Golf Players

Club Champion Media US OPEN RECAP // Monday, June 17th 2024



Club Champion:
Ian Fraser:
Mike Martysiewicz:
Filmed at: Club Champion Toronto
Custom Golf Club Fitting Studio – Toronto, Canada

come over hello everybody afternoon hope everyone is suitably refreshed after a good weekend at the golf Michael yeah not bad did you watch I watched uh yeah quite a lot nice quite a lot um yeah pineur is a huge favorite of mine I know it kind of seemed to divide the crowd a we bit on uh online some people said they didn’t quite love the course and um yeah some uh some said they they absolutely loved it I saw Max hom say um one of the best courses ever played surprised how few of these guys actually played it I think they’re just so busy they’re not going to go on boys trips to Pion they go a boys trip but like I would just think if if there was a major coming up like I’d be going to play those cuz it’s not like you only have to prep for three you because you’re you know austa about Augusta’s austa and um yeah so I don’t know what’s your thoughts on the on the Finish um yeah it was uh a a rough loss for Rory I’ll give him that um I think you know Bryson pulling off that you know shot L stagner made a post and the stats was impressive um the two stats that were insane were Rory’s lack of three puts until that 15th hole and Bryson less hitting that wed shot less than 4et is 1.7 or something like that so yeah impressive um to say the least and you know cool that you know he put sand in the cup after and he’s like you know that Sand’s going to end up in my house kind of thing so whatever some people hate them some people love them um yeah would have i’ rather seen Scotty sheffler win or Tiger Woods yeah of course rough weekend for those two Lads yeah Scotty never got to grips of the place did he no just couldn’t couldn’t make enough birdies to be effective he just he just didn’t look a shadow of the golfer um that he has been so yeah it just it just goes to show it I mean Tiger’s level of we talk with the Tiger but like his level of performance for that period of time I mean let’s not get confused Scotty has just won his first tournament past May 1st yeah yeah at Memorial mhm you know he’s got a long way before he you know he can be mentioned like he’s got some ball striking stats that would match up at this point but um yeah’s he’s not he’s not even close yet and and when you see him in a major like that playing with Rory me and Xander was pretty good the first two days but Scotty was so far off the pace yeah the other thing too is Bryson you know almost made it into a playoff at the PGA yeah played well or decently in Houston I think in a live event and then came here and you know obviously again been playing well so he deserves it he’s worked hard and he’s a good player so yeah interesting interesting win that’s a next question that’s a very political answer Michael an interesting I love him the politics but more importantly guys what were your thoughts what what did you think of the uh US Open um we don’t have too long to wait a month until the Open Championship M starts on I think it’s July 18th so we’ve got a month to go so yeah golf7 saying Mikey needs to work in his picks you’re you’re Scotty and tiger picks NE good NE good they let me down I will pick tyer in every he’s not not he’s like a honory pick yeah Scott kol Ard any tips for installing a line grip don’t um put him on look him up upside down or backwards from the back and just see if that line is as straight as possible that’s all I got for you they are pain in the backside sometimes they are Jeff Ward narrow Soul low bounce irons that are semi forgiving for a picker angle attack zero to to plus one with ir would be fun to see you guys went over the malbay ratings sometime as well that’s not going to happen I heard M be quite nice you should try set no I mean like how long have we been doing this now the channel seven years yeah six seven years one year for me yeah you’re coming up for your one year anniversary congratulations thanks you’re finally getting used to it no um at no point during the the lifetime that we’ve had the channel have have has anyone from mby ever you know approached us to to do any testing for them so I think they’re quite happy in their Lane I mean we’ve had contact with just about everyone at this point um you know the only one I’m disappointed we’ve never really kind of managed to to get because obviously Bryson’s relevance right now is I would have loved to done some more crank uh testing but yeah some people has for mby it’s it’s kind of came in you know intermittently but we’ve never we’ve never the the opportunity yeah what you laugh nothing just smiling you’re just a smiley we face you’re just a happy we punter Bri Roberts long drive says I’m in Toronto big dog the big dogs in town what was that event called the Endless Summer is that what it’s called the they were doing a long drive event Beville oh okay yeah I didn’t know that I did not know that either but I hope you’ve had uh hope had a good time we’s been who won I don’t know I never I never saw what was that lad’s name get a clue the boy with the N sleeves oh Bobby Ray I was he here he was there oh really that’s hilarious I definitely thought you would have been there um Ian can’t pronounce your last name p pal sorry sorry let’s go by sorry finally made a live welcome to the live uh Jeff Ward we we got into the subject of Mal never really answered this question a narrow low bounds a narrow so low bounds that are semi forgiving for a picker semi forgiven very rare that isn’t it narrow low BS how’s those I 230s they fairly low I 230s that’s said right yeah you doubt yourself yeah for sure I’m just trying to think something that is uh you know stronger lofted that can that you can add some Loft to and uh just ruce have a think about that one no no there’s not many there’s really not many an bar I’m starving been working this morning mck Crawley is giving you a hard time for your time keeping M I was on time I picked up the Starbucks I was here Ian was late how are you Michael hope you’re well we miss you rbj w hello Jens from Sunny Glasgow it’ll rain soon what are your thoughts on Bryson’s equipment it’s a like something bag of mysteries but bag of mysteries that’s a good about it thank you it’s not like you time stamp folks that’s a compliment a bag of mysteries SE stuff like AIA and this and that the guy wants to win the master so badly too much for be all that it’s a interesting bad club we finally saw photos of like the club face from avod and it’s just look it’s a bag of mysteries as well just looks odd doesn’t it yeah it looks odd what I can’t imagine um like just imagine right you cut you take a tennis ball cut the first third off of it stick it on your Club face and that’s kind of what you’re dealing with yeah interesting why didn’t we think of that what to design them we been millionaires it’s not smart enough that’s what it is just sometimes you’ve got to own up to the fact you just don’t have it yeah I don’t have it um Nick 209 US Open was really good didn’t care who won whether it was Rory or Bryson Rory struggled with short putts Nick I would I would argue that I thought I thought um Rory’s putt was fantastic yeah I thought his his put was ABS in last round the amount of six and eight Footers he made it was just down the stretch those two really crucial ones that he missed yeah I thought his put was amazing was it four Footers inside 4 feet inside 3 feet he had made 49 493 in a row or something ah dear golf7 I have to pick this one up because I I completely disagree with you you do not win a major by both three the last four I’ll agree with that part moreover his actions and how he parted ways also tarnished his Champion status what do you want the guy to do he’s literally bogey through the last four he’s not one of majors in 2014 you want him to stand around and give out hugs and kisses yeah yeah like get out of there it’s not your like him being there takes the cameras the reporters everything away from the Limelight being on Bryson and no no V to the media people but they would have just asked him stupid questions dumb questions Rory how do you feel how do you think if feel how do you feel and do you think you should now have a divorce it’s like stupid absolutely yeah absolutely just get out of there it’s Bryson won you didn’t you know see you next year like I know people showing pictures of Bryson hugg and Xander Bryson is on a crusade for people to like him let’s not get this mixed up this is a concerted effort this isn’t something that comes naturally or like Rory is Rory he’s been Rory all his life he’s outspoken you know sometimes like Brooks brought up this week when Rory left um when Rory didn’t do Media or something after maybe last year’s US Open he got he scolded for that Rory doesn’t care yeah Bryson is trying to actively get people to like him totally so which is great good and he’s doing a nice job people do like him he’s making lots of T to give autographs don’t make someone out to be a bad guy though just cuz they’re not doing that like lots of people maroy is a good guy great guy um Bryson’s big into the content world as well so they amount of content they probably collected headines you’ll want to watch that video when it’s posted he went live last night when they were etching his trophy like it’s the amount of times he said watch this watch this like that’s that should literally be on his gravestone Bryson watched this the shamble that is literally what he wants though he wants the camera on him 20 47 um but I I I take I do take I don’t want I don’t want people to be calling Rory out for being a sore loser like you know who finished third kley right canly did he did he hang about was he there you know do autographs like I know Tiger Wood’s got the Ben Hogan award earlier in the week I watched his award ceremony congrats tiger you’re watch in dubs Patrick Keeny any updates on the new Venus red and black I got fit into the new blue but my fitter wanted to try the black and red before BL buying um they were supposed to be here last week for us to do a video for today and they are they will be here by next week yeah slight delay on getting red and black out the door Ryan Lynn any idea when the Embargo date is for GT it’s like late August yeah late August a while retail date is like September something Steve Middleton Steve is a second cousin or something of the Kate Middleton uh thanks again for expanding into featuring a female fitting we enjoyed it that was good and you guys did too it was great to have a ey on the channel and um well have you know obviously representing the the kind of female demographic we what since Lindsay Nolton was the last time we had a female in the channel that’s a long time ago long time ago um so yeah amay’s amay is amazing yeah soome it did so good and we had another female on the channel today we did little which you’ll enjoy we had U different type of fitting finally yeah yeah yeah it wasn’t a driver fit you’ll be pleased to know uh it was good that was very very good um Evan the gaining Speed video from a week or so ago clicked an old swing thought and solved my two-way Miss deeper back swing that’s guy’s best golf channel going do you know what I really always think when when we do these videos I just think that it’s going to it’s going to mean something to someone you know it might not be something that everyone can gain some speed from but someone out there is going to take one of those tips one of the you know things will land whether it’s you know uh hands higher whether it’s deeper back swing whether it’s earlier to the lead side one of the three things that we talked about for Speed um and like for me as well like the the deeper back swing stuff I I’ve been sort of making sure that if I’m not going to seen my ball speed where they need to be deeper back swing instantly 3 four miles an hour Donald boy thinks Rory’s going to win at TR what I say this morning y so is your back yeah AER course is starting to run fast good that’s what we want for uh for an Open Championship baked out yeah the last time something was really really baked out was it car yeah 2018 what it open Frankie it was I mean they open in uh 2020 what was that 21 2021 was that with St Andrews cam Smith no 2022 22 two years ago uh that was pretty fast M that was very fast lots of people say no he’s Nick G he’s obligated to speak on it he is not obligated he absolutely is not there’s no obligation it’s at the discretion of the player uh I think lots of people would like there to be an obligation and mandatory that they speak some some I heard saying that uh this week Paul McGinley I think said on the broadcast he thinks it should be mandatory that um players do their media obligations but it’s not it is at the option and discretion of the player Freddy how dare Rory leave without kiss and rice and shoes it’s funny we’ve got a super chat from Justin Justin says I have a similar swing to Mike I apologize for that Justin uh all my misses are similar uh swing is similar to swing similar too I play I play mg4 wedges 54 and 60 what bounces would you suggest I mean just cuz swing is the same technique might be a little bit different with a wedge different Turf that you play different conditions Etc um but I play basically 10 degrees of Bounce gap wedge sand wedge and 12 degrees of Bounce in the lob wedge we we had a cool conversation with JP about you know obviously wedges and grinds and bouns and I just think it’s important that people don’t get LED too much by the number of bouns right the amount of Soul you know the soul camber the grind the the soul width um there’s so many different factors U that go into making obviously the the importance of the soul but um yeah it’s uh it’s something that you really need to go and get tested and Discover it for yourself I think what works for Mikey like even even if you said like you know what’s good for me is 12 degrees of Bounce In The Sand Wedge and 10 on the L wedge but the soul makeup may be different the width the camber like all those things may be different even on the exact same bounce number so I just don’t think that’s I don’t think it’s ideal uh okay let’s see what we got any good ones ah Michael hman any chance we get a review of the the all new new level of the all sorry all the new uh new level orangs and wedges they look sweet yes Michael we are we have been chatting with new level we are going to get um some product for testing very soon I think there’s three new irons I think really wow something haven’t heard from them in a while Sean D enjoyed your video last week with Amaya very cool the fam says I’m so happy to see Pros actually struggle in not shoot 17 yeah lots of people uh lots of people liking that um nice to see that the leaderboard yesterday with Rory and Bryson even Patrick anley like one one makes a bogey and then all of a sudden there’s no no lead then there’s was a one shot lead or two shots back rather than you know someone goes out and shoots eight under the first day and then it’s like a six shot lead the whole weekend yeah my fear yesterday my fear yesterday was Bryson comes out and plays the first five in like two under gets it to nine the guys in second place maybe you go one over through five and then there’s like a six shot you know leading you know there’s there’s not much float at home yeah there’s it’s a course that really you can make Bogies but you won’t make make you know really many doubles and triples there were some but not many um let’s see Ryan nickel 22 handicap what would help most shortterm get fit for new irons or a new driver both outdated Rogue X irons Nike SAS Scotch driver Ryan I would say Rogue X irons are probably still the type of iron that you know are going to be suitable for uh High handicap but I’d say the Nike driver um would make a bigger difference for you go get fit for that one Alex McAn how common are zx5 and ZX7 combo sets during fittings very yeah super from Christopher Jackson I’ve been seeing a lot of marketing for Ben Hogan clubs lately have you tested anything and have you have any thoughts they not the new they did and then the were I guess um I guess they were bought you know out again or somebody kind of for them resuscitated them resuscitate DNR um I don’t know I don’t know enough about them to be honest Opus the penguin made fala looked like a signature event that was a major championship that’s a good call good call yep although valala did look look impressive but this firm fast and not a super low is is nice BM is asking how do I like the motus 105 in your five iron did you do this to be like an AMT set I didn’t do it to be like an AMT set but I love it much easier I think mentally not having uh the swing weight being a little bit heavier like this rest of the set of my irons it it kind of helps me just kind of swing away at it um but flight’s been good out of the rough all that it’s been it’s been pretty pretty special I like that [Music] iron Freddy M 58 versus 60 degree lob wedge thoughts you hold on I got to catch up here where are your thoughts I would say it depends how easily you can sort of get the angles out in your delivery um you know if you’re somebody who’s AIT of a handle dragger um then you know you deloft it might be more useful to have well there’s two ways to look at it um it depends are you are you able to still shallow out the bottom of your Arc if you’re not able to shallow out your Arc well I’d rather you used less Loft and learned how to get rid of it rather than having lots of Loft and that causes you to pull the handle more um so it just it just depends on your comfort level and you know we’d have you hitting shots at different yardages to to determine how easily you can get the angles out on the downswing so honestly no right answer but just depends what works for you Jerry Le better saying Ian Rick Shields needs you desperately sorry for happy for Brayson I don’t know if Rick is I mean Rick is uh it doesn’t seem like he ever whether it’s me or anyone else doesn’t ever seem like he gets fit though MH I think he just likes to test clubs and then yeah he just puts it in the bag but I don’t think he ever truly gets dialed in it doesn’t appear to be anyway he doesn’t make content around it whether he he does or doesn’t it doesn’t seem like he really goes through the the thorough process of of diving into that uh that side of things but I’d imagine like he’s he’s know ible um about his equipment and equipment in general so he maybe just likes do himself Freddy M goes why does Drew Cooper fly all the way to Norway to get fitted by an Englishman when instead off to Canada to get fitted by a Scotsman swing cat yeah swing catalst yeah um well he’s obviously good friends with Tom and and we drew out here a couple of times um Drew flew out here probably 2018 or something to get fit by me we got him into a full new set of yeah full new set of blades and and then we had him back up in uh probably 2020 or 2021 or something like that and we we done more tests in M Drew so yeah Drew’s Drew is a great lad he uh but he he was in Norway for a swing Catalyst event um so yeah I think him and Tom are having some fun trying out some different stuff blue Winters hey guys you think at a 19 to 20 handicap I can make the change from my sim irons into p790s as I’ve gotten better I’m starting to hate the way the Sims look behind the ball yeah I definitely we answer a similar question to that last week p790s kind of higher handicap totally player handle those I would say yes Irwin is saying I’m making a bold statement Bryson wins the open hell run if he did I mean second in the PGA win at the US Open win at the Open Championship he’s he’s back in the top 10 in the world now um considering he’s not eligible for world ranking points within his own tour so uh if he does that he’d wish April Wasn’t So Far Away yep yep sha D en and Mike sum up the 2024 professional golf year in a couple of sentences who W the master Scotty sum up the 2024 professional golf year I would I would something along the lines of the cream is up the cream always Rises to the Top If we we look at you know like Bryson’s the best player on live at the minute obviously wacke Neiman was was the best player early on but Bryson’s the best player right he’s he’s having great uh you know performances Scotty Xander number one in the world number three in the world Rory’s number two in the world Rory’s won twice Xander got the major monkey off his back like the best players are playing the best in these big events yeah and they’re winning like those are the guys you want winning so I would I would sum up saying you know we we’re seeing the cream rising to the top at the minute I like that nicely said saved your job didn’t it Fredy M says tiger widay open I knew I liked you Freddy um Ian’s asking do drivers lose efficiency after a certain number of shots they don’t lose efficiency Ian um if anything if they’re starting to go in terms of the face um you know the I think the face from from the test now actually gets quicker as it get gets towards breaking point so no genuine does not our friend John Jansen hi guys I shot 8680 this weekend to win my flight in the club champion John janson’s on a hell of a run no kidding feel like John wins a Club Championship or a member guest or a something every week and to shoot the best net 2 day of total of 800 in the tour wouldn’t have done this without your help thanks enjoy some of the winnings wow that’s awesome thumbs up for John how’s your game not great my game is in a toilet not great and I’ve said it the end of last week it’s like oh you know what Saturday afternoon I’m gonna yeah hit balls I’m gonna after I play I’m gonna go hit balls and just work on some stuff mhm didn’t go to the range Sunday oh I’m going to go to the range didn’t go to the range where’d you go to the L seller no no just play golf and then I do need to now I’ve noticed it it’s like okay I’ve played a lot of golf yeah I’ll admit it I just I like to play but I need to like go for more than an hour and just hit different shots yeah you feel like you’re you’re too one dimensional the course you’ve not got enough shots in your lock just some shots that I’m trying to like create where you simple like turning something over and it’s like well you’re not going to do it here when you only have one shot to do it um so rather than be frustrated if I just go to the range and try to feel it out I’m I’m sure it’s a easy fix maybe if my Coach comes over to the club oh we organic tea I’ll come range session um yeah yeah I know my nois is blocked I’m trying to get you know that one you just get like a little I thought you were dying on me there oh um not awful my G Dreadful Dreadful we had a nice game on Thursday we lost none of us played well you I didn’t play well no we never played well too to those two I know I know my heat that stings a a bit that’s all right you know what see I have a lot of competitive spirit in me until I feel like I can’t really affect the game yeah that’s how I felt I feel like I can’t really kind of Get Grip my teeth and and find something that’s what I’m at right now yeah yeah yeah yeah played with my father yesterday was good did you yeah took him out to the club that’s nice play little 18 holes se’s golf speaking of short game Masters was it all right it was all right struggle hi we B he wants a new driver I don’t know why cuz he h that thing great I think I need a g430 Ral had that G4 great so good build one of those up your dad nice all right um oh here we go Zack Evanson did you change your mind on testing the Kirkland lineup if so were you able to Source the clubs needed we did not change our mind we have the clubs now irons wedges putter driver wowers everything golf shes no C balls no clubs no so yep we’re going to make uh going to make a little video about those probably next week I think our boy from last week Alexander Chung is in the house Alexander what do you recommend Aros or shot scope H4 loving my strix on zx5 MK Mark 2s C AI smoke hybrid and new AI smoke Max driver fitted by Josie Hughes at Club Champion Glasgow here’s some money for next week’s Starbucks thank you sir cheers Alexander uh we are firly in the camp of Aros um we’ve kind of had a relationship with them for three four years yeah I don’t actually I couldn’t tell you what shot scope is like I’ve actually never looked at it Alexander I’ve never I hear good things I know I think Pete Finch is a um Ambassador for them but I just think Aros are are developing a platform now and they’ve got so much um so much data now that they’re collecting just the the information they’re they’re giving us as as Fitters is is really really useful so I believe um that the Aros are are sort of the leaders in the market for as much as for as much as I can gather without really having tested shots scope myself but I don’t know I I think that might be a a fun endeavor in the next little while to to look at both um yeah it’ll be fun DOL golf do B7 I think is compared to our game why we’re struggling is it because your equipment is a mystery nope for me it’s between the ears I stand over the ball and go I’m going to try this it doesn’t work I I don’t really I don’t really honestly like I feel like a turnup um it doesn’t matter whether it’s with the same driver different drivers like I feel like I turn up on the te at the minute I don’t know where it’s going to go I could stand up there and and uh I just get a little bit stuck in my swing um so took him a while yeah there he is folks get your grammar right y do all staff members get an Arcos account I can I be yikes back to bed Gramps just as well you’re good at the P yeah um yeah I think a lot of people can of say that the the different shot scope is without monthly subscription AR because seems more precise on picking the shots yeah I’ve heard lots of people talk about the the subscription the monthly they’re in a maybe a six-month season they don’t want to pay for for 12 months yeah all all reasons for you to make the decision that works for you Tim x02 says I haven’t been able to play golf real golf just yet cuz my shoulder surgery but I’ve been playing on Golf Plus on the quest to VR headset okay you see the new updates from Apple that are coming out in a couple weeks you on about H day ah see that VR thing I might get us set that’s quite cool you accents just changing one by the day how you’re literally going to be Scottish by the time well we’re all said and done done where are we going s breaking up life um need a Kirkland and vessel collab I’d Rock a leather Kirkland to her B Victor Kim is asking Victor what are your current swing thoughts Jesus C you ever seen that c you ever seen that uh guy who’s got the swing thoughts and his arm and his hands and all over he’s get the training AIDS and stuff like that it’s probably where my head’s at right now ah dear it’s a struggle did no lessons this weekend I didn’t have a lesson this weekend no what are some good tactics for increasing swing speed land you need to go into a couple videos from last week two nice guys did a video on how to get faster um Richard Brooker mixed doubles match Mike and paig versus Ian and Amaya great content for the channel That would be a good match makes doubles no problem get the feder out I tell you what am May and I would take you to D no chance no chance I’d send one right down the middle and you to do oh you get it no you get it I R take you um let’s see let’s see crops D hold on jumped ahead and come back to you Logan any Putters with adjust adjustable Loft and Li sleeve similar as drivers I struggle with that one not currently no not currently cool idea though interested to see if they dead one Logan sto currently I’m building a set of minino CB1 any opinion on minino irons any plans to test Futures Logan never heard of them mck Crawley guys kiss keep it simple stupid one swing thought is plenty just swing the grip Mick right listen here we go Mick I kind of had it as a bit of a goal um when standing on the te to swing more freely um have a little bit less like thought the misses that I have when I do that are off the planet when I when I when I try and swing freely with the driver like I need to have like Clarity over what I’m trying to do shot shape feel all the rest of it like I need to have some structure around that I’m not the type of goal for you’re more of a type of golfer that can stand up there and swing with a little bit more freedom I think part of you play quite a bit but you can stand up there pick a Target down the left and just hit it hard no then it’s going to cut like I I don’t know if it’s going to go left right up or down at this point up or down me um us Ireland in Brazil no fitting available any recommendations on how to sell fit particularly for iron shafts T go to Rio De Janeiro International Airport find the fastest flight to Toronto that’s a harbor Muno see if I would try that what’s that thing called gyroscope hey yeah you know the Muna the blue thing that you just the DNA oh okay swing yeah the swing thing that’s not a bad bad way to go yeah that is a really good way I don’t I don’t know anyone in uh Brazil that would do I thought one knew a guy in Brazil but I think that’s Columbia yeah yeah Columbia are they close no no never mind I’m going to it but shaft Optimizer that’s what it’s called yeah um Bernstein I’m a 10 handicapper normally great Striker but I’ve been chucking most I’ve been chucking almost everything and drives having having a weird high fade which is normal for me in the setup is that setup or me coming over too much yeah I would say your your path is probably a little bit too far left which is why you’re keeping too much loft on it and um you know you’re you’re getting that mess to the right promly I would think but again without without knowing exactly um I I bet that’s chunking everything but I’ve been chunking almost everything and drives sounds like I mean if you’re chunking it I mean chunking it could be from steep or shallow you can either be have the low Point too far back as you’re falling back or it can be a little bit too steep um so get a little bit go get on a launch monitor just get a little Clarity over what it is path angle of attack face get those three things in order and at least you can start to kind of know what to expect uh I think if the pass left expect the shot to be the straighter shots will go left the more curved ones will go right all that sort of stuff three thumbs down today I hope everyone’s doing okay that’s okay that’s just that’s okay there’s some people with some different opinions out there you know totally lots of people don’t still think Rory should have faced the cameras that’s that’s the truth of it Logan is saying minino are Japanese forg irons like meor yeah uh J wake 237 ideal setup for g425 Max 105 when the Miss is a slice I know hard to say without data see my swing thanks love the channel I mean obviously weight in the heel um I’d go you know small plus I just think when you go big plus you just you know you can add a little bit too much Dynamic L but I i’ certainly go waitting the he small plus start there stronger grip if you can try and strengthen that grip a little but get it more underneath um just allow the hands then to sort of square up Brazil is three to four hour flight that’s quite a distance not close Scotland to Portugal is a three-hour flight that’s that’s a flight Anders afternoon boys am I in the minority for enjoying shamble in the booth no I don’t think I don’t know I don’t think you’re the minority I like his opinions he’s well educated like he’s very he knows what he’s talking about on some stuff some some some stuff though and only stuff that again you would only know this this is this I guess is the thing with someone like Brando if if that is deep knowledge I would say his goes to their right so he’s got more than most most people shallow surface level knowledge he will learn about something he will go to there but the people who really know about it are down there so he knows enough to not fo most but like impress most and and add some insights and stuff like that but then to take it really deep on swing or equipment or ground force or whatever it is I just like I admire the fact that he’s trying to sort of you know educate himself in these things I don’t agree with all his takes I I used to I used to feel like a Witch Hunt against tiger when he was working with Foley and that kind of like bugged me a little bit but I don’t the guy doesn’t bother me no I I like somebody who’s uh you know wants to talk a little bit about the technical stuff and he seems to want to get into that so doesn’t it doesn’t bother me I’m I’m more with you than against Anders I I’m definitely more for brandle than against two of the things that the golf channel has added that I I enjoy I like Smiley Kaufman’s take yeah yeah yeah and although he hit it close yesterday but these Johnson Wagner going out a couple nights before and trying to hit shots or like explaining why things do what they do I think I think adds a new a better Dynamic to the Golf Channel yeah Tim Tim 2002 Ian shy has been back and forth on his driver as of late on his hit channel in my opinion that driver is getting huge numbers and Peak height thoughts I haven’t seen any of his uh I haven’t seen any of his uh driver numbers to be honest he is a you know Adder of dynamic loss for sure um which is a little bit dangerous because he hits up in it with high Dynamic Loft so he can get high launch but pretty low spin and if you try and go too low you can kind of get a bit sideways bit squirly with it um so yeah Tricky Tricky Tricky Curtis is saying I thought shamble provided an excellent non-bias opinion during the broadcast he did an excellent job of my opinion and I’m not always in his Camp yeah I think that’s fair yeah that’s very fair BM should the word forgiving be removed from golf from Club vocabulary do golfers take this term um as clubs are on autopilot I think that’s exactly what they do they say I’m a higher handicapper I need you know I hit I miss hit a lot of shots I need these clubs yeah but without you know uh diagnosing what it is that you’re struggling with I think you have to know what it is you need forgiveness from whether it’s sowi or like we said toone heel strikes and stuff um Sheldon would anyone prefer watching golf without any commentary I would not I I would bore the life out me yeah I don’t I don’t like some of the things that are said I I I’m not against it whatsoever just when they there’s certain things they talk about especially like totally you know some trackman numbers that are you see out there or whatever is uh is a little on the Rough Side Golf daddy with a photo of Scotty Sheffer do you recommend adding lead tape to all your clubs to get a specific swing weight I mean look you can add lead tape as much as you want um you can add them to every club or just whatever Club you’re looking to get to a certain weight but um I even know on tour they’re they’re using lead tape um on on a lot of clubs so lead tape is not the worst thing it’s a nice way to test and try but um you know especially in woods you can Hot Melt stuff that’s a it’s a cleaner way for it to so it looks prettier Brad if a hybrid and iron have the same Loft would the hybrid typically go further y there’s your answer yep um obviously thinner wall construction wider deeper body CG can get lower and further back projects the ball higher launch lower spin slightly lighter head weights give you the opportunity to have a longer shaft create more speed higher launch that’s yeah generally uh we’re going to give you a bit more distance Jeff War Bryson is the Tim TBO of golf fake as fake can get who knows you know it’s just Bryson’s trying to he may have found him he may have found himself it seems like he’s to me he seems like he’s trying to find himself yeah which like which is he cuz he was he was what he was prior to call it live and YouTube and I tell you what people love him now I mean he’s a real fans favorite he um for for a lot of people know and I read a tweet or an X whatever you want to call them um and someone was saying Bryson had to leave the PJ tour to become likable yeah and it’s true I mean even like you watch some have to leave no I know but you money talks um but when you watch like I’ve watched some of his stuff and I don’t consume any golf content it’s not the worst and I think because he’s more on the content side like he’s more people can see his day in day out a lot now he can’t just be the you know what he was before he’s got the right energy for it yeah you know I think he’s he’s spent enough time with a good good boys and I think there’s probably a little bit of his on camera demeanor now is is probably been from getting to know the guys like you know Garrett and Grant and all those boys and going okay these guys are super successful Everyone likes them and they’re building these massive Brands maybe that’s what I should do you know I’m not saying that’s what he’s done but it would make sense that that you would you would follow that you know Chain of Thought but um yeah I think uh he’s try to find himself I think that’s the I think that’s where I’ve kind of landed on Bryson is he’s just he’s trying to figure out J Bryson’s come a long way since the Rope line incident yeah he certainly has um what do we got PJ tour limits a lot of their member activity off the golf course yeah I think that’s a good than a really good uh good comment um or even even whether it’s at the events your practice rounds like obviously you know Bryson and Phil can play a match you know that’s great content we should be doing right you know PJ tour need to lean into that I I believe in this day and age I think if they’re going to you know sort of reach all uh all demographics I really think content is is the way to do that nowadays access is the way to do that so I completely agree with that well was like when the PJ tour put a kind of a pause on you know footage captured in those you know Tour Vans yeah you know when try obviously started it you know people you know I watch them all um you know and Titus and call you everyone was following along and then they kind of halt the the amount you can see on tour it it sucks Michael cwy guys lead time to get a custom g430 Max 10K built to get it built Mick would take you about five minutes depend if we have the head and shaft in stock we do have some 10K we have got some 10ks in stock Mick um assuming you would like a 9° turn down we we should have that again depending on uh what shaft and stuff like you want you know if we have it few days if not week and a half you know to get the components in Trenton Krueger Ian I remember you saying you ordered a lab df3 any updates I am dying on the hill Mikey should be rocking the broom I think during the that fit we said oh I like we’ll play them but I just never ended up following up yeah I got I got a um the link putter Sam left me one of those what did you ever get your BR no I never followed through I know I owe him a text you’re don’t going to use it I know I might eat Xavier saw your guys review of the new Vice irons went to their site to check the out what are these True Temper Wiz steel shafts I’ve never heard of us True Temper Wiz me neither don’t know honestly never never heard heard of it uh Xavier next week we’ll be on the live I will have an answer for you to what that is I don’t know what that is never heard of it heard uh Daniel Price heard Bryson creating irons every day people can buy the company that makes his irons is a VOD uhhuh and you can buy or you can put your name in to purchase a set of their single length or standard length irons Matt stremi happy belated Father’s Day Ian happy belated Father’s Day to you to Pal new uh new dad for the second time I believe third time third time yeah supp three kids yeah beging two anyways with the open approaching driving iron season is upon us what are your go-tos in the Bay who stay tuned to the channel Matt mat uh yeah we’re literally just about to hit driving IRS in about four minutes so stay tuned as young Michael says there’s some good ones some new ones for you can $100 I’ll give you the Spiel after we fill it Early Access Bradley is asking what swing speed should fit into ax 105 x fast one Bradley Lipton with r dug fairly High uh fire rug um I’d certainly say high 80s at least high 80s and upwards uh uh BM bm’s got some good questions is the three were dead or do you see golfers benefit more from four or five wood a couple weeks ago we did a video we did do a video on that and I’m sure you’ve seen it um at that time I was in the camp of three might be might be on its way out back in the camp off actually think through was quite a nice we uh yeah do you know I can’t I cannot get uh I cannot get either of those um many drivers to sit in the right spot yeah the 115 is too knuckly the 135 is definitely too spiny and I can’t even even 11 the 135 down to 115 wait forward no doesn’t doesn’t J for Daniel Price yeah Bryson was talking about the cool curve faed irons I don’t know if you folks can see that but it looks broken it looks a bit broken looks like somebody took the face and just bent it bent it back um en Mikey so does the go so the ball roll back is the GOL try again I’m I’m trying to read it as it says so does ball roll back still a valid argument after this weekend is the yeah roll back still a valid argument after this weekend some you read it as it’s typed it’s uh is it still valid after this weekend um what would what about this weekend would make it not valid or more valid I I mean obviously I think just the uh I think the go I think the best ball Strikers will always uh will always rise to the top that’s just the nature where the game is noways there’s a couple of guys in the field um Charlie is it is it writer or writ yeah I don’t know how you pronounce his last name but it’s George gas’s lad uh and obviously Gordon Sergeant now the two of them are in the mid 190s with their ball speed and nowhere near 25 push-ups c um yeah two they’re they’re kind of like high one or mid 190s ball speeding neither of them were near leaderboard a week so is a golf ball rollback I don’t think it will change much no I really don’t I think you know now seeing like Ro Rory was 190 ball speed on his t-shot in 18 yesterday Bryson obviously regular regularly in the 19s now you know those guys are still going to be longer than the others MH so yeah Preston have you jents tried a local coffee shop following up on how much better they are than Starbucks I do love a a local um coffee shop for or a nice little pot of tea I do I do which one what what’s the name of the local hi here in Canada in Ontario and Toronto and Miss Saga Oakville to golf club they’ve got a lovely V station oh Starbucks is nice all right couple more uh couple more couple more oh I was going to ask you this last night thought I’m BR him putting his golf balls in epson salts yeah it’s been done for years guys been doing done for years does it do anything now yeah yeah tell me how I going to get my golf balls and EPs and salt no that’s that’s an old school this might be a controversial take but let’s let’s have a run at it buckle up folks buckle up I don’t think I don’t think Bryson is Bryson talks about a lot of technical things we talked about like depth of of knowledge and with brandle and stuff like that Tim’s nailed it there Ben Hogan did that didn’t he like I think there’s some things that Bryson does that people are like wow that’s amazing it’s like no like these types of things like curvature on the iron faces has has been done before this is not like he’s not Reinventing something uh CM down your station um so I just think sometimes people can get a bit carried away with the mad scientist nature of uh I think if you gave Bryson not a crank driver and you know I think he’d be unbelievably effective in what he does if you gave him straight irons he’d be unbelievably effective at what he does I don’t think is his equipment is what makes him great I think he is what makes him great um and he’s always trying and looking for that little that little subtle change to the next thing if it that’s what’s impressive it’s like all of the the marginal gains that he uh this boy thinks he’s pulling up a H sorry delivery the big this episode is brought you by pure later okay we will love you guys and leave you um more filming to do Michael yep lots to do lots to do two good videos down already got nice fit with uh Tom and Jenny Walsh lovely family from Massachusetts joined us this morning we’ve got some driving iron um test to do what else have we got Pinehurst we do a little review from Pinehurst so that should be fun um Alexander okay any do want to make sure we never missed any supers just before we get off here oh jeez make sure make sure no we got them all oh Brent did we get Brent what’s that one you adapters um yes we do yeah for our our fit adapters we do it’s at the fitter discretion when it comes to the actual build itself how much they want it tip to more less same but um we do for the the devil Matrix yeah okay guys enjoyed it Leed to have a bit of anter you know it’s not the world would be a boring place if we all agreed Michael right right yes good to have a healthy debate love a debate you just think you’re right all the time so all right guys have a great week H got some good content coming your way we will be back with you next Monday um we’re heading out to California Tuesday nice trip out to test some new titlist Woods you ready I’m ready I my swing ready for I know I need to get the speed sticked out come on I want to be I don’t want to be embarrassed I’m having a lesson out there too who you want to see not one maybe two I’ll come and watch I’ll come and watch okay guys have a great week see you next week


  1. There are a lot of other courses I would like to play before Pinehurst. I have played some municipal courses that where better looking.

  2. The comments about Rory leaving the course was spot on and I couldn’t agree more, I love seeing Rory get out of there ASAP it shows how much he cares. Very well said and I appreciate the view on a situation that the media was killing him on. Thank You!!

  3. People expect too much from Rory. Totally agree with Ian, he doesn’t owe the media or us his time and update on his emotional state after finishing the way he did. If he keeps playing the way he has, he will win Majors again!

  4. I don’t know enough about agronomy, but I would like to believe they can achieve the conditions they (usga) want and still make it green and aesthetically pleasing. Why must it look burnt.

  5. One issue I have experienced with Arccos is the GPS system is often giving me incorrect yardages compared to may Garmin watch.

  6. Such a shame that there are posts on social about Rory being a poor sport by not shaking hands with the winner. That's absurd. Did 3rd place stick around? What about 4th place? Do all non winners now have to shake hands with the winner even if they are not paired in that winning group?

  7. Rory fan boys see nothing wrong with his immediate departure, everyone one else sees it differently

  8. "Rory beeing a good guy and Bryson been in quest for ppl to like him and camera attention." Oh my. Pretty rich coming from another Youtuber who is making a living out of media attention, don't you think?

    Both are great golfers but another has actually been doing stuff for the game of golf, another has done the exact opposite lately.

    And yeah. Rory used to the favourite player for so many us for so long. Now it's more like hoping he never wins anoter tournament again.

  9. Totally agree with you Ian on Rory

    And honestly, one thing I don’t like sometimes in the golf community are how quick people are to criticise. I would be willing to bet the people who criticise Rory for ‘choking’ can’t hit it past the ladies tees at their local club

  10. How come you did not go to play at pinehurst 2. There were alot of YouTube golfers that went to play there

  11. Bryson’s equipment is not a mystery. Just putting a little bit of what’s on fairway metals onto long irons. Simple concept. But you guys hold onto that hate.

  12. Rory was a little bitch. When Bryson took second at the PGA he stayed and congratulated Xander. That’s how to act.

  13. Well…well…well…Rory has decided to take a "break from the game." He will return to play the Scottish Open followed by The Open. So my dear friend Ian…the loss did hit him hard. That said, I support his action….regroup, refocus, rebuild to what will work for him, and then come out and play. However, upon his return, the media WILL have volumes of questions. I would recommend an interview before his return; thus, puttimg the fire out before it starts.

  14. Love to see a major championship where par is a test for the best in the world.
    Glad less than double digits were under par. Very exciting rounds, nail biter finish, plenty of great shots and skill rewarded.

  15. I think the LIV format and schedule gives BDC the time to do other things, such as YT. It has helped him (taught him how) to present himself in a more relaxed, personable way vs. the rather stiff and wooden version we used to see in the PGA events and press conferences. I've always liked him for his golf intellect, but even more now he seems more 'human'.

  16. The Rory i want to see – and I'm no "fanboy" – is a focused competitor who is on the course and not behind a microphone. Hes done a lot of talking the last few years and it seems to have caused him some stress. He plays aggressive and people like it. Do the talking on the course.

  17. Bryson stayed to congratulate Xander after the PGA championship win, just thought Rory would have the class to do the same

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