A Golf Club Does What No Other Tool Can!

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Golf should not be a struggle. Golf should not be hard. Golf is easy if you know the secret. Start playing golf well. Gain confidence and have more fun playing golf.

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there’s an outrageously obvious thing about the golf club that is the simple reason most adults have such a hard time learning golf literally no one is consciously aware of this Quirk which is why golf is so frustrating I know you’re thinking there’s nothing quirky about the golf club it’s Common Sense well it’s not so prepare to have your mind blown the golf club does something that no other tool does it propels the ball at an acute angle to the shaft I know this might not sound significant at first but hear me out this is profound no other tool you have ever used does that none and that’s significant every other tool we’re familiar with like a baseball bat or tennis racket can only send the ball at an obtuse or right angle so we’ve all learned to believe that a ball will always travel at a right or obtuse angle to the shaft and this belief is ingrained in our subconscious mind therefore the average person cannot comprehend how a golf club actually works since they’ve never encountered a tool like it so they unconsciously attempt to make it do what they believe it should do rather than what it’s engineered to do it’s our hands that mislead our brain we subconsciously relate the angle of the shaft to the flight direction of the ball instinctually assuming that this angle should never be less than 90° which is why most golfers flip through impact and often hit the ball fat at some point in our childhood development we believe that we fully understand observable physics and from then on WE unconsciously disbelieve anything that we don’t already understand this is what makes magic so fascinating Arthur C Clark said advanced technology is indistinguishable from Magic so as odd as it may sound the golf club is essentially magic to those who don’t understand it which is one of the reasons golf is so compelling and mysterious to so many the acute launch angle is just one of the amazing things that makes the golf club so unique and unconscious disbelief of this phenomena is why so many people struggle to use it properly most people achieve Improvement during instruction but then soon revert to their old habits because their core beliefs remain unchanged true progress can only come from changing those underlying beliefs and learning to understand what was once thought to be magic remember where you heard this first right here at overhand golf where golf Hunter S Thompson Richard Fineman cernus and Nicola Tesla Collide oh one more thing please like And subscribe to the channel there’s plenty more where this came from


  1. In addition, we fail to comprehend similar deep functional elements of our musculoskeletal system.

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