Golf Players

The Cardinals Are FINALLY Above .500! But Are They BACK?

Brenden Schaeffer discusses the Cardinals 7-6 win in 12 innings over the Marlins in a live stream on Monday, June 17, 2024. To view the original live stream, click the lives tab on the channel.

Sonny Gray was fantastic and efficient until running into a spot of trouble in the eighth. Oli Marmol went with JoJo Romero for the spot against Jazz Chisholm, who had crushed Sonny all night.

But it did not pan out, leaving many to wonder if the pitching change was the right move after all.

But we mostly forgot about that amid the craziness of the next few innings. Masyn Winn and Dylan Carlson emerged as heroes of the 12th inning as the Cardinals somehow, some way, finally found their way to a record above .500.

Are the Birds back? Or do you still need to see more from the offense before declaring that?

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[Music] what’s going on everyone and welcome in to this edition of B shave daily live as we’re breaking down a cardinal winner tonight 7 to6 over the Miami Marlins in 12 yeah I didn’t know they could do 12 inning games anymore in MLB with the new Rob Manford rules over the last couple years but it happened tonight with the Cardinals outlasting the Marlins thanks to the heroics of a number of guys on the team Sunny gray had a great start there was a a bullpen performance that should not go overlooked from Ryan Fernandez who was able to keep the Cardinals in this thing and the Mason win with the Home Run what a moment that was it almost didn’t mean very much though because the Marlins were threatening in the bottom half and then Dylan Carlson the weirdness with that play in the right field Corner the ball gets lodged under the wall he puts his arms up as you’re supposed to do ultimately they said it wasn’t lodged under the wall I thought Dylan did the exact right thing other than he kind of double clutched it like if you’re going to do that move I think you just have to do it and you have to stick with it you can’t kind of be like half in half out but if the rolling was that the ball was not lodged under there I don’t know what they’re looking at uh Stupid design of a wall by the way just don’t do that it just just don’t have that be a possible thing uh but yeah you thought that moment could really harm the Cardinal because what happens if there’s a sacrific fly situation runner’s not going from second to third he’s going from third to home well I’ll be damned if there wasn’t that that exact scenario but DC said that’s okay ball don’t lie and guns him down at the plate I know guns him down might be a little bit of an insensitive way to phrase it but I was the one that got shot not you guys so anyway Dylan Carlson what a play and the Cardinals win it Andrew kitridge getting his first win as a cardinal reliever I wonder if uh he gets the ride in the laundry cart I think not it’s not his first major league win but it is his first with the Cardinals um wow wow is all you can say look this was a the Cardinal could not afford to lose not because it would have meant the season was over but just because it would have been disgusting to lose to this Marlins team with sunny gray on the mound going up against Braxton Garrett it’s another example of the Cardinals taking on a guy with a 6 ER and they lower his ra for him by almost a run uh it’s a tail As Old As Time Kyle Hendricks over the weekend he did the same thing except his Ra was like nine anyway this was one the Cardinals you just you would have had a really bad taste in your mouth that they would have lost it and they’re ultimately able to get the win how they did it was definitely with some Pizzazz but that’s not as important as the fact that they do get the win they do improve to one game above 500 and now I don’t know does it feel a little bit more real that this Cardinal team could have some juice or were there still plenty of concerns for you in the game that make you think you know I’m not really ready to buy in just yet but those are sort of the topics on the table tonight I’m going to kick it off right now reading the live chat appreciate you guys for being here as always again if you want to join in the live chat all you got to do is subscribe to the channel and then I’ll be reading for sure the live comments of some of my uh channel members and uh if you want to join that I don’t think I put the link in the description but you could click on literally any other YouTube video that I’ve put out on the channel or probably there’s a way to do it live in this stream because my YouTube Studio shows me how many new members join during the video so if you’re interested in that that’s something that’s available to you as well J call says that throw was a dart and that’s how we begin our live chat tonight 100% it was a dart uh where he was positioned and he told Jim the cat Hayes on the postgame show that that’s why he’s playing in that spot because he’s got to be at the just almost the upper limit of conceivable to be able to make a play at the plate and if it goes over his head well you know he probably lose the game anyway but that was the spot where he needed to be it was the spot where Nyan Carlson was able to make a play and he threw a strike to Pedro pz at home plate slat the tag on him and it won the Cardinal the game I mean I just I was in awe my jaw was on the floor what a play by Dylan Carlson who is a momentum player right I’ve talked a lot about this and when we see his momentum going in a negative Direction often times that sort of ends up being the the snowball rolling down the hill it stays that way but this was an example of him doing the exact opposite that momentum from the overturned Replay that gave the extra base to the runner because of him you know putting his arms up and saying hey the ball is lodged and they said no it wasn’t that’s the kind of play that can take I think at times this year in at times throughout his career it would have taken Dylan Carlson out of the game just mentally right but it didn’t happen here he was exactly where he needed to be and made the throw of the Cardinal season to date what a throw by Carlson what a time to do it to he’s got an arm we might forget that at times but he he reminded us tonight with that one incredible incredible play to make it in that moment it was you had to have it right otherwise you’re talking about a 13th inning probably and he comes up with it remarkable Brandon says I was at the game tonight wins B flip was epic I didn’t see the bad flip live I got to go back and find that one but man he was he had to be feeling good it was a a three strikeout game I believe for Mason win before he hit to Homer so he’s kind of going through it a little bit not used to to maybe having that level of failure this year and ultimately he goes two for six and big couple of RBI on that home run they needed them both too couldn’t when you’re going back and forth in Extra Innings it’s not enough sometimes to just score that guy from second that’s why when the Marlins kept bunting I kept thinking let them especially when they were Bunting and they were down in the bottom of the 12 I’m like that is a a free gift to the Cardinals now if you’re the Marlins in the 11th inning when they were bunting or the 10th whichever time it was and you have a a one-run chance to win the game that’s a little bit different and I can understand in that spot alone to bunt but I had somebody arguing with me on Twitter oh Mason wi should have been bunting to try to get CI over when he walked in the ninth not for me not for me I think in in Mason Wis case man he shows you what he can do with the Home Run I would just not like to give away outs I understand it but this Cardinal team has not been great with risp anyway I’m taking three cracks at trying to get a ball in the Gap and score the guy from first and frankly I’d like to see canani be able to steal second base even off a lefty he wasn’t able to do it he got thrown out eventually to end that top of the ninth but still I I had no issue with Mason wi not bunting like I’m not never bunt unless you’re canani in which case he’s really good at it and is not likely to change the game with one swing except for when he did to score the first run for the Cardinal tonight I don’t know this was a weird game I don’t really have all the answers for you it was bizarre it was a bizarre game but the Cardinals win it man that’s what that’s what they needed and I feel like the team will get a jolt from that because finally they were able to get above 500 it had been a strain to get to 500 and they had done it a number of times without getting over the hump and it seemed like every which way they could possibly blow this game tonight it was it was on the table to have it happen and ultimately they still found a way to win the grave of Einstein joins the B shave daily gang welcome to the channel membership Einstein one of my favorites appreciate you for hopping in buddy uh Reena is in and she says DC with the gam saer missed a lot of the game but glad she saw that yeah a lot of Cardinal fans were glad to have seen that and Jen is in the house as well I think we all forget how good DC can be when he has a chance to play are we back to # everyday Dylan look for right now and with Tommy Edmond around the corner I think it’s going to be a longer rehab for him but there’s some Merit right now to leaving Dylan in in this lineup on a daily basis I I think you want to see more offensively from him but he’s slowly been providing that the defensive aspect though is what you can often forget remember a couple years ago I was pretty convinced that Dylan Carlson was the best defensive center fielder in this organization there are times this year where he has been flat out awful in center field but I I maintain that it’s it’s mental it’s momentum it’s give the guy a little bit and he will provide I think in the long run but he’s got to gain the confidence to do it then sometimes that could be a frustrating thing to wait for like if I’m seeing it through the lens of this organization I would say well I can’t just wait forever right but I think they have done a nice job as much as you can this year with a they probably rushed him back from injury so how often do you feel compelled to play him when it doesn’t look right in in the hopes that it could start to look right I think that’s been the line that oie marmal has been trying to walk with Dylan and boy were they repaid with with uh with a play tonight that again I think that stands out of all the all the defensive plays so far this year there have been some good ones at times this was in about as big of a moment as you could think there the big catch by Newar that ended up being a double play that might be on the level of what Dylan Carlson did but the throw I mean that is just a a seed to home plate Nea is happy about WN Mason win thank you for spelling that right I know some people put the y in the last name it’s in the first name no big deal but that’s what it is uh Brian says got to love it when Mason emulates his hero and Tommy added big win for the Cardinals game over 500 keep fighting for win close games this year yeah they uh they have been winning some close ones it’d be nice to see him win by scoring six or seven and doing it in regulation and not having to have the 13 12 inning you know marathons but hey you take what you can get up to 40 likes let’s see if we can get it up to 50 up to 40 though that seems to be pretty relevant for the timing of things right now because if you’ve uh been paying any attention to what’s going on in the news Wisa tras starting up a rehab assignment here before too long and he did say it’s not going to be July when he gets back it’s going to be June and and I think we may very well see that we had a joke on the Big Show on ktgr for the last couple of weeks would Wilson contras be back before the NBA Finals ended the joke being that the NBA Finals takes forever to play out they have multiple off days between each game he almost did make it back though before the finals ended and I I do think it is going to be June juner rather than later if you know what I’m saying uh five times five bendon don’t know what that means Brian but I’m glad you’re here Ethan wants to know if we’re back are we back I mean you guys I’m more just like watching from afar but the Cardinals could be back um I still think you need to see more offensively in like regulation without Free Runners on second base but the pitching has been really good the pitching has gotten you through and for what the offense has been able to do which is just enough you’re feeling pretty good about things and again you’re getting Wilson back soon you’re getting Tommy Edmond back hopefully before the All-Star break I think Lars Newar is going to be after the break if I had to guess it’s probably going to be a little bit after the break but you know you you do have guys returning and so that could pay dividends for this Cardinal team Graham says Winnington hash everyday Dylan from Alex and then Aaron thank you for letting me know that you had me I got to scroll down these sometimes Jen had me as well uh Graham oh no we lost the comments it happens sometimes YouTube jumps on me Brett what’s going on Brett’s a subscriber or Pardon Me a Channel member so his comment reads as such Cardinal team is raising his heart rate by a significant amount nightly but wins or wins even though I don’t think this kind of play is sustainable if we want to win in September and even in October I’ll add to that look I I don’t know how long the pitching is going to be able to carry you you want the offense to be able to do it now obviously tonight you gave up six so it how much was it a great pitch game it was by Sony gray and then we get into the decision to take him out and they didn’t get into it quite to the level that I would have hoped postgame so many things happened after that in Extra Innings that I think that was not quite as top of mind for the reporters that were there so I understand it um Sunny to my surprise a little bit I thought this might have been a night where we would have heard him say yeah he asked out instead he said this was a game that you know as as I’m efficient there in the middle Innings my mindset is to finish the game obviously it went 12 so that wouldn’t happen but you know I I think he probably did want to stay in the game and and all he pulled him out out now you look at the matchups there what’s supposed to happen is JoJo Romero gets the Lefty out that’s what’s supposed to happen instead and by the way JZ Chisum at that point in the game I believe was two for two with a triple and a walk against Sunny gray so that’s part of the reason that you see that play out there and then once you walk jzz Chisum that’s that’s the grave error that JoJo Romero made because he gives up the home run to deor Cruz De La Cruz does have reverse splits if you’re looking at Ops he’s better against right-handed pitching than Lefty throughout his career from a power standpoint now he does have a higher batting average this year against lefy so really six of one half dozen of the other at that point I think you play to your strengths as a team if you’re the Cardinals rather than worry about what his strength or weakness is granted I thought Sunny gray might have been the strength and so I in the moment thought probably keep sunny in but I also have kind of learned to this point like there are conversations that happen between sunny and OE that sometimes we don’t find out about until after and I thought it might have been one of those times where he was sweating a lot it looked like you know the the the long delay of the previous inning had maybe worn him down but he was only at 84 pitches so I I understand that like when you look at matchups and say that he’s been beaten by Jazz susm three times maybe that’s the right decision but the other side of that is like it doesn’t end the game it doesn’t even blow the lead if JZ Chisum hits a homer off of sunny gry in that spot but to walk Jazz Chism and then give up the Homer to De La Cruz it was the singular worst case scenario for Jojo and it happened I I don’t think that means he’s been overworked like we’ve talked about this that the overworked aspect of it like yes they’ve ridden kitridge they’ve ridden JoJo but these guy it’s not like either of them are leading the league in pitches maybe JoJo’s getting up there a little bit Ryan Fernandez probably after night is getting up there a little bit more too but I I look this up it’s been a couple of weeks so I might have to update the numbers but none of the Cardinal relievers were even in the top 30 in MLB in pitches thrown so yes they’re worked but they’re also on the team to pitch their profession is pitcher so I don’t have an issue with these guys throwing often I I I do think oie maral’s got to have his finger on the pulse of how they are dayto day and who’s available and who shouldn’t be but largely they’re there to pitch so I I want them pitching but I do think that there is a case to be made that from that Ryan Fernandez tier and especially like Matthew Liberator you could see lior come in for some of those spots too I don’t think that it’s a foregone conclusion that Libby shouldn’t be considered at least alongside JoJo as the top Lefty on this team in terms of what he’s done in relief I think they’ve underutilized lior since he came out of the rotation myself personally I think you could probably push him into more of those leverage spots so that it doesn’t always have to be JoJo but you know it is one of those things that happened I was just a little bit surprised and I know people were riding olly and if they had lost this game that was going to be all that we talked about the decision to take him out in the first place and not let Sunny continue at 84 pitches I was wondering I was I was trying to to hold off because if that was a spot where he asked out then obviously that’s the decision and and there’s not really a decision to be made for Ry marmal but I don’t get the sense that that’s what it was and it wasn’t something that got talked about too much because of a win so that saves everybody the the sort of uh uncomfortable conversations over what it might have been had they lost the game rhos says thanks for the live chat sha got to work at 6:00 a.m. so he’ll catch us on the flip side yep it’ll all be posted on Spotify and YouTube in its uh in its entirety basically so if you have to go to bed don’t worry about it you can find it anywhere you want to find it tomorrow and if you can’t find it shoot me a message on Twitter at bsha for2 uh David says the offense is still worrisome but the game had it all let’s enjoy it yeah I think you should enjoy every win Cardinal fans like I get it you want to be 10 games above 500 you want to be in first place you know right now it’s just like enjoy these wins because uh there’s going to come a time in September October maybe not till November who knows how this Cardinal team and how long they’ll go but there won’t be Cardinal baseball so enjoy the wins when you get them man this is this is what it’s all about tonight was fun and it it was about 10 different ways they could have they could have blown this game late and ultimately to be able to to win it in 12 uh was a marathon more so than I thought it would be glad this game was on the East Coast if this was a West Coast game we would not be doing a live stream I can promise you that much uh Aaron says tomorrow’s game will just be the third time since April of last season that the Cardinals will be playing above 500 which is kind of crazy to think about Bren says Carlson is my favorite player so seeing him make that that throw made me really happy yeah Bron Carlson’s a good guy to like and and I think a lot of Cardinal fans just want to will him to succeed um he’s a good player he just has to find the the Rhythm and momentum maybe more so than most you know he he’s Reliant upon that and when he’s got it it’s great and if he can keep that rolling and keep that confidence uh he can do some very significant things in this game beefy said good to see him fight back after losing the lead Brian wants to know if JoJo should have been given the day off I don’t think so um I just I just think he wasn’t sharp and and look all is going to each time you bring in a guy doesn’t succeed I I think what’s going to end up happening is that you kind of take note of that and go okay is this a guy that I’m overworking a little bit is this a guy that needs to day those sorts of things um Scotty what’s going on he’s another Channel member arnado I know you said you’d be happily batting seventh but oh hold on let me start over I know you said you would happily bat him seventh but I feel he needs time out the biggest arnado fan though so it’s not hatefield just want to see do better that’s from Scotty uh you know in Aron’s throw great pick by Goldie to end the game as well yeah bado 0 for six I actually think I had said that it was Goldie that I would put seventh and orado fifth but you know kind of pick your poison right now it seems like when one of those guys has a nice game the other one tends to struggle and it’s just been tough to find them both going at the same time um but no I hear you with arado it’s it’s you’re right in the you’re right in the wave right now you’d like to see him get consistent but you know we’ll see how long that takes it moonight says Rick Ines throw and boy was that ever true Jen agrees with Brett hit the nail on the head cardiac Cardinals are killing me how many Cardinal fans out there feel like that I bet there’s a number of them I don’t know why Robert is saying he thought I’d be taller um I’m only as tall as I am but I’ll I’ll be loud to make up for the lack of height I’m not even standing I don’t know how you could tell I’m that not tall but I’m not tall that’s true Travers says Ryan Fernandez will be an unsung hero of the game but oh man that’s a performance yeah I mentioned him off the top because I wanted to make sure we didn’t forget about him uh two shut out Innings doing what he did and and Extra Inning as part of that one walk is all he allowed and I think it was a bit of a strategic walk at the time couple of strikeouts he has been really really good I mean for a rule five pickup to be doing what he’s doing it’s it is substantial I don’t overlook that at all in this one significant what do you think has to be the biggest need the deadline we have to pick up some power that’s from beefy and I would say the biggest need of the deadline could still be a number five starter it could still be another Elite reliever because look with Gio coming back gyos is supposed to come back here any minute now and I’m not 100% sure that it’s going to be the right idea like I don’t know that it’s going to work out if he blows up and has another bad outing first of all I think you don’t bring in Gio unless it’s a a Down by several runs situation even an up by several makes you a little bit nervous after what we’ve seen from him and what he’s done on the rehab assignments it hasn’t been strong but I think you have to have a short leash with him but but there’s going to be maybe one roster spot out of that Bullpen that you want to strengthen up and turn it from maybe uh that that long relief emergency option out of the pen from the right side to find a legit another legit eighth nth inning candidate because I think with JoJo he’ll level out I really do like Libby and to me he’s your number two if not your number one Lefty out there and then John King is a really capable number three left-hander and then the other five should be righties you like kitridge he’s struggled but he’s you know tonight was was tough he had guys on base that he didn’t put there and you got to pitch around that ultimately got the win so he did a nice enough job tonight but helsley we know that he’s been a little spotty with the fastball command but he’s going to be your dude he’s the league leader in saves was just simply unavailable tonight after pitching two out of the three games over the weekend uh so those are righties that you feel good about and obviously Ryan Fernandez one you feel really good about and Roy Croft I think has the potential we’ll see if he can continue to build off of his opportunities and then Kyle Ley you know one of those guys Roy Croft Ley is probably who has to go down for Gio barring an injury but in the October mindset of baseball I think they need one more lockdown setup man ideally somebody with some closing experience it was supposed to be Gio it was supposed to be Keenan Middleton those guys have gone down to injury uh Gio more so ineffectiveness and so you’ve got to roll with that but that’s a need to me at the deadline and mosak had talked about on Blogger day he mentioned right-handed hitting center fielder frankly I don’t really see that if Tommy Edmund is back because I don’t know who you’re displacing maybe you’re sending Michael CI down maybe that’s the answer but I also value Michael CI Off the Bench he is an ideal fourth outfielder or maybe even an ideal fifth outfielder if you’re going to carry two bench outfielders because he can come into every game for defense and he can come into every game to pinch run he’s got good speed like those are the types of things in Innings 7 eight that I’m always I’d be looking to utilize him every single game I just even after tonight’s home run which is great I don’t know that he is a starting caliber outfielder every day when it comes to what he does offensively so that would be maybe something that I could see you trying to do but once you get guys back from injury I don’t really know how you massage the roster I get the point that beefy wants to pick up some power I don’t know who you pick up or where you put that player in your lineup like you’re not sitting Paul Goldman you’re not sitting ronado other than a game here and there for prolonged stretches you’re not doing it Gorman you’re not sitting right he is the power if he’s playing well and he hasn’t been he’s sat tonight but he’s not you know the Cardinal are going to need him if this thing’s going to go where they want it to go Cardinals are going to need him so you know those are sort of the the the questions that I would have when you are looking at as I want to adjust my laptop screen here a little bit when you’re looking at the power of this offense it has to come from the guys that currently aren’t supplying it but those aren’t guys that you’re going to put on the bench so I don’t think there’s a a guy out there that you go get I don’t know what position that guy plays I don’t know what that looks like and I just don’t see the Cardinals adding a middle order bat because they they would almost have to trade away from their roster to do it maybe you do maybe you you know I’m not trying to pick out a name but maybe you take a like I don’t think they’re trading Alec Burleson but it would be something like that where you’re trading a young guy that’s got control team control and and trying to almost upgrade but you’re playing with fire if you do that because Al might be one of your better hitters you just don’t know so I don’t really think offense is going to be in the cards very much other than maybe upgrade the bench maybe get a guy that can play some different positions but can hit a little bit better than what they’re getting from like a fine at this point I I think more so it’s going to be what does that number five starter look like what does the bullpen look like those are the biggest spots to me at the deadline and it kind of stinks to just feel like you’re going to hold your breath and pray that the offense improves but I don’t know barring like a really bold multiplayer trade that moves somebody from this offense that’s in the big leagues I don’t really know what they do to to improve it Steven hates to say it for fear of jinxing but watching wind feels like watching MJ play in college we’re seeing the rise of an athlete who may never stop elevating to the moment exhilarating uh I mean that’s high praise for talking Michael Jordan but but Mason wi is a dude and uh he’s going to continue to show that I think for a long long time in St Louis Steph wants to know another Steven is when in Burley the future faces of the Cardinals over the next 10 to 15 years the next homegrown Stars maybe more could be added to that but mainly those two proving it now when definitely I think is I think he already is is elevating to that point burles we’ll see I’m not convinced of that yet but I do like Alec Burleson Brett another member comment biggest takeaway is our players might have much play might not have much playing time when others get healthy C pz Herrera even Dylan are kind of the only ones other than win right now contributing yeah I mean you get you some spells from Brennan Donovan and some spells from some different guys uh but certainly it’s been lean overall offensively but how about that weekend for Pedro pz and to do it on Father’s Day his dad in the house really cool stuff and continuing to do a nice job tonight throughout a runner stealing like he’s the guy behind the plate until further notice until Wilson gets back I think Herrera should mostly just be dhing for right now best part of the game was when pz threw the runner out and then did the little finger gun zero Aura I loved it I didn’t see the finger gun I got to check that out Einstein Nick said the manager is wearing the bullpen out push the starters closer to 100 pitches they’ve overused Romero and krid um look I understand the the premise The Narrative is that they’ve overworked the bullpen I don’t know for sure that it’s quite to the degree that a lot of people have have said so or have felt so about it this year but I understand that that is sort of the concern but I would also submit that look these guys are on the team and their value is to be on the mound and Pitch are are you running the risk at times of burning out a relief pitcher of course you know that’s something that is is a tale as old as time in baseball but I also look at it and really do think that you know they’re there to pitch and so there’s going to be some element of of I I just think those guys are going to I’m trying to find the number of pitches if I can find this and sort this by reliever versus starter I can tell you updated where some of these Cardinals are in the ter in terms of number of pitches because if we’re talking about burning out relievers I think a good way to decide that is all right how many pitches have they thrown let’s count them how many pitches have they thrown relative to what everybody else in baseball is doing maybe that’s a reasonable way to look at it and so I’m I’m trying to find if I can locate exactly where some of the the Marquee Cardinals might be in that category you might be surprised to learn that JoJo Romero is 74th in baseball in pitches thrown that’s not a reliever that’s been burnt out to me that’s a guy who’s throwing and there’s two whole teams worth of relievers in terms of like the guy who throws the most on that team and the guy who throws the most on the next team all 30 teams twice over before you get to Jojo Ryan Fernandez has thrown more pitches than Jojo and nobody’s talking about burning out Ryan Fernandez so to me I think it’s overblown um if there’s a moment in the season where the guy is obviously been ridden kind of hard so he loses some Effectiveness on his pitches that’s different but I I don’t look at the manager and say oh how could he not know well look they’ve managed it because he’s not even in the top 70 in pitches thrown from MLB relievers and krid I think is even lower than that so I understand it I get the point of it I think it’s a little bit misplaced and it’s just a little bit easy to look at say oh he gave up a homer must mean he’s overworked no sometimes you you get beat because the guy on the other side’s trying to beat you too but Matt mentions good for Ryan Fernandez hell yeah it was impressive I got taking sunny out says grave of Einstein jazz really good against him Sunny had not looked as dominant as you would expect to be with that line especially toward the end it seemed like he started to wear down a little bit and the that’s what CRA cracks me up about the comments I see on Twitter where people say oh Ollie doesn’t manage with his eyes he’s just managing with the analytics it’s like the literal opposite of that to see okay sunny gray is wearing down a little bit here’s the spot of what’s happened in the game today here’s how Jazz Chisum is taking ABS against him it’s a lefty Lefty we just need to get this one out from JoJo Romero and maybe he pitches the eigh as well maybe not who knows but or pardon me the ninth as well but this is just the spot where we could we can get that Lefty Lefty match up and be done you’re not counting on jojo to walk him and that’s the one thing he couldn’t do you’d rather him get homered off of so you can regroup with the bases empty against De La Cruz but he walked him and it’s an execution Mistake by JoJo Romero but JoJo Romero’s had a really good season for the Cardinals and those things are going to happen it was just a brutal time for it it was a brutal moment for that to happen to Jojo we can get to 60 likes and I bet even beyond that Big Mac number 70 I think we can get there Bren says H everyday Dylan # everyday Dylan I almost started saying happy but the last name was Harper that was my bad got the job done says Brent doesn’t matter how it’s over lfg and Tim a lot of people are saying the trium is being overused but what if the league is figuring them out and they’re in the middle of adjusting absolutely and Ryan Hy has been adjusting for a couple of weeks now and I still don’t think he’s quite there but he hasn’t blown any saves during it the one time he blew a game was when it was tied in the ninth inning last Tuesday about a week ago almost at this point in the paulski miles michelos game he gave up runs in the top of the ninth but there was nobody uh there was tie game it was not a lead so it’s not a blown save but to to be able to get away with the struggles he’s had a little bit with fastball command his slider’s been really good and he’s been able to kind of make it through Brian is doubting that Trevor Bower could have made that throw and I uh yeah Trevor Bower is not uh still noticing he’s not on an MLB team so what is uh with the seemingly early polls of our starts at like 70 or 80 pitches unless Sunny explicitly has to come out tonight like he has before he should have finished the inning in my opinion yeah Brett and that’s another member chat I look I do think that I would have kept sunny in there unless there was something like you said where he asked to come out but he did look like he was wearing down and Brett it’s always going to be game situation I I don’t necessarily agree that you could make the claim that oh Oli marmel is always taking pictures out too early just as does like a general rule and say that’s a tendency that he has I think he’s always eagerly hunting down the matchups late in games Innings 78 n he’s hunting it down so if you have a bad matchup for a starter who’s now seeing a guy in a lineup for the third time maybe even the fourth time by then that is typically where I think Oli marmel tends to to make the move because he’s got weapons that he can deploy in the bullpen and so that’s the reason for it a lot of times recently that’s come with pitch in the 70s or ‘ 80s and it looks a little bit weird but it’s happening sometimes after seven Innings even in the eighth tonight it happens that a starter’s done his job at that point and so you can even be a little bit more aggressive I think in the mind of the manager to say this is a spot where we can exploit the matchup better than what Sunny gray has been able to exploit so far tonight against Jazz Chisum on base three times had a triple two for two with a walk you make the move and you hopefully don’t walk him you’re not but but like you’re not going in I understand this from mly too when you bring JoJo into that game you’re not doing so with the mind that well what happens if he walks him then it’s a bad match up against De La Cruz which not even really because deor Cruz has a lower Ops for the season and for his career against lefties rather than righties lower slug as well it’s just one of those things that he got beat but I think that’s why you look at the spot and go if he gets his man there’s no problem and Lefty unley he’s usually getting his man the problem comes when he walks the guy it’s not it’s uncharacteristic from Jojo and it was a terrible spot to to do it but you’re not as a manager going all right but if he walks him then the tying runs up well sure that’s true regardless of who’s on the mound but I think they really like the matchup better with JoJo which is probably why it didn’t even get pursued that much um Allie really he said he thought about taking him out before the eth but given that he was thinking about taking him out before the eighth and talked about that at some length after the game the question didn’t really need to be asked well why did you take him out in the middle of the eth well everything I just said plus the matchups dictated that I should do I agree with it no did Sunny it doesn’t sound like he did this time but I also didn’t have I don’t think it necessarily would have cost them the game like I I just look at that and say do I disagree with the decision I do I can see both sides of it though and it certainly didn’t pan out because of Jojo walking his man that’s his Lefty to get and he didn’t do it so that’s where you run into trouble and David adding that he did seem a little upset about being taken out considering his postgame comments I agree with you at one point to end the presser to end the availability with the media at his locker they were kind of asking more about his thoughts on being taken out and on you know what he was trying to do finish the game okay and he basically said I’m not really going to say any more than that like I’m not going to get put into a spot where I say something regrettable that that makes it look like there’s Discord between myself in the manager and there’s not because if there was Sonny Gray would say it right so did he agree with the decision I don’t think he did I think you’re right I don’t think he did agree with the decision to be taken out he wanted to finish the game but at the same time it’s you know you’re in the eighth inning they have a matchup against a guy that’s killed you all night and they can throw a lefty at him I understand the decision you know it would I probably would have left him in personally but I also understand the decision what I don’t like is it’s his man on on second base when you walk the next guy now the tying run is at the plate and sunny I think should have been given the opportunity to get the tying run to the plate like if he wants Chism or Chism gives up gives up a bomb to Chism or a hit to Chism now the tying runs at the plate that’s where you have to step in maybe is the manager but when the tying run is not at the plate and you pitch that well I think you kind of and you’re at the pitch count that can allow for it I think you’re kind of in a spot where I would side with the the starter and say until the ti tyan runs even at the plate nothing bad can happen right you can give up a homer nothing bad can happen you’re still in the lead when you leave the game that might be and maybe that’s a stupid way to look at it but mentally that’s how I cataloged it personally Aaron says definitely becoming a trend that Sunny is generally effective for 80 pitches he’s really good then seems like the tank just runs dry yeah he he does not have that 100 pitch I don’t think um you know that 100 pitch workload that’s going to be automatic some guys do some guys don’t you just you notice it more with some guys than others he pitched into the eighth though think about the number of up downs that is the long inning before that where he was uh out there for a while and then you sit for a while it’s just I understand it but I I also see your point that it’s kind of been in that 80 pitch range where you start to look for him to to wear down a little bit uh thank you in big time to Jen who went with the uh the Super Chat I don’t know what that is if that’s a crying fox or a cat what it is but it’s funny um thank you Jen for the Super Chat Allison what a game indeed uh appreciate you for being here as well uh the grave of Einstein says I like bunting but not if it is for a hit or but only if it is for a hit autocorrected to the exact opposite epic yeah you got to learn this stuff if you’re going to be a member now and I’m going to read your chats because you’re green on the uh on the screen it’s all good and uh Jen nice of you to welcome the grave of Einstein to the uh bave daily gang to the membership uh David says really want Jordan Walker to come back him and win bring a fun youthful Swagger and of course they’re good buddies uh Jordan Walker has had better numbers over the course of this month of June in tripa Memphis um but still for the season down there only a 718 Ops he’s got two homers um both of them have come more recently look I think you can bring him up at any time honestly now but when you think about who’s coming back uh like I said Newar not soon Edmund I would set the over under on Edmond at July 1 and I’d probably take the over uh I think his rehab although it’s about to begin is going to take a while and wilsonr is coming back back so Outfield wise where do you put Jordan Walker do you confidently take him out of the lineup instead of or put him in there instead of say Donovan and Burleson and Carlson you know I just don’t know that every day that that’s going to be something that they’re ready to do unless Walker is really forcing the issue but David I think long term even when I say long term I don’t mean like the next 10 years I mean like down the stretch this year Jordan Walker is going to play a huge role on this team it’s just a matter of waiting for that opening finding it and then if he gets that chance really taking advantage of it Allison was very funny with the bombs away tonight uh with C70 but of course she said I picked the wrong inning for Mason win I mean I should have known that it was going to go into the 12th yeah I gave her trouble for that on Twitter too you got to know it’s going to go 12 Innings Alison you got to be better than that but she adds a hashtag every day Dylan uh Robert does not like DC every day but I think for the time being it there is a reason to continue to keep him in there and see if you can’t build on it but hey everybody can disagree and that’s okay Caleb welcome in the Cardinals pitching has just been awesome lately consistently coming through in tough spots both the pen and the rotation yeah Sunny was great uh I know we kind of poo poo miles Michel sometimes but if you look at his numbers over the last 10 starts nine of them have been really good at least a quality start if not maybe a little better because some of those shorter outings when he goes five innings but only gives up a run or goes five and 2/3 gives up two I’ll take that over quality start that is a six and three any day because I think this Cardinal Bullpen although you want to get deep although you’d like to be able to make sure you are uh not leaving them Overexposed in in too many cases I also would look at it and say you know I’m I’m raing you go one run two runs than three right so for for Miles michelas nine of 10 have been really strong and now the ra is down to four and a half I don’t know if he can get it below four but the consistency that he’s brought should not go unnoticed he’s been really solid recently uh official PJ oh no it’s gone official PJ I promise you man I was trying to read your comment and I have not been able to find it yet uh but heart of the order mentions I was waiting for somebody to to see this I’ve got the sunny gray hat on the bed back there somewhere where did I find it it was a new era like if you Google like mint gum gum wrapper some kind of New Era special thing it sold the night that Sunny wore that hat I was like I can’t wear Cardinal hats because I’m not a Cardinal fan I’m a cardinal reporter I’m a writer I’m I’m not I I don’t blur those lines um for professionalism right but I said I have to have the Hat someday I’ll be glad I had that hat so I can sit it up behind me if I can I know my hat rack is gnarly in the corner but if I can get a shelf and I can make it look really nice behind me that’s just a cool hat to have on there so yes heart of the order you you spotted it I think you were the first one to mention it but that is exactly what that hat is and it’s really cool it’s it’s uh I like I said I saw a sunny wearing it I’m like I probably got to have that hat and somebody put it in a link on Twitter and I’m like all right we’re buying it we’re doing it and it sold out the next morning so I was glad I did hash Bly booy summer that’s from Brett uh scrolling up because I was really trying to find official PJ’s comment here it is even though Goldie hasn’t hit well this year his defense has been good good pick to end it yeah he bailed arado out there no no question about it Dale said the throw was so shocking that I didn’t even make a sound that’s pretty good that’s pretty good that’s a fun reaction uh the CB Buckner crew is never good yeah they had some issues tonight didn’t they they did have some issues tonight J call says been waiting for them to get over the hump for months and now they are guys are returning I’ll say we’re back J call thinks the Cardinals are back you heard it here first cardiac cards is another comment Dempsey hello I don’t think I’ve seen Dempsey on here before if the offense takes off seven over by July I’ve called it yeah man the offense is really all they’re missing right now getting starts from Sunny where he’s going seven plus miles is going seven from time to time um you know Palante I think I thought they should have left him in in the fourth inning there on Saturday we had a whole conversation about that on bsha daily I’m not saying he is just Bonafide your number five starter but let’s see what it looks like and maybe give him a little bit of credit and see him work through a spot like that would have been my preference but Palante has had more good more good than bad so far from him and thead rotation so we’ll see on that front um who am I forgetting Sunny Lance Lynn that’s the one guy that you probably are wanting to see a little bit more from Kyle Gibson that’s the other guy uh who really unfortunately on the bement list I don’t know the circumstances of that uh but hope everything’s okay with him and his family um obviously going through something there but Wednesday is is he’s supposed to return off of the list to be able to pitch his normal rotation start on Wednesday so um he’s been fantastic just a great signing by Mo but Lin Linn’s the one guy that I think needs to step it up a little bit he’s had three starts in a row not getting through five uh it would be big for him to be able to do it his next time out but yeah Dempsey the offense if you can keep this rotation and even right now I would say the bullpen is is playing with fire at times but more often than not they’re still getting away with it the offense is really all they’re missing and David points out that the offense can’t get much worse so it’s bound to get better good point and I do think you get contas back I think that there was like a gear that this team found when contras went down where they said nobody’s coming to save us it’s got to be us we have to do it ourselves and they kind of they pushed through and I think got a little bit of a jolt from Wilson going down it took him a minute to to catch that fire but they did and they went 12 out of 15 and then they kind of stalled out a little bit they’ve hung around a little bit below 500 for a couple weeks and now maybe a win like this after a weekend at Wrigley that you had maybe this is what could propel them to just get a little bit of distance between them and 500 get to three four games above 500 to where when you lose a series you’re you’re not back below 500 that’s just not a good place to be it’s where they’ve been for the most part the last 2 years and now it’s a spot where hopefully they’re able to sort of uh slowly but surely build up and look they’re they were the second Wild Card coming into today in the NL not the third the second the Padres had lost three in a row and had dipped below 500 coming into today and so the Cardinals were trailing only the Braves in that category and uh Padre’s lost again tonight so like right now if you just think about playoff stature and where the Cardinals are it sounds crazy but they’re in a pretty favorable spot when it comes to the Wild Card Standings and look it’s June so you don’t want to count yourself out from chasing down the Brewers in the division and I think it’s almost to a benefit to the Cardinals that they don’t play the Brewers for a while uh work on the games that you can win against the teams that you play and then when you’re good and ready those Brewers matchups are going to be there waiting and hopefully with with the Cardinals kind of going on a little bit of an uptick here maybe they’re within Striking Distance of 3 four five games in Milwaukee when those series happen and then you got to beat him head to-head there is no way to win this division without when you play the Brewers beating up on the Brewers and winning even two out of every three might not be enough although it would still help you might just need to dominate the Brewers and that’s your path back into the division but if you just think about wild card and that’s a viable way because let me be honest with you winning the NL Central this year probably not going to mean that much relative to just winning that top wild card spot which they’re probably not going to do either because the Braves are still few games up on you in that regard but only the top two teams in each League Division winners get to have the buy out of the Wild Card round that’s the Phillies and the Dodgers at this point right so the Brewers if the season ended today would be hosting the Giants for two out of three and the Braves would be hosting the Cardinals for two out of three right and those two winners will end up so one division winner basically has to play the Wild Card round anyway that’s probably going to be the central winner so if you’re the Cardinals wild card is not the worst thing in the world but I do think they’re going to have to add ahead of the deadline in order to have a a strangle hold on a wild card because right now you’re looking at the Giants they’re in that spot the Padres have dropped out the Nationals have won eight of their last 10 and three in a row they’re just on the outside looking in right now there’s a lot of teams within a couple games of the Cardinals I mean everybody on down through the the Reds and cubs which interesting to see the Cubs still losing I mean the Mets have passed the Cubs which that they’ve won six in a row they’re back in the conversation it took something like that for the Mets to do it but now it seems that they’ve done it so they’re in the conversation too it’s a big mass of humanity the Cardinals just need to keep taking care of these types of games and then they’re playing the Giants they’re playing some of those teams that they’ll be vying for wild card spots against it’s just going to be important to continue to take the take the wins that they can get I really do think it’s got to come from the offense though improving they’re going to have to find it offensively or it’s not going to be sustainable that is just the way I look at it appreciate you guys for watching let’s get to 70 likes I did say we’re going to wrap this up a little bit after 11:00 so I’ll try to sail through the comments I do have to give uh priority on the comments to channel members uh because I do want to incentivize people to join the channel it definitely helps my uh my my channel my career as I continue to to push a lot of my energy into putting out these podcasts and doing YouTubes and and things of that nature um but let’s go ahead and just keep diving back into the comments Micah what do you think about giving more leverage spots to Libby JoJo seems overused um I won’t touch on the overused cuz I already kind of gave my thoughts on that but 100% agree Micah Libby to me has been dominant I mean he’s been really good as a lefty out of the pen since they took him out of the rotation and frankly I do think that I would trust him with there’s not a spot I wouldn’t give to Libby remember when the Astros were were uh the opponent down there in Houston liur got the the first opportunity against yon Alvarez totally felt good about that he has not allowed a run since leaving the rotation in late May and I just think a guy like that like why wouldn’t you be using him more why is it that he’s only pitched eight times since May 27th which was the the first time that he was out of the rotation right like that’s and I guess that’s eight times in you know whatever it’s been 21 22 days I just think you could he’s been great he’s been really really good there’s not a lefty in the league that I wouldn’t say I would throw him out there I would give it a look there’s not a lefty in the league um Scotty appreciate you he says I got to bounce 5:00 a.m. and I need to go to work thanks for the live stream thanks Scotty you’ll be able to check up with uh how it ended up later on YouTube or on Spotify Etc but thank you for being a channel member Scotty you’re the uh your Aces my friend indeed um M mad said asked for updates on Riley O’Brien also how do you see Matts coming back with a fifth starter Fiasco in the trade deadline oh Brian I believe and I wish I had it off top of mind for you but with the team being on the road I did not go to the Chicago trip at Wrigley I will be there in August so I hope some some Cardinal fans who are there in August I would love to be able to say hello to you so we’ll talk more about that as it comes up but if you’re going up there try to remember that and and say yeah I want to say hello whatever uh would be a lot of fun I I don’t know offhand but I do know that Riley has been working toward rehab and I believe he wanted maybe an extra day of recovery more recently and so that’s sort of been the situation with him um it doesn’t look like I see an article from an Alabama site talking about that he uh he has not pitched recently in Birmingham but would like to return there to rickwood field evidently he pitched for Montgomery the last time there was a rickwood classic in Birmingham so that’s kind of fun but it does seem unlikely that he’ll be ready by Thursday but within the next week or two could Riley be back I would say yes to that I would just have to double check on the the newest information clay welcome to the be shave daily gang clay has sh signed up for the membership uh to the channel which gives you you know some different things during the live chat uh you obviously get the special color to your name um a few different demarcations on the channel and you’re helping support the channel so appreciate you clay for hopping on uh Greg says what a game could really use a blowout win tomorrow yeah one of these days the Cardinals could use that kind of win where the offense just scores eight or nine and doesn’t matter who’s on the mound that guy’s throwing 80 90 100 pitches just to try to get deeper into the game and you don’t have to to sweat it out with your top relievers that’s uh definitely something that the Cardinals could use and they’ve been waiting for it for a while Joe thinks the Cardinals are back that’s uh it’s a good attitude to have this would have been a terrible loss according to Micah because the Marlins were trying to give this game away Mason and Carlson quickly made this actually feel like a good win I agree with you it would have felt really gnarly to lose this game and not the good kind of gnarly at all J call agreeing that the Cardinals need another starter Matt says do they what do they do with pz and Herrera when Willie comes back great question I’ll dive into this for a couple of minutes here and then I’ll really try to to scoot to the end of the questions um when it comes to pz right now he’s the guy defensively he’s starting every game it’s not even really a platoon he’s the starter and Herrera is going to play because he’s a good hitter and so he’s going to DH a decent amount but when it comes to defensive Acumen it’s p has by a mile and and he showed off the throwing arm a little bit tonight his game calling has been really good and I don’t want to knock herrera’s ability behind the plate in that regard but pz is a major Plus in that category whereas I think you could just say Herrera has been solid serviceable uh we could be complimentary but his throwing arm has been uh obviously a problem because guys can run freely against him and that cannot be an environment that pitchers are very comfortable throwing in when you know that hey if you allow a base runner it’s probably a double or maybe it’s a triple it’s something he’s got to work on it’s got to be his only focus in the offseason the Cardinals have always really liked his Bat they needed him to make strides remember a couple of summers ago yotti was injured and we saw some Herrera and it went so poorly that they sent him down for Austin Romine and that guy came up and he was he was just a body to to fill but they needed more veteran experience they didn’t trust Herrera he’s made significant strides since then in his work as a catcher but but the the running game is really challenging right now for him and that’s why think you have to have pz in there now that being said when Wilson comes back he’s the everyday catcher so whose bat do you value more between Herrera or pz probably Herrera but pz has also done a nice job at the plate and I still think you you would like to have him around for defensive purposes but it’s not as much of a need if Wilson’s catching five out of every seven right so I don’t really know the answer right now I would say you’re getting more utility out of both pz and Herrera than you are Jose fine which I feels kind of tough to say because fine has been great when he’s been with Memphis he keeps coming up and kind of getting buried on the bench they tried to give him a look tonight in the starting lineup and they even batted him number two to really try and uh force the issue there and he went one for three but just not a lot of productivity but it’s hard I mean when you’re that guy you’re just looking for a shot you’re looking for a chance and Fir Meine hasn’t had much of a chance it’s just going to be one of those things that I think he’s going to have to perform without much opportunity in order for them to gain him more consideration but pz and Herrera I think both have their functions I’m just I’m not convinced that the Cardinals are going to see the value in in pz if he’s not catching every day when you need somebody that you can rely upon back there he’s your guy but if Wilson’s there that’s going to be his role and so what does it look like to have a third catcher how will they weigh those options um it it could be a decision that that makes itself right because if you have other injuries or other things take place it it may may make it easier to keep three catchers but it’s a great question uh Matt I really don’t know the answer to it I would say right now though I would keep all three and probably fine would be the guy that might go but then you’re going to have to make more decisions when Edmond comes back too and and then eventually Newar so it’s easier said than done to map that out right now it’s a very interesting question to follow Matt right now for me it’s that question and it’s the Gian gagos question that are the most interesting to the Cardinals and the Geo thing is going to be resolved first because he’s going to come up within the next couple of days off the ilil and we’ll see in his first outing how he looks uh kilio says I think Gio has had quote his day in STL don’t expect him to give us Much Anymore yeah and look he’s he’s been bad in a rehab assignment too if this isn’t a guy that had been here for five six years and had built up a lot of equity with the organization I think he’d be DFA off of the iil like I because let’s be real yes he might have had that shoulder impingement but he only went on the iil because of his performance he was performing poly and so they were looking for okay what’s the reason that he’s going on the because for a while they insisted health is fine health is fine health health is fine so Health couldn’t have been fine that whole time and if it was was it ever not fine and it was just the reason that they had to put him on the iil you know you can make your own determinations on what you think about that but I think they were just trying to find him some space some rest and then to be able to attack the things he needed to fix and it didn’t happen his zra and Rehab is 11 you know it was 12 in the big leagues if goo comes back and is bad I don’t think there can be a very long leash I think they would have to just go ahead and make the unfortunate business decision very quickly but it’s a hard thing with a guy that’s got that much Equity to do it before even letting him come back because he struggled in his rehab but you know is that maybe the right business decision it could be but I think they’ll give Gio one last shot it just cannot be in a game that’s close you just can’t right now he struggled too much for that so we’ll see what ends up happening there Kio but I agree um um it’s you know it’s looking kind of Bleak for our guy right now Chuck says pitching pitching pitching and FF asked if we’re going to question OE tonight well we already talked about it at length the decision to pull sunny and Monday is asking about it as well um we talked about it look I would have done it differently I would have kept sunny in there especially after hearing his postgame comments which were not very fruitful at all he didn’t really want to throw anybody under the bus he didn’t want to say there was Discord or he disagreed with the decision but he did say that he really had the mindset that he wanted to finish the game so I don’t think that is is a circle that is squared by getting taken out after 84 pitches sounds like he would have rather been in there sounds like it was not a case at least according to the senses I got watching the postgame that he was wanting to be taken out was asking for it as has happened other times I don’t think that’s what he did tonight so I I understand it I would have done it differently I also like what I boiled it down to is I would have changed changed what they did because of the fact that Chism was not even the tying run if you’re pitching that well you get the opportunity as the Ace of the staff to unless you’re asking out of the game which I don’t think he did you get the opportunity to at least wait until the tying run is at the plate and then until that until D La Cruz came up that wasn’t the case so that is why I disagree with taking him out but I also understood it because Chisum was two for two with a walk against Sunny gray also had a triple he had his number that night and oi marmal said we’ve got this guy available in the pen um if anything man I would probably I want to see Libby in some of those spots it doesn’t always have to be Jojo and that’s something that I think OE does need to make an adjustment not because it’s an anti- joojo take it’s a pro Libby take you could be having an Andrew Miller type of weapon out there for you and I don’t think he’s getting enough run just me personally uh Trevor makes the point that the power at the deadline comes from Jordan Walker if he gets right and uh that could be where it comes from because there’s a way to get him in there zne what’s up well here right-handed bench bat would be nice Matt you’re 100% right two good comments from Matt tonight uh David says trade RN out and gold smith for young controllable players that’s not how it works David I appreciate the thought but it’s just not how it works man um neither ronado or Goldie or performing right now if those guys were performing as MVP caliber guys you could do that but you also wouldn’t do that because you’re a contending team the Cardinals are not making sell moves for controllable players they are going to be buying to try and add to the team if you want to make the case that Burleson would be a better first baseman to the team and Goldie make the case I I I I think they’re going to write it out with Goldie and arnado this year in a a winning window they’re going to try to win this year they’re not trading away Veterans for future pieces um I think this is from the the grave of Einstein I think if they’re going to add anything it’s Bullpen help at the deadline they were going to rely on Middleton to come in and solidify things but now that his season’s over they need a guy like that they do they need their Middleton um and he still has more for more war than Phil maton by the way the Phil maton crap over the offseason was some of the dumbest things that ever happened on Cardinal’s Twitter and I I am proud to have never gotten involved in in it at much level at all I just didn’t understand like is it because he’s kind of local what’s the reason that everybody was obsessed never got it um I’m not anti- the guy but it was like come on relax Jeff said taking him out was a good call I’d rather have him more refreshed in September possibly October it is a marathon not a Sprint appreciate that thought Jeff that’s a good point uh Jen wants you to be like Einstein and join the gang makes you smarter David says turn the game off after the eth to play putt putt thought we had it in the bag was shocked by the score when I finally looked at my phone David there’s nothing wrong with that though playing a little putt putt I’d like to go play some golf or some putt putt sometime soon it’s been a minute for me and I need to get back out there uh Dempsey said the cards sure win ugly but it wins a win uh yeah and this is a good point they made it on the postgame 21- 12 in the last 32 games yeah Dempsey I heard that as well that is the best record in baseball over that stretch now that’s a little bit of an arbitrary end point like why 32 well they chose the stat because that’s the stat that makes it look like they’re the best team in baseball over that stretch but it’s true they are so that’s that’s something right they’ve had stretches in in between that where it hasn’t looked so good but I think largely they’re playing Better Baseball it’s undeniable at this point they have got to hit it’s still going to be the thing that decides their season in my opinion and Stephen thank you for reposting a comment that I didn’t get to earlier because sometimes I just scroll past him like I know somebody too asked about stevenh mats I didn’t really address it yeah matz is rehabbing and he’s going to come back and he’s going to take Palante spot because Palante is kind of the the Forgotten man right now and he’s he’s probably going to go back down to Memphis but at least they know that if they need another guy Palante is there to at least be serviceable um but do I think that Matts is for sure going to be better than Plante I don’t I think I’d rather I’d rather take my bets on Plante right now but they’re they’re not going to do that right they’re going to have Matt have a chance to win his spot back and there have been moments where mattch has been really good but they they have not been consistent moments so we’ll see if he can string them together uh but Stephen I’ll get to your reposted question now as we we begin to wind this down in the next 5 to 10 minutes um I I cannot stay for too much longer but appreciate you guys and the enthusiasm you have had for tonight’s podcast um it’s been great hopefully YouTube doesn’t screw me on the money here um I did say I was going to get to it let me find it I got a scroll forward Stephen does the value pz brings to catching mean that when Wilson comes back could he be the daily catcher Wilson dhes um Ivan back down to triaa due to the pure defensive production I like Ivan could get sent down I don’t think that it’s going to be P’s daily Catcher And and he unseats Wilson I do not believe that comes I think you could see if pz remains on the roster I think you could see Wilson catch four times a week pz two Herrera one maybe but that’s also getting a little bit dicey like would they really want to have three catchers see regular playing time but you also don’t want at this stage of his career Herrera to just be a DH so maybe they do send him down his offense is the thing that can keep Herrera up right because that’s going to be his main calling guard but if he starts to struggle at the plate and pz is heating up at the plate I could see them say hey Herrera this is your chance to play every single day in Triple A for like even just up until the All-Star break and then we’re going to bring you back but you’ve got to work on the throwing it has to be a priority and something he can do at a lower level I don’t think it’s a crazy thought I not saying it’s going to happen but I also could understand Jason do you think the team is going to fall apart when Gio and mats come back no I don’t think they’ll be put into a spot where they’ll be allowed to fall apart because of Gio they’re going to be very careful about where they put him at first it’s like it’s going to be like he’s a guy coming up from Triple A that has to prove himself like Roy Croft when he first came up you’re getting those low leverage spots for a little while in my opinion um and Matts look it I I don’t I I think you are willing to make a move on Matts if he struggles like if he doesn’t pitch well I don’t know that they’re just going to let him right off for the rest of the season in that five spot but his numbers hadn’t been terrible until he got hurt and then I think the numbers the back really started to deal and uh it was a problem for for Steven matz so we’ll see but no I don’t think they’re going to fall apart when those guys guys come back Adam wants to know or he finally says Walker is finally sweet spotting the ball while hitting for power yeah he’ll come up soon if I I would set the over under at Allstar break and I’d probably say a little bit before but where is he going to play those are going to be questions as well Allison I did not get a city connect Jersey um I just don’t I don’t wear Cardinal stuff so I don’t really buy it The Hat was a different thing though it’s a snapback too it’s a golf hat it’s just really cool I had to buy it um the Chipmunk of Tik Tok say that they listen to my show Daily thanks well I’m glad that you do that Chipmunks of Tik Tok maybe you can teach me how to do Tik Tok because I have not to this point been able to figure it out the other thing I haven’t been able to figure out is MLB the Show streaming um one issue I have is my T-Mobile internet you won’t believe me that this is real but it is I cannot play online games against other people with T-Mobile internet unless I reset my whole thing and sometimes it works sometimes it doesn’t it’s a well-known thing with MLB the and T-Mobile internet and Spectrum just sent me a a new like like offer for like cheap internet I might go back to Spectrum just so I can play the show but also I would worry that it would mess things up for my radio show and these live streams we’ve been pretty good knock on wood with T-Mobile internet on the live streams and I would hate to go back and mess that up but anyway I’m working on the streaming ml be the show thing I almost did it last week but it was so slow the settings were wrong I still have to Tinker with it it some more but that’ll be on the YouTube channel as well once I do it it’ll be on here uh let’s see here Brewers behind in the eth that was the update from a couple of minutes ago let me check out what’s going on there and they did end up losing so that’s that’s helpful with the Cardinals as well uh yep ronado Scott points out 0 for six tonight one Homer and 56 ABS it’s been rough for him still and it’s kind of been the story of his season uh Snips says beside the shaky bullpen which I would say the bullpen not shaky it’s actually a strength but I understand your point when they’re always like is ring housing or Ryan Franklin or Dave vering just like trying to find a way to blow it um but the Cardinals keep finding a way to win can’t wait for Wilson and Tommy to get back yeah Tommy again if if Michael CI is OPS in 525 Tommy comes back and ops’s 690 that’s a stark Improvement and I still think he plays good Center as well so that could end up being a difference clay says missed a great game again glad to see you still recovering well from the driveby shooting Brendan yeah that was something um I won’t talk any more about that tonight but that we can get into that another time I’m glad we’ve got good stuff to talk about now heck yaak clay and thank you for uh for hopping on board man appreciate you red birds wants to see Nat get going that would help him him or Goldie you get one of those guys going it ends up being huge uh Brian love the take that Thomas Goan had on getting guys back from the iil it’s like making a huge trade for position players and with the guys that they are going to be getting back could be a huge bump yeah people make fun of Mo for like oh it’s just like making a trade it’s not really that Mo actually says that but you can look at this point and say that is like making a trade to get Wilson back it’s not that Mo gets credit for the trade it’s just that the lineup’s going to be better with Wilson in it that’s a given uh Matt said how could I forget Austin Romine clay thank you once again man uh love the channel love our Birds he says so keep the momentum going thank you for hopping on as a channel member for sure uh yep fine was one for three B Wells that’s true better than Nat tonight Nat struggled JN said why not let fine play back up short stop get rid of Crawford especially with Edmond coming back um they look there have been opportunities if they wanted him if they wanted Jose fine to play back up short stop he would have played it by now would you believe me if I told you he’s never played Short Stop in the big leagues once not a singular time I think that stat is still true it was as of earlier this year and I don’t remember that they have brought him in at all so look they don’t want him in that spot they don’t think he’s got the arm for it whatever the case might be um and I’ll say this about Brandon Crawford like he’s been playing a lot better the numbers since May 12th 1079 Ops he’s Ops in over a thousand granted that’s 17 plate appearances but like Brandon Crawford has actually shown some juice and he was one for one with two walks yesterday before he left the game with a with a cramping issue I believe it was um I’m no longer on that bandwagon of like Get Brandon Crawford out of here no way I mean he’s he’s actually producing when he’s out there so uh no I would I would say for me backup shortstop is not something I’m on board with right now Jackson is it too soon to buy World Series tickets it’s never too soon always buy them just spend the money can’t take it with you right uh Klay is not in on Crawford either but again go look at those box scores clay I mean he’s been playing a lot better recently I understand he had a really bad start but it’s he’s coming he’s coming around uh Einstein was talking about the W Go stuff as well being crazy in the off season yeah I was a little bit more thinking that that would have been something that made sense but you know that’s cuz I thought the Cardinals scouted uh the the Korean leagues and the Japanese leagues well apparently they do because they didn’t go head over heels to sign go and he was bad uh Hector nerys is another one that is uh has not panned out from the off season a lot of relievers that we thought was uh you know that we thought were were palatable options that didn’t get signed and it happen uh Simon thank you for the super chat but don’t be sad about Jordan Walker he’ll be back soon um but thank you Simon I do appreciate the the Superman I’m trying to like it there you go put a heart on you thanks brother Spencer I remember Crawford being a menace against the Cardinals in the NL Championship yeah he was and he’s he’s playing okay now we can we can give him a break we can give Brandon Crawford arrest because he’s actually every time he’s played he’s been good the last like five times okay it is 11:17 Neo thank you for watching man Spencer appreciate you pz may start to uh contend with contras defensively yeah he’s really good pz is very good defensively Allison W some predictions for tomorrow’s game and Jeff is talking about seeing Contreras later this week playing Memphis that’s going to be a lot of fun and he’ll he’ll probably be fun during a rehab game too let that personality shine through for the fans there Allison wants a predic for tomorrow and I am going to look up the matchup it is Lance Lynn going for the Cardinals against Roder Munoz I’ve never heard of this guy but he’s pitched five starts for the Marlins four and a half Ur averages a k per inning and I don’t think he’s probably faced the Cardinals much so I’m G to say I’m gonna say there’s probably an advantage to the Marlins because sometimes it seems like when the Cardinals face a guy that they haven’t really seen it tends to be the advantage to the pitcher but I’m checking real quick here to see if he’s faced the Cardinals because he did pitch a little bit last year no he is not so I’m GNA say look it offense has to do it Allison because tomorrow Lance ly’s probably G to go five and give up three runs um maybe this is the time where he really steps it up Cardinals have been waiting to see that from him but we’ll we’ll see Brian thank you for thanking me for the live stream uh Spencer says 3 to1 Cardinals win I said coming into the series that the Cardinals would win two out of three but the fact that they got the first one in Crazy fashion maybe they play loose tomorrow and they score some runs I am not ready to say that I see it yet though but I’ll I’ll be a homer for you guys and say they’ll win it another close one five to four and I don’t have extreme confidence in the Cardinal scoring five and I don’t have extreme confidence right now in Lance Lyn but if he goes five innings gives up four runs I guess the bullpen with Hesley probably available could keep it there uh you won’t have Fernandez you w to have krid it might be multi- Innings from Roy Croft and Ley tomorrow or maybe it’s Gio that’s the problem like I you can’t almost send out Ley for Gio tonight or tomorrow because what if you need somebody in a one-run game I’d rather have Ley right now than Gio so we’ll see but Allison that’s my answer that’s going to do it for this edition of the I said I’d be done at 11: I made it to 11:20 I got to as many chats as I could uh if I miss your chat I Spencer you put some on late man win is Elite 100% um if I miss some of your chats I do apologize join the channel membership it’s a way to guarantee I see your chats uh Jared hopping in to say he listens every day while mowing um yeah that’s that’s a way to do it man get yourself outside this summer do some mowing I need to do some more mowing I went on a walk today anyway that’s a way to make sure I see your comments a little bit more often but thank you guys so much for listening for watching for being a part of this all summer long uh it doesn’t end here so thank you guys that’s going to do it for this edition of the show we’ll talk to you next time on be sha daily and be sha daily live peace


  1. Great day all around. Cubs blew it 😂😂😂 Brewers lost and we finally got over 500. I swear i thought we were cursed when it came to getting over that hump

  2. It is time to say Mo nailed the pitch fix. We are a team with 2 stars who don’t have the juice but gritty, play by all of the young guys.

  3. DCs throw ranks up there with some of the Ankiel throws or that one Mark Whitten frozen rope. The timing of the game made it great too.

  4. If the Cards are saying they may be looking for a power-hitting right-handed outfielder isn’t that kinda like saying Jordan Walker isn’t that? There’s not really a point in renting a bay for Burly.

  5. The triumvirate is being overused. For relievers, I would offer that appearances are more reliable.

    Kitt is 9th in appearances, JoJo is 15th and
    Hels is 27th.

    Especially for Kitterage and JoJo.

    You could also argue that it’s the starters job to get us to 6, and they are paid to do that, too.

  6. Personally thought Gray should of been allowed to face one more batter. Though they gave up two leads I was happy to see the offense was able to step up and pull out the win. Team shows potential but is far from greatness. Notice that for a few weeks Goldy has hit consistently to right center. Now he is getting his timing and pulling to left more. Being he is a true hitter I believe he will get hot again.

  7. Brenden says JoJo is 70th most innings. I stead of comparing him to others perhaps compare him to himself, he is going to pitch more than he did last year by a lot.

  8. I’m glad they got the win but I still think it was a mistake to pull Sonny. Nevermind Chisholm but DLC was 0-3 on the night and the worst that could happen was to tie it up anyway. I used to pitch growing up and I hated getting pulled so I can only imagine how Sonny felt with the stuff that he’s got. Glad it worked out though.

  9. It was a very odd game. Listen Romero and anyone else in the bullpen can’t always be perfect. Think where we would be without Romero this year. Unless Gio is pitching incredibly well in the minors, which he isn’t, I believe we will need to DFA him. Too many other guys in our bullpen with better stuff than him.
    Here is a weird stat…the Cardinals are 1 of just 5 teams in the National League that have a winning record.

  10. It was an exciting game but I would have preferred not going 12 innings and allowing our Ace to actually be an Ace and let him finish the game. Would you ever imagine Wainwright being pulled in that situation? Or talking a true ace, Carpenter!?! Carpenter would have chock slammed Oli for even having the thought. 162 games. Give the bullpen some rest when your ace is at 84 pitches in the 8th!

  11. Why did marmol take out Grey with 2 outs in the 8th? It doesn’t make sense not to mention the batting order gets changed every game it seems like.

  12. They tried to lose the game a couple times, but a couple players wouldn't let it happen. Kudos to Carlson, Fernandez, Winn, Goldschmidt each one of you saved the game at the crucial moments. Hopefully it will inspire others to do the same.

  13. they still suck IMO. That was a game played by two teams begging to hand the W to each other. It just so happens the Cards were last in that exchange. Not convinced.

  14. Why is Lance Lynn in the rotation? He doesn’t go deep into games, walks too many, and gives up homers. He can’t hold a lead. Why is he here?

  15. Lynn is garbage we probably need two starters if your lucky maybe Lynn and pallenta can combine for one good start but my lord this is hard to watch

  16. One thing I haven’t heard mentioned regarding Gallegos is the pitch clock. I feel like he used to be a slow worker and once the pitch clock was introduced I feel like that’s when his performance really started to decline.

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