Exercises for A Better Golf Swing!

πŸŒοΈβ€β™‚οΈ Unlock Your Best Golf Swing with These Fitness Moves! πŸŒοΈβ€β™€οΈ

Welcome to Alex Bennett Fitness and Golf, where we bring you the best tips and tricks to enhance your golf game! In today’s video, we’re diving into golf fitness with a focus on exercises designed to improve your swing. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned pro, incorporating these moves into your routine will help you achieve better stability, flexibility, and power on the course.

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Why Fitness is Crucial for Golf:
Golf isn’t just about technique; it’s also about physical fitness. A well-rounded fitness routine can:

Improve Swing Mechanics: Better flexibility and strength lead to more consistent swings.
Increase Driving Distance: Power exercises help you hit the ball farther.
Prevent Injuries: Strong muscles and proper stretching can reduce the risk of common golf injuries.
Enhance Endurance: Stay strong and focused throughout your entire round.

🌐 Visit our website for more tips, guides, and resources:

Disclaimer: Always consult with a fitness professional before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or injuries.

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Tune in every week for new videos designed to take your golf game to the next level. Thanks for watching, and see you on the course! β›³

hey everyone Alex Bennett here director of athletic performance at the PJ tour performance center at TBC Sawgrass I’m going to give you some exercises today that are just going to help make your golf swing a little more efficient but not only make your golf swing a little more efficient also just make you a little healthier human being and prevent injuries as well the main goal of this channel is not only to give you a glimpse in how I train my tour players um but also to help everyday guys that can’t make the trip to a facility like this get a little better at golf but also help them prevent injuries make their bodies just feel a little bit better overall um help guys bounce back especially if they’re sitting in an office all day and then they’re trying to go play golf trying to play their best golf it’s definitely hard to do when you’re sitting or you’re traveling a ton and then trying to go play consistent golf so I appreciate all the support so far like I said if you guys have any questions or want me to do any topics please leave them in the comments um we’re kind of in the heart of the PJ tour season so it’s definitely busy I was just at the US Open um I’m traveling next week as well so I’m trying to shoot these videos when I have time but I also work with everyday people ton of Junior golfers as well so it’s not always easy to get around to shoot these videos but I’m going to continue to do my best I appreciate all the support if you haven’t liked and subscribed already please do um I’m going to be shooting some videos actually up in Detroit um at the rocket mortgage with an Integrative Health practitioner so keep a lookout for that as well I’m trying to feature some more people on here that kind of bring a little bit different knowledge to the table uh rather than just myself um but appreciate all the support like I said these moves are definitely good to throw into any type of lifting program these are very I call these accessory moves um we all my tour players we all lift we all strength train we work on explosiveness but we do a lot of these accessory works as well just to make sure guys are moving good have good movement qualities and are feeling good as well so hope you enjoy the video so these two moves we’re going to use a med ball you can use no medball and just focus on rotation as well if you don’t have a a medball available um you can also use a dumbbell but we’re going to hug this med ball we’re going to go into a lunge here we’re going to rotate into that we’re going to rotate out and when we rotate out we’re trying to get the chest this way while this knee is not collapsing you’re going to feel that hip open up you’re going to feel like you really got to use that glute right so we’re rotating in feeling that knee stay over that foot we’re not letting the foot roll keep that big toe down and then rotate out you’re definitely going to feel that that glute have to work I love using this move kind of in between you know split squats single leg squats really enforcing our internal and exter rotation or internal rotation and external rotation of the hip really using that glute good then we’re going to switch sides we’re going to do eight rotations and what you might find is you have one hip it’s a little stickier than the other good now we’re going to go directly into some uh reverse lunges with that same rotation happening obviously when we come up we want to stick it we want to squeeze that glute so hug that ball externally rotate so hug that ball we’re going to come down we’re kind of internally rotating into this hip keep this knee over the foot don’t let everything roll don’t let this go back and then come up and stick it and I want that chest coming down it’s kind of like a sprinter’s lunge it’s a little bit of rotation we do three sets of 10 here as well my left hip’s a little sticky which is definitely going to hinder my ability to rotate down and through that hip and the GOL swing because it’s my lead side but that’s why it’s so important that we do these so I throw this moov into basically any program whether it’s a lower body day upper body day whatever it may be it’s a great core move we’re also teaching that hip to stabilize really good for your Trail side and your through side I like this a lot I find so many players kind of get up to the top of the swing and this hip just just kicks out they don’t load it properly it affects the the path of the club obviously um and you’re either going to you’re going to be going way in out and flippy or you’re going to be real steep um so what I like to do is we’ll get we’ll get that inside hip out you’re going to take this left arm we’re going to pull it down so we’re 95% of that weights on this front leg we’re letting this pull our chest into a rotation as this knee is staying here you’re almost winding into it feeling that core and then we’re staying wide with the arms and coming down what we don’t want to do is just pull that down and go this way we want to stay our posture so wide with the arms feel that foot stabilizing feel that core engaged let it pull that chest out and then back down and you’re going to feel that that gluten hip burning you should feel some core lats and shoulders are strong too as always we’re going to switch sides but like I said keep that weight on that front foot make sure that when this is going back it’s not just your arms coming across your chest it’s it’s your shoulders and your chest rotating as one keep that width it’s going to make a big difference in the drill now I know I talk a lot about us being very linear in uh other videos and how important that lateral stability and lateral strength is this is another Testament to that so we’re going to do lateral hops you don’t have to break any world records with how far you’re jumping it’s more about Landing stabilizing and then going again so we’re not just hopping back and forth we’re going to we’re going to jump we’re going to land and we’re going to come back so we’re balancing each time feel like that inep stays engaged you’re not rolling to the outside of the foot and going over we’re we’re feeling like we’re gripping the toes make sure you have proper shoes for this my shoes right now aren’t the best option but we’re stabilizing Landing good and then I actually like a little Med ball in it as well we’re going to drop it down by the hip we’re jump and you’re still stabilizing but that ability to brace that lateral load as well as drive back off of it is so important in the golf swing but it’s also important basically in every single sport You’ll Play it’s important in Hip ankle Health knee Health it’s important for all those things so I like to do three sets of 20 jumps one 2 3 4 not 20 and 20 but make sure you’re balancing make sure you’re stabilizing hope you guys enjoyed those moves like I said you can throw those into any workout I’ve posted any workout that you’re doing those are great accessory pieces going to help make you a better golfer make you a better athlete but also make you healthier when it comes to the biomechanics of how your hips and Joints everything is moving so really hope you enjoyed it um if I was a little out of breath this video is because I was been traveling a ton lately um also getting over a little bug so don’t judge me too much um but like I said any questions any topics you want me to cover leave them in the comments I’ll do my best to get around um around to them uh not around them that’d be avoiding them but getting around to them um if you haven’t liked and subscribed I really appreciate it if you do hope you guys enjoyed it thanks again


  1. wish I had access to guys like you when I played in the 90s–I was swinging the driver around 125mph and eventually suffered injuries due to lack of your type of expertise. I visit PV a few times a year–great spot.

  2. What is the name of the ball that is being used in the beginning two exercises? I know what it is but I'm struggling finding it

  3. Your channel rocks!!! Extremely great exercises for golf or overall better mobility. Keep up the awesome work. I have subscribed to your channel early on. Thank you.

  4. Thanks. I was a very athletic man in my 20s ,now 67 , I can do 75 to 80% this exercise , but I love this video . Strong and good health become a better player. Thanks again.

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