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Minnesota Vikings sleeper picks for the 2024 season

Minnesota Vikings sleeper picks for the 2024 season Brian Asamoah, Kene Nwangwu, Jaquelin Roy, Andre Carter II, and Jalen Nailor from Judd; Hard Count questions on rankings we should do.

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purple daily is daily Vikings entertainment you just want the Vikings to win a Super Bowl before we die I will ride with this group seriously man please and away we go and welcome in purple daily daily meaning literally every day even in June if you’re new to the show here even in the dead of the off season we are your friends talking Vikings every single day we just want the Vikings to win a Super Bowl before we die and as the sports dad knows having covered football for over half his life a lot of that ground workor gets laid during these summer months who’s putting the work in who’s not it’s a tough time of year man it’s a tough time of year cuz now you’re on vacation but if if you’re a guy let’s say on the bubble you’re sweating it out training camps a month away you can’t go on vacation you got to keep working you got to run go go to your local high school run some patterns or if you’re you know the quarterback that just got drafted and the media’s asking you at the end of at the end of OTAs last week so uh where you going you going to go get off to some warm location I mean Minneapolis is warm right now but like some tropical location he said no I’m going to be in the facility every single day JJ McCarthy said grinding building habits that lead me to success and I’ll mix in some golf rounds but I thought he said he was going to take Tuesdays off I’m sorry about that I must have not we can go back roll the tape pretty sure he’s going to be in there double time on Tuesdays not to derail things but what do you guys make of the like I would not call it reports I would call it the chatter there’s chatter chatter chatter chatter about McCarthy once his signing bonus all guaranteed and like there are like I I’ve heard it he wants it all up front up front yeah I’m I’m sorry I meant guaranteed up the guaranteed upfront but I’ve heard it from some in credible sources that like he does want that like that’s not a fake but if they’re not going to do it you know does he not show up for training camp which which would really fly in the face of all of the things he’s saying and and I think his personality I mean it’s just a weird thing and and and I me yet to see any like credible reports saying what the result would be if he doesn’t get it all up front so so what’s the precedent this is where I’m confused so a signing bonus so sometimes signing bonuses are so it’s your money up front but it’s really not it’s deferred and paid out in installment sometimes is that that’s what why wouldn’t you I’d want the signing bonus if I were him to give me it’s 23 million is that what it is for i’ have to 10th overall pick just give me this yeah give me the signing bonus and it’s not unprecedented for quarterbacks to get that so I guess the Vikings aren’t in the habit or they have not done this pre previously with draft picks now you could argue the Vikings also have never had in their history much less the SAU C era they’ve never taken a quarterback top 10 so like I’m not even saying I’m picking sides here I I would probably just give him the money and say you know what dude you’re a quarterback we just bent the rules for a guy who spent you know 2018 to 200 uh 23 here and one what one or two playoff games the Vikings are worth multiple billions of dollars the wils are worth multiple billions of dollars this is your first ever top 10 quarterback he is your quarterback of the future just give him the signing bonus up front unless I’m missing something is he like is he going drastically against the wave of what’s normal for a top 10 draft pick do Mark and Alex have the money yeah that’s exactly right it it’s just a weird it’s weird we get uh what’s his name uh Bloomberg in here to help both the Wolves and the Vikings come up with enough money it’s just it’s a weird thing because it’s definitely it’s definitely a thing but what no one’s clarified is what type of thing is it is it a I don’t like this okay I’ll see a training camp or an actual threat of some sort yeah just hanging out there chat I don’t yeah I’ve seen those reports too it doesn’t seem to make a ton of sense we’ll we’ll see if it becomes a real thing when training camp rolls around on today’s episode Jud brings speaking of training camp in a few weeks five sleepers sleepers on the Vikings offseason roster heading into Vikings training camp guys that might be sleepers to snag a 53 man roster spot or sleepers to snag a starting spot uh either on on the 11 side of the defense or the offense so we’ll get to that after we shout out our friends at quick trip here to start this Monday show Quick Trip what does that mean like I mean okay you hear the words quick trip and you think okay quick but how about if I told you the Quick Trip has found another way to make your your stops for let’s say some of the delicious food that you are checking out right now if you are watching this show they make your trip as quick and easy as possible and now that they have their select order ah heads in your quick Rewards app plan take care of the payment ahead of time orders can be picked up in store or brought to you brought to your car curbside order all your quick trip fa favorites we’re talking fried chicken pizza take home meals and be sure to look for additional fuel savings by ordering ahead yes it’s that simple so again what does Quick Trip mean Quick Trip means easy quick trip means simple quick trip means convenient for you the customer and of course we always appreciate you sponsoring those who help or supporting those who sponsor us thank you amen amen okay where do you want to start here five sleepers Jud well first of all there’s some rules here I laid some ground rules so like I’m I’m just not going to go across the board and say I’m taking all 53 or I could take you know all guys from the current 90 man roster so here are my guidelines no rookies or first year players because first of all the rookies are are I don’t see them as sleepers I tried to keep this down to a list of Five Guys that I saw as being legitimate candidates to contribute and or they have to prove themselves more I also left off lisen and Andrew Booth I feel like we’ve talked about them a ton and I feel like their background is well known here well that’d be a plot twist if L seen went for being a first round pick exactly so then like couple years later he’s now a sleeper to make the team exactly andth was a second round pick I sort of felt the same way about him and again he’s a guy who’s had his chance as well like he has started games he just hasn’t uh taken advantage yet so I’m going to start at a bottom of a list of Five Guys um and I sort of also drew the same parallels here for how we used to do Mr Mano so I stayed away from first or second round picks third round picks and on okay oh so this is kind of a kind of a Mr Mano hybrid exercise it’s like like a spin-off of Mr Man exactly right exactly right but I tried to be creative at least a little bit all right so number five Brian asamoa so he’s had he’s had his chances since being a what third round pick in 2022 um but he’s never been a starter so here’s what makes his situation at least some somewhat compelling okay Blake Cashman Ivan Pace are your starting linebackers inside now the question is okay what happens if one of them goes down and before you say whoa sports dad so negative here why are you being what what if one of them goes down what football it’s it’s football and Cashman Cashman has a precedent here battled injury issues in his first three years with the Jets so before he went to the Texans he played an only 14 games in that time yeah so it’s not unprecedented for Blake Cashman to miss time asima has played in uh 29 games as a viking he has no starts played in 61% of the special team snaps in his first two years but his defensive snap count actually reduced from 11% in his rookie year to 4% under defensive coordinator Brian Flores last year so Brian asamoa um there I I believe there are seven linebackers coming into training camp so there’s five guys vying for a position as a primary backup Brian asamoa is number five on my list of guys who are sleepers who have a chance to get back into in his case the good graces and to establish himself as a at least a backup candidate at top the depth chart behind the two starters I’m going to put some respect back on his name cuz I thought we I thought we pronounced it aswa oh aswa yeah you’re right disrespect I’m disrespecting him is awesome awesome awesome if he’s going to be on the sleeper list I feel like we should give him a little a little a you’re right or are you saying unless he makes the 53 and plays more than 4% of the snaps then he doesn’t deserve his he deserves no no he deserves the respect I I apologize Brian ASA is number five on my list so last year here here were the linebacker snaps there the for the whole season there’s like a 1100 available defensive snaps so cam bham played basically all of them Harrison Smith and Josh matelis played basically all of them denal Hunter came out the field a little bit for some breathers but he was out there for 1,000 snaps so 1,100 snaps is you being out there as a full-time every snap defensive player no injuries mhm so Jordan Hicks played 813 Ian and he’s gone but Cashman steps into his spot sure Ivan Pace junor close behind at 704 and then you got to go all the way down to Troy die playing 112 Anthony Bar played 48 how about that remember he was on the team for a while last year yeah and then Brian ASA played 36 so they really like only sparingly used a third linebacker so I think Asam wat it has to be injury it would it would yeah the only path to to playing time on the defense not counting special teams would be if somebody gets hurt yep so he’s a yeah and it’s this is year three it’s time to time to show something people thought he was going to give be given a chance last year the fact that he didn’t really get a chance to be on the field and he was behind Jordan Dy and Anthony Bar on the depth chart was very telling y so he he’s five and yes he I think in a perfect world he still plays a ton of special teams and he and he and this is going to sound really uh sad for a third round pick he steps into the Troy die role which is which is hey I’m the backup but then again if somebody gets hurt you’re going to end up playing all right number four okay here we go number four on my list is a guy who continues to get enough action at least he did in the offseason camps that I’m curious here because he disappointed him last year he was hurt a lot K wongo so this team’s got obviously Aaron Jones starting they’ve got Tai Chandler but then they really don’t have a third guy right now like it’s you know Dwayne McBride’s there but he’s a what a a late round draic a year ago himself Wong Ru is a guy who I actually think they like his abilities sort of a scatback a smaller guy obviously at at you know with a different incarnation of the kickoff couple of years ago was outstanding there but he hurt his back last year in training camp and I’m sure it was it was a problem he missed a ton of time and I sense some frustration from the coaching staff as that time went on that he didn’t come back uh his games played have gone from 11 as a rookie to 17 so he played in every game two years ago it was only nine last year last season of his contract I think they want to give him a real chance to win that third role and I also think that they could see him potentially fitting in in the new kickoff or at least getting a look there but he has to stay healthy he has to be on the field and that starts in training camp so number four K wongo entering the last year of that contract what’s odd about him even in college so he was a he was a four-year running back at Iowa State he was he was teammates with uh Brock pie right for at least a couple years yep at one point but he barely touched the ball on offense in college that’s the crazy thing so here’s his carries by season as a freshman 27 carries then 39 as a sophomore only 16 carries as a junior mhm and then 61 carries for 339 yards as a senior so even in college they didn’t TR and by the way oh but he must have caught some passes right no four years in college he caught seven passes for 57 yards he did not catch a pass with the Vikings last year so to me at this point if his college coaches didn’t trust him to take a handoff or catch a pass and if three years in the NFL his Vikings coaches across two different regimes by the way haven’t trusted him to catch a Pass OR carry a handoff he is exclusively a kick returner in my mind yeah I mean he he’d have to show you something he hasn’t shown in seven years of college and the NFL to be a guy that you trust handing the football to yeah I don’t think you’re going to I don’t think he’s ever going to be a primary type but I do think that he has a chance to win that third role and if he stayed healthy and could play I would be curious if they would incorporate him at all I I mean it would be a specialist trick type of play thing and yes the kickoffs are his top thing but I think if the coaching staff didn’t like him at all I think he gets um I think he gets an injury settlement to go away last year a structured settlement yes yes so clearly there’s something that they like about him so I do think he’s going to get a shot I think if he gets hurt again though that’s probably it so it’s up to him and and yes you know I’ll go back to what I told you guys from the mini camp and the OTAs the one thing we never saw we never saw kickoff formation we never saw a kickoff all done behind the curtain when when the fans show up are they going to just have a gigantic curtain cross US Bank Stadium don’t forget had to pay a lot for those curtains for the the final four those curtains are still somewhere in storage what if they just pulled them out put them all around the field and that was it you didn’t get to see the kickoffs well could they use the curtains that the Timberwolves aren’t using anymore from the upper deck now that fans are showing up I think those are actually I’m not sure that those are are are suff big enough but the US Bank ones for the final four are huge those old metronome curtains that were white and and dusty God those would be big enough where do you think those are now l i mean the twin the twins auctioned off the troughs at one point so you’d think that they would I mean they’re auctioning off the thing that people peed in for three decades they would probably auction the curtains off too right where are the pictures yeah they have to have those the huge pictures that what pocket was a picture herck uh Jackie Robinson was up there where are those yeah I I’ll have to ask Clyde about that that’s G all right number three on my list this is so this is a guy who I think actually could have a real chance to play here so the first two two guys I’m talking about guys that that you know they’ll be given opportunities but this has a this is a really intriguing one to me nose tackle jqu and Roy okay all right so I think we sort of forgot about him fifth round pick now a year ago so a year ago April played in 12 games made one start but he’s uh so he was shifted to nose tackle in his Junior season at LSU finished that year with 49 tackles three uh three and a half tackles for a loss and half a sack uh he is 6’3 305 lbs yeah so he’s a big dude I wouldn’t call him massive but I think he fits into their defensive structure and don’t forget he was a fifth round pick with Brian Flores there I think there’s a big difference between the guys that were taken with donatell and I don’t know if Eed had a lot of say there or not but clearly th those guys for the most part have not panned out jquan Roy to me is a very interesting one because I think if he emerges after a rookie season in which he was clearly Eed in I think he’s got a real chance to start so he is a position right now that I think is really open for interpretation about where it’s going to go I think on the defensive line and he’s Technic he’s technically behind Harrison Phillips but I’m not sure that that means that he couldn’t find a spot there and certainly playing time there so he is third on my list yeah well they’re open for business for anyone that wants to step up on the interior and just just do something so I’ll give you this one all right go back to 2021 when he was seconde starter at LSU or second year regular playing time yep and it’s college but it’s the SEC and you’re going up against a lot of future NFL offensive linemen or NFL caliber guys and he finished among all interior defensive linemen of which there were my God how many qualified couple hundred 300 call it uh like like 400 plus qualified interior defensive lineman he was fourth according to Pro Football Focus in pass rush grade so he was generating a pressure on like one in every eight dropbacks he dropped off a little bit in his last year but that it’s been in there at a high level in college as an interior pass rusher yep and that’s the Vikings biggest defensive Bugaboo they just don’t have I mean what was the number from last year the Vikings were it was like an 8% interior pass rush win rate or not good enough something ridiculous not good enough dead last in the National Football League so yeah jqu and Roy I like this one and it dropped off I think in part because he was shifted from an end defensive end but I think it did did they play a three4 there they might have and he got shifted to nose tackle so like the the nose tackle it’s going to to not be as easy to get a push at times but yeah I think to to your point open for business is a perfect term here like that one’s wide open he played uh several more AAP snaps AAP football yeah that’s what I want which would be your nose tackle position but um yeah some someone to I like that’s my favorite one of the three you’ve listed I gu I guess I’m I I feel like I kind of know what Ken wangu is at this point and then asima I don’t know last year should have been the year for him and he got absolutely yep beaten out by an undrafted rookie free agent and the ship has sailed so mm um yeah so on Roy as well just as much as the pass rush I think here here’s my question can he eat up running backs so so can he Cookie Monster them so when they come into His when they come up that AAP can running back can you do the cookie [Applause] yeahall all right number two on my list Edge rusher Andre Carter II yeah now this is a dude that we talked about a lot last year because if you guys recall it this time a year ago it was sort of between the the udfa conversation was hey Ivan Pace he should have got drafted he didn’t what you know what happened what’s wrong we found out nothing was wrong except the league screwed up um Carter was a guy who was signed to a contract that included and keep in mind again undrafted so like these are pretty impressive um these are pretty impressive Financial figures $40,000 signing bonus $340,000 guaranteed mhm so he got paid um what we found out was his conditioning was not for football purposes necessarily the best he only played 9% of the the defensive snaps in 12 games mainly used on special teams now here’s what’s interesting though he’s had a a season and now an offseason to get his body right so like he has had plenty of time there’s no excuses now you can’t show back up and be like yeah I’m still not really prepared to play football um the other interesting thing is that the Vikings sort of doubled down here so Carter is the featured player here don’t mistake this but the interesting thing is among the people who can push him now will be another udfa signed this spring Gabriel Murphy who received a $25,000 signing but bonus keep in mind Carter’s was 40,000 and $245,000 guaranteed so well paid but not quite as well paid as Carter was Carter I think is now going to be expected and he’s not going to start but he’s going to be expected to emerge and he’s going to be expected to make a push I think to become a regular part of a rotation of guys that can Rush from the The Edge so I think that in the way this Stacks up this becomes a very important year for Carter to prove that he should have been drafted much like pace and that the Vikings could now at least rely on him to be not just a game day active but a guy that can apply pressure on game days okay I’ll give you I’ll give you another PFF nugget here to pump the tires of Andre Carter because I I agree he is fascinating as a prospect at one point two years ago some of the consensus mock drafts if you were to look at like this is like late in the college football season 2022 maybe into January before combine and measurements and everything he was projected late first second maybe third round and he W so he winds up going from maybe a fringe day one Lookout in day two to being undrafted but if you go back and look at his second to last year in college so 2021 was his was his best statistical year at army Aiden Hutchinson was the number two highest graded pass rusher in the country according to Pro Football Focus behind Andre Carter II so there was a time coming out of his second to last year in college going into his last year at army now you know you’re playing Army’s not playing the toughest schedule you’re playing Georgia State here in Liberty and UMass and whoever but there was a time not that long ago where Andre Carter despite a softer schedule was considered one of the Premier College Edge rushers in the country and he goes undrafted a couple years later so the Viking have had him in the lab for a year now tinkering frankensteining him mhm we’ll see what it looks like in the wait room as well in the cafeteria yep and protein Muscle Milk and they PID they paid him Chief they paid him no Chief I’m in the zone in zone They so yes this this to me is one where I would not be surprised if he makes far more contributions than we expected yeah he’s he’s one of my favorite ones to watch at training camp just see and you’ll probably know pretty quickly is he is he flashing in some of the team can he beat can you beat his man oh you know what’s fun there the one-on ones is he is he flashing in the individuals the the the one-on ones against the The Edge guys against the o line guys to me cuz those get those are those get nasty like that is mean that is pride on Pride uh before Jud unveils his number one sleeper heading into training Camp yesterday was a day for golf I don’t know if if yesterday watching the US Open made you want to never golf or always golf but if you’re in the always Golf Camp decks where should our audience take the sticks to well this proves my point that professional golfers are just like us cuz when you’re missing back-to-back consecutive three-foot knee knocking putts it gives me hope that maybe I can one day be on the tour maybe I should be playing with Rory maoy a little bit I actually like when that happens because oh they’re just like us and I would be just like us at The Meadows at Mystic Lake a great area to sink your putts maybe sometimes you lip out that one putt but then it doesn’t matter you just two tap it in that’s what happens to me in a lot of times so book those tea times right now for a par yeah give me a give me a six on that uh par three that’s totally fine uh book those tea times right now golf theme we finally have some great summer weather here in the Twin Cities so go book that next tea time knock those knee knocking putts down at The Meadows at Mystic Lake also we were talking about the iny settlements earlier well Nic law is here to help you if you’ve been involved in an accident the exclusive personal injury law firm of purple daily and Russell nicolay very much very much all about the purple by the way as you can see on the YouTube channel Roman through the stadium with his power suit power tie these are t-shirt and jeans Folks by the way though that excuse me are very relatable they live in and around the Twin Cities area they just happen to have law degrees to help you get the compensation you deserve after an accident so start your path to winning at nicolay or give them a call at 1855 nicolay all right the moment we’ve been waiting for all right the number one sleeper the number one sleeper is a guy who is um a candidate to grab a position at which he could see extensive playing time and not just extensive playing time difference making playing time jiren Hall he is he is Nick Mullins uh no no but you’re on the right side of the football you’re on the right side of the football because the number one guy on my list is a guy that the coaching staff wants to love they want to love and they do love him when he’s on the field but sometimes they got to give him tough love because he’s not on the field enough I am talking about a guy that can make the 2022 draft look just a little bit more palatable if he comes through and that is wide receiver Jaylen Naylor m let me explain let me explain why so I think we all I think we assume and I think it might be mistaken that the KJ Osborne number three receiver position behind Jefferson and Addison is going to go to Brandon Powell hey it’s going to be Brandon Powell and I think Brandon Powell has a place on this team no question he knows the system he’s a smart player he’s a contributor um I’ll just say this remember we all didn’t think that KJ Osborne was nearly as effective last year as we expected the number three receiver in an offense like this lots of times can be a starter MH I mean you’re going to play a lot of snaps potentially and I think we think well I mean they’ve got Jefferson and Addison so the number three guy no this guy can be incredibly important and in Kevin oconnell scheme he can be a very important differen making player now Jaylen Naylor when he’s gotten an opport in training camp practices when he’s gotten an opportunity in OTAs this year as recently as just a few weeks ago looks like a guy who could play the part the issue is he is hurt or unavailable way too much a year ago in training camp he missed three weeks and he had been playing well also I should point that out because of a leg injury then he suffered and this is not his fault a season ending concussion in December he was he was good in OTAs and he is Ving for that third spot now KJ is gone so this is not a well he’s not going to get that spot this is a very much a no he’s got a good chance OTAs he was good mini camp comes and unfortunately he gets sick gets the flu I believe and misses the entire thing yeah um Kevin oconnell had a had a for for Kevin had a pretty pointed interesting response in talking about the third receiver spot at the end of OTAs and Naylor in particular and how he has to stay on the field if he can though one he will flash he has shown that before and two I think he has a very good chance not to bump Powell off the roster but to certainly be the third receiver and then Powell probably drops more rightfully down to the four guy jayen Naylor is a top my list and I think he’s going to be given every chance he has to stay healthy okay I think if I were to just if I were to rerank these myself based on who I am the most curious to watch I I agree with your naen uh your Jaylen Naylor theory that the number three wide receiver spot vitally important in this offense in which they do run a lot of three wide receiver sets and they don’t have an established number three guy so it’s wide open but I would say Andre Carter and jaquell and Roy are the two that I I think have the most potential I think they have better pedigrees even going back back to like what their Peak was in the pre-draft evaluation here here’s my my my two biggest concerns about Jaylen Naylor and you hit on one of them he’s never available like he’s just he’s always hurt there’s always something I’m not even saying it’s his fault necessarily it’s just it is what it is he’s he’s not the most durable guy but here’s the other thing okay in the NFL you’re not going to especially if you’re not a first- round pick you’re not Justin Jefferson level Talent you’re not going to be breaking wide open he’s not at this point he’s not going to be a guy that that that runs routes in a way that is with his speed and and his agility that’s going to he’s not going to be a Chris Carter route Runner or a Justin Jefferson route Runner how does he create separation how does he become a valuable piece of the offense well this is a really interesting nugget in college across parts of Four Seasons Jaylen Naylor only had four contested catches four in in like four years Jordan Addison had 24 in three years across 2022 21 and 20 at Pitt and USC so can you catch a pass in traffic can you create separation at the last moment now he was a pretty good deep threat he had 13 catches his last two years at Michigan State on passes throwing 20 yards or more in the air so I don’t know I I’m the last couple years I’ve I’ve kind of been down on Jaylen Naylor can’t stay on the field and even when he’s been some chances it’s like I don’t know but this is why this this list is full of question marks here some young some some not as young but we’re also talking about so the third receiver can contribute a ton but he’s not he’s clearly not going to have the talent of the first two so I guess I’m saying I think in a perfect world and it’s a huge if if he can play if he can stay on the field I think there’s more number three potential there for him than Powell so I’m comparing him to Powell yeah and I think the reality of Powell we we know who he is I’m not saying he’s the he’s the you know the best number three wide receiver in the league by any means but like he’s the the known commodity he understands how to get open on a third down so yep we’ll see can’t make the club in a tub that’s what uh I’m just trying to slot guys in where they could potentially slot in MH and and you could sort of tell the guys that the coaching staff likes but they’re frustrated by as opposed to to the guys that the coaching staff just thinks are are are Jags you know just a guy just lot of Jags man there’s a lot of Jags you had 90 guys in Camp it’s a lot of lot of Jags that’s a lot of Jags to sort through and and eventually cut and then and then say this was the hard this was the hardest day to cut these guys you’re cutting a bunch of Jags how many more who has more Jags and I know there’s more roster spots at at you know 90 players on a football team the first week of spring training in baseball or the or the first week like at OTAs in football how many more Jags are you like looking at and Wan running your into it is right yeah like what’s a a baseball roster is like 50 or 60 or 6 or maybe 60 or something I feel like baseball has a weird thing though because they also bring in all of these catchers to catch cuz of the multitude of pitchers and like those Jags are like bad boys yeah like they got like like they are There’s No Illusion there of I might get my chance right well in baseball too you at least have places to put the Jags you can just like send them to the miners Triple A Double A right in football you don’t have that you have a practice squad where you can put what is it 16 15 or 16 yeah I think it’s 16 guys now used to only be eight back when Sports dad was covering the beat and you couldn’t do veterans like to your point when B when bar was brought back last year he was demoted to the practice squad like every week and then they’d bring him back up as as uh because now what you can bring up I I think you can bring up two guys per game on Saturday you you promote them and then there’s the whole thing yeah the practice squad used to be this this uh special just special thing of oh these are our prospects our Prospect pool but I just love how coaches say this is the toughest day you know what’s tough you probably cut four guys wanted that was tough for you be honest about it yeah don’t be like all off season to deliver this message to you you are good at football we had to cut Jimmy John and now he’s gonna have to go get a real job at Jimmy John’s that just killed me that would be symbolic if that was an actual scenario um I do have one hard count thing for you guys here green where we go around usually the NFL and the football World this is going to be going around the world of purple daily I want I want to with with the audience providing some suggestions I want to help map out this Dead period with some things to throw at you guys uh so the hard count today presented by our friends at Dennis Kirk all you Riders out there you ragnars go to check out over 185,000 Parts apparel and accessories for motorcycles ATVs utvs dirt bikes snowmobiles all the top brands they also offer same day shipping on orders placed before a m. uh and free shipping on orders over $89 also check out the first annual Minnesota garage build bike show powered by Dennis Kirk Saturday July 13th from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at Running Aces casino and racetrack up uh just north on 35 the show will featured dozens of custombuilt motorcycles 10 class winners hundreds of dollars in Dennis Kirk gift cards local food trucks a live DJ and more or find out more at green 18 okay so at some point we’re going to devote we might have we might have to do like two weeks for this because people have sent us and we’ve come up with our own ideas for rankings we can do during the June and July dead months like last year we did the top 25 Vikings of all time yep we’ve done and you can find a lot of these if you go to the YouTube channel the purple daily YouTube channel there’s a like a vault section down at the bottom you can find some of the old rankings we’ve done but here are the current list of rankings that we can do between now in training camp on purple daily tell me what you guys think of this list okay and like when should we start these most important current Vikings players so not necessarily the best but the most important current Vikings players okay Jud had this one last night in an email thread ranking the former Packers who became Vikings it’s like Aaron Jones is a viking now Brett Favre was a viking ranking the former Packers who became Vikings uh ranking NFL coaches where does KOC rank among the 32 NFL head coaches okay ranking the number two wide receivers in the NFL to find out where does Jordan Addison rank among all of the number two wide receivers have to do a dive on that one for sure yeah mhm mhm the 10 most maligned people ink history that’s from listener John well I’d like that one start yeah start working on it I’ll take that one the uh your favorite alltime Vikings trades from listener Norton okay yeah it’s another Deep dive one mhm and then listener Corey says can you rank you guys ranked the top 32 quarterbacks in the NFL can you rank 33 through 64 so either the backups or some teams might have two quarterbacks that are better than anyone else’s starters and he wants to know where does Nick Mullen rank where would Sam darnold rank if you don’t have him in your 32 ranking 33 through 64 that’s our that’s our current list of things that we have put uh put out to rank between now and training camp off the top of my head I’m trying to think with darnold I don’t think he’d fall out of the 3 I had him in the 32 on mine yeah I think he’d be in the 32 it’s not I mean it’s not a like he’s gonna start I’m not saying he is he’s kurk cousins at 13 but um yeah it’s yeah I think he’d be in I I I think it’s fair to stick him in the 20s I mean there’s a again there’s a lot of guys there’s a lot of guys who are just guys a quarterback too I think maybe we start with one or two of these this week maybe maybe tomorrow we can rank something maybe like Tuesdays Tuesdays and Thursdays we can cuz Monday there tends to be news from the weekend yeah so we maybe we devote Tuesdays and Thursdays between now and training camp to just ranking ranking things okay and we we could do a couple more um during the the fourth as well yeah because that that week there will be I don’t think there will there will be nothing so we’ll just give you yeah might a good July 4th um week assignment as well we will rank all of the Special Teams coordinators to tell you um if you guys have any other ideas for things to rank let us know and we will probably rank them between now and training camp we we’ll rank or SN or snake draft anything these days yeah and the Friday snake drafts keep sending those ideas too so all right that’s a wrap on today’s Monday purple daily you have the sports dads five sleepers to watch heading into Vikings training camp this is purple daily we just want the Vikings to win a Super Bowl before we die


  1. Don’t understand why Judd thinks Kene is a small guy when he is taller and heavier then both Aaron Jones and Ty Chandler. Seriously, that’s his second time it two seasons saying this. Kene is the biggest, fastest and strongest RB on the team and it’s not close.

  2. David Montgomery and Breece Hall were on Kenes college team before he got there. Perhaps you have herd of them Macky. It’s not that they didn’t trust Kene. Use your head. The Kene disrespect has to stop.

  3. The defense is a big unknown this year, maybe even more so than last year. Hicks is gone, Hunter's gone, and we've brought in a bunch of walking wounded and unknowns, and have not addressed the defense interior. This could be another juggling year for Flores trying to make things work. With as much blitzing, and maybe the cornerback room, with it's additions, will be better, or at least stable. Great call on WR3, Judd, however Nailor didn't light it up in college, nursing injuries, and it just does not appear he has an NFL-rigors football body.

  4. Not sure if this ranking has been done, but rank the top Defensive Line/Edge rushers in Vikings history. There have been so many great players on our DL over the years. Number 1 is a given, but where would other guys rank?

  5. If Dex is gonna get on Judd about pronouncing names correctly, then the Skor North Twins beat podcaster needs to stop calling Duran, "Yo-han." Just look at how it is spelled. J-h-o-a-n. The H is before the O. Talk about disrespectful, this is not even a mispronunciation, Dex is literally calling him an entirely different name.

  6. I live in SE WI and was told a joke by a Packer fan today.
    Q: What does a Vikings fan do when their team wins the Super Bowl?
    A: Put Madden away and play another video game.
    This has to end. Hopefully, this year will be a step to an actual Super Bowl victory

  7. Fastworwarded through all the Mccarthy contract BS. It's not true. Just like any of the Jefferson contract BS. Also David Montgomery and Breece Hall overlapped with Kene at ISU. Thats more the reason he didnt get carries

  8. Judd you can’t be serious ????

    Calling a guy a sleeper for no other reason than

    “the starter has trouble staying healthy”

    That’s hilarious. Think about what you are saying ????

    You’re saying fans should be excited and/or keep their eye out for
    LB Asamoah ……

    – not bc Flores likes him
    – not bc of his play
    – not bc of his career trajectory

    But for no other reason than

    You might as well rename the segment-

    Bad players we might see play this season

    🤦‍♂️ 😂

  9. So you not only monetize your channel with ads but you also shout out companies for ads aswell in the middle of your videos? Scumbag tactics you do realize i now dislike every company who advertised woth you right? If you need money go get a patreon account.

  10. The Mack daddy with the sports dad and Declan the beast. 👍 I got my ticket to the preseason game vs the raiders. Purple daily is my favorite

  11. I think the Vikes coaches think in very different and much more patient timelines for player development than fans typically do. The team is making a minimum 2-3 year investment in most drafted players, and guys like Carter. They knew Carter was 2-3 years away when they signed him, so it makes no sense to bail out on him only one year into his progression.
    I'd suggest understanding who they can successfully get on to the PS is also a significant factor in who they keep in the 53.

  12. Interesting comparisons between Darnold and Kirk, Darnold and Daniel Jones.
    Darnold's first 3 seasons for the Jets – 13 wins 25 losses, 43 TDs, 38 INTs.
    Kirk's first 3 seasons with Washington – 2 wins, 7 losses, 18 TDS, 19 INTs.
    Darnold turned 27 on June 5th, Daniel Jones turned 27 on May 27th.
    Daniel Jones career to date – 59 starts, 22 wins, 36 losses, 1 tie, 64% completion rate, 62 TDs, 40 INTs, 179 sacks.
    Sam Darnold's career to date – 56 starts, 21 wins, 35 losses, 60% completion rate, 63 TDs, 56 INTs, 145 sacks.

  13. Judd is so step and fetch. Whatever Phil says Judd is like yup. Yeah, yup. What at fool. He thinks he’s so clever. Dude go away. So wack. Yup yup yup. lol. Omg. Naylor?????? He hasn’t done shit. Powell is wayyyy better.

  14. Kene was behind David Montgomery and then breece hall in college at Iowa state. He tore his Achilles between his fr and so year that put him behind as well.

  15. But does Nailor have the tush push skills that Powell has? 😂

    In all seriousness though, I do really like Powell. Hoping to see him get some more hand-offs in kind of a Diet Deebo role.

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