Golf Players

Tour Download 3: Hitting Fairways

How important was it to hit fairways at the Memorial Tournament and how did that compare to the other tournaments in 2024.

[Music] [Music] Hello everybody welcome to this Monday’s tour download uh the memorial just wrapped up yesterday and we saw Scotty win that again um he’s on quite a rooll and one thing I thought that we could do today U because it came up with a few players of the memorial was they were saying you’ve got to hit Fairways um it’s always great to hit Fairways but you don’t always say PE you don’t always hear players say it kind of as emphatically as they did at the memorial and so rather than just going well okay I guess you got to hit Fairways let’s have a look at it from a data point of view which means how punitive was the memorial uh for um score when you missed a fairway versus when you hit a fairway and what we can do is we can actually go in and look at every Tournament of the year and say see which ones are hurt you the most where Fairways are become the mo more important to hit and ones where they really don’t well they always matter a little bit um but where they matter less um and then we’re going to go in and actually have a look at player by player and see if we can learn anything from that so here we go let’s have a look at every Tournament of the year uh starting in in uh capoo at the Sentry uh the average score went missing the Fairway on the left column the average score when hitting the Fairway in the right column and I’ll save you the the uh you know trouble of having to read through all this but basically what we see is the most punitive Tournament of the year for missing Fairways is the Masters where the average score for missing a Fairways 35 overp par um we always say you can’t you can’t play the masters from the pine straw and you get the pine straw at the Masters and you’re going to have a problem but that was actually the number one most punitive place to be missing Fairways the second was you guessed it the Memorial tournament three overpar for missing the Fairway so you can go and look through this list you see some still remain underpar like uh kaaloa hit a fairway miss a fairway um not that it doesn’t matter but they average under par in either uh either situation um then we look at kind of the third most punitive we Charles Schwab and the players so basically get an idea turnament by tournament and course by course how how important is do Fairways become in some situations verus versus others now the one other really interesting thing about this graph is the average score when hitting the Fairway at the memorial was the uh second worst of the Year behind you guessed it the Masters the Masters when they hit the Fairway they average just a nudge under par 0 02 under parar and at the memorial was 08 under par and so even when hitting the Fairway uh scoring at the Masters of the memorial were very similar from a hit Fairway Miss Fairway point of view um to give you so that gives you a pretty good idea of kind of how those two courses stack up against each other all right now let’s have a look uh player by player and see if we can learn anything from that all right here we go so we’re not going to look at every single player in the field even though was a limited field event but what we can see is a couple very interesting things so at the Memorial tournament only this uh chart uh list in order um the players at the top had the least effect of Mi of missing the Fairway and the bottom as we go all the way to the bottom had the biggest effect of missing the Fairway in other words uh Matthew pavon when he missed the Fairway scored 0. n over par so he basically made bogey almost every time he missed the Fairway and Victor havin still shot point2 underpar after missing a fairway which was actually shockingly a little bit better than when he hit the Fairway so here’s a guy havin where it didn’t really matter whether he was hitting or missing he was still scoring about the same um pretty similar deal with Tommy Fleetwood also now what I’ve done is I’ve highlighted uh four the top five here so B bazen had one morawa and Sheffer and what you’ll notice that they all did a little bit different is they were all less than 02 shots over par when missing the Fairway but they with the exception of Colin they were all you know 0.25 to3 under par when they hit the Fairway so they were minimizing the impact of missing the Fairway and capitalizing on hitting the Fairway getting on the green and and converting so Scotty was converting a third of the time that he hit the Fairway hadwin a third of the time uh Christian a quar of the time and Colin almost uh 20% of the time so it’s not just one of the other it’s it’s minimizing uh the problems when you miss the Fairway and being able to capitalize and convert birdies when you hit the Fairway so it’s not a perfect um correlation obviously with score there because it matters how many Fairways and how many greens you hit on top of that and putting and all that but you do see that uh that combination for a bunch of players in the top five um the combination of minimizing losses when you miss the Fairway capitalizing gains when you hit the Fairway uh and as you go down to the bottom of the list um you’re not going to see too many people on the top 10 or top 20 at the bottom list anyway that’s today’s tour download for you because that was a tournament um other than the Masters where you have the biggest Fairway impact we call it in game Forge and if you’re in interested in learning more if you are a tour player we can automatically pull your shot link data into game Forge and run all these analysis for you on a case-by Case basis thanks for watching

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