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I Won Another Major Championship | US Open Highlights

My highlights from the 2024 US Open Championship…

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[Music] another EP up down at Pinehurst for a US Open Championship Bryson Das Shambo now has two you’ve spoken a lot about how much you enjoy YouTube golf and that side of it what do you enjoy about tournament golf just knowing that I accomplish something under the gun under pressure situation that’s my favorite thing about tournament golf when that pressure’s on and I execute like I know how I can there’s no better feeling in the [Music] world Bryson going with five iron allowing for the right to left wi perfect t- shot didn’t waste any time getting up over that Mike just went through his routine very quickly there o right in a [Applause] divot come on really goes down and gets it center of the green for line we’re pretty close to where maoy hit his second much lower than normal see and then you got to have the shaft forward there look how quick that club stopped first hole [Music] [Applause] oh we’ve seen a number of players not be able to get it close dead on the right Edge watch how this rolls end overend he’s been impressive with that flat stick that that thing’s anything but flat then you try to fight that little demon taking this up the right side but no draw thus far yeah missing it right here off the te I mean okay it’s not the worst place to miss it on the golf course but it’s close to it o bounces up out of that wire grass yeah there’s that clump of wire grass High shot turning left left of the flag let’s see if he can keep it on the effective putting surface and there’s that shiny part that will be escorted off and well yeah that’s down the slope that’s the price you pay you know you miss it to the right there you just got an awful angle it’s why architect lovers love this place to have any chance of really getting it close to this second whole location as we take a look good contact but again his shot shape is limited more or less I don’t I don’t think I’ve seen him hit a fade this week he tried it well he’s been hitting these low driving little hooks with absolutely beautiful touch to the first three days and another one there you’ll have to have that part of your game working this week where you’re not going to be on top of that leaderboard all right so he’s avoided any kind of pickups that you might have seen he had the drive into the divot on the first made par does just that beautiful draw up the right center that’s more Bryson like right there that sounded like it was Square in the middle of the club face fighting a draw wedge just a little right of the hole that’s a nice shot there kept it down control the spin you know he gives you expression right away I know brandle you you and I talked about how much players of the great Putters move a lot he moves out of his posture as quick as any player in the game today yeah I don’t like the hold keep your head down be still gra certainly didn’t do that this is up the right center beautiful t- shot yeah conversely this one fits him perfect High draws that’s the name of the game give him a left to right shape Fairway and he can just carve it up that left side pone was 179 that was 192 tug just a little bit left center of the green going to sit no what are we doing dude and and once he gets that’s an eight iron all day long I hit it 10:30 that was not like a oh did he hit it no and guys he’s going to be very upset cuz he was still muttering himself as he got to this shot about hitting the ball over the green here he’s very unhappy that he did that yeah that’s did he hit it did he did yes he did but it just rims out on the right green place where you just nobody gets it up and down and he did almost made fact is though he hit it back there in a spot where almost every single player has made bogey first bogey for the Shambo and the lead is one over [Applause] maroy oh yeah up the right side this is going to need a bounce to stay in the Fairway nope hopping through that native area oh that one [Music] mmy boy he got right through that grass but this is cutting towards the right green side bunker upway in it that’s on the down slope I don’t think that’s going to be the worst shot taking a huge risk if he flies this to the green big swing there that is a very very good shot from there actually a little unlucky isn’t it bones that it didn’t get down that far only two out of seven players have gotten it up and down from this bunker for [Music] birdie can’t start it high enough here it’s hard to be aggressive when you’re above this exactly that is a mighty lash at it drawing towards the right center of the green short and he’s going toach you see the scrambling stats for Des Shambo he’s doing it again here at the six doing it very well doing it very well so both guys from a tough spot yeah bones said Flawless I’d say Fearless as well question just Edge from the trees there just missed them should be good he said it should be good but believe it ends up there in the there it is yep [Music] oh it’s a stop there arms locked [Music] out no risks at all in this stroke needed an ounce yesterday he was jogging between some greens and te’s it was bothering you so badly but uh today he’s been uh quite quiet about it and uh looks really good going down the fairways makes his par no bures in the first six [Applause] holes lost it right at some point I mean I know he had a little Reckoning at five but is so fortunate take a look at that incredible amount of power he creates but maybe just here he knew that look that hard draw here get in the ho oh it look good coming out I don’t know what the results going to be late cut will it Carry the Cross bunker a now he’s got big stress big big stress like we talked about the back of this screen being one of the worst places to hit it the next worst place to hit it is right there now looks like he’s going low looks like he’s going to drive something in that Hill be no he went he went high with it boy that’s a heck of a shot one of the best short shots I’ve seen in a long time you know I mean this guy just is a is a Human Highlight re epic up and downs that he’s made worst possible spot remember if you go back to 199 you know just lost mind as good as it gets and this is the kind of Showmanship that D Shambo says I have to be a little more of that guy very aggressive for line left of the flag now it’s really kind of a smart play seems like the longest birdie put he’s had today gently down the hill turning to his left Pon put it in front of him and almost hold it as well saw that coin there so dambo is going to go one over on this first Di one shot lead he was watching it closely it’s terrific Pace on that one he’s not staying in his posture watching that tell he’s letting that one out might be a little late on it another one headed right again can’t get aggressive [Music] here St very good strike turning over a little more than he wants go baby so there’s the angle for dambo that is a bit awkward to say the [Music] least another stroke of Brilliance from the Shambo I mean he really showed us something today he smoked one right down the middle here yesterday hardest Fairway to hit in the championship all right all right man that’s a good s yeah I mean look you know he he loves loves to draw it the time I’ve seen him all week when he’s come up and out of it is when he’s trying to hit a fade yeah playing for something of a jumper here but his headed left got in that bunker and came out of his pit SP that’s a good break that it got in that sand let’s watch this and Mike this is another one of those instances there where that wire grass shuts the face down that pulled left and you heard him say it stupid stance again that wire grass it may be the ball it may be the club head but the stance there as well in Northern Ireland back at 11 and dambo players two of two up and down out of this bunker today he was he was a little chunky on that one more out a little fat here yep too far behind the ball you see it well right of the club head nice what a save another one great read from Team dambo there yeah just maybe just out of the edge that thing broke hard escaping jail you see that line on the ball end over end leaps to the hole to get it out of there couple of nice saves here 7even ft there Mike he’s got the crowd on his side too driver up the right side this will all depend on the first bounce first bounce goes right bones and this was just earlier at the Shambo finally caught up with him he was forced to kind of just pitch out here well you knew sooner or later I mean if you go back and look at who won Here Pay Stewart Michael Campbell Martin K third shot now 77 yds still good easy to save par here with a good low pitch right beneath the cup and indeed finally caught up with him and mooy going with Fairway metal hit it very hard this appears to be on a good line great looking line and enough to get it up there what an [Applause] answer great call fax just not as fast as he thought boy there such a difference in maroy standing his posture on 12 in his putting he was Furious D look at easy birdie though wasn’t it what a three would [Applause] Mike he’s lost several to the right this over hooking to the [Applause] left can he get lucky again the Shambo is concerned about a couple of grasses behind his ball he’ll hit him on the takeway from 145 playing a bit of a jumper here so they had to play safe though he’s had great speed all week not a single three putt talk about speed that’s got plenty of it but pretty good to stay one back that is well man who knows what maroy is going to do at 15 seven iron from 205 helping wind Sol it’s going to go back oh he got it to stay that look like go right on the pre that first first bounce that had a little bit more height than maroy shot hang on oh first three punt of the championship at the worst time I was just going to say can you imagine a time to do it that ped him that broke a little bit to the right first putt was to blame crashing it by there Roy leads by one let’s see if we see how square that putter is going back that Line’s right over end over end maybe a hair of a push he’s challenge that left side hits so hard up the left edge up got it no is it too far left he’s so far up there and it bounds back into the Fairway it danced around the [Music] sand turning towards the [Applause] flag and it’s a gorgeous shot like a Lo the hole I thought he made this one brandle this was a great putt I mean RIT right I mean could have easily broken did a great job with the speed no wonder his hips hurt right but that’s a really good for got to be careful as we’ve learned so the Shambo heads over to that 17th do it right now eight iron High draw chasing this hole asks for the shot he has and what a shot by Bryson but again another [Applause] high do it right [Music] Mikey took the club he could swing the hardest at he hit it right in the middle of the face this hole is asking [Applause] him this is over hooked well left that is biggest hook I’ve seen him hit all week and you you think you can stay short of it but then when you get in there you’re swinging evitably he’s got momentum it goes longer and you get tangled up in it to the right this is going to run into the [Applause] bunker another incredible up and down have the tree the RO a good back swing it didn’t you hit the tree but his b just good contact and that’s oh CAU the slump ran up there right below the hole goes to Shambo and he’s pumped [Applause] up 55 yds away and the Shambo knew he hit it just about perfect he’s been escaping the wired grass of number two all week long can he do it one more time to put away another US Open and if he gets up and down another epic up and down at Pinehurst for a US Open Championship Bryson Das Shambo now has two the second at number two battling diabetes and other health issues for years died after his US Open championship at Wingfoot [Applause]


  1. One of the best moments of my life…. Your guys’ love and support carried me through to getting this one done. This is only the beginning to a long story that has yet to be written. See you all at the next one!

  2. Congratulations Bryson. It is a pleasure to watch you play this great game! Another well deserved victory!

  3. Congratulations Bryson, we love you man , you are changing golf, and sharing in a great way what you experience doing that!

  4. Absolutely love cheering for you , you have made golf fun again passion , talent , excitement. Thank you sir

  5. Bryson,
    I have been a golf fanatic all my life and I have seen more Majors than I can count, including all of Tiger"s wins. I must say that your win at Pinehurst was the most amazing scrambling round of golf that I have ever seen. It would be a super win if you were always on the short grass just ripping it down the middle on every hole, but you had to manufacture so many amazing shots from everywhere that this win stands out to me as just INCREDIBLE. i recorded the telecast and have watched this video a couple of times already but it won't ever get old. Keep up the GREAT entertainment and keep doing You Tube!!!

  6. what a day, what a Victory!! So deserved regarding all the joy you bring us in your channel. Thank you for that kind of moments

  7. Well done @brysondechambeau 👏 been a crushers fan since day 1 hoping to meet you in the UK next month and praying that blue and white striped polo shirt is for sale in the merchandise stands 🙏

  8. Well done @brysondechambeau 👏 been a crushers fan since day 1 hoping to meet you in the UK next month and praying that blue and white striped polo shirt is for sale in the merchandise stands 🙏

  9. Mr. Dechambeau what a awesome tournament it was beautiful and on that note, would you ever consider opening fig Garden country club over here in Fresno California sorry to be a bug but I just think it’s a wonderful idea

  10. The fact that you are a MAGA Trump person, I'm out. You are picking a megalomaniac narcissist for your president.

  11. Insane display of talent, skill, and composure with those recovery shots! Multiple shots from the waste areas, the 2nd shot on 18 is arguably just as impressive as the bunker shot with that tree root in the way (super easy to hurt your wrist there) and ridiculously clutch with the bunker shot to close it out!

  12. What an unbelievable round. Had to be the most frustrating day off the tee for Bryson ever. Ball refused to draw all day, then decided to draw every time he didn’t want to. Constantly playing and escaping out of the wiregrass and sand. Dude got up and down from EVERYWHERE. Imagine if he hit a few fairways lol, it wouldn’t have been nearly as close.

  13. Been watching you over the last 3 days after winning the US open.. man you have energy!!… get some sleep dude! But seriously.. you are an inspiration Bryson, been a fan for years and thank you for the entertainment.. you are an inspiration to so many, me included to get off my ass and play more golf! Hope to get to see you when you come to the UK soon.. and keep it going champ.. been blasting you on X too lets get a game haha!!😂😂

  14. Fuck me. If videos with preteen 30 year olds gets more views than Byrson literally cementing his name in sporting history forever, we've really got issues.

    I know this comment wont be seen by the man himself but good on you son. You've done us proud. Golf fans love you. Even with all he anti LIV bias that we get fed over here, England loves you.

    Keep up the great work professor

  15. Congratulations on your historic victory, which you worked long and hard for with a lot of discipline and hard training. I take my hat off to you and hope that it continues like this and that you keep the fun and ease of your game for a long time. I love your game🍀🙋🏻‍♂️

  16. Being from Norway, my no. 1 will allways be Viktor. But i rooted definitely for you this time. What you do on Youtube and the way you engage yourself is amazing. Love your game and your content. Fantastic performance! And I have to agree with all the world that this last bunker shot was magical. With so much pressure and walking away with a par after so much trouble. Unbelievable.

  17. Dearest Bryson, for the last 3 years I’ve followed you on YouTube, my respect for you was earned 3 years ago, today respect is surpassed with pride.
    I believed you delivered.

  18. Insane that he was able to clutch up so many pars missing almost every fairway off the tee. Short game wins majors.

  19. Congrats!!! My non-golfing Wife watched the entire 4th round with me at our local Sports Bar & had her hands on the side of her face for your final putt ….

    BTW-StackedGolf would be a great collab for you to do…..They have such a knowledge & variety of clubs, that would be perfect for content ….give them a shout!!!

  20. Golf has been loosing viewers since Tigers stopped winning tournaments. Broadcasters should be thanking you for bringing them back! PGA should also pull their heads out and figure out how to get you and others back on tour. Thanks for all of the great youtube videos and thanks for making golf exciting again!

  21. @Brysondechambeau as a left I would love to find some clubs with a similar face. I know I will not find a one length set with that face (or until your secret line is released) but in the mean time, how different are the faces of your irons compared to the Controller Roll & Bulge irons?

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