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Ohio State Football’s Path to a National Championship: NIL and the Transfer Portal

In what has become somewhat of a make-or-break year for Ohio State football and head coach Ryan Day, the Buckeyes are deploying a stacked roster that is built heavily on the backs of NIL and the transfer portal. This is the new age of college football. Schools are beginning to pay athletes before they even arrive on campus in attempts to secure the top recruits in the nation by throwing money their way. Will this be the sustained method for the top tier programs of college football moving forward in attempts to win it all?

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College football is a game of explosive plays, immense passion, and endless thrills. Every Saturday during the college football season, the spirit of competition and excitement take the field as the nation’s top student-athletes battle for gridiron glory. The powerhouses in college football are teams like Alabama, LSU, Ohio State, Clemson, and Florida, all of whom compete in the fiercely contested NCAA Football Bowl Subdivision. Whether it’s a hard-fought rivalry, chaotic scene in the stands, or an unbelievable touchdown grab, college football fans of all ages, backgrounds, and regions experience the same passion and intensity each week. From the blue-blooded programs to the rising stars, college football will always be the people’s game.

Ohio State Football is one of the most successful college football programs in history. With a total of 8 National Championships, the Buckeyes have established themselves as a powerhouse in the NCAA. Led by head coach Ryan Day, Ohio State has become known for its hard-hitting, aggressive defense and a high-octane offensive attack. While their recent success has been rooted in their strong recruiting class and their 2014 national championship, the program has a long and storied history in the college football world. On any given Saturday, the OSU faithful can be found inside the famous Ohio Stadium cheering on the scarlet and gray. Regardless of the opponent, each game brings out the passion and excitement that Ohio State fans are so well known for. Follow the Buckeyes and join the Buckeye Nation in their quest to reach another championship. Go Bucks!

it is Friday June 7th we’re out here at the Memorial tournament at the Amera prize Financial house having ourselves a great time and for all the golf carnosaurs walking in wondering what the [ __ ] is going on over there welcome welcome to Mena Sports we are going to hang out watch a little golf probably be degenerates say bunch of bad words so if you don’t like it go follow Rory mroy or something that’s fair that’s fair saying you know a fair warning yeah can we just get a good morning good morning Chris how are you good man I love like this this takes me back to like morning radio waking up early not quite as early hanging out with you back in the beginning I used to have to do this during my morning show and I would like take a break for a traffic update and walk away from the walk away from the camera real quick and uh y really know like because we weren’t on video right at at the start so we we we would do like a live show or do just record our show Chris was working radio and then he would walk off camera because he had to go do a traffic update the radio so I would just have to keep keep rambling about whatever I was talking about until he told you there was an accident on I4 or some [ __ ] yeah dude i71 North there was one stretch that always had an accident right in the middle of our show and I had to give the updates on that because it caus caused like six to seven minute slowdowns dude and I you know I wanted people to get to work on time nobody gives a [ __ ] about that you’re right I’ve never listened to the radio and myself damn I wonder what’s going on on the roads I mean who we’re back if if you were here yesterday there’s some internet connectivity issues every now and then we go away for a minute that’s all right we just give you a break we can always come back it’s like that father that didn’t love you you know wow you leave for a little bit but you always come back and then you leave again I don’t I don’t know if he always came back though just fair say experience I don’t know Fair bad example bad example it’s like that girl that that that that you love that’s a [ __ ] like she’s gonna stray but she’ll be back then she’ll stray she’ll be back that’s us right now um yeah he just just when when a screen goes dark you know take take a break maybe get a water we’ll be back though we’ll always come back we will always come back we are the boomerang Um Zack let’s get little man in here we start the show yet hell of an intro you know ly let him know what time it is [Music] bub um they play for him so we’re good on the other front bro one of the dynasties in all sports that no one’s talked about has been the Oklahoma softball team last year we did a little note on them they won three straight they just yesterday completed their fourth straight Championship outr I will tell you I mean I watch college softball like my 12-year-old is a I mean she’s at a softball tournament right now so Menace Army you better you better [ __ ] respect the fact that I’m here doing this show and missing my 12-year-old softball tournament now we’re getting out of here right after the show we gonna make the rest of the weekend but we W like she’s obsessed we watch college softball like for real we watch the Big 10 tournament the SEC tournament the Big 12 tournament yeah we we’ve been watching the World Series and it’s it’s wild not only is it wild that they won four in a row and that that was our favorite team but we we this year Texas Texas was the number one team in the country right and Oklahoma just I mean swept them in the finals Oklahoma is really her is that what you say yeah I mean I guess you wouldn’t say him like him they’re not him really really her they’re really her we need to make that a thing like no I’m really her yeah like C like they say I’m that [ __ ] but like there’s there’s some derogatory things there dises I think it should be more like I’m her I’m really her Kaitlin Clark really her you got me I mean that’s I mean that would that would have saved Patak from having to do an apology yeah if it was just her she’s really her she’s really her but yeah shout out Oklahoma softball four in a row four consecutive that’s a ridiculous Dynasty talking about John Wooden of of softball if they keep this up yeah that’s uh that that is a ridiculous clip um additionally just some other General news Dan Hurley and the Lakers I knew you were gonna bring up NBA yes well it’s heating up it’s just like one of those things where Dan Hurley across all sports hearing him speak is one of my favorite motivators yeah I don’t know if he works in the NBA but it seems like it’s happening um he signed a $32 million extension with Yukon in the summer and part of that was because obviously they didn’t want to go to Kentucky right like that happened you go back to back he’s gonna have to pay 1.8 million to leave for an NBA job that’s no problem the Lakers will absolutely pay that and I he got offered 12 by Kentucky and the Lakers usually will come between 14 and7 million he is f flying out there he’s gone isn’t he I mean he’s got to be you I mean six years 32 million he’s making what a little over five million a year I don’t care what you love what you are I mean I think he’s a college basketball coach to that’s what he is I think he’s I mean really [ __ ] good at it too but I’m making five million and someone offers me $17 million that’s an extra 12 million a year hey I’m 88 out the gate and like call me a Laker the chance to coach the Lakers I think is a it too the Lakers are like they’re Yankees you know it’s just like yeah like you everyone hates them until you become one right and then it’s like oh never mind and I love the Yankees go Lakers big Yankees guy over here big Yankee shout out Juan Soo just got hurt yesterday doesn’t matter though we’re okay either way either way big Yankees um Spring football might end up actually working Zach so the UFL viewership has topped the XFL and the usfl from 2023 and his first season since the merger get this let’s science it up more games played on television equals more viewers part of the issue was last year was they didn’t put enough games on TV but this year they did and things have gone well well I said it I mean I’ve said it the last two years there is a market for a spring football league the problem is there was like three of them yeah it’s like well damn I don’t know which one to watch like I’m a I’m a football fan I’m an NFL fan I’m a college football fan it comes Springtime you’re like all right they created some new leagues some players that you know right playing at your favorite college but which one are they on or which who’s playing who who’s playing who and where are they playing the dumbest the dumbest [ __ ] thing ever was they created multiple leagues because now it’s like well I don’t know which one’s better which one should I watch the Birmingham team or this team like San Antonio and also it dilutes the talent right absolutely when the merger happened I said this is the only shot they got there needs to be one lead and it’s all all those players that are still really good players they’re notable players and they’re trying to make it to the NFL and they did it and so it’s growing a little bit like it’s doing better numbers than it did in the past I don’t know if it’s sustainable but it’s a better chance than last year right the number one thing I’ve always said is you need to have a good product a really good product if you’re going to compete in this time of year and honestly there’s a window for it right like me and you talk day in and day out about wow there’s really not a lot going on if this becomes a a big is League or a bigger League it draw some eyes and some of those players end up making NFL rosters it’s going to be really good for him and so the goal should have been from the jump to put out a really really good product and you can’t do it when you’re splitting the talent pool in half no you can’t you can’t but just think about it what this time a year there’s not [ __ ] going on unless you’re a dieh hard basketball fan which I would question your I don’t know I’m not a dieh hard but I am a basketball fan I watched the game I watched the game last night yeah no you do did you watch the game last night I didn’t watch any games there’s no games to watch I watch stabs poor zingis man no I watch last night that’s that’s fair that’s fair I mean it’s really fin and then women’s sports this time of year yeah so I mean if you could give like die hard football fans football to watch like the junkies in this low right because you think about the football calendar right you have the season correct postseason national championships then the NFL season playoffs goes on then the N the Super Bowl then after that it still got some recruiting Buzz then you have Spring football and then spring football’s over and it’s like what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do now until August like I don’t know come to a live show like if you give us a lead with players we know like JT barretts Johnny Dixons like guys like Benjamin Victors if you give us guys like that that we know and they’re playing football in June I’m watching that over anything yeah there’s a market for it that it just has to be done right and the merger was the start of it yeah it feels like we’re uh we’re headed that way um some sports gambling news two individuals have been arrested for conspiring to defraud sports betting remember our guy jontay Porter who was betting the under on himself that taking himself out of games I guess the big plot they had eight they placed an $80,000 parlay on the under of his points rebounds and assists that’s the game where he poked himself in the eye and left the game early they won here listen here’s all they won 1.04 million dollar here’s all I know if you put $80,000 on a parlay you either have some Insider shady [ __ ] going on yeah or you have a major cocaine and meth problem like $80,000 on a parlay you you that’s that’s just like you must just have [ __ ] you money I don’t know why how like that’s a lot of money well it well honestly it was probably his game check he said yeah go bet this on my under I’m talking about on Vegas’s side as soon as they see that they’re like if you’re Vegas you’re like oh this this [ __ ] guy just put 80 grand on a parlay on the under immediate red flag I’m like wait a minute on the under too yeah and then dude takes checks himself out of the game and does not come back cuz he got poked in the eye yeah oh I love it what an easy way to get caught but you know what screww Vegas I’m I’m here for it they have all The Insider info what do you mean no bro Jo no no no let’s be for real no we could be for real bro he’s F Vegas has all the Insider info and set these lines and that’s why they build those big buildings because they know [ __ ] you don’t know and they beat you because they got all the info and you don’t oh so now this these guys get some Insider info and they can’t cash in no no they can have The Insider info but bro checked himself out of the game like look if you’re if you’re going to do it how about you just play the long game game win four out of five times a week right play small bets but to do this to dabble dabble dabble and then 8K like it’s an exit strategy is idiotic they’re won $1 million yeah and they got arrested they’re have to pay it back I hope that 1 million was worth it because they’re cooked they’re fried it’s over um I thought this was fascinating if you look at the money in the NFL most money made by guys per round oh yeah this is sweet really cool first round I’ll start with the undrafted guys the most money ever from an undrafted so by round who has made the most money that ever went in that round yeah Tony Romo $127 million undrafted so the most money made by an undrafted player it’s Tony Romo 127 million that’s badass fascinating because you know who was in that the draft that year with him Eli Manning Ben rothberger Philip Rivers all guys who aren’t on this list but I think did make more seventh round Ryan Fitzpatrick $82 million Fitz magic yeah that’s a steal in a seventh round less money than Tony Romo who was undrafted sixth round easiest one on the whole list Tom Brady $300 million yeah not bad and half of gazelle’s earnings yeah I mean he took he took half of gazelle’s money so the karate man took jaelle so he lost but he’s he’s the real loser in all this um Stefon Diggs to me I always forget he was a fifth rounder yeah because I always thought he was going to be a good Pro off the rip and maybe because I was a recruiting guy and like obviously was a fan of Marland like I Stefon Diggs being a fifth rounder is more surprising that to me than Stefon Diggs being a really good player yeah I mean it it it’s honestly for me the best thing ever because I when when we were recruiting Stefon digs I he and he was gonna he was considering Maryland like dude what is Maryland gonna do for development like you’re freaky talent but how’s how’s Maryland gonna develop you or put you on right put the spotlight on you and sure enough slid to the fifth round now and why I love the story is he still got his so it’s not like haha gotcha you’re broke like no gotcha told you so should have came Ohio State You’ probably been a first-rounder and you still got your money though but you would have got way more had you made a smarter decision out of high school yeah Ricky peaw was a first rounder stefhon digs fifth rounder wild times shout out to uh shout shout out to Jordan on that front um Kirk Cousins fourth round $232 million hey Kirk’s the the lamb can we call him the lamb he’s not a goat lamb but he’s a lamb and his agents goated his agents definitely goated because he’s managed to get three massive contracts dog and most people just want the one that’s it so shout out to Kurt Cousins and because he was a fourth rounder he got it his contract a year early because remember the for rookies it’s five for first rounders it’s five years those other guys it’s four years um Russell Wilson third round $266 million we don’t like Russ but that’s cool it’s good for him and his family Drew bre second rounder 270 I felt like there would have been someone more but I guess that makes sense I mean 27 they’re all quarterbacks right other than ston dicks yeah like 270 million on the second round that’s a hell of a career and then Aaron roggers $342 million I he Aaron Rogers made more money than Tom Brady by the way which is yeah that’s wild to me but P of that’s by Design right I mean he like Tom Brady for that eight-year stretch just took massive pay cuts because he wanted to win and money goes up right Aaron’s still playing Tomas re tier yeah yeah money money money does keep going up I thought that was a a fascinating list to say this to say the least um shout out to Malik Neighbors The Whispers are that he’s the best Giants receiver they’ve seen there since well Odell Beckham Jr and time is a flat circle LSU low [ __ ] bar Odell since since Odell oh yeah any good since Odell well I mean I guess they said it feels like it feels like Odell’s back back is kind of the in times of flat circle because [ __ ] the Giants have been so bad dude I think but I think Malik neighbors is gonna win offensive rookie of the year I think there’s a good chance especially with Darren wall Waller retiring did he I don’t think he officially retire officially retire but everyone’s saying he’s going to so if he does retire add some targets to Malik neighbors he dropped a rap video addressing the rumors and then didn’t address anything my guy I was like come on bro you got to be so for real and like obviously Daniel Jones the big complaint about him is not pushing the ball down field and it seems like so far it’s been push the ball down field no matter what and Malik neighbors is down there somewhere right I’ve seen receivers like that elevate bad quarterbacks yeah I mean and we’ve seen all as much as I talk about how important a quarterback is to a receiver we’ve also seen Garrett Wilson go over a thousand yards with with Zack Wilson right like so it’s it’s really important but in the NFL especially like you still get yours is Malik neighbors a a Garrett Wilson level Prospect to you yeah CL I mean if not [Music] close I don’t know Garrett Wilson feels so different to me I than everybody else you just love Garrett wilson d he just the thing is I think I think Garrett is is better than Malik neighbors don’t get me wrong but Malik neighbors is close I mean you’re talking about a similar caliber player you know I love G Wilson because he played in Ohio State my favorite player in the NFL for a stretch there was uh Odell and my one thing about Odell was too much Diva wanted to be a star too much wanted to be a quarterback wanted to be the face of the league Garrett Wilson to me moves like Odell yeah goes and gets the ball like OD Odell he’s a combat catcher around the same size I even tweeted as freshman year like they really cloned Odell but then they got rid of all the extra Shenanigans yeah he’s he’s plays like Odell not a douchebag like Odell yeah basically it’s like it’s like Odell but like with a with a Tom Brady like mindset how to attack the game like we’re not hitting kicking Nets and prop kicking net we’re not going to die our hair purple like we’re g to just be a great dude great kid and a great player and we’re not going to get ejected from a game for spearing a corner because you couldn’t get open like we’re not doing all that right so um I you know that’s generally how I feel and I think that’s why I’m I’m such that’s why I was a fan of him over ove because he looks and felt to me like like Odell Becka Jr um so shout out shout out to shout out to good Odell Zack did Super Chat Friday want to hit a couple of please to get a quick word from our partner and see if the internet wants to get any hopefully this plays on the speakers so we can bless everyone here at the prize oh is it is it me on the ad read Justice thanks for the two what tier gets the bourbon and ball I’m getting it today uh the so the colel tier the $25 tier which actually if you use the promo code you get $5 off all the way until season starts so it’s only 20 bucks a month so sign up Menace the film breakdowns are lit and and Chris and I were talking yesterday like we’re about to go into uncharted waters even more than we ever have like we are doing truly educational breakdowns of college football with coaches fil like you can’t find it anywhere in the world and it’s going to be it’s going to be really fun we started it this last Tuesday next Tuesday we’re going to do it again really helping you understand football at a much higher level let’s get a quick work let’s see we’ll be right back after this all right Menace Army here’s the deal everyone’s having sex everyone is right except for Chris everyone’s having sex and so our part our new partner Joy mode has developed something this little packet right here that is absolutely lifechanging it’s not something that that that you go to for out of necessity this is a allnatural science-backed solution to increase blood flow firmness stamina and performance it’s really simple you just go to Joy mode 20% off with our promo code Menace Joy mode J use jooy use our promo code 20% off all you do is just put it in a bottle water put it in 68 ounces of water 45 minutes before and when it’s go time you are your best version of yourself probably a better version of yourself than you’ve ever been I really really want you to try this out because it it’s it’s phenomenal um all ingredients have been assessed in peerreview journals it’s safe it’s all natural it’s science-backed improve your stick game Menace Army I promise you’ll thank me I’m about to be see this is what happens right you pull up you leave the studio this dark dingy Studio you come outside and look the people from Red Bull pull up like you need you need a Red Bull hell yeah I need a Red Bull I’m trying to get some wings let’s go I got hey hey Chris off a Red Bull watch out now this this show’s about to go crazy we got we got yelled at on the course yesterday I don’t even have a Red Bull so my man listen there’s this Indian gold for golfing he hits a t- shot and right afterwards relative loud Chris Chris said oh great shot nayay great shot great shot my nay I’m not gonna say here I looked at you and everyone like looked at him I’m like good God when you bring akan to mirfield yeah I I don’t know who let who thought that was a good idea I didn’t even know how it works bro and then I didn’t realize that like like the golfers are like walking through the course oh yeah and like I I was like I was on my phone about to cross over they said whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa hey yesterday was cool though we were out on the course I ran we ran into Brady Quinn Cardell a bunch a bunch of people talked to him for a while it was it was a fun day oh yeah the host smacking I mean that drink is very good very delightful very very delightful brother um what’s up brother what’s up brother uh ke thanks for the two Chill on basketball best athlet in the world yeah you the best athletes basketball players are [ __ ] is that good can I say that you can say whatever you want boss man uh my guy Mr Taylor Thomas we’re back it’s like that girlriend you you had that just sometimes likes to go on a date with another guy she’ll come back but G on for a minute I was more thinking like the boomerang umer but I was about to read a a super chat from from our guy Thomas Thanks for the 10 what’s up fellas definitely doing uh definitely doing life right now when you need a banana bag every now and again have I don’t I can’t IV bag oh Chris already already already skirted up out of here but I got all of us IV bags from the confidence lab that’s out here it was it was awesome brought brought us right back to life except Angley she died um yeah no I didn’t realize you guys were getting so active and Pat came in this morning and said he feels real he feels great I never had one V bags are legit man I mean instantly you felt energized and sober Ben thanks for the five my first dynasty team in NCAA 25 is going to be Yukon and make our rival Ruckers I like it you’re not a conference though got to join a conference does Yukon even play football they haven’t for a long time they might put people out on the field ree thanks for the two LOL davo didn’t even know the kids star rating he didn’t know anything called that man a 10 star hey we we’ve got the video in the chat can we put the Dabo video up uh yeah yeah the uh the funniest [ __ ] I’ve seen I put it on Twitter we might have to watch it twice you’re gonna Davos sweee is on the panel on Jeopardy yeah let me uh let me oh yeah here it is watch this 800 800 a bit like sci-fi is anywhere door 800 a bit like sci-fi is anywhere door or Phoenix gate it open 800 a bit like sci-fi’s anywhere door or or Phoenix gate it opened on October 15th 2018 to whisk College athletes to a new school they call it the transfer portal I don’t know what’s going on we got technical difficulties like crazy but I hope you heard it if not go to my Twitter hilarious yeah you know we’re uh we’re doing it giving it giving it giving it um let’s do another Super Chat to be honest oh no that’s the last one Let’s uh Super Chat Friday get them in yeah get get them in um what else do I have today okay there’s a five star the zers kid that’s from Pennsylvania festar quarterback and he ended up committing to Missouri over Penn State a Penn State and Big 10 account tweeted this and I found it interesting how could Franklin lose zers to missou that’s how Franklin ain’t working this folks and I’m okay with it and it was a picture of the kid and a crazy Hellcat crazy Hellcat like like custom graphics on it it’s the age of nil man if you’re dbos Sweeney in it up if you’re James Franklin in it up you’re GNA lose to places like Missouri and I guess I I want to ask you is that is not being willing to give upfront money or upfront nil is that necessarily a good thing like this person is suggesting um I mean it’s not if you want to win right like there there comes a point where if you’re like Ohio State right you have some selling points to maybe pay a little less but you can’t not participate in the big money andil deals like it’s one thing for you to tell all right back at it now like I was saying we’re getting back faster yeah we’re getting back faster like our rebound rate is going going up right I’m going to stop with the analogy yeah yeah she leaves a couple times to go bang another dude and comes back after a while like she comes back faster right like maybe right after yeah noted noted fair fair like you it’s one thing if you’re G to tell a kid like listen oh Miami offered you $800,000 nil we’re gonna offer you 600 still going to change your life and the development and future earnings are going to be much higher coming to Ohio State one if you have that stick right you have that track record you can do that that kid’s going to listen right yeah cuz to a kid who has no money what’s the difference between 600,000 and 800,000 I mean quality of life about the same I mean ultimately CH lifechanging like can can do a bunch of [ __ ] for his parents and everything so but if you’re Penn State and you’re recruiting as mizou you should you should well maybe not now though think about it I mean mou’s Got Talent now yeah they got dudes they’re pumping out some NFL players they also have nil funds but it also doesn’t feel like a a a a bot program I guess no that makes sense so I guess like the the big disc discussion I want to have is when you are building a Rost when you are paying for recruits is that necessarily A Bad Thing and what percentage of a national championship program is bought versus built because right Ohio State you know gets some criticism like they’re the Yankees they’re spending all this money to buy a championship is that the right way to do it does is there an asri next to it if you have to spend $20 million to win a title well the re right now right now Champions are built not bought but I think this year is a big change in that right I guess depending on who wins it all like what what you’re looking at right now and this is a great year to to analyze it who wins the national championship this year because Ohio state has developed and recruited but also at an unprecedented level for the Buckeyes bought a lot of talent they have they have a lot all of their top 10 players how many are bought oh I’d have to really think about that I mean Caleb D who all let’s go of their top five players how many were bought Caleb DS and quinan jins or two B right yeah bought and bought so they certainly have done more out of the top you know 10 programs eight programs of the country they’re the poster child right now because For the First time ever they went out and really spent yeah and so will it pay off because if Georgia wins the national championship again and beats Ohio State or even Texas I know they got Quinn ERS but I don’t even count that he does he doesn’t count he wasn’t a bought recruit I mean he was kind of bought we bought yeah he was bought from day one wherever he was going he was getting bought but if Texas wins it all if Georgia wins it all that’s just another notch in the development and built category if Ohio State wins it all or Oregon wins it all that’s now you’re trending more the bot team and I’m not saying Ohio state was all bot I know they have a hell of a nucleus before they got guys like Caleb DS but the nucleus wasn’t good enough to win so they had to buy whatever to get there so I think this trend continues I’m going to wait for the first team that where they purchased a bunch of great players and won the National Championship thus far hasn’t happened yeah because I mean Michigan was probably what 90% built oh 97% 97% built 3% bought the year before Georgia remember they took zero transfers yeah they were just 100% built year before 100% built yeah year before I mean tees haven’t taken transfers right no and before Ohio state did it this year that was kind of the deal if you’re Ohio State Georgia B like you don’t take transfers you recruit so well and develop you don’t have to Ohio Ohio State’s really testing that water right now how would you if you the Zach Smith program your program bought versus built where would your splits be because I think you need about 7030 yeah I think that’s a good split 7030 I mean if if you’re doing doing a great job in recruiting with I which I think is is and what is recruiting currently is it relationships or is it bought well that’s different talking about I’m talking about going out and buying proven Talent buying recruits is part of the deal now right paying nil for recruits everyone’s got to do that to an extent I think those top shelf schools can get guys on a discount because of the future earnings they could make yeah but you still going to have to buy them to some extent right I’m talking the damn we need a quarterback go give will Howard a million dollars oh which is so and why did they have to do that because they sucked at recruiting quarterbacks for a couple years yeah so I think 7030 may I would lean 8020 if you’re doing a great job in recruiting and development and and roster retention I would think 20 maybe 15% of your team should be transfer portal maybe go get a plug-and-play piece here and there the worst you do in development and recruiting the more you’re going to have to buy if you want to compete at that level right it’s just kind of a math equation like where do you want to play at how was recruiting well [ __ ] there’s the Gap buy it yeah and like I think buy the Gap that’s what it is buy the Gap Florida State’s probably what 6040 yeah yeah Oregon is probably close to 6040 as well they did buy a lot of talent obviously I mean and Texas I mean Texas had some decent transfer Texas probably 70 Texas is probably where you would want to be 7030 maybe 75 25 and we’re talking about like impact because obviously like not roster they didn’t buy 30% of their like roster talking about like impact on on the field yeah like we do like returning production that that kind of thing yeah how how do you feel about these schools getting these kids these nil deals before they sign because the Matt zers kid got to Hellcat already he already got to Hellcat he’s still in high school he already got it I mean everyone knows my opinion I don’t think anybody should get a penny until you play college football and prove you’re a great player but that’s just not real you can’t do that that’s just not reality anymore I think that that’s what the NCA should make a a mandatory guideline a guard rail it’s like what you can’t offer an 18 17y old kid money to come play for Missouri like you’re not paying him for his name image and likeness you’re paying him to come to your school yeah that’s not name image and likeness that is truly buying people I think that needs to go away I think once you pick your school for the right reasons and then you go and you play and you are a good player you now have a name image and likeness and now you should be able to monetize that but paying kids to come to school is [ __ ] up college football it really is well it already [ __ ] it up it is and we continue to until we start [Music] unfuckingbelievable talked to the people who paid him a million dollars I talked to I ran into cardale yesterday I didn’t ask him yesterday I talked to Cardell about it I know will Howard’s agent yeah but neither here nor there like I love when people say that oh where’s the proof that he got a million I’m like where’s the proof that he didn’t yeah have you talked to his agent or a coach or anyone else I love when people say that mean I don’t know like like people people say like where’s it confirmed like we’re confirming it right here for you like I don’t know like we’re two people so you say you got the report and I confirmed the report there you go there you go confirmed confirmed men Sports exclusive will Howard million dollars the million dollar man he actually got a 100 million trust me and and it and it’s funny because people love to have Source offs it’s like you don’t want to have a source off because I’ll tell you what bro said yesterday right I’ll tell you what he said so but again said he might be at the mayor price house tomorrow pull up and find out bro last year I was so nervous to see Tommy ikenberg and steel here because there’s this account that I interact with a good amount on Twitter that people thought was my burner it was not it was cam I just love because you know we have we have very authentic genuine and and raw real takes and I love what Chris runs into a player that he might have had a little honest take about that wasn’t the most positive thing yeah bro that’s why I stopped drinking on Thursdays because it was getting a little out of pocket bro because the cam Martinez take I had was maybe the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever said on sorry about that but it wasn’t more disrespectful than I heard in other podcast where I won’t say his name they said last year they said um who should get the blo jersey and my guy said cam Martinez because that’s the amount of snaps he should play this year oh damn and that was that was the most disrespectful thing I’ve ever but it was a bar it was a bar bar bro he was cooking I was like yeah and it was right and I’m like get him the blo cuz I don’t want to see you blood he went out there for one play remember one play and said oh yeah slot fade run it they completed it by the way it was check check cam check cam check cam check and it’s funny because remember that stat came out like least 20 yard plays given up by a secondary this season and Ohio State was second with one and it’s like I’m like oh my goodness come on man little on a third and 26 where’s Cam Martinez hey cam check cam check cam check what is it like chalk check milk milk or Cam check those are the three those are the big three shout out to uh and and honestly a white guy started that so I don’t want to hear nothing I don’t hear nothing I don’t want to hear not a thing um Ben thanks for the two Zack what’s the most unfair criticism of Ryan day um I unfair I think it’s all fair when you lose to Michigan if I’m being honest I mean I think I I I I think the biggest thing the biggest the most unfair thing that that I don’t really see when I watch when I study their off offense is that that he like doesn’t call a good game in any game I think every game that I’ve watched every play has been a good play call I mean not every play obviously but like for the like the Georgia game had as many good great great play calls as the Michigan game now did Kyle McCord suck against Michigan and CJ Stout cooked against Georgia yes like the plays aren’t the problem now the other criticism is absolutely fair but like oh Ryan day he caught a shitty game and then then I go and break down the film I’m like not really the white outs didn’t block like that was a good play call Julian flemon turned into a [ __ ] I’m sorry like did Ryan Day say hey let’s throw a bubble screen hey Julian have a huge vagina on this play no of course not right I think the most unfair criticism he gets is about being too pass happy yeah that too because every year when you like at the end of the year he’s always right around that 5050 Mark yeah um and 2019 he got labeled like the pass happy tag they ran for 3,000 yards um like like a even a Boston College had a 2K rusher you know what that is right what is it people just yearn for the domination over Michigan that Urban had and what was Urban pounds up the fat lady’s ass that was his offense yeah yeah and so it’s like it’s more like this PTSD like I just want to bring back that beat Michigan offense it’s like well I don’t know if that’s the best offense though no it’s definitely not but no I I mean every year they’re 5050 which is what he wants to be in the pros has being past happy lost them a game one time and what game was it they had it oh oh no no no the only the only game where I where I maybe blame Rye for being too pass happppy was that Iowa game but he was OC they won no they lost as OC like that’s it but as as a head coach No in fact I would argue that when they go pass happy that’s when they’ve been their most dangerous yeah like when he cuts it Loose Red Bull got wings I thought there was Red Bull in there like the like the Georgia game he went real patch happy and they got s okay there we go there we go stepping on [ __ ] big steppers size seven men’s on um get us to commercial break we’ll be right back after this dog days of summer are here that means it’s hot outside and you don’t need to be sweating when you sleep and that’s why I use Miracle made sheets they’re the best sheets I’ve ever owned I say it every time and it’s not a sales pitch because they have self-cooling properties for better quality sleep using silver infused Fabrics inspired by NASA Miracle made sheets are Thermo regulating Mor story is it’s a cool sleep it is a beautiful sleep they’re self-cleaning so the sheets are infused with the silver that prevents up to 99.7% of bacterial growth meaning you’re cleaner you’re cooler you’re not sweating and we all know we need to be in a great environment when we’re in the bedroom they’re the most comfortable and quality sheets I’ve ever owned all you got to do is go to try Menace try menace to try miracl made sheets today and whether you’re buying them for yourself or as a gift for a loved one if you order today you can save over 40% and if you use our promo Menace at checkout you’ll get three free tows and an additional 20% the they’re cheap they’ll be the cheapest sheets you ever buy and the best sheets you’ll ever own upgrade your sleep with miracl go to try miracl Menace and get the three free towels and 40% plus another 20% off go check it out Justin is not going to do a cruel intentions or was no what it called Basic Instinct yesterday if you watched the show justtin gave a little peek of text about it I got a call about it did you yeah but I wasn’t gonna say anything you see Justine’s behind the table now there will be no crotch shots on today’s show but where’s anley she’s always in my I don’t even know I don’t know if asley works here anymore why why does Angy feel more famous than you here she does we walk the course and probably like what may like well you left about halfway through maybe like 10 people were like oh Menace whatever we love the show at least 20 people were like asley I was like geez we got a celebrity so the orgon game gets brought up a couple years ago for being two pass Happ me that’s what they lost CJ trout did drop back what 54 times yeah they definitely threw the [ __ ] out the ball but but I would not say that’s why they lost the game right they had 31 Rush attempts 35 uh 54 pass attempts yeah and honestly like the fourth quarter you’re down two scores yeah it’s it’s tough not to get pass happy when you’re Los losing yeah I I put that all on the defense I don’t maybe running the ball could have controlled the clock a little bit might have changed the flow of the game but in that game I didn’t feel like they were throwing it too much I felt like they were like God we got to score like our defense is dog [ __ ] and when you have a bad defense you start to get a little pass happy right yeah naturally Urban us uh I can’t remember what year it was our defense was just okay maybe 2016 and it was he was like we got to score Every Time We Touch the ball 2016 you guys were a lead on defense okay I don’t remember that was that crazy second yeah yeah 2016 oh yeah 2016 we sucked on offense yeah I think I might have been 17 you guys were if yeah and it was like we’d go in a game he’ was like listen we have to score every time we touched the ball yeah because he didn’t feel good about the defense and it changes your mentality CJ was a nut dog what third start 484 three touchdowns one pick the pick was at the end of the game though of course that that made it bad but um yeah I mean I guess that that’s a game shout out to the the Revenge game coming because Morehead is on the way morehead’s always good though always good I texted him this morning did you yeah I told was I met the uh the women’s basketball coach yeah shout out akan women’s basketball yeah we met the head coach here at the Amir price house yeah shout out shout out my guy um NCAA has approved corporate logos for on field at what Midfield I guess so now in the chase for Revenue NCAA said University you can do it I just need probably UNLV but really anyone to get a PornHub logo on the field okay how funny would that be yeah we need a one of those Me One X Hamster and one uh red tube why do you need to know multiple SS that’s all I need to know cuz sometimes the other ones have like the extend videos like instead of the preview videos like usually like the previews are like seven minutes and so if you find one preview on one site look at that you say PornHub Ang comes back it’s amazing well if you if you if you do preview on one site you can like copy and paste the name put on other site and set it’s a long video so as you can watch a whole one without paying for it I didn’t know that but you did I didn’t know that actually uh Pat told me Pat told me Pat got me familiar but it’s funny that the NCAA thought that they could have power over these universities The Universities at some point are going to have to make more money for Revenue sharing yeah they wanted to do this NCAA said wait wait we got to make it seem like we’re in charge a little bit we’ll definitely lose a court case but if we go and approve it and okay there’ll be no court case and it’ll seem like we have the power Zach universities were going to do this no matter what yeah so shout out to them for a quick decision by then I mean yeah it was going to happen I just I don’t want college football jerseys to look like NASCAR jerseys yeah and it feels like that’s where we’re going well that’s the next proposal next week it’s a slippery slope right it is because next next week or or next month or whenever it’s going to happen they’ll allow you to put a corporate logo on the Jersey and it’ll start small just like you have the Nike logo because it’s a Nike Jersey correct it’ll start like that a bowl patch then it’ll be like oh you can do something on the shoulder and then eventually you’re gonna have like five logos on the Jersey and you’re like what are we doing well I think the NBA did a good job with it because when the NBA needed to do this they made it so it’s like one like the same size as the Nike logo you can to have one on the other side that’s it like where your B bull patch goes right yeah I I think that’s what the NCAA should do and I think most universities will be okay with that but this picture of Arkansas Jersey with a Tyson chicken logo is like are you [ __ ] kidding me I think it’s kind of hard because I don’t think I was trying to I was going to come up with something I was going to try to make it shake I was going to try to make it work but again universities now have to make more money you’re going to see coach salaries stop going up the way they’re going you’re going to see stuff like this yeah and you’re GNA see much much smaller buyouts Jimbo Fisher had the last enormous buyout in the history of buyouts like that’s the last one because schools can’t afford to eat that from here on out I hate to Brak it to you I don’t agree you think we’re never going to get a Jimbo siiz buyout who’s gonna get it’s only going to go up it’s too comp it’s too competitive for for a winning culture coach but it has it hasn’t gone up though like like I mean it just Jimbo just got fired yeah well five years someone will get a bigger buyou than Jimbo did I just like to bet a Red Bull on it I promise it would it’s just Chris it’s just the nature of college football because when it if you’re dying you got all this money all this nil all this Revenue sharing you can’t win because your coach sucks and here is Urban Meyer on the table Utah undefeated hotest St coaching like you’re gonna give him whatever you want whatever he ask for to get him so that he doesn’t go to Notre D and he comes to Florida and it’s just it’s never going to go away now they might not fire him because they can’t pay it but they’re gonna give it to him to get him to come what what coach is good enough for that buyout to lber them I mean right now righta just Kirby I mean Kirby dor I would say probably ryyan is it Ryan’s bio only like 11 million I don’t know what his buyout is but I’m saying if he if let’s say I don’t know Florida fires uh Billy Napier yeah his bu his bu’s like 22 right but they say we enough’s enough right we’ve we spending money on NL we got DJ lagway we need to get back to the Urban Meyer days the boosters are going to come together and they’re going to put up a salary to go get like USC got Lincoln Riley like LSU got Brian Kelly they’ll go get someone and it might take a big buy out and they don’t care they just have to get that big fish and I think Lincoln has a huge Buy now I think to get him away from Oklahoma they with 70 million for his buyout which means he’s probably pretty safe I think for a while but but but they’re good over there I do want to ask you Marcus Freeman year three got his recruits in got his culture in a little bit of pressure there an easier schedule as we we talked about it yesterday we did which made me think about this so for him what should the expectation be this season for Notre Dame well with the top 25 easiest schedules in college football correct three of Marcus Freeman and the fact that he’s never been a head coach he’s gota I I think it’s playoffs I think he’s got to go 10- two and be one of the top 12 teams in the country because you don’t have a conference to win like what do you win at Notre you don’t have the Ohio State home at home like that’s gone but like even that like what’s your accomplishment the Alo like you need to make the playoff at least so they can sit there and say he made the playoffs we see progress whereas other schools you could say all right we finally won the Big 12 Next Step playoffs Notre Dame there’s nothing it’s either you weren’t good enough or you made the playoffs so I think in year three with the top 25 easiest schedule in college football he’s got to make the playoffs 10 and two is the the basem now do I think he gets fired if he goes nine and three and doesn’t make it no definitely no but I think for them to feel good about the trajectory of Notre Dame football he’s got to go 10 and two minimally and he’s got to make the playoffs who do you think is under more pressure to make the playoffs Notre Dame or Penn State and I got the Penn State schedule for you right there too I mean Penn State for sure because James Franklin’s further in his tenure okay and he’s hit he’s hit his head on the ceiling a dozen times right 10 and two couldn’t beat Ohio State or Michigan that’s like it’s like the James Franklin way of life now what do you think’s more likely to who do you think’s more likely to make the playoffs Penn State or Notre D Notre really I do because I think pen Penn State’s top 12 every year here yeah but it’s a new landscape yeah and I mean so they got they got Ohio State I’m counting as an L right I think Washington’s win at USC that could go either way so that 10 and two is is pretty I mean that’s the James Frank way 10 and two now does 10 and two get you in that’s the other question right because 10 and two with wins over who Kent State right there’s going to be a bunch of 10 and two teams now if it’s Georgia they’re getting in if it’s Ohio state they’re getting in Penn State they’re going to be on the bubble and then it’s about the landscape so does 11 and one get you in yeah they’ll get in 111 meaning they they beat either Ohio State or I mean yeah I mean mean they lost to Ohio State yeah if they only lost to Ohio State they’ll get in they’ll be the 10th ranked team in the country and then on the on the other side who gets in at like a 10 and two Notre Dame or 10 and two Penn State if it’s down to those two schools because this they’re both have weak schedules 10 and two like honestly 10 and two Notre Dame would probably get over 10 and two they definitely would I think they definitely would because Notre Dame is such a big brand has such a big following will sell so many tickets and Penn State everyone’s kind of like yeah that’s what James Frankin does and like they’ll be there’ll be another 10 and two big 10 team like you have you’ll have your but because org I think orgon and Ohio are getting in they’re getting in and and that’ll be where you start to say all right we already have three big 10 teams 10 and two Penn State or 10 and two Notre Dame it’s like well Notre Dame is not another big 10 team so let’s slide them in right 100 100% um one in some Super Chat Zack and then uh chat a little bit more uh my guy cam thanks for the two check out the corner Chris and Zeke doing a great job yeah appreciate it episode today or last yesterday yeah yesterday yesterday yesterday they do great [ __ ] it’s entertaining and it’s informative what more do you want yeah what more do you want and we’re we’re like the uh like the Nuggets of Ohio State recruiting like we got a big ser and and Zeke and you know I’m I’m Jamal Murray and we bring the the Nuggets like the Nuggets see was that was really cool in my head last night Jamal thanks for the two Zack versus Desmond Watson in an octagon who you got who Desmond Watson yeah I have no clue who Desmond Watson is let me look I don’t know I mean I’m pretty confident but Desmond Watson I when he said Desmond I’m thinking like Desmond Howard Desmond Howard or Deshaun Watson yeah Desmond Watson is it a fusion of the two yeah it’s probably a tough out yeah I mean I beat Desmond Howard’s ass oh what the [ __ ] no come on bro oh oh the B from Florida yeah he weighs like what is he like 45 pounds I’m running laps fat ass is gonna have a heart attack it’s like how do you hurt him I I know I’m gonna I’m gonna make his heart stop fail okay that you know Fair first time ever in an octagon match he’s gonna tap out and I haven’t even come close to him yet he’s gonna tap DJ thanks for the two I can’t run anymore I can’t chase this guy anymore use this to fund the Menace logo on Akon’s field that’d be sweet that’d be fire honestly that’s the goal I you know I just what does that cost 30 bucks we might be able to afford it honestly who do we ask do we ask ask yeah I will actually he told me to come back to the office sometime I think Security’s pretty light over there I don’t know if you know but I think I just I could just talk my way in I don’t have a pass or parking pass or anything but that’d be sick dude if it’s like if it’s like $1 th000 doll can we do it absolutely it’s G to be more than $1,000 bro we’re going to be competing with [ __ ] good year and [ __ ] like that but you know we’ll uh we’ll we’ll take it we’ll take it I guess um hold up let me we do have um mailback questions as well as we kind of get this thing moving in grooving yes sir um this was a good one Zach can you have we ever undervalued the experience the o line is bringing back this year well it’s about what type of experience right I’ve always said experience matters but if the experience wasn’t great is that a notch in the belt I mean a little bit they played but like Josh ryer didn’t play well MH Carson Hinman didn’t play well so are they going to be better yes but it’s not like you’re bringing back Paris Johnson Jr now I think at you go across the line I think left tackle’s going to be solid left guard probably best in the country Center’s going to be solid worry about Right Guard like who’s playing there I don’t know who it is and if Josh fr’s the right tackle it’s the same same story as last year I worry about the right side of the offensive line will they be better they should be but until they are I I’m not going to like because they played last year going to say yes experience coming back I used to be high on the experience wave two years ago I picked NC State who was returning 84% of their production to win the conference they ended up going I believe seven and five yeah and I sat down and thought to myself well of course they returned all these players and they don’t recruit well so it’s just the same team as last year but everybody else in the in the ACC is going to take a step up because they’re going to get better now by everybody I mean your big dogs Clemson Florida State schools like that I used to be a big believer in experience I no longer am it’s it’s just the question is what type of experience like when Michigan returned their whole offensive line after the offensive line won the Joe Moore award yeah huge deal when you return experience that maybe was just okay it’s like okay I don’t feel bad about it because they should be a little bit better but it’s not like some huge feather in the cap well and I I I don’t know I I actually don’t know how I feel about experience on the o line because it it used to be a feather in the cap because like one of the big things is like continuity right yeah like a second year together and I also don’t think they were as bad as everyone thought last year I think the Missouri game people get kind of caught up about but that was a different offensive line than it was rest of the year like a completely completely different offensive line so well just one guy but yes I mean no it was that offensive line was completely different wasn’t it no Matt Jones just moved to Center and Enoch played guard so one guy came in oh yeah well Matt Jones and Center was disgraceful though and Enoch wasn’t great Enoch The Matador man I mean boy had red on said come on come on in come come get it going um Zack can you break down Chris Henry’s sophomore tape curious to see what your take on him especially for his size yeah we can do that like a bonus recruiting Bourbon and ball yeah that’d be cool if I’m GNA drink bourbon a second night of the week I got I gotta Chill on that that’s a lot of bourbon let’s do um water and ball water and ball ball water Aquafina and ball is that good Aqua Aquafina and football what’s too big for you receiver wise like at what point did you cut it off maybe think yeah maybe it’s time for a tight end Coach to get involved because I think he’s six6 as a soft before well that kid is never gonna be a tight end though no I I mean I don’t know I I thought the same thing about G Scott and here we are yeah but he was he was he was a strong looking receiver stockier I mean Chris Henry Jr does not look like a he can he doesn’t have the frame to become a tight end but I don’t know I mean I I I guess I I would never say something isn’t possible right I 66 is probably the cut off for me though you going 67 68 like what can they move he can move he I know he can he can definitely move he’s just so big yeah and like I thought I’d seen like the Unicorn the anomaly because those who know Darren Waller played receiver Georgia Tech but receiver George de in that window was a little different a lot different yeah you were basically a tight end you were asked to do more blocking than anything else and obviously transition but Chris Henry I mean when you look at the cut off remember I I broke down the theory too about a year and a half ago about receivers hitting a certain height like you don’t you just don’t see many of them no well it’s just because it’s so unlikely that you’re that tall and you can move the hips and the feet to play receiver it’s just so like rare I think he’s supremely supremely talented like Nicholas Harbor yes that’s not possible leader and here we watch it again we seen it white people got the update Cooper de jeene and God said I got a Jeremiah Smith a Chris Henry and a Nicholas haror on Deck ready to roll ready to roll I’m excited for him though I me he’s a freak Show he is taking visits to Oregon Thor in the side but he he moved there because he you know he’s just trying to take some trips I’ve seen this with Jeremiah Smith before I have just trust in heartline right yep yep um with the amount of Talent Oregon has been acquired do you think they become and stay the number two team in the Big 10 I mean right now yeah I mean you know it’s it’s all it’s all fluid it’s all cyclical like if they keep doing what they’re doing and Michigan doesn’t level up recruiting and I I think it’s that’s going to be the battle right Ohio State Michigan Oregon those are the top three and two of them are recruiting at a higher clip we know Michigan’s track record and kind of culture and philosophy is development over recruiting Stars which worked 15-0 national champs but I I ultimately it’s going to come come down to quarterback play and talent composite in the long term also them having a footprint in our region now how much more difficult does that make recruiting for us I mean Chris Henry Jr’s taking a visit right yes so they’re going to be more relevant what region do you consider that what do you mean like Chris Henry like he’s talking about recruiting in our region yeah right I’m just I’m just saying like just in general kids that generally wouldn’t like Jeremiah Smith didn’t take a visit to Oregon one’s a Cali Kid One’s a Florida but Jeremiah mlen did from St Louis and ended up flipping there on Signing Day right I think it’s going to become a thing Dan Lanning is recruiting like they did at Georgia and so naturally he’s going to get involved with national recruits more so than we’ve seen Oregon do yeah he’s got Justin Hill who I think is probably the best player in Ohio defensively uh maybe second best buying Trey mcnut he’s got him taking a visit to Oregon too and he’s from Ohio yeah it’s like damn that kid should have that kid should have been a buckeye already y um which linebacker is Tony Alfred going to start over Donan Edwards randomly for a couple games this season I love that bro oh I love Buckeye fans that is so funny we got a whole bunch of [ __ ] comedians out here so uh so thank you for that um our guy wants to know he’s heading to Nashville in two weeks for a bachelor party for his bachelor party congrats brother what are the places we need to hit up so um I mean all of them they’re all good I mean some of the best ones aren’t even the big ones but the bar stool bar is awesome Luke Bryant’s bar is awesome like uh Kid Rock’s Bar bizarrely is I mean it’s like hard rock but still bangers and the there’s not a bad place in nville that sounds dope to me Kid Rocks Kid Rocks Bar is my favorite it’s just so cool like two two floors big ass stage and they were rocking it with some nostalgic like 90s rock it was sweet it’s a great era your boy your boy smiling on the inside there’s just so much talent like you also walk in a small hole in no ball bar and there was three sisters that came over from Australia and they were [ __ ] phenomenal and you’re like what is this place music Capital um let’s get a quick word let do it we’ll be right back after this all right Menace Army the level up is here I’ve been teasing about it talking about it waiting for it to be finished the next level up of menesa sports I need you to get over there right now Menace go check it out look around it’s here and it’s a beautiful thing because we have message boards we’re working on a new group chat we had one on slack we’re going to have a new one and also all the exclusive content here’s the best part I’m talking legit exclusive content Manning cast during season Bourbon and ball um mind of the Menace the freaks Society everything is going to be on this website if you sign up every tier gets the message boards and then obviously the higher tiers get Bourbon and ball then you get the group chat the mind of the Menace and all the other things that we do go check it out Menace and here’s what we’re doing every month from now till season if you sign up for one year you get a discount if you sign up for a full year of the film room or the general tier Colonel or general tier we’re going to pick one person and refund the entire year so you got a chance to get it for free all the film breakdowns all the group chats all the exclusive content only on Menace Sports go check out our new website menis we appreciate you we’re back Justina asley in the background shout out to the queen and her mini me up in here not show her underwear off today please bro yesterday they asked down yesterday they asked if I wanted a smoothie and I was like yeah and she was like what kind and I was like a mango one she was like there’s no mango I love you I just can I just tell a story in piece oh my God and you walked over there and what was there there was mango and she said well I just had to have tried Bahama Mama joint or whatever I was like damn that feels racist like why are we gonna ask saying that feels racist like why are we G to ask what I want and then just not care what I want that’s what I’m saying like juneth is coming up come correct sorry looking around looking around looking around scan it scan it scan it um you know I do have this graphic I’m not gonna try to throw it up because of the current conditions of the world but uh that that on three Elite Summit was really was really cool was really cool they uh took all the an anonymous polls oh let’s go let’s go strawberry mango that’s what I’m saying if there’s mango in it I’m I’m with it it’s going thank you oh you can try to throw it up throw it up throw up throw it up I just wanted a smoothie nil survey Chris forgot he got a smoothie he forgot we doing a show yeah no I remember desired Financial packages right yeah so $400,000 for the and these are 31 blue chippers by the way 31 blue shippers were were offered this $400,000 was the medium the average of of all the nil packages five participants with offers over $1 million so only five kids in the country are getting a seven figureure nil VI only five and I would bet three of them are quarterbacks one of them a defensive end and the other one is a tackle who just went to Clemson that’s crazy paying a million for a tackle but I mean I can see the value like yeah like it’s the NFL model right yeah those those are positions you pay and the next will be a quarter I mean do you remember when Ryan talked about like to the boers about the market for kids he was like honestly for tackles you’re looking at close to a million dollars oh yeah and that’s why I never got super frustrated with with Justin fry right it’s like I I know how much he needed to get a tackle I also knew how much the collectives had in the time my put that graphic back up Pat my favorite part about this is they put they put like one were the biggest nil concerns people lying to me saying numbers G me commit being scammed into a bad situation and then randomly Jaden Rashad con Jaden Rashad damn I mean isn’t that a good answer though yeah so shout out to that survey is it good smoothie going what did you get BAH mama what’s in it though I [ __ ] know you can’t taste the individual fruits is your pallet not defined see this is what people do with bourbon or if you taste the Cherry I’m like no it tastes like bourbon and this one tastes different from another one I can separate them bro I got great taste buds I a [ __ ] great taste bus I just either like it or don’t um I love this Miami we are now in the month of June Miami is in Peak form the hurricanes are back we got an article from you know one of the the on three site over there at uh at Miami and it’s cam Ward’s quarterback coach yeah calling him a Patrick Mahomes type guy a Caleb Williams type guy that’s how good cam W is It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year Miami 10 and two I mean usually it’s the fans though yeah like the quarterback coach is saying cam Bo is Patrick Mahomes and Caleb Williams I don’t understand coaches when they do this under promise overd deliver why would you say this publicly even if he is let’s say he is Caleb Williams or Pat mahes why say it just let him go be it and everyone’s like oh my God he’s really good why do you have to get people’s hopes up especially right now especially in Miami he’s definitely not either of them no like he is honestly you know what he’s who he’s closest to in my opinion the boyin kid that played for TCU okay that’s who he reminds me I remember that year it was 2014 yeah TCU I think was the number 16 team they finished there they they were number four and then lost two spots that’s who he’s closest to a fun player a gamer lot of armed Talent makes some risky M you know throws at times sometimes it works out sometimes it doesn’t not going to be an NFL quarterback right I think that’s what you are if you’re cam Ward and that’s great for college to call him the best quarterback in the NFL and then the second one is the guy who just won the highman trophy two years ago right number one overall pick by the way like Miami have we not learned from anything be for Real come on be the [ __ ] for real we have to learn from something we cannot keep going on these interviews calling guys this good no can’t do it um they had an interesting case and I I threw this in last week it’s kind of unfolding so they had the Simeon burrow kid transfering defensive tackle good player from Michigan State he transferred in he signed some sort of agreement with LSU I guess opted to go to Miami now wants more money to stay at Miami he’s not quite there and the belief is he might leave he might stay I don’t understand the rules of the portal isn’t it closed yeah I don’t you can’t reer it I believe I mean I’m 99.9% sure he would have to wait until after the season at this point there’s no portal window open unless unless his coach leaves an article dropped from um from Matt zener indicating he told some players that he was looking to get up out of here was was the uh was the verbiage he used he signed the LSU agreement before heading to Miami now it looks like if he’s able to leave Miami he’ll head to Missouri what is going on I I don’t even know how it’s possible but this this is the [ __ ] they do I mean stuff like this will come out kid wants to leave do this do that it’s like dude you can’t the window closed the door closed the Portal’s not open what are you talking about but it would only happen in Miami yeah Miami’s the one to be like I didn’t think you could do that but that kid just left Miami somehow yeah he’s he’s up out of there um Mario crystal balls first two years vers first my guy man Al golden no Manny oh Manny Diaz Manny Diaz in his first 25 games 14- 11 17 weeks ranked two and four versus ranked teams 2-0 versus Florida State Mario 11 and 14 zero bull wins same same as Manny not only nine weeks ranked one in five versus ranked teams 0 and2 versus Florida State what’s the difference why did people why were people so out on Manny after after those 25 games but so in on Mario after these 25 games I I don’t know that they’re so in one I think Florida State’s better now so that’s a tough one right two and four one and five ranked teams both suck um but I think I think people have and Miami fans specifically I think they’ve kind of learned from their mistakes where it’s like well every coach we’ve gotten basically since Larry Coker has been a fail and so it’s like after a while you’re like ah let’s give him another year like we believed in the guy like let’s you start to get a little numb to it and I think that’s a big deal and that that happens the biggest fever dream to me in the history of Miami like since I’ve been paying attention was remembering that Mark Rick was there right like why did that happen why was that a thing Miami the Miami Journey since 2002 essentially has been wild like why was what was Mark Rick doing there Georgia fans got sick of him because he couldn’t he couldn’t get him over the top and so he went to Miami just randomly as a kid I always viewed like Mark rck as like the good guy version of Urban Meer and urban Meer was like the evil Mark Rick yeah Mark Rick was like yeah the likable Urban Meyer yeah he’s like he’s like if if Urban Meyer had like those two things on his shoulder one Angel and one devil like the devil would be Urban Meyer and the good guy would be Mark Rick sure and so for me like Miami was like the devil school and so why is good Urban Meyer going to Miami and and then he left and then came back and didn’t want to leave and then they couldn’t win and then Manny ended up being a coach and then Manny ended up being the [ __ ] BC at Penn State now he’s at Duke it’s been a wild wild Journey for Miami coaches where’s Rick where’s Rick that now that’s what I want to know that’s a good question why is he not on TV why is he on TV I think he was for a minute was he any he wasn’t any good then but I say that he’s probably [ __ ] Greg olon because that’s a every time you say someone sucks on TV they turns out they’re like the best ever they end up being really really good um Zach are you ready to get out of here before things get too destructive yeah it’s getting a little wild in here so we’re going to do stuff out of here but we appreciate you pulling up on a Freaky Friday enjoy your week we’ll be back Monday with our normal show in studio We Appreciate You Menace out


  1. That's confirmation to me.Will howard will start… Devon brown may get some playing time, But they be starting in Will Howard, because they just dropped a million dollars on him.. There is no way he doesn't start

  2. I'd love to see the NFL and or college ball broadcast the OC and DC play calls during critical situations like the UFL does

  3. Lol can't even watch the show. Yalls mobile production is ass. Haha. Even Austin has better mobile production than you douche bags. Haha

  4. Today was a good example where the show doesn't have to be perfect to be funny and have great content. Wow, it really looked the ISP was throttling your speed like back in the day when they felt you used too much bandwidth, imagine you will all watch this stream and think it's comical at times. Go bucks!

  5. Man I know cell coverage isn't this bad in Dublin 😆

    Gotta watch those data speeds! Maybe lower the video bitrate and up the audio bitrate if you're working with limited bandwidth.

  6. Production at the live shows are bad but I’m still gonna keep watching lol as a fan , just gotta deal with growing pains

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