Golf Players

The Sesh Presents: MEDICATE MONDAY | June 17th, 2024 | Hosted By: @DabyCab & @DutchBoyFresh

Dutch Boy Fresh & Daby Cab are back to bring you Medicate Monday LIVE on Pub Sports Radio at 11:00 AM EST joined by Mike M, Razor Sharp Picks and LJ from H-Town.

#SPORTS #TRAVEL #FOOD #vibes #talkshow #podcast #sportsshow #sesh #mlb #sports #nba #nfl #gambling #sportsbets #sportspicks #MLB​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

so high so high so high so high who want to get bled with the best so we do [ __ ] daily styles un predictable you love it when we say we be ping this way [ __ ] fresh coming your way and there’s no intermission cuz we dishing up games so spark up and listen up not for the week and we not with the feed if you’re not a low bagger stop and Retreat we going to get you high so here we go never get it twisted pup Sports Radio [Music] hi welcome to the sesh Medicaid Monday presented by Pub sports radio where the real ones reside salute to the ladies gents and D jents for tuning in it’s all love I’m your guy Dutch Boy Fresh and I’m dabby Cadman you know the deal it’s cool if you don’t smoke but here on a Medicaid Monday with me and my guy Dutch Boy Fresh on Pub sports radio it’s a lot [ __ ] cooler if you do so if you’re going to go ahead and roll up that plane stuff that bong load that bowl up fire that [ __ ] up and let us know what you’re smoking on drop your strains in the chat see aela’s got some OG cush in his brain uh but yeah we want to hear your strains drop those in the chat shout out to our guy T back there on the ones and twos he holds us down Dutch and I threw a bunch of Clips at him this week we got a a lot of good content that’s going to come at you guys but he’s back there working hard so shout out to T shout out to the dawn the OG of Pub sports radio Jeff Slaughter say it every week guys at the beginning but uh we don’t have a channel without him so shout out to slaughter shout out to all the members that helped support his channel we really appreciate you guys but most importantly man shout out to you guys in the chat Man Steve Michael Dominique Diaz artp Rob Morgan Spooner truth teller our guy up there man everybody showing up early winter Circle Marquel Nate Dog Joey Justin right there with the stacks play of the day parl Angel good to see you man hope you’re uh hope you’re son’s having a good summer playing baseball he’s got a good little pitcher there our guy uh parl Angel uh panger everybody if I missed you in the chat Rocco Rogers I’m sorry I missed you I’ll see you again H Professor Chris I saw you drop something about the Brewers earlier I think the Brewers are minus 110 today so shout out to you Professor Chris sweaty butcher Mr exotic in there everybody Dutch I try and hit everybody I know I missed a few people Big Show I’ll let you take it on that one well it’s the big show it’s a big big show tonight nice shout out to the big show pics in the building this is what I’m about to go do right now I’m about to go retweet the show as our guy AEL just said on here let’s retweet it we done we’ve been doing really good on the re likes and retweets so salute to you [ __ ] that take a moment and go and retweet it as I just did just now because hey I forget to do this [ __ ] my goddamn self so if you would go to P Sports Radio retweet the show we’re going to have ourselves one hell of show today we got game five of the NBA Finals ladies and gentlemen go ahead cap here’s how I figured Dutch let me know what you think about this okay so listen because I think this will make it easier I’m not going to keep it at the same number I don’t want 30 retweets to give away 25 today I want 40 today on the show okay I was gonna say we had 42 I think so we need to beat that okay 43 and I’ll keep it simple I want 43 today all right instead of having Jose go look at all the retweets and try and figure out the difference between the names if we hit 43 we retweets God retweets can’t talk if we hit 43 retweets all you have to do is put a one in the chat if you want to be in the race and we’ll put you in the race it makes it that simple so just go hit the retweet button and if you’re in here in the chat when we hit the number you will be in the race simple simple trying to make it as easy as possible for the little [ __ ] our guy no way Jose and as easy for us as possible not to be quite honest with you um so yeah man we appreciate you guys right here here on YouTube hit the like button share the video If you have a Twitter or next account at this time will be the time that you go retweet Post sports radio so we can get the ponies going man we gotta get the ponies going Marquel we appreciate you good to see you my dude all the real ones though know what it is Dominique man it’s always nice to see you top of the [ __ ] morning my guy let us know what we’re smoking on let us know what we’re smoking drop the strains in the chat because it’s about that [ __ ] time the strength of the [ __ ] day strain [Music] of today we are looking at that blue nerds um I told Dutch when I got it you know a lot of times you get a nerds pack it’s got some ftiness to it this is all gas there’s not much fruit to it uh the blue nerds is a hybrid it’s 50/50 indicia sativa um it’s a cross between forbidden forbidden fruit and watermelon Z strains um you know it’s big big flowers which I like it’s a perfect uh blend for you know a day when you’ve got nothing to do but you want to be a little bit creative it’s a little bit in the mix between the two um like I said it’s got big nugs really good aroma good flavor it’s pretty much just gas um you know and it gives you that relaxing feel the THC comes in at about 28% on average with this strain um you know it says that this strain helps with ADD and ADHD but as somebody who has that I don’t know about all that but definitely a good definitely a good strain that I would check out the blue nerds oh yeah the blue nerds man I’ve had that before actually um you know it’s pretty much like a kind of like a runs fan but like you said it’s crazy because I got you don’t get the super sweetness off this one and I don’t I got the black runs right here in the playe the black runs and I’m a big fan of it man like but it it don’t have like that overpowering sweetness like us it tastes like that old school like kind of earthy cush I’m like hey this [ __ ] is lovely though it’s breaks down nice you know shout out to our guy Justin runs gang we got the black runs we got the blue nerds the blue nerds and the black runs in the building drop the strains let us know what you’re smoking on We Appreciate You vibing out we got ourselves one that [ __ ] did look good though go ahead I see I saw Big Show in the chat uh he made it easy for everyone guys he dropped the link he dropped a link for you right there um again I already see I know we make it a little bit confusing because ‘s a couple uh there’s a couple tweets out there I see one that’s already got 12 retweets and one that’s got eight I don’t know why it always gets mixed up but just hit them get to 43 and we will be there I promise we’ll run the horses I love doing it for you guys and make sure and check out Big Show’s locker room podcast it’s I mean they’ve been killing it man this is the first week in like four weeks that they didn’t have a great week um but they’ve just been absolutely dominant our guy MMA locker room is interviewing a Bellator fighter right now as we speak so make sure you go check that that out uh as soon as we get out of here absolutely putting out dope content all week long and if you didn’t know pup sports radio originated from the UFC so it’s kind of like the home like it’s like the you know it’s like the main course right here you know so just by stating that these [ __ ] know what they’re doing with the UFC they give you parlays single bets [ __ ] crazy bet this [ __ ] is disgusting it’s just so much money to be made you do have to lay a little juice here and there uh but these guys are very profitable in what they do at the UFC so check them out check them out Brandon Weeden in the building good to see you my man hey yod D in the [ __ ] place to be good to see you my man K Clips good to see you play boy uh who do I miss Right Here RV d420 our guy always supports the cess good to see you my man uh a real one from day one hope all is well hopefully everybody enjoyed their Father’s Day weekend salute to all the fathers [ __ ] all the piece of [ __ ] fathers rest in peace to all the fathers that aren’t here you know what it is man speaking of fathers that aren’t here we haven’t had the sess since obviously uh he passed away and you know Dutch and I have talked about it quite a bit and for anybody who didn’t know T he’s just a just a real dude he’s a great guy man um and Dutch and I talk about it a lot how there’s a lot of fake people in the world there’s a lot of fake [ __ ] who say one thing to your face and then do another thing behind your back uh T wasn’t one of those guys he always supported he he was always real he was a good friend I knew I could call him if I needed anything so rips man it’s much love I know this is a little bit um off topic but I couldn’t I couldn’t get away without saying it yeah absolutely man absolutely rest in peace to our guy parlay te um his family um T was a real one he really was man like uh it s it sucks to lose anybody but when you lose someone who like really what you know we you know really was about that [ __ ] wasn’t about the fugazi really just wanted to uh you know win and help other people and help others do the same so uh yeah man that one that one hit home uh you know shout out to hbang and sports H sports radio T will always be remembered here and we’ll randomly bring him up because he was he was on man that clip you shown too uh was probably one of the better Clips we had I remember that one we actually talked about that one I didn’t realize that t was in it when we talked about it probably a couple months back uh that you put out the day he passed um with the dog [ __ ] he said welcome to Philly [ __ ] yeah that clip was so funny go to CS Twitter if you haven’t seen if you don’t remember it the gentleman’s car gets covered in dog [ __ ] and we’re talking covered in [ __ ] dog [ __ ] I just want to give one more shout out for him too t was capping the WNBA before it was cool this year look it’s everybody’s everybody thinks it’s the new wave and cool to be capping the WNBA right now and I get it but he was doing it before anybody else thought that [ __ ] was cool yeah absolutely man he was he was trying dut stop hating on this [ __ ] him and him and skiski are are like are like the WNBA Founders to me especially when it comes to sports betting but I mean this [ __ ] came out with his own show called who got next or we got next uh you know right here on pu sports radio in hang and sports so that tells you how much he loved it and we will be talking some WNBA here this probably will be the last sesh without a WNBA segment so you know I might think might be thankful or some of Y most of Y [ __ ] capping this [ __ ] now so we do what the people want there’s money to be made we’ll be bringing our guy Billy brisen see if we can’t get our guy skiski to profit talk a little ladies basketball on a [ __ ] Medicaid Monday and yeah man I might keep it I might just keep my mouth shut and let these boys do the thing I don’t want to piss any of them off with the domestic violence League comments or any of that but you know you see what they be doing to kayln Clark since she ain’t [ __ ] them you see what she’s doing she’s trying they trying to fight her but uh you know that’s just the way [ __ ] goes but we appreciate all the real ones and once again rest in peace parlay te man you’re a real one uh let’s get to another real one here a guy who’s guy who uh you know who’s uh definitely probably felt you know we all kicked it with all together in San Antonio Razer was right there I’m sure he’s Tak many shots with them talked a lot of basketball with them enjoyed a lot of times we’ll have ourselves a day right here on Medicaid Monday the family man that cashes you can find this guy Monday through Friday racing with Razer on YouTube the pony boy Mr [ __ ] cash it our boy Razer sharp picks with the razer’s Edge Let’s go here Raz recognize [ __ ] shout out to everybody in the chat and I’m right with y’all man I’mma take a shot for parl uh Happy Father’s Day to parl uh he was actually the last text of the day I say the last for best I’m not sure who has this phone but um they got a text for me so uh shout out to Parlay love you brother yeah man that’s some real [ __ ] I put a I put a parlay T parlay in on F on uh Friday you know we we hit the first one you know uh but it was a blowout so you know what happens for the props go to die Luca definitely was getting 32 until he didn’t have to till he didn’t [ __ ] have to shout out to JPY if you didn’t know it’s not a [ __ ] intro godamn it stemy OG I see you my dude we got razor sharp picks in the building my friend how was Father Day weekend ah good man I woke up to the wife and kids made some uh pancake tacos uh pancake uh on like a little uh Taco my wife has these Taco holders you just set them on they hold them up for you so she put a little pancake in put some fruit on them ate it like a taco the kids were excited put little chocolate on there uh it was a good family day went over and hanged out with my pops and had a nice little barbecue man I got some M fact I think I got a picture here I might have to pull bro I was thinking like eggs and meat but you said fruit and chocolate that sounds good too I was picturing like a egg Taco but he comes in with he went wifey kid mode on it you know we had the ribs last night barue these things were badass but yeah nice barbecue with the family got some nice presents nice little family day that was a good one how abouts he mine was lovely man mine was love you just remind me I never sent out my no protein no profit your ass well you just showed the protein I was wondering where the protein at razor [ __ ] fruit and pancakes and [ __ ] but yeah man this is late you know I had the the T-bone with the uh Chicken Kebabs you know the pineapple and the Red Onion I got down too hey ain’t nothing I wish I didn’t have to work the real cuz it was 107 degrees yesterday uh but I’m man I don’t take pictures of my food yeah you do I’m just kidding I just had I just had to say it I’m sorry this is supposed to be no my ass didn’t even send it last I was so [ __ ] hey man then Mike Hard Lemonade zero sugar fire fire like Country Time Lemonade baby right at the pool you know smoking a few drinking a few those things are fire bro I ain’t going to lie now the cut Waters I get they’re 12.5% those will get you those get you in trouble okay Under the Sun 110 degrees you might have a little too much fun now the Mike car lemonade zero no zero sugar uh only got 5% alcohol in them so still you’re still getting there okay but you’re like the cut Waters that I drink bro I [ __ ] sent a picture out of them before they’re 12.5% there’s two and a half shots of tequila in a cut water bro imagine just imagine drinking three of those [ __ ] you know so uh they get you [ __ ] up you know if you’re trying to get somewhere cut water is the place to go uh true teller I see you my dude Joseph Gomez in what did you what did you cook yesterday C uh I had fajitas I did like a chicken and then I did a like a a skirt steak so I had like uh beef and chicken fajitas made them for my uh my pops my mother and then my grandparents so got to see him it’s crazy man um you know both of my parents parents were divorced so I’ve had a lot of grandparents I only got one pair of grandparents left so it’s good when I get to see them you know what I mean yeah for real man people it’s get we’re getting to the age now where yeah yeah like they’re either getting sick or dying so 13 right now when I look at the the the and again it’s the initial just the Regular Show but the problem is Dutch we’ve got two of them out there that people are reposting I don’t know why we have they’re both pup Sports so as long as it’s a p Sports we count them together I know what you’re talk make it too hard on these [ __ ] H well I know I want to see a lot bigger number than [ __ ] 12 and 16 so go hit them again if you guys can and we’re a little light on the chat I know we only got baseball today oh wait no we got the [ __ ] finals what am I talking about 12 12 and 16 that equals that’s not too bad that’s 28 so we’re getting there that’s 2 ain’t working for me bro I I want to see it all on one I don’t like I don’t like thiss R and we twe it once we see 20 on 20 hey we getting there man get dut giveaway starts at that I want to see 40 on it like I said yeah man yeah man let’s go retweet the but uh Morgan Spooner in the building Dutch you old nothing man God damn it I’ve been gambling for [ __ ] 20 years God damn it uh BR yeah let’s let’s get to it though let’s get to uh it was good [ __ ] I’m telling you man hey that’s like your boy huh he said all that [ __ ] to you you said the only thing I wanted to show it you’re gonna bring it up and I can’t even [ __ ] I can’t even BR unless I show it it’s it’s different to talk about a little bit but then actually show but when somebody says something like they can say all the [ __ ] in the world you lose all your BS your piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] you hey but then when they say they’re old and you’re old I’m like ah [ __ ] you you know for the chat doesn’t know what we’re talking about uh I’ve developed a few trolls on social media of late um instead of just blocking them I’m I’m you know I’m not very intelligent I retweet them and I I comment on their stuff when I know I should just block them I put them right at the top of my page for everyone to see instead um and then I got some messages so there so there was some messages of me and somebody talking [ __ ] going back and forth and I sent it to Dutch I sent it to Razer I was like should we show this [ __ ] they were like no I thought you guys might laugh at it but yeah just know I’m getting trolled that’s what he’s talking about yeah but you know well you could have said what the part was that makes you mad like when someone says something that you don’t give a [ __ ] I’m gonna show it and talk about it or it don’t bother me because like I said there was so much said in that thing someone calls dab cat when someone calls C fat it it hits it home he’s like what Dutch Dutch thought it was funny because this guy went through Razer and so you got to think he’s like talking about how I don’t really bet or something like that and then he’s like you do YouTube show he he’s just swinging as much as he can talking [ __ ] your bets are terrible you can’t do this you suck at doing this blah blah blah and then he’s like you’re fat and I was like oh man that’s rude like like I go through all of them and then I read the fat comment I’m like what an [ __ ] that to me the same exact guy sent me all the [ __ ] and every none of this [ __ ] bothered me except for and you’re old I was like [ __ ] you man so C got the fat joke I got the old told it’s like everyone can you know they’re everyone’s got that thing that they say to you and you’re GNA be like wait what am I wait oh [ __ ] you know God damn it bro I started I started uh I started fasting just a couple weeks ago bro I’m down 11 pounds already right now so he hit the but he hit the core it’s all right you know we all got it oh that just funny though yeah man hey takes haters to be great man takes hate to be great so keep that so you know you know you all the [ __ ] don’t have to have so much energy excuse me I never blocked one person until this weekend I’ve never blocked one [ __ ] person I was like what I don’t even know how to block someone but I had to block this [ __ ] man too much energy bro too much energy I can’t wake up to that [ __ ] every goddamn day I usually just let him go but wow y’all [ __ ] got some energy when it’s comes to hating so uh keep the hate you know we need a little hate but goddamn it keep that [ __ ] to a minimum Joseph Al Dorado in the building good to see you wi time I see you my guy hope it all is well Cali life Kelly mckinn in the building good to see you my man yeah so as we’re talking man we got we got the NBA Finals but the session is pretty much G to become you know in our own sesh way in the own Medicaid [ __ ] way because ain’t nobody doing it like us we gonna break down the MLB card here on a Monday I mean it’s all we got it’s all we [ __ ] got we will break down the NBA final I’ve been following this in MLB man this this [ __ ] is hey man you talk about the NBA as a hell of a drug what the [ __ ] you call it MLB this [ __ ] is like holy [ __ ] it’s like suicide watch that’s what this [ __ ] is MLB is like suicide watch bro you got to do it to get the [ __ ] out to get good time but godamn this [ __ ] [ __ ] sucks all right but uh for you listen to Dutch talking like he’s everyone how do you feel about the MLB Razer does it make you no I’m not even talking about it buddy I’m not just like okay just just watching baseball just this the facts of the game I mean Snoop Dog seemed to be enjoying it that was a good part can we see that please that’s what I’m that’s what I’m trying to get to can we get if we had a little bit more of this might be a little more intriguing I came in with a players coming in at cuz I’m a player get up in there oh he safe he can’t throw that he ain’t got no arm like that no he don’t he does though no he don’t he who is that with that rocket De La Cruz oh Lord with a ho he got a rocket in his [ __ ] oh he made dece Duce this dece Duce revolver was my problem solver let’s go how often do people slide down that slide over there he he can’t get there he better not out run you he better not out run you he better not you better not let the picture outr run you dog come on now that’s what I’m talking about two for two thank you anybody but the pitcher you can’t outr run me dog not you I know I know oh he gone he took that get up in there he took that give him that give him that where it go eat go eat 22 eating right now he’s showing off for his uncle right now all right nephew all right all right bro you gota be kidding me that’s so much better than he said uhuh get up in there get up in there like bro rocket in his pocket he got a rocket in his pocket I like it too Morgan yeah come on now man if that was some MLB come on man and not to mention any good bet you really want to place is [ __ ] minus 135 140 125 the juice is [ __ ] unbelievable but godamn it Snoop Dog had me one in the watching baseball I said what channel is this on [ __ ] you know he said he no he K oh no he did hey Del La Cruz is nice though man I seen him uh you know run out one and then I seen him hit a homer the next time like this [ __ ] hold hold on Dutch these are my last seven bets on this show on Mondays right these are my last seven bets on Mondays I see some numbers that look a little better than minus 135 I do see a minus 130 in there but I see some better numbers than minus 135 all right baseball is just tough I just feel like a lot of the games I like is shout out to uh shout out to our guy Mikey money though he’s been I’ve been asking them for a little bit of baseball and with what Cal gots and Mikey got I I kind of you know but I I’m greedy with baseball bro I’m just greedy bro I just throw a hundo on on what you got and what he got and hope that it all comes through bro every time you tell my pics you [ __ ] parlay all of them together which I don’t like every time every time Razer and I swear to God every time he’s done it I’ve gone like [ __ ] two and two and [ __ ] one or [ __ ] three in one or something I don’t want to get stuck back in betting [ __ ] hundred on baseball man better hundo on the and hopefully you have a good day but yeah Mike went two for three for me too I was like you he’s like yeah two and three two games close I was like yeah but I was greedy bro I I went two for three oh I’m a DJ when it comes to the MLB but I’m thinking about starting to actually bet some real money on it and when you bet real money on baseball you better not parlay that [ __ ] because it’s hard enough to win one game goddamn it it’s hard enough to win one of these [ __ ] but um I don’t mind throwing 50 cents or dollar down on uh you know a little juicy parlay to see if you can’t bring it home speaking there’s when there’s no action when there’s no action and speaking I should have bet was last week C right but bam that’s where we were going had to transition there Razer I know you have to dip out early uh so you weren’t here when we put it together but we did hit the Medica Monday parlay last week um anybody in the chat I know there was a few of you that tailed it because some of you guys tagged me in your tickets and I absolutely loveed that so shout out to you guys that Tagg me in those tickets um it was only a handful but let me know if you guys hit the medicate Monday parlay last week we’ll hit that again this week it’s just a player prop parlay um just a couple hitters props yeah K Clips I mean I used to really like baseball man I used to follow it all like hard but and I could be profitable in it too but when I really needed baseball to be there and I really bet too much money on it this [ __ ] fell apart for me that was like when Clayton Kershaw started not becoming the guy no more uh Becket was in Boston I believe you know um these are these are the pictures you know um we made a lot of money on baseball but we lost a lot of money on that [ __ ] too so it kind of stinks a little bit and I just don’t know the players like I used to man the pitchers I’m just like who the [ __ ] is this guy speaking of picturers that people don’t know this is another good transition which most people know this guy you just might not skin is going today Dutch oh for Pittsburgh this get’s [ __ ] nasty no yeah and everybody’s uh that I see is talking about his his strikeout prop today it’s put it right at seven and a half um yeah that’s exactly who they’re playing and I was going to say this all I’m going to tell you guys is the reds are not a team that you want to be taking strikeout props against I know SK has got that stuff and he could easily go out there and strike out 11 it’s just there’s better teams to take strikeout props against the red the red Swing and Miss rate is better than most teams in all of all of baseball so I’d be careful with that Winner Circle said it’s eight and a half I thought it was seven and a half and that was even eight and a half makes me feel a little bit better than the seven and a half because I when I saw that seven and a half I was like the [ __ ] is going on here man this is the biggest bait I’ve ever seen in my life I think there’s value on the Reds today actually I just I mean cuz you’re getting this super you’re getting this stud out here super and you got an extra day off too I think because they didn’t put him in Coors might throw off his rotation a little bit might maybe not though this kid’s [ __ ] disgustingly good uh but coming first game back kersfield at home from kersfield you know I don’t know man I don’t know that seems like a lot of value there we’ll break down this entire card we got nine MLB games uh you know we’re going to get to the Razor Edge we got the NBA finals ladies and gentlemen game five of the NBA Finals C Jose and the whole crew went there on Friday night I decided I couldn’t do it man I just I’m disgusted with these Dallas Mavericks the last place I wanted to be is Dallas [ __ ] Texas over the weekend after they took I’ll just be honest 1.3 units 1.3k for me you know so um in those first three games I just couldn’t see I wanted to see C I wanted to see the crew you know I wanted to Vibe the [ __ ] out maybe have a couple Bruce but godamn it the Dallas Mavericks [ __ ] pissed me off right now and then of course your boy did you already transition off of this game before I could even like talk about the the Reds pitcher or anything like that oh did I bro you just transitioned out of that before and Razer didn’t get a at word in Dutch is like okay we did baseball now the basketball game tonight did you guys like the baseball segment God damn dude did you like the baseball say me you guys needed shorts right he took shorts literally shorts literally yeah right that’s what look at Winner Circle he just now got that he likes Pirates first five he couldn’t even he’s just now able to get in the chat what he likes as a bet on the [ __ ] thing Dutch stting well I didn’t want to talk about baseball before [ __ ] game five the NBA Finals I didn’t think we’re going to talk about the Reds and we can at least finish the game we started and then we can okay let’s go back to schemes yeah you’re right I just gave my opinion and then moved on to the [Laughter] yeah Razer how do you feel about this game today I had nothing on the game the line does seem uh a little high uh eight I thought this line would be a little bit lower uh so I kind of lean towards the over but I haven’t bet this game yet yeah as a total I get that I don’t I I I see I get what Dutch was saying with the Reds there as a side but I don’t [ __ ] know this guy pitching he’s I know he threw last season also um [ __ ] Carson Spears I have not seen him throw a baseball before um it looks like he either hasn’t been extended or has been coming out of the bullpen uh for the Reds and he’s killing it this year I mean [ __ ] outstanding A 233 ER 15 strikeouts four walks but he obviously doesn’t have very many innings pitched um that being said he’s faced the Dodgers twice he’s done decent against them gave up no runs in five and two thirds Innings against Chicago last time out um I just don’t know enough about him I just don’t know enough about him 15K to four walk at 19 Innings that’s not too bad man that’s not too bad um you know I I’ll take that short sample size though only 19 but 15 to uh 15K to four walks not too bad um two yeah he’s been throwing good this year like I said he’s been throwing real good it’s his second year in The Bigs Dutch um last year though he only threw 13 Innings and had a right about a 7 RA in those 13 Innings with a 1.9 two whip again first first 13 innings in The Bigs though so take it for what it’s worth I just don’t know enough enough about him to bet it I’d be careful with ski strikeout prop though today I know that I know that everybody’s loading up on it that’s all I wanted to say on the game is be careful with that I think I think uh it’s a good spot for Cincinnati you you you win two in a row and then you lose two straight two close baseball games in Milwaukee you go back to home to or you go back to or you go back to Pittsburgh it’s not that big of a travel you got Pitts coming from [ __ ] cooperfield as a minus 185 like how the [ __ ] are the pack only reason they’re this much is because of that kid so um yeah I don’t know I would I would see there’s value in the Reds but especially considering this kid but like you mentioned he hasn’t done it too long this kid Carson SP Spears um you like this last year the the Pirates own the Reds um so if the reds are looking for some uh Revenge now would be the time you know what’s funny is they’ve always kind of owned him for a little while they remember G Cole when he was there he he got lit up by the Reds every year he was he was elite elite when he was with Pittsburgh and for some reason he just got lit up by the Reds our guy Mark oh he was questioning it I thought he was saying he was on it dropping Spears strikeout prop in there shout out to Zoe in the chat or zo in the chat uh I I saw you on X I know you got a different name man I appreciate you he he chimed in on those those [ __ ] trolls I was getting appr appreciate you that’s why I like to post it because you guys always get our back out there in the chat there’s J in the chat yeah man shout out to uh sh talk got Roco Rogers yeah man that our boy Rocco good to see him in the build he knows he be known as MLB Mark shil Burke in the building good to see you my man Corin in the building likeing points has minus 28 run differential or Pittsburgh excuse me um Cincinnati is plus 13 dropping some knowledge coin appreciate you my guy let’s get to it here let’s get to it here um let’s get you all right so there’s you’re good with this Pittsburgh game now yeah yeah we can go on you can go ahead and intro our guy we can get to the Razor Edge but I want to check up on how many retweets we got uh we’re getting close I’m sure if you guys go to Pub sports radio and hit it as soon as I see 40 we’re going to let everybody in the chat that wants in run the ponies again but we need 40 right now I only see 16 on the the one that I’m looking at so go to my Twitter and hit the repost on the one that’s at the top of my page yeah man take let’s do it let’s do it uh let’s get to our guy let’s get to our guy you can find him Monday through Friday Sports money that’s right Sports money Mighty [ __ ] money talking everything Sports little little [ __ ] in between our boys cashing big doing a big U fresh off of UFC week big MLB week we got game five of the NBA Finals nobody better than the pimp Mikey [ __ ] money with the pimp slap play of the [ __ ] day hi I’m with the Port Commission I’m from the athlet foot found Mikey what up what up fellas let’s go medicate this Monday [ __ ] let’s go that’s what I like to hear man got a nice little jump too as we were going it went from 16 up to 22 go keep hitting that button as soon as we hit 40 I’ll give everybody in the chat a chance to uh get in this race for the free uh free money I I liked and retweet about 18 messages so hopefully I got the right one this week good for you that’s what you’re supposed to do baby that’s what you gotta do how was your weekend man I I know uh I know you were gambling all weekend just like every weekend but how’d it go for you investing cab investing all weekend is the way I choose to describe it you know if we had the crystal ball it was certainly sitting in my office this weekend we were firing it was banging man we uh now I’ll tell you what Saturday was a great day Saturday with the UFC if you look at the UFC standings on PSR and you see me in the top five you know that I was firing bullets on the UFC cashing all over the place we had a monster plus I forgot where it was it was a dog that a live a live favorite that went to a huge dog and we smashed it and smashed it and smashed it and smashed it and crushed it yesterday was a glorious baseball day though yesterday I think I went I think I think yesterday afternoon I went 18 and one no [ __ ] probably don’t believe you mean you probably don’t believe it only when you say [ __ ] like that would I not believe it of course I say it out loud it doesn’t sound real it doesn’t sound real then I look back at it and I’m like yep yep yep yep yep yep yep the only spot that I took in L on was the Milwaukee first five and those [ __ ] came back to win yeah they did that Milwaukee game was a good game question why do you never turn your sign on is it too bright or something yeah man the [ __ ] Razer Razer Razer pimp slapped me about the pimp slap sign so I had to get get my [ __ ] tight oh he already brought that up before why does he never turn it on why do you never [ __ ] turn the sign on it’s bright it [ __ ] up the light yeah it’s like the lights on you can’t read it right Goa gotta too bright I’ll turn it out for you oh okay I see what you’re saying Dam such a dope sign that sucks yeah what about you boys how’s the weekend yeah man it was it was lovely man it was lovely I’m I’m glad we got some NBA tonight though pimp you know I try to [ __ ] around with MLB it’s you know it’s you know you you do so 18 to1 yesterday that’s all MLB or is that [ __ ] UFC and [ __ ] no that was just the ear afternoon baseball I I missed I missed a TW a 2000 to one parlay by [ __ ] one spot no [ __ ] I was all [ __ ] excited I’m watching I’m gidy I’m like come on come on come on no [ __ ] stuffed It 2 that’s what I was uh that’s what I was telling the boys I don’t know if you heard earlier but you know you’re like when I tell you I was greedy I just like I do a cab you give me your pics I just usually throw either hund or 50 on it parl let’s have a [ __ ] day boys so I you know you wi I went two and three uh but um you know that’s on my that’s my own damn greedy fault uh yeah good [ __ ] Keep It Coming appreciate the knowledge as always and be sure to follow at him play of the day check him out he’s going live every [ __ ] day I I turn this [ __ ] guy is live so he likes you guys more than he likes his his uh his people in his in his life so check him out check him out support the movement app pimp slpl of the day get in a bag yeah Mikey talks a lot Jesus Christ Razer how much more do we have you eight more minutes uh now seven but yes okay then I will tell I have a story for Dutch it’s it’s for Dutch and Wham about the Mavericks game and I wanted you to hear it but I’ll wait till after I don’t want to waste any more time sorry I was gonna say what is this that you have to that that you want to get out so bad and it was has to do with the [ __ ] it was just to say hey Razer you oh you want to see oh let’s let’s let’s take us to the golf course real quick here take us to the golf course if you would real quick here t uh sponsor uh sponsored by Mikey money the pimp let’s get it started it’s a [Music] this was not my [Music] story why you laughing at that good for her good shot terrible text that to Dutch and I was like I dm’ at to Dutch and I was like this is absolutely s there’s no oh that’s your video Mike and it’s a little person he the one recording what are you talking about she wouldn’t give me a picture on she wouldn’t kiss me on the cheek so I could get that thing done with TR yeah he’s like come on I need a hundo I need hundo hey we tried we tried to get that picture this weekend and that’s what the story is about there was somebody there but uh well I’ll let Wham hear it when I tell it for the first time shout out to miss Hound man good to see uh the queen of the session in the chat we miss you Miss Hound hopefully we’ll get you back up here soon absolutely we need you out we need you on on the team young lady out there in real world hopefully it’s all is well with Miss hound and the fan uh joint number two ladies and Gentlemen let’s get it going let’s get it going it’s about that time for the razor [ __ ] age let’s go here comes recognize [ __ ] shout out to everybody in the chat you know how we do it if you drink you’re cool and if you drink more you’re a lot cool and if you drink extra you’re the coolest CH to everybody let’s get to it Razer Edge coming off a loss last week as Minnesota scored but uh the Rockies didn’t we had the over eight the final score was five nothing so we are now 12- n in all sports on Medicap Monday in 2024 and today we are headed to the hardwood we have NBA Finals game five Dallas Mavericks head to Boston to take on the Celtics and I’m hitting the total and that is the under I’m hitting the under 209 and a half now let me tell you why 85% of the bits 83 % of the money all on the over and the line is not moved it opened up at 209 and a half it is still at 209 and a half this total has dropped from games four total the public is still hammering the over and Vegas does not give a damn Dallas it’s all defense Boston it’s all defense right now Dallas five and one their last six of the under and when they play Eastern Conference they slow it down they play the western or the Eastern Conference nine and2 their last 11 to the under six and0 their last six versus the Eastern Conference have gone under and when they play the Atlantic division it goes under as well eight and three their last 11 Five-0 their last five I know Mikey loves those Monday stats Monday Dallas 16 and six their last 22 towards the under on a Monday nine- two their last 11 he gets better six and one their last seven Five-0 their last five all to the under on a Monday same thing on the other side Boston five and0 they’re last five have gone to the under and when they play the Western Conference they slow it down as well 17- six their last 23 9 and three their last 12 five and one their last six have all gone towards the under we all know June means defense because it’s playoffs defense wins championships Boston 15- six their last 21 June games have gone under seven and0 their last seven five and0 their last five when they’re playing head-to-head it’s just as good seven or 10 and three their last 13 games have all gone under and when at Boston playing at Boston between these two teams seven and three their last 10 all towards the end I could go on and on but uh we got other things to do the total under 400 Razor Edge play the day 209 and a half beautiful do you uh have any lean on a side do you miss Hound put gentleman Sweep with the question mark in the chat are you leaning towards that gentleman sweep or uh way Boston played um game four definitely it’s definitely got to be a gentleman sweep in my opinion um 35 points at halftime I had to I had to turn my phone off and restart I thought something was wrong with the ESPN app uh but yeah 35 points at halftime it’s not looking good for my future on them to win it all we won the west but it’s not looking good to win it all um man Boston got their ass kick but who knows without porzingis maybe that changes everything I’m hoping it does go Mavs bro and if he does get back up in the game Dutch was like what the [ __ ] when I said this to him but I mean I’m I’m I’m not I know it sounds like I’m being funny but I’m not like you push up like when the ball comes off the glass you get your leg up under his uh good leg and you you lift it up off the ground so all of the the pressure is on his bad leg and that [ __ ] snaps in half you break that motherfucker’s leg in half you got to understand like the injury that he has right now like the tendons aren’t like the tendons aren’t there so like just just a little I thought how far you’ve come I remember the first time I talked about an injury i’ said that with college athletes I said that with college kids when you were cheering for an 18-year-old that got hurt I said that’s not right we’re not talk are professional bet you’re talking about this guy ending this guy’s career I mean let’s go don’t play I mean guy so C why not take a guy off the bench and just punch Tate him in the face cuz that’s legal I’m talking about doing I’m talking about doing it within the within the compounds of the game bro and listen you you guys are jumping on me but that’s the [ __ ] game that’s what it is and if you think if you think for if you think for one second that in a professional [ __ ] sport people aren’t gonna do exactly what I just said you’re out of your mind I promise geez don’t play pickup don’t play pickup ball with dby kab y uh there’s no hockey game today though no right no it’s tomorrow yeah okay cuz people saying closed out today the I checked it I tried to do my research ladies and gentlemen there’s no hockey game tonight uh but yeah close out for Florida tomorrow to pimp I see that’s what we see in the chat we’ll talk about that we’ll talk about that but let’s get to it though we appreciate our guy razor sharp picks coming on dropping the [ __ ] knowledge looking fresh in the razor sharp gear the new chain from the family to SP you was shin a little bit more on the big screen bro I’m telling you that right now good thing I got the sh the shades on shout out to uh shout out to our guy in the chat zo F and all hold up that’s a good point Dutch you see her getting [ __ ] whacked across the head but you’re telling me you don’t think somebody’s just gonna lightly lift up the good leg off the ground like you don’t BR I said it like you’re talking about snapping his di I just said put this what’s gonna happen bro to [ __ ] knock not you didn’t say what was GNA and you said what somebody should do you said you said should I said [ __ ] leg I said snap you don’t gotta snap kp’s leg for him not to play all you gotta do is [ __ ] bruise that little [ __ ] all right and he won’t play so you bruise him and he’s out so Gafford put this [ __ ] on the ground godamn snap is [ __ ] but if it snaps we God damn it it snaps but let’s just bruise this guy because he he gets he gets a little [ __ ] you understand the injury that he has I can’t believe C wants to see people die on the court [ __ ] you guys [ __ ] you guys I’m trying to have a conversation about something that’s actually that’s a real that’s that’s a real I know the injury he has but you realize as the other leg that he just was injured pre prior too right so this [ __ ] is just prone to being injured so if you hit him on either leg and bruise him on either knee he’s probably not going to play so uh let’s just rough him up a little bit but you know our boy Razer got to get up B here but I I lean with him man I’m I’m I’m probably going to tell that under to be quite honest with you but when it comes to the side [ __ ] man I can’t really go against my guy Luca but it’s it’s a leprechaun’s night I feel I do feel like it’s a beat toown night I mean they got punked in game four you usually know what happens you know you usually know what happens G in G the next game and let’s just be quite honest we’ve clearly seen one team does look like the better team so it is 3-1 godd damn it but Razer man talk to people we appreciate you as always thank you for dropping in dropping the knowledge razer’s Edge once again under 209 and a half appreciate you guys as always uh PP sports radio we have a pickup game when we’re all together Cav’s my first pick I’m not getting hurt [ __ ] that shout out to everybody in the chat appreciate you as always with razor popping off at 12:30 heading till about 4:30 rest of the week every day Monday through Friday Wednesday I’ll be live at Park so if anyone’s in the area come grab train shout out to everybody in the chat except Jose [ __ ] Boston go mad [Applause] here recognize [ __ ] I second that I second that you heard how he said [ __ ] Boston you would have at least appreciated um every time a Mavs person walked by Jose they were like hey Tatum [ __ ] you like a couple people walked up and were like [ __ ] you like putting their middle finger in his face as they walked by I was like say it again yeah that’s [ __ ] hilarious uh let’s get to it though let’s get to our guy I think he’s back there right now he will be back in a minute let’s get to it though uh H yo we’re waiting on why we’re waiting on trout wear we just got the Razor Edge Let’s get to it man let’s get to it I’m eager to see what the pimp slap play of the [ __ ] day and now I want to break down game five of the NBA Finals I know me and you kind of been on the same side and it hasn’t been too [ __ ] fly and I know you probably been doing your goddamn ing games and cleaning up but pregame with Luca outside of game four hasn’t been the best so we’ll talk about that let’s get to it man roll that clip pimp slap play the [ __ ] day hi I’m with the Port Commission I’m from the athlet fo found what a great Medicaid Monday play of the day we’ve got for you guys here today uh this one’s so nice I might play it twice how about that we’re going to get to the MLB Diamond out here on Monday and uh boy if the moon the stars and the planets don’t intersect for this one we’re g to take a look all the way out there down in Texas talk about the Big D well let’s go to the let’s go on to Houston here the rather the Texas Rangers New York Mets with reverse line movement 90% of the bets 87% of the cash on the over we look at this pitching match up what do we got we got John Gray we got Peterson out there as well and this one’s just simple mathematics you guys the Rangers are 17 and five to the first five under faing a left-handed starting pitcher they’re also nine one and one to the first five under when John Gray starts gray should bow him down handle them inconsistent Mets bats the Texas Rangers are inconsistent at best this is a great first five under four and a half and uh if you want to get fun and parlay that together with the full game under eight go get it but I’m all over this Mets first five under four and a half let’s get this gray wolf in there man him out man him out man him out and I’m [ __ ] muted and I’m muted great well that’s going on I’m muted wonderful I was trying to respond to that whole thing man John Gray think I need to get on board with him I mean it’s already past time to get on board after what he did in the playoffs last season um and how he’s been pitching this year but you know I just I don’t know I never believed in him but damn he just keeps he’s the one one person in the Rangers [ __ ] rotation this year that has just continued to pitch good in my opinion um I know he’s only two and two on the season but he’s bounc from the bullpen to starter from Bullpen to starter and it really doesn’t [ __ ] matter you give him the baseball and he’s getting outs that’s what he’s been doing and uh I got to respect him for that and on the flip side Rangers aren’t hitting the baseball whatsoever um I do have a prop in this game and it’s not going to be Seager today I’m gonna rock with Marcus Simeon in that leadoff position over one and a half bases at plus money um I do not expect a bunch of runs out of this Rangers lineup today but I do expect Simeon to get you know four five at bats hopefully uh and one and a half bases for him I like it today against the Lefty so I’ll be on Simeon over one and a half faes but other than that I like it Mike I’ll tell you what speaking of liking it in some dabby cab specials here now I know you cashed so I’m going to take you out of the equation but macro level with this thing here I told you guys last Monday how dog [ __ ] the San Diego Padres are if you play their team total and their run line every day this week you’re four and eight you’re down almost five units on those [ __ ] how about that hey you want to know what’s even crazier people talk about like making the same bets over and over again and they assume that I’m not like actually like intimate with these teams and these bets that I make Mike I’m four- one my last five bets on the Padres and I’ve been betting them in the midst of this [ __ ] run that they’re having terrible month of June for them boys think about what I just said though because I hit their team total over again yesterday threading the needle I mean and it’s not you know there was a there was a and and if you listen here right and I know you do but I’m talking about chat also there was a stream of lefties in a row right there and I told you guys this team doesn’t [ __ ] hit lefties wait till you get another righty in there we got a righty back in there yesterday but bam no big deal now I know they only got two off of him but that’s besides the point the big running that the big runs that they had in the sixth or eighth inning that cashed that came off ay also so there you go so the so the Rangers come in with that stat from LJ one and 11 last 12 in the first game of a series shout out to LJ great stat and I mean broken five runs they haven’t scored five five or more runs the last six games you know bro they just got swept by Seattle you got to understand as in Seattle yeah getting swept by Seattle like as Seattle being you know and I know it’s early in the season we’re not even at the All-Star break but with Seattle being first in the division and you know the Rangers trying to keep it around 500 right now until people get healthy if you listen to like any of the the talk shows around the area or anything like that which I do you know when in the car the the thing is is everybody just wants them to stay you know around 500 within Striking Distance until everyone’s healthy that’s what you’ll hear from the local fans this was a big [ __ ] loss to Seattle getting swep by Seattle might be the first step in seeing this team return to complete dog [ __ ] you know sitting at 33 and 38 right now they’re not that close to 500 anymore they’re still not healthy in the pitching staff watch out Rangers might go on a big losing streak I mean they’ scored 15 runs the last last six games maybe team total under here with the Rangers too I mean I don’t it just I I do like I do can tell you this though when I make a bet on something I’m very I like it and so listen to what Mike said but if you’re wanting a prop or wanting anything else I like simium over one and a half Paces I have a bet on that today so I’ll use it probably if we use a parlay I might find somebody else just to have two different bets out there but right now I’ve got Simeon over one and a half bases pimp slap play of the day under four and a half Rangers Mets let’s go let’s get to here well hopefully hopefully pimp they pitch a little bit better than this lady right here they they say this they say this one right here worst first pitch in MLB history and that’s carried over to the ceremonial first pitch which I can’t decide whether that’s the worst first pitch in baseball history what the [ __ ] I didn’t watch that until just now I don’t know why I thought it was going to hit the guy in the nuts I was catching that’s hilarious yeah like not even close oh no was that this weekend was that recently yeah oh beautiful beautiful beautiful I wonder what the picture looks like coming from them appreciate you Big Show I just read what you said man and uh I saw I saw one over the weekend where there was a guy taking a a wed shot out of a out of a sand bunker and his girl was holding the camera she had to be 30 yards away perfect shot from her angle of the the ball coming in it smacked her right in the head put her down literally she had the wealth on the on the forehead from the was unbelievable oh God oh my God hey Jason wants to see that one one more time T hit that one one more time for us if you can it was quick and that’s carried over to the ceremonial first pitch which I can’t decide whether that’s the worst first pitch in baseball history what is his next time out because it cuts off what was the next statement that he’s going to say he goes I can’t decide if that’s the worst first pitch in baseball history or what [ __ ] like what what was the next thing that he was about to say anyone I have no [ __ ] clue I have no [ __ ] clue but hey what was this here’s another one for you what so maybe we get cab off of that [ __ ] topic what was this girl trying to do right here man what was this chick thinking on the beach Maybe a little too much sun this [ __ ] have me laughing like a [ __ ] check it out check it the [ __ ] first of all nice T but what the [ __ ] what the [ __ ] you know oh man’s some European ER I think right here from our guy Big Show in the chat man yeah Belgium’s already down already down to them boys one zero nine minutes into the game I he shout out to everybody in the chat I’m gonna check the uh I’m gonna check the retweets real quick we’re getting it on we putting it on best believe it you know good look okay the one that I’m looking at is at 31 right now guys so you got nine more to go the one that I’m judging off of nine more to go and uh we will run the ponies again for anyone in the chat that puts a one in there whenever we hit 40 yeah man yeah man let’s do it let’s do it uh let’s talk let’s talk some NBA Finals pimp I’m trying to get a try where I’m here in the building here in a minute it talk break down it’s only right um Jose’s sitting back there like he’s ready to go but I can tell that uh I don’t want I don’t want to talk to him yet let’s talk let’s yeah thank you thank you hey look look Wham wh just saved us wh’s like oh no oh no we ain’t doing that [ __ ] hey he I don’t know why he shows up 30 minutes for cl early you know you got work at nine this [ __ ] pulling in at 815 he’s a great employee you know I will say that about hose he’s a great employee I can’t breathe bro I can’t breathe well let’s get to it man let’s go to Cali it’s only right keep it real organic in that [ __ ] you know what I’m saying under basa who banging Sports Talk check him out check him out he’ll come through you you know any time of the [ __ ] week probably bright and early my guy likes to wake up and go live whenever he feels fly he gonna do it brighten early breaking down whether there it be the MLB MBA Wham talk check him out check him out let’s have our little talk with way right [ __ ] now way [ __ ] B let’s go need to talk to it’s not what you know is what you can prove yeah yes sir ski yes sir how y’all feeling how y’all doing y’all know what it is TR Wham Winter Circle Jason Michael art llq Joseph Jeff what’s up another Justin man shout out to y’all Anonymous Big Show it’s the Big Show shout out to my dog my brother Happy Father’s Day to Big Show Father Day hell yeah man shout out to uh Mike my dog slapping him up as nor do c my brother what you smoking on hey actually I got I got a I got the writing on my [ __ ] this is Caviar Gold Cav gold shout out to that man shout out to Dutch too what’s up with you bro if you’re gonna call something Caviar Gold I bet it’s some fire this sh should be straight yeah actually I’ve been smoking on this [ __ ] this morning sh hey before I got on here so the way I’m acting you look heavy eyed you look heavy eyed I’ll tell you that right now this [ __ ] too so it really ain’t settled yet so this [ __ ] is some freaking kill hell yeah hell yeah I mean it’s Cali you know what it is I mean you blessed when it comes to the marijuana you can’t I mean you got to go out of your way to get some [ __ ] in California godd damn it you know you got to go out your [ __ ] way to get some [ __ ] ass weed living in Cali goddamn but yeah Kelly McKinnis I see you my man everyone run up the likes real quick you know we about to break game five down of the NBA Finals like a [ __ ] pound we got our boy way B we got Mikey money we got dabby cab who’s 45 minutes you know from Dallas you know he’s he’s more intrigued in this NBA Finals than more than than most of you think you know than most of you think he went to I’m not gonna talk about it because I don’t give it so I’m not bragging about it I’ve been on but I’ve told you and anybody who’s asked me I’ve been on that for I’ve been on the Mavs first quarter every game since the second game yeah and on game three whenever they didn’t cover the spread but covered the money line I was on the money line not the spread because it was small enough money line I’ve been cashing that first quarter with the Mavs every [ __ ] game and I’m going to do it again and I you know never mind I’m not GNA go into it because like I said I haven’t given it out but I’m on it today how serious he got see how serious he got I kind of like it I kind of like it Luca and the boys you think they might [ __ ] around and go back to Dallas you think they might go back to Dallas though they better not come back to Dallas that’s all I gotta say Jose I I could see him down there and gosh he wants to say something they better not come back to Dallas bro the energy was good and it was only 3-1 I was embarrassed a little bit because there was like [ __ ] confetti in the air and [ __ ] right everybody was celebrating I’m like the [ __ ] are you guys celebrating man we are literally down 3-1 they had a [ __ ] drone show like music playing and I was like you know what if this is the vibe when it’s 3-1 they better not come back to Dallas oh Jason Meer Jason Jason Meer man shout out to you man cheers Jason like this back up banging yeah rest in peace for sure yeah man run that [ __ ] [Music] rpt Rich oh yeah yeah yeah don’t have anything uh without you guys because this uh show is 18 plus I say it all the time you know obviously it’s 18 plus look at what we’re saying and what we’re doing uh so the the donations and the memberships it means the world and speaking of donations man uh maybe we can get it in the chat if somebody has it if not I’ll get it on my social media again reach out to uh the the donation thing for tisa’s family you can pick a tree you can pick flowers you can send whatever you want help his daughter out if you can I retweeted it from Dom’s page a couple times yeah check this out this far I got hold up hold up shout out to shout shout out to my dog man JPY and we can’t really hear it Dutch but I feel I can hear I can hear that’s my boy JPY JPY busting down on the intro for uh T that was hard yeah shout out to te man a you know what I got the clip I could send that in I can send that in that’s that’s hard yeah we G that’s bang out to uh shout out to Dyan Betts he he ret he I seen that last night I liked and retweeted it so uh you know I thought you know and shout out to uh you know JP if you didn’t know some [ __ ] intro goddamn intro talk about and of course rest PE guy that’s his that was his intro if you didn’t know you know now y’all [ __ ] do know uh but yeah shout out to our guy Jason Meer I believe Nate Dog coming through dropping a membership there there you go whoever got the membership oh hell yeah it looks like Steve got it that’s a real one that got the membership too he renew that [ __ ] that’s all I can ask anybody that gets a membership gifted just renew it man it’s uh you know it’s they’re not expensive and it helps the channel we don’t we don’t we don’t sell picks or anything like that we just give you what we’re betting so you know the support means the world we’re going to try and figure out more things for the members you know we run the ponies and [ __ ] like that on Jimmy’s show but uh appreciate you guys we’re GNA run the horses again today Mike all we got to do is hit um 40 retweets on the on the show and as soon as we hit 40 retweets on the on the show that’s like the Twitter show we’re gonna run the ponies yo uh shout out to uh yo shout out my bad Jay dub I know I sent it I sent that to the group shout T if you could um load that up before the end of the show and we’ll play that for our boy T before we get up out of here tonight to this morning um but yeah like and retweet man Big Show dropping the link again you know we trying to do it we trying to do it up NBA Finals ladies and gentlemen game five let us know in the chat man is be toown gonna handle business now are they gonna are they you could you you know you could do it the professional way and let me know are they gonna cover the six and a half or just drop Celtics or [ __ ] Mavericks in the chat who’s winning tonight you know Dominique Diaz new member good to see you my man appreciate you real one guys in the chat out there make sure you us a yes or a no is this going to be the worst NBA game five Finals game in the history of the NBA yes or no four straight unders stop trying in the second quarter that last game out there Luca couldn’t make it three to save his life Tatum under points is probably the best bet out there is there any way this game can be any good at all whatsoever yes or no in the chat let’s see what you guys have to say there’s some yeses are you gonna go do a like an under parlay like same game parlay with a bunch I already got one loaded [ __ ] yeah start blindly checking unders just go anybody who did that in the last game they cat so I’m on Luka over 32 and a half I just put on it I think I think he gets it no matter what tonight man I don’t think they get completely blown out and if I think even if it’s a 20-point game you still G to see Luca in uh you know in a in a winter go home game get his minutes tonight you know he 0 of eight from the three-point line in game four and still had 23 at halftime you know 23 at halftime just busting their ass if you watched it kind of cruise control second half finish with 29 um obviously it was a 40 [ __ ] point basketball game but I don’t expect Luca to go over over from the three-point line today I expect him to continue to attack inside he’s hitting his perim he’s hitting his mid-range shot he’s getting he’s getting to the line uh creating fouls I like I like that uh you know I like the 32 and a half uh but ski ski ski I see you hey ski he hilarious as [ __ ] he stupid loyal as [ __ ] hey shout out to the SK The Profit man been doing one helpful job in NBA playoffs but I do I’ll say thisi Okay Hop On Hop on bro what you got six and a half I think six and a half is probably good money to tonight with Beantown I do I do think Boston takes I think they clean house tonight I and I know that’s probably where you’re asking all right so just because I think luga gets 33 plus tonight don’t mean I think they win the game I I would I’m not betting against my guy though because every time I bet against Luca it’s like what’ you do why you do that know but Luca cost me a lot of money this this this series I’m not going to lie to you he’s cost me an awful lot of money so um I’d have to you know I almost to throw in the toal in this goddamn series because it’s like I’m not gonna I don’t want to have to bet what I need to bet to get right in this goddamn Series so um I put a unit on on our boy on our boy Luca um I think he gets 33 easy tonight I think under Kyrie is a solid look I really do I don’t think Kyrie gets I don’t think Kyrie gets what he got in Dallas you think he can play in Boston still I’m not saying he can’t play but I don’t think he gets 20 plus you know I think it’s going to be a different level out there game five they going to be in his ass and he had those comments talking about I thought it was gonna be louder um when he left you know like not not the best thing to say Kyrie you know oh I thought it was gonna be louder I’m like damn dog like you gotta go I mean you gotta go back and they almost didn’t even go back so uh after that ass whooping I mean if you like Boston in this series that you have to love the fact that they got beat by by [ __ ] 40 points damn near so um I if I if I had to bet this game it would be Boston minus 6 and a half um I got a unit on Luca I’ll probably put it in the same game parlay [ __ ] around have a good time uh but I think it’s all she wrote tonight for Dallas Mavericks and that’s not good to say you know I like Lively’s rebounds but I do think J I do think Jason Tatum I’m on the other side of Mike here I think Jason Tatum has a game tonight he he was horrible the other night he that’s what he does though one bad one good like horrible the other night has had the greatest series but we’ve seen when he can play when he’s locked in they really have absolutely nothing for him so um Drew holiday look for him to be more of what we’ve seen back in Boston and I hate I hate that Jose even has to hear this [ __ ] because he’s just but I’m just being real what I think put a [ __ ] suit and tie on I’m just being real I just think what I just believe what I think’s gonna happen I don’t believe Kyrie has a big night I think Luca fills up the stash sheet but it’s not going to be enough um you know KP probably comes back and probably plays a decent amount of minutes too makes the makes the bench a little bit heavier we see Hower and [ __ ] Pritchard knocking down threes that’s that’s kind of what I see tonight all over the place so um you know talk about the ramp bamp you know this game means a lot obviously it means a lot to me because I got throwing the tal on my on my guys but um how we feeling about this game man yeah you know I love I love um I love a lot of the breakdown bro I’m not even going to lie so yeah like you know it’s kind of tricky It’s Tricky especially the way the last game the late the way that last game was it was nasty business um you know unders all the way around unders all the way around now we coming back to Boston you said it I do I trust Kyrie somebody said Wham is gonna be on Kyrie over 24 and a half points nah bro I haven’t bet him since he got it for us since he got it for us and loss and the loss that he did they had I stayed away from him bro so you know what I mean so I haven’t bet him since and I’m not going to go back to any Dallas player at all bro I’m not even I’m not sure if I care I don’t think I care at all you know what I’m saying like my boy like I’m laughing at ski because he say you loyal my boy try to make money I understand it you know what I’m saying and I feel you if you ain’t gonna bet again you you really probably want to bet against them today you know what I’m saying sound like you w to be on Buster yeah sound like you want to be on Buster but at the same time I can’t bet against them I understand that point too we got Zach zar in here as far as the referee John Gable Bill Kennedy so I don’t think it’s going to be um blatant but it will be some some type of uh going to the scoreboard uh type of fiasco today I think it is going to be a close game too um there may be something down the stretch though I think that this is what it comes down to like what type of what type of down the stretch um mentality are you going to get from the Celtics I think you’re going to get them for sure locked in focused but this is where we could get to the needy greedy on the [ __ ] too we always hear it the 03 the 03 nobody ever come back from 03 nobody ever come back from 03 we always hear this [ __ ] I’m not gonna lie y’all we all know if they lose this [ __ ] game if Boston lose this [ __ ] game it is [ __ ] over I’m not I will never put a dollar on the Boston I would never put a dollar on Boston if they is he talking about what I said about [ __ ] porzingis is that Jeffrey blue is doing is he making a joke is it going over my head you heard what I listen it’s the same thing with Luca right he’s got the chest problems you’re damn lie if you’re not you know putting a little extra [ __ ] nudge into that chest just to see if you can you know break that sternum like I promise you bro I mean it’s it’s how it [ __ ] goes Mike I I don’t anybody gonna finish this game or is everyone getting hurt you gotta do what you got to do bro hey hey do they need do they need him Sam Hower is making his shots that’s why I’m trying to say like we broke down this game he said so much it’s all about KP to me I didn’t I’m not to me it’s not like they if they have KP out there great Boston could definitely be Dallas without KP I mean do you are that good do you understand kp’s injury Wham uh well you know they had a crazy uh E40 breakdown on his you that that was hilarious that like basically like to put he’s nursing a lower leg this is what they said that’s put in Layman turn he’s nursing a lower leg injury and he’s undetermined if he’s going to suit up tonight pretty much so his his his his his ass could walk around he looks cool he can still stand there and shoot the three I mean he just probably can’t be as limble as under the ram like he normally is but I mean he’s always hurt bro he’s been hurt at any time but so the the what it is is is the tendons are missing on like the part of his knee right oh okay I get you and if if if like the tendons are missing like I said the leg can snap at any moment like just too much weight on it or anything can snap it and they all thought I was terrible for saying that if he plays like like when the ball comes off the glass people are gonna you know get up under his good leg and force all of his weight onto his bad leg and they thought I was terrible for saying that but like that’s how it goes tell me I’m wrong I mean I would try to take advantage of him being hurt too and out there they do that [ __ ] all the time they do that [ __ ] all the time you put guys yeah yeah yeah but I understand I think C the way he probably delivered it probably sound like it was malicious you know what I’m saying but which it really is it is he just describing exactly what it is snap his leg people don’t want to hear the truth C you got you gotta F feather it out to these people sometimes you know thisy on his ass a whole series I mean I said he wouldn’t last past game four the [ __ ] didn’t make it to game three didn’t play game four I said this before the series even started so um he’s a fragile [ __ ] man and you got gaffard you got guys like Gafford out there you got guys like cber that could just you give up a couple fouls Gafford is gonna hurt you when you foul cber he just got six of them eventually hopefully you feel him you know hope you feel one of the six with his soft ass Maxi Cleaver man he been a disappointment goddamn he been a dis him and Tim Hardway Jr shouldn’t even get on the bus goddamn it you know they they shouldn’t even be allowed on the goddamn bus but they need them they absolutely do need him uh but yeah it’s big trouble tonight in my opinion big trouble bro everybody in Dallas cheered so loud when Hardway finally hit a shot bro it’s I’m telling you there was some pretty embarrassing things about being there the confetti felt dirty I don’t know like it just felt like dirty confetti bro they were and I don’t want to say sale pieces of confetti just the way that they did it yeah we didn’t get swept confetti bro the [ __ ] is this yeah that’s hilarious man interesting I forgot to ask y’all because I knew I knew some people were able to go so damn that’s funny bro but that was a good game to go I guess you know let talk about it let’s talk about it let’s see if our guy good call guys good call he looks like he’s ready to rock and roll you know uh I know he’s eager to talk about this it’s I don’t know I don’t know we sure we’re getting back though but uh shout out to he dog I see you my guy got the pimp back in Action here we got about 600 live right now with Twitter and YouTube we appreciate all the real ones vibing with us share the video like it if you have not and if you’re over on Twitter watching or X come over here on YouTube by out with us we got a nice chat going we got some real ones a lot of knowledge being spent in that chat um we’re GNA continue to uh talk NB game five of the NBA Finals we’ll get all opinions here time to get into some MLB into MLB pretty shortly here um pretty shortly here and we’ll finish the show off pretty much breaking down the MLB got a couple more good clips for you guys stick around we’ll Vibe the [ __ ] out and we’ll break it down uh pimp it’s all it’s all she wrote tonight just under from a side perspective is Boston cleaning house tonight I know you’ve been on the Luca train on the Dallas train with me hasn’t went so well is it is it is it six and a half tonight to the window uh you know I don’t even know if I’ll [ __ ] with a side in this thing if you gave me the proverbial Free Bet I’d probably take uh I’d probably put it on Dallas uh just just because at this point why not to your point how much more we got to do to get back to neutral but I think the best play of this game is Jason Tatum under 27 and a half points I think that’s you know if you just want to make one play Bang on something real [ __ ] you guys know I love volume but if I was gonna just put a if I was gonna back the Brinks truck up it would be on Tatum’s under specifically because they’re coming off that blowout that last game and we’ve seen that where does the offense run best it runs through brown white in Holiday there’s there’s no Tatum in that equation and that’s why he’s going out there he’s got to get the triple double numbers uh because he’s got to do some rebounding if he wants to stay on that court and be a high level player out there pass that ball around Chuck The Rock and help them guys go out there and establish what made them dominant all season long we know that the uh Celtics haven’t lost back-to-back games since what was it like the beginning of April I think was the number but nonetheless for me I think it’s a Tatum under 27 and a half Point spot I do like Lively though I’d go back to Lively i’ take some points with Lively over eight and a half uh his rebound numbers up it’s a little higher now at eight and a half as well but it just kind of shows that he’s fought through that injury and he’s been able to go out there and regain the right to have an eight and a half instead of a six and a half on his rebound numbers but not mad at anybody talking about them Kyrie under points as well I think you know tough part about Luca what he go for it big donut last week there last game game four he’s got what is he eight for 37 or something like that from the three all post all all NBA Championship Finals and he didn’t get any of this past game so he’s trying real hard to get the job done and something that he was trying on his home court and couldn’t get any threes in there as well that scares me a little from a luuka perspective Luka plays better on the [ __ ] road my guy believe that or the last game okay and oh you get you get a player like that going 0 from three from three-point range what do you want to do next game you miss a good bet you got a bet it again boy he he looked healthy he looked the most healthy offensively there uh but his three just wasn’t going I mean he was he was rocking and roll any anything he wanted in that first half in game for except three was I mean he had 23 points and he was over five I believe from three-point range you know so um and they’re having [ __ ] Tillman guard his ass and [ __ ] like come the [ __ ] get the [ __ ] out of here man L Luka go to the window here with Kyrie under here’s where we’re at 33 I don’t know if you can see it but it’s just this tweet right here Dutch we’re at 33 so seven more and anybody in the chat can get in the ponies for the $25 giveaway Let’s Do It Let’s do we lost our guy Lil Jose because I’m sure he has something to say about the series as well as Jason Tatum Jason we come back to that real quick though um I do want to do the the parlay with the with the hitters props and it looks like it’ll I mean unless um you or Wham have one I guess it’ll be me Mikey and Jose or Mike we Mikey we can just do it if you if you don’t want want to add Jose I mean I mean I cashed last week let’s go no no disrespect to Jose I could even tell you who he had stop you didn’t have to say that he’s not back here defend himself right now there he is there he is G talk about Boston I gotta hear about this Boston [ __ ] let me talk some player prop [ __ ] while we’re at it you know yeah you want to bring a hose up Dutch we’re going to build the parlay the the parlay prop it might just be us you bet any baseball today yeah I’m on uh I I [ __ ] with I [ __ ] with uh either Otani or Freddy Freeman I [ __ ] with I think I want to go Otani today okay cool we’ll look at it then when we’re all looking at him hell yeah do that yeah looking nice yesterday two-piece right I think you could take like two people out of that Dodgers game they just gonna be have some hits in there M’s mook’s gonna be out there talking about moving Otani up to the number one spot so it’ll beig I was gvin Lux too the way they talk about getting rid of his ass like this you better you get hit right here and get up out of here bro just because who atani is and the way his mindset is if he gets put in the leadoff spot he’s gonna hit a bomb in the first [ __ ] bat of the game Watch I’m just I’m just I know that’s a bold call but I’m telling you if you can fight odds first at bat bomb bro I’m telling you he’s going to hit a bomb first at bat I definitely don’t like a nerfy in this game this is definitely going to have your screaming at this [ __ ] shout out to um the gas report like in uh Drew holidays over in three so that’s been the most consistent bet of the series um I’m sure our guy on Deck will like that total bases are not even set at one and a half for this game Wham they’re set it two and a half in they’re juice yeah I know that’s what I was saying bro like we got to put a little bit that’s why I like you gotta take two you have to take the you got to get two guys to get it at like one hit so you’ll take like Freddy Freeman and Otani to have one hit you have to combine those guys to get the actual OD that you want for one person you know what saying bro o I’m looking Otani right now they’ve got him anywhere from minus 125 to minus 147 for over two and a half total bases I would take Galvin Gavin Lux [ __ ] uh Otani and Freddy Freeman today I’m G look yeah Freeman gonna get his man look at us going I feel like a dick let’s get I’m G tell you guys this Colorado is not losing this game today think about that it relates to this thing with a 12 12 and an under go ahead Colorado’s not losing you said the unders are hitting at 80 some odd percent when col comes back home in a monster number out of 12 and I think so you do like the nerfy today because I honestly I’m Not Gon to lie to you this this lineup is scary as hell I would never put a Nerf in in the Dodgers lineup I told myself that Colorado does this when like what you just said I usually bet their nerfies because it’s always plus money and they normally have a a pretty decent enough picture out there and you know it’s kind of going back and forth so it it normally hits so and that speaking only reason why I’m not doing it is because it’s the Dodgers I’m not I just it’s like how Luca like he said betting against Lucas like if I bet that against them is over with I’m gonna get cooked so I’m not even gonna think about it so what do you think on that though bro because you said the under I like that um I like that idea because it’s the same thing I always think about with them yeah so the big number here is high total unders for the Rockies when they’re home dogs against high-scoring teams right so they put a number at 12 for a reason out there it’s 497 and two to the under it’s winning at almost a 75% clip to take the under in these spots so that being said I like this spot for the Rockies if it’s if the Rockies winning this game’s going under how the hell you gonna get all them LA Dodgers hits out there who’s gonna be smashing that thing for them boys now clearly the missp there would be if it’s not Colorado that wins this game but I do think it is look at this number plus 150 for the [ __ ] Rockies against this awesome powerful LA Dodgers lineup that tells you everything in itself that’s a that’s I even plus 138 and Paxton’s [ __ ] six and one on the season isn’t he pitching today plus 140 on uh Boyd plus 140 on Boyd bro what the [ __ ] how does Paxton have 35 strikeouts and 32 walks that’s terrible how is he six and one with 1.41 whip so I won’t ha on anybody’s RB or bases or anything like that but if you’re looking at these numbers and you think it’s got to be the Rockies in an under or if you think the number says it’s Rockies and I’m looking at an under I don’t know how the Dodgers are going to get them boys up there all right let’s get let’s get to it there it is a little Dodger Colorado we’ll talk baseball we’ll talk NBA with our next guest here you can find him Saturday and Sunday breaking down the entire MLB card with hey Jose dabby cab CMAC Mikey money the whole crew breaking it down and of course Tuesday through Friday you can find him with betting with the bag producing and breaking down the MLB as well check him out check him out no way Jose let’s go no no no got a solid intro though doesn’t he yeah it’s a real good intro is he all business today it’s all business bouquet or is that just a uh is that a bathroom uh first of all Rocky’s first five money line official play we don’t have to talk about it because you guys broke it down but I’m on the rocky first five as well every day you guys are on the Rockies and I agree that you should bet unders in that game um I’m dressed for a gentleman suet guys I’m dressed for the occasion I I’m I look like a gentleman I’ve got my my broom right here I I’m just dressed for this ass whooping do you really think that a Boston team in a closeout game is going to lose on 617 day the day of their area code 617 do you think they’re going to lose on the anniversary of them winning the o Championship come on come on this is done I’m glad that the Dallas Mavericks got their celebration I’m glad they got their confetti in for one game in the playoffs they got the Drone they had to shoot it off they they were waiting for like two we got to use this dog we can’t just let this confetti go to waste the confetti budget was ridiculous this year so they had to use it I respect it whatever I’m glad they showed some fight and Wham we have a story for you as well Wham we saw little person and and my our my friend was going to kiss the little person get the picture and guess what that little person had a significant other and he said no thank you I have a girlfriend did I got no Listen Hold on let me tell you we was close listen this guy walks by right though you could have got the picture with both of them that would have been almost there could probably I told this girl the whole scenario you know she’s goodlook too and she walks up to this um [ __ ] and says like will you give me a kiss on the cheek and let me take a picture and he says I’m married I said no way this fool just did this and he’s out there recording stuff like with the chain on Anders like he’s out there like promoting stuff baby don’t try to ruin my life because of [ __ ] ass money you trying to get it was uh it was really funny uh and by the way another thing for you guys here uh I did live bet and shout out to Big Show I live bet Belgium with you they’re down one nothing uh I bet them live uh they’re better than Slovakia uh so I’m going to take them I took them live money line so it’s a little more dicey than just taking them draw no better or just draw but um 41 minutes and still one nothing Slovakia let’s do it I was trying to find the 617 numbers I’m glad you brought it up uh 617 day the area code the last time they won the champion I mean it’s all the moon the stars and the planets have aligned oh shut up thank you back that [ __ ] [ __ ] back that mik thank you Mike you know you guys are lucky I don’t know I don’t know if we’re doing a stream tonight but I have I have other shows to produce tonight unfortunately uh so I won’t be on the stream until uh late if we do have one here but this is just going to be an ass whooping this is just going to be an ass whooping up and down the court uh they didn’t give a [ __ ] in game four that was the most obvious they don’t give a [ __ ] about this game out there and here’s the thing there the this Celtics team has gone through everything they’ve blown leads in the finals they’ve gotten leads in the finals they’ve been there multiple times now the thing they have not done is the hardest thing to do in any sports it is close out a championship game and I respect the Dallas Mavericks for showing fight closing out a championship on the road is especially difficult so respect to the Mavericks the Celtics didn’t care uh the crowd is going to push this team and as we’ve seen many times before uh baby back [ __ ] Kyrie Irving uh is going to fold under the pressure under the the Boston pressure in the crowd it’s going to be hilarious by the way how disgusting were dabby Cap’s comments he just wants someone to [ __ ] just shatter porzingis his leg the whole series that’s that’s been the whole series he’s like the only way the Mavericks have a chance is uh if uh porzingis ripped his ACL now he’s like all you got to do is just lift his leg up and his leg’s GNA just evaporate Into Thin Air this guy’s [ __ ] Tanya Harding look at him skating around the ice he’s [ __ ] Tanya Harding asking for hits on people it’s disgusting disgusting stuff from dabby cab I don’t get was she like a that tried to murder people or something yeah Nancy carrian how oh my God it’s disgusting it makes sick waffles that might be some of work there Jose I called this [ __ ] Gabby last night and then I see this holy [ __ ] listen here’s the deal I was gonna make it easy for you Jose now it’s at 37 when this hits 40 I told everybody we’d run the horses for $25 but instead of having you have to look on the Tweet because I know that’s kind of difficult I figured I’d make your life easy and anybody in the chat who drops a one once this hits 40 will just put anybody in the chat that drops a one in the race well shout out to T he’s making the race today so I believe in him I have all the faith in the world today but yeah no this is done gentleman sweep I’m dressed for the occasion game’s over this is blowout Dutch and I I love that you like the Celtics today but you don’t want to bet them that it’s just going to be infuriating for you tomorrow morning when the Celtics win by like 35 and you’re like godamn it why didn’t I fade that doughy [ __ ] Luca donic and that noow Kyrie Irving and by the way and by the way I hate Kyrie Irving not once have I asked one Celtic to shatter his femur One Time by the way I just know he’s not gonna show up so I don’t have to worry oh okay so I didn’t ask anybody to shatter [ __ ] leg it it’s just damic of what is this doesn’t have you worry just a little bit some of your fans don’t look as confident I mean this was what going down at the end we going talk about baseball at all today why are we still talking about this check it out check it out this a lot more important than any game [ __ ] baseball today believe that that’s true check it out I went down in Dallas yeah t t is frantically [Applause] starring just looked like he deserved it oh [ __ ] by the way watch the the most racist part of this video is about to happen watch the guy that’s getting his ass who he gets up you know doesn’t know where the [ __ ] he’s at security holding him he looks up he sees a black guy hold it he looks up immediately sees a black guy oh [ __ ] he starts punching the black dude for no reason what what racism is [Applause] this what the fck nasty that was disgusting work right there I never even finished the clip I never fin that’s crazy as [ __ ] that is the most that guy deserved it he said some out- of pocket [ __ ] I’m sure and then it all just got put the put the life there when he immediately sees a black dude and punches him immediately for no reason Waf hitting your face bro you just went straight to the dude like God it was crazy I didn’t see was like two steps up from where everything happened too and then a got no a got no [ __ ] equilibrium he just falling ain’t nothing going on this [ __ ] thre the slowest punch un just falling like damn he wasn’t expec and that guy person the obviously the man just getting destroyed in the whole video like he’s not getting punched in the face he’s getting punched like on the top of his head oh my God so his ass is just going to have a big ass bump on the top of his head all [ __ ] week and it’s gonna look hilarious bro what’s gonna happen if this goes to game six Jesus there’s gonna be I’m not gonna don’t don’t worry about that dabby just don’t worry about it you Mavs fan is have your fun dance around you’re feeling great just enjoy it are you coming back for game six if it happens absolutely not I’m the Celtics are undefeated when I’m sitting in my [ __ ] house and dominating these games so uh I will stay at home and I’ll watch and I’ll be very happy and if there’s a game seven you guys won’t see me because I’ve already killed myself by then because I would have been [ __ ] annoyed already so there was a moment be fun when everybody cancelled that was coming when it hit me and I was like man the Mavericks are coming back now you guys missed the start of history and it was just game one now we got to get game two there’s nothing else to talk about in that locker room this game tonight we’re going to go win it in Boston we’re coming back to Dallas baby so who dabby who do you think has the hit on porzingis is it is it is it uh what’s his name [ __ ] uh I forget the cater Danel Gafford is he gonna dive into porzingis his ankle and shatter his femur like that is that is that what you want is that what you asked for bro I will find the wrestling picture that I still have in my phone please do I I look great in it you don’t know which one I’m talking about but it’s it’s it’s just I just disgusting that dabby c wanted poor Zing hurt this whole series I’m finding it you guys talk for a second I gotta find a picture what do we like on the MLB card today uh Jose about yeah so we talked Rockies uh and the only other play I have uh I think Mikey you already gave it out right Rangers uh Mets under o yeah Jose let’s go say hey mother [ __ ] so are we both on the same sides here again uh Mikey Rockies and the that under sounds like it sounds like funny well sorry for being unoriginal guys but uh Rangers Mets under the Rangers sucked this year finally that’s nice to see um and the Mets uh not good offensively either it’s hilarious that when everyone looks at this pitching matchup they see John Gray and uh Peterson uh and they think oh these guys [ __ ] suck let’s bet the over uh but Peterson not horrible and gray has actually you know not been bad either so I’ll take the under eight minus 105 and I told you guys earlier Rocky’s first five money line plus 115 uh shout out to Cal quantrol and Port dope uh well let’s uh let’s talk about what about props because Mike said he didn’t go ahead let’s do a quick yeah you talk about your prop but let’s do a quick uh just briefly um we’ll go over you know the game let you and Mike touch on if Cav’s got anything to say and if Wham doeses but I I don’t really have nothing to say about this [ __ ] so let’s let’s do it briefly to give people in the chat you know they love this MLB [ __ ] um San Diego if you have a prop obviously C wants to go run this prop parlay back we hit how you feeling about these uh the Phillies kind of had a you know at home against the Padres kind of a rough series against Baltimore Philly get back to winning ways against the Padres ah I I was gonna go first here and I just kind of go back and forth on those Phillies um I think they’re the best team in baseball so I think they should go back here but they did look vulnerable against the uh the Orioles there Christopher Sanchez is good and another team I go back and forth on is the uh the Padres especially against lefties so against lefties this month so far I’ll tell you guys right now as I got to update my things but they are 11th against lefties 112 weighted runs created plus so they’re not been horrible uh it’s a little bit too overpriced for me for the AFF Phillies if I’m going to be honest I I think it should be a little lower um so I’m off but I kind of lean over honestly but no action so I believe it was last week I came in and I said I looked at the board and and it was predominantly under City if you guys remember that conversation it immediately uh followed up the I don’t know [ __ ] about the Padres which obviously was a falsehood and just about every game went under except for one of those games when I look at this uh Phillies matchup though for me who’s going to hit the runs for the Padres we just talked about how inconsistent they are now the the temperature being 13 13 M I’m sorry the wind 13 miles an hour kind of down the dick as Jose likes to say a 90 degree day in the ballpark should be a warm day out there but I think both these pitchers come out and shove Sanchez Vasquez Sanchez looks like he should have a bounceback spot out there and again it’s another situation where nobody’s seen Vasquez on the Phillies lineup uh only two guys only three guys have had any kind of hits against Sanchez on this Padre’s lineup so the nine and a half’s probably gonna get sweaty but I like that under in that spot I looked at this board today and I thought predominantly unders much I know this is uh off topic Mike but I was waiting till you finished I already showed the picture I’ll show it again everybody knows Jose wrestled and went two and4 um but did you see I found footage of one of his wins the only way he was able to win what was that High School you went to in 14 Jose yes this is how he got one of his wins Mike whoa that whoa I know you used to say suck his dick from behind but I didn’t know let’s give him the full screen let’s give him the full screen Jimmy’s the the ref too Jesus Christ did you guys know that Jimmy had an illustrious career refering high school wrestling Jesus Jesus see how long dabby will hold it there Mr Philly over here what 16 and two this year on the Phillies talk about it briefly 17 and one so 17 one just just to get things straight 17 and one but I’m not betting this game here I do I don’t mind the under there um you know I’ve been saying it uh tatis has been hot he’s cooled down in the last couple games but if I was looking at a prop there I wouldn’t have a problem with his just uh Sanchez you know outside of Walker Sanchez is the next most vulnerable pitcher in this Phillies rotation uh he’s still been great you know three and three with the 3.07 ra on the season but if anybody’s vulnerable it’ be him I don’t know don’t you guys feel like yeah just nine and a half’s just a high total for I don’t know I guess under like Mike said I’m not betting that game all that money coming in on the over 95% of the bets 95% of The Cash Line is moving towards the under we’ll probably see nine by first pitch all right we already talk let’s put together our parlay though and let’s be real clear about it so everybody can hit it I’m gonna go with s and over one and a half bases at plus 105 so you got A plus money one for me and for people need teams that’s right Marcus Simeon Rangers lead off hitter over one and a half total bases plus 105 h Mikey uh give me a minute I’ll look through some stuff here come uh they already talked to talk about who your prop will be if you have it in uh this Cincinnati Pittsburgh game the studs on the mound um you know we kind of thought that’s too high of a favor what do you think about the Cincinnati Pittsburgh game uh yeah I I’m not gonna I’ve bet against Paul SK in a way or backed him in a way and all of his starts and I feel like I’ve lost all of them because I bet like first five unders and then his team [ __ ] goes off and then yesterday or the last time he went out I went betting over of course him and uh [ __ ] miles Michael is dominated that day so I’ve struggled betting on Paul schemes but minus 190 is aggressive it’s it’s very aggressive here honestly uh if I’m gonna BET The Game I’d probably just take his K prop and watch him work uh because you know he’s already a top five well I wouldn’t say top five he’s already top 10 pitcher in the league which is crazy but uh 93% of the bets and 91% of the money on the over in this game we’ve had slight movements up um and Cincinnati is a are they in Cincinnati they’re in Pittsburgh so yeah I I just I think I just want to bet on Paul sk’s doing well so if I was betting it I’d be betting his uh strikeouts but no action for me I think minus 200 is ridiculous and I’m not very good at those kind of player props uh my player prop for the parlay is JD Martinez over one and a half bases plus 130 that our friends at bada all right shout out to the B and before we go to this before we go to the pimp and uh this next game Boston Toronto um we’re gonna talk Boston I know it’s baseball but I can’t help but think about you know old bill bellich I don’t know if you seen the news this weekend crazy man but wow oh Billy boy huh oh Billy B 24 year old ER got himself a nice bright young lady in his life check it out check it out TMZ is reporting that 72-year-old bill bellich is apparently romantically linked to a 24-year-old competitive cheerleader her name is Jordan Hudson apparently they met on a flight in 2021 and then after bich spit up with Linda they started getting romantic I got absolutely no idea no no clue what bill bich and this girl could possibly talk about I mean no 72-year-old can have a normal conversation with a 24-year-old imagine if that 72-year-old is Bill bellich go ahead put the wood in the CH other than football unless I suppose this girl was on the sidelines of a football team you know cheerleading learning every single thing about uh an NFL doing his dick after the footage from The Ring camera of his walk of shame and N Tucket went viral we all knew that bich had that dog in him but a 24y old bill you naughty boy did you you know what makes that even more funny is if you watch that bellich or the roast of Tom Brady and uh was it Grant there starts starts talking about how he was recruiting from high school cheerleaders I think that [ __ ] was going on for a minute and uh grank was the first one to break it for us just found out that’s funny as hell but no no so this is this is the thing bro that is so such a dirty mag man they guy right there he probably don’t get [ __ ] man he s what are you talking about the guy that was talking about Bill like I don’t know how he was able to never heard of [ __ ] years old by the way that woman is two years younger than I am that that that woman is two years younger than I am for reference there oh yeah you on a rough night wood in the Robert Robert Robert we gonna have to we might block you Robert we might block you you my boy we might block you Robert check yeah we might block you bro Robert that that’s a dad joke right there so shout to I don’t think it is yeah I seen this I seen this uh too t um yeah that that roast be doing things to people because yeah I seen that that that instructor the girl that his ex-wife Tom Brady’s ex-wife I wouldn’t laugh at that wouldn’t have brought it to my attention they’re not together that’s hilarious that the whole night was like about that Judo instructor so shout out to him yeah he’s like he’s like I’m good he’s like [ __ ] man is is Julian Edelman talking [ __ ] about me is that now shout out to L POR in build see Woods Dutch brought a wood wood or wooden today for everybody yeah I think we got two wood woodens I don’t know if we got to both loaded up but yeah let’s get a wood wooden going and let’s talk a couple more baseball games and uh we’ll get out of here we got to have a couple entertaining things this MLB C believe Le that uh is this one sponsored by we got a w wooding sponsored by Zion Williamson if we get that yeah Zion Williamson sponsor this uh this would or wouldn’t [Applause] [Music] you know what you know what I’ll say it say it suffocate me oh man pimp how we feeling absolutely would not absolutely would not come on rough night you know one and four on the B hey’s gonna say yes to number two though Dutch watch even after the te those are like that’s like that’s like two beach balls just inserted into your ass much it’s too much yeah you rocking you rocking with Zion’s chick BR listen man I’mma tell y’all this bro I feel like if somebody like she’s like falling or something one of them things gonna pop go pop I’m not trying to be there for that even if I was R romantic involved and I I loved her spirit you know what I’m saying we get yeah I loved her spirit because I definitely don’t like the looks that [ __ ] is over with but now well imagine being on a flight and she’s sitting on the on the [ __ ] she has real Health ISS chair that that ass is like in your chair that’s half on your chair too so you have to get three chairs on the flight on top of that if you [ __ ] like go down suddenly that thing could [ __ ] decompress and pop in our ass too I’m trying to the ad verion of you bounced on I’m the hippity hop you know what I’m talking about the thing you bounce on the kid the the little ball that you bounce on it’s like an adult version of that yes I thought you were talking about uh a [ __ ] rabbit there for a second I was confused it was like hippity hop is that not what they’re called you don’t know what I’m talking about I do now I don’t know what they’re called but I do now that’s what they’re called right that’s the brand Boston Toronto Nick Peta Kikuchi on the mound we got Boston as a uh as a as a little small small dog here Toronto home favorite here Toronto’s been pretty trash this year Boston picked up a little swag against the yike you know against the Yankees last night uh Jose talk about your team man they’re gonna carry the momentum in uh momentum they scored I believe they dropped seven early on these boys I seen yeah it was a good day it was a good day I enjoyed it uh the so the Red Sox are now coming off of beating uh the Phillies two out of three now the Yankees two out of three and for the first time in what seems like a long time they are multiple games above 500 because this team has been 500 just [ __ ] for the whole year W and I will say they are starting to [ __ ] win me over they’re starting to get me over they’re starting to make me believe because this team has been pretty hurt and some guys starting to come back from injury on offense the young players are starting to really look good and I’m starting to believe starting to believe now I’ve talked about all year I don’t trust the the Red Sox against lefties in particular and Kikuchi obviously a quality Lefty that I like to bet on many times but I don’t think that the Blue Jays should be favored against the Red Sox honestly I think they should be pretty even uh if I’m going to be uh try to be non-biased here I guess and Nick Peta has looked better in his starts coming back had a good start last time um I’ll tell you guys the market here real quick as well 78% of the bets 76% of the money on the Toronto Blue Jays uh was surprising to me uh and I’d love to hear your opinion on that as well Mikey 75% of the bets and money on the over in this game uh went from us eight and now we’re starting to see some seven and a halfs here as well and the money line opened up at minus 123 and it’s back there now um I do like the Red Sox today and I wanted to talk it out with someone before I bet it and uh prevent myself from being a biased piece of [ __ ] so Mikey let me know what you think because we’re on the same wavelink today and I hope that you save bet the Red Sox today so I can have an excuse to what’s what’s remarkable about that breakdown is two people looking at the same team couldn’t be in two completely opposite Corners out there God damn it the Boston Red Sox here let’s let’s talk about the Phillies in that Red Sox series since you said they sure sure uh the Phillies are the number one team in baseball and you know the Red Sox if you start evaluating when you get to the halfway point of the Season you start evaluating what are the teams that just don’t matter they’re not going to be competitive and then you can take those games off because uh you know they’re just not relevant when it comes down to seating and playoff births on the flip side and it was interc conference right on the flip side of things now it was your good pitchers though Mikey it was I think it was Nola and Wheeler pitching that those exact fan anyways I disagree with okay okay okay but that being said you know you look at the Yankees series here what did it matter more the Yankees who are smashing the ball all over the yard or does it matter for Boston it’s it’s World Series game number seven for Boston last night on Sunday Night Baseball Boston Celtics in town easy for the fans to get up and hyped uh now you come into Toronto shit’s about to get real Toronto’s a team that’s battling and fighting for this situation right now pavetta you know when he does out here everybody’s got success not just not just at bats but everybody’s got success against Peta on this Toronto Bullpen then you look on the other side of things with the Boston team a lot of success there as well I think this is that fake head movement spot where you take the over in this game of the overs that I like tonight this one’s probably higher on the board but I think Toronto gets the job done they’re a favor for a reason here fade the team off of Sunday Night Baseball fade the team that’s going nowhere fast fade the I mean you know that’s there’s a lot of fade fade Fades and Boston for me Jose no disrespect uh did you guys hear that in the building shout out to our guy 20 memberships big guy out to you out to you bro man uh be be exciting to hear him back when we start breaking down some NFL get our guy back on the P Sports Radio panel we appreciate you my guy much love to you and your family hopefully you had a great Father’s Day I know you got some daughters I believe uh gift to 20 puff Sports memberships run that thing for our guy Sean hi big higs in the building [Music] Rich got to meet a ton of good people at the pub sports radio get together man but higs was one of the ones I talked to for a while man shout out to you Sean man we appreciate he by the way you son of a [ __ ] you live in the Dallas area we’re gonna be there for the allstar gam area right I don’t know he lives in that area you son of a [ __ ] hi you should be there next month higy shout out to you I love you higs he lives in Texas I listen when I talk to people he’s in Houston he’s not in Dallas but he should come either way can’t be that far come on no yeah he’s I mean yeah he can still should still come I’m simply saying like I don’t think he’s in Dallas that mean he’d be right up the road from me yeah man we appreciate you coming through dropping the vi starting off our week right starting off a Medicaid Monday the way it needs to be appreciate you big HS salute to you and the fam Roco Rogers let us know what you think about what go ahead I was gonna say yes he does real quick Dutch though I don’t know if you guys you guys smelt that that sizzling in the air during Mike’s uh breakdown I smell a steak bet Mike you you you’ve you’ve now you’ve now put me in the corner that I have to make a steak bet with you you did the exact opposite of what I thought you would do but the same result happened which I’m I’m I am happy about so I don’t know what our state count is at right now Mikey and everyone on this panel I think actually does owe me a stake at this current moment in time actually not D yet it will be after tonight actually excuse me you said I’m you gave me you gave me the pass on the Stak so over oh good okay Wham so we’re good then great I’m glad that you’re out soike we’re clear we’re clear let’s just do this full game money line uh Red Sox tonight to you take the Blue Jays for a steak sure no no question no question speaking of steak speaking of steak we got a RI eye from our guy huh I’m ready to go with you guys here I was looking long and hard across the board today again it’s tough for me when I think of days where I look at the card and I suspect they to be unders but sometimes you get to that point where you just got to grab the bull by the horns and let’s take Cal quantrell’s Squad here in Colorado let’s put my money where my mouth is here with a 12 it’s a high total we should see some runs I expect the Rockies to get it done I’m gonna go out there let’s just take the number one Rocky masher and uh Ryan McMahon we’ll take Ryan mcm’s RBI we’ll add that to the parlay uh let me see what that looks like here I thought it was I thought mcmah McMahon RBI JD Martinez bases and C what were you again Simeon bases McMahon’s dropped a 160 from the 175 earlier today so that’s a good sign McMahon Martinez Simeon uh that was good money last week man I’ll tell you what I had a little free bet that I used on that thing and it was uh it was nice cash you know the funniest the funniest part about it was is that my bet was not included in my bet law so shout out to you guys I know people tagged me and they didn’t have Jose’s bet in there because I S guys Mike listen this is what’s funny the chat will appreciate this too because people tagged me I think it was Stephen in the chat and shout out to him he got one of those memberships he tagged me and was like thanks or let’s go for the Medicap Monday parlay and I sent it to Jose I was like hey man good [ __ ] he’s like well my BET’s not in there my BET’s not in there and it lost so thank you dabby I didn’t know was very so everyone cashed without using yeah I’m glad I’m glad Steve shout out to your book your book’s smart it knew that my bet was not it so it just threw your Bad Bet away so good good and uh judge didn’t play on either so the judge RBI calls out there were uh null and void so that was all no harm no follow what the judge yeah right yeah and today our boy uh wamb bam you like Otani right oh wait we just lost W bam oh [ __ ] yes he just had kid and yes he likes Otani uh I believe so I’ll find a way to take Otani good luck taking a two and a half bases or whatever yeah by the way I didn’t even see mukie bets broke his hand apparently so yeah he broke his I’m telling you right now Freeman has a huge day in Colorado yeah he sees in the lead off spot absolutely think he does um I would be interested in a nerfy in that game though I remember you guys mentioning that as well I’d be semi interested in that my issue or my scare is more James Paxton honestly because James Paxton is fade fade fade material you want to juice up the parlay go ahead and throw Freddy Freeman in there but you don’t have to track it but we’ll talk about it next week I did have judge last week he did he did have it Miss his first game of the season when I decided to bet you you know why it was funny though that they tagged me CU Mike hit me up before I’m sorry Mike I’m not trying to out you but it’s just funny Mike hit me up he’s like I’m not putting Jose’s in there either yeah it was in all fairness it was the buildup that Jose said I don’t play these but I’m tracking them and I’m six and four so I all right that’s good I mean that’s a smart Capper right there what a Capa the Capper we got able likeing both it shout out to the uh to your profile pick too on YouTube Mike is mine going in today I’m gonna put yours in there today I’m gonna put you promise do you promise like that wasn’t convincing I promise you I’m gonna put him in there today I’m okay we got we got uh somebody asking for the granny panties play of the day you got you got a granny panties play of the day Mikey no no Robert come on dude say it right Robert throw some respect on the name what is this [ __ ] h what are we I I don’t I mean I’m not even really putting you on the spot for a play I’m just saying this is one you got a play of the day called granny panties so your sister your grandma’s wearing your sister’s panties Again Play of the day you guys got to get it right when you say it out there disres the pimp and not stay right oh man I believe I’ve actually Belgium scored I got one for you guys here I do Belgium scored yes let’s go I see you Big Show I see you big show all right plus 375 here you guys heard it here first only on medicate Monday with the sesh Grandma’s wearing your sister’s panties Again Play of the day she’s got a fetish she likes that little tiny string y that old [ __ ] we’re gonna go Reds in the under eight and a half the Reds in the under eight and a half at plus 375 there you go lock down what a St what a stubborn gal she is old [ __ ] she’s a she’s a stubborn girl you know she start string in her ass can we please get a [ __ ] graphic for this one Jose what are we waiting on oh [ __ ] I’m even SC I’m scared to just Google that like trying to even find an image type in grandma and thong you’ll be good that’s I I don’t know if I want to see the results by the way this go might be big boss hit DJ Big Boss he’s got he’s got a by the way it’s his birthday today shout out to DJ Big Boss yeah happy birthday to the Donna Hoang in Sports Talk DJ Big Boss what up though shout out to our guy shout out to our guy big time smoker Big Time real one yeah [ __ ] me they got called the goal offside by the way for Belgium no uh no goal Robin Martin I see you my man there you go you got your grandma’s panties however the [ __ ] it say you know uh Winter Circle Belgium no go I guess no go my [ __ ] half second half so uh on a soccer game second half of the soccer game good let’s go here let’s talk one more uh we’ll talk one more we got one more W or wouldn’t we got a we’re right under 700 in the chat between uh YouTube and Twitter we appreciate we got enough to get the race so we got to run the horses too so we’ll run the horses T while you get that ready uh let’s talk let’s talk one more game here and let’s talk let’s talk let’s talk uh Milwaukee Los Angeles this is this is a a weird matchup you got the Brewers driving all the way to LA you know um you got the the Angels at home this is how bad they are they they’re just they’re not even favorite I mean it’s even money right here Angels at the crib vers Milwaukee how we feeling about this one Jose yeah weird matchup is right uh Jose Sorano has been or I guess was the the hardest pitching uh pitcher in baseball uh and then Paul SK came along and kind of stole that Crown from him um I I find this game a little difficult there’s sharp money on the Brewers which kind of makes sense of the first place team going to the ship bum Angel Squad you can get them pretty cheap uh but it does kind of feel traish 51% of the bets 78% of the money on the Brewers here and we’ve got old friend who doesn’t have a picture on on ESPN yet which is a sign of a very uh new pitcher Carlos Rodriguez the Nicaraguan pitcher who threw in the WBC pitched well there pitched pretty good in his first start three and two3 seven hits two ear in runs not horrible uh but not ideally wants to get the length and the angels are a [ __ ] lineup so this should be a game that he could pitch well in um but you know obviously still very unproven all the money on the over 92% of the bets in money I lean under in this game uh honestly neither offense really um know scares me truthfully and I think Sorano is a good enough pitcher to get through now Bullpen wise I just uh refreshed to see what we got for the Angels they had a bullpen day yesterday and Ben Joyce threw 42 pitches yesterday which is insanity to me that guy throws 10 like4 and he’s throwing 42 pitches is crazy the angels are just asking for that um but they still have like Carlos Esteves Matt Moore didn’t throw yesterday roany crra didn’t throw yesterday and Luis Garcia didn’t throw so they still have arms um are they good arms not really but I still lean under in this game for me well that’s why everybody’s getting [ __ ] arm surgery right now everybody throws 100 miles an hour and over throws so it’s yeah that’s crazy him throwing 42 pitches is crazy but stupid bro talk to him pimp yeah Carlos Rodriguez I see you guys talking in the chat there in the strike zone and everything I I don’t know how you define a good start or not but he went through the order 3.2 Innings I mean yeah three and two3 you need five at at least then you look at it he let up two runs on seven hits he got four uh a walk and four strikeouts that’s that’s not numbers be stilling confidence and I like Jose Serano I got a little screwed on a spot there with the angels and and the Diamondbacks last week because they changed up Serano out of that that position then he came back out that next game and he got the job done so I like this first five for the angels for me this is a spot where you got to take advantage of this Carlos Rodriguez 22 welcome to the show kid did not I know the the angels and their lefties here but look the Brewers they [ __ ] strike out a ton they’re like a 23 23 and a half% strikeout team uh pitch to contact quite a bit you know uh quite a few ground ball opportunities out there 46.5% ground ball team as well um you know they hit a they hit a little hobbler out there and they tagged the guy out at first that’s going to be the consistency I think for this Brewers team especially coming off a tough series there where they they had to battle right back to the end and try to hang out they were down early they came back and then they fought to come back again in that last game then had to travel on all the way out to Los Angeles here I think this is anell Angels first five oh my sorry watching the game hey yes I I just live bet by the way real quick I just live bet the draw as well at plus 207 in Slovakia Belgium also 51% of the bets and 78% of the cash on the Brewers and the line is starting to drop for them Brewers out there so wrong team was favored Rodriguez in a 4.91 ra good Lu run support against this Serano LED LA Angels offense and that’s a 4.91 ra that should be more like a eight the fact that he has a 2.18 whip he you like you said he gave up all those hits and the walk seven hits through three and two-thirds inning that’s not good that was that was some good contact yeah so that was that’s something I’d watch out there maybe even look at some angels props um but yeah I agree with that check all the uh bets that the chat’s dropping check shout out just Dustin H hopefully everybody retweeted this technically it’s at 39 but I know T put the work in and [ __ ] uh got up the ponies it says 39 on mine right there we wanted 40 but uh I’m still GNA run it for you guys because I think somebody will go out there and hit it for us soon right now hopefully and if you didn’t drop a one in the chat I’m sorry you need to do it now you got like no time I don’t know uh yeah let’s do the um are you ready for the are we ready for the ponies we are ready for the ponies I’m sure you’re in there Kong unless you just dropped it for the first time T suggestion y Go full screen too as well T down there I’ll tell you what boys well uh while T is getting it ready I know we haven’t talked about it it’s tomorrow it’s not the big game today but you got to take them Edmonton Oilers what are you doing out here come on stop it stop really stop it yeah Mike I think I said the other day these series are very similar the the NBA and the uh NHL series so I think that’s cooked too t hit full screen in that top right corner super full screen uh whatever the [ __ ] it says up there there we go thank you there what’s up let’s go Jose do your thing all right ladies and gents hope you guys are in here all these ones in the chat are late [ __ ] you better got in early so good luck everyone we appreciate you guys apparently yeah new horses uh T T’s doing some new horses here very yeah these look way better than the ones I’m used to exciting let’s get it going we are off in racing here in San Antonio start this [ __ ] up I love the music as always here we go I’ve never been on the other side where I can see how laggy it is but I’m excited to see it all come through here we have got Mr Swig bets up in the lead right now Cameron setet as well Robert Martin up in the mix why are these so rarded looking that is the great question Kelly’s asking the same thing Yoshi Yoshi oh boy who’s up at the top of the screen is Greg wood and someone else I can’t see your name up there Sebastian Supreme is it too early wood what oh my [Music] [Applause] God see hit that a crown down there so we can see the top three oh thank you Mr Swig bets Johnny K bro how do we keep missing so many people from the chat like Mark and the people that are always in the chat they they don’t listen to instruction I don’t know about that a lot of people in there oh good [ __ ] I liked I retweeted I pressed the one I did everything the [ __ ] oh you weren’t there it’s not me this time guys so you guys direct your IR at God hey just so everybody knows I have nothing to do with the creation of I try my best to make it blame T hash blame t t doesn’t feel you should be in the race Mike that’s simple he’s like no you’re not in the race JY said he didn’t get a horse I mean well JPY shouldn’t have been in there either come on oh [ __ ] he on he’s he’s Auto he’s Auto in every race hold up I wasn’t sure it was hold on see here’s the thing Kong said he’s not retweet man anybody that’s not retweeting should be doing it for the [ __ ] show I’m giving this [ __ ] out of my pocket our producers are doing the best they can man everybody should be in there if anybody stops retweeting and doesn’t want to support then don’t [ __ ] be here shut up I’m also GNA say that uh we didn’t go through the whole list of names so your name could have been in there we just didn’t yeah it’s very well yeah so listen guys I talked to you about this Oiler spot before things go here I’ll give you guys a little bonus spot here for the day hockey everybody talking about how deep this Florida Panthers team is they got three lines they’re solid well there’s four lines in hockey and I’m going to tell you this don’t let your eyes play tricks on you players with 20 or more points in the playoffs the Edmonton Oilers have five dudes in that fix the Florida Panthers only have two interesting spot there then we look at what’s going on as far as the Edmonton Oilers in bounce back opportunities big spot for these Oilers here nothing but success across the board when it comes to losing a game and then trying to bounce back we might see history getting done here with this Oiler Squad just not buying it and I’m getting this good price with this uh with what’s going on what do we see this last game with this Oiler spot eight goals scored on that Florida Panthers team oh they can’t score they can’t score they can’t score they scored plenty and the guys were running so I think this is still very much a live series and I do think Florida uh vulnerable in this next game we’ll see if Edmonton can keep this series rolling because we could we could use more playoff hockey why the hell not you got Conor McDavid Leon dry Sidle Evan Bard Ryan nen Hopkins Zack kyman all the boys ready to roll and uh I just don’t think this is spot the [ __ ] around and find out you got you want to go and play some lay a minus 130 and they get it done at home shout out to you guys but I think this is a spot where there’s going to be some good money to be made grabbing this uh Edmonton Oilers team maybe Edmonton comes back to win from behind as well probably going to be like a plus 600 type of bet out there so that’s my thoughts I dig it I dig it appreciate you dropping the knowledge Mikey money giving us a lot on a meday Monday suck good last night had a good weekend had a real good weekend let’s go though we got one more for you pimp let’s see you passed on Zion would or wouldn’t let’s see this is uh you know this this is what it’s come to now so be careful you know you guys might want to break out the black light when you bring a girl home now days check it out check it out what are wood my implants before my final gets put on these are my final arches and I’m so happy uh creepy I I saw that but I saw it was like like she turned into like an Applebee’s bartender when she got the dentures in and I got a good [ __ ] laugh out of that that’s right that’s an apple te that’s an Applebee’s bartender right there like that’s pretty good right Jose I thought so too was it you know what I’ll say it would and and and in the process she could pop those things out too I’m sure it’ll be a more enjoyable experience that way so figure how to start switching these to reverse them like have her with the makeup and then without it you know backwards uh but I know Mike how we feeling pimp what do you know what do you know my answer is on this one I mean if I had to pick one or the other I’d go with this one I guess I don’t know what makes her I know you’re taking this one oh I know you’re taking this like give the car get the car those teeth pop out that seems like that could be a fun time yeah see I know I know what T’s saying right now te right now on the ones and twos is is is you know there’s no teeth there’s nothing to worry about guys keep the keep the makeup on lose the teeth is that what you’re saying yeah yeah just during the process just just do it quietly so I don’t have to see it just pop them out throw them in your cup of water on the nightstand and then throw them back on we’re good anybody ever had head from a girl with no teeth here I I have not but I’d be interested me too no I’ve done a lot of things in my life I don’t I DW you you gotta have arms and legs and you got to have teeth those are generally the uh I keep I keep the standards pretty low I know it’s all 10 toes and fingers no don’t care how many fingers you have on the hand you just need to I know somebody in the chat I know somebody in the chat has though I know somebody in the chat has for sure see see Seb Supreme here she’s all gums dby C man H I’m just frustrated man it seems like it’s like I might just stop doing the races because it seems like can’t get the [ __ ] right there’s always people that aren’t in it frustrated in their feelings do what F hey if they’re sweating they’re not high enough kind of agree with d I don’t give a [ __ ] about you know you know I think last week we had like seven comments below after YouTube that’s why I’m like I’m not even doing [ __ ] I don’t give a [ __ ] yeah you call me seven times want me to give you something I don’t think so yeah let’s recap the bets of the show really quick though because we’ve been on here for a [ __ ] stretch now and by the way Mark Schilling bur said he has so Mark uh if you could describe the experience that’d be great ah Marky Mark had a good Mark I’m interested I’m immediately interested mark one of those nights one of those nights huh oh that’s hilarious H before we get up out in here though Jose uh recap your bets please uh let let us know you talked a lot of sh [ __ ] tonight about the uh Dallas Mavericks and you know how how high you are nice jacket nice tie everything you have I’m glad you left the Hat Alone um off of this off of this fit um but what are we thinking about anything official from the Celtics game tonight uh I will I mean everyone knows my favorite bet on on these NBA games Jesus of course of course they’re gonna come out blazing they’re gonna come out blazing here first to 10 Dutch I might even be crazy here I’ll do first to 10 and maybe I’ll do first to 20 as well that’s how confident I am in this ass whooping that’s about to happen here so we’ll talk about that hopefully later today I’m gonna investigate and see if there’s going to be a stream or something tonight but I’ll let you guys know there uh MLB bets the bets that you know I guess matter a little more uh Colorada Rockies first five plus 115 there Mets Rangers under eight 105 uh and in the parlay the player prop parlay my addition or my suggestion uh as people you’ve seen last week take it or leave it I guess uh over one and a half bases for JD Martinez plus 130 dig I can do razer’s Edge real quick it was the under uh tonight in the NBA Finals game I don’t remember the exact number but he had the under so whatever and a okay thank you yeah he the under Mike can you do the pimp slap and the the G string with the uh Grandma’s wearing your sister’s underwear panties Jesus Christ that’s sick and we got the riy too we got all we got we Juiced Mike today yeah guys are loaded I was just trying to fire off this parlay to see what it would look like here um just on DraftKings real quick before we move on from it let’s get an official number out there here McMahon RBI uh Martinez over one and a half bases Simeon over one and a half bases right did I miss yep you got it all right let me uh of course I gotta log back in of course I gotta log back in of course now I gotta get the our guy voodo Ranger he’s liking Kyrie under yeah I’ll probably have that in my same game parlay I don’t that’s good money voodu Ranger that’s good money I’m not asking for Kyrie to shatter his femur but I’m asking him to miss shots H let’s get to it though um pimp as pimp looking up that giving you the numbers be sure to follow our guy at pimp playay of the day sports money going live throughout the week check them out check them out always giving you action always shout out to all the real ones in the chat c you want to recap your play real quick I am on LC over 32 and a half points tonight I am on that I got one unit on it I I said it earlier even though the uh Simeon is just in the parlay I’m betting it individual also so I’ll be betting the parlay and yes Jose I will include yours uh I’m betting the parlay along with everybody and then I’m also taking Simeon by himself um I’m going to have more MLB action just tune in to Twitter and I’ll tweet it out I didn’t have a chance to break it all down yet so I want to finish looking at everything shout out to our guy MMA locker room he just said uh McDavid over three and a half shots on goal so there’s some more NHL action make sure and go tune in uh MMA locker room just got done doing a interview uh you know the Bellator fighter he actually interviews the fighters it’s good stuff uh check it out on the pub Sports Radio also prize picks promo code Pub sports radio you get free money they’ll match your deposit uh bet online same thing Pub sports radio go get a free Match deposit it’s free money it just makes sense and yeah that’s about it Mike what do we got yeah yeah so listen I’m still trying to get this thing in I don’t know why it’s messing with me here but I’ll tell you this much da guys the grandmas wearing your sisters panties Again Play of the day the Cincinnati Reds money line and the under eight and a half is plus 375 my favorite look the pimp slap play of the day for you guys here is that New York Mets Texas Rangers under four and a half in the first five Jose buet concurs we got a steak betat here I’m on Toronto Jose’s on the Red Sox and uh you know Jason Tatum under 27 and a half points for me that’s going to be some good Goddamn money if you only got one bet to make in the NBA tonight make that your play and I think that covers the whole clip here then we look at this same game parlay action just in line with where we were last week just over 10 to one Martinez and Simeon over one and a half bases McMahon RBI all three of those to Dab’s points are plus money spots so you want to play them individually sprinkle a little on the parlay however you want to go after just make sure you get the click and submit button and get this cash boys that’s what we do on Medicaid Monday yeah I’m gonna take the points with the Mavericks in the first quarter also nice yeah man we appreciate all the real ones uh Robert Martin appreciate you vibing with us each and every Monday we’re in a circle in the building we got LG Rockies uh on Boulder interesting day um yeah man LG I think that’s a new name too I don’t or is that L is that lq my fault lq RP all the real ones in the chat if you can comment below you know uh let us know your best bet of the day comment below once the stream ends in the YouTube section helps us with the algorithm kind of been kind of light lately um you know so if you guys could drop something tonight we appreciate it Best Bet um in the NBA or the MLB card uh we appreciate the support everyone in here vibing out with us we gave you two plus hours of dope ass content so if you haven’t hit the like button well godd damn it now was a good time to do it if you have not subscribed to Pub sports radio will then do it at this time we muchly appreciate it check out pbsports for all apparel um all things puff sports radio Jose appreciate you vibing out with us pimp slap play of the day appreciate you as always Razer Ram bam salute to the real ones be sure to like subscribe share the [ __ ] video until next Monday you know the vibe stay high yeah the money’s coming all in with teeth be balling like time for us to hit a little grinding free but no peace till we hear that Britney cryers free Sparks Fly High through the sky like Mercury is close to the Sun feel the heat you’re done P the fever spread your wings living dreams is Mystical we weather through the storm Liberty we like [Music] a so high so high so high so high who want to get blooded with the best so


  1. Say Hey Plays 6/16/24:
    COL F5 ML +115
    NYM/TEX U8 -105
    BOS ML +114
    Say Hey Record: 218-232 | -7.23U | 48.4% | ROI: -1.41%

    Good Luck Everyone!

  2. Wat was the Sesh hits parlay I literally watched the whole show but didn’t get a chance to write it down. I kno Semein o1.5 bases… after that I’m lost.

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