Golf Players

“This Is Why I Hit My Driver So STRAIGHT!” – Grace Kim

This week we spend time on the tee with one of the straightest drivers on the LPGA Tour Grace Kim! She discusses with us what makes her so accurate with her driver and shares some great drills that could make a huge difference to your game off the tee!

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0:00 – Intro.
00:21 – Grace Kim’s Driver Swing
01:55 – Grace’s NO.1 Backswing Drill!
03:17 – Commit to your shot!
05:02 – Grace’s Downswing
06:27 – How Grace Hits Her Driver Further

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today we are with Grace Kim one of the straightest hitters on the LPGA Tour and in this video she’s going to be sharing with you exactly how she does it plus she shares what we believe is the most important drill in golf let’s get to it okay grace we’re talking driving today you’re going to show us how it’s done and then hopefully give the viewers some some useful things that they can maybe think about with their game what are the important things with the driver for you let’s say you’re on the Range working at your game Y what are the key things that you would do any drills any thoughts that help you hit the driver as good as you do I always come back as a draw hitter I always come back to making sure I load into my right glutes in the back swing and then making sure I use the ground force on the way down to then move up so then I’m hitting up on the ball um that tends to give me a little bit extra distance as well so making sure I click tick all those boxes while having like a draw swing plane so you like to hit that ball from right to left yeah you talked about loading into that right glute can you just show us what that what that looks like yeah um so I guess what I tend to do that’s not good um I get this way so then making sure I actually load that way into my right and then get up on it in time for me to hit the ball so making sure that upper body really works more over to that right side so feel the pressure engage for it um cuz I guess as soon as you go this way you lose this and then I just spin out that way and it’s it right so I think it’s a great thing a lot of amate gol golfers get into what what you’ll demonstrate this reverse spine angle where this switch is off Y and then being able to keep this core engaged and get behind the golf ball is another factor that really helps you hit up on the golf ball and for you it helps you play that little bit of a right to left shape as well yes I I noticed when you were doing that drill there do you have a specific drill to load into that hip like you were stopping yeah well I’ve got a couple of like band work Mobility drills but I guess with driver once you’re there you kind of if if you put a tour stick down this here you kind of want to match it up with your shoulders at most let me show that again cuz I’m going to grab that we we have this drill a lot we call it a matchup but yeah just it makes sense yeah I don’t have a name for it this is our favorite this is our favorite back swing drill because it just does so much good things I guess if you go that way and you make sure you load into here you should be able to match it up to the stick with your club and your shoulders fantastic and you’ll feel all the pressure then all sort of in that GL talking yeah pretty much and then you just unleash from there perfect we hit one yeah I want to see one I want to see one thank you and we’re going to challenge Grace today we’ve got we had some warmup shots at 96 we’re going to see if we can get that over the 100 you’ve hit it three times in your life you said yeah pretty much yeah that’s about it though today’s going to be for fourth okay let’s just go with the normal one first of all like you say that feeling of loading that H one of the most important things for am golfers to just load up into this back swing it’s just it’s so important beautiful golf shot yeah very nice and it is literally her third shot of the day by the way look 97.6 there loads of room left in the tank there there’s your nice tiny little draw really I like that sorry no you good you’re good yes all right so let’s just say let’s give you a scenario let’s just say that you have a fairway that you need to hit yep now you’re pretty accurate hitter anyway y but you’re in a major championship last hole you kind of know that you’ve got to make a part of to win the tournament what would you do if you’ve got to hit the Fairway I guess I do hit it hit a lot of Fairways whenever I hit it the straightest is kind of when I just give it my all once I start to I don’t know slow down my swing or take some some things away is when it kind of go sideways so yeah making sure I just do it not think too much about it I guess let’s see one those and I and I like that because I think sometimes you know we talk about how we can do this and how we can get you to hit the Fairway Under Pressure but actually definitely one thing I found last year Ry was just just hitting it and actually committing to it it full out I feel like once you have that little bit of doubt you’re just or the pressure of oh I need to hit this Fairway you are I don’t know you desel or decelerate on it um and obviously that’s not what you want with driver so it’s not what you’re normally doing no it’s giving up control I think which is a key thing isn’t it a lot of amate golfers they they think that oh if I just slow my swing down I’m going to be more accurate or you’re going the opposite end of the spectrum going let’s go let’s just go all out and just send it and just let be free which is giving you a little bit more yeah control which is which is what you want okay let’s see this one then what’s my Fairway so your Fairway is the team ground in the distance y That’s your Fairway okay that’s pretty tight probably 15 yard W sorry about that yeah no that’s that’s fine all good and that te ground or was it the right one right one that was perfect and we still and again as you said the speed is still at 97.5 so yeah that’s that’s all good that’s all good very nice okay uh lovely golf swing by the way isn’t it really nice gol um and it works it works more importantly um we get a question we get questions asked a lot from from our audience and just golfers in general how do we start the down swing what are the feel should I start with the the feet the hips the arms and you mentioned earlier about having like a downward movement in the down swing could you just demonstrate that as well yeah so I guess with driver it’s all about um Ground Force so once you load up here while you’re going left you want to like start loading in so then you’ve got the vertical up to hit up on the driver and that’s how you get the maximum distance I feel like the guys always just like out of their shoes but um that’s kind of the idea but not just jumping out of your shoes yeah yeah so that that pressure that you’re pushing into the ground is pushing back at you and pushing you up which is really helping not only speed but also your attack angle getting getting up on the golf yeah and I feel like yeah the obviously the more up you are generally the further and the quicker the ball speed so which means further distance yeah see that we get a slowo of this moving as well okay that was a little bit Healy but is that here that’s a nice still a really nice Miss though isn’t still on The Fairway on The Fairway oh slow down a little bit there she’s saving some energy for she Sav she getting ready for the next one okay so I think again will ask this question but if you want to hit it a little bit further let’s say you want to carry 245 because you’ve got a bunker or some water there that you want to get over is there anything different that you would do um how do you go about that I just kind of channel in like Alexi Thompson or Brooks ker yeah I just swing out of my shoes really yeah I love it I love it all right see you what we have two two goes I think well let’s see I mean I think she’s going to do it on the first one leave we’ll leave them there um okay let’s yeah let’s see what we can do let’s see we’ll give you we’ll give you two or three shots at it 100 over the 100 Mark I think we’ve got it oh okay you just need to channel that Lexi your Brooks oh that’s not there it’s amazing though cuz the shot again it hit the Fairway highest speed though 97.8 creeping up there it’s having that intention though isn’t it that that intention to just go right I’m just going to unleash one of these don’t don’t get too technical about where the golf club is just let’s just swing pretty hard think once it’s in your mind you just try to do it not messing around oh that was nice good weight shift on that one well I think the attack H was going to 3.7 up on that beautiful and there there was even more of a you see the sort of move off the ball that’s a great Drive beautiful height it’s really good isn’t it beautiful height dropped it that’s okay 96 lovely lovely drives I mean she hasn’t missed a fairway yet no no I think that’s the given Andy okay final one let’s see one of my drills that I used to do is the step ones but I won’t do it just in case cuz you’re standing there but I can always move out the no f it looks better if you hit me as well [Laughter] views oh that’s not a 100 oh dear out here as well maybe all right even Grace’s bad shots are better than our good ones that’s I think that was the first you missed it was Grace thank you so much no thank you have an amazing season thanks for sharing that guys if you enjoyed that make sure you follow Grace on her socials and make sure if you enjoyed this make sure you click this video here and don’t forget to download the me and my golf app for our best content thanks again


  1. 3:38 I would say 'commit to your normal tempo' if anything. I can relate to it though. To me, if I don't the natural sequence tends to go out of the window

  2. Too much time on speed and not enough on her technique eg how long does she keep her chest back or rotate shoulders

  3. There is absolutely no way i would walk away from the course if i got that bent up on the downswing , oh to be 20 again !!!

  4. Does lining up your shoulder to the shaft on the ground relate to all clubs or just driver? Grace has a an amazing swing.

  5. I love it when you have the LPGA players on. What a beautiful swing! Much more relatable to me and even most guys. I have been working on my swing speed and that ground force is elusive at this point.

  6. Dude in the blue shirt is determined to stand in front of her swing and ball path. Incredibly dangerous, do ppl really do this?

  7. GRRRRRRRRRR the ground DOES NOT EVER push back up at you GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR why is golf swing theory based on such utter cobblers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. You hit the ball straight, Kim, because you’re amazingly talented and you hit thousands of balls a week. We regulars can’t do that, even if we do that “turny” exercise hours a day.

  9. I’d love content on what the women do to finesse the shot vs what guys do to muscle it. I feel like 100% of golfers could learn to use finesse.

  10. The fact is that they don't know what they do because they start at a young age and have to use their bodies to drive the ball instead of arms and hands. BTW, she's an average player and nothing special.

  11. So flexible and athletic, good luck to most amateurs over 25 trying to copy that!!!

  12. This works way better than just turning your hips around. I’ve never heard a teaching pro tell you this. I have been swinging the club wrong for 35 years wrong. And buying sets of golf clubs to play better.

  13. Let it BE known, that without coaching, without even knowing what the game was about other than throwing a little ball and walking up 2 it, and challenged by some coached expensive equipment docs picked up a driver, putter and 3 iron 4 $1 ea at a garage sale and went on 2 get a "Hole in 1" at the 3rd T, and I did not even know what a 'hole in 1' in golf meant cos was the xxpert in 'hole in 1' otherwise…. and there went another game no 1 wanted 2 play with me

  14. It would be so nice to hear a pro say, "I have not idea what exactly I do. I only know how to do it." Asking a pro about the swing is like asking a formula 1 driver to explain how the car works. They'll probably try and say a bunch of smart sounding stuff while the mechanic and engineer are rolling their eyes.

  15. Does this apply with irons as well? Im working on my pivot but whenever i make a really good turn, on the course i sometimes fat my iron

  16. Why would the guy in the blue shirt stand so close and it drives me crazy when people interview pros and they asked them to do these ridiculous challenges at the end. Her sweet spot is obviously 97 but you want her to do something's like stupid pet tricks, give it up boys or YouTube golf equipment and leave the pros to their craft. She was obviously professional and polite as well as a great driver.

  17. i notice that her club face literally points upwards to the sky (or parallel to the ground) at the top of her backswing. I do this too, and ive been told this is bad and promotes hooking (which is my miss). Is it not as bad as i thought then? you can work with it? im not sure how i do that, and i just can't seem to fix it.

  18. Great driver and excellent player-but last week she couldn't make a putt. I really felt sorry for her. She went from -8 to -2 in about 9 holes-missed tons of short putts. But I was glad to see she came out on the 18th green and helped the winner celebrate-great sportsmanship on her part. I really became a fan of hers for doing that.

  19. Watching the ladies would be far more benficial for we mid-high handicappers.

    Mainly, try and emulate their tempo…you look at an Inbee Park and think, I could do
    that…in fact, her swing is kinda funky. But 6 or 7 majors later, I guess her swing was just fine.

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