In this video I will be talking about the rotation of the forearms throughout the golf swing. A lot of people relate this topic to releasing the golf club. If you are wondering if there should or should not be rotation in your arms then this video is for you to watch. I will be using my own swing as an example to show what is happening relative to other professional golfers.

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so in this video I’m going to talk to you guys about kind of lead arm rotation I know a lot of people had questions on this and kind of think you don’t have to rotate your forarms much some people believe that you have to you definitely do have to rotate your forearms or superate it a little bit but I have a new version of the hack motion sensor that I’m going to use which gives you a new feature to measure how much your forums are rotating so I think this is really great to show you guys and I want to maybe show how I swing the club now I don’t really think about it too much um to be honest as long as I show you guys throughout my different clubs that I’m using my seven iron long irons woods and a driver maybe give you some insight as to what’s actually happening um as compared to maybe other golfers so this video is going to be more just to show you what I do in my swing what I’m kind of feeling and what’s actually happening in terms of that lead arm rotation just to give you guys a bit better perspective and like always if you guys want to send in your swings to me you can check out my online programs I’ll leave the link to the uh website in the description box below but if you send in your swings to me I can give you very specific drills for your Tendencies after I kind of go over an initial analysis of your swing I’m just going to go ahead and hit a few shots I’m going to see what the what the hack motion actually says and how I compare to their Benchmark and where most PJ tour Pros fall in okay and wherever I am I’m going to try my best to kind of adjust myself to get as close to the Benchmark as I can and along the way I’ll kind of explain what I’m feeling and how I’m adjusting in order for me to get there okay so this is kind of a a live demonstration more as to how I’m kind of practicing and maybe it’ll give you some insight as to how you can practice or or what you need to be feeling as well I’m just starting off with my seven iron okay so I’m going to hit a couple shots while I’m hitting I’ll kind of give you I’ll show the number of my lead arm rotation okay uh where it compares to the Benchmark so I’m just going to go ahead and hit a few and see where I’m at okay so pretty decent strike there so you can see a bunch of numbers on the screen here so if you just look at that the bottom column that’s basically when the shaft is kind of parallel to the ground coming into impact and um you can kind of see a positive 57° so a POS number it just means that my my my form lead form is kind of suating this way okay and um it’s saying that I’m over rotating it you know uh plus 23 degrees too much okay now through impact um I’m kind of under rotating it so I’m kind of not continuing to rotate it as much my timing in the back swing down swing and everything like that’s perfect for how how how much I’m rotating it which is good so first for me so it says I’m a bit too fast with it with the rotation let’s see what I what I can do it says I’m kind of over rotating from about this position into impact okay so I’m going to try to feel like I’m not really rotating it very much coming down and I’ll try to like feel like I’m rotating it more uh in the follow through just see what happens okay I pretty much did the exact same thing uh in the down swing P6 to p7 I did a bit better on the way through so that was pretty close um I’m still really fast with it let me just hit one where I’m just like completely holding it off okay like I I’m going to feel like I don’t rotate this form at all and then see what the numbers look like I really felt like I was just holding that off the funny thing is is like it doesn’t really read too differently I’m kind of under rotating it kind of at impact and maybe just a bit through impact I haven’t really changed uh what I’m doing coming down all right let me try it one more time but this this is good to show you guys because even though I feel like I’m not rotating anything in my forearms I still am rotating it you can kind of see it’s still turning over plus 60° and then through impact it’s still plus 70° so there there is forearm rotation in there so this is something that I I want to share with all of you view like if I literally try to not rotate it at all I I think I would probably shank it or like hit it so far right and I I’ll probably swing it much much slower as well so that last one I I literally felt like I wasn’t rotating it at all but yet it was still rotating or turning over so let’s try one I’m just going to really exaggerate this one like I’m going to feel like I’m not rotating it at all let’s just see what that looks like okay and see if I’m going to try my best to to change the numbers okay so all right let’s see it’s like literally this exact same thing like it’s really hard for me to change it that goes to show you like if if I don’t rotate it I I’m going I’m literally going to probably hit the wall over there okay which I don’t think I’m going to try to do let’s just [Music] see yeah okay maybe maybe slightly better coming down but you can now see if I’m really trying to kind of hold this off and and not get this lead arm to rotate at all you can see how far right I hit that right it literally hit the wall over there I’m going to do one more kind of not just doing my my normal swing again it’s pretty much the same um it looks like I’m pretty good at kind of keeping my wrist stable just through impact okay I don’t like have it turn over like really immediately through impact so I’m not someone that does this just after they hit the ball the shaft is leaning forward so I’m striking it and it kind of goes through pretty stable you can see my wrist doesn’t really do anything and then until much later my lead wrist starts to rotate if you are someone that is like really holding it off and is not really rotating it if you’re everything you you see on the numbers is under red literally then you definitely need to add some amount of rotation faster through impact okay but you definitely need to have a certain amount of shling so the shling is really important to keep the wrists really really stable if you’re hitting the shot with the shaft like straight up and down you I think you’ll see a lot more rotation so let’s let’s try one so I’m going to hit one literally trying to scoop the ball okay and then we’ll see how the numbers change so this one I’m going to scoop the absolute Max okay so you can see when I’m trying to scoop that kind of coming into impact I’m like really over rotated almost double the amount that I was before and you can see how much how left it was right that ball went really left because that that makes me want to close the face okay let’s try one more okay I like really tried to scoop that yeah plus 44 and that felt absolutely ridiculous I think I think for me I think just my timing is just really good I’m not really thinking about it but um for those of you who might not be able to time it as well like I can still hit the ball doing that but I literally felt like I was doing this you can see that if I do that if I get the this arm or the club to lean backward I’m going to like without thinking about it my lead arm is going to actually rotate a little bit early you can kind of see that okay so there’s still going to be rotation in there now what I did differently is you can see that my lead arm when it comes down right in order for me to get the club face to square it’s going to turn with my lead wrist kind of still a bit flexed okay and then on the way through it just kind of holds that off and then I start to get the club bed to pass my hands a little bit so that’s why it would read like I would hit the golf ball my wrist stay pretty stable until the club overtakes eventually that’s pretty much what I do with my seven iron so I’m going to go to a longer Club see if there’s any difference so next up I have my two iron we just hit a seven iron before going to go to a long iron then I’ll probably hit a wood and a driver just to show you guys if there’s any dramatic differences I don’t think there’s going to be any differences but I’ll just kind of go ahead and hit just so you guys can see it yeah I mean it’s pretty much the same this should answer a lot of people’s questions on like if long irons should be different than hitting a seven iron and not really right it it’s pretty much the same you should be having one swing that pretty much fits into all the clubs driver might be a little bit different right because of you know it’s the balls not on the ground anymore your setup’s a little bit different but swing mechanics should be pretty much the same throughout okay so I’ll hit one more see if it’s the same or not again pretty much the same that’s my two iron okay so wherever if if you guys uh just so happen to get this device and and measure yourselves based on where you’re at if you’re under rotating it which I doubt anyone would really under rotate it because then they wouldn’t be able to hit it anywhere and plus they would probably hit it so far to the right if you are under rotating it then again you just need to focus on adding you need to feel like you’re you’re getting this forearm to superate a bit more almost like the inside of your forearm would kind of a point more so to towards you guys right you don’t want to have your lead arm turned in so let me go to my three-wood now just to show you guys okay so three-wood going to go ahead and hit I’m actually really surprised because like I’m actually very very uh consistent with it it’s like the numbers are like very very close to being the same each time I I think is a good thing so again if if you’re really good at being having like the exact same numbers all the time that shows that there is consistency now if you are always changing okay you you at least want to try to do it one one way more so than the other okay but I would suggest it’d be better to have some amount of superation that lead arm okay if you’re especially if you’re if you’re struggling with like slicing golf ball having the club face open so I’ll go one more with my [Music] three-wood yeah pretty much the same kind of healed that a little bit but so now last but not least is the driver driver is where people think it has to be different right now I explained in a previous video I might leave that link in the description box below about driver release and things like that it’s pretty much the same now the only big difference right is that where where the longest Point forms with a driver versus an iron so we know that since it’s teed up with driver that longest point will form more so right at the golf ball okay with an iron you want that longest point to form just after impact okay so that would show you the difference between hitting down on it versus more level to the ground but that doesn’t mean that your wrists have to move really differently in any way okay so let’s go ahead and hit the driver yeah again very much the same I kind of heal that one a little bit let’s sit one more driver seems to be a hair faster that’s because I’m just trying to swing it really hard for me personally if I were to try to get exactly this like zero the with the numbers I would feel like I would swing it so slow okay that’s that’s my feeling like it would all feel so stiff right here if it was me okay it’s really important that you do have some amount of form rotation you don’t want to go try and eliminate it completely I don’t think it’s even possible to be honest if you tried this if go try your hardest to get rid of it 100% I don’t think you’ll be able to do it unless you want to hit it like 100 yards right okay so one more yeah again pretty much exactly the same so now you’ve seen me hit my seven iron my two iron my 3-wood and my driver pretty much I didn’t do anything different it was exactly the same for for all my clubs now it may change a little bit if I would to maybe try to flight it like if I hit lower I’d probably not want to release it as hard I’d probably like hold it off a little bit more but it’s you’re still going to have some rotation in there okay so again I hope this video just gives you a bit more perspective on what that lead arm is supposed to be doing you can see that the Benchmark with all PJ tour Pros they still all have that form rotation in there okay it’s it’s never gone 100% this video is just a a quick live demonstration just to show you guys but um hope it helps if you have any questions you can leave a comment down below and I’ll be happy to try and answer your questions


  1. Do you have a part of a song that plays when you hit irons or a driver? Driver – no rest for cross tops(topped drives) in my mind. On my own here we go." Brain stew, Green Day.

  2. Maybe on the backswing you open the face a little bit? This might explain the numbers.
    I’m not sure I would want this hack motion being a decent player. Lol

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