The Toes and Their Impact in the Golf Swing

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In this video, Carolin discusses the role of the ‘toes’ in golf. She explains how the toes can significantly impact golf contact, the swing path, and the entire motion of the golf swing. Understanding and properly utilizing the toes can enhance overall performance and consistency in the game.

Carolin Pinegger is a Leadbetter Certified Instructor & Previous LPGA Pro Tour Player

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hi everybody I’m coach Carolyn welcome to my channel and today we’re here to talk about our toes and the impact that they can have on our contact and our golf swing on our path and the entire motion so let’s do it all right so toes yeah here we were all thinking that what we do up here really matters in the golf swing but trust me what you do down here can really really matter and does really really matter to your golf swing and your performance out on the golf course so your toes can really help you with your swing path and your spine angle and that’s a thought that I really love because it’s not technically a swing thought it’s something that you can do before you start to swing and then just maintain it throughout the swing so it’s actually much less difficult to think about that because a swing thought for me is like okay I’m over the ball and as I’m swinging I have to start thinking about doing it right but this is a really a setup thought and then you just keep it there you don’t change it again so you just do it and it stays throughout your swing I love this when I struggle with contact because when I personally struggle with contact and that applies to a lot of people they come out of their spine angles and they kind of shift their weight forward to their toes throughout the down sling so what this looks like is this they’re up here and then they’re like and kind of me losing my spine angle I pretty much have to put my weight on my toes much more right you’re standing up your weight shifts forward also because we’re putting power behind a lot of people want to be like I want to hit the ball right so you got to generate some power to trying to shallow the golf club for whatever reason it may be there’s different reasons in the downswing and they want to create power and then this happens so now imagine if we were to lift our toes and I’m not suggesting to just put my weight onto my heels completely is not what I’m saying because we don’t want to exaggerate that either because if we did then you know again golf is a game of opposites if we literally put all of our weight into our heels at the setup then our body would try to shoot forward even more during impact we don’t want to do this but however what we can do is we can just lift all of our toes up a little bit in our in our shoes and you won’t even see this if you wearing golf shoes or trainers minimally you will anybody even notice that you’re doing it I promise you if you don’t tell your golf buddies they will not even know you’re doing it but so what this looks like is I’m standing over the ball I’m setting up and then I have my weight you know this way distributed pretty evenly kind of like right here um the I guess the first third of my foot and that’s about right and now all I’m going to do I’m going to keep my weight there but I’m going to lift my toes so now I really feel like I’m standing on my the balls of my feet but my toes aren’t really touching the ground which that’s the point here right and you can do this on the course you can do this on the Range you can do this with any swing you can hit balls with it you can do practice Swings with it whatever you feel comfortable but why we’re doing this is because it’s going to help you keep your behind your butt back because your toes are up and it’s a lot harder to shift you have to now really shift hard to get on those toes because they’re not even on the ground so it really kind of keeps your butt back which keeps your spine angle and the spine angle is this right here that wasn’t graceful but sorry you you know you know got to you got to do what you got to do so this is the spine angle and when you come out of it you’re changing it right we don’t want to change this because this is what get the rotation around the spine angle should stay the same and be maintained but if your butt goes forward it will change however if you turn up like back and then your butt stays back this kind of change in the spine angle for it to increase if you will actually is somewhat desirable there is some tour players out there that are on the top of their back swing and then they get more spine angle but what happens they kind of push their butt back so this is what this drill really helps with and what else that does is it actually lowers your hands a little bit at impact so what happens if you do it wrong and if you kind of shoot your weight forward your hands are now here right versus if you were to set up again your hands were down here so now you have a big big difference from here to here which really kind of the cental force is taken over and you have a very hard time controlling your hand path through impact so if you are able to keep your weight more stable that rhymed if you have if you’re able to keep your weight more stable let’s finish the sentence now Caroline because you’re so easily entertained then you can actually maintain a much better and more consistent path through impact and it also can be a little bit closer to your body at impact which that you see a lot with the really good players they actually don’t get get very far away from their bodies in terms of their hands during impact so let me show you a couple of practice swings like this and then we’re going to hit some balls actually two balls because I only have two balls that that’s some all right so I’m going to take my regular setup I’m going to have my weight kind of on the first third of my foot on the balls and I’m going to lift my toes you barely saw that but I did it now I’m going to take the club back and through super super well balanced golf swing here makes it a lot easier to be well balanced and now we’re going to hit one for you I’ve done this many times during my plane career played around with lifting maybe the toes on one foot or on both feet they can do different things or the same thing depending on what you’re using it for toes up before the swing and keep him there really nice and balanced little baby drop so I love this drill again it’s not a swing thought it’s a setup thought and that really makes it easy to maintain it even during a round and to get you back on track during a round so I hope you enjoyed this little tip I sure love these and it’s really going to help you stay on track and get back on track if you ever get off Trek which we all do on the back nine when we’re tired when we’re kind of out of sink so make use of your toes they can be really helpful and they can really help you maintain that balance because a more balanced setup and a more balanced golf swing is going to lead to more consistent Conta tect every single time let me know if you love this leave me a comment below I can’t wait for our next session and until then hit him well [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]

1 Comment

  1. Je suis reconnaissante d'avoir l'opportunité de communiquer avec des femmes aussi intelligentes et perspicaces et d'apprendre de celles-ci. C'est un privilège de faire partie de cette communauté.🍓

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