattern well when you’re bowling this event the pair that you’re moving to it’s unlikely you’re going to know anybody that you’re following or what they’re using or how you know how many spare balls were thrown down the lane or things like that so listen when you make that move you’re going to have to be very Nimble uh let your ball be your guide and don’t just say wait a minute that was me realize that most of the time it may not be you it’s just the difference in how Lanes break down through 10 minutes of practice and then a full game of bowling with four and a pair there’s flash three in a row on the board for sterer so and his equipment he’s throwing out there you mentioned it yesterday don’t bring really aggressive equipment even if you might not be the highest rev player because this pattern kind of Blends everything out for you the way the pattern’s designed yeah I like medium balls and and if you’re going to use a a symetrical ball uh maybe a little bit more shiny uh because you got to get it down the lane you got to get that ball into the pins with some pop in it and you don’t want it to tire on the way if you’re going to use a symmetrical ball okay well then that’s just a medium shell medium ball you can put some hand in it and you can open up back end a little bit and that’s what Jason sterer is doing in front of us you can see he’s arcing his ball a little bit further to the right than most of the other uh players and by the way this this Lee I tell you what on name 16 I met her gosh I think a couple of years ago but then I saw her again today and she was so psyched and pped to bowl with Jason sterer that’s what you get in this event you know how did she know she’s going to be bowling with Jason sterer right out of the gate my goodness and you’re not bullying against them once again the PBA exemp tour players have their own division I’m sure Leah’s bullying the girls handicap division great to have that on board this year for the young players boys handicap and girls handicap and they both have 2500 $1 and guaranteed first place prizes and that trip to Bayside bowl and the trip to Bayside but listen that smart money is imperative right now and it allows so many people to go to colleges that otherwise they just would not be able to afford yep um I know my son uh he’s 28 now but the the smart program was brand new when he was in Junior League and we utilized that in every regard my wife was on it and so when he went to trade school in Lakeland uh a lot of that was a byproduct of that smart program we so appreciate it here’s sterer again on the right lane and that was about two boards left of his last shot you could see little smile on Jason little smile on his face there yeah and then you know that’s what our job is as a perau is to expose the maximum amount of room that you can that you can generate and uh listen he’s putting a little bit of hand in there but he’s not you know Full Throttle yet um you can tell he’s got a little room he’s also got an early open he’s got to make up far too that that’ll get a man started those will wake you up no doubt hey we got a question in the chat Norm let’s go and actually I’m going to kind of help answer this one it says Norm please give me some good advice on how to let bad chots go and not allow the negativity to continue to get in my head we just did a video about that this morning that people will see in a few weeks so I’m not going to spoil for everyone but Neil stremel bowling breakdown we’re going to have a couple of them featuring Norm Duke and one of them is going to cover that exact subject about how you just let the bad thing bad shots go how if your timing doesn’t feel right how do you get through it and you gave some great advice on there so I’m going to say watch Neil stremel bowling breakdown next few weeks you’re going to get that out there James and yeah but you know I’ll I’ll give you something little preview here you know I’m a golfer I’m an avid golfer and for a while there when I was first starting I would get AGG ated and upset at at making shots that I just weren’t up to my expectations that’s the word uh Phil expectation that is the killer so if you have trouble moving on from Bad shots Bad Games bad play Bad feels then what you really need to know is that the expectation is the inherent problem drop the expectation realize that listen there is nothing in my anticipation that can pins down and if I expect to make a four bagger uh well that’s less than five and six Baggers right right so that expectation hurts you if you expect to get a double and you get an open that expectation is what’s going to keep you in in that that uh negativity mode drop that drop your expectation and just realize hey look maybe uh you have in your mind the the scoring pace which is important to have in your mind but your expectations should not be existent at that point drop it because then now you’ll be able to move on because you you didn’t you didn’t match your expectation and you didn’t fall short of it either you’re now bold so I think expectation at least with my golf game that is what caused my frustration as soon as I dropped the expectation my golf game got better because I didn’t hang on to every little thing you know yeah I did that yesterday while set up some of this equipment I had to do the same thing wasn’t the perfect shot but sometimes you just got to fight through it and make it happen and we got there it just took a little time and we got there got there we got there the smile on her face is Jason Bonte bowling this event I don’t see him on any of the rosters to this point I kind of doubt it we’re talking about a guy from Australia yeah and it would be difficult for him he wouldn’t fly all the way over here for a six game round he would do that but he might come in paired with other that he’s got scheduled you know he does the the Jason Bel Monte League nights and uh I tell you what he’s he’s he’s he’s so good that way uh most of the people that I talk to say I met Jason Belmonte well you don’t meet Jason unless he’s there and I tell you what he’s so good about being present at so many events but uh to to expect him in this event it would have to be paired with something else that he’s doing right and next weekend because it’s taking up Saturday and Sunday on CBS Sports Network with the PBA tour finals it’s going to be tough for Jason to work around that he would have either had to come in a week early or stay another week and that’s just with his schedule and his family four kids and everything four kids I know it’s just a tough call how do you have four kids when you travel the USA tour and she’s in Australia I mean well he had hey he had three he had three he actually had the three older ones with him uh and Kimberly his wife wasn’t pregnant yet uh when they were here right before the world got shut down World Series of bowling cuz uh Kimberly Pressler and Jason banti did the the uh zip line in downtown Las Vegas and I did some when I was doing some uh video work for for Kimberly Pressler and uh yeah and all of a sudden Jason announces during the pandemic yeah number four on the way so apparently that was the key to having number four being home for the pandemic being home from the being locked up with somebody so but uh hey he’s PR he’s a pretty good guy for my fourth favorite Australian bowler of all time so yeah it’s it’s a running joke that I know irritates him but it’s funny to me so I mean when you have when you have Andrew froley who you’re very familiar with in the senior tour I was lucky enough to call the ibf uh World Championships this past fall from Kuwait with Andrew froley as my color analyst so that was a great time uh and then Carol G AI remember what she did on the women’s tour back in the 90s and 2000s and uh uh that might remember what fav all the time because I’m left-handed myself is Cara honey Church the Doomsday striking machine boy could she put him together doomsday striking I do remember that yeah and uh yeah could she stream together on TV my goodness she had a run in in 98 and 99 that was tough to be matched on on the pwba tour back in the day so now she’s in charge of uh 10 Pin bowling Australia so she’s still well involved in the sport so for car honey church so but yeah I I joke around with Jason he’s my fourth favorite Australian bowler of all time he’s obviously the best Australian bowler of all time obviously probably the best bowler of all time I mean when you have 15 major championships and second is 10 yeah you would certainly lead that list and uh I tell you what I got to bowl him no doubt about it many years I got to bowl him and he was and still is so impressive and he never stops working on this game never no you you look at the video of him from from 2006 2007 right before he came out on the PBA tour when Tom Clark had to convince him hey come to the US give the PBA a try I know it’s going to be a lot for you and your family and everything but you need to do it and then within a year Jason’s a title holder and then he just kept working at his game you see how the form’s different and the the the sight lines are different for him and and everything the body’s in different positions than it used to be and it’s just you know helped the longevity you never hear him going oh my knee or oh my shoulder or anything like that I think that’s been a huge part of it too where he knew to to make things last he had to change certain parts of his game well not only that there there were so many questions about all two-handers and how long can they last and are they doing irreparable damage to certain parts of their body no the answer to that is no if you’re clean and you do it correctly you can do it forever even with two hands and Jason has proven that there is not a time that I remember Phil that Jason said I have a RIS issue a finger issue uh a knee an ankle nothing uh he’s physically been just fine it’s the rest of us that’s all the one-handers that you know the thumb alone just the thumb pain alone trumps most knees so let’s see what Leah can do here keeping that ball on target line on Lane 16 oh creeps a little high but the great part about those LBC national championships divisions for everyone you don’t need to be a Jason sterer you don’t need to be a high average amateur if you’re just starting out Leah’s only bold for a few years being a youngster and she’s still working on her game and getting better and you need to get the experience in tournaments like this to get your mental acuities sharp and make things happen and this is a perfect event for her to go don’t chop it nice shot there she’s a cutie and she’s yeah and she’s styling she’s got her Jersey her skirt I mean you there there’s not too many Bowlers here that aren’t in some form of customized Jersey it’s pretty cool to see I mean we know h5g is the official supplier they’re here with all the merchandise I’m I’m wearing high five right now you have a great new uh shirt on there too it’s like a 80s retro with the with the figures coming in like a shadow behind you with your form everything whoever designed that shirt is is phenomenal and you can get all the PBA merchandise for the PBA LBC national championships if you can’t make it here in person h5g has all that for you so I want to give a nice shout out to them and yeah Tia Tia uh I think it’s Tia Higgins she uh designed that Y and she sent me over three or four versions and I said I like that one there and so we went with it and they’re all here they’ll be here for the remainder of the event so if you’re interested in any kind of apparel like that well I’m going to pre-sign some on my way out today um uh so many of the players when they get here they won’t have the ability to get them signed so we just want to make sure that that’s a ailable okay that’s beautiful so yeah get yourself some autograph Norm Duke merchandise see flashing D trying to close out for 247 I’m on the de still in the yeah I didn’t know if he had made a ball change there or not but no still in the same piece that’s a little right at boy he’s you got a couple of Boards out there but his speed’s been consistent watching his speed he might have a little launch far the right or a little tucked inside but his speed you just watch it it’s it it it’s that same 1 1000 2 1000 and as soon as you hit three it’s it’s hitting the pocket so right and he does know that he has some return about three four I’ll say three four five six down Lane he’s got returned so now he’s going through two but his main thought is two so he’s going through the arrows to the break point but his main thought in his mind is what do I want as far as the behavior down Lane right there there you go six slaps to 10 and I’ve been watching the carry here and I haven’t seen a heck of a lot on the flat 10 situation no no this is a lot better carry than as you mentioned that we were in Milwaukee last year uh I had won tournaments in that in that bowling center and partly because the carry is you either have it or you don’t well here the the carry is I think much more consistent now yeah are there going to be higher scorers or low I don’t know yet a lot of things have to materialize before we will know that and then flash on the last ball makes the ball change Bowlers on the pb2 always thinking ahead and some people question well why would you do that when you’re going to go right into that same bowling ball you used 11 shots the next game what what’s the logic behind that well he wants an option is all now he’s he’s saying to himself look you know on a bad shot I’m going to get eight maybe seven so I’m going to thr throw away a pin or two on a good shot I’m not going to throw any pins away but I’m going to gain this the information I need I need another option so what if uh the next shot uh excuse me the next pair he throws one out to 56 and it Wiggles Big Time well then he’s going to know I’d rather Play Hold on this L on this pair than to try to bend it back so what he did is grabbed a bowling ball that will lay for him and said do I have L okay and he threw the ball he has l so now he has an option he can throw it to the 56 boarding PL return or he can make that ball change and then play a lay down left of Target and get it to just hold the hardest thing now Phil is determine on your first shot which one you’re going to make cuz sometimes you try another ball and it looks so much better than the original one but you’re on 250 right so what do you do do do you get out of the 250 ball or do you just say no no that looked a little better than it probably is going to look now here now here’s an interesting question because sterer and all the PBA exemp players that be coming in through this entire tournament they bowled here in February for the Illinois Classic they did and so they covered the whole house when they had qualifying and match play and they bowled all over this place different oil pattern it was a much shorter oil pattern for that event uh can you use notes that you had from that tournament bowling this PBA LBC National Championship but they made mental notes on what this pair how this pair hooked or how this pair had more skid before it turned over or that type of thing can those notes still come in handy or do you have to kind of like empty the memory banks well you you need to empty the me memory bank but keep keep some of it now for instance they were on a shorter pattern so the breakdown would have been different um so does that make the topography different no the topog the topography would stay the same so that say you got to the end pair and they were ice for you that’s probably topography because all lanes were oiled with a machine identic so yes that comes into play when I got to the end here coming back I would absolutely move to the right because it’s tighter okay back then now then when it comes to well what do I do in game two 3 4 what are what are my adjustments those will be completely different because you’re on a short and now you’re on a longer okay so you can throw those out the window so some of the information that you garnished you know 3 or four months ago absolutely usable some of it’s not you can toss it okay the pros know what to toss to they’re so good at that exactly I mean it’s just like I would just think okay this pair did this when I was here 3 months ago but all of a sudden I threw my first ball on that pair again like hold on it didn’t do the same thing it did three months ago because the pattern six or 7 feet different in length and obviously different where the volumes laid out and everything too so if you have questions for Norm here’s the time to ask them because uh where how often can you get Hall of Fame answers to your questions you can do it this weekend here on the PBA LBC national championships Main feed so uh someone’s asking what the skip procedure is depends on the number of lanes and play on a squad obviously we yesterday on our 2m Squad we were maxed out uh with the number of pairs but they will cross the entire house regardless uh let’s say I know Father’s Day is going to be a really small Squad because a lot of people are going to be still spending time with their families some dad some families might bring dad down here to bowl the PBA LBC national championships and it’s a great thing that’s a father’s day gift right you can bowl your dad and get a chance to win uh $25,000 if you’re in the Open classic division or $5,000 in the other divisions for the adults so but such as this morning uh they’re going to be moving just one pair to the right but then they’re going to skip three pairs one pair and four pairs so they are covering all the way across the house here at bolo Mount Prospect and that’s you know great we do it even if we only had six teams on the pair or six Lanes in play uh they’d still be covering all the way uh down to Lanes 11 and 12 so yeah that definitely helps keep it fair from Squad to Squad because you might not have the same number of Bowlers but you have um you know you you have the ability to cross the house and and we talked about uh players were saying yesterday how different some of these pairs were yeah and you know what when it comes to fairness look the pros know if it’s not fair we don’t like it period and we won’t bow that’s just the way it is we want it on the Square you look at the list and there’s probably 35 or 40 Pros already signed up for this thing if uh if there’s that many Pros signed up it’s on the Square and and they want to win you know they want to win y so we’re going to take a little audio intermission here uh if you need to refresh your beverage do that uh and we’ll be back with Norm Duke in uh just a couple of minutes enjoy the rest of game one of the 2024 PBA LBC national championships from bolo Mount Prospect oh wow sh I are you awake now h didn’t for is you play found found and kind all right on to game two flash starting with a strike M2 Phil Bri will bring you through the rest of our opening weekend this is our final Squad of that weekend Norm Duke talking to a couple of fans we’ll get Norm back in the boo Booth to answer your questions L see if there’s any questions I can answer on here uh we are at Bolero Mount Prospect answering David’s question uh we’re near O’Hare airport it’s great for people flying in because you can literally cab it for about $25 to $30 from moare and then uh heck you can get in out in a day there were some players that did that last year Milwaukee came flew in in the morning bowled the afternoon squad on a Saturday at 2 p.m. and then flew back home that night uh I remember John Fury doing that out of uh New Jersey so that was quite uh and it was a good trip for him because Fury ended up being part of the LBC national team champions so the option events that you can bowl on here it’s not just your singles entry you have a chance to win cash or scholarship money on depending on your division but you can also win in optional events for adult Bowlers there are brackets available handicap and scratch on each Squad and then there’s also doubles events and singles events or doubles events and team event and you can bowl with anyone as your doubles partner you can bowl with any other three players as your team so let’s say you’re scheduled the bowl in a couple of weekends so you’re scheduled the bowl June 15th and you look at our schedule and there’s a list there’s an article on the website talking about the second annual PBA LBC national championships and you can see the schedule of players from the PBA exempt category that are bowling and let’s say uh you come in on June 15th but Andrew Anderson’s one of your favorite players and you want him to be your doubles partner well since you’re bowling before Andrew you can pay that entry fee it’s $50 per doubles team and then you use your first three games you bowl in the six game qualifying block Andrew use his first six games and we combine them together and that makes your doubles total it doesn’t matter if you’re in the men’s or women’s handicap division because you’ll get your total with handicap to go along with Andrew Anderson’s total uh let’s say you want to put a four-player team together with Andrew Anderson Aj Johnson and EJ tacket well you could do that as well it’s $100 for team entry enter those four names for your team pay the $100 entry fee and use your games four five and six for all those players for your team total and it’s neat because let’s say um you’ve got a friend that’s bowling a couple weeks before you but uh your friend isn’t always timely on making sure things happen things slip their mind once in a while uh you can actually go on your PBA League Pals account and there’s the links there for the PBA LBC national championships to make payments and enter the optional doubles and optional team events on League Pals before your friend would B so you can make sure that entry is paid and then you would have your doubles total so it’s great that way those entry fees just have to be paid before the first player in either the doubles pairing or the team pairings blls and there’s a great way to win some additional money that way and you can bowl with anybody else in the tournament you don’t have to be bowling on the same squad or even the same weekend to make that happen now flash having some challenges going strike spare open here early in game two and once again even though this might be an easier Lane pattern some might say than what Jason sterer finds on the PBA National Tour event in and event out doesn’t mean you can’t get caught off guard a little bit so Leah Gerard she’s bowling in the girls handicap division Alex Rodriguez bowling in the senior classic division Jose Rodriguez on this pair of bowling in the men’s handicap division Robert practor also in the men’s handicap division so it looks like they moved Jose Rodriguez to the par neck store so of course Jason sterer part of that PBA exempt division so sterer will be our leader regardless today because he’s the first PBA Exemplar to Bowl here in the 2024 edition of the PBA LBC national championships and it’s not too late at all to sign up for this event you can go to the LBC national championships website get all your tournament information and there’s a link right there you can click to get signed up and there’s that link coming on your screen right now LBC tournament so you sign up as individuals so even if let’s say you had three friends that you wanted to bowl with you pay for your singles entries first online and then uh you can bowl together you can sign up two Bowl together on the same pair so hopefully that answers your question Mandy there’s that website address LBC tournament we’ll leave that up there for a minute for everyone to write that down take notes and get yourself signed up there’s only one Squad I know of that’s sold out and that’s July or that’s June 29th at 2 p.m. there going be a lot of PBA 50 players buling on that Squad there’s also going to be a lot of them on the 7 P.M Squad that evening on normal weekends the squad times are 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on a Saturday and 11:00 a.m. for your start time on Sunday I know they’ve added an extra squad on June 29th at 700 p.m. so that’ll be wonderful for bowlers that want to come in that weekend in bowl and there’s a lot of frequently asked questions there’s links to local hotels so you can find uh good rates that the PBA has set up for those participating or spectating here in the LBC national championships see what flash can do here to bounce back get a double on the board usually once these guys make those adjustments from the first shots it’s a lot of strikes but that one was a little over the top for Flash with the release and the 3610 not an easy target it’s wide but the problem with that is too much of the three pin you chop it straight back not enough of the six pin falls in the flat gutter doesn’t take out the 10 Norm talked about yesterday more and more players going to uh even a backup release there’s flash just with it just end over end uh the only Andrew’s got a question about ban equipment let me get that link again that I had yesterday that I was sent by Neil stremel our director of equipment and specifications and I’m going to post that right now in the chat there’s really not a lot of bowling balls that are illegal for this PBA LBC national championships the big one to worry about is the purple Hammer from 2016 or 2017 if it your serial number starts with a six or a seven on that purple Hammer that’s pretty much illegal across all competition as it’s knowingly too soft there was a issue in the manufacturing process those a couple of years they changed the urethane formula and we all know the mess that has caused so but you can actually check through that link for searching by bowling ball company and by the actual make name of the bowling ball so if I wanted to look for let’s see motive tank and I can see all the there there’s quite a few tanks that are out there but you can see which balls and when they were approved on that certified bowling ball link so yeah please check your equipment before you get here really the only ones you have to worry about are those purple hammers from 2016 and 2017 other than that it would be very rare that I think somebody would have a bowling ball that is not fully legal for use in PBA LBC competition one thing to remember different rules for this LBC National when it comes to bowling equipment and that type of thing than what the professionals would have at the PBA national tour level so so yeah and if you have questions there’s going to be tournament staff on site that can verify any of your bowling ball information before you get on board and joining me back in the booth is Hall of Famer Norm Duke yeah I got a question all right uh for the rules if you uh if you throw with two hands and you want to throw a a a spare ball with one hand mhm legal sure sure like it that’s SC prime example exactly prime example what about the extra hole you’re not allowed to use that spare ball that has three holes on your first shot though correct that is okay unless you put your thumb in the ball I can’t just like in the old days they let you get away with covering it wow flash just stoned an a pin the rise smile on the way back I say every time a professional does that Randy Peterson is sitting at home in Florida and he can feel disturbance in the forest and there’s a chill over his spine yeah so but yeah there’s yeah the the the thumb hole must you must have your thumb in the hole any extra hole that you have not an extra hole but if you have a thumb hole you have to put your thumb in it you can’t just cover it up with your palm or anything now if you are ambidextrious and you throw with one hand both sides you’re allowed to do either side or both during this event yes or no if you’re in a scratch com category cannot do it oh you can’t do it a handicap because they’re handicapped based on your okay that’s why I asked that question based on the hand you throw on correct I’ll be darn so yeah so it’s pretty yeah it’s a little things in life that can make it interesting I’m not Amad dextrous so it it doesn’t apply to me I one time do I’m left-handed one time D do an injury to my left hand uh to to a couple of fingers I had to bowl right-handed for 3 months I averaged 117 by the time I got done I actually had a 150 game by the time I got done with the with that three months of of league and so and had to go but then I had to go to tournaments next year because I was back to bowling left-handed and they see what’s this 15 you know they didn’t mark that it was with the opposite hand so you know cuz then they start hollering sandbagger and everything that’s not the average I’m using I’m using my 210 house shot average or whatever it was but yeah it’s kind of funny it’s almost 100 pins different between the two and for those of you that are getting handicapped now and you have aspirations to uh involve yourself in all the scratch stuff once you graduate to that level I’m telling you so many things get better because it’s stay behind the line knock them down we don’t care how you do it and actually there’s a good question here about staying behind the line uh somebody in the chat you must but someone is worried because they’re staying too far behind the line they finished about 2 feet behind the F line they want to start sliding closer to the line any tips you might have about how they can do that cuz that’s that’s tough because not only are you changing you’re changing your full sight line on how you’ve bowled for years if somebody’s doing that right but it’s necessary that you do because if you’re 2 feet behind the line your bowling ball inevitably is going to be landing standing on the dry either the approach or the dry portion of the lane because there’s about 4 in 3 in there there is not oil from that fou foul line so get closer to the line and listen if Pete Weber’s sliding an inch from the foul line and you’re sliding 2 feet you’re spotting him two feet every time you throw your ball good luck you’re not going to beat Pete Weber but you’re spotting him two feet now how do you do it all right go up to the line facing the pit area and put your heels where you want to slide if you’re a five-step bowler take five regular steps add a half a step that’s for the slide and then turn around Toe to Toe that’s where you should start now you can adjust that a little bit let’s say uh you run to the line well then you need to back up a little bit more because you’re going to have a longer slide and let’s say say you stock the line with no slide well then you can move up another 2 or 3 in I guess or or a half a foot but I I teach all amateurs just to start up there walk five steps if you’re a five step bowler four steps if you’re four and more if you’re six or seven and then when you go Toe to Toe after you had that half step that’s a really good indication of where you should be starting and then you can use that as a barometer from that point when you make your little adjustments But realize this you’re not going to beat Pete if you’re spotting him two feet every time he throws the ball down the lane it’s not happening oh another good question here 708 Duke is asking what’s your best bowling memory from around here in the Chicago area the Chicago F man I’ve got 40 Years of Chicago memories no doubt you know we we uh we used to build the world open um gosh I forgot the city uh it started with a z Lake Zur Lake Zur L that’s where it was I had to remember that when we got to that event we had what we call the gold coats that would stand behind you and there would be four or five gold coats at all times and they were just basically making sure everybody played by the rules and they became our best friends and I tell you what the we haven’t bow that World open it actually got uh it got mixed in now it was it used to be the national championship and the world open they were two and now it’s one tournament right they combine them so we no longer have that that Ambiance with the yellow coats or the gold coats called them uh standing behind us at all times and oh some of them became really good friends of ours I know that uh uh Chuck and uh Chuck and I’m spacing their names but every time we went to Chicago we’d have dinner with them and that’s awesome there you go yeah it a couple people commenting they’re seeing some of the spares being made this game going to be a little tough for Leah here to pick up the 710 this will be a career highlight for her no doubt if she gets a lucky bounds be career from anybody a little tease but uh yeah spares are key and even in a tournament like this where the shot might be considered a little easier that you can lose a lot of pins in a hurry if you miss backto back spares it’s tough to make up yeah and you know like uh sterer left the solid eight and then there’s a 710 if you do that back to back it’s almost like you feel like you don’t have any chance because in order to make the uh the rounds in in in Portland you have to be the top three in your division well a solid 8 and a 710 and when you only have six games seems like it’s insurmountable it’s not but it seems that way uh man you just got to have everything go your way if you’re going to be in the top three after all of the games that are bow somebody jokingly says on there this is a competition I have no friends because I was talking about bowling with your friends here I have no friends this is a competition I have no friends I love it uh it’s a good one uh a couple of people asking uh oh targeting where do you look at your targeting do you look at the dots or the arrows or or or what’s your what’s your targeting yeah folks I’m a through two guy all right so I’m going to be kind of glaring at the uh at the arrow region okay usually just beyond the arrows about 6 s in and yes I will look at that but I will glare then and and know where my break point or my hold point is is so I’m a through two I’m going to go through the arrow region to either the break point or the hold point or or uh area down Lane where I want to control behavior and that is why most of my thoughts are down Lane because I want Behavior down Lane and the early Target is only uh Direction so I’m going to glare on Direction because I’m going to get it through that but my main thought even though I’m kind of glaring at the early my main Tha is down Lane and what I want that ball to do once it gets there if you only look at the arrows and you don’t think anything about down Lane then you’re going to miss the behavior portion of that which I think is the most important thing okay are you peeling it off five down Lane well then you need that behavior you need it to peel you need it to come on and if you’re playing hold the last thing you want to do is get a fist full and and and try to play hold with with maximum revs on it right so that behavior down Lane is everything to me there you go hey keep piling those questions in the chat on our main feed here for our 11:00 a.m. Squad last Squad this opening weekend uh we’ve got Norm duuk with us for a bit yeah you asked me about Chicago I got one for you okay here we go the the Peterson classic one year and I came with a a guy called Smitty all right Smitty doesn’t Bowl he doesn’t bowl at all he’s my golf buddy but he says Norm I got a vacation I want to come and Bowl this tournament I hear about it you tell me about it well I don’t bowl I don’t get an average or anything but I want to go bowl the Pete with you I said let’s go and now Ken Smith is his name Smitty he probably averaged about 130 at best okay but he didn’t have an average cuz he didn’t bowl a league but he came and bowled the Peterson one time with me well I am in the last game of the Peterson game eight and I have a shot to win oh this is the year that uh that that uh uh Johnson uh Johnson the girl oh Liz Liz Johnson won okay so the year that Liz Johnson won at that point I could take the lead with about a 210 okay and that’s doable right yeah all right so Smitty starts with a double n gets a turkey well all the people are crowded around to watch me but they know that Smitty can’t Bowl very well and he’s got a turkey he’s starting to run him out a little bit okay he throws the fourth now they’ changed they’re not on me at all they are all on the Smitty train and when he got that five bagger which I’ve never gotten a five bagger in my lifetime in the beat right he gets that five bagger and he turns around and he gives it and this place went crazy I’m over here bulling I’m pulling a soft 172 and I’m listening to this crowd absolutely go crazy for Ken Smith and they fell in love with him I brought him three years in a row and when he came in the next year I mean he was signing autographs it was great oh yeah if you haven’t had a chance to Bow the Pearson it’s not too far away from here at Bolero Mount Prospect it’s at Bolero Vernon Hills and if you’ve never bowled it you’re going to have your own story may not be a Smitty story but you will have stories to tell your friends and family and I the you know the one I know I’ve talked about on there a couple times I have my best score ever I made the top 100 one year with a house ball off the rack in hman the States because my thumb slug came out I brought one ball with me I brought a Brunswick Black Phantom an old the old one from 90 whatever head it with me and a thumb slug came out and the Pro Shop was closed and I had to start we had to start bowling oh no and I I looked I have no glue nobody in my squad’s got glue I’m it’s not going to dry in time I’m like great so I grabbed a 15lb house ball off the rack conventional drip I shot 1510 wow with a conventional grip house ball okay that’s 90 under at the Pete which is Stell even if you had your own equipment and everything that’s still Stellar yeah with a house B that’s that’s like the highlight of my career pulling that one and it had the the one five on the side yeah it had the five on the side and everything I still have the picture I took with it good thing your shoes didn’t say N9 and 1 half on the back right oh that but that’s the thing everybody you walk out everybody gets a story to tell so remember hearing one time about Pete Weber first time he bowled a Pearce and he thought he had 100 the first game they go you still need two and he took the seven pin off the left for 99 Jeff rles told me that I think it was Jeff rles that told me that story so yeah the Pearson if you have bull it it’s phenomenal hey let’s take a little audio intermission okay fans can refresh we can refresh and we’ll get Jason sterer back on next game we’re going to follow him all six games this round but those pair feeds are available to you look in the description if you’re following somebody else on the squad open up that second tab listen to Norman I watch your friends Bowl we got a lot of people doing it we appreciate you coming on and yeah we have these feeds too so if you have a question about your friends go ahead send them our way we’ll try to answer everything right so and somebody’s asking right now Sean line me up I’m on lane 13 for game three there you go all right lane 13 that’s one left where sterer I I’d say peel it off the five board we’ll be back with game three in just a couple of minutes should they’re on game three I so over okay for over we are now it out now he sh now St by I’ll here now [Music] all right we are back here game three we’re back with PB Hall of Famer NM Duke we’re sticking with flash you see Jason Stern is going to be stepping up shortly on Lane 24 game of the 230 or 240s game of the two teenss for sterer to start so far and the frustration level for some players starting to come through you see the arms go up in the air what do I do now yeah I thre that ball at home every time at the 610 and made it every time oh man this is a this is just such a fun event and after year one when they asked me to come back and do the live streaming I didn’t even blink an eye and said absolutely just cuz you see so many different players in Styles and just families families are making an event out of this with you know Mom and Dad you we’ve got whole families Bowl you know next to each other on the same Pairs and you’re watching teams come in with matching jerseys it’s so awesome to see and once again it doesn’t matter if you’re a player of Flash’s ability or a player of my ability uh you can come out here have some fun and and get your chance to win money and get your chance to get the Duke once this is all over and done with in September after the PBA LBC national championships Clash at Bayside bowl and you know if you’re lucky enough and and and good enough to shoot 300 in this tournament once again this year get a mini Duke a mini Duke so I know I gave one out yesterday yeah awesome indeed so I mean that is just that that’s the coolest 300 game award ever I know we we’re go around yesterday about you know I’ve seen guys wi cars cars cars end up in the junk keep after a few years that Duke is forever that I know I’ll take a car yeah yeah Dave tror winning to car in Milwaukee and then it was funny because obviously for TV shows and stuff like that they always have insurance policies like right couple years back when it was the million dollars of somebody shot 300 in the championship match on any of the Fox network shows for the majors they were that you know that was an insurance policy that was bought what happened was with this tournament with Dave traber is that it only paid off on a sanction 300 game that year they didn’t sanction the tournament sanction the tournament so then there was this big fight back and forth and he sued the dealer in the tournament and yeah he ended up he ended up getting getting a cash SLE he took a cash settlement instead of the car but yeah 300 what’s the most you’ve ever won with a 300 game Norm the most I’ve ever won the 300 game oh my goodness probably by $500 maybe I don’t know it I don’t remember winning very much ever okay but surely it happened yeah uh you know what I think it’s zero because I’d always choke if it was worth anything I’d choke for that silver ring coming out of USBC with you know that yeah wait wait 40 titles so you can put put them all on in the 10th when you need them for that but for 300 it just wasn’t you get the first two and it wasn’t going to happen on the third one man I was I was King of the choke I could choke man I choke it and I had to learn how not to I tell you it just that was one of the hardest things for me is I kept saying if I could just bowl like I know I can then I can win tournaments but I couldn’t get it done and then I had to learn how to bowl on television I had to learn and then you know I had to set I mean the streak that I won 24 out of 26 TV matches same guy right same guy went nine years without one in a tournament because I couldn’t blll on TV to win in 24 out of 26 matches so when you’re saying well what’s the difference in TV It’s So Different it’s stupid and you just can’t explain it until you’re there you can’t know until you’re there yeah and boy is it heartbreaking when uh when you don’t know how to bowl on television and then now when when I learned that there is you know a way to approach television I see the same difficulties that I was going through and the other players and they learning how to bowl on television right and uh so we help them out as much as we can yeah it’s just you get it’s not and it’s not just the lights and everybody goes well you know back in your day it was the heat of the lights those lights generate a lot of heat nowadays we have LEDs like we have light in my booth here you don’t even feel it but the crowd the pressure the timeouts the people talking to you during the timeouts from the PBA production crew then talking to your ball rep and going I mean and you know your mom’s watching on television and oh my gosh there’s so many things that yeah it’s uh you know it’s night and day it kind of and it kind of showed at the world series of bowling this year because they had all the qualifying match play in the 54 Lane main Bay and then you have that Arena Bay where they had the TV shows and all of a sudden everything that everybody was trying to that worked all week in the main Bay didn’t exactly work sometimes on TV in that Arena Bay with the Lan the lanes were a little different cuz they were newer well especially in that place because you’re bowling on lanes that we haven’t bowled on all week and they’re putting the same pattern on as you just saw Jason sterer there he has moved in and he has pulled out a another handful of revs and now he’s still getting to the same spot down Lane but he’s getting a lot more angle through the heads that gives him a little bit more free link now there is four out of five nine misses by Jose now Jose is going to go home and he’s going to go if I could have made that 10 pin I could have won yeah I don’t know if he’s does he have a spare ball I couldn’t tell if he had a spare well he’s obviously doesn’t a spare baller he’d have a spare right sorry Jose I know your family’s watching bro but you got more nine misses Jose move your feet to the left go Cross Lane at that tin pin please his family’s just happy that you’re talking about him so I know a lot of people would be happy if Norm Duke was mentioned in their name well except yeah you want to mention in like a 300 game or something big but oh that’s going to need the whole pocket for the Lefty and he crosses over so Leah she was on a turkey right there looked like a good shot but she left at 245 yeah Leah we’ve been F I mean it’s it’s got to you know if she’s going if she’s got school left this year she’s going back to school tomorrow oh yeah and telling all her friends oh no yeah she’s going to tell her friends and then uh Robert on the double he’s got double spare double and he gets up in the nine frame and that’s the difference in a house shot and this shot is if you elbow that thing get it going toward the gutter it’s going in y there’s just not enough help outside of five got it to uh to bring your ball back if you elbow it you have to get full full hand in it oh Jose with the strike big dog you will not miss the tin pin this Frame yeah and there you see I mean that Ball’s easily 12 boards to yeah from where it went The Gutter and he he shreds the rack so he only lost count out of boy Robert now he’s going to shake his head and say man why did I where did that come from I feel your pain is there is there a gutter ball in your career that still sticks out to your mind because I mean you had to play The Twig how many times on tour and everywhere and is there one that really sticks out in your mind to this day probably out of spare but no no I forgot the gutter balls we just we just eliminate them uh there are so many times you throw it in the gutter that it mattered uh that you just blow it off it’s just same as leaving a watch out you know we got a little stop action here with Leah looks like that four is going to stand uh we we’re going to break away from that for a minute our Network networking bouncing around a little bit on that pair good shot Vala I I I have one I was on the front 20 in League one night and put it in the ditch on the front 20 on the front 20 okay you win and chat 792 you win I do have a memorable gutter though and that was by Ma it wasn’t it wasn’t me he threw in the gutter at a 10 pin the US Open bless is hard I tell you what he had that tournament won he needed to Mark in the 10th left the just a stonest ring in 10 ever and threw it in the gutter to let me win so it’s awfully hard when you say do you have a gutter that you remember well I can’t remember any of them because M’s just overshadowed all of them no doubt hey it’s good to see M ma back in the states too taking on the PBA 5 tour this year so I know they’ve got the super senior M’s not there yet I know they got the super senior in Las Vegas finishing up today guess who’s in the top top eight Lenny how about that our champion here last year in the senior class at division battling cancers during that time frame all the way through till now yeah we saw him at the hall of fame Banquet just a few weeks ago and you know he was in between uh his sessions and you know we all send uh our prayers our love and uh also we are rooting on you Lenny Bor so go get you another one and I bowled against Lenny for8 years on the uh on the senior tour uh what they call the pba50 tour but I also bow against him as a youngster as well so there are many many years and he’s one of the good guys no question yeah he’s one of the guys that I mean he he committed to a pro shop only a pro shop early on that’s still open to this day Tom Clark was a little upset yesterday CU he wanted a new ball drill so he could bowl a couple things coming up and L he’s out in Vegas in Vegas when when when the Pro Shop when your Pro Shop guys in Vegas we got to be rooting for him so it’s uh yeah good to see Lenny out there and Lenny’s taking enough of my money in Wisconsin over time so I got smart and stopped bowling against him yeah he beat me once in a major uh title match Florida was villes he he that bowling center I don’t know why he’s always done so well he almost took me out one year on uh during the championship match it wasn’t it was a year before yours he he won it when it was just the the Blue Cross tournament and he ran a shot out he didn’t realize that I was there with a camera on the side for extra frame and all of a sudden he’s jumping at me and I’m like whoa here he comes and that’s where the nickname leap and Lenny came from on that one yeah leap and Lenny see I don’t even know where flash comes from do you have I don’t know either I you know there’s a couple of these guys that I’m sure somebody in the chat knows why it’s Flash and you know we’ll we’ll get that shortly okay Jeremy West on Lane 29 you’re looking at that five count where you miss that been left look you’re probably going to watch a little bit of this later I’m going to talk to you about that this push away is so far to the right and that it will get stuck behind you now it has to wrap all the way around your body if you drop it a little bit it’s going to miss right if you hang on it’s going to miss left and so therefore you are really relying on a perfect release so I want you to push that ball right in front of the right knee in order to do that Jeremy you’re going to have to feel like you’re placing the ball and your push way to your left pocket that’s what it’s going to feel like but do it put it on camera get it straight and next year when you come back here you’ll never miss the head pin to the left there you go there you go was was there a person early on in your bowling career that you went to when things were stuck and they were your eyes and they’ get your line back up and that kind of thing timing how many no no I had one of the best scenarios in which uh Bill Hall and I were with two or three companies together okay we were with the Champions and we were with uh uh Power Play and then we were with hammer okay and Bill is one of the greatest bowling mindes in and and we taught each other so much uh he appreciates me because a lot of the things that he teached for many many years came from our discussions we would have talks at night till 23 in the morning about how do we get this done and uh he gave me two or three of those nuggets that I took with me for the rest of my life and he would put a lighter and then he would put a pencil and then he would put some matchbook and you put things on the approach and say Norm this is where I want your feet and you’re walking with too big of Steps early and I I didn’t realize how important that was until I finally nailed it and got my feet really really scrunched early and then I got a bigger stride at the end and that’s when I all of a sudden now I could out hook to everybody okay so that was one of those nuggets that I’ll never forget about yeah is that when he scrunched my feet early and then I even took a step off I was seven steps back then I took a step off and then I started walking one step backwards first cuz I likeed seven steps but I didn’t have enough room and a 15t approach so I took that first step backwards and then scrunched my feet and all of a sudden my stride got bigger so when you’re asking do I have anybody that uh was instrumental in my career and success absolutely buil Bill Hall if you ever get to Las Vegas and you want to learn from one of the greatest coaches in the world Bill Hall he’s there still coaching is he down at Sunset Station is that where he’s coaching I think so I think yeah I think that’s where he’s at so he has moved around a little bit but he’s still in Las Vegas it’s still very accessible beautiful Bowling Center as well down at Sunset Station he’s affordable it’s not like you’re going to go in there and you’re going to pay you know the a price that you would pay for a golf instructor of his of his right classification so all right we’re finishing up game three here we’re going to be getting on the game four momentarily so once again we’re going to take a little audio intermission I’m going to grab a beverage from the snack bar here and uh got uh running empty at home I suggest you do the same more questions to nor throw them in the chat more than happy to answer them more than happy to share some stories and and we’re all very happy that you’ve joined us here today on the Main feed for our 11:00 a.m. Squad here for the 2024 PBA LBC national championships from Bolero Mount Prospect and Mount Prospect Illinois for for for talk for know e real bre last I now I just want to stretch get my at m for I know what SI they [Applause] down now I’m staying here too all all right let’s go find some flash we got Jason sterer front four here in game four thanks everybody for joining us from Bolero Mount Prospect and Mount Prospect Illinois for the PBA LBC national championships this is the 2024 Edition second year of this event last year we were at Bolero wossa new home this year same six game qualifying blocks a little different on the oil pattern but same amount of fun and money can be hand if not even more money than last year as entries are up quite a bit over last year there’s still spaces available on all six of our remaining weekends of competition end up in mid July as our last Squad will take place on July 14th and we’re watching J turn around this squad not all squads will have PBA exempt division players on them as flash now front five oh guys I’m back oh so next weekend if you’re a Chris Prather fan come on out and watch here at B Mountain Prospect he’ll be Bing the 2PM Squad Saturday June 15th AJ Chapman’s going bright and early on our 9:00 a.m. Squad Justin nolles Kevin mun and Zack tacket will be here June 23rd on our Sunday morning 11:00 a.m. Squad Saturday June 29th DJ archers Sean lavy Spar BJ Moore Matt Ogle Kyle troop and Zack Wilkins all Bowl on the 9:00 a.m. Squad if you want to see a lot of players not just from the PBA tour but the pba50 tour as well lots of pba50 players blowing at 2m and 7 pm on June 29th Chris Barnes being one of those on the 2PM Squad and we wrap up our players in June on Sunday June 30th with Andrew Anderson grandfa Tom Hess and Matt Sanders additional players buling in July include Aj Johnson friends wat lavois EJ tacket on Saturday July 6 at 9:00 a.m. Sunday July 7th Shawn rash is on the 11: a.m. Squad and for our last weekend July 13th 9:00 a.m. we have Mitch chupe and Nick Pate 2 p.m will have Stewart Williams and we will wrap [Music] up our PBA exempt division participants with Bill O’Neal on our final Squad Sunday July 14th 11: a.m. Here Comes [Applause] flash plus 76 so he’s averaging 225 for his first three but he’s looking to raise everything up here average wise and score-wise as he’s on the front half looking for the spectacular seventh strike in a row soon as Norm gets back in the booth oh have him answer a few more of your questions not happy with that one for Flash and you see why a little unusual leaving the two7 combination I think you had a chance to ask Jason sterer right there you’d say fully executed in a poor manner for what happened on that shot I don’t think it was a lane transition or anything fooling him $2 Phil bro bringing through all the weekends of action here from Bolero Mount Prospect not every Squad the rest of the way will have its own booth feed we only have Booth feeds the main feed here uh when we have PBA tour professionals that’ll be joining us uh so we’ll give everybody a heads up on social media if you haven’t already liked the PBA League bowler certification Facebook page uh give it a shot if you’re subscribed to the PBA YouTube channel uh set your notifications on as you’ll see when we go live for every Squad and it’ll also let you know uh if you look at our schedule page for YouTube live a couple days beforehand you’ll see what squads left Booth feeds no matter what you’re going to be able to watch every pair every frame every game every Squad of the tournament uh here on PBA YouTube all of our pair feeds having the ambient sounds and beautiful sights of one Bolero Mount Prospect and and Norm Duke back in the booth and Norm we’ve got flash bouncing back after converting the 27 on the front six in a row so flash has found something moving Pairs and as we know these PB events are a lot different than sitting on a pair of lanes because par Lane you can grw him in All Night do what you want flash moving pair to pair here it’s uh he’s got to really stay on his toes well yeah and he did make the the move inside and so he’s in what I call Virgin Territory now there are so many amateurs on the on the floor that you know very few of them are going to be inside a fourth Arrow well he’s probably Crossing just right a fourth Arrow but he’s throwing it to the burn down Lane and bouncing it back that what does that do gives him angle into the pins and gives him a couple of more off hits hence the reason he’s got six bagger start plus pair to pair won’t be near as different inside then they will be where all the traction is Right Le Gerard hanging in there one of our girls handicap division it’s so neat we have so many Bowlers on this squad that are bowling in the in either the boys handicap or girls handicap divisions yeah there’s Mason yeah Mason her how’s Mason doing so far he’s got uh well he’s got three out of four marks got a strike up yeah bless Le’s heart she just nine missed or excuse me that’s not yeah 72 she just there she is 72 you know I have glasses but I still have a problem seeing now Glenn Mills here I can read that shirt if you can’t see that now you’re worse off than I am and Mills pops the big strike on the board Glenn is bowling the senior classic division so and the neat thing this year last year with the senior classic division it was just our top finisher Lenny borch making it to Bayside bll now Lenny he had just turned 60 so he was a super senior anyway but this year with the PB LBC national championships the highest finishing player in that senior classic division that’s 60 or over that’s a super senior also goes to Bayside Bull and makes it on TV so isn’t that great yeah that’s that’s going to be awesome I mean just you know John Fanta when he was on the commentary last year with you and Randy early on on the show just I can’t believe the age variety of the players out here it’s awesome we have 17-year-old to 60-year old and but that’s the best part about the sport of bowling you can be 17 years old you can be 7even years old you can be 77 years old and still come here in Bowl in the PB LBC national championships yeah Le’s only 13 shot she’s only 13 wow she’s only 13 yeah now listen people ask Norm all right so in an environment like this how much should I migrate left let’s just assume that we’re all going to migrate left uh very seldom Would we not how much all right double what you think triple what you think so we see game four Jason sterer is probably at least 15 boards deeper than he was game one yeah and that’s only three games so that’s 15 boards on the lane how many on his feet probably 25 so he’s 20 to 25 boards left of where he started in game four now then how many boards do you think you would have moved in four games would it be 25 on your feet probably not so when you get here realize that the revid alone is going to make Lanes dry out a little a little quicker okay and then you have four people on a lane that’s not five on a lane that’s I mean excuse me that’s not 10 on a pair it’s four however you’re going to have a little more rev rate than normal and double it if you don’t keep up with it you’re going to say to yourself I got soft I got soft probably not it Just looks like the ball’s soft cuz it’s in the friction and slowing down let’s see what flash can do here to pop three in the 10th put 278 on the board and double is plus you know using the PBA plus minus system he’d be plus 76 right now he’s got three games in 200 yeah get up there double that plus oh he left that’s left that’s left oh no and that is just true all right so when you’re in a position like this and you’re on a double in the 10th Frame you we want to throw it as hard as we can and bounce it out of the back we want to do oh nice split spare right there can’t make that 10 pin but he got that split and you know what he did it for one pin he’s did it in the field ball he only got one bin for that but he did it in frun of flash yeah he did see I was just showing off so Jason’s just going to you know he picked it speed up a little bit just in case it wants to get out of there but the main thing is he said look I’ve already made the mistake I’m just get what you can move on don’t give more away just because you think you’re going to get this pin out of the back that was a big big mistake too goodness you’re talking about getting in with 278 instead you get 244 huge good shot right there by Robert that gets him a turkey and bails him out to well he’s still got to get one more for the 200 game yeah seeing more players remember the first player I ever saw throw one handed without a thumb was Mike Miller Mike Miller of course he beat me in the national championship that way okay ah I there aren’t too many people that haven’t beaten you at one point in time or another I put a lot of people in the Hall of Fame that’s what I’m saying I single-handedly put Walter Ray there people say you know what’s it like bowling against Walter Ray all those years and I’m telling you he won 47 titles on my watch and I did everything I could in my power to to stop that run yeah and I had it’s almost like you have there’s nothing you can do about it it was funny last weekend I was covering a regional in Lockport right down the road here in Illinois and uh some of the guys players are having success with Storm’s new IQ 78 yeah and all a sudden you started hearing and they were playing on on uh the Scorpion pattern they were playing outside they were playing right at fifth board and all everybody goes up I feel like Walter A today red ball at five how many tiles did he win that you’re doing the red ball at five I tell you what he oh Mason people don’t realize though they think Walter Ray was you know Downing in down and in oh no no no he was the hook ball player when he first started bowling on tour back in I think 1979 or 80 yeah and I watched him lead by three or 400 pins in Las Vegas where the very first ball of the very first game of the day he is about going through the heads at about 267 Loft in it at night you know we only dressed him once per day right at night he’s throwing an Airborne over a gutter capping hooking the lane and he’s leading by 350 and I’m telling you my man could do whatever he wanted to do with a bowling ball yeah and nowadays now he’s throwing two-handed I remember being at the the regional covering the regional or not Regional the PBA 50 stop uh up in Minnesota yeah once he gets inside a fourth era you’re going to see him with two hands now and you know that that’s that’s Walter R’s mindset he says I’m going to get better every time I bow that’s that’s his point I’m going to get better every time I bowl so he never just do it on Pat you know on Pat right no no no uhuh he sees belmo coming and he goes well let me try that and next thing you know I saw embola 300 game on the PVA 50 tour right next to me with two hands and I said that’s my man Walter I’m glad that he’s doing that because I wanted others to see just what sort of a talent this man had and he was over 60 at that point by the way yeah yeah and it’s just he he he goes back home and he’s one of the he loves putting himself out on social media with his with his he takes his tablet with him doesn’t matter if it’s practice League whatever you get to see what yeah you get to see what Walter is doing either on the lanes or at the hor and he’s shooting then you let’s start watch him shoot Hors shoes left-handed I’m surprised he has a bold a regional or something leftand I am too you know Walter Ray a six time world horseshoe pitching Championship oh what but he’s got him with both hands yeah ah yeah he can do if it’s underhanded don’t gamble against wal I’m thinking that and I thought I saw somebody on social media post over the last week or two about Walter now thinking about taking up cornhole well I wouldn’t he right who’s going to beat him in corn exactly I’m not betting it no I’m like one of these days I’m going to turn on like CBS Sports Network when they got ACL on and hey here we go here’s Walter Williams Jr in the senior division taking on you know trying to take down that title yeah there’s Jeff Hersman there with a six bagger he had uh you know couple splits early one of them was in open spared one of them but hey if you can finish with the back nine every time then you can make up with some early opens Herman in our Open classic division of course $25,000 on top here’s Mason H he’s he’s got to have some old oh and he was talking yesterday about how he had a bowl on a house shot he wasn’t happy about it well but that’s the thing these young players they do they demand chess they don’t want Checkers no and that is going to save us yeah it’s it’s a all these youth I mean there’s several youth tours around this area the one that sticks out in my brain Deandra asba with her Elite youth tour that she pairs up with storm and h5g and other sponsors and uh last year I last year I jumped in on an event uh do their live streaming because ail Williams Jr who does work for uh the USBC he was at a USBC event and helped them out you just watch these kids and you watch the Gianna Brandolino and you watch the Landon Jordans and the uh Griffin Jordan just go wow these kids are unreal Cortez you know he’s he’s almost like a veteran now right and he’s like 22 and he’s the old he’s the Old Guard he’s the old guard Steve jarles last weekend walked in he was he was on a squad last weekend in Lockport he walked in he goes I can be a grandfather to 20% of the squad cuz there was a lot of PBA Junior players 40% he goes I could be a grandfather oh Jeff you missed left on excuse me you missed right on that one you could tell but he did get the the first shot in the tent so it wasn’t you know catastrophic for him yeah that’s a seven bagger with the open he looks in like 246 yeah hey let’s get some questions 24 let’s get some questions going for Norm in the chat we’re going to take it a little another audio intermission here as players move between games we’ll keep following flash he’s going to make the big move from the high end to the low in the house and we’ll get some opinions from nor about what you do sometimes on making that move and uh once flash gets underway here so joining us once again for the 2024 PBA LBC national championships this is our last Squad opening weekend thanks everybody for watching on YouTube smash that share button let everybody know they got a couple more games to get a chance to talk to one of the greatest of all time here Norm Duke with those questions you’re oh for e in e e e for for TI to well once again Jason sterer trying to come back off a early open frame you’ve seen that happen to him several times today at 120 over for five uh for four games that plus one 20 that’s PBA lingo p on the PBA tour is considered 200 so he’s bowed four games four time 200 is 800 and then you take his actual score subtract it subtract 800 from that that gives you your plus or minus on the PBA tour so in this case sterer is plus if let’s say he would only had 720 for his first four four he’d be minus 80 800 720 off of that minus 80 so uh easier to follow 68 game tournaments like the World Series of bowling with a plus minus total in saying 13,860 pins no doubt about that and I’m 13,720 I I did that once and and PBA on on extra frame back in the day and I think PBA fans ready to revolt at that point in time because they were trying to figure the math out instead of just doing well plus you know plus a you know 68 games in well he’s plus 1,368 no 13368 pins what what what do you mean yeah that’s how many pins he’s knocked down this it’s like EJ tack you think about it he’s bowled 460 games on the PBA tour this year he’s averaged 230 I mean imagine trying to repeat that pinfall have 275,000 for the year I think I I jokingly asked Walter Ray one time when he knew he knocked down his millionth pin on the PBA tour and I he I think he actually told me that I don’t know if he was half joking or not but I think he actually told me the ter and he did it in when he knocked down a million pins on tour wow I’m not you know what my man’s a physics major right he did things so differently in so many ways um you can’t question any of it I used to have I used to have access to the the PBA stats before Valero took over and you could actually see cuz they had every tournament recorded you could actually see all the pinfall people have we actually I spent one tournament like figuring out who won the most money per pin on tour over so many years and that Tye thing I think Chris Barn was number one I think he ended up winning he was winning like a dollar 27 a pin or something like that for for his career pinfall total yeah but that doesn’t count his amateur career with you know you add up all those Mega Buck tournaments yeah there was something uh you know a idiosyncrasy about those Mega Buck tournaments where you got guys like janowitz and Chris Barnes and God there were so many folks that that they just knew well I could go out there and Bowl against Weber Walter Ray amleto and Norm or I can Bowl against amateurs three times a year for1 $200,000 and that was the reason that Chris Barnes did not go pro right out of college and you know he he says his of course his career would have been better uh his professional career would have been better would he have made more money no because you know he made a decision based on uh what was better uh for his lifestyle if he had have made the shot the choice to go pro right out of college who knows what his career would look like right now and it’s just one of those situations where especially with just starting a family or something like that it’s what do you do to to support the family the best I mean there there’s been several guys that uh you know darl Bower kind of reminds me one of those where he could have been a really good player on tour full-time for a lot of years but family Bowling Center back home in Pennsylvania that type of thing and he came out and bow the summer tours and did very well yes when he came out and bow the summer tours back in the 80s and ’90s yeah then he went on fulltime on the senior tour when he got of age cuz he had a he had a manager right oh I got the kids now they can wear there there’s several of those guys Jeff Johnson uh he’s from out in Freeport his son’s run the center when he’s not in to and he’s been bowling fulltime and ball Reps for Brunswick on on the senior tour as well uh when he’s out there so yeah it’s it’s just neat to see the guys like the Lenny Bor jors and the and the Jeff Johnson’s and the and the darl Bowers that have the chance now thanks to the PBA 5 tour to make Hall of Fame careers you know Tom hes for a lot of years he didn’t Bowl fulltime on tour no got the one win at the Masters in 2011 and you know all of a sudden he gets on the senior tour and Bam by the time he’s 56 he’s got enough winds under his belt gets inducted in the PB Hall of Fame for the for the I tell you what he got so much better at 50 now he can compete on both tours and beforehand he struggled on our tour he did win The Masters but he struggled on our tour but he got better and kudos to him for that now he’s in the Hall of Fame right and Tom H as we said one of those players you’ll be able to bowl with if you’re in the same Squad uh on Sunday June 30th 11:00 a.m. out there for H he have Matt Sanders Graham fought Andrew Anderson bowling so a couple lefties couple righties on the PB exempt at this point in time sterer spare spare three bagger spare no that spare open ohare so he’s on 206 right now Leah bless are she just trying to get that ball it either moves or it doesn’t move so and that’s the one thing about these young kids some times you’d think I remember back in the day they used to think that oh some of these kids coming into tournaments 6 eight games at a time oh I don’t know those kids are going to get tired of that type of thing you these kids are Bing qualifying formats all over now in some of these weekend tournaments at 68 games and then they go into match play the same day and they they get 10 12 games 14 games under their belt before they’re done they’re they’re conditioned for I’m tired just hearing that I need a nap there was a tournament a Youth Tournament somebody ran and it was it was a triple triple elimination format you had to lose three times before you were out and they had a pretty de they had a 6 some player field they had the B 22 games before they had a champion ah before somebody actually everybody else but one player had lost three times 22 games in a day yeah I oh not flasher I once won the Dick Weber uh marathon and the last three standing was Parker bone Martin Larson and me okay uh four sets prior uh one of my great friends Rino pagee was walking past me he had just gotten eliminated and he looks at me and said God I’m glad I’m done now he was in his probably 17th 18th game of the day whatever it was at that time Parker and and Martin Larson and I were in game 26 and they said we’re going to bowl three games and then cut to two from three Bowlers to two Bowlers and so we all got in a huddle with Kirk vanon Krueger the four of us and we said Kirk why can’t we just bow the three games right now and you finish one two and three now we had been bowling this is a marathon that that day we were in game 26 and and he said Norm that’s a great idea uh if everybody’s okay with that we’re going to do it right now uh I ended up winning because we only B about three games and with the age of those three uh I finished this in the almost 30 games I finished with 850 wow for the three Parker shot 790 and was almost shut out halfway through the third game and Martin Larson shot like 670 and he wasn’t even he wasn’t in play after game one he was a Pacer after the first game Pacer yeah so you know we understand what it takes to B for a living and and inside of 30 games you know wow that’s a lot if you ask us to do that right now uh-uh nope no thank you here’s a good question someone looking for an opinion for you nor who will have better accolades when both careers are done belmo or EJ t belmo or EJ tet both yeah I was going to say you can’t go WR either resume right now well you know bmo’s already got 15 major so it’d be awfully hard not to just say well belmo right but EJ’s I don’t know how many majors he has five six seven eight I don’t know five five for sure five for sure so he’s 10 Majors back I’m going to say belmo but EJ is absolutely a dominating athlete right now it’s just incredible what he can do so you know I’m a fan I love them both personally I love them both watching them bowl and they’re just so dog on good that you can’t make that call uh would Earl Anthony be competitive on today’s pro tour oh absolutely no doubt about it I think now people ask me this is probably a better question is how would belmo do in the 80s in the 70s M and I say well belmo would have done the same thing belmo he have done it with one hand trust me on that I’m not guessing folks he would have done it with one hand because you could not do it we all started young and we all started with two hands we got out of two hands because you couldn’t compete now they say well why couldn’t he compete here’s why folks we used to put s Ms maybe eight maybe six of oil milliliters of oil on a lane and we bow four six game squads with four on a pair now we’re putting 30 mg of oil on that same Lane and they’re reiling them after six because they’re burnt yeah cuz they’re LOF in the left gutter other right so at night we were throwing blue dots and taking a finger out of it throwing it with one finger and heav it as f as fast as we could throw it and we lived on the nose we could not keep it off the nose we would even run out of room and then go right back out to the first Arrow where they were just burnt to crisp because that was the Slicker part of the lane now no way with two hands could you throw the speed there is just no way so Midway through the day belma would have been done with two hands okay now would that mean that his career would look differently heck no he would have done whatever he needed to do I.E he would have taken one-handed belmo and he would have won 15 Majors that way now that people say well you know the two-handed new thing new no it’s not new we did it when we were kids as well it just was a different game back then uh why are we putting 30 Mig of oil in Lanes to accommodate the bowling balls why are we accommodating bowling balls well because we don’t have rules that prevent us from going to bigger batter faster bowling ball so they’re building bowling balls that suck up oil quicker 30 m of oil doesn’t last as long back then we’d Bowl all day long on seven Mills of oil yeah and and what people don’t remember or don’t realize sometimes is that the oil is there sure you can make patterns and all stuff but it’s there to protect the front part of the lane the friction of you know the friction of the lane back in the days of wood lanes and shellac surfaces just as talking back 1920s 30s 1940s you could put your thumbnail into the shap yes could abely put it in the so they used the oil protect the shellack so it wouldn’t burn the shellac off the lanes when it switch the lacquer it was the same thing except they oil the lane all the way down because otherwise the ball because it was a harder surface so well here’s another thing yeah 70s let’s say later 60s had track shots yeah track shots two-handers aren’t going to win on track shots when I rolled on track shots okay I couldn’t beat Mike dervan no way no way no way because he could keep his ball in that track I couldn’t beat Nelson Burton Jr I couldn’t beat Neil burden because they could keep their ball in that track area and we had too much rotation and too much rev for our ball to lay down in the track that’s why Don Carter was such a devastating bowler back in the days because he scooted it he had a bent elbow and he did not rev it he scooted it but he would lay it down in that track that track would then move it solid in the pocket every time now how is a two-handed bowler going to compete with with that it’s it’s not happen okay our softest ball back then was a a white dot back in 1972 I guess a white dot was our softest ball right so we were using spare balls all the time yeah so and and because of the lane surface because of how soft the lane surfaces were those balls would pick up friction so early you couldn’t use today’s balls on lacquer yeah we would ball down to a Ripley we’d ball down to a black diamond or and you know you’re not talking about a whole lot of difference between a white dot and a black Diamond but it was huge for us because we could get it another 3T down the lane right and that was the whole thing back then is how could you manage the Night round when there is no more oil on the lanes so the game has changed in that regard if I was bowling right now I’d be a two-hander and if Jason B Monte was bowling in the 80s he would be a one-hander and I’m not guessing no absolutely it just it just when you go back and look at the history of how the surfaces and the bowlers and what they’ve done have changed I love going on YouTube sometimes fallen on the old Championship bowling Rabbit Hole where you’d see Dick Weber versus Don Carter in the black and white and you’d still see this you’d see the track burned out you see it in the lane because of all the friction even though these are hard rubber bowling balls they’d still get through that little bit the six seven Ms of oil and and make friction on the lane so yeah it’s just amazing how the game has changed but the game is still the same cuz the ab get all 10 pins down one shot still have 60 ft of Lane and you know Jason Sterner has not had the best 10th frames in this in this round no uh usually your 10th frames are supposed to be your best when you’re a pro because you’re lined up uh however you can see the look on his face uh it doesn’t mean just because you’re lined up you’re going to make a good shot doesn’t mean that it’s a it’s a gift it just means you’re you have a little more of a chance to to get the double yeah but you can tell he’s he’s aggravating himself we leaving a 3610 in the 10 on a strike yeah and we’ll get actually get a chance to have Jason come in the booth for couple minutes uh once he’s done at the end of his Squad uh get his opinions on what he felt down there for the LBC national championships and what’s it like bowling with uh with Leah and other players you when it’s the kind of the same but different you it’s a PBA style event but you have the uh you have players of all ages and abilities around you so it’s going to be neat to hear uh Jason’s opinion once he’s done with that we’re going to finish off this last this fifth game here and once again we got any we got any questions over there that’s why that’s why I was going to take a break again cuz they need to line up more questions fans you’re going to have one more game to ask a question and yeah we went through all them we got the EJ we got the Earl Anthony we got the yeah we got everything so far so yeah let’s take a little audio intermission again and we’re going to come back game six or final game of this third Squad of the 2024 PBA LBC national championships Brunswick Mount pardon me Bolero Mount Prospect the site for this event all the way through our seven weekends you can still sign up slash LBC tournament get you all the information you need to participate and uh get your chance to win a lot of money and get your chance to take down that Duke trophy the all important I love that trophy here the Duke Trophy and we’ll tell you a little bit about that trophy when we come back yeah there there you see it right there the Duke can’t wait what w e said oh I don’t know how EAS up right me for spe all right our final game of the weekend coming up here we’re sticking with flash Jason sterer and his Lane mates Alex Rodriguez Robert practor Leo Gerard you’ll see flash stepping up on lane 11 momentarily get those questions in for Norm Duke your last chance asked for the weekend and don’t forget if you want some great Norm Duke merchandise h5g they got the new Norm Duke t-shirt I’ve picked mine up already there you go with the with the norm Duke signature and the norm in motion right there how about that that is a beautiful beautiful t-shirt available for you if you can’t make it here on site at bolo Mount Prospect h5g they also still have the 40 years 40 titles t-shirt as well that great nor duuk shirt and we’ll get Norm back in here shortly he’s oh the fans love Norm it’s so awesome to see I mean 40 years on tour the respect fans have to this day it’s a it’s another great day for bowling it doesn’t have to involve Norm throwing the ball down the lane anymore just the stories he can tell you and the happiness he has being in a bowling center it’s a great great thing it is spectacular so flash gets underway with a strike hey thanks for the uh kind words in the chat it’s easy to do a great job on here when you got a Hall of Famer sitting with you I just I just asked some questions that the fans are presenting I’m just the moderator here in Norms got the great advice the great stories and we got flash starting with a strike here he’s stting on Lane 12 with a strike he’ll be up in the second frame momentarily and Hall of Famer Norm Duke joining us once again and Norm we oh the questions are flowing back in oh it’s great to be here it’s awesome it is awesome what’s the easiest way to improve my game from 180 to 210 spares just spares when you practice Yeah you know what shoot at the seven in pin and the 10 pin only on a full rack you have about half the room maybe even less to knock the 10 pin only and the seven pin only down as if you had them by themselves right so if you get proficient at knocking a seven pin and a 10 pin down in one frame then when you’re only shooting a 10 pin it looks so big now all of a sudden it looks like it’s the easiest bear in the world that’s how you get better especially from 180 210 I can tell already that spares are the number one thing there and another good question what was your favorite animal pattern on tour all of them and here’s why folks listen if you have a favorite pattern then you have a least favorite there lies the problem I was fortunate enough to win on all the ad animal patterns all of them why because I didn’t have a favorite I didn’t say oh this is my least favorite and I didn’t get there with a preconceived uh notion of how I was going to perform I said no uh-uh I like them all equally and therefore I got good at all of them yeah I remember Dick Weber talking about with new players coming out on tour and he go he said here’s what you need to know okay let’s say your favorite place to play in the lane is over third Arrow well you come out one week and it’s in the track and it’s not your aame and you don’t cash then the next week it’s playing outside the track not your aame don’t cash again oh great here you go next week hey here’s your third AR shot unfortunately there’s 40 guys out here that are better than you on that third arrow shot and once again you might not cash so and your third Arrow shot’s going to be there for two games you’re going to be in the fourth ER then the fifth and the sixth like you say we only oil the lanes once a day back then oh we almost got that ball up I could tell down Lane Lane 12 that ball wiggled yeah uh sometimes it’s carry down uh sometimes it’s so many plastic balls going at the in pin uh sometimes it’s non-reactive balls which carry oil down quicker because they don’t flare as much and oil doesn’t get sucked up in there whatever it is I saw that ball wiggle he thought he had a chance he’s looking at the 48 spare chopp B so chopp here help him help oh and he you see he knows there’s chop there so he plays in the middle of the two pins and just a little bit right our left you to get a TR you know what do you do otherwise nothing you do it exactly like he did it you just make a better shot but if you start with that early open enough times uh you’re you’re done in this event because of the format you have to be in the top three to move on there there’s a cryptic thing here from Greg Gutierrez and it says me you Billy Young and salvon oh yeah that could have been Edwards that could have been oh man I a lot of people that could be hey uh ringing 10 hey thanks uh I am the crew well I can’t say I am the crew my lovely wife Carrie’s here as well uh keeping everything going and you know for everybody that’s appreciated the live streams this weekend uh you know it’s a crew of two here and We Do It For the Love of the Game love of the sport love being able to bring all these LBC participants out for fans and friends family to watch and uh appreciate the props out there from everyone in the chat so nice shot Lee way to go is it Le or Leah Leah Leah Nice Shot Leah she just spared the 310 oh here’s another good question uh is it possible to play too far right in a pattern seems to be having problems picking up uh 10 pins he’s already he’s already like he says he’s touching the ball return trying to shoot the 10 pin and he’s missing if he tries to move right is what could he do to to try to do better making yeah that’s a great question now if your walk pattern is left to right as a right-hander then shooting a 10 pin you can’t get left enough because of the ball return well we would change our walk path to more straight in the first three or four steps and then we would in the middle of our swing when it got to the very top we would just angle to the right so we walk straight that puts us a little bit further left on the lane gets us a little deeper and then we’ pivot and then go straight now if you’re throw it it straight enough you can walk right to left and still be deep enough for that 10 pin so what I see in that question is uh the problem is you’re still trying to hook a little bit whether it’s two boards three five whatever it is no hook at the 10 pin is better in fact if you can cut a ball in other words a little bit of a backup ball from the tin pin you can take gutter out of play simply because you’re working the inside of the the lane you’re not exposing the ball to the gutter at all you’re coming from the left side and it’s moving to the right so you’re so far away from The Gutter The Gutter is not in play that’s how I like to shoot a tin pin cuz I hate throwing in a gutter shooting a tin pin we’re going to take a quick peek over here because we mentioned before the break there you see on the backdrop behind Lanes 33 and 34 a large larger than life-size version of the Duke the actual Duke is in the tournament office here it’s got to be a good 40 lbs it’s heavy it’s it’s bronze it’s solid bronze and I’ll tell you what is a greatest boy I tell you the honor that I feel when I see that trophy is incredible and then to see how many people want to take it home makes it even better but let me give you a little uh a little stuff about this trophy so Jana calls me one day she says all right we’re working on this Duke Trophy and I said okay so she sent me the photo and she said this is what they’re going to do and I said Ah that’s great that’s a good that’s a good pose let’s do that one and then it comes back and the right arm was like three times bigger than the left and the chin was so small that looked like alred e Newman at Mad Magazine you know all you need to do is put some freckles on there and it would have been a so uh we said how do we want to change this I said well we have to make the arms you know the same size and uh you know let’s beef up the chin a little bit because that’s just a little bit smaller than mine even though I don’t have a big chin so I get version two in and uh and the chin became really big like Jay Leno yeah it was really big but at that time I have in my in my uh trophy room I have a Chris Paul trophy in bronze it looks nothing like Chris Paul all right and it’s one of my favorite trophies and I said to to Jana Jan it doesn’t have to look like me it really doesn’t I said my trophy of Chris Paul doesn’t look like Chris Paul at all and I love it and she said so you’re okay with this and I said well go for it so then on social media when they come out with a trophy funniest thing if you’re old enough to know what I’m talking about Hollywood Squares the Paul Lyn it looks like Paul Lyn that does and when I read that well now I can’t look at that trophy without seeing Paul ly well you know exactly does they should have if it was Paul Lynn they would have made it a bobblehead he was always I had a choice I could either be Alber Newman or Paul Lynn and so I chose Pauling at least you weren’t I I’ve seen some of those ones like Ronaldo the soccer player and Lucille Ball or even the Bron from Milwaukee the bronze fans the Henry Winkler statue that got a little bit better the second time around but yeah yeah yours is yours is real close so yeah but definitely I I never saw the Alfred E Newman version of that I’ll have to ask oh my gosh it was just like Alfred E Newman well truth be known uh about 15 years ago uh Ryan schaer used to put uh paper or something on the wall in the paddock area and it was always a big joke okay and sometimes it wasn’t even something you could you could put in public I mean he he got dirty with it at times okay so at one time he took the picture of me when I was player of the year and it wasn’t a photo it was actually an artist redition of me okay and Alfred E Newman’s Mad Magazine both of them were the covers and they were both they were both out at that same time and so what he did is he took a marker and he put maybe eight or 10 freckles on me and they got identical and I saw that I walked in the panic and saw that and I busted up it was so unbelievably funny now Ryan Shaver’s a funny is he is and I went to him and I said he thought I was going to be mad at him I went to him and I said that is adorable it’s absolutely phenomenal and so when I saw that first one with the little chin that’s all I could think about was Ryan schaer and alred E Newman have you seen some of Ryan schaer’s custom jerseys he gets for bowling on the 50 tour yes I have the monkey and the football yes the monkey and the football oh this is just not even right yeah my man is skewed a little bit but he is such a fun guy to be around oh yeah Absol absolutely and one of the I mean most talented players out there for so many years and just I mean one one of those guys he’d get on TV so often and it would be just one frame that would just get him or an opponent getting a break that would just get him and I mean he he had to make 50 TV shows in his career easily easily a bunch of Majors you know one of the problems with his TV is he made more shows in Majors than than just about anyone and so in those major championships when it came down to who wins this he’s bowling Walter Ray he’s bowling Pete Weber he’s bowling D he’s bowling one of the very very best at that time yeah so most of his shows were in major championships and most of those were against the very best walk in the Earth yeah and so you look at it and you go man he had really struggles on television he really didn’t have that many struggles on television it was just look at the people that he’s bowling and uh goodness yeah I mean the the new veterans category when Tom announced that at the hall of fame banquet in 2023 that there was going to be a veterans committee for some of the players that are outside the the the 10 the 10 titles 20 years the five titles with at least two of those being majors and Flash is really in trouble now I so glad to hear him announc that not surprised that Steve jaros was voted in as one of the first in that category I hope guppy gets in there and I really hope Ryan Schaefer gets in that way too because you you sometimes you can’t just always look at the at the you know the the win loss record you look at the money that guy’s won over the years and everything I hope that eventually the next 5 years Ryan’s one of those players that gets voted in by the veterans committee oh well yeah you know there there are uh requirements to to uh be Hollow of Fame eligible and you have to have 10 titles you have to have I think two or three Majors one of the two y uh so there are so many players Ryan shaer probably the number one uh Steve jarles who got in last year in that category you know absolutely the same they don’t have either of them right but if you look at their body of work uh it’s Hall of Fame worthy now Ryan shaver is a given that he’s going to get into the Hall of Fame in that classification he may even get in Hall of Fame with his senior stuff coming up never know but he will be a Hall of Famer and for good reason uh let’s see cuz guppy has Eight titles Steve D at seven uh trying to see who else ryal paage only had one major right US Open Us open in Garland he’s just short have you talked to Ryan recently I know he’s got Grizzly Lanes in in in uh Bigfoot Montana yeah ran to him last time I saw him was a couple years ago at uh he’s engag to be married really yes he is yes he met an adorable girl there that I got to meet in uh last season’s uh Bowl Expo okay and he came not as a bowler but as a a bowling center man uh owner manager right and so he was a buyer he was buying all kinds of stuff for his Center and they I stopped and had lunch with him on two occasions and I got to meet her good for Rhino he’s as happy as he’s ever been good to hear I know he’s I know Marshall Kent and uh got some interest in that same Center and uh uh EJ Russell and EJ tet have an RT Pro Shop there as well so yeah there’s about five or six players that are invested in that and it’s a great investment I mean when they bought that uh that Center was in trouble now they have a Junior League program that is second to none and their future is set because they are taking care of their Juniors they’re taking care of their clientele he’s even got some gambling in there because of the state oh yeah with Montana yeah mhm so he’s doing just perfect and I love to hear story like that last time I was in Montana was the 2002 ABC national tournament in Billings we bowled like opening week and we got there was 70° in February we landed it was 70° the next morning we woke up it was two below that was the end of that at 72° change in one day so then when they so then they hadn’t had it was warm for the couple of days before that so they hadn’t had to have any of the heat on in the in the it was basically a giant barn we were in there they call it the convention center was a giant barn they have a lot of livestock shows and such in that Barn so then the next morning they were getting ready to oil for the for the early morning Squad turned all the blowers and fans on hey dust came out all so they had everything was about 3 hours late that day dust yeah and that was in the days where they had the 7:30 and 10:30 team squads we started at 1:45 in the morning with our team squad oh my good next morning I remember that cuz they had to clean everything up right Nice Shot there Leah that’s one of those players you know next year as soon as they open up probably in October they open up the entries for the 2025 edition of this PBC National Championship give me Sunday morning 11:00 a.m. I want to be here I want to be here and I’m sure next year once again we’ll have Norm Duke opening weekend this is the norm weekend it was last year it is this year it should be every weekend opening weekend should be the norm weekend yeah one of the greatest honors I could be bestowed is just to be involved and affiliated with this event have the trophy as we’re watching Jason sterer last time here left the 3 6710 oh little bit of an over adjustment otherwise he would have got a little more roll and carried the 10 pin y yeah people think that that 10 pin is is luck it has very little to do with luck sometimes luck because of the rack but most of the times because of the state of the ball when it enters the pins why do I leave a 10 pin because of deflection the ball deflects a little bit to the right off the head pin hits more of the six spin that hits less excuse me it’s more of the three pin that hits less of the six pin and you have the ringing 10 so what do you do what you got to get the ball into the pins in a more momentous State it’s got to be tracking into the pins and running in them you can’t have it hit the pins while it’s still skidding that’s deflection and if that ball rolls out it’s going to deflect in both cases you’re going to leave 10 pins and seven pins so we’re going to have a couple more frames here with narm and then we’re going to bring Jason sterer into the booth once he’s done bowling get his opinions on how he felt here right so anything that I said that he doesn’t agree with well take take my side would I will well Norm said Jay said you know when you’re in here so but I just want to take a moment I know the fans want to take a moment while here nor thanks for everything I mean thanks for this weekend thanks for the career thanks for the highlights I mean it’s it’s been awesome it’s just awesome to see didn’t matter the age of the bowler this morning they know you they love you and they want to just get a picture with you or get the autograph and stuff and you always take so much time with the fans and and I as a bowling fan appreciate what you do for everyone and I got to hit you up for one autograph before you leave for a buddy of mine that has loved you since he saw you when you were an 18-y on tour and he always wanted to meet you and he was trying to get down here this weekend and couldn’t do it so I’m making sure I’m bring bringing my buddy Bruce back an autograph cuz I’m already bringing him back the new Norm Duke t-shirt I got the T-shirt so we I showed it on camera while ago so yeah so he’s getting the T-shirt I was like debating whether no I’m going to know he’s going to wear that t-shirt I got to get him an autograph he can put on his wall his two favorite Bowlers you and Parker Bowl the third well I’ll tell you what two favorites Parker is way up there and you know when you’re talking about being a fan of bowl and if you’re not a fan of Parker then you don’t know Parker yeah and now he’s got both of his kids this bone name is going to be around Bowling Sydney’s going to college she just took down a PBA Junior event uh for the girls 18 under in the last last weekend actually it was so yeah the whole bone family is just amazing I have to talk the bones the Barnes Doug KS oh man we have so many of The Offspring of the pros that are coming out and they you know they they had they they had a little cheat they like Barnes I mean how do you even go practice when your mom and your dad are both all well that’s the thing and Ryan didn’t really get serious about his bowling till the pandemic hit I know and it’s like hey Dad let’s go bowling yeah by the way Dad I’m going to be a two-handed bowler I’m going to run you over yeah oh and then but Linda goes yeah you two go step aside I’ve been doing all this stuff at home and staying home I’m going to go out and Bowl the golden ladies out in Vegas and take that down for the first term I’ve bow in a while I know so I get I get lucky enough a couple times now to work with Chris and uh Linda at a tournament in Milwaukee called the junior Hall of Fame and it’s a great event run by by Shannon labinsky and like young players like Mason I’ll see there and the bullers enter his doubles teams and then they get paired up with a local Hall of Famer if they’re lucky enough last year Aj Johnson was there and AJ was the first to show you how tough the competition is in this tournament AJ in 17 years was the first professional that made the step lighter finals with their with their youth players wow so and like Chris Barn was there the year before and he didn’t make it and uh uh Manda Manda vermilia was there the year before and didn’t make it and yeah so it’s just kind of funny so we’re AJ was the first pro to finally make it into the step ladder I’ll be darn I didn’t know that yeah so well hey NM thanks for joining us we’re going to get Flash in the booth as soon as he’s done here I know there’s people I want to see before they go out the door and I know you got to get ready to home Wonder wonderful absolutely I’m going to find you for that autograph before we get out the door and to all you fans out there that love bowlan I’m a fan I love bowling as well we appreciate you so very much you are what makes pro bowling pro bowling with that I’m out yeah with that Jason sterer coming up next ready we going to we have to go see you want guys he ch I call I call out he I’m all right so waiting to get Flash in here Jason sterer taking some pictures getting the I mean what a cool experience not just for the fans but for Jason as well and we’re gonna get them wired up for sound here and uh we’ll talk to Jason shortly and now joining me in the booth is a man known as flash what’s up pH Jason sterer Jason PBA LBC national championships this the second year of the event this is the first time you didn’t Bowl on they had the whole exempt squad for you guys last year yeah this year bowling with the I mean it’s like bowling with the fans how cool of an experience was it for you today yeah I enjoyed it uh got to meet a lot of new people from this area uh got a bowl with a girl named Leia who was pretty good and she held her own out there on the pattern so I was uh pretty impressed so uh not so much for my own bowling but for theirs um but yeah it was it was cool just shaking hands and getting the bowl of those you know other people that you don’t normally get to see yeah there’s a lot of Bowlers you can look at the list there’s a list at there’s an article on there today uh that shows all the different Pros are going to be here all the way through the tournament know you had to B you nor mentioned uh you got a little one arriving shortly so cool to see cool to hear that was Heather’s like you can you can bulb you got B early and then we got to hurry up and get back cuz at this point she’s uh she’s due anytime uh so now it’s just the waiting waiting game so okay well it’s good to so let’s get your opinion about the lane pattern here because you usually see stuff that people would consider tougher on the PBA tour uh last game bit you a little bit 176 so we won’t talk about that but uh the pattern itself it’s pretty playable from a lot of angles isn’t it cuz we were watching you at norm and you were outside then you were inside Norm was saying how you know versatile you had to be uh on this pattern and and but that shouldn’t hold anybody back should it no no I think uh just making good decisions uh like you said there’s multiple zones you can play uh I think you just got to be strategic and know when to move um obviously I came in a little rusty and you don’t really know what to expect you don’t get a practice session on it but uh you know you you choose what you got and you go from there uh obviously the last game kind of caught me but uh yeah I mean I felt like I could play right I could play in the middle uh I could shape it I don’t really know if that was the play obviously of the last game bow 160 I don’t know if that was it but and it could have just been catching the wrong wrong pair at the wrong time you know and it happens that’s the game but uh yeah I mean it definitely challenging but not US Open tough okay you know what I mean so so yeah cuz you bowled here in February during the Illinois Classic was there any knowledge that you gained from that time frame that that turned over into here like this pair played this way or this because the parents were so different you kind of had to take a fresh Outlook at it uh I did I followed my notes a little bit the first couple games which is fine uh and again we B on probably I think four 5T difference in pattern length but uh uh some of the characteristics were the same some of the balls I used were similar uh layout wise but uh there was definitely a little bit more forgiveness to the right here so I feel like that was good and bad for me because I kind of got trapped in trying to use it instead of you know doing what I would like to do uh which is use the oil instead of using the friction but uh uh again it’s just there’s multiple zones in this house uh from what I from what I felt then that it’s really responsive down Lane so even with a longer pattern like I still feel like I had hooked down Lane yeah so there you go heard it from the man himself Jason sterer and and Jason uh did anybody build doubles for you or team today cuz not a lot of people knew you know you around the earliest early in the weekend because you can bow with anybody team or doubles as long as the first person pays the entry so I didn’t know if anybody in the squad saw you like hey can we bowl doubles they they didn’t come up and if they would have saw me bow the last game they probably would like think God save my money well that only been for team CU it’s the first three for doubles second three games for team so and uh yeah so you can still sign up with any of the pros that list once again on the homepage there’s all the information you need about this second annual LBC tournament Jason safe travels congratulations on being the father and good luck to you the rest of the year appreciate it thanks everybody for watching today we’ll see you back here next time from Bolero Mount Prospect 9:00 a.m. your start time next Saturday

1 Comment

  1. I notice some players only allow one lane courtesy. Are there any rules on this for this tournament?

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