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“F-CK YEAH! THE CONDOR!” | Panthers Mic’d Up for Stanley Cup Final Game 2

Hear from Tkachuk, Okposo, Reinhart and Coach Maurice during the team’s 4-1 win over the Edmonton Oilers in Game 2 of the Stanley Cup Final.

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we got swaggy we got bar we got Rhino we got fory we got in the cage we got [Music] Bobby simple mindset leave it all out there tonight come on come on come on for can I My Voice come on keep leading boys drive it drive it drive it good start baby Good Start that’s it baby that’s it Mighty boy good way to get back baby [Applause] ah get on him get on him that’s a puck we got to get on hey hey hey take your ice take your ice there go go go nice [Applause] Benny we’re good go go [Applause] hey great job great block Barky that’s it great stick parade take it out take it out yourself take it to the net [Applause] yeah the Condor [Applause] [Music] we’re skating man we’re skating you’re good you’re good run your roaches go hard lots of talk you’re good breathe baby breathe [Applause] go go go [Applause] go I got Chucky [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] St me way to get the boys rolling B way to shut the door good job that’s it Bobby great good job [Music] [Applause] [Applause]


  1. the fakery and the diving to win the cup is appalling.Pickin their scabs to draw blood for the majors,net coming off all the time,flopping around like fish outta water everytime they get hit,goalie shaking his mask off to stop the play,its like panthers are a bunch of soccer players

  2. God, as much as Barkov and Tkachuk are at the front, EVERY SINGLE PANTHER from Maurice to Lomberg have an air of leadership to them; they're all equals. That's why Florida runs so deep.

  3. Бобр – Кондор счет 2 – 0….Боб хорошая работа……испанец два гола…..Миккола не смог забить Бобу, так поехал и забил в другие ворота……столько смеялась……вы еще и смешные…..Экблад забил в пустые ворота…..и за это я бы тоже давала звезду……Ээту две результативные передачи…..МОЛОДЦЫ……вперед кошки…..вы самые лучшие…..молю Бога о вашей победе, чтобы дал вам уменья, здоровья и сил…..а вы не жалеете себя ради победы…..фантастическая команда…..БОГ вам в помощь!!!

  4. What a beautiful culture on the ice. Seriously they’re so calm you could fall asleep to this in the background. It feels like the outcome is already determined and it’s all on execution, and they’re executing. What a joy to be a panthers fan right now.

  5. This is a solid NHL team with great chemistry and an all players working together ethic. The Oilers all think they are royalty themselves and have no team spirit. The entire Panthers team deserve this Stanley Cup and I've loved this team since their "unfinished business" first cup run in 1996- sweep the Edmonton Fraud Company!

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