Golf Players

Startling Results! How to Shallow the Golf Club – Expert Tips

Are you the type of golfer that has an “Over The Top” swing and wants to learn how to Shallow Out The Golf Club? Well check this video at Perth Golf Centre from PGA Professional Danny Malcolm.

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all right guys so you’ve probably seen lots of videos here on YouTube about how to get the club shallow early in the downswing lots of ways to get the job done and lots of reasons why we want to do it too but today I’m going to give you my top tip to help you get the club shallow early in the downswing and flush it as you come into impact let’s get into it all right welcome back to the channel guys my name is Danny Malcolm thank you so much for joining me in today’s video today I’m going to talking about how to shallow the club early in the down swing now I don’t just want to give you some random drills and things like that that that could help there’s lots of great information out there but I want to give you some more factual information I want to share some videos of some top tour players of how they do it and what they need to do before that move early in the down swing to help them get there so let’s get straight into it now shallowing in the club has lots of benefits as you probably know so from here shallowing the club is getting the club to shallow early in that downswing and if we can get the club in a good position nicely on plane in the slot if you will early in that downswing then lots of good things can happen from there a lot easier than just to have a free ride into impact and really going to hit be much more consistent if you’re a player that gets you can get too shallow for sure but if you’re a player for a lot of players that tends to get steep in that down swing early then there’s only one way to shallow it out late and that’s Often by making some late adjustments to get the club back back on plane to make contact with the ball which can be inconsistent so a term I like to use is called steep to shallow now I’m going to reference some tall players in just a moment but what that means is in the back swing you want to try and get and you see this for a lot of tall players the club working halfway back in a slightly steeper plane to what the down swing is going to be so if you imagine a line in this in this case a alignment Rod pointing extending from the bottom of my golf club halfway back that alignment Rod’s going to point slightly inside the ball’s Target line so that would be considered a steeper back swing so the conversely what would be the opposite to that is a flatter back swing or a shallower back swing where the shaft but end of the club points outside the ball to Target line and so that would be shallow that would be steep so what can happen for players not all players there certainly some all players that do get it flatter or shallower in the back swing and they make it work beautifully well but in general for a lot of players will benefit from potentially a steeper to shallow move so if you’re a player that does get shallow on the way back or flatter often times what can happen there with this Center of mass of the golf club being around here what can happen if that’s starting to work this way in this shallower position that Center of mass is around here and as we start to come down in the down sowing going to start to pull on this handle often times as we pull and go from shallow to steep the center of mass starts to work outside this way in a steeper position and then the club starting to work out this way and then we need some light reaction so that would be considered a shallow to steep approach which I see more often times than the opposite so if we’re trying to work on a steeper to shallow approach in that back swing we’re going be trying to get this club steeper so that the center of mass is working more in this sort of Direction so that as we start to pull on the handle on the way down and there’s lots of other ways to shallow the club that need to be in place to help with this so it’s not just a one and done here this is just an idea to keep the club on a nice plain backing through so it’s steeper to shallower approach so now that Center mass of the club starts to work this way and starts to fall behind the hands so now this stick’s pointing outside the ball to Target line now we’re in a position early in the down swing we’re really looking for for the most part the golf club just to be in a nice position perhaps just below the trail shoulder with a golf club in the face the club face in a reasonable position so not too open not too closed if you can get here then golf’s a lot easier because from there you can just continue to rotate momentum and the forces will bring the club back out on playe beautifully having a lovely ride in into the golf ball and from there you know you’re going to be a lot lot more consistent so it’s certainly an approach that could benefit a lot of players so you can use alignment rod for this filming is even better but the steeper to shallow approach so I’m going to hit a couple here and then just reference some tall players so steep to shallow so it’s steeper to shallow and you’ll see there I’ll just get out on camera in just a moment so steep to shallow I’ll pop that one on camera let’s have a look I’ve got Rasmus horard just on his driver so I’ll show you that first up and we’ll show you what we mean first by steeper to shallow so let’s just zoom in a here here so we can see a little bit better okay so if I just reference a couple of lines here just to help us see this better so we’ll see on the left from my swing so the club is in a steeper position so you can see it’s running through the plane there the shaft at this point is pointing just inside the balls Target line and so let’s reference a few tall Players let’s see so you can see here even with the driver inside the ball’s Target line and on the down swing it will go to a shallower position so now it’s gone from steep to you got it shallow we’ll just reference that in blue so you can see the different pictures of those of those shafts for myself as well not that I’m quite at the level of these guys but certainly I’ve got that steeper to shallow approach going so now let’s let’s find some other players we’ll just get some random ones here let’s go let’s put Cameron Champ on he’s uh this is a good video here we’ll reference the lines once again just so we can see and you’ll see as we go back here again a steeper position i’ like to say pretty similar to mine there but a steeper to you got it a shallow position so you can see the pitch of that shaft now as we work it down is shallower compared to the back swing we’ll throw out some more there let’s put young Charlie Hoffman on here great player let’s pop him on so we’ll do the same again you start to see pattern guys yes there is absolutely tall players that don’t do this but for the most part they are doing this so you might get a Phil nichelson or somebody that’s a little bit steeper on the way down but again these guys are absolute athletes in what they do so so skilled as well and can repeat those moves again steep two you got it shallow so it’s not these crazy big shallowing moves that you often see players trying to create it’s just subtle but it’s steep to shallow steep to shallow nothing nothing crazy let’s find some other players here we got on here H let’s have a look let’s have a look here let’s put on got young Rory Let’s uh got his driver swing on there Patrick cley let’s pop him on there okay so yep you got it what do we say steep two let’s do on extending all the way through steep two shallow steep too shallow and again it’s not crazy amounts so you see often times players seeing you know some great drills and ideas that we see on the internet but often times just really going crazy with some of these fields when in reality what we’re looking for is steep just shallow steep just shallow steep to shallow absolutely if you’re a player that’s getting a long way steep on the down swing you may need to feel some of this exaggerations for sure I get that you know I’m an advocate of that where it’s needed but in general that’s what’s actually happening so just understanding that I think it’s great and you see on the way back again by getting it in this steeper position as awkward as that feel for a lot of players it gives you the ability to let the club lay down a little bit and momentum will take it this way and then you’ll get that free ride and that momentum into impact if we start to work this way I’ll do the opposite just for your so you can see it so if we just hit a shot here and go from shallow to what will naturally be steep is this so it’s shallow to steep so the flow of the club’s very different actually sent me a little bit off balance there interestingly so if we reference this with a couple of lines now you start to see the differences so we just compare that to this previous one here as we go back so we’ve got a and and I see this on a on a daily basis here guys so not to say yeah it’s it’s a massive fault or anything like that but it’s just certainly something that I see all too common with with the everyday golfer that then causes some some issues on the way down so as we go back we can see now as I pull on the handle the club might start but it’s certainly steep steeper than what the back swing uh was but momentum is taking this club this way so you’ll see later in this swing just watch how it works it’s starting to want to tip out so now it starts to tip out this way and that’s where momentum is going that’s where the forces are going I see this a lot on the lesson T online and in person and in the club exits really left so guys I think that’s an important piece if you’re struggling to shallow the golf club let’s look at what’s preceding that earli in the swing is your Club on plane are you making it more difficult for yourself to do that if so we might want to look at that area of your of your swing in the back swing because let’s be honest the back swing is a lot easier to change than the down swing so this is happening a lot slow if you think of 3 to one as a general rule of thumb the back swing is three units of time relative to one unit of time in a downswing there’s more time to effect a change whereas that moment in time you know quarter of a second not even that on the on the way down you you you’re going to do what you’re going to do right so it’s a lot harder to create change in that transition and down swing so if we can set the club in a way that’s going to help that then then why not why not go for that because if we’re starting to get here then we’re going to have to do a lot of work to pull and shallow at the same time there’s certainly players you know John Rams a great example what an absolute player and here’s more of this idea where you can get it to work down to sort of here obviously I’m not John R so I can’t do that but but there are certainly players that can but for for most everyday golfers and most that are watching this video maybe something to look at seeing there have a look at some swings you know online of some tall plays and you’ll start to see a pattern for the majority guys I hope that helped hope that helped if you’d like any help with your game online then feel free to click the link above be really happy to help uh help support you with some remote coaching and help you with that steep to shallow if that’s something that you need uh but but whatever that is um yeah feel free to get in touch if you did enjoy enjoy the video please like And subscribe lots more great content to come thank you so much for watching guys hope you enjoyed it and look forward to seeing you in the next video

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