Golf Players

The Open Revisited | ROUND 1 | The 148th Open Championship at Royal Portrush


The R&A | The Open | The AIG Women’s Open





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which the club originally didn’t own and it’s almost like a rectangle shape left of one and uh obviously left of 18 as well about 150 yards long about not much more than 30 yards wide its widest and they club didn’t own it so the tradition is it’s a uh oh and that’s buried wow so the nightmare two first two shots for Rory maoy that has got to be a JW I wonder if that’s the first time he’s ever hit it Obi off this te you know I I can’t believe he did that with an eye well in conditions like this especially I mean there’s yes there’s a breeze but no it’s it’s it’s actually perfect breeze for these guys you just open the face up and you swing as hard as you like cuz you’re a little nervous you got to swing and if anything you’re going to you’re going to block it I mean and you know body’s a little tighter and the arms went go a little quicker and that’s any a hook on the wind is is gone gall and the grand stand shocked at this moment up to the green Molinari to start with a [Applause] birdie everyone from that position has missed the put on the left side it seems like this morning reading for a little bit of left to right but it doesn’t seem to be there Lowry at nine from just under 200 yards I’m going to hit a provisional Brandon I don’t think anybody saw it over there well that’s Phil michelon know that Bo beautiful shot from Shane that you see that follow through how he held it off kept it down that’s the key this week it’s the half shots man it was so impressive on that back nine last year to seal the deal underway here but they’re still shocked at the opening hole [Applause] think it’s Rory’s second ball wasn’t really that much better I don’t know what sort of lie he’s got but uh we saw Fitzpatrick in that left rough earlier in the day and he couldn’t get to the green no and I’m I’m going with horrendous that light it’s it’s deep if we can’t see it from uh up above then and the fear is the club grabs it goes left and there’s Ferns and everything left so he’s going to have to compensate and and really uh hold it off fan it out to the right as much as possible and as youve saw from that graphic earlier on big climb 26 ft up the uh raised up the first green and look that is Kurt you’re down there what are you thinking well very disappointing that was about a 30 yard hook with that iron off the te it’s out by 5 ft Rory and uh the second ball is in the heavy stuff and the grain is laying towards the green but he’ll have to be a mighty hack to get it up the hill onto the green how far’s he got procs sorry how far’s he got for his second shot or fourth shot now he has I’m going to eyeball it I’m going to say he’s 155 to the hole oh okay might be a nice chunk with a well you never know might better get the the 99 play it out to the our screen left there’s a nice little Gully there or you pound it into that hill and use the hole of the right side as a as your back stop yeah that’s where he looking the problem I mean Nick the problem is I know you know this but if he comes up short at all on that right side it’ll take a uturn and come 40 yards back off that green it could end up in that bunker way short it’s drastic right in front of the green very yeah he has to for safety go right to that old TV tower you can see your those two uh cameramen oh the one sign aim for that I think will make sense yeah this is left that’s what I oh there you go there we go the ferns ferns all the way down down the left hand side it’s guaranteed to go I mean boy so what’s just might be happy for a seven right now would you believe it the first look he’s given it a full rip but this stuff is thick obviously it it rained seriously hard yesterday it’s been raining almost every day but yesterday had a real good Chuck down and there’s no doesn’t matter who you are best in the world you cannot stop the ball from going left Casey now his second obviously a better opportunity here this is headed at the middle and tur it over actually on a pretty good line should use some slope you like him this week done yeah although he’s never played here before it’s his first time ever at Royal Port rush but uh he is playing beautifully that’s the case for a lot of players in the field there were 25 that played in that Irish open back in 2012 some changes to the golf course Woodland he just drilled on iron off that te didn’t get head high this should be no more than a pitching wedge also playing a little safe to the right trying to use that slope this should be inter to see if he goes up and com two days ago before the rain that would have been down to maybe 12 ft from the hole that was the perfect safety shot so we’ll get back to those problems for mroy in a moment up to the second T the R5 and Franchesco yeah I was just to say little low draw not maybe not let’s see where it lands H just over did it and lost 40 yards a run up to the 15th the second for Darren now we have the other problem we down down left to right and watch the bounce should be good oh good call down very good we take the afternoon off they’re going to call it as well as they hit it he’s been doing that all day yeah he he felt it and he was right yeah this man a lot of people’s picking him he a runner up last year in Cari seems to really play well in the big moments already two on the par and he would take a four on four Alex noren second at the eighth one of the two new holes yeah not a long hole just 434 so yeah this will be little down off the right so they can get right little right to left power four round the and if you’re feeling bold and you got a short enough Club yes you can go for it but if anything longer than a seven I think you’ll be thinking twice about being Mega aggressive if the balls on the oh is Rory they have found it they’ve identified it but it’s in his hand wow terrible I mean this is a nightmare start they had to search until he got here he walked up that they just found it when he finally got up here near the green actually Andrew colart found it for him now unplayable and will be hitting six this is your sixth shot at the open and obviously six will be will be on the green I think we can give him that but this is one of the classic cases where you when when your brain is going a little bit scrambled how got to play safe you got to go long there I mean you cannot come up short it could roll right back into the stuff again and be unplayable for his seventh I love it when the uh analysts always say into the wind little bit easier oh I’m one of them so but circumstance like this it’s surely this is the sixth shot yeah that graphic is red that’s really good really well yeah he trust I said trusted there was a little bit of wind and okay I’ve got to forget everything and play go back into Rory mode play a good good shot maybe maybe get out of here with uh just a the three penalty shots what a nightmare Lowry at nine for birdie beautiful part Larry out in 33 and in a tie for the lead with nor and mcin Ty it’ be great to see an Irishman near the lead on Sunday Zar for Birdie the amiter here at 15 six ameters in the field all right back to one and Woodland from just beyond for birdie and what we saw earlier today with this wind direction you really have to take advantage of these first four or five holes and after that it gets a lot tougher Gary from off the green here just trying to T this wow how about that for a bit of a shock to the read of on the start youday it’s a big po that Rory’s got coming up isn’t it first hole of the week and it’s it’s a big pot now Charlie Hoffman for birdie they getting a share of the lead yeah Charlie’s a great win player he’s got four arms that weigh about 10 lb each comes in very useful when we we when I say heavy arms he really has got heavy arms you talk about how big this putt is for Rory I mean think about what must be going through his head right now that he knows everybody in this country watching every second of this CH and around the globe somewhere where everyone in world you you had your whole build up you come here done all your preparation and then bang quick 2 minutes all of or 5 minutes all of this has happened I know you’re doing your maths here two penalty shots but for me hitting that extra ball that you didn’t think about you thought you ever thought you were going to be doing I call that’s why I call it a two shot penalty the fact you’re down the middle hopefully down the fade for three but uh this is a classic what the most important thing he’s just got to get one back quickly got the power five seconds so you never know it might nice eagled it and then we’re we’re back on schedule most most importantly make this one first green speeds about 10 as his customary on links much slower than the guys face week to week can’t have them much quicker than this because of the wind and what might pop up along the sea Hardy thing he just saw a bit of a mystery from Gary Woodland’s Puck come down there Hill so he has to really grind on trusting what he sees this is a good at least 5 ft wow we anyway we could go back to the first hand start over yeah that’s what everybody on the ground here is thinking well it’s going to be a fantastic Victory if you start with four over at the first make for a great story would it sure will I mean it’s it’s all about the stories this week so how about that talk about chip away well he had a terrible start at burkdale I remember it wasn’t a quad on the first but I think it was four over in this front side came back and finished tied for fourth the PA of Woodland well you I’m glad you remind in 83 I started double bogey double bogey at burkdale and with nine holes to play on Sunday I was tied for the lead so it is doable just just saying but like you said Terry it must be such a shot to the system I mean he in his worst nightmare he wouldn’t have dreamt that molari with an iron that’s headed a little left by the looks of it might get a kick and a Scuttle but it’s there’s the look at these magnificent Mounds it goes up and down then back up again but it that’s fine he can just Lop that across use a bit of slope bit of wind so actually that’s fine the best runoff areas you’ve seen on any course I have to say we all the hazards here are pretty obvious we’ve got the rough we’ve got the wind we’ve got the bunkers and I think the Magnificent manicuring around the greens has accentuated every hump and bump and then now hazards I mean they when if they just if it will just dry out a touch you can hit a shot 25 ft from the hole and have a mound that you’re going to have to pop up sideways and up down the other side so it’s they’ve done a fantastic job at the RNA of setting up the golf for this week really is a it’s a different style with all these runoffs but boy you know this golf was perfect because we got so many elevated greens Eddie peppol this for birdie at the 10 remember that final round last year at the open chucked everyone including himself yes he had a good Saturday night didn’t yes he did looking up at the leaderboard saying I might have to stick around and see what these boys are doing the rest of the way he’s a fun guy EDD pepp enjoys life Sergio [Applause] Woodland on the t two long iron again here yeah same again you watch the low Stinger yeah he just trying to get this in play it’s just about 300 to the left bunker but this is perfect right down the heart it’s perfect when you know you’re a actual fader you so you just go with it and you if you block it 10 or 15 ft you get that how fabulous is out for a long IR Russell knocks for birdie here at four you get an idea of that slope top right there of the screen quite a bit of undulation in these greens in the different areas certainly matters where you land it not just being on the Green in regulation it’s it’s the whole key to the golf course you know when obviously you hit your t-shot but then you’re you’re plotting of how you’re going to play a second or third shot downwind cross win where you land it where how you release it that’s that is Link’s golf malar is third yeah well done really well done Rory see if he cannot hit compensation just as you expect two big hooks off the first and a huge block to the right he may get away with it but no doubt those two big hooks off the first te affected him there well to call it a shaky start would be the understatement of the day just makes your head spin an eight at the opener for Rory mroy tying the worst hole at a major ever had a eight back in 2013 at the US Open this is an entirely different level three under the [Music] lead scroll through the leaderboards here David Deval Open champ at two under good start for him some broadcasting these days as well Brandon Rue you see star from Stanford and grah McDow one under through four you know you you almost think there was some help from somewhere else outside of this world on that 30-footer at the Canadian open for GR mcdal to get in so many people rooting for him to be able to play here at for Rush yeah did you see that moment on the first te when he was announced and the big Roar went up he actually had a tear in his eye he had to wipe it off gr McDow really was an emotional moment for him and uh good to see they’re playing well but scoring better than I expected well I was out there yesterday in the practice round in the afternoon and it was brutal oh yes if it if it’s going to be brutal here well then you know p is a fantastic score but if it’s just tough enough where it really does reward great t- shots and obviously great planning and plotting and execution on second and third yes it’s with the just enough softness in the greens Z it is playable and and the wind is not as strong as it was first thing in the morning at 6:37 o00 it was blowing probably 5 10 m an hour stronger bogey pu for Adam Scott and a double bogey on the PA five that he can reach in two was really In Contention at the turn on the last round of the US Open and inexplicably hit that t-shot OB on 13 that was a that was a shuer Devol for a birdie at three three in a [Music] [Applause] row David I settle for a par here I did check the tide by the way you want it I I oh you oh go ah go ahead we we’re on it we that’s why I I was actually was going to go with I’m not going to upset you this morning we have a little tradition in America that the players when I I rattl on about the tides and it’s become a bit of a fun thing but we got a low tide now and it will change at 2:15 p.m. this afternoon but incidentally in pona Beach they will have a high tide at 2 51 so all that water I guess is coming across yeah what they lose we pick up and vice versa Gray oh what a brilliant approach there and why do we ask about the tides because because the win will change and they everybody laughes him me then suddenly 15 minutes after it Pon all going oh my goodness it’s over blowing 20 mil an hour or it’s or it stopped one or the other Kevin kizner got to be another Danger Man this week that lad now Kurt I thought there was a lump in front of this ball mooy now decent lie he’s over 300 yd to the hole 275 to the front trying to get it up there it’s on a good line if it runs all the way didn’t miss those bunkers by very much when the looks of it but he’s okay now okay is relative yeah lovely shot there from players view you see plenty of room to he want to land this front just to golfer right of Roar his ball a little Hollow there to slow things down Woodland’s got 264 to the hole that iron off the te went about 308 downwind that’s good to see that the wind see that wind has picked up just want to land this front edge let it take it back bounce this has headed a little bit to the left yeah tried to save it with the chicken wing oh there we go there’s your humps and bumps and kicks and if that see now see if that jams up against the long stuff it suddenly becomes a serious problem birdie putt at the 10th for Shane Lowry a little bit shorter than the one he h on the previous hul same result what a green this T is it’s so narrow about 10 yd wide at its narrowest Point although it does funnel in from the sides but it just looks fantastic all right Franchesco Molinari here on the T at three the par of Three Billy Ray Brown has joined these three all right Terry 175 yds helping Breeze here at the par three already coming up off that birdie at the par 5 Seconds wonderful day right now just overcast guys wind starting to pick up just a bit all right now this is going to be fascinating with me with Bryce really how all his science that he applies prior to hitting the golf P I’m not too sure how that works on a lyns yeah I totally agree with you Nick you’ve got to almost every shot actors in the win the bounce there you go and look see that’s going to go against the long stuff you got to jam it out up over Hill back so he was out practicing yesterday had his launch monitor got the numbers on every swing all across this golf course which was was odd to see here Clark on the way up over Dar I thought Darren would know that P because that’s the bailout at 16 you’re going to go left for safety now Rob McIntyre from Oban on the west coast of Scotland oh lovely P read that beautifully perfect taste [Applause] too every year it seems at the open there’s a name that emerges that you did not expect in any way and this might be the one well he’s been playing nicely over the last couple of months and gaining rapidly with his experience and uh confidence let’s ch again going really well I me you take a solid three up 16 yeah yesterday standing on this te guys were hitting driver this PA three hitting driver three-wood Sergio hit a three-wood way short just give you an idea how strong the wind can get now beef made a terrific Eagle on the second massive cut there these three under for the par fives it’s only played two of them lot of happy golf fans last week when he had that 62 he ended up earning a spot here at the open happy to see him back and mroy from in front of the green now well this is a big up and down to get it turned around right away here it’s downwind that whole location up on that shelf in the back it’s not an easy shot it’ll run away if it carries too much speed when it gets to the hole [Applause] pretty good the amateur Champion par Puck he’d love to be in red figures at the end of the round there’s one under couple of tough holes coming up playing into the wi 17 and 18 Casey back here at two from off the green he caught a good lie and he doesn’t have to deal with the ridge here [Applause] really but work left for his birdie he get back there jump up to three mullinar is second now BR it’s got a pretty good lie over here on this right hand side pitching back up the hill into the breeze plenty of green to work with here but he looks like his way he’s aiming bil that it’s going to try and kick it off that Hill try to use that slope a little bit might even be to use the slope behind it as well doesn’t carry it far enough at all lot of work left there from allari [Applause] now we could see where his ball finished up it’s not good there you go that’s exact you know you had if he just faded that second shot this would be a different story so now you’re hacking and you can’t play how about that completely underneath it so this is really going to be the whole story of the week you get a kick off the side of the greens whether it’s a good shot or a poor shot into this stuff it’s a troubles even off a good light this is a Troublesome shot but off a poor line you’re thinking how am I going to strike it perfectly then you over or under compensate for whatever we might get out of it but he does fortunately but it’s still a still a shotgun Darren Clark all by himself Serene picture here this for par that was this second shot there just a little bit heavy-handed it results in a bogey now shl you can see it’s pretty windy there the cameraman yeah if you’re feeling the bit SE sick don’t just don’t watch right now I get seasick and a damp lawn Terry so roll with it physically go ahead that helps all right Casey getting set here this for birdie at two Kurt well that pitch ran by so now he’s dealing with where that Ridge comes off that shoulder on the back right side of the green so this is going to have plus the wind is going left to right so there’s a lot of left to right break in this even though he’s only about 10 ft yeah molinari’s chip sh when he played he kept curling round is it so this Fell’s going to really oh look at that he started at 3 ft left and it’s a not enough side Winder side slicer and Rory will be next Kurt you you’ve been out there with the gallery after what took place on that first hole what uh what have the comments been like or the the mood what’s it been like yeah they they still they’re 100% behind their guy they’re uh you know I you know they’re taking photos of him all the way from green to the next te everybody’s excited to see him out here I know that took a little wind out of everybody’s sales but I think they’re hopeful because it happened early in the round that he has a chance to Rally but he needs to get started right here and that did not look great Adam Scott missed the green hereit on the third this is what I want to see how are they going to have to send it up the side of the hill I wasn’t too wasn’t too much oh here we go so that’s that’s doable the the chipping bit is way tougher and with the short putter [Applause] too it’s a lovely spot Ro Port [Music] Rush Oh the Irish flag at the very top of the leaderboard Shane Lowry for under par after 10 Robert McIntyre also four under only after [Music] seven just steps from the sea in that beach Molinari now for par yeah well done well that’s what’s transformed his game from a a really good player to a great player those puts those sort of six to 10 Footers holding them with regularity Romain langas this we get it to three under there you [Applause] go 1933 this when Royal Port Rush open for play the club back in the late 1880s kissner on the way here at two got started on the right line and down the right hand side you see and it will kick better that’s what Gary Woodland should have done obvious he pulled it a touch there you get your reward should be chance at a three should be a guaranteed four from there playing back into the wi for the first time 185 yards can’t be short here short left and right there a big fall off but the PIN is oh that wasn’t that far away from being a little bit short and that down 25 yds up on this elevated T Gary Woodland plus a lot of wind helping here earlier today the players were hitting nine iron Woodland as long as he that may be a wedge but out to the right that’s doesn’t help if you got a wedge in your hand you do that Adam SC hold it but it’s unlikely you can going to see two of them in a row really tough hole location right now with this Breeze straight down Nick it’s hard to make the ball curve at all because it’s just pushing so hard from behind so that ho location up on that little shelf is pretty tough to get close to yeah they can land it as far back as just try and land it maybe 10 yards on the green Max right to center and watch it bounce who likes to draw the ball and this is out to the right as well not turning and off she goes again they’re Landing it a it’s carrying a little further than and there we go watched eight or nine players play this hole and uh six or seven of them have been right in that area you the hard part here for Rory I mean there’s going to be an occasional holoc like this that you know is really tough to get to and do you try to take it on even though this is a wedge for him or do you play center of the green like most play players I think you try to come up you like 20 ft short and I think you have to set that is your real goal and he stayed out to the right conservative wow it’s gone flying through as well that wind is really pushing from [Applause] behind you know when he W in Canada he said he played with so much freedom in that last round but he looks like he’s got the handbrake on a little bit here today mcdal on the Sixt go go hard Graham AER 16th at the US Open played well there but a couple of Mis cuss since allari on the T at 4 480 today yeah great looking hole this terce is this is Fred Dy got out of bounds right bunkers are all in the right right place that’s pect third coming up for Shane Lowry here at 11 with that wind blowing a little more here I think the 11th’s going to be one of the brutes of the week it’s for normally at par five for the members they’ve obviously shortened it a touch but there’s ferns left and right hard left right to left to right wind kind of mediumsized Fairway not not the widest not the narrowest but left to to right fabulous hole big rise up to the green I mean really big rise good good 15 ft up and they put it on the front corner so even this well this is left to right int so this is another another little knockdown shot started a good three four yards left of the flag maybe it will push a yard to the right there go so you have that’s what you have to do for safety that was a smart shot there I think you’re going to have to play on a rough da for for 20 ft and chance your luck with the putter yeah anything short there you say you can see it back there’ll go back to 30 yards down the Fairway sure F this one’s just going to go a little gently to the left slightly uphill shuff’s t- shot was just hanging in the wind he was fortunate to catch the green it almost came back down that big fce front at the front of the green Cory Connor for birdie winner earlier this season on the PGA tour did he oh yeah he won that as a Monday qualifier too didn’t he Terry Texas open he did and here he is at the open so Gary Woodland here electing to chip it off to just so Adam Scott Ho it he played a really good one I when I first walked by and looked at it I thought for sure he would cut it but uh obviously he was very comfortable with that shot have you seen the lies coming up here for the next two guys Casey caught a it’s not in the really deep stuff but the problem is the grain of the grass is laying away from the hole so this makes this shot so unpredictable you you got to just chop in there and you got to stay aggressive if you decelerate on this you’ll go halfway yeah well described that was a chop and it lifted his head and uh got to got to see the divot that was one of the things I used to say to myself on the links make sure you see the divot keep keep your head down Rory’s lies better he’s got an opportunity going back into the wind wind to be a little more aggressive here no shake of the head is all you can do at this point I guess there’s enough wind and there’s enough slope that you suddenly start feeling you’re not in control of of your Destinies or your opportunities uh yeah the golf course has got a one up on you already got a good look from behind Molinari here at what the player sees up over those Mounds just see the berry top of the flag stick here position on that left hand side 165 yds wind starting to increase helping here at the par four this is one of the smallest greens he actually average size his greens is is pretty big for Lyn like 5900 Square ft U for example Pebble Beach was 3500 so that give you they’re they’re pretty generous but there’s an awful lot going on man of the hour and they look good right now even when they don’t go here at three Casey for par much more than he wanted yeah that is just such a tough chot to play around the greens even some of these downwind holes with this this much wind are tough how do you judge that big first bounce now on the 17th Aaron Clark from well off the green he’s a good 25 30 ft from The Fringe but using the Potter he hasn’t hit it [Applause] back at three mroy for par slightly downhill but back into the breeze you still have to stay a little more aggressive here boy what a start brutal your highest apprehensions your your worst nightmares of this day don’t this you never You’ never have thought that you’d be thinking oh you know I should really be one under after the first three now out oh yeah 66 players out on the golf course where’s Rory maroy he’s 65th it’s just mindboggling kizner this for Eagle at the [Applause] second more than a few touting him this week yeah def definitely a danger man he’s got the great ball flight he’s a natural drawer keeps the ball low and as we watched Terry with the match play Bo was he fantastic inside 10 ft that’s all that’s all part of this this week you just got to scramble great and be really great inside 10 ft so along the North Coast of Northern Ireland here by the Giants Causeway dun loose castle and Royal Port Rush day one here the 148th open and meloy scrambling at home Sunshine for the moment some showers earlier and do expect some this afternoon but fingers crossed not a whole lot expected if we take you across this land over to the fourth got homes all along the side here in the town to the right all right lengthy one for malari Billy Ray yeah came from the front of the green up and over the ridge originally it’ll come up that Ridge start to turn right and straighten up at the hole as you would expect monari going quietly about his business one birdie all pars up to this point take up to Shane Lowry this for par lengthy one yeah putting back down wind so I got to be a little bit careful looks good oh oh oh it just turned at the end just a tiny amount but it was a great CL so bogey F lari first of the day parut 17 Darren Clark man it was instrumental in getting this open here time and again we go back to the RNA remind them of what they’re trying to get done and bringing this biggest Championship back to Northern Ireland for the first time since 1951 kizner on the tier three let’s see if that little low draw works here get the right landing spot and just only just did everything right that’s about as good as you can do wow they’re all Landing up meloy with an iron in hand here on the te yeah downwind the ball’s rolling forever in this Fairway shoulders well open for he actually set up to try to hold a cut up into this right to left and help that was a good swing there finally won where he was looking yeah cut it off those two bunkers use the the wind as your safety net Phil melson it’s a bogey putt we understand trouble off the te he’s already two over all right well 49 years old as motivated as ever was out here in the rain yesterday working hard on his game have you done your cleanse lately yeah they they the cleanse he went on his uh was more than a d it wasn’t it was the fasting for 6 days lost 15 he said uh in a week we’ve all been on that I’m on the sugarfree bleming thing coming up 6 weeks on Saturday of no sugar how about that I’ve got rid of 10 it’s working so I’m happy it’s your birthday have a little Su yeah I cheated last night had bit I actually had a Slither of birthday cake two time Open champ Harrington with a good one there back to Molinari now with this left coming up Billy Ray this is a very tough read for molari tendency here at times play a little break but it will move a little bit left at the [Applause] end so that was Steve elon’s that record at Riviera so that was a that’s another pretty good place to go bogy free another good save there Nick backto back saves there for Molinari yeah he’s he’s in the his mulinari mode Francesco went 37 straight holes bogey free to win it last year Clark for bogie yeah this will bring him back to even par here’s three under after five but those are the hes that play Down win it gets a little bit tougher from there on but still it’s a pretty solid round from Big Darren McIntyre now the 22-year-old his second here at the ninth ouch first real bit of trouble we’ve seen him in man he’s had a couple of runnerup finishes on the European tour this year take you over near the car park and three from The Edge this is kizner pretty well judged Matthew fits Patrick they were bundled up in the gallery he’s got the stocking camp on too he’s got his Gary Player stance as well oh he zipped under that really well if you do it right out of a pot side bunker a lyx pot bunker I mean it’s a different sound it’s a different feel of the sand it you get that lovely kind of Speedy skid through the sand it’s it’s and they do have the revetted faces here too but they’re covered up with sand so it’s not the same visual same image that we often see meloy standing up ready for his next 183 to the hole basically a blind shot that flag behind that mound that guards the front left of the green straight down wind trying to send it way up in the air but this is out to the right might be long well got you got to keep it on the high side for starters but that’s that’s into more you know only half a chance more two putt territory Woodland has 180 he and Brendan little talking over the line [Music] here now Casey’s actually going to go he’s 177 to the hole he has the best angle of the three he can see the flag stick from here [Music] he’s playing pretty conservatively out to the right bu on the hill no didn’t carry miles out wow that needed to car at least 10 more yards maybe the more likely 15 yard short what he was thinking I think with with this club Woodland wants to carry it just short of the hole obviously there is some slope behind it on the left if he goes a little long on that line see he got a nice divot on that nice compression these these Fairways are tight that’s all part of it yeah you hit it a little skinny Terry on these Fairways You’ get no you get no compression you get no distance out of it it’s a different Turf and I love coming over here and then feeling that it just feels and sounds different here we go watch this how you get it just get that nice D not too deep just enough to compress the ball feel the bend in the shaft they walk up we drop back this for Park Kevin kizner at [Applause] 3 take you up to the te at 18 final hole of the the day for Darren Clark and we welcome in Sam torren SE Time Rider cover for longtime voice how are you Sam excellent Terry excellent still in shock from maroy start but it’s great to see Darren doing so well accepted to do the opening t- shop birdy’s the hole it’s not a bad way to start three under after five he had the crowds going mad great visual up there on that T at 18 too all right back to 10 web Simpson has this to get it to three under par what do you make of what you’ve seen overall here at Royal Port rush today well it’s the course is amazing uh it’s quite gentle out there it’s not the weather that the will make it really difficult but it’s it’s always going to be difficult some of the best greens I’ve ever seen on Seaside courses look at that shot so it’s Robert McIntyre four under the youngster from Scotland who went to school in the states m State University and a One-Shot lead on day one of the 148th [Music] open just in front of the green here at 14 Roma nask see putter obviously used a lot around and off these greens it really makes sense because you want to go golf ball you just want to do something is consistent you don’t have to try all 14 different clubs you get the one that you really fancy and and if and Fairways run as almost as smoothly as the greens 11th hole in the Fairway the second for noren yeah I love this 11th H Alex in great shape front right flag’s going to really suit him oh yes made to measure for that fade just a tap in when he gets up there terrific conditions right now see those flags up the grand stands they are moving but not like we will see them move later throughout the week s this just kind of winds down and far enough down there to have a view of that flag stick I would think here yes you’ve got to be I T it the other day you got about 22 Ys from that left side before you then that hump completely blocks the vision of actually dar’s perfect and actually into the wind is helpful with a front right hole location if they were playing down off the right that would be impossible to get to that one you can see but he’s well back just pick a flag to aim at hopefully the right one you’re not color blind oh that’s going to help just Maybe not maybe just kicked it a little more than he wanted his win at Royal St George’s s was awfully popular everywhere but especially in this part of the world to play well here would be off the charts absolutely like maroy the same thing but uh speak of the devil here he is he next that’s more a two-p power than a a birly it’s not far away though no just going to go left think he’s got the game and the mind to get over the start brory McDow it’s his third at the par five seventh seventh is a beautiful new hole Yeah call in a new hole it’s it’s kind of been there in the Junes hasn’t it oh there we go very smaller green and a really harsh Ridge in that back middle turning to the right so theyve sandwiched the the flag just short of that the turning point so that was a great third for for Graham sugu the Amer here this is second at 18 am at one point the first group out with one two and three on the leaderboard come here at 6:30 as for started off good looking swing will it come back probably go back right lovely shot look not too difficult from there a great day for the Young James won the Amer championship at nearby P port marck and getting that walk along with a legend from this part of the world Darren Clark making that walk up to the green at 18 here after his opening round and he’s been talking and commentating his way around this golf course today all how nice is that they get a reception like that at what 11:07 on the Thursday morning that’s that’s what the The Spectators are like here all right to Molinari on the T her at 5 Billy R well giv this one a shot here helping Breeze from left to right well that looked fabulous line where’s the front of the green just there oh no but even so you think just short of the green that’s a huge Mound that blocks him you can see it about 5 Paces short of the flag especially being it downwind not sure there options from there you are at the mercy of the bounces on links aren’t you Sam well absolutely that’s that’s what it’s all about really nice sh Fleet third into the seventh not too [Applause] bad ouch ouch I concur Shane’s third coming up now that’s well done if that is square to right that could have been all sorts of drama it’s gas work at some level isn’t it I mean well it’s to strike if you it’s all about that’s all I would have practiced this week I think that’s the key spend an hour a day at least in really nasty lies just to get get some trust you know how to just it’s that millisecond reaction impact to save it that you kind of have to uh have to practice Charlie Hoffman trying to get it to two under I think Terry he might be trying to stay one under here I thought he was there too yeah thought he was it looks like maybe’s taking relief from the uh the grand stands and managed to just drop it right in the front of the Drop Zone that’s a bit of Bing old school trickery there knowing how to where to drop the ball [Applause] finally had some good starts through the years in major championships all right meanwhile McIntyre to stay where he is here po putt at the ninth as the sun pops out I thought that was going to be the moment for him new Scottish start Bobby McIntyre couple of Runners up recently got a great game great game for linkx golf too sugru who is the man putting here this for birdie just getting started his career the 22y old if he remains an Amer he be in the Masters in the US Open as well after that win at the amateur Championship here’s Lowry for birdie now there’s an up and down that’s definitely going to be the difference that makes the difference this week you can uh it skill to ra hack it out of that stuff in the right place and hold the [Applause] PT so it’s low at top the leaderboard at 4 under as Darren Clark finishes up here at 18 instrumental in getting the open back here and and not only lobbying the RNA and convincing them but also just his success and the success of Graham McDow and Harrington before man from the Republic of Ireland and uh M Roy of course all of that coming into play and return R turning this to Northern Ireland absolutely let’s not forget Fred Dy open Champion 1947 he was from Port Rush a shle for his Birdie on seven besides third in here has to get to three under sometimes takes the Americans a little bit time to get used to the speed of the greens here at the British Open they so much slower than what they used to a good par for sh at seven stays at two under kizner at four is second just in front of the bunkers here well he must have gone with driver cuz the other guys were went with iron they were and so he’s way shorter but but but but use you got to use the back stops but you can see how that mound on the right bleeds in so that’ll be an up and over and round the corner to the left yeah just can not afford to go left there back left so everybody coming up on the right trying to use it to 18 again and Darren with what he hopes is his final putt of the day all in all some opening day for Darren Clark here you know it’s those times when I would pick your brain or your brain and say what what is this like do no one really knows what this is like we definitely don’t know what port Rush is like for for hosting an open but we sure do know what Links Golf is like which it it’s it’s the best isn’t it it’s quite amazing no but what what a Darren Clark would be going through right emotion I agree the whole emotion yeah it’s a they’ve been on it this has been in the the books for probably a 10 year project and um and they’ve all been involved as local boys and uh they must be so proud that they are here to represent Northern Island and bring in the open to Northern Island that is fantastic be a Scramble for that one special and he led for a while today brilliant look down at the fifth green right along the sand in the sea so Molinari here at VR and this is going to be difficult Nick you already spoke about that huge Ridge that guards this pole location coming off the UPS slope trying to chase it up that mounding there and he went intentionally left for safety there was no room to land it up the right if it come up up short that that almost a cur round back to his feet so that’s why he went little left there dry at the moment along the coast back to the second just getting things underway and Eagle try long hitter here long on every course but it’ll run here Luke list [Applause] yeah still waiting for this man to win fantastic goal swing power hitter hits at 320 through the air comfortably but hasn’t got across the line yet which we’re all really surprised at do you think you’d hear the day when it was 320 through the a comfortably we are we’re at that this man as well Gary Woodland tweaking it into the one of the beautiful Mounds apart from when it stops your golf ball like that great course Nick isn’t it it’s fantastic it really is um how come this has been sitting here hidden once they I played this about seven or eight years ago and you play of course you you go down 16 and you’re like just in Spellbound and unfortunately then went used to play at 171 18 and go what happened you know and now with the addition of the seven and eight and putting the whole golf course together so all we see is Golf and then the compound and you know hospitality and merchandise is all down the other end so all we see is pure golf is just magnificent no B headed right here way right by that scoreboard right at the green oh my good oh that’s light of it that’s gone that’s in the ferns never ever going to find that one reload spotted Terry got an eye on it we’re really good from the blimp we’re we’re great from 1,200 ft the perose so Rory does need a a belter he’s got to hit the perfect shape and he could get front edge he’s going with three-wood 325 to that front edge this is going to be way right again too this is over where casy just hit it’s going to be right at the scoreboard it’s sure it’s well I might if they heard it it’s a little shter the ferns but here’s the thing the marshals were there looking for Casey’s ball weren’t really paying attention to maoy I it’s hanger left towards us M out ofs I don’t know no it’s over it’s in that bush in that right in the right in the middle of screen but hey run out there yeah you can find it in time got some speed McDow here at seven for birdie great start for a local man former US Open champion at Pebble Beach yes he looks comfortable doesn’t he on his face now here’s this wonderful 13th down the hill fortunately flag is back left cuz it’s down off the right just get it on the green one big hop and let’s see what happens yeah didn’t quite clamber over that let trying beards all around kizner let’s see how this giant mound to the right our right affects it oh with a bit of a read bit of a read bit of a putt there definitely is a danger man there’s always some can come in under the radar I mean I guarantee he did five minut 5 minutes max interviews this week and he’s seriously fine player you’ve got a threesome there and kizner matama and Fowler who all could be top five players this week Simpson out 11 for birdie beautiful looking pot for Simpson he’s four under top of the board no no no no sorry once he got back to putting well made that adjustment boy he has turned it on yeah I chatted to him a couple of years back and he said it was a mental thing he couldn’t get around being almost forced to go get rid of the uh you know the broom handle and it upset him for a whole year and once he got over that made the decision right get on with it then it’s obviously and obviously going to the arm lock the coocha style it’s seriously worked through went over the dunes here at 8 Graham well this is stand up flat get up on top easier to Hope because it’s down off the right and and turning to the left pitching pitching yeah just killed it brother here a greens keeper had active for many years at Port Rush BR Franchesco now we have a good look here I like like the second shot that he played there took most of the mounding out on the right hand side now this is a putt coming across the green that’s going to move from right to left at the end far just too much Billy Ray did they reload on the T or they they just walk down there hoping to find it unplayable and crack on Billy Billy Ray yeah the group behind him had to reload a couple times but uh we’re hearing they’ve actually found Rory’s Ball but Paul Casey was definitely in the ferns now Lori has to take the lead on his [Applause] own speed’s good oh just turned left left fo not further pass wanted it but good effort from Shane they gather around five you see how close it is to the te at six and right along the beach certain areas galleries can get to but a number of them they can’t he at Port rush and you know about the record crowds already so more more tickets will have more people over the course of four days than ever at the open Bryson now for birdie put him straight back up the hill he was just about a foot from coming all the way back down that slope I guess that’s where you c a straight line from your shoulders to the pter [Music] face Garcia down the green at 9 11 sorry excellent excellent Garcia gets the two under wonderful links player Garcia got a fabulous game one of the best strikers has ever been so close at Cari and one of those that Harrington won this man has won it Stenson yes speaking of Striker scw up a hefty divot but beautiful distance control and the game’s coming around played well last week yeah I was commentating last week and it was as good as I saw at TR his putting wasn’t great so four under leading the way number wise about what you expect Ed with the conditions like we have them today yeah I I think so we obvious got a long way to go we still got another 12 hour more gol got nine more hours got actually we do we have n and a half hours more golf to play so we could be we could be miles out by the end of the day noren down the slope back up this for Eagle yeah you do tend to get excited with the the flight early in the go oh yeah we’ve got a few more players 156 in all today McDow second at 8 I got a great indication there of trajectory where to land it GMAC usually hooks draws to a hook swoop it in there and gets up the hill very good little bit of extra pressure on MCD but he know this course better than anyone so we check in here at five Kurt do you have an update I do they found both balls Rory they’re both just right behind this sign there’s a chance they could get line of sight relief but the problem is even if they do they’re going to be dropping they’re going to be dropping in some real deep stuff so but anything’s better than the lies that they have right now I don’t even know that they’re advanceable so Ro’s looking at his line of sight right here he’s got a rules official with him well there’s nothing good about the second shot to AC cross that giant Hollow to that whole location so meanwhile Gary Woodland’s away and got a might play the he might even attempt a good old Scottish bumper and run Sam yes that would be interesting to see I don’t think he’ll have played man in his life would you like to Waiter on that yeah you when when I could see you could see he had a 60° in his hands now there’s there’s two rules guys down here at least there might be a third I’m not sure about this other guy but they’re trying to figure out what to do here now I think he’s telling him his line of sight is going to be right of the of the scoreboard which is just it’s even deeper right so Woodland just beyond kind of that one hit and spin get back there get an explanation in a moment but right now Lowry on the tea at 14 cosway this one’s called tough car for was perfect drive from [Applause] lri all the Irish boys would have played this course many times over the life and just love to canite for a major m are on the te at six Harry Colts that’s the name of this one the architect here the original architect skinny green actually the first hole they turned to face the wind everything else has been down either off the left or the right so this one’s almost smacking their face shle for birdie [Applause] little Speedy tricky one back down the hill for shley fabulous player shle what a future he’s got ahead of him to the 10th this is the fourth for Eddie peppol excuse me 14 so a little bit of work left here at 14 for Eddie and the problems continue trying to figure it out for mooy there’s the drop has he dropped it Billy Ray that is he so he got he got Tio relief so they picked the spot where he could see the flag then he took two Club link you have to drop outside the first Club link within the second Club link but even so I mean this is a huge gamble I mean this this might not get out of here I’ve never seen a drop quite so severe as this you know most most times you get some kind of little bit of help with tii and you’re dropping it back in the in this that ball is 6 in off the ground this is the problem that that hay will just collapse [Applause] he did well oh he hit a good shot a really good shot towards the back right or back excuse me back left to the green that’s after all that drama there for two Casey’s going through the the same ruling let’s go to a little slowmo of that’s a great shot the camera the cameraman are going to have a great day following Rory for these first five holes but Rory certainly isn’t he did well to get that was a that un that’s kind of a little bit of a professional guess what kind of strike you’re going to get on when the ball is on top of that hay McDow for birdie here at eight get in that area with the wind picks up and starts affecting putts the trousers [Applause] okay did so well to get here think he hold an 85t but my final green yeah to get here it’s up to 85 ft now yeah yeah Legends that’s how Legends grow tell we never let the truth get in the way of a good story you got to understand that especially when we’re talking about Irishman it’s not as hard no it’s not as hard as that definitely just a normal one per all right speaking of which here’s one with his second at 14 right interesting to see a flag on the front coming down wind where they’re going to land this even though it’s a gap wedge Stay Stay Stay wow take that one Nick do you see similarities in this swing to the great man himself Christy Senor Christy senior yeah a little bit with his soft hands isn’t it you know he had those lovely soft hands and the almost let go at the top the piccolo grip I Haven haven’t used the word Piccolo grip for a long time Grace a man who can go low at a major championship as we [Applause] know will it [Applause] just danced to tease for a moment just doubles the severity of the shot to a St some Mage shot in here to eight this for birdie this to get himself in the red missed a lot of these last weekend and not today one under for Stenson norin to get it to five under par good from nor won 10 times in Europe and a great spell a few years ago not quite got back to that form of late the GOL can surprise you any time so four under still at top the leaderboard you’ve got three players [Applause] there Francesco for birdie bar very slow coming back up the hill this par three playing back today first time the players have eeked in with the [Applause] wind surprising there got a good read from D Shambo and did not take advantage of it a lot of work left with the iron Stenson on the T at9 this is normally the toughest hole on the course called Tavern which is a pub in Scotland I don’t know why it was named Tavern but oh yes we [Laughter] do they get transfers all nationalities Tavern Pub either way mroy here from almost The Edge well that was a great break I mean he might not even looked for that ball that original t-shot had not been for that scoreboard there wow that almost was a three for him he’s going to get out of here unscathed to McDow on the T at9 wind howling into their faces here and of course the bunker down the right side that’s the place you do not want to go 256 to reach the right bunker which is a new one they’ve added for the championship Molinari this is for his par on six very aggressive with his first B sure he didn’t mean to Bey bad Three Pot there for the defending Champion Gary Woodland for birdie get the red figures here at five so he’s watched the other two play around in the ferns and behind the scoreboards and just waited anded the hole think he’s probably feeling a bit chilly thinking come on guys I’m standing around here I need going to need another sweater waiting for you the wind does blow down down that bottom end on the water temper temperature feels like it drops like 20° if you come out of a little you little Sun trap and then you get caught in the in the wind in the gray clouds saw that approach here and now the birdie putt for Shane to break out of that pack at the top looks like it may come a little from the right not that much though oh maybe oh goodness me just theart he’ll stay it four [Applause] under just your average birdie putt for Casey that is unbelievable he went really that yeah thank the gulping gods for that one that went from a six to a three in a Flash take it yes three we got you we can confirm yes it is a three wow what a three all right so it’s Shane Lowry on top the leaderboard along with noren and web Simpson through 11 holes here the opening round of the open taking place at Royal Port rush for the first time in some 68 years [Music] Giants Causeway right here in these parts dun loose Castle so much history here and mythology too Causeway created depending on what you like to believe either by volcanic eruptions or Finn mul making his way over to Scotland back in the day giant taking on giant reality is that four under leads it here three sharing the lead and this man just fighting his way to have something positive happen here in Northern Ireland meloy really tough shot here at six right now with the wind in their face 185 tough ho location to get to it’s actually a pretty good line just left of it if it’ss the right Club that’s okay 16 years ago as a 16y old 14 years ago he shot 61 here he’s been waiting 14 day 14 years for this day it wasn’t the start he was hoping for he probably feels he’s already hit it 61 times over those first five holes Stenson second and nine so that wind is kind of a oh that’s what Henrik hates he always loves to open the face as much as he can on the back swing and then that was the one he doesn’t like when he comes down a bit steep over the top professional over the top major Champion to Major Champion web Simpson for birdie here at 12 Webb Simpson’s a good plotter you know he plays tough awkward courses very well has a game plan as they call it now down at nine with the wind blowing he’s got 196 here Terry and the wind is making this hole pretty tricky they’re only heading at about 235 off the te laying back short to that bunker of course that leaves a much more difficult second shot and that huge Swale away to the right of the flag Stenson has already played and been conservative down the left so that you saw that wind arrow means it’s coming pretty much pretty close to West westly Wind which just about means you saw the fifth into the wind sixth but apart from that everything else is across across the golf course that’s what there we go it gives you that’s a great clue lot to look at but gives these a good clue where are we now they’re coming into the ninth you see wind off the right into west west southwest pretty close to what I was yeah but actually less wind down by the sea look at five and six 4 milph there 16 mph up at three shle second here at nine he two a slight up slope that little bit tricker to keep it down it’s up the right he’s asking it to hook will it no dear dear de de and that is really short siding yourself look at the five yards to the edge of the green tough i g or the top half of him at least his second played very well last week in Scotland good solid player quite a short swing but very much in control Sergio this to get it to three under here at 12 what do you think the state of Sergio’s game is at this point and what he’s got left must be feeling so much better cuz he was on a rotten run where we missed all those cuts at all the Mages but it obviously played nicely at the at the last one US Open and uh we enjoy this he he knows links goov really well so kizner pressing the pace early is to get it to four under oh oh wow that a funny year kizner won the match play but that’s his only top 10 of the year and with that swing it’s a beautiful swing it’s a really complete really complete Game you know just shapes that little draw nicely fits it in pretty solid short game gutsy fighter so uh maybe he’s cleared the cobwebs off and ready to go this week now mol Roy needs something good to Kickstart this round turning it around oh there we go that’s that’s the view and where he’s looking we go he’s going to maybe try the the two bouncer landed about three ydd short then one yard short and then just it just Falls onto the green get distracted yeah I mean it’s a long way up this slope he’s uh got a few feet to climb up here and just just enough wow he could have probably gone with the putter there Nick yeah Tom emit getting a chance to follow this group this afternoon as we get more clouds here along the coast 15 and Lowry just has that chip that shley had there reminded me of Tiger Woods years ago at true he missed the green left at 17 and he chipped into the bank up over theill around in the hole he comes into the Press Center and said yeah I missed my mark on the hill by an inch and I thought who is this guy then I realize a year later he was actually serious Woodland for par well we’ve seen a hole in one and we’ve seen an eagle at the first we’ve seen that’s our first horseshoe of the Open Championship McDow is third you bring up Tiger Woods he goes out later today he’s had some some time off you think he’s in a position to to do something here but the way he won the Masters you know I think Ty can do anything again looked a little bit jaded if I have be Hest seen him in the practice rounds but yeah I’m a strong believer he needs warmth um youan he one one in Atlanta wins 100° he wins in obviously austa when it was 85° very humid play great for that Sunday at muul Village when we were there to and the the humidity went from 40 to 80° so and I I personally think when it’s cold and gray like this this is hard work for his back yeah plus a month again and not competitive on a cross win golf course I I I would deem it’s going to be hard work for him that’s a very good point about the heat Nick what’s that it’s a very good point about the heat in his body definitely cuz you know he he won Atlanta and then came to the rer cup in Paris where as you know it sound 45 50° those mornings and his swing was a foot shorter and and we know the difference that makes you changes your lines through impact and uh he couldn’t do anything that week beauy Grace yeah 15 is their last chance you you want to make a want to make a bird here because then you’re going to face Calamity Corner 16 is up the hill into the left to right wind we’re going to get there but you wait till you see this fell for a power three mention Brandon Grace going low at the open that number posted at burkdale a few years ago the best ever in a major championship for a man 4 under leads it there are some deep bunkers on this golf course kizner trying to avoid those this afternoon t-shot at 6 just across the corner yeah that’s better all landed it isn’t [Applause] it sharle for p man who doesn’t back down I mean stays aggressive late on Sunday afternoons we’ve seen him do that to win and great talent L gas here this must be uh for par we saw shot say oh no rain that’s a poor one lry second right bounce control going to land it prob a good 10 yd short of the flag got a bit of an up slope let’s see what happens oh no I wasn’t even close to that guess fluid and and got some spin so uh so let’s take a look down at the coast here site that we haven’t seen in a long time the open being held right here in Northern Ireland the is your place where you can check it all out get most of the information you need and more the back down to web and got a chance to lead at 500 lead he does all by himself excuse me that was better than average wasn’t it that was uh look at that run Wow since the 7eventh he and Paul dor his caddy there great partnership they work calculate everything together ston on 10 poor second into line pulled it left oh no is right oh very unlike the icean my goodness it’s getting to him one thing you can do out there is let it get to you it’s only going to get worse that’s optimistic IC yeah how encouraging that is what’s meanwhile what’s Phil up to got a birdie try here plus three that that crash diet hasn’t really worked Phil has it went on a fasting thing 15b in six days six days I mean according to stuff I read you can’t lose that much that quick and it’s good forood and then he then he went on the then he’s on the fruit diet while he’s here so so then you’re going on to Sugar Rush and so I don’t know what uh it’s got to affect you plenty on our crew on the Guinness diet this week yeah that I think that would be more fitting for here plenty of iron you can live on Guinness and and avocados apparently not sure for how long old advertisement it’s I’m not sure how your breath would spell what color your skin would end up being but but it’s worth a try for a day as long as you don’t have them both at the same time we could have your avocado bobbing in your Guinness oh that would be sacri sorry I said that apologies sharly on the tea here at 10 Lely simple swing great Rhythm just watching it icely down the right side oh de oh boy they what’s that see that wind’s now left or right we a little Three Wood there’s no bunkers there’s nothing to aim at down that temp Fairway another man with a chance to get it to five under shouldn’t have a problem with that coming back man it was on a hot streak coming off a win for telly to under par well the winds last week then you you I assume you was he in before that no there’s no so you’re in Sunday night and then you arrive in in Northern Island I guess L the next day they put a charter on from the John Deere in America get the players here and slightly different uh it’s one of those where you go wait do I have a passport yeah what did I pack yeah or how do I pack Brandon Grace down the hill good chance of bird here no no up and out of it as soon as he hit it that was a poor one I’ve not seen Dylan fertil with glasses on before not sure if that’s a new thing if it is it worked last week look at the hold up here at seven oh we just heard that David Deval has apparently played the wrong ball and he has to return to the te start again two shot penalty that one really hurts you ever done that yep I remember turnbury 17th hole Marshals were all standing in front of my ball I walked down and gave it a whack and then the guy said that ain’t your ball took an eight beautiful your shoulders just slumped you’re you’re still broken up over look at that emotional memory isn’t it terrible and you never forget them there no you don’t we we you congest in life and say you’re going to do something once but that that one is then you feel like putting a big NF on the ball to make sure you don’t do it again for a while malari on the green there KNX is second here at Nine Irish Open winner last year Russell KN made a great career for himself in America that’s a cracker there himself nice uphill for his birdie it’s the type of player you’d say well he should play well here it should we spent a lot of time over in the states playing very different golf courses as have many of those players in the field there aren’t that many that regularly play Links Golf come here and it’s a different style of play web Simpson up by one langas there he won a he won a KUSI in 2015 in the amateur so he doesn’t mind Link’s golf oh lovely view for Henrik can’t see a thing like whole bends left to right round the you can see the uh at least he got a clue he’s got a 10 start by aiming at that thing usually comes out left out of the thick stuff oh we might get away with this one up and use everything oh hang on oh I think he take [Applause] that lucky to get a live over there Henrik I wonder if sure got one too oh there’s a great aerial there you see how it turns the corner and where’s Mr Shuley a little further forward in a giant Hollow when you see those aerial shots Nick it just shows you the class of the design this was 70 years ago at least when it was built yeah actually 89 years ago and eventually this particular dun loose course in the 1930s Harry Colt Martin Ebert the redesign for this Championship McDow be first of the two to play good angle coming straight down get over the hill there we go Oh that’s oh yeah yeah there’s many greens have these little Scoops out the side the back the front everywhere you got to plot them all in your yardage book it’sing the different Journeys both those balls took to get there and up in the exact same [Music] place just right yeah sounded good and this will be a laugh we all three together three for three where we go come on come on there we go there you go you had have lost would that a great bet I guarantee that we’d be within one yard of each other you would You’ said no way would have taken that one on the team mroy here at seven the far five playing down into the valley between the two huge Dones that is right down the middle betteri probably 300 or more best driver of the golf ball when he is on when he is comfortable uh very close Terry I mean not of all time obviously no no in the game today in the game today very close but there’s so many of them right here we go 16 three ducks in a row 197 I mean 222 ouch double out left going left oh he’s going to get away with it that’s that’s the bailout spot if it gets really brutal that’s where you hit it but that’s why the Bobby lcks Hollow over there yeah that’s that’s why the championship committee put the flag to the left as well so it’s not quite so easy no no real green to work with kizner at the sixth long one [Applause] the best yeah they named that Hollow after but we l every day hit it into that left corner which reminded me a Nicholas when he played it 16 at Cypress the par three yeah never went for the green once just up the left Billy Casper did that at Wing foot the third that brutal PA three up the hill just hit it front of the green chip and P threes were if you went for it and missed it it was the size of a dinner plate that power three was whatever it was in that in that era 230 yeah sometimes it’s a real smart play I think lock made three Pars in a bogey that week and walking around in the practice round yesterday with the weather the way it was there were players saying I I will take that and run well that is the play oh yes yesterday there was a few chipping driver up there let’s see how they fare out of that little Hollow the man top the leaderboard right now at five under web Simpson five bird is the last seven hope the hotter on the course can hear him saying sit that’s an excellent shot to that front right pin 14 tough one McDow see the slope in the screen we’ve also got a bit of up and over a good [Applause] try that is noren second at 15 this is the one that Shane Larry managed to throw it up and get it to spite they obviously getting a little bit of spin in that 15th green I was on there two days ago and it no yesterday morning rather it was bouncing can they make one of these he’s got two reads which either means success or confusion it was s it was success on the read then didn’t hit it [Applause] take you to the seventh Molinari just about set Billy right all right coming off that bogey at the par 3 six time to turn things around here coming across the green back up the hill it’s Pari brutal today playing back into the wind that’s the temperature does it feel like for these guys Breezy cold yeah cold definitely cold there’s not enough humidity in the air to give you a bit of a sweat down your back well see it could be worse I can tell you that yeah yeah it’s playable but it’s it’s I guess it’s just gone past tricky on the way to tough zero weekend bogeys at the one 147th Edition that’ll get it done Garcia to get to four under couple of birdies in the back nine it’s a bit wide is it yeah it’s a total misread from Sergio there good speed so it should be gim me part up to the green at 18 Lang gas he hopes to finish with this excellent shot good round that’ll be 69 for L gast excellent start there wouldn’t be a player in the field that wouldn’t have taken that before out today bogy three no one bogy at 17 the bogy eight Sor right color Blinder couldn’t see the gray they kind of mixed together a little bit you know we’ve been wondering if players would leave the flag stick in at this open because of the wind we haven’t really seen the wind yet to the point where that would affect it at all McIntyre okay back to four under I think a lots to do with the size of the pins you know in seide golf the actual pins are bigger so the whole the area of the whole round the pin is not as big so I’m not sure they’ll leave the pin a lot out here especially on the blind shots CU they’ll even bigger pins starting to get used to it starting hasn’t quite happen yet but accept it so Simpson up by one web’s been playing well so this is not a major surprise pretty good scores all these players under par here day one already of the [Music] open I think you look at the seventh this new hole it kind of captures what fort Rush is about with the Doom the Avenue right through and all the way up to the green here’s mooy second at the par five after a good drive 280 to the front playing more like 295 the wind is in from the left just a little bit this is Three Wood trying to scream one up the Fairway oh look at this thing is his he well he was trying to hit it low and just run it right up the middle of the F call it a Norris mcua a squirter what happened there I just about this well I think that was Indescribable bit of bit of a thin or something Lowry at 16 first green he’s missed all day Golden Hands we know it we’ve seen this man has a great Pair of Hands very confident how to lay that wedge under the ball as Beauty web at 14 for birdie just to give himself a couple of shots lead not quite not quite wonderful run is on though stay at 5 on top of the [Applause] board web another man who hasn’t played since that US Open where he had a share of 16th here at 15 norin to get it to four under just ran out of speed for noren it’s also important to be comfortable you know playing in all the gear I mean that a from Sweden’s used to it water you you’ve got to just put your kit on and go and play here if you’re chopping and changing cuz it’s too hot too cold for telly no and the Gear’s gotten better you can move better in it than you used to be able to but you’re right if you’re not used to it and the European boys have had a good you know I’m I’m saying that a a European winner or somebody who’s been in these conditions for the last month or so may have a definitely if you’ve come over 100 degrees from America and sudden you got to put all this gear on to go and play Graham right this is a Bel to this hold it’s probably the most well considering it was a five now of four yeah it’s narrow isn’t it the Nar probably close to the Narrows fairy not sure which one actually beats it but it’s ferns left and right you’ve got to hit this Fairway kin kizner now here at seven bar five so good chance if you hit the Fairway and I think he has the te picked up immediately it’s always a good sign just got a little UPS slaught there lost of at 10 yards but it’s okay you know it is a point to make Nick and Sam players coming over from America too playing more of them in the Scottish open the week before especially since it’s gone to a a link style Golf Course are as close as they can get it to prepared for this and getting used to the conditions and the style of play yeah six of the last nine winners have played in the Scottish the week before so that’s uh and it’s tight jet lag as well I know you get here Sunday night from America you’ll be ready by Thursday but if you hear a week before it’s so much easier got the look at John Ram as well as uh he’s not out there yet but obviously winning the Irish open a couple of weeks back in this honor links in this kind of weather uh hits the ball super low and Powerful see what whether he gets a decent break in the weather this afternoon multiple time winner at the Irish two out of three years yes 64 62 the weekend get the job done most week most weeks surprised Bubba hasn’t played better links the way he can move the ball the way he thinks we are flat out surprised at Bubba I will just stop that that okay all right back out here to seven in mooy’s third about 55 yds to the hole back uphill into the breeze it’s in a little swell there chance to get this up and down got a little buffer to the right like there there you go least that is the break it might even come off there a little bit more second birdie chance of the day had one on the second and from about that distance Molinari taking a look on the T we a long wait here now M set to go helping Breeze from right to left here at the par 4 bends in that direction 276 that bunker on the right but you got to move this ball from left to right here what excuse me I just got in my ear David devau took a 50 on the 7th is that correct oh boy oh well we’ve seen a lot today well we’re hearing a lot he was a couple under too Nick was he really he was was he too under ear it was too under early and slightly over later Lowry ouch look out well I think you’ll find it at least that’s a that’s the first plus actually Deval had a quadruple bogy two holes before his 15 shame great man David big fan of his shle tricky one not a bad lie though well it’s still got miles to go I assume if it oh this is just try trying that was trying to hack back into play see this here’s the 11th look these little firm bushes are look one yard out outside the rough not even that and it’s the same on the other side of the Fairway they are right in play they look at them all down the right these little ferns great looking hole great simple isn’t it green on top of a giant UPS slope one [Applause] bunker fabulous golf hole wind probably oh there we go thank you the wind is my command you think it it appears oh Henrik hang on to him we have seen that a few times today oh it’s funny when you see it going the rough you first thing you go it could have been worse really could couldn’t it you can go from Lost unplayed able to finding it with a horrendous lie to all the different grades to oh thank goodness I can get a club on it and it one at burkdale and Cari bit of a tough day for padrick Harrington three over one of those names his success though uh having a lot to do with Irish Golf and the golf here in Northern Ireland and the fact that this open has come back here Nick you’ve come down there a few times as the champion best feeling in the world yeah most definitely I mean yeah it’s you come down in a blur when you’re trying to win the darn thing that’s uh take you back to 11 in McDow second need to hold that club face Square nicely very good you think about this title too and it is normally look at the numbers a a man a veteran who knows how to get around a lynx style Golf and obviously a Tom Watson at the age of 59 at Turnberry open to those who keep playing this game into their later years get back to that in a moment mroy for birdie great opportunity here he saw Paul Casey’s putt this is going right to left fin there you go well fantastic to get one back should have a chance at the eighth with a decent t- shot but then as we’ve been watching sen got a tough run through uh 910 and 11 next power five being the 12th the leader opportunity hole here at 15 get it over the ridge oh no way short way out considering that’s downwind that’s 20 yard short of where he was trying to land it now Robert McIntyre has to get to 5 under from Oben good distance he’ll walk up there and Nick we’ll say goodbye to you you’ve got other duties going to see you all on the tube yeah I’m heading over to too tower for one for 1:00 so thanks guys for the this morning session loved it get the feel of the open work all day on your birthday enjoy you’re at the open I it I know you do your birthday Nicholas 62 Sam happy birthday dear well done all right thank you 62 62 61 I’m definitely retiring all right cheers all all all right see man Sergio with a good one here Sam you’re staying you and I you can’t get rid of me oh look at this for shley this is his third we saw his second I thought it was an easy shot and he was only trying to get back to the Fairway little light he’s there in three he’s got to get up and down for his bogy all in all somewhat benign along the coast today so far it uh I think the phrase it could get worse was used a moment ago and that definitely true weatherwise here yeah I think the forecast the later starters had the better of it but minuscule yeah the wind was slightly less not so much rain there’s a lot of rain forecast this morning we’ve not had it I’m sure it’ll turn up as some point heavy rain yesterday showers came through but it’s a golf course and this land links I mean just drains the snap of a finger the sand based very rarely do you see stoppage of play because of water puddling we have but doesn’t happen a lot Molinari right in the middle of the Fairway Billy right yeah perfect place and with that whole location exposed today just out on the that left hand side of the green he’s got a great look here 129 yds helping Breeze to sted down just a bit oh slightly above his feet love the balance in that swing always in control that comes up well short that’s going to come down probably some 20 yards short of the green total miscue shle from trouble to here see it is his fourth shot it wasn’t an easy one that’s a tough one back down the hill to hold is that for bogie and on from very front of this screen but it is for Eagle man who won at Wentworth a few years ago big win this side of the Atlantic great effort there from the front on the [Applause] green Sam what do you think the biggest adjustment as we go to mooy here to to linkx golf when you haven’t played much of it now we’ll get out to Rory and get that answer in a moment Kirk he’s got three-wood here Terry the wind is from the right it’s 270 to the first bunker on the right should be able to ride this right to left wind with this club and stay out of the second and he’s kind of right in between the two bunkers this should be fine oh it got up on the hill he hit that solid here it comes that’s okay I think the difference Terry is you really got to play within yourself you got to play half shots a lot of the time in Seaside because the obviously the hard you hear it in the most spin part and when it’s windy a lot of spin is never good here’s the man who really embraced it and loves it Ricky fower and you expect him to get one at some point over here I love his game Terry I love I think he’s just such a great addition to World Golf I do hope he gets major certain might be this week that was a great job just play champ looking for a major and would love to get it over here because he’s played well in the open comes over plays the week before in the Scottish open did not play great last week but uh looking to turn it on today but it’s web Simpson another American who is on top of the leaderboard at 5 under through 14 here at the open [Music] you see B Hanan at the bottom there we saw his Eagle pot at the second he birded the first as well se’s a couple [Music] under gr McDow here at 11 this to get it to three under par got a chance got a chance oh so close to McDow as I said earlier he knows every single blade of grass in this golf course and he’s well capable of winning this week now the third kizner at the seventh perfect layup come out right not his best wasn’t on the ball long enough to do anything Molinari look what is in front of him in between him and the flag well he tried one of those Tred I’m surprised there Terry he’s got a lot of green there I know it’s down Breeze and it looks horrific from there but it’s so hard to judge these especially with a lob wedge in his hand it’s not going to it’s not going to shoot and release up the hill it’s going to almost check back a little bit I’m not saying it was the the wrong shot he is the defending Champion he knows a bit more than me but did not work out bogey putt for shley you’re going to have one of those or two along the way right on this golf course this is web Simpson trying to get his part stay at the top oh it’s a beauty from Simpson excellent par five birdies no Bogies that’ll get it done and you can see it coming played well at the open the US Open the Canadian open as well Molinari is a par putt as they suddenly are bathing in sunshine look at the difference in these images kizner for birdie at [Music] seven just gets over the hill fast from there will it turn will it turn not quite for kizner that’s okay three on the par power five he would have like to have burn that obviously but he would certainly enjoy his three under Start I’m going to bring you back in for a a fun one here for Lowry yeah it wasn’t a very nice t- shot was it and can he get it over the hill cuz if he does it’s oh it’s done really well and that’s okay he can up and down it for power [Applause] there Harrington familiar pre putt routine here for the man from Ireland you hate that those sitting at 18 certainly do appreciative Applause though you like this putting stroke oh oh is it just Ben creno personified bird e lovely third in to come on well done R he gets it on the park he has all the shots I think Dom oh absolutely you know makes the game look so simple he’s a quick player too you know and he’s goodlooking it’s not not fair is it s i don’t so man is goodl looking d look out you in a different light now Lowry here for birdie at [Applause] 17 how does that not fall in that would have been the birdie of the Year there for Lowry it it just go across molar for bogie you know momentum in golf there’s momentum in Golf shows as well right now we’re in one of those where miss miss miss something building here waiting for one to make Franchesco going the wrong way all right take it to Gary Woodland here in the Fairway Kurt after that good t- shot two iron off the te he’s got 158 to the hole he was rehearsing sort of a cut swing try to trying to hold this up against the breeze really good and then’s helping a little bit from the [Applause] right now Robert McIntyre second hit on the 14th really long narrow green this one only 14 yds wide in certain areas he’s asking for it to get up and that is not just going to feed back away from the hole just slightly I think this Harry Colt did some good work Sam as you know Sunningdale is fabulous but this place is unbelievable extraordinary D just watch Garcia on 16 most famous hole in the course this is this is just a beauty is it up it’s it’s a touch right oh that’s gorgeous that that is control that’s how to play Seaside golf Eric Colt who played a role in Pine Valley back in the States as well and recent tournament Hamilton Golf and Country Club in Ontario classic designs maoy second that’s a good shot you still got to be a little bit careful you got to keep it slightly right in the pin that left side you missed that green there it’s going to roll off 25 yards Harry coat was also an original founder of the uh Royal and ancient Rules Committee he’s quite an accomplished goal for two Terry he got to the semi-final in the British armer 1906 but I don’t think you could ever build a courses he’s built if you weren’t a good golfer he didn’t understand what goes into building a great golf course in the shots yeah Sunningdale is for many people if they ever get a chance to play there ends up being their favorite place in the world just watch Peril this for a 70 that’ll be an excellent day for him had a great final round at kti few years ago that’s a good day lot of Bogies lot of birdies there’s that view high above the tea at 18 Lowry just love the flow of that golf swing it just just bunted that down there soft swing trying to keep that ball under the wind lovely beautiful position a swing definitely reminds me of the great himself they used to call him Christy senior chrisy a Conor senior gorgeous lovely Rusty player great swing look check in with Casey in front of the green CT he landed his second shot right on the front edge with a bunch of spin came back down to here he’s got a good lie the problem here is he has to pitch over that false front and downwind trying to make it stop is going to be the challenge well done well Stenson he’s got that reliable three-wood 258 oh it’s just flushes at this guy and that’s not going to make it up the hill and that’s going to keep feeding away but it’s not to too bad a spot large Gallery obviously for Rory have one for Tiger this afternoon mroy right now for another birdie trying to build a little bit of momentum right to left down the hill nothing wrong with that P how did that not turn a little bit more McDow five yards closer than Stenson but Stenson is certainly longer certainly with that three wood so you wonder if McDow can get home into a 9 mil but the breeze keeps changing and that went high oh gr laugh someh don’t miss it there there’s a man that knows the course very well he knew not to miss it don’t there may not be as bad as he thinks Woodin same line as Rory he has a great idea this is very makeable from about 15 ft thought it was going to do the same thing Roy [Applause] did Simpson here from The Edge take that flag away looking to make it get it to six under he’s had a few chances to get to six can he make this one he can he can oh that’s going to fall he’s allowed to get to the hole in normal time and count to 10 it’s not going to go it’s not justtin enough between Sam put your Shadow over it they say that helps jump up and down a couple of times I lost a tournament but that once I didn’t know the rule about how long you could wait I waited I think it was 24 seconds the ball fell in and uh lost by shot and they say patience is a virtue come on Kim is third here at the par five oh beautiful that was special Terry we don’t see much spin on Ce I do on my goodness but that is Into The Wind now Sergio great t- shot three under and he’s rolling it nicely today that Rhythm on the stroke looks really good just not quite hitting it I saw him hit a three-wood in here yesterday in the practice round sure this hole can be a beast on 140 that’s 14 this NY Kevin kizner here more down they did get rid of the single use Plastics people see where it go down that like that M 13 shot land about 140 huh yeah there was something like 150,000 single used plastic bottles at the Open Championship last year magnificent move by the RNA hope the whole world follows them it’s funny though it was probably the one of the best inventions ever when it came out no one realized the severity of what it would come to binari over his second 148 yards he chose a driver off the T so green light situation here wind has died down just below his feet and he Brees it all his back into his face yeah well lot more like Molinari just a machine p double book in last one there’s the look for Shane Lowry at 18 his second thinking right and I think that’s in the bunker that’s the hardest hole on the golf course at the moment the 18th playing to an average of 4.5n the it’s going to be a tough up and down from there oh it’s not in the bunker if that’s the right bunker I don’t think that is beautiful shot though just not the one in play there at 18 Simpson up by one’s had a few chances to get it to six under and Lowry some trouble coming home it’s the hardest hole in the course down there’s only 21 guys played it as well oh yeah wait till the rest of the field get to [Music] it you surprised by the score Sam or very very much so I think the scor is exceptionally good I didn’t back man but the weather’s nothing like what they said it would be this morning maoy and it’s just under 300 to that second Bunger bunker so he’s going to try to take this left Center off the T dog leg right to left here at the [Music] [Applause] ninth and that’s why he hit three with they are trying to get him back in it aren’t they and it is possible another welcome here for one of their own this island at least what did you consider your home open turnbury or trun Sam west of Scotland there uh TR trun I live near to trun so that would be just what fre last week’s winner that’s another great part D do you have you seen him with glasses on before you don’t recognize him no I don’t it’s completely different but yeah I have sometimes he wear sunglasses but these are like they’re not sunglasses are they well if they are it’s the wrong day to wear them now nor to go four oh he knew he pushed it the knees went halfway down just a barage three under four for 68 he take that every day [Applause] Kevin kizner just inside that edge lengthy one could you adapt to the green reading books no no never I’ve never seen one so I don’t really know how to adapt to be honest uh I guess you know in this day and AG there’s so much information going around you might as well take use of it trust me you won’t be to see the arrows Sam I certainly can’t they’re tiny you need breathing glasses to see them or you need to be young oh but they work they’re effective we saw all the lines there fantastic birdie bisna he gets the four under after eight beautiful card two birdies and an eagle have another look at this one all the way up the green the speed was brilliant the whole way and obviously line was perfect he’s going up a nice space it’s only going to go a foot past oh it’s gorgeous just poured it in the front of the [Applause] hole Shane’s third yep course we talk about players who have played this golf course many times it has changed I if you played it for many years the last couple of years with the new hle seven and eight 17 and 18 normally not here any more the normal ones old ones I would to move the clubhouse from the town to its original where it is now the club pro uh designed two holes for them because they lost one and 18 and they are now 10 and 11 it I think it’s 500 yards longer than it was in 51 Billy Ray what about Franchesco you coming down the hill trying to turn things around Sam a bit here he’s gone South he’s putting the ball in the Fairway but his approach shots have been something less than [Music] [Applause] desired it’s tough to tell yourself though when you’re as good as he is you’re a couple over four five under leading you six behind one of the 15 open Champs in the field this week Phil Mickelson that win at nearfield in 2013 why did I okay Terry constantly trying to find ways to be his best physically at this age to compete at this level and I think that’s the latest for Phil okay most players who are a little bit carry a little bit of weight when they lose it the the swing changes so much cuz you have effortless power with a bit of weight and I did it myself I lost a lot of weight once and I couldn’t wait to get back off the D you’re like most Phil does travel his own path you know too Lowry for par let’s hope he makes it it’ll be a big Raw well done round of 67 there was a stat I read that the last 10 winners of the Open Championship the average world ranking is 33 He’s 33 and the age is 32 and guess what how old he is he’s 32 did you back him you put any on here no I didn’t silly foul alert this for birdie here at [Music] eight yet another one that hangs come on going to give it the full 10 but looks like it’s moving go to he needs to be careful you’re only allowed 10 seconds a reasonable amount of time to get to the whole wait for T and knock it in yeah oh God just killed him to do that didn’t it I web Simpson now second at 17 lovely swing he has what he just pulled it just pulled into the bun his his back swing just is exactly the same as his follow through very few players are able to do that I think Stevie alington was the only one I can think of that did it noren second to the 18th just rotates hard through the ball does Alex nor just coming up a little bit short I looked at Simpson’s ball I thought that didn’t go into the bunk I thought it hung in the long grass we’ll have to wait and see if it is it’s going to be a horrible up and down you know down the other number as we take you to Franchesco Molinari on the T here that jumped out to me coming in and talking about veterans since 2007 only had three winners in the open under the age of 35 it’s been guys who know their way around the links Molinari now well with it helping Breeze ter 440 yards this par for you got to challenge the right hand side here going that club there you take it up the left you take the chance of going through the Fairway maoy 138 just made his first birdie of the day that’s another Beauty he’s been set a challenged like he’s never been set before with his start five over after three he’s well capable of still winning this you know don’t count him out think get around the 72 today one over he’ll be okay yeah I love the 13th McDow 200 yard yard plays down about 10 I mean go right anytime today oh is it left bunker oh he did get that bounce a little bit like Amano Grio not quite as good but he will accept that when the ball was in the air that was heading straight for the bunker G holding one didn’t he bit tough to amulet I don’t believe this is in the bunker NOP it almost was oh you mentioned it how tough that was going to be I had no shot he’d much rather have been in the bunker I had much more of a chance of getting it up and down now kizna simple swing isn’t it every repetitive that’s strange it’s a bit right the simpler the swing the easier it is to repeat it DB isn’t it and I think that’s the secret of the game is repeating web this would be a par yeah on Tuesday the wind was in the opposite direction guys were driving it almost to the front edge of the green you know and now today it’s causing them all sorts of problems the 17th here’s Bobby McIntyre just to get to four under this would tie the lead cuz Simpson’s going to drop one oh that was so close great try take you up to 17 Serge GI this for birdie he looks ready to play this week Sergio I guess I get that feeling he’s he’s up for it he’s focused he’s had 10 top 10 in this championship Dylan forelli coming up over the Mounds here is second at 16 that was excellent CH there touch from fatelli chance of his part Calamity corner lot of players in that area left of that green because right is absolutely nowhere you want to be see where the mroy group is Kurt bym with them here’s maoy he hit a beautiful little holding nineiron in here whole high so it’s just slightly downhill sliding to the right good chance to make one those Roars will get louder as they start to believe in a comeback two of the last three he’s going to ask you and then you said it you think if you can get back to maybe a 72 today yeah anything there anything near 72 you’ve never going to be out of the open this is going to be a long week I wouldn’t call it a marathon cuz it’ll pass by in a flash now this is the leader for bogy this is no gimme knocked it straight in good p good five in the end he goes back to four under at one to [Applause] play now Alex norren came up short with his second he’s using a putter from oh what 15 ft off the green it’s going to swing from the right pace looks pretty good oh that was this five wins in a calendar year Alex noren about 18 months ago but just gone off the ball slightly since the rider cup case for Birley on nine go 35 W well done Paul Casey they made an extraordinary Beria earlier on in the round fifth could have an ass six and ended up being a three and that’s a good nine for the young Englishman like some hops here be able to jump a little bit get a look at that flag because right now he probably can’t see it melar is second just 129 yards love the angle from the right hand side little back stop behind this hole should help him I was unlucky but still opportunities off the green but this is the narrowest screen I think I’ve ever seen you got to walk up at single file rain just starting to fall once again umbrella is out back in the grand stand around that opening te as we get set for the announcement of the next game game 34 this is game number 34 on the te from the USA Justin Thomas came over played last week HS this week what do you think about uh his chances absolutely fantastic he played great last week the PO third afternoon I think back nine had a good day in the last day great player it’ss the ball very hard lovely great rhythm on the te from England Tommy Fleetwood really got to know him the last couple of years as he has risen up the ranks in golf and uh through the Ridder cup obviously and now here at the open his best finish a couple of years ago time for 12 [Applause] h on the team from Denmark toan [Applause] olison 29y old from Denmark who lives in London now five wins on the European tour was at the open some years ago where golf fans really first started to take no notice of him that wind up to 18 mph [Applause] now be careful okay that looks like a pretty nasty lie he’s got there I don’t think he can get up to the green [Music] par putt coming up Alex noren 68 it is good day for Alex noren an old adage you can’t win it in the first day but you can certainly lose it just looking for a good solid start that’s exactly what 68 is part 71 some 7,300 yd long Royal Port Rush hosting this open for the second time some good scores here on that first page already done for the day 67 in the clubhouse the best for Shane Lowry mdal two under those guys Russell Knox also been on a two under par Sam did you watch the early coverage of the album when you were playing in late in the afternoon 1 million per I watched as many minutes of as I could and glean in as much information as I you can you can learn a lot from it right absolutely K tough lie here you can hear the rain now it’s getting a bit horrid out there bush is up there oh that’s right in the middle of it g it if you’re teen off at 3:00 I would watch a go from 7 in the morning right there just L my bed and watch it and really enjoy it too get the juicies going oh good stance it seems like the ball’s below his feet even though he’s putting you don’t see that in many other places but on Link’s coures now the wind is really starting to pick up now web Simpson final T that was a cadd saying good drive so you can guarantee it’s down the middle he ain’t going to kid you on that’s perfect you see the out of- bounds left coming into play here at 18 at all oh absolutely Terry if that wh comes off the right straight right to left it’s it’s very difficult to hold that Fairway now after that slightly fortunate t- shot can he take advantage rock solid round not a bogey on the card for McDow can he make his first birdie of the day Bryson D Shambo got your answer and Boogie Back at seven the par five out in one over but gets one back there saw that t-shot here and the you cannot see the golf ball here left of this Fairway deep stuff all go take that from there next one won’t be easy but on the surface listen in yeah you got to be right on here down off The Rock take it a little bit safe [Applause] shot jump up to 18 and Sergio second slight up slope for Sergio just a nasty Sly shower wonderful finishing hole that one just catches the right hand bunker slide back here thank you aiming that way you clean yeah very all right what do you think 90 is playing right now on a regular flight I think he’s playing 215 on a regular flight just seems to be dying right now then just regular flight at there’s nothing wrong that can happen there y good trust so web Simpsons Cy thinks he playing 25 yds more into this 18th back into the wind having a great day the American hold it up wi yeah another plate same level as the pting surface so that’s not a bad Miss for web Simpson I like his caddy there saying there’s nothing that can go wrong there well hello this is link go there’s always plenty that can go wrong maoy well back to 3 over most horrific start you could possibly imagine at any open let loan on your back doorstep but you know what boy has got some G if he can get this back to one or two over he absolutely he’s still in it he’s got so much talent Now quickly across the ground McDow second shot he would have been a little bit nervous this morning he’s doing a good job keeping those thoughts away Chase up there big bounce got great imagination that’s GMAC yeah that’s a good effort out the wispy stuff that’ll do that’s a good shot [Applause] K now after taking a drop oh it’s just come out a little dead and into that breeze it’s stalled on him it will backtrack so many of these greens repel shots repel balls if they anywhere near the edges now third shot for Tommy Fleet with back down over a little bit of a saddle has to chip it one of the only Greens on the course where long isn’t so bad today long long range for bogey he would love to get down in two from there and still quite a bit of work to be done to avoid a triple buggy [Applause] one of the favorites for this week what a recent record he has in the majors unbelievable Brooks kka what kind of Port Russia’s he enjoy that’ll do for starters up ahead on the green just a little squally shower coming through but it seems to be having past already which is good this was the forecast for today yeah slow P there for Tor on Allison up the hill at the first always nice to try and get it close if possible early doors get the first te nerves away now move across to Sergio after misjudging his second shot at 18 bit of a down slope here got to really work across the ball from right to left try and get some spin on the ball yeah always been a great bunker player and there’s a fine example of [Applause] that Bob McIntyre he like to be known second at 16 keep coming keep coming delightful little chip missed the cut by one last week at the Scottish fought down the home stretch to make it and then just got edged out by a shot with a cut Mark at 5 under web Simpson tied for the lead at 4 under dropped a shot at 17 was a a little aggressive just a nice lynxy breeze at the moment fellas isn’t it nothing more than that yeah enough to keep you on your toes and to keep you thinking that is for sure but that sort of strength where if you play nicely there are scores to be made just slips by for Justin Thomas now meloy he’s having a tough day out there but this will certainly help he should move left to right see some early nerves this morning it’s not easy playing in your pretty much Hometown almost it’s just got to stay in it kizner for a double bogy remember cool a triple would be a showstopper a double still is yes nicely hold it’s a bit of a hiccup but he’s still too under another man missed the cut last week in the Scottish open climatizing to the change in conditions change in weather change in time Thomas to save his par at the first oh he did play well last week former US PGA champion now England’s Paul Casey having a solid start to his week couple of bures and a bogy Crowds Are massive very few grand stands it’s fantastic to watch all these humps and Hollows you get five or 10 Deep In The Crowd so they can all get a good spot to watch from this one’s a little down off the right the pole [Applause] man well capable of winning a major he’s had one or two chances over the years to sson to save his part at the last oh that’s a horrible finish for the American bogy bogy still a very good opening round 68 three under but having played 16 hes without dropping a shot he drops a couple in the last two and that always hurts yeah Tommy Fleetwood just trying to get up and down from the back of the green at number one yeah solid as ever Tommy well done nice relaxed start for Fleetwood good start to the open for Sergio Garcia he didn’t want to spoil it with a bog he can see the little fist bump there that’s a very good start for Serio Garcia [Applause] so important doie in the Open Championship get off to a good start you never know when these squirly showers come through so it really is important to get off to a good start early in the week how many times have we seen it the weather changing completely you might play in the morning and wind and rain and then get lovely evening sunshine it’s part of the essential unfairness of this great game Dylan fatelli coming here off the back of that win at the John Deere classic and taking full advantage of his late ticket to the [Applause] open I remember 20 years ago now you and a few other of our South African colleagues Dale Hayes and Dennis all saying Dylan fatelli is going to be a star you weren’t wrong he’s on the way there isn’t he he really is oh Beauty GAC you think they enjoying that slightly nearly as much as he is yeah fantastic more importantly no bogey so far today for gmch amazing to think that he only got into this open on his home course by taking one of the qualifying places of the Canadian open it would have been heartbreaking for him to miss it so he gets in get this huge welcome and now he’s high in the leaderboard great to see one on the 70s for Charlie Hoffman Andrew putam Eddie Peril and Brandon Grace Henrik Stenson played well last week just didn’t hold the putt you can bet your life he’s been spending some time in the putting green over the last few days Chris Wood who’s had all sorts of injury problems good to see Woody fit again one under through five that’s it’s Patrick and even power 71 here at rport [Music] rush Jack McLoud of Australia another of the qualifiers to the open qualifying series Tommy Fleetwood and torban olison paring their opening Hall Xander chaule many people’s tip to have a very good open one over through 13 at the moment Tom Layman the 96 champion at Royal liman and ANS Emiliano Grio a ho in one in his 73 the highly rated American Amer Brandon woo a 73 in his first open beef Johnston qualified last week in Scotland two over with two to play in FS a couple over as well so howong Lee who was behind SP and coip at burkdale two years back and the defending Champion Franchesco Molinari not off to the ideal start B of work to do for Franchesco but of course the story of this opening day is Rory Michael right an eight at the opening hole and to be fair to him after dropping to five over he has got a couple back and as Tony was saying if he can finish even just one over two over part it will represent a a fast Improvement on where he stood in the first green bad start for Andy Sullivan and for Phil Mickelson 76 all right back to Rory par three sorry the Par Four 11th go no sit sit sit hold it hold it hold it might be okay yeah have a look at this great golf swing of Rory mroy the only negative sometimes he does drop the club head a little bit behind him he rotates his hips forward through an up very well that left side and for me the mindset for him now is just trying to claw his way back somewhere near level P one over wouldn’t be a disaster got a couple of good chances coming in another flashy pair of shoes there with the yellow Edge as we look at another flashy pair of shoes Paul casy Al very long hitter of the golf ball high launcher the rain falls just makes it harder the sly showers that come and go so quickly we’ll be Lou us to Pat first for a birdie can that get there can it get there slightly shy but it’s a good solid opening hole for the South [Applause] African now Franchesco Molinari to a decent start made a double bogey at the eighth which was out of nowhere really [Applause] ke keer an opening birdie just slips past he’ll take his four I’m sure huge advantage to him this week having Ricky Alias on the back Ricky who grew up in the area he was actually the best of the local amateurs he was better than his great friend gram mcdal us at that age anyway umbrella’s going up on the stand Ricky knows every step of rport Rie and Brooks already been R to see his his M and dad this week catching up with all sorts of old friends as a combination they’ll be tough to beat this [Applause] week such a leback character Brooks he said it’s great having Ricky in the bag I just walk onto the tea and I tell him okay you’ve played it than I have tell me what to hit where do I hit it and of course Brooks then just does it yeah it’s a great gift that do isn’t it it does help it’s not very well being told where to hit it he then does what he’s told yeah I’m always struggling to do what I’m told honest I’ve spoken to Mrs wall o That’s not such a pretty picture now over Port Rush a really heavy Squall passing through or ass it won’t last for too long Paul Casey has had to take a drop we watch Gary Woodland decent lie but the grass is now wet it’s heavier it’s juicier and just that much harder to G whether you’ll get a flyer or whether it’ll come out dead that’s gone off sideways oh my goodness that can happen with a wet golf ball bit of water between Club face and ball and you get a a mini sideways flyer yeah this is where the roll of a cad a good Cy really comes into its own got to keep everything dry cuz you still got a good couple of hours a play left also where a good set of waterproofs can really that you have are comfortable in and you can play in them sounds simple but it’s very much needed this week and it is absolutely hammering down now on our commentary position look at that out there that is just ugly that’s when you really want two other guys to be playing before you nasty hard to conceive of just what a shattering experience that must have been for Rory in the opening Hall you think of all the expectation all his expectation we spoke to him at uh the Scottish open last week he was so look looking forward to this week not intimidated by it in the slightest knows the level of expectation but was genuinely looking forward to coming back to Northern Ireland to Royal Port Rush expecting to do well walking on to the first te that Roar of welcome and looks what happen looks what’s happened I can show you exactly what it feels like doie you stand out side of the room I’ll Stand the other side and I’ll take a running flying kick and see just how Rory he fell going to the second te ouch yeah three-wood for kka just trying to avoid those right hand bunkers just get it down the left hand side there is a new one down there that’s okay it’s just about staying alive the next 20 minutes try not to drop any shots and let this show pass through if possible and Wally I mean you would just much rather have the wind wouldn’t you than this this is horrible the grips get wet the glove gets wet everything it’s chaos this is a tough up and over the saddle it’s pretty well judged a little bit of a wide but it’s not bad considering the conditions now cu’s outside the gates of Royal Port Rush at 6 a.m. y thank you a sellout open the first ever Casey 104 into the 11th yeah that’s a pretty smart play you you can’t be short there today at 11 real fce front just taking his medicine give himself a chance from behind the hole Paul casy GMAC ball above his feet this going to want to Sling from right to left when he hits it the wind is out of the left which will help straighten things up and all in all he’s worked that out pretty well and executed it rather nicely soaking wet in one minute flat in this r just the gap wedge for Tommy [Applause] Fleetwood just trying to get this on the right level up you go yeah fine shot and get him better beautiful shot flew he’ll have some support this week won’t he guys thei Matsuyama for birdie at 10 good looking pot great looking [Applause] pot and of course it’s the open so even though the Irish players will get a specially loud welcome and especially loud encouragement every single player will get the Applause that the shot deserves they’re a knowledgeable and enthusiastic crowd here now you get a sense of how much rain is coming down Dylan forell into the last no Bogies on this back nine so he would love to get up and down have a clean back nine he’s four under right now good morning’s work for the South African of course he won last week so he’s full of confidence opening round of the Open Championship at Royal Port Russia Northern Ireland Shane lry and Dylan Fratelli tied for the lead at four under Shane already in with a 67 Dylan fatelli as you saw looking to get up and down to match it good to see Alex noren playing well he’s had a pretty awful season Alex really hasn’t done very much at all I don’t think he’s at a top 20 in stroke play his best finish was in the WGC match play when he reached the last 32 I think it was web Simpson and Serio Garcia both round 68 young Bob McIntyre of Scotland finishing well two to go he’s 3 under Ben an off to a flying start and B vurger the winner here in Island two weeks ago as the rain continues to Pummel the players apologies butb wasn’t winner here he was one last week in Scotland a shortterm memor is definitely going over at least you can remember who you are D I have struggled t with that the Saucy little chip that was there McIntyre birdie Pat he looked very confident with the patter last week and it continues beautifully hold don’t think Bob’s forgotten the waterproofs I think he’s just one of the many players that don’t like playing in waterproofs that’s amazing the the mindset when you got one hold to though isn’t it you get wet don’t you he’s well and truly soaked through isn’t he Bet Your Life is smiling though out 11 it looks like the rains eased a little maoy oh this is in deep deep stuff well he got a good contact he must have had a very good lie which you do not expect on those grassy Mounds just clipped it off there beautifully played this home is actually in Hollywood which is about 65 miles or so away just outside Belfast not staying at home this week at the option of commuting but decided to rent a house near the course instead as we got a Fleetwood at second for a birdie worst of the weather seems to have passed hopefully there’s some blue skies following behind and after the little sore looked like the winds dropped temporarily they say the tide changes a 2:15 so it’s getting around about that time another 45 minutes to go see the evidence there of the ball skinning through the green Tony yeah it’s just you you just don’t know after a heavy rain like that do you you still expecting it to grip a little bit as you say well he definitely just skitted but he’s his confidence is he’s just flying at the moment after that win last week hasn’t he never made a cut in an open for telly good P for Justin Thomas 26y old originally from Kentucky but now lives in Jupiter Florida look at those wonderful runoffs real feature of the the Great Links here at Royal Port Rush three birdies so far for McDow this is an outside chance has got a hang on give it a go of course is in spectacular condition this week good drive from kka down five second I haven’t had the chance to watch him but I heard that in the practice rounds he was absolutely puring it incredible how he turns it on for the majes it really is unbelievable Rory was asked last week if he’d give up his year with two wins 11 top 10 for capus season with one major and said no I think that’s absolute nonsense absolute TSH he doesn’t need the cash of course he’d take the year with the majors Casey for AAR be holding this one and get out of there if he can this should be grabbing one for Casey dodg to Bullet there after a wayward t- shot sometimes little things like that can make a huge difference to your week keeps momentum going for till at the final hole this would be a glorious way to finish the day he stays down unbelievably well he never looks up before the ball is well on its way with a cutter sounds easy to do it’s a vogi but still a fine day’s work from D Kelly he’s a man who knows where he’s headed in this game it’s will be on Allis at three players were going long here this morning wer quite judging it but now the wind’s dropped a little bit oh there’s a golf shot beautiful controlled from The Young Dane now important part here for mroy that keeps the card going most importantly it keeps the Bogies off the card at this [Applause] point need to get going [Music] Fleetwood and three just easing one in there yeah nicely played dead P High little tester here Tony for McDow down the hill there an thatjust oh oh he expected that a break left or right he was aimed left Edge put a good stroke on it didn’t move a millimeter he’s mystified his fellow Northern Irishman t-shot at 12 the par five for Rory they see as an opportunity to get one back he’s actually one under for the hes played since the first yeah he’s not had a bogey for an hour and a half doogy and that’s the most important thing he’s now feeling like he’s moving forward that’s what he needs to feel like after a poor start get back in the game Happy Barrett PO for at 16 Beauty not a man in the field I think that would not take a at the par 316th Calamity Calamity what a name they’ve got some beautiful names and uh this Purgatory yes 17 cool beautiful look here of 12 for Paul Casey three would just trying to keep out of those right hand bunkers does like to draw the ball and that’s a beauty oh look at this Som Brooks C oh that was so unlucky just beautifully played quickly Molinari fif shot unfortunately for Franchesca he’s had quite a lot of bother of 12 face very rarely betrays much emotion but clear sense of disappointment there from the defending Champion now back to the T at 16 do not go right do not ever go right Goodness Me listening that’s what Bobby lock did isn’t it all four days in the 1951 open he knew you couldn’t go right he played into that little Hollow there which is now known as Bobby Lock’s Hollow and he got up and down every day for his par yeah they said he had first look at the course didn’t he do you first look at the course he’d made his plan that is where I’m going every single day it’s not a bad idea it’s nice they’ve moved the te back here I just feel they they’re trying to make this whole play like it us to with the technology changes in Play Just lengthened it a little just stretched it out 20 or so yards so the players are hitting pretty much what they used to 30 or 40 years ago it sets up well for Gran McDow here likes to hit it from right to [Music] left yeah beautiful [Applause] shot he’ll be loving this cap just replacing his ball giving it a quick dry tap in for his birdie at the [Applause] second let’s take another look though at the this little pitch absolute thing of beauty will he isn’t it yeah open stance he’s just trying to Skid it up there as much as possible and just perfectly played know he’s a good three or four foot below the level of the green so it’s not easy there you see the ball position off his right foot little bit of weight on his left side little bit more height there than I thought actually perfect goal shot for Brooks kipka now this is a shot that every player is going to have to play well this week if they’ve got Ambitions to win in The clar Jug yeah it’s probably the most practiced shot I would have said in the first three days this week practicing that little low skiddy one so many beautiful runoffs around this course a look down in the mighty Links of Royal Port Rush Shane Larry and Bob McIntyre tied for the lead at for on par the Scot still with a hole to play noren Simpson Garcia Fratelli all around in 68 Long gasa 69 one of the great things I remember the first time I ever came to rport rush maybe 20 years or so ago to play the course and as you come over the hill and suddenly there it is in front of you the whole of this beautiful little town and the and the golf course just lying spread out before you the honestly the sense of excitement is is very to special after a well judged t- shot for Fleetwood that was a great opportunity and he takes it good solid start one under power already for Fleetwood and that’s the start you need downwind the first three or four holes here comes the rain again as Ure mic J said that’s a bie for the defending Champion four over the with Capco tap in for his birdie l t and try to follow him in and he does nice the them one under par after two [Applause] holes now McIntyre seriously exciting young Talent from Scotland bunkered off the te good shot there it’s never easy play in a last few holes and desperate to get him with a good score all of a sudden the heavens open Doogie it’s a bit of a bleak picture isn’t it Spectators know that you always come prepared to the open the beautiful pictures looking around those faces not seeing a lot of Joy but little cheer up folks and we’re at Royal Court rush and we’re at the open every reason to be delighted just an IR hopefully down the right for Fleetwood but this feels to me like he’s hit a little left that needs to get lucky hang on now hang on now oh I say the lottery numbers are that doesn’t happen very often with Seaside bunkers and that’s purely because of the rain I think isn’t it just sto the ball from rolling back you’ll want to take advantage of that Stroke of Luck that’s for sure Ricky Fowler on 11 even par for the day let to get into the red figures yeah well on [Applause] Ricky 175 today at the third for kup trying to get this just on top trying to Skid it up the green just slightly under the tier conditions that’s well judged Ever Changing C’s working hard to try and keep everything dry for their player yeah that’s what I US Open Champion Gary Woodland 265 to go so so McIntyre to save his par at the last it’d be really disappointing for the young Scot if he was to drop a shot at the last after a lovely round on his open debut oh it was in for a millisecond then it was out again but as the old cliche has it if you’d set him in the first te would you take 68 made’ have been more than happy well done Bob as rookie season on the European tour has been impressive and his open debut has been pretty impressive too lovely little town of Obin and Scotland’s West Coast lovely tourist attraction his dad’s the Greenkeeper at the local golf course Glenn kitton Andrew Johnston AKA beef it’s so nice to see beef back and playing properly again competing he had a lot of issues not his best part just a misread I think judging by the reaction and turning his life around which is good to see going to be a dad in December the par 512 247 for Rory the crowd’s a lot less than I expected walking around yeah that little smile because he’s happy or because no it’s because he’s a little bit concerned pulled that one a little bit at the end of 2018 gr mcdal was ranked 238 in the world rankings and the prospects then of playing here at rport rush were pretty remote well done GM climbing the rankings getting a win in the Dominican Republic and making it to play in his native Northern Ireland yeah I wonder what he would have done doie I’d have probably gone on holiday I think if I wouldn’t have played broke your heart if you don’t playing your home open yeah that would just a hurt too much I think wouldn’t it Wy I don’t think you’d youd really want to be here you probably want no TV or Internet and just have a week away somewhere find out a week later who actually won he’s here though and he’s not only here but he’s playing well only two off the lead s shl terrific t-shot at 16 oh good try one of the four players who tied for second last year at K he’s actually at seven top 20s and just 10 major starts and that’s a pretty impressive record early on in your major career he’s a he’s a proper player there’s no doubt about that really nice fell too on the WGC in China got to know him a little bit then now the Iceman Henrik Stenson three birdies and a couple of Bogies today so he’s going along nicely he’s on his way back he’s coming back into form still one of the hardest workers out there considering now he’s in his 40s back in the stance there that’s quite unusual yeah beautifully done good POA stays in red figures for the day TI green he was absolutely imperious last week in Scotland he really it was the old Henrik it was the open Champion Henrik he just didn’t hold many putts if he can get that putter going this week he’s a contender no doubt about that yeah there’s been much talk about it hasn’t there doy that if if he just gets the putter working half decently he’ll be hard to beat I think they’re right Rory just going to wander up and have a look at the manyi Angelia it’s amazing these old links courses you know in the days of cult these would have been built with hand tools and Ox carts and every single little Mound and feature would have been lovingly caressed these days they get the bulldozers in and it all gets shoved around but they would have spent months months and months getting every little slope spot on it’s a juicy lie but the grass is growing towards the hole which will help pretty dense stuff though wasn’t it no oh this is running off that’s surprising really wasn’t that difficult a shot to be absolutely honest on three cap CER [Applause] birdie that’s that was a beautiful break for Tommy food I think Anthony wall was right I think the uh the rain the wet Fairway stopped that feeding Back Into the Bunker and second shot into four doesn’t like it lost it oh lost it well right Co that is that’s miles right that’s close to 40 yards right at Target our defending Champion many flats TS around here but that was just off the right little misread there for Molinari had a good start he’s just struggled a little bit as the conditions have changed a little bit unpleasant just at the moment here at Royal Port Rush opening day of the 148th open Shane Lowry leads on his own 67 for the Irishman noren Simpson Garcia forelli McIntyre all in with 6X for 3 under remain longas who played so well last week in Scotland 69 happy barnrat McDow and kizner 200 under I think if you played early this morning and you’re sitting in the clubh like a Charlie Hoffman or an Andrew putam Eddie pepp Brandon Grace 71 under you’ll be too unhappy we don’t know what the weather’s going to do this afternoon we’ll probably get a little bit of everything but anything under pars always a good start in the open and how good is it to see Darren Clark up there and even par 71 a very emotional moment as he walked onto the first te this morning 6:35 in the morning and the company of James sugru the amateur Champion who’s also round in even great effort by the Irishman from the Malo Golf Club in Cork [Music] there’s Jordan spe just getting underway part at the first as as Mark lman and Danny Willet in she goes for Molinari it does look Bleak out there doesn’t it but these are the the questions that you get asked on a links course can you handle the wind can you handle the weather can you handle the course can you handle yourself down wind as you can see from the flag stick now Rory maroy after quite a curious third he was expecting to see a bit more of a spinny pitch out of the rough that’s about as good as he could have done there that’s a beautiful shot he’s working [Applause] hard K fourth t driving iron of his that he can chase miles on Link’s Fairways you see how low the apex of the flight was there punching it low here we see have a great look of Brooks kepka very wide stance very athletic you feel he could pretty much play any sport very strong definitely res resists his hips there doesn’t turn back as as much as he could but then he just absolutely launches all his strength into the back to a firm left side flips it quite a lot from right to left with that right hand which is quite unusual that’s because he hasn’t turned through the ball as much as he could but what a powerful motion that is what an athlete will he isn’t he he’s a really strong athlete yeah he wouldn’t look out of place on a rugby field or American football field I don’t think he’s a just a pure brute strength yeah the biceps are not getting smaller are they I’m told you could sell tickets to the gym competitions between himself and Dustin Johnson yeah by the look of them they don’t last 20 minutes they’ be in there a couple of hours as well now I grew up with Paul Casey and he he had popey arms real strong arms when we were 12 13 he’s always had this sort of physique was extremely hard worker we used to go around the putting green for hours when we were Juniors I would hit balls and he would putt you turned out to be the good Putter and he turned a good strike up but maybe there’s a lesson there you know putting is half of the game oh Paul yeah I remember those amateur days well they and Paul and Luke Donald were the the partnership for England and and The Walker cup for Greatland and Ireland yeah and then Luke actually had another partner Robert duck so they became Donald Duck for England never forget that they did honestly it’s not a joke it was Donald Duck oh you tell some Mickey Mouse stor really 100% true Robert duck was his name all right Rory power five he had to be thinking in the te birdie here in the end he’s left for the putt for par but even the power for roric and greeted with a claim by these adoring Irish fans after that shocking start they know how hard he’s working they know how much they want to see him back around even par for this opening round if you haven’t been with long you might not know that Rory’s opening hole produced an eight out burns with the first t- shot and a penalty drop off his provisional ball now allar at 14 oh nice that’s friendly handy little bounce and ball sitting up on top of the grass every break [Applause] welcome that’s the best to get best sa is generally 12 come up short four little pitch trying to just feed it up the slope oh as I said every little break welcome that was motoring P helped a lot got a VI that you’ve got to you’ve got to enjoy oh listen birdie P for Alfie barnrat very natural golfer loads of talent wonderful to watch round the greens he’s well worth watch practiceing his chipping and putting he’s a master losing a bit of weight too isn’t he getting a little bit fit up Fleetwood for his pal must have tight good man popular wherever he goes back up the hill to the elevated T 13 Rory meloy his 10th birthday present was a trip to Royal Port rush and a chance to meet Darren Clark and they both remember it strong PA three I was watching this yesterday for about an hour and straight down wind yesterday and the boys were practicing could not keep this on the green so playing different today it’s more off the left still pretty firm up there and that’s very well judged for [Music] mckoy now kker after a fine long iron to he perect play off the T four just the iron just takes the out of bounds out of Play Slightly blind second shot that’s very well [Applause] judged good example there of just how quickly the weather can change blue skies and fluffy white clouds now here at Royal Port rushers US Open Champion plays his t-shot down the hill it really is amazing isn’t it all of a sudden there’s no evidence of squirly showers so similar shot here for back at four F tasen two gloves fully waterproofed up he’s lost this one to the right pretty favorable bounce hang on [Applause] now 2016 Champion golfer of the year new back te here at 17 so let’s just stretch this hole out a little bit further I played here in 2012 you could almost Drive the green here so quite a nice addition very elevated good shot there tough to judge such a slope he’s looking good Henrik Stinson looking confident to tell who the LIE is for GR mcdal we’ll find out in a moment when we see it coming out obviously wasn’t too bad well Tony’s taking a break I’m now delighted to say we’ve been joined by former Rider Cup captain Thomas Bjorn just in time to see your buddy and consent Thomas welcome yeah it looks beautiful there now uh just had a walk from the golf course to the compound here wasn’t particularly great walking over here feeling a little bit wet this one is going right it’s not too bad down there I went down there in the practice round it’s not too bad a place difficult pin position from there though but the LIE won’t be too bad 13th T Paul Casey even par and the greens are just holding up now and there’s just a little bit of a grab in them after that water that’s come through Lou Tas second shot just kept onto the green this will be a slow one up and over the slope almost two tiers to go up here yeah it’s very well judged excellent P Ru haen this is an eagle putt for Jordan SPI at the second for the opening Hall no Eagle but a TA and birdie young Ricky just a little bit of wetness on the greens now as well see a few guys coming up the short the next few minutes I think just a little over halfway through the opening day of the 148th open here at Royal Port Rush already it’s been a thoroughly dramatic one good recovery here from Gran McDow in the bundai on the left side he’s managed to give himself the best angle for his third kept away from that left hand bunker there by the green managed to get the clut on it you see the slopes everything taking it to the left but of local knowledge for gram just talking earlier Thomas about how good it is to see GM here and how awful it would have been for him to have missed missed out yeah all three of them the northern I Lads down and and him and Rory it’s SS a big occasion it’s just just a little bit slower the greens now with with water on them but I was there 6:35 this morning with Darren and it was just an amazing occasion for him and for all three of them to to play in this Championship is such a big week for them thought you were going to tell me there you had a tear in the eye Thomas but no I wouldn’t believe that it was close well he is many’s favorite this week Brooks Copa Good [Applause] Start pretty flat put here for Stenson managed to get it over that Ridge as you can see down the hill one’s a good chance even though it’s 18 ft 131 bogy this back nine for the Iceman and give that one a go guys played lovely last week in Scotland and he just really struggled on the greens yeah TI greeny was as good as he’s ever been and that’s pretty good just needs to get the putter working K misses his powert back to meloy this for birdie at 13 listen to the Roar of this goes in forand leading the open web sson Wass for a while five under but unfortunately finished bogey bogy Shan top of the [Applause] leaderboard from one Northern Irishman to another from Ro Michael Roy to gr McDow major Champions both I love the way he steps into these ground so concentrated focused on that point that he’s picking out halfway down the line just comes in steps a little bit quick with his toes and then just want to hit it over that point positive stroke not quite watch the t-shot that did it [Applause] up Ricky Fowler 200 yards today downhill at 13 five bunkers wrapped around this green pretty thin green four lovely stands around this 13th and the 17th green behind so it’s a great spot for the crowd to sit and watch for an hour or so some great golf being played fine shot from Fowler 2014 Ricky was top five in all four majors without a win and he was the first player ever to do that usually a contender in the big ones defending Champion for birdie at 14 good one for Francesco there it’s been a messy messy round so far I get it in the Fairway here Rory goinging with the iron it’s amazing you know walk walk 12 holes with him on Tuesday I’ve never seen him in as well I saw him this morning for breakfast as calm and as happy as anything and then as everybody else I watch that first all in disbelief I just couldn’t believe what I was seeing and I think it’s just 5 years of anticipation of this Championship it’s interesting Thomas we’re talking about that earlier that I’d spent a little bit of time with them not as much as you and it struck me as well how relaxed he was and how much he was looking forward to the experience there wasn’t a hint of of nerves or or pressure maybe there shouldn’t be but that was a shocker that eight at the first anyway he’s battling back 67 best score of the day so far Shane ly good to see Alex nordon playing well too it’s been a pretty poor season for this weed Dylan fatelli one of the last men in the South African qualifying as the John Deere winner from last week in the PGA two have you Barn rat having a good day bogey free up to this point man to dodge the showers pretty well almost like a double breaker here at 18 in you go what a way to finish K Alie bar from Thailand 68 Great Golf first round one off the lead yeah around rport Rush without a bogy it’s always going to be good he was always tracking what it he called it early Anon beautiful top back to the T for Stenson good ball his trusted three-wood straight down the middle not surprising though must have a few of them Thomas I would imagine must have worn a hole in one or two by now I thought you was going to say he might have broken a few over the years no Henrik no he’s the ice man is yeah he’s the Iceman he’s cetty mild mannered on the golf course Henrik this boy’s got some game isn’t he he’s a wonderful player this one I love the way he just CHS his shirt up under his arm there after three birdies in the first five he sort of almost unraveled a little bit that’s quite unusual for J the Jo Play to give away four to the field five to the field in fact one of those guys who really doesn’t often make that many mistakes MD here wasn’t a good one on the last hole certainly wants to put this one in the middle of the Fairway yeah not really the shape he sees this needs to be a little fader really Thomas he’s quite a strong right to lefts to draw the ball so he’s really trying to get a feel here and te up on the left side of the T and just try and hold the face on the ball as long as possible and almost try and hit a little squeezy fade it’ll probably still be a draw but to him it’ll feel like a fade Oh no just falling on it a bit there sure you be heading to the rain after these last two t- shots yeah great move there big wise stance moves into it beautifully having a pop the fifth this is absolutely perfect that’s a good shot that’s just a little unlucky at the end but it opens up the green for him that won’t cause him too much trouble from there Kevin kisno on 13 for a birdie missed a cut last week didn’t get the four rounds of preparation he was looking for in Scotland led the rest of the by earlier on this season after he’s winning the WGC match Blake back to three and Jordan SMI it’s an interesting hole three here at Royal Port Rush when you stand on the te looks so narrow this got a bit wider up there the green this is a great shot spin as well but it’s just a little bit wider up on that green it looks more intimidating than it is this is SE Kim nicely judged should make his birdi you can only feel for p David dval the 2001 champion at Royal rthm started wonderfully bued the first two is unfortunately 15 over power now after an8 at the fifth and a 13 at the seventh ball above his feet for mroy here just a 3/4 wedge not bad for a 458 yd PA four just a little bit of that last week four days we were in there a number Wes he miss right just sometimes he’s almost going for it too much much yeah I thought that was good that’s what happens when you’re that good should be too bad just chasing it a bit there a beautiful picture of Tommy Fleetwood this is for Birdie on five no that never got up online just gets a little bit short sometimes with the pod on those lengths I think Tommy he doesn’t get speed yeah absolutely Thomas ball above his feet for Molinari here to 15 flag flattering he’ll be holding this into that left to right wi with a little draw just a full nine ey maybe a soft eight and it’s beautifully played shot well judged from our defending Champion well we saw the t-shot from Ricky can take advantage of it we’ got it out on line that’s positive enough and here’s his fellow American this is also for birdie after another wonderful shot well if he’s going to have one of those weeks where he poed like that he might actually just be there they about to come Sunday night Blue Skies over the dunes on the Great Links of Royal Port Rush such a joy for everyone to be back here for the first time in 68 years TIG Woods warming up Richie Ramsey in the [Music] background 53 minutes away from his tea time and I don’t think anyone knows what to expect from Tiger he’s played so little golf since that unbelievable victory at the Masters you know do I’m not really sure that he has many expectations either I think he’s quite enjoying himself at the moment I had caught up with him a little bit yesterday and just seems like he’s just enjoying playing golf even though it’s not lot but when he is around it’s um he just wants to be out there and do the right things I think the Masters was a big big thing for him and now he’s just trying to enjoy himself a bit interesting stat there three top 10 in his last four starts so you wonder what the difference is it can only be the mind for Gary Woodland he’s now believing he’s a world player well I think Pete Cohen might have had something to do with it w he yeah but that that also brings the Mind forward though doesn’t it sure you start playing a little better what was the status recently Pete C’s coached 10 of the last 36 major Champions should have continued with him then you should just another of the many mistakes you made in your career Two cloud from Brooks there we’re even Ricky Elliot has played a lot of golf around here his caddy has would be proud of that one and I think that’s really what makes him a more serious Contender than all his talent obviously will make him a contender but he will be a serious Contender he’s got a guy on the bag that knows every inch of this golf course Rory Mao after just slight slightly short siding himself but clearly wasn’t worried by it oh dear dear great effort that’s another up and down so keeps the round [Applause] going he has been a little bit unlucky though hasn’t he had some of those CTS dropped for shots CAU the right side of the swells could vir been back to even PA oh did a great job I think gmax 3 minutes we’re up just as one of the spectators said here it is that is extremely frustrating yeah that must have been pretty deep for 10 or 15 people to take 3 minutes and a second to find it you were you were as as you could be they’ll head back up the hill to the T and we’ll go and find Paul Casey [Applause] Ricky f with a fairway wood trying to hit this up the right hand side at 14 looks to be swinging [Applause] well had the less going last week in Scotland look we sorted that one out well it’s effortless is it what I’m seeing him is just like free flowing I like how flat it is at the back swing it just seems to always be in the slot when you’re in that position already a winner this year when the Phoenix Open in February okay three off the tea sadly for G MCD at the last clearly with a wind off the right for gmck he’s just been bothered by that out of bounds down the left that’s cleverly in place good ball Graham that’s better not okay it’s going to be tough from there though it’s a tough hole is 18th and he’ll be kicking himself walking down a Graham got to get his head back on finish the round off I don’t think there’s another Open championship course Thomas with as many changes in elevation as as Royal Port Rush mean every other course turn bre’s a little bit up and down in place but most are relatively flat there so many ups and downs here aren’t there yeah and especially in those last few holes all of a sudden you come you know you come and that there’s a lot happening there especially 16 and 18 there’s a lot of of change so it it’s a tough finish to this golf course when it gets windy you really really have to strike your ball well and keep control of the flight of it and it’s pretty decent today um we’re expecting more wins as the win week goes on but it is is it’s a tough Golf Course to play this you got to really really be on everything and you know when you look at somebody like Henrik here you know he when he’s on nobody strikes it better and that’s why when he gets in these situations he’s he’s just excels in the Striking business of the game and that’s what makes him a contender every time he plays and that’s okay he’s got a little bit of sporting royalty following him around this week I’m bumped into Stephan edberg earlier former Wimbledon champion that’s always nice when you’re playing your game and you see all these sporting stars coming out and following you a bit is he a golfer Stephan edber I wouldn’t actually know um he sounded like he played a bit of golf slow put up the hill for Tommy Fleetwood right to left pretty much all the way go on in you go beautifully judged former European number one sand sh F that’s what happens when you hit too good a drive not to see where you’re going stay there that’s all right one more yard and that was a long way down on the left there fourth shop for McDow be careful you’ve opened up the green you can’t shorts side yourself so quite a demanding finishing hole this week at Raw Port Rush just cuz you’re down in play doesn’t mean you’ve done the job on a narrow entrance there you see the undulations everything’s going from right to left so need to favor the right side but there’s a big bunker front right if you’re slightly under clubbed that’s not the worst place from Gram Michael Roy then t-shot at [Applause] 15 that he had on the opening go today ties his worst score ever in a single hole in a major he had an 8-2 in the 11th and the US Open in 2013 we certainly didn’t expect one in the opening all that well po Rush as we listen to the welcome for gram [Applause] mcdal was going along so well in this opening round but unfortunately two Bogies in the last three holes and lost ball here at 18 so it’s a disappointing finish for GM grew up in the town played his golf here went on to become a major Champion now sees the greatest major of all returning to Royal po Rush very special week for all of the northern Irish boys well that’s a good pop well done toon got himself into a little bit of trou here they always create those power puts those par saves just keeps your momentum going he’s got the stroke going already Jordan another beautiful part young Englishman Jack senor that’s at 10 going along nicely even par oh it’s a [Applause] beauty not a green you want to miss left there’s a huge runoff left just a little bit further on from where gram is it would be an unlikely par but listen for the roar if this happens to drop sorry bogy yeah [Applause] another lovely power three here Roy Port Rosser 6 P just chucked a little bit over that null on the right there well long way from from the music but it’s still okay little p up the ridge oh can’t get closer than that without holding it beautiful will try he’ll just brush that in I believe maybe not have a little think about it it’s just not quite happening for Rory today you have to say just probably got Shook Up by that start everything’s just little bit miss a little bit right a little bit short a little bit long it’s just not quite on here’s one of your favorites doie there you go Paul done one on the bar 20 years since he won the open can 99 from One champion to another oh excellent effort well worthy Applause uper tier right to left breaker nicely done Mr Stenson it’s a decent start everything in red numbers just want to get started with this Championship there’s a long way till Sunday and if he starts making putts Thomas we know for a fact that he will be in the hunt on Sunday you can’t ever really argue with Henrik striking off the golf ball sha F will be a little disappointed with his start I’m sure was many people’s fancy to contend again this year as he did at gno state that’s make us par for an opening [Music] 73 74 I’m afraid three over for and Sh flake didn’t make a birdie in the back nine in fact it was four over for the back nine work to do tomorrow Grand McDow celebrates his 40th birthday N9 days after the open ends this I’m afraid for a double bogey at the last oh gra oh that is so sad two Bogies on a triple in the last four holes when he had been going along so beautifully oh that will really hurt it’s a 73 when it was looking like being comfortably [Applause] subar meanwhile back to the 15th and Rory michaelroy with a birdie to try to get back to two over four over after one remember so he battled back well good speed here come on there always going to be tricky up over that then for Rory I’ll take a break and I’ll welcome back Tom holia to join Tony and Thomas thank you jie what a horrid start from mroy if you are just tuning in a quadruple bogey eight at the first he was five over after a DOT shot at the third through the first three holes he’s actually done pretty well to fight back since then could easily have been a couple better than he is at the moment as we go to kka at the par three six fantastic touch and you think these guys used to cutting on greens that are sort of 12 or 13 on the stimp they’re just 10 10 feet one inch on the St because of the wind you can’t get too cute Molinari just going to drop the club on the back of it just dig it out let it run up and that is very well played Lou Tyson here got a little bit of a line from Brooks cop cut has he hit it beautiful top from Lou wonderful player to watch any Tony oh that swing [Music] it the 2010 open Champion Ur Tas after a decent enough start but it is Ireland’s Shane Larry who leads the way after an opening 67 Sergio Garcia in amongst those at three underpar along with almost the last man in Dylan Fratelli only qualified for the open by virtue of winning the John Deere Classic on Sunday and then hotfooted it to Royal Port Rush [Music] Jordan SP who won so impressively at Royal burkdale a couple of years ago with that stunning finish five under the last five holes to break the heart of Matt cucha who’s tasing there in amongst the one unders good start from the 1999 open Champion Paul lri Casey decent enough play level Par Four to go be looking to end the day under par that’ll be the Target from [Music] here s Francesco’s pitch chip up to here this used to be probably the weak side of his game Francesco and then all of a sudden he seemed to find a way of getting these in the hole and then he rose to one of the stars of the game very nice well done yeah I’d say he’s probably been well he’s been amongst the absolute best strikers on the planet for a decade hasn’t he Thomas and the patter just wouldn’t behave the P’s vital don’t win with without the pter working well you got to hold putts between three and 6 ft and you’re going to hold a lot of them it really is where you win golf torments certainly where this guy won all his go TS he’s trying to put this up the hill and come back even Dominic Holier in this commentator Bo go where’s that going and well without a bounds just over the back of the gr literally putot over the back of of the green I was slightly worried for a moment but obviously didn’t see what he saw the ability to bring it down the bank and my word a three part bogy for Paul [Applause] Casey that’s going to disappoint that was a moment ago now Rory at so-called Calamity Corner well I can tell you when you walk this hole I the wind’s off the right today there’s not much of it it’s not that big a problem S A not in a big curve but I’m telling you if the wind’s off the other side that hole is exactly what it says on the card Calamity well he hit Calamity Corner pretty early on didn’t he at that opening hole who have thought what a horrible way to start your open kka at the par five seventh well you watch this and the only thing you don’t want to be is the golf ball when he hits it he’s so strong he hits it so hard but he’s accurate as well and that’s a great combination up ahead third shot for Justin Thomas ball above his feet wind from the right get everything made to make the ball go right to left which is good when the flag is on the left but obviously not wanting to overdo it keeping it out there feeds down into one of those many little Hollows that we find off these greens at Royal Port rush just in a little divot there isn’t it Sandy divot Thomas yeah this is this is tricky on link sometimes because you got to get steep on this you got to get the ball first feel I always felt like I just pick the club up and stab it a bit just kind of and all of a sudden the flag kind of goes a little bit out of the equation just get it on the green and you’ve been a bit unlucky but you just got to take that uh and then get on with it but just get Steep and then straight down on top of the ball not a big follow through done that beautifully there Ricky good advice there from Thomas one of the best wedg players I ever saw I don’t want to get too nice to him because he’ll get susp icious but that is words of wisdom there gold Tommy Fleetwood at seven oh how about that for a tasty little V beautiful he’s coming a little bit under the radar hasn’t he this week Tommy as we watch SE Wu Kim at the 14th not going to get there not far away but talking to Harrington on practice days and he was saying that these fringes are very sticky I mean they tight and they are perfect they’re immaculately manicured but he said they they’re just a bit of stickiness about them so it’s hard to judge patting off the fringes up to 16 again this time Woodland whoa whoa goodness where is that guy oh nowhere near the green that was quite a strange flight path there with our shot track it just seemed to do a bit of a wobble another player who hasn’t actually played since the US Open which of course he won his wife is expecting twins maybe things back home are on his mind well we’ve got some of the pre-tournament favorites about to get underway Justin with Tony finau and Lucas Spar Dustin Johnson plays with Jason day and Keegan Bradley and woods with Wallace and Reed they’re off at 10 3 about 25 minutes time and Ram with cantlay and [Music] coocha don’t forget whilst you’re watching log into to uh where you will find all sorts of wonderful stuff on our website lots of great video content everything you want to know about Port rush and about the players as well Jordan Speed on the fifth for birdie it’s just beautiful it’s so beautiful to watch him when he gets on a roll with the Potter you just feel like it’s not been a great time for Jordan we just feel like once he gets going off we go again one or two really positive signs recently for him Justin Thomas’s fourth shot now at number seven the par five is it going to catch the slope oh dear that is a serious mistake a lot of people fancied him this week to do well didn’t they he came over last week played in the aine standard investment Scottish open played a practice round with Rory Yesterday Once the rain have subsided as Justin Rose with his caddy Gareth Lord make their way to the first te how nice is that Tom walks past and shakes hands with the board carrier the rakers the scorers a lot of guys wouldn’t do that very gentle gentleman I don’t know if I would have Thomas I was a bit too intense going to the first te would you stop shaking hands I was already growling before I got to the first te I always remembered when I had about 10 steps past him oh I should have shook their hand it was too late powerart now for Thomas at the seventh down a little slope in front of him little bit of break on this one as well well you didn’t want to off up for six here did he he didn’t great part but he was just getting himself into a bit of trouble after a shaky start as well Ricky Fowler birdie pack up over a little Ridge quite a bit of right left it’s quick from there but it didn’t turn that much did it and it wasn’t that quick so maybe I should go and commentate on football well the pitch is flat there great chance here for Tommy Fleetwood he rolls in another one Fleetwood to two under and within a couple of shots of the lead very tidy start so back to the first T where Justin Rose Tony fow and Lucas beard are about to get underway and with Gareth Lord on the bag for Justin this week Gareth was cading for Henrik Stenson when he won at trun three years ago and we’re going to put you through the test now D B oh don’t start that oh don’t start that Lucas Bor now we’ve had this discussion the only trouble is for us English-speaking people it becomes a little difficult to test tell who you’re talking about when you pronounce it so wonderfully like you it’s like these new Boys you’ve been telling me about the Hoy gor or whatever it is they have asked to be called Hoy guard this is game number 44 on the tea from England Justin Rose 2013 US Open Champion the Olympic gold medalist and finally last year had his best result in the open since making his debut as a fresh-faced amateur way back in 1998 at burkdale when he won the silver medal giving up some yardage just with an iron off this first [Applause] t on the te from the USA Tony fow top 10 last year for him at Cary ranked inside the top 20 in the world he is a quality player it’ be no surprise at all if he were to be in the mix come Sunday [Applause] on the tea from Denmark Lucas beard two European tour victories to his name and the man who downed tiger at the WGC T Technologies Championship on his way to the semifinals there climbing inside the top 50 of the world rankings for the first time in his career well one of the advises to Justin Rose here would be not trying to keep up with these two because they are both very very long off the take how would we say your name properly then is it bjor or would it be be or something BJ yeah come on Tony no I’m not going to say the things that I’ve called you over the years not on [Laughter] air let’s go up to the 16th good t- shot here at Calamity corner from Rory mroy keep coming keep coming those were the ones he had trouble with last week they really were they just uh they just would not go in Eric Fen royan the birdie chance at nine he was in the final group last week oh beautiful made a quadruple eight on the second last week but that’s forgotten that’s behind him fine player lovely guy and he Shrugged it off and he’s back again I just think this is quite an important and pot ferari what do you say about that except [Applause] ouch there’s not much you can say it’s just turned out to be a nightmare day for him free drop for Gary Woodland having uh hit it into the crowd and that’s a lovely three good save it’s not going to make Rory feel any better is it hold one of those for par after he’s just four Pats for a double bow oh my goodness to [Applause] capka this amazing run in the majors over the last two and a half years or so he’s won four of the last nine still Shane Larry ahead and Garcia in amongst the chasing pack but Jordan spe is working his way up that leaderboard as well great start from him seim the youngest man to win the PLAYERS Championship couple of years back in amongst the two unders and here’s a look at this opening hole stand on the first te here if you’ve never been here before and your breath is taken away how stunningly beautiful it is lovely opening PA for Allison Whitaker is following this three ball afternoon Ali what can you tell us about current conditions H good afternoon everyone well the conditions is it the same day than it was around an hour and a half ago not sure talk about Four Seasons but the wind probably about a club at the moment just off the The Players right shoulder so helping a little bit 170 yards the number but really you just kind of want to carry it past about say 20 to 25 yards on this screen cuz it will kick forward with the helping wind lovely exactly what you want on the open and hle there aren’t too many players who’ve tried to squeeze it in the left hand side of that pin today oh you could hear both of them going stay there stay there it did and it kicked right as well that’s a good start bear next just four yards less for Beard I don’t know that you’d intentionally go left of of this pin today plenty of room out to the right nice recognition by the to put Lucas out in this group with Justin Rose I think it’s recognition of how good he’s been this year career year you could say perfect angle here for Tony fenale 164 [Applause] three good shots into the first by this group it’s Mr shy using closest though Justin Rose well he is also the highest rank player of them well well well Rory at 17 driver is there a way back back from here Thomas oh definitely needs to get this round over with and and kind of get On The Range and sort a few things out and and just come out tomorrow and freee it and Rory’s got all the talent and all the tools to to go and shoot a low round and get himself back into making the cut and then see what what happens on the weekend but it’s a big job ahead of him Fleetwood just lofting a wedge in trying to spin it back off that slope keep coming keep coming not bad par five seventh this is usas for his part and I assume you’ve returned the favor Tony and asked Thomas how you PR how you should pronounce his name Thomas will know exactly how to pronounce his name but we’ll give him a chance little Lou [Laughter] that perfect pronunciation another birdy chance here for Jordan spe he’s unbelievable from that range last year he was holding 25% of pets from 24t 20 to 254t it was unbelievable well Tiger’s only just over 10 minutes from his tea time so he won’t be there for that much longer yeah Tom Watson used to time it perfectly get on the pting green and he would leave the pting green with just enough time to get there about 20 seconds before his te off time every time didn’t want to stand on the T MinGa for long well next up on the first Dustin Johnson Jason day and Keegan Bradley all major Champions Johnson they won the 2016 US Open after quite a few near misses world number two this is game number 45 on the team from the USA Dustin Johnson had a great chance syney eight years ago at the venue where the open returns next year Roy St georgees till he drove it out of bounds or hit his second rather Out of Bounds at the 14th [Applause] on the tea from Australia Jason day he came close at St Andrews four years ago losing out in that Monday playoff so missing out on the playoff a single stroke on the tea from the USA Keegan [Music] Bradley good signs in the game with Keegan Bradley over the last 12 18 months or so after a period in the doldrums the man who won the 2011 PGA Championship five top 10 on the PGA tour this season [Applause] no birdies for either feno or beard here Justin Rose though another player who consulted and had a practice round with Darren Clark arrived here a little bit early give himself maximum preparation time we shall see over the next 5 hours or so whether that will pay dividends it certainly has at the first pH now to tidy up and beard is also tapped in so he’s made his four off they go to the part five second we’ll catch up with Tommy Fleetwood down the hill as you can see right to left quite a break in this oh my goodness heck of a break in that he did hit it at A Dying Pace but he started at I would say at least 3 ft right and it’s missed by 18 in left hard to read that much into it such a good start today from Kevin kissner but he’s all the way back to level par or is he not for long so he returns to Red [Applause] figures four under through eight holes gave all of those back over the next seven ball of Paul Casey in tight there as maoy just Lofts a little wedge in and that [Applause] is that’s just horrible the players of his caliber that is that’s a two out of 10 Ricky Fowler playing with Kevin kissner that’s just cruel so he stays one under two to go certainly a chance at 17 if you put it in the right spot at 18 you also got an opportunity Justin Thomas definitely would have learned something from Tommy Fleetwood how much break there is that’s a good effort he’s probably asking himself how come it didn’t break yeah you know it’s so hard when you you read a putt and then suddenly you see a putt that breaks twice as much as you think to make yourself hit it that far out so it is a good effort took a little bit of mind to at that stair back to the first and Keegan Bradley about to play his second unbelievable crowds out here they say we’re going to have just under a quarter of a million people here this week and it’s just phenomenal [Applause] [Applause] it didn’t take long to sell out here even the practice days were sold out I think in the end despite some fairly mcky conditions out there yesterday everyone trying to get a a little slice of the open as it returns to Port rush for the first time in 68 years oh Sam torren is back in the commentary box alongside Tony Johnston and myself Dominic Holier thanks Dom nice to be back Jason day second into the first might feed r a little good distance that’s [Applause] okay it’s been a pop spot hasn’t it over there knowing what trouble awaits down the left there if you miss the green Dustin Johnson absolutely one of the favorites this week much expected of him maybe this guy’s just getting foxed a little bit by the wind little bit more downwind than they’re expecting I think let seen a lot of players in the last hour just feeded through the back of the green mroy for a much needed birdie at 17 go on Oh What a fine try that just hasn’t I mean he was you know he’ fought back so well and then that four pad on the part three just that’s a real body blow second to the eight Good Start didn’t Birdie the power five seventh oh I don’t think he likes it is it short no that’s not too bad not what he wanted but 20 ft for birdie no problem second heat interesting play an iron for Rose at this par five he said in his pre-tournament interview that he’ll play it fairly cautiously but not you know he’s not going to back off totally it’s actually shifted it quite a long way down there as well hasn’t he not not bad thinking there from Rose as Tiger Woods walks onto the first T always worth watching on the first te just to see how easily tiger bends down to tee up his ball just gives an indication of how that back’s working and that looked fine looked loose that bunker the second we saw Rose his ball it’s 309 to that draft in the left of the s that was a big IR shot as we go to Molinari in 18 Champion three over obviously not what he was looking for have two parts from there for 74 the defending Champion he’s been a wonderful Ambassador seven off the right as open Champion as Franchesco tiger playing today with Matt Wallace and Patrick Reed who he partnered in the Ridder cup not very successfully it has to be admitted ton you were talking about how he bent down to tee up the ball I’m more interested in his opening t- shot cuz he’s not renowned for great opening t- shots and if he’s feeling great he’ll rip it down the middle let’s see 10 tournament rounds since winning the Masters that’s all 10 miss the cup at the PGA Championship play quite well at Memorial and at the US Open completely enveloped by the stands around the first te very cozy this is game number 46 on the tea from the USA Tiger [Applause] Woods three times a champion golfer of the year [Applause] woo to win there yeah I think it might have just been because of where the T-shirt was headed on the tea from England Matt Wallace has described it as a dream come true to play in the open with tiger could not have imagined it 3 years ago playing on the Alps T the third tier of European Golf what a rise it’s beenin for Matt Wallace 23rd in the world rankings now he’s had some issues with his temper but he tells us he’s working on those talking to Dave mle it’s all very interesting he’s got a sort of three IR that’s set to a two on Loft a two on that set three on Loft the whole thing is quite amusing and beadling that s both the same Club at once half an inch longer than the other I couldn’t work it out to be honest on the te from the USA Patrick Reed the 2018 Masters champion playing in his sixth open hasn’t yet had a top 10 finish in this championship [Applause] do you think Sam and Tony is there a is there a shot shape that is suited to Port rush or do you have to be able to move it both ways do you think here straight one sorry but it’s really it’s it goes all directions the all great Seaside courses Port Marik another one that there’s not two holes going the same direction you you really need all the shots well I hope that Grimace wasn’t one of pain I hope it was more uh pulled t-shot oh man hate to see it well it it’s cold he he’s not he can’t be great in the cold with his back you can only do so much in a warm-up is maintaining the heat through your body so Molinari walks up the 18th this is Johnson with a birdy chance at the first hole slightly downhill maybe a bit of right to left then it’ll straighten [Applause] now kka so second into the eighth too difficult part this straight across the green can be aggressive he’s not being aggressive at all and this red as well so they tap in power he’ll St 200 under after eight two behind the leader Shane Lowry and up to 18 and Molinari outside chance of a three but he’ll be definitely hoping to avoid the three putt and that’s a nice lag we are hearing this is Jordan spe’s fourth shot he’s bunk it off the te knocked it out bunk it it again tell you what he’s going to manage to squeeze out of this with a car terrific bunker shot Tommy food second and to nine sounded like a flyer that’s okay oh if you can hit the green From the Rough you’ve done a good shot for part for our defending Champion what a title Champion golfer of the year not what he was looking for but it’s not disastrous we know he’s got the ability to come out tomorrow and shoot low and two rounds over the week not out of it as we watch tiger at the opening hole coming out of the rough time to say good afternoon to Jay Townsend who’s with this match thanks Dom a bad angle 192 the grass is growing with him but there’s a big Clump between where the club is going to come through and the ball hold on that could go 40 yds back down the Fairway if it misses the bunker oh that’s a deep deep bunker as well in there that’s the last thing he needed was one of those 40 50 yard bunker shots where he’s going to have to really go at it quite hard I think and because the Sand’s wet it may not have rolled back to the bottom of that bunker might it just mind of stuck on a little side Hill lie which will make it awkward you think it made the flat sent we actually saw it it come back down it went right up the left side now but 3 seconds later she appeared 145 for both Wallace and Reed Wallace to play first wind almost straight behind him as the rain starts to fall can’t see the bottom of the flag stick little unlucky there he could have caught that a little Mound just left of where his ball finish it could have come back down but it’s not too bad up there nice aggressive shot for the opener certainly not the way he Parts my word he some footage doesn’t he Matt Wallace you can see the flags there they’re blowing pretty steadily with this little just Squall that’s coming through a better angle here for Reed than Wallace further over on the right there’s a lot of green short up on the top Plateau it’s 145 it’s only about 130 to get up on top and get a nice you know predictable bounce here plays about 10 yards longer than the yardage but he’s got at least 10 yards of win behind him like many before and maybe maybe just underestimating the firmness of the greens too you know we had a lot of rain yesterday the greens are softer and maybe they’re just a little firmer than they think skipping onto the back Edge Tommy Fleetwood at nine just to go out in 33 may be delighted with that two puts be fine too that’s okay 34 front nine first round of the strange to say the last major of the year A two-time Champion goal through of the Year Ernie El birie chance for him at the par three third W confidently rolled home early up and [Applause] running still got Ricky on the bag they’ve been together haven’t they for I don’t know 40 years or something ridiculous what just watch satini here straight in for satini yes if there were and Wife Er would have had no money left with all the divorces those two have had Tiger has 54 yard totally blind shot here he’s got coming out low it needs a good bounce fantastic execution from Woods there classic a good chance to save his par you can see the severity of the Hil was heading up there and so difficult to get low and running from there pitching wedge I think he might have used there not a lob wedge that’s what Gary play always said he was the best bunker player that ever lived Gary almost just better than Tony Johnson but just too many us the wrong clubs oh dear oh dear oh dear Rory mroy having more problems coming down the 18th his fourth shot into this closing Par Four he’s already five over oh heavens above so desperate to do well this week yeah maybe too desperate I’m trying too hard I think from that very first hole so much pressure and expectation on his shoulders and the most awful start you could imagine quadruple bogy eight that’s a blow to the solo plexus he looks unperturbed but I’ll tell you what there will not be a lot of Joy going on between those two ears well then he started to get things back on track after the crappy a scrappy start I should say Bird’s at seven and nine and then that real well mental eror at 16 stop at you two with the four Ps well it was such a slap in the face to start that first hole with an eight when he was 16 he shot 61 around here course record he’s been waiting for that day for the first major to come here and then it comes he makes an eight at the first what a horrible sinking feeling it must be as he walks up the 18th yeah all he wanted really was a reasonably steady start wasn’t it anything under par would have been fine to Thomas at nine good stop from Johnson Justin Thompson sorry he uh played last week in the Scott he’s played quite well but such an advantage to have climatized for the jet lag the temperature so over to the first Patrick Walls has already putted from a very similar position back into the wind came up a bit short he has finished out for his par this putt early on for Reed is going to be influenced by the mound just to his right rain starting to fall again it it stopped between their second shots and Wallace’s putt now it’s coming down pretty heavy yeah as Jay said that was a tough one to read coming right to left off the slope looking for the left or right in the end of it riging at the first not so here at 17 as Kevin kissner holds another one so that’s two in a row to get himself back to two under again a good fight back good start from him then things started to go AR as we go to the first and the parut for tiger as the re rain comes sheating in and it was a brilliant bunker shot from where he was shouldn’t be much break to this a little bit left to right the wind is coming from the right anytime you get moisture on the green it tends to straight and puts out so I wouldn’t look for too much break here this would be a huge put to save par well he’s not bad at these oh little fist pump there from Tiger too that’s fantastic now get the umbrella great save no one gives you more than that man no one it’s one fantastic par I just bumped into somebody outside the comms box just went to grab a coffee quickly and apparently tiger was really holding his back on the Range struggling Rory has managed to extricate himself from that deep stuff on top of the mound but it was an awful start and it’s going to be a pretty awful finish yeah that for six actually looks fantastic with that slowmo rain I think and he’s done well to to I mean that that is thick I mean that’s fire height Gary Woodland playing here with Rory mroy not been a great day for the US Open Champion either he’s got a par Woodland SP in the last for 73 oh what a good finish for the US Open Champion it’s not the day wanted but at the end of the day well it was for a par sorry I thought that was for bird it’s not a great finish but it was a good par 74 three over by the way is tied for 97th Place well maroy this is for double bogey he started with a quadruple and he’s finishing with a treble It’s just sad it’s very sad to see eight over par [Music] 79 nothing good to say about that except how great a man he is and let’s hope he can come back back I remember Curtis Strange shot 80 in the first round in the Masters on and was leading with nine holes to play Nick falo told us this morning he started with double double and he was leading with nine holes to play so we can only hope for him bitterly disappointed more than anyone he’ll be more disappointed than anyone of today’s performance yeah I think devastated would cover it he’s got that that look in his eye hasn’t he he just looks a bit Tong trunk after what’s G on out there today kep me out of here tomorrow’s a new one Rory and well if anybody’s got the talent to come out and turn it around he has trouble is there be so many questions now press media they all want to know what’s happened well it’s bad day end of story kka birdie P at nine unbelievable how this man turns it on for the Mages it is just astonishing have you known another golfer like him doesn’t play golf outside tournaments he doesn’t practice that hard when he’s got weeks off they are weeks off I just watch tiger at the second here three wood just never saw it he said it’s coming back into the bunker I’m afraid tiger there was one guy but I can’t remember his name I’m afraid he almost used to ease up into this when he was coming into the ball lovely position there and he’s taken this seriously he was getting up for the last at least the last week in America at 1:00 every morning going to the gym to get on the clock get his body adjusted Jordan SMI bunkered off the tea at number eight this is his third shot rare mistake from being almost Invincible he he really fell off the side of a cliff didn’t he for a while there and he’s slowly been showing some positive signs over the last 3 six months or so Justin a three get the left bounce get the left bounce he asks it does not feed into that little trough long right there are much worse places to be yeah there’s some really sharp runoffs in places around Royal Port rush but he should be okay there Jordan SP in a bit of trouble at eight he’s got a long range effort for par to stay at 3 under par as Shane Larry one of the early starters and round in 67 leads the open at Royal Port Rush satini has been showing some good form lately so as Eric Van royan Tommy Fleetwood a little under the radar and Brooks Caper in wonderful form [Music] Henrik Stenson is tucked in there so is last week’s winner B vburger only return to action late last year after rist surgery the Austrian and two wins this season top of the race to Dubai after the victory in uh Scotland Darren Clark level pass 71 got it going early was three under lost his way a little bit but managed to hold on to [Music] things I know Danny Willard had lots of supporters at the start of the week a lot of people have seeing the trend in his game another player who’s been through the doldrums and has worked his way back former Masters champion Abraham aner from Mexico came over and played at l hinch in the Dubai duty3 Irish open where they had a similar setup the tournament director down in irland was in touch with Grant Mo who sets up the course for the RNA this week and talking about Fairway widths and the cut Heights for the rough and speed of the greens and firmness of the greens so it was a very similar test good idea this is Kevin kissner coming down the last remember he’s made birdies at 16 and 17 and he’s found the Fairway at number 18 try to chase deal with all that yes I place him left or right y not sure what he took off the te there but he left himself quite a long way back come down blind shot he won have seen it but it’ll be confirmed for him in a moment to Rose just off the green at three come on [Applause] on Dustin Johnson 30 T from just over the back it looks quite tasty you know what a good [Applause] try cool look at the break in this one for spe and it’s for PA I don’t think that’s high enough I think he was intending to start at 4T higher up the hill and just bailed out on that just helped it a little bit left and there’s still work to be [Applause] done well Thomas bjor is back alongside Tony Johnston and myself Dominic Holly we’ve got Jay townend out on the course following the action with tigers group and Allison Whitaker is also riding the fair ways for us as Keegan Bradley HS out nicely Thomas welcome back thank you very much Tom just had a little shower coming through there the golf course and now it’s all of a sudden nice again out there and here is a man who’s on fire at the moment John Ram won a couple of weeks ago down at the hinch absolutely no surprise if he is in contention on Sunday well good stroke to start with good one positive he’s got a great attitude this guy to the game he really really just drives himself hard 264 for Reed 237 all the way to the or to the front edge and I think that’s the key number oh that’s going to go down a slope tiger was in the last of the three right Fairway bunkers and could only exploded out he’s got a long shot in Tiger has 235 to the hole for his third on this par five Wallace is one yard closer than Reed he’s got 263 to the hole 236 to the front edge this is nothing more than probably a four iron throw it up in the air wind is straight behind the players little unlucky just pitched to that tiny little Ridge yard further on the Downs slope that definitely gets all the way up to the hole Jordans after all his troubles here on eight this is for Bogey and all of a sudden the Ping stroke goes so great on the first holes and then when you have that one testing yourself for bogy it just goes a little bit and that’s been the key of his demise over the last 18 months or so to the Slender 10th green down the slope for [Applause] Fleetwood there’s Woods you heard Jay saying out of the bunker to here long way in that do Mak Fowler into the 18th well picked a spot amongst those flag poles at the back of the green and I think he started at exactly where he wanted that’s a fine [Applause] shot have a look at young callum’s shenin here 30 very good just sneaking in side door there it’s a nice round going here for Callen who doesn’t have a card on the European tour at the moment came close to winning the Scottish open didn’t he a couple of years back lost out in a playoff in the end to rafhael Cabrera beo Justin Thomas to get it back to level par beautiful Str from the day he came out I think we all love fell in love with cutting stroke straight back straight through and he’s a gutsy little fellow too he’ll take nothing lying down well we saw Kevin kissner play his second shot into the front green side bunker he’s out to here so this is a part for a par there a guy just quietly goes about his business doesn’t he there’s nothing flashy no it’s only really the money till he’s got flashing plenty of money coming in so a couple of Drop shots but a couple of birdies over the close in four holes for kistner who got off to a fast start he was three under through the first four then gave some back and in the end he’s going to sign for a one underpart round of 70 this here is WGC yuck Dell technology match play Champion wasn’t very nice was it Brooks Capco into the 10th hole settle [Applause] down okay you can’t say anything that Rick’s hit two great shots on this Al be nice to finish it up off this is as good as an opportunity as you’re going to get in this hole I think particularly after dropping one on the previous hole yeah and when you drop one and you you really want to finish in red numbers and here’s your chance to get it back kind of go home and think well that was an okay start and it’s a long way till till this tournament finishes red numbers are always good there you go beautiful Ricky fer well on good [Music] round hope be looking for a little bit more but no damage done let’s catch up with Tiger at the second both Wallace and Reed have already pitched up Reed’s going quite a away past the hole Wallace is about 5 ft they’ll have those for birdies this for birdie for Woods big step it has to climb up and over wind behind once it gets up on top it can get away from you it’s pretty Speedy on the top level lot of right to [Applause] left part the opening hall for John Ram here he is on the tea at the par five second you like this yeah cool it gives it a dirty scene to doesn’t it you didn’t really know if that was going I thought maybe that was going way left but the way he looked when he picked up his tea but he just like oh this is how good I am so I’m just going to pick the tea up and put the club in the bag and carry on Wallace has this one for birdie this is going to be a left to wrer here he needs to get this just barely inside Patrick Reed’s ball marker here as it loses Pace it’s going to just go uphill a little bit and slide left to right been interesting to hear from Js round goes on because bet you know we hear a lot about Matt and his kind of caddy relationship but he uses Dave a lot he’ll have a lot of long conversations with him today playing with Tiger Woods and they’ll they will try and calm him down so it’ be interesting to see if Jay picks up on what’s going on out there between the two of them another chance for satini the Slovakian from South Africa or is it VI well VI the the United States Reed for his birdie oh and historically over the last four or five years he has been just about as good as you get on this planet from four or five ft Flags cut in an awkward little spot just at the base of a ridge that comes off the right Fringe and it it’s fooled a lot of players today yeah there you go took a dive well I think with tiger you know not great to shot on the first not a great one on the second walked off with two cars probably feel a little bit like oh this is one of those rounds where I really got to have to dig in and and work hard but if anybody can he can the old adage isn’t it about not playing yourself out of the championship on the opening day you can’t win it on day one no birdie for Dustin Johnson at the [Applause] third three straight pars to start the round for him let’s catch up with kka he didn’t quite get the control on the wedge from the semi Brooks there and not his best part either but looks like it’s going to be a [Applause] fall Keegan Bradley birdie chance oh it’s a misread I’m afraid stroke looked [Applause] fine made all the more frustrating missing putts around here and misreading by the fact that the pting surfaces are absolutely Exquisite ooh now potential problems here looks like big problems as well for Justin Rose Allison Whitaker what’s happening yeah what was interesting cuz uh he actually came down and and Gareth was going to get a yardage and I don’t know that he knew that they hadn’t actually found the ball at that point in time so theyve found one it was the wrong one everyone pounced on the rough and they’ve eventually identified his so back to the drawing board a little bit he’s got some room at least as you can see just walking back along that little mo section of rough which should give him a decent uh chance he’s about 200 to the front edge from where he is so so can’t see much of the green but might be able to find it Well that a bounds all the way down the right hand side of that fourth hole and may be aware of that Rose has pulled it into the left rough so real issues there let’s go back a hold to the third and woods 175 not quite straight down wind but nearly a little bit out of the left the holes cut up on the back left shelf here you cannot fly it up there and you do not want to miss left or long or the bank that feeds it off you’re going to have to hit a low one and maybe draw it a little bit if you want to get up there close to the hole skip skip I said it to you before Jay I think if you good play as well as you see it then you would have been one great player yeah Thomas it’s just about you know seeing the right shot in that type of thing I never figured this out while I was still playing that’s a sad thing but Wallace was shown what to do tiger hit the perfect shot in there just take a little bit of spin off of it and Pitch it about 15 yd short of the hole and it should run up there anytime the Sun comes out the wind seems to just freshen a little bit as it has right now down into the little dip well is the South African Louis tyon on 10 we’ve seen a few guys have this pot now break left to right this is a positive pop from Louie well done beautiful gets as excited as ever Lou he back to the third and Patrick Reed last to go here well he could do well this week Patrick he’s one of the best win players that the surround he controls his flight he’s a lovely lovely iron player he really is Rose has taken his drop so now playing three at the fourth how far has he got to Go Allison well to be honest with you I think he’s just going to be aiming to to use that backboard in the in the back right section just to the right edge of uh out of that Tower he’ll do well to get this on the putting surface just no line at all but on a great line here oh what a brilliant shot oh and lucky he was re really trying to bring it in off that slope it’s gone a couple of feet too far and stuck and buried by the look of it as well with the grass growing against him oh dear JB Holmes has a putt for well that was for Eagle nice easy birdie at the short par for fifth hole for Holmes a great start apart from the drop shot at the first three birdies in four holes after that Kum shenin com towards the end of his round for a birdie at the par 316th he’ll take a par and R well Tony you would know here is that this Bobby locks thing on the left there that he hit Bobby locks Locker is that what it’s called Bobby lock Locker on the left there he he hit there there on purpose yeah old as apparently his first look at the course don’t be rude now Thomas he just decided that’s the place to be made three from there every day yes all four tournament rounds in [Applause] 1951 well at least some of the names we know what they mean there’s the One path is at 13 that’s called featherbed I spent an hour last night trying to work out why it’s quite no idea have you worked it out no no we’ll be back with that one tomorrow Tony Perhaps Perhaps you have to land it softly on the green play from on high as Shane Larry continues to lead the way at Royal Port Rush well just roll off here for Matt it’s a positive chair yeah he’s got great short game skills hasn’t he Thomas good pitcher chipper just about as good a pter as we’ve seen in a long time well he’s got such a great future ahead of him the wor work ethics that’s brilliant he’s got a great swing great short game he just got all of it so you just keep plotting along and become better and better week by week nice up and down birdie there at the second of half five for John Ram found the green side bunker so he’s up and running and to the third once again and a birdie part here for both Tiger Woods and first of all Patrick Reed there’s a lot of green reading going on here what they’re really concentrating on is the second half of the put once it reaches the top level he’s got to go up a pretty good step it’s all going to be breaking left to right and what you want to do is you you want to read these putts by picking the point at the top and how it’s going to break to the hole and the first part getting to the top you figure out how do I get to that midpoint in this case it’s less than midpoint wind is died down for the moment but it is behind him frustrations with the pter for Reed missed chances at the second and the third this is for three in a row for Justin Thomas though that would have been a good move on the field cuz that is the toughest hole in the course number 11 so tiger at the third after that brilliant t- shot this is just a little right to left uphill I think he wants to start it just outside the left the wind is freshening again it’s coming from his left so it might straighten it out ever so much I don’t think you want to give the whole hole away here nice and firm three straight passs to start the day for Tiger [Applause] Woods well we watch Justin trial and tri tribulation so on the fourth but got the help with the green here just pop it out and let roll down to the hole brilliant shot from Justin [Applause] Rose grip it down there on the steel just trying to stap it down just onto the front of the green and just let it roll out playing alongside John Ram Patrick CLE this is for an eagle has become a very fine player hasn’t he on Jack Nicholas’s Memorial Tournament after 10th in the world rankings and then we have a look at Danny Willet for Birdie on nine then last night there a nice chatter in Danny again now feeling confident believe and that was a beautiful stroke there as well two birdies in a row two under power for the front nine he’s just coming back into that Danny Willet that one the Masters and was a world player he obviously won in Dubai at the back end the last season and he’s just getting everything going again moving up the world rankings screen out dropping in now Tony absolute snake across there beautiful for Tony Fel three PS and then a birdie there he’s one under good work sabatini with another chance this time at the par three 13th well the weather conditions at the moment pretty kind to the players as we continue coverage of this open round of the 148th open from Royal Port rush back in Northern Ireland the oldest major of them all for the first time since 1951 there a real celebratory atmosphere here around the town around this part of the world as well delighted to have the very best players in the world in this tiny well small fishing Village of Port rush now perhaps better known and certainly will be going forward as an international golfing destination Jordan SMI got it two three under far the 2017 Champion goer of the year but couple of slip UPS he’s back to nine under John R off to a good start playing with Patrick cantlay and coocha they all picked up a shot at that par five second hole and he’s almost the tournament host isn’t he Darren Clark first off today with James sugaru the young Irish Amer the Amer Champion indeed both round in 71 asander Lombard from South Africa a runner up in the AER Championship when it was staged here 5 years ago also with an opening 71 well four of the fairy Jason day he’s got the familiar face on the golf pack Steve Williams work their way around this golf course I’m sure in a good way today I thought Steve had retired I thought he was counting his money and racing cars back in New Zealand he’s retired a lot Steve Williams he keeps coming back to us retired more times than George Foreman so day walks up towards the green will wander back to the T and woods J and there’s a storm approaching a very heavy little shower has kicked up the wind here on the 4th T it’s 280 to get past the second left Fairway trap there’s two traps in the middle of the Fairway that are unreachable the wind is picking up behind out of bounds to the right you cannot miss it right it’s just off the edge of the Fairway [Applause] the Wallace will want to follow that one down the middle it’s hard to curve the ball much when the wind is straight behind you you can start it offline and it’ll stay offline so it’s really key to get set up and have get the ball started online the spin of the ball is lessen by the uh the wind behind you conversely into the wind it’s accentuated huge crowds out here following this Marquee group here everyone wants to get a look at Tiger and well Matt Wallace he’s soon to win the order or the uh race to Dubai you would think uhoh white posts get up there look as I it flew straight over the post into the bushes didn’t see it Ricochet out and Wallace could well be reloading Reed likes to move everything right to left and the guy in front of you just whips one out of bounds to the right doesn’t give you a good feeling now he can give the little helicopter finish and hit a cut shot when he wants to but that’s not his preferred [Applause] shot absolutely no problems there well I say that sit down okay as we wander forward to Brooks cap cup Tony and I will step out and leave you in the company of Sam Torrance of Thomas Bjorn and dugy Donley doy thank you Dom four o00 in the afternoon here in Northern Ireland day one of the 148th Open championship that’s run on a green stamping at 10 one at least of the start of the day that’s still moving that one and picking up pace as well there it goes DJ looking distinctly unimpressed oh isn’t that beautiful picture Justin Rose at the short power 4 fifth love this hole yeah good Three Wood off the tea there from Justin Bradley the last man to win a major from outside the top 50 in the world 2011 us PGA [Applause] Patrick Hing just hung on to the green there [Applause] this is Jason day probably a foot right to left or it could be left or [Music] right we both got it run it was straight great read off for DJ though so he could see the slope the severity of it just past the whole layer solid start for Jason come on baby the injury prone Jason day this is not an easy part is it it’s like it’s just so you thinking oh this must be so slow because it just kept trembling on but feeling you don’t want to be too over aggressive with it either once it gets up on that top kind of slips away from you a bit the good thing about Dustin Johnson is he would have forgotten about it when that flight goes in the hole move on to the next [Applause] next John Ram long birdie opportunity at the third for the Spaniard got a bit of a love affair going on with Ireland at the moment just as Ireland does with John Ram well this is for the third birdie in a row for Danny will it yeah go on Danny um you should get a bonus for that he’s got the serious face on as well I don’t see Danny with the serious face on too often Tiger has 170 coming out of a divot it’s a sandfield div it so it’s not too deep wind almost straight behind blind shot can’t see anything due to the green being up in the hole being cut behind a mound [Applause] perfect strike there from Tiger coming down quite steep on the ball to make sure he doesn’t catch it a little bit heavy and catch the sand huge galleries following this uh group in Wallace playing his fourth after driving out of bounds has 156 he too cannot see the green or flag stick tucked behind that mound in the front left of the green right into the heart of the green good jot just trying to stabilize the emotions and and everything that’s going it’s a big day when you go out and play with Tiger Woods in a major championship and then you end up hitting it out bounce on the fourth it’s you just got to get it all a bit calm now and move on there’s plenty of chances out there have a look at pH out surprised he didn’t have a go at the screen Sam yes but he’ll have that for birdie yes it’s it’s round one you know you can be a bit aggressive Patrick read at the fourth two trying to bring it in off the right tricky pin position that at the back of the green that’s sell behind it which Dustin Johnson fell victim to a nice look here at our happy friend t hatson for Eagle on [Applause] 12 nice birdie moves to two on the par no Bogies so far nothing to complain about then uh Justin Rose good birie chance here at five good part difficult one down the hill there the winds his shirt getting blown there we’ve had a few changes in weather today already [Applause] the only Slovakian in the field wasn’t always a Slovakian but he is no Rory satini so Tony feno playing a a Scottish Irish linky shot up to here this is for birdie just a big swing off the left is he given it too much just a fraction I like Tony F I have to say I like the fact he came from a very ordinary background his dad was a baggage handler at Salt Lake City Airport family had no history of playing the game Tony and one of his brothers from a big family used to watch the par three course down the road through the fence that’s how they first got an interest in the great game and look what he’s going on to achieve I love those stories Wallace Bo it [Applause] now bit of a setb for Wallace double bogy early on this round tiger was in quick to look at Wallace’s pot tiger the line is about 2 feet left of Wallace and it went left to right and then as it approaches a hole loses speed it wants to go back the other way win from the left very solid start from the Masters champion all pars so far JB Holmes that was for his fourth birdie of the day one bogy three birdies JB Holmes he hits the ball prodigious distance he’ll stay 200 under it’s a good start see how strong the wind is cudy with rain it becomes quite turd Tommy Fleetwood second into the par five 12th going left bit of an urgency about the caller four despite the massive crowds here at Royal Port rajie managed to avoid any Spectators it’s actually not too bad to spot fleetwood’s in there he got luy almost on a little path going for it this is magnificent this is right in the middle of the green go on get up that slope go on stay there don’t go left magnificent absolutely magnificent to have that in your in your locker opening day of the open here at Royal Port rash Shane Lowry leading by one as he has been for some time now four under par noren Simpson Garcia Fratelli McIntyre and appy Barn are all in the clubhouse at 3 under Danny Willet with those three birdies in a row is now three under after 10 Romain longas one of the last men into the open qualifying last week in Scotland getting off to Splendid start [Music] Eric Van royan of South Africa was in contention last week and he had an eight at the second hole in the final round at the r songs club that kind of ended his chances about vburger the winner last week a 70 for one [Music] under Lee Westwood I can’t think of any more popular winners if he were to Triumph in Sunday after afternoon he’s been so close so often such a top player for 23 years now le Westwood I totally agree with you D but I think if D Darren Clark won we might be here in a few more Roars but it would be lovely to see Lee win it we converts second in there talkov the W Thomas B reminds me that it’s his 25th straight open that’s a fantastic record uninterrupted presence in the game’s oldest championship 30 seconds gentlemen it’s just about 4:15 in the afternoon here in Northern Ireland and the very last match and the 148th open is about to tee off and there are still fans there to send them on their way gon churul of Thailand Yousef asaji of Japan and Ashton Turner of England who will for the very last man to tear up here at Royal Port Rush [Music] this is game number 52 on the te from Thailand gun Chon Gord he said a long long wait hasn’t he when’s your tea time at 4:16 I’m going to play 18 at Port Stewart then turning a little bit left fine on the team from Japan yuk assaji first ever open for asaji and how our Japanese friends would dearly love to see a Japanese open Champion one or two been close [Applause] on the team from England Ashton [Applause] Turner we walked with him a few Halls the other day duy very impressive we did yeah it’s a long way yes effortlessly the first te is a different St dting a bit right he’s okay though absolutely fine so there we are all 156 players in the 148th open have now teed it up well after 9:00 this evening before they’re back in I 18 head out might actually just over on the other side of that Hospitality Village there so watch Callum shinin finish off his round now this is going a long way right y I have to say sam one thing I really really like this week is that the Drop Zones in general around that 18 screen matches the rough that you would be in it’s not cut down it’s not made easy you’re actually going to find yourself a bit tricky it’s quite easy sometimes just to hit it in the grand stand and if you’re in trouble and then you get away with it going to a drop zone this week you got to be a bit more careful with that I agree Thomas absolutely fabulous shot one of my favorites this week John Ram short sleeve shirt the fifth green look how close the out of bounds is behind the green Dustin Johnson driving this par for green with ease so it’s going to be an eagle P coming up from the American oh DJ anybody want to go work I just wonder if that pot on the last scared him a bit trickling away from him and not quite finding the pace as of yet Dustin Johnson Roy this is a very very tough green to hit this one that’s a great B oh what a part that is well done Eric but the sey swing there from Patrick Reed trying to drive the fifth green as well not far short right on the just stay there but goes left it’ll be a little bit trickier and it will it’s very unlucky to finish there Patrick Reed hit his Drive they are waving them up three-wood here wind whipping off the left from this elevated te 325 to the front edge can get to the green no problem so easy to Sliding left to right on the breeze saw a lot of that this morning J seems to be swinging a little Freer than he was in the opening few holes yeah no doubt Sam he had that Grimace at the first hole the opening t- shot and he’s looked pretty good since then Wallace going with a big stick coming off that double where he whipped it right out of bounds and all fairness out of bounds isn’t far right of the Fairway at fourre but he easily has the power to get there earlier today the players were being fooled they played the first four holes almost straight down win and this one turns more to the left that’s why so many players were losing at right they weren’t taking enough left to right [Applause] win that is almost not dead he can get it on the green but he can’t get me he might have to go left of the flag there that’s a really really tricky shot they tease you give me a t- shot you can drive the green but if you don’t get it right having a look here at Peters it’s a bit of up and down at the moment for Thomas but this is a good start fist pump as well that means that Thomas is in the right frame of mind this week that’s probably sometimes his biggest problem is to find the right mindset when he goes into golf tournaments but that’s a good sign from him there he does get down on himself Thomas doesn’t he he’s a very he’s very tough on himself he really is and with his talent and ability you know sometimes it’s it’s just the wanting to do so well that gets in the way of of him actually doing well lovely bird for John [Applause] R his fourth open he’s not get much of a record it has to be said 59th 44th and a missed cut coming into the open in terrific form Justin Thomas at 13o had a hole in one here this morning lovely shot there nice chance for birdie yeah yeah let’s have a l look at the hall in one here he is two over at this point lucky you heard them say Get Lucky oh my goodness did it get [Applause] lucky just magnificent I think the first recorded ho in one was line of plats and it bounced off the edge of the bunker and run across agement in St George’s Hill long time ago that was the beautiful goal swing of Tommy fleetwoods middle of the green it’s a fairly easy hole today 13 nice pin position straight down wind lot of green to work with just landed on the green try and release it down to the hole all power s far for Jason day as a swe he breaks the run it sure is birie for the [Applause] Aussie well is that Callum shinin he was up against the grand stand we a drop into the it was Callum I’m afraid so he’s gone from the Drop Zone to there as Thomas described mind you look at that rough behind him thank goodness they didn’t put in the middle of that but that’s where his ball could have been he was wider than that so it’s good decision for the referees to do that Dustin after that strong amazing drive only you got this for birdie this is uh not quite working out for Dustin Johnson on the green at the moment and that’ll really hurt would it that that’s a bad one it’s one of those where you feel like just get it back here and then off we go it’s just not quite got the pace yet long way to go though strange layup off the tier for Tiger if he was going to leave at 86 yards it seems like he would hit it more more left and you have a better View and a much better angle here with the wind almost straight behind some from the left no chance of getting it to land on top and stay anywhere near the flag if you wants to get it close he’s going to have to run it up a pretty steep step land it not far from the right Fringe has always loved coming to Ireland tiger he was reminiscing earlier in the week about he the late Stewart and Mar used to come over and play a bit of golf and do a bit of fishing ahead of open championships well if this Lee Westwood there you go three birdies in a row for Le well done and there’s years Helen it’s a debut in a major I guess that means that his son Sam’s not speaking to him then he was in the bag last week he’s been dropped for the open actually think he’s playing some golf himself in some Scottish excuse me breed has a pretty good lie down here it’s a grassy lie which is going to help take some spin off of it he’s down in a bowl doesn’t have much wind to deal with what there is is straight behind him as it climbs up to the top level it’s going to want to go left to right he was trying to get the skitter and get it to stop but out of that lie just wouldn’t grab back to the wars of Callum shinin this is his fourth shot now on The Fairway in one couple under two got to get up and down to break power this is going to hurt if he doesn’t that’s magnificent touch out of that rough very good he have that for a [Applause] 70 Brook Kross the green for Eagle this to get to four just missed he’ll get to three under one behind our leader Shane Lowry playing with louio tasan and shanka Sharma of India Sharma and kka were playing partners and a challenge Tour event in India a few years back shenwood for bogy at the last that’s a disappointing finish but it’s still been a a round full of good golf from Callum shinin finishes at one under despite the bogier 18 still looking for his first European tour win came very close and the Scottish open 3 years ago when he lost out in the playoff to Rafa Cabrera B DJ she keeps hitting wonderful shots do he quality of the Striking and the control is amazing but still got to hold the pots a ram on five just three would I thought he’d be aggressive here the light no it’s going right oh that’s not good might have a bit of angle not sure after those three birdies in a row Danny Willet has just double bogied 11 taking him back to one under turn for Fleetwood he’s got it tell me Fleetwood gets a birdie very good Tommy one of the British favorites three birdies no Bogies excellent day here’s how it looks Shane L still top of the Heap four under par after a 67 this morning six players in with a 68 van royan Fleetwood and capka challenging them at fiand [Music] 285 to the front from here Justin Rose playing well today great up and down he made from short of the green at the last really just that one bad swing that went left on him at the fourth hole it’s been very solid playing a good 15 yds uphill looks to be on a pretty tasty line as well up that right half just about one of my favorite views in the course the t-shot at Five Short power forward towards the water M Bron’s very tight behind Patrick [Music] kentley oh that’s a terrific effort that’s going to hold the green as well that’s a great great drive from canle Eagle Puck coming up what a shot I think that might even been three-wood no it wasn’t thank goodness for that DIY tiger played safe took the slow bot of play now has a long left to rer back into the wind virtually assured of missing this to the right that was a poor one from Tigers good that’s almost 18 ft short of the hole opening day of the 148th open and I’m delighted to see I’ve been joined in the the commentary Box by the following European number one Dale Hayes it’s really lovely to be in what an interesting first day we’ve had uh wind we’ve had rain we’ve had sunshine and we’ve had a lot of good golf and a few bad holes a few very bad holes Patrick just trying to get a feel for how it’s going to break at the very end the last three just kind of stand over it there and get a feel with your feet use your balance equilibrium this put’s going to have some left to right it and it’s back into the wind it’s slow it’s not as slow as what tiger made it look I mean tiger left it probably 10 ft short this one really gets going sideways when it starts to get close to the halt kker at the par 3 13th oh a stanner a beauty great opportunity for another birdie for kka three birdies no bogy so far for kka wonderful starts same for this man three birdies no bogies perfect the next step for that man is a major Tommy Fleetwood has done everything else in golf and I assure you it won’t be long before he’s a major Champion Jason day after the birdie at five has to follow it with another at six should start to turn that not quite enough [Applause] well let’s see if tiger can hold that but an hour shaped green that out of bounds just a couple of yards over the back of the green and a little early I’m not sure if anybody else has done it but only one player I think has hit it out of bounds and that was guo who chipped it out of bounds in fact didn’t H his drive out of bounds so the rain has certainly made that a little bit easier Tiger has his left to rer here it’s going have to start at about a cup cup and a half outside left unless he really Rams it you don’t want a four-footer coming back pretty significant break here not a good five on that hole Jay is that can’s ball on the green did they calling them up yes Sam they’ve been calling them up every group has Just For Speed of play excellent another good move from the RNA right come on DJ time we hold aart beautiful well done that unique walk of his I think of any anybody I’ve ever seen anybody walk quite the same way as Dustin Johnson you never seen John Wayne yeah but there was any when he was on a horse Justin Rose up ahead of the bar five sth you got everything right there Justin set the distance just pushed it a little bit he knows now Lou was tasing the most beautiful swing in the game look at that makes the game Look So Easy often wonder why he doesn’t win every tournament or Championship he plays in and if he keeps hitting like that he’ll win this one all righty the proud owner of a Claret jug might have two l in the playoff 2015 when Zack Johnson won lost in the playoff for the master too he celebrated with without old Moon buying a tractor that’s probably why that’s a bit left for Johnson he’s a wonderful attitude with gol Lou it’s not all important in his life he loves his home life and he spends a lot of time at home and loves his farm big Matt coer his second shot to the short Par Four just a on the back Ridge is where the pin is just up that Ridge and that’s well played 185 into a right to left win the players cannot see the bottom of the flag stick it’s hidden just anything 20 ft short left for the flag is a good shot go go that’s okay he M it was short hit it well nice Flight 25 ft up the creen what a v be a great hole from green to tea they do that at s andrez once a year go from the greens to the te’s hit a decent shot to here just uh from around about 70 yards but had a little bit of a tight lie spin went up and then it kind of leaked it out to the right but still he’s kind of putting through a little bit of a valley which is realistically the ideal part to come into from this right hand side with this pin today over on the left does make the read just ever so slightly more difficult should break a little off that Ridge on his right hand side little downhill as well certainly a hble part I’ll give you that that’s a very simple PA for Justin Rose see you’ve got more generous over the years still very good I would never have given you one of those no Tiger’s very comfortable with this right hole location wind off the right likes to play that little little slider left to right pinch it down maybe play a little stinger shot here Jay what club is that do you think you know it could be one of several all depends on the trajectory you want to hit that’s the beauty of Link’s golf isn’t it it was the wrong one that’s car miles big down trying to hit hard cut into the flag and that is going to be extremely difficult off that be lie cuz earlier they looked like some of the players we in seven eight ons and that looked much longer club that looked like a five shanka Sharma birdie at 13 this to get on the par got a chance it’s got a chance he’s got it got it four unders leaving you know anything under power in the round power it’s going to be in fantastic shape we don’t know what the lead’s going to be obviously very talented Indian player erupted onto the European tour with two wins in very short space of time John ROM here is Miles offline stop whoa well he’s on the green that’s all that can be said probably not bad from where he was good he he could have found himself unplayable he could have found himself in all sorts of trouble there with that drive so mooy in there this morning see the same just the most wonderful Turf to play from linkx Turf there’s nothing quite like it in golf going to spin back up the hill tell me it was missing right that’s okay [Music] though he said and it started spinning I like nothing quite like it you can even get the the bull to spin up a hill of a yard kept her to join lry at the top of the leaderboard no that was not the most convincing part from Brooks Sam is a very traditional player he does everything just the way it should be done holds up he doesn’t have any quirks in his swing you know the way he holds a club or holds a pter or very traditional so is this man Tony Foo got a short compact swing almost very colorful don’t know whether you’ve heard the story of how he started to play gol lived in Colorado you’re trying to lead me down a very dark path Haz and I’m not picking it up oh Eric and incidentally it was Utah not Colorado van Ryan had a very disappointing second hole last week in the last round was two behind going out birded the first then quadrupled the second he kept going to the end he didn’t finish too badly but he’s coming in here with good form long P down the hill here for John Ram at the fifth it’s going to turn to his right so still some work to do for a PA for him Wallace has already played and is now 20 yards short of the green he was right behind where tiger was in the Deep stuff Tiger has a reasonable eyes out of the Fairway cut he can get the club underneath slight downhill live but the green is way above him there you can see it was just the fact that he was so far below the level of green of the downhill [Music] lie the subtleties of Fort Rush I’d say probably the best link screens I’ve ever seen there this is it’s a it’s just the most wonderful Golf Course Harry Colt who designed this golf course way back in 1930 did an incredible job and the changes that have been made to to accommodate the Open Championship a couple of new holes and a couple of other new greens have been phenomenal I’ve met a bunch of players who have said that this is the best golf course some some of them said best Links Golf Course others just the best golf course they’ve ever played this is Wallace is third he was actually behind where tiger was ch said that’s a good recovery one out of Bones earlier on Wallace he’s still got that for a par is a par no it’s for a b I’m sorry tigers well below the level of green he has to go right to the sprinkler head in front of him that’s a pretty darn good shot from where he was obviously a bit of a compromise lie the impressive Patrick Cantley look for an eagle at five for the American oh unlucky nobody is reading that break [Music] enough I think one of the things that has struck me this week is the terrific air of excitement and pleasure and anticipation from everyone you meet whether it’s the locals in Port Rush people com here from all over the world the players the caddies it’s a lovely lovely atmosphere it really is this I think could be one of the memorable opens for all sorts of reasons so good to be back at rport rush and I think congratulations need to go for the to the golf club for the way they presented the golf course their members have been playing off Mets for the last 9 months and the green keeper and the staff have done an incredible job Reed has this putt 2third of the way the hole has to go up a a gentle slope to where the hole is located should have some right to left to it while it’s climbing then it kind of straightens out towards the end I’ve actually seen some putts go left to right as they die Graham beat is the green keeper here at roll Rush normally here’s a staff of 30 and the open it goes up to 58 with guest green Keepers on the other open venues from other Irish clubs and some from overseas what a job they do 14y [Applause] former number one Jason day just look at this lie ball way above his feet in that thick grass this his third shot to the P five take some power to get that onto the green as we saw from that picture the rain is back on comes in very quickly cucha at the far for fifth beautifully howed what a year he’s having on the golf course he’s having an exciting year off the course too but not for all the good not for all good reasons but on the golf course he’s played fantastically Woods for boy going to be a double for Tiger a club off the te over the back over the other side back up in a Miss bogie double bogie for tiger plus three ball slightly above his feet 165 all the way back but that that front left pin you have to be pin high it’s on a good line out to the right you don’t want to be down that front left section do you that’s uh it’s almost underground down there isn’t it jent and help me is I would need a ladder to get up anyway 143 left for Justin the wind is helping SL lightly but it almost is canceled out by the rain and the chill right now it’s probably dropped about 4 or 5° C might just be trying to sneak a little wedge in there or a smooth 99 [Music] [Applause] that his best ever open finish last year at cane Justin Rose and that after having to hold a putt to make the cut on Friday night he finally bettered his performance as a 17-year-old amiter back in 1998 at berkdale now Fleetwood up the slope for birdie really solid start this for Tommy Fleetwood doesn’t make his body hasn’t dropped a shot though still at three under just one off the lead Patrick cley 6 just as the rain’s coming down go called Harry Colt named after the great designer oh dear dear dear look at that slope my goodness me and well you see he may be able to hit that across the green and back down the slope but extremely difficult going with the driver here Reed this hole sets up really nice for Patrick the bunker up the left side he can’t reach into this uh rainy wind the bunker on the right he just aims just inside of it and just works his natural shot virtually straight into the wind right now just gusting as it starts to rain just slightly harder it’s nothing that’s going to put you off or soak you but it’s just kind of a nuisance at this [Music] [Applause] point oh I don’t think that’s anything like he wanted it’s a double cross still we all hate them you’re aiming left to cut it back and you hook it as we go to John Ram now touch left will it come back oh just hang on that’s okay that is okay you see how strong the wind is off the right extremely difficult right now we move forward to the 14th hole with Justin Thomas a lot expected from this man this week played really well in the Maes over the last few years but has had an injury this year and that’s beautifully hold for birdie he goes under P Jason day finding the bunker at seven so this is the fourth shot for the Aussie at the power five a beautiful play good chance of saving his [Applause] part one of those windy rainy squalls passing over at the moment they don’t last long but they’re pretty heavy and unpleasant when they do gapa second into 14 Causeway this one’s called that’s an excellent long AR shot from get cut he really is such a solid player since June of 2014 he’s had nine wins including four majors 10 Runners up and 21 top 10 in 5 years crazy [Music] where’s that going also too far left in the thick rough and when that thick rough gets wet it’s going to get brutal look at that width that’s why he can hit the ball so far slipping his weight onto his left side reminiscent there of Mo Norman he keeps his feet flat on the ground at impact it’s I don’t know how he does that it’s amazing for me especially after having knee operations for birdie there this up Stone dead yeah Mo Norman one of the greatest Strikers they say maybe the greatest striker of all time used to say everything twice you say everything twice Three Wood off the tea here for Tommy Fleetwood off the 15th and he loves [Applause] it why not it’s in the middle it’s well worth in Googling more Norman just having a look at a couple of his clinics there’s there’s hours of his swing on there is extraordinary in his 70s 80s hitting drivers just magnific genius Dustin Johnson for a par beautifully old hard to believe this man’s any one1 major got to be more on more to come he’s been running up in the other three one the US Open he just so relaxed and nothing upsets him anony final is that a birdie oh he can’t believe it so close you see the trouble is uh Doogie he couldn’t practice his pting in the garage he’s trying to get now kka fantastic second into 14 this for his birdie chance chance he’s got one ke C ties at the top po under par what a beautiful [Applause] card he’s another one Dale just ambles along like Dustin Johnson joint leaders for the first time in a while here at the open Shane Lowry and Brooks capup on four under par three under been a popular score today Alex noran is such an awful season finding some Farm here at Royal Port Rush web Simpson was at 1.5 under finished with two Bogies in the last two Serio Garcia is up there Dylan fatelli the winner on the PGA tour last week 22-year-old Bob McIntyre from Scotland on his open debut and kedc happy barrat terle Hatton and Tommy Fleetwood the two Englishmen the two rder Cup players both still on the course also at three under [Music] [Music] nobody Justin Rose down the hill at8 looks like he aing at almost at that marker on the right it’s gone left early will it come back it’s [Applause] okay long Pat across the green at the par 36 for John Ram all he really wants to do he has t and that’s a pretty good start 16 finish par three Calamity 222 yards you get out of here with your power with a smile on your face dtic van Ryan you can see how he pleased he is three under just look at those look at those I think we should get you a here of those pants here lovely man Tiger has an uphill lie here the ball’s sitting okay and get the club on the back of the ball due to the nature of the wind when they hit their t- shots in storm t- shots didn’t go very far just have to lay up somewhere where he’s laid this up in the w a terrible shot that’s the trouble when the gr is wa grass just catches the club and it just closes on you every single time and you’ve got to allow for that don’t you Sam I mean you’d you’d know obviously playing in this type of this type of golf course it’s just hold on with those first three fingers or last three fingers of the left hand as tight as you can cuz that’s what’s going to turn over it’s harder when you’re trying to get distance they a long way back there he’s trying to up a bit further he’s just got to take a pun punishment Johnson t-shot at eight it’s on The Fairway but it’s on that UPS slope of that little Mound so not ideal quite unpleasant just at the moment Tigers up look pretty miserable hasn’t quite managed to match his exploits of last year in the majors but maybe it’ll come here in the final major of the Year still quite get my head around that the final major of the year as the open change in the worldwide golfing calendar Tony feno found the Fairway quite nicely you know what I think the equation’s a little bit simpler right now cuz you need everything I think really in hand if you can going straight back into the breeze through the rain as well it’s bit of a beast at 427 today this ninth hole just left of that right bunker the perfect line probably not going to get into the second [Music] one can take a little less Club go out to the right that’s the safe play that’s what Justin Rose Has Done normally the toughest hole in the course of the ninth for his PA here at the sixth sure he thought that was going to turn a little bit more so that’s a pity for Patrick those two birdies early on drop shot there Justin Thomas into 15 nicely played bringing it round all three will have cuts of about the same distance now that’s interesting there s didn’t I don’t think he’s teed that ball up you gu it looks to me like it’s on the ground no there’s definitely a tea under is TE is there gu that’s glasses on the floor by the way no cuz Tony Johnson and I were talking about earlier and Tony said that he would put the ball on the on the ground and uh you know Jack Nicholas always said if you can’t tear it up tear it upo told me the same thing he actually gave me a bit of a balling but I didn’t te what you doing they give you the advantage of using the te use it then some people say well you’re on the Range hitting a you don’t te up on the range with a four iron a five iron or six iron when you’re but you do on a par three I always need up great hole of 15 called scares W look at that speed through the golf ball that hole is it’s such an interesting drive because you don’t actually aim anywhere near the part of the Fairway you can see you’re actually aiming straight over over the rough on the corner there you can have a a look at it you aiming so far left that’s a perfect t- shot from Brooks kka you get that one into a strong windale and they can’t get over that corner you can’t really get to place where you can see the green look at that beautiful hole down there that’s I think that’s you one Patrick Reed was lucky to find his ball and then took some type of a drop I don’t know if it was a free drop or it was a unplayable lie drop I’m unsure of that at this moment but he did a good job to get out the Fairway he has 248 uphill into the wind and he’s on an UPS slope here so it is not a good situation for Patrick no penalty we’re hearing Patrick this is his third never like to use a wood for your third shot do you it’s never a good sign the older you get the more comfortable you get with it how do you I don’t know anyway I’ll take your word for that Jay but yeah Tigers oh this is an awfully difficult shot for Tiger too 24 48 to the hole 230 to the front edge he can get it to the green I’m not sure if he can get it to the hole this is going left as [Music] well catches an unsuspecting photographer now what’s tiger got then J this does not look Pleasant no it’s not he’s got a good light it’s uh not much grass around it but but it’s totally blind he’s got to launch it very quickly from 198 to get it over a big Mound which is about 12 yards in front of him at its peak so this is an uncomfortable shot for when you want to go into the wind you want to drive it low but he’s got to launch it straight up into the wind just the last little bit right now of a shower that has plagued them through the entire hole this is going to play probably closer to 215 198 straight into the bank Matt Wallace got an even harder one he’s just left him done up did it come out J hit the bank okay stand still please stand still problem yeah troubles for Tiger Woods continue here at the seventh he bogey the fifth double bogy the [Music] sixth ahead of eight Kegan Bradley couple of birdies on the card for the former US PGA Champion one bogy and that’s a nice approach hoping to bring it in off the right didn’t quite go all the way towards the flag but that’s [Applause] okay off that up slope there not able to get his weight across onto his left side well isn’t that typical of so many greens here at robort rushdale though isn’t it but he’s fortunately he’s gone out to the right if he gone out the left he would have run right back into that big dip looks like we’ gone to another course there’s not a breath of wind there’s no rain Sun Shines on Justin see there don’t go left that’s okay well [Applause] just okay this this is a teapot lie here 166 unlikely to get it to the green teapot lie you stand there with one hand on your hip and just look at it he’s getting there slowly he’s really struggling at the moment and he’s not looking terribly enamored with life just at the moment Tiger Woods and you know that’s not this those aren’t the sort of shots you want when you’ve got a saw back you don’t want to be playing out of thick grass like that Fleet Tommy Fleet would a little bit firmer and he’d made another one he’s looking good this man there is Brooks kipka he stays of triand back on the S John ROM big bunker on the right here you see that’s called big Nelly it used to be on the 17th they’ve transfered over here it’s not been in play all week she sounds a pretty fearsome figure to me big Nelly fifth shot for tiger on this par five he’s got 101 still can’t see the bottom of the flag stick uphill second shot orc second third fourth how about the Fifth Fifth shot in this par five and he was getting very frustrated with uh Patrick Reed how long he took he said just hit it would you when he was standing up there in the Fairway that’s a fabulous recovery though from Tiger It’s The Mark of a champion never never ever give up Dustin Johnson 38 oh chance chance if it was really annoying tiger that much you can never hit when Reby he could have hit well he’s still messed about in the fairest no need to get yourself upset is it you’re 100% correct that’s one of the rules that’s changed you play few ready and he’s not you can play and it’ be nice to see some of the pros doing that Johnny fin at nine it going to come back no BR ker his second shot to the power 4 15 f a fabulous Drive Kea could go into the lead on his own here I don’t think we’ve seen him out of position all day every time we’ve gone to him he’s middle of the Fairway or middle of the green and we were told before the start his coach that whoever beats him will win well Patrick has a pretty good lie over here could have been much worse and just to clarify tiger had hit when he was showing his frustration they both played out of turn to keep play going a ball well below Reed feet here oh he slipped the club underneath it the lie was too good hasn’t dropped a shot yet read another one of the players that keeps that putter against his left arm the Patrick’s ball Patrick’s balls down in the bottom of this whale here the little he would have liked an uphill lie he’s got a level lie has to go over a mound downhill left to right that was a great effort but I think the first B game I think re’s card is about to come now Dustin Johnson for his par oh he knew he’d missed it as he hit it obviously just Twisted the club face and pulled it to the [Applause] left back to over far over over half of the championship 68th at the moment well judged but should get just to the turn and 36 even par Now read for six that’s it’s well hold just the bogey must have felt like eight it’s the six on the card back to level oh this is how Tiger has played the seventh today not exactly greens and regulation can happen so easily in the open one bad shot you’re in trouble maybe hit another Nots a good shot and suddenly you’re putting a big number in the card and he’s not a happy tiger at the moment off a pretty solid start Four PA but then bogy double bogy that’s hope he hes this one cuz he did play a beautiful shot in for his fifth Matt Wallace there the man in the goup did make his car but two doubles in the last three minut or over tiger now over as well also dropped four shots in the last three holes oh and there holes that earlier today you were saying that you should play those three holes in one underp and he’s played them in four over it’s a little H an extremely difficult shot but it was Exquisite and it’s so unlucky not to go in almost caught the flag that’s a fantastic up and [Applause] down this could so easily have dropped couldn’t it difficult ninth [Music] Fina he’s hit a couple of really good long PS as Tony F now just slipping past the edges of the hole out in 35 one under Shen Larry was out in 33 so was Bob McIntyre that’s been the best of the day kka to go into the lead on his own at 5 under oh little bit more speed Brooks this is a pretty impressive performance again in a major by Brooks capap cup with the help of Ricky Elliot on the left they PR man of Port rush and a top class amateur himself great driving for John R hey Mark Mark and that is a beautiful second it’s a narrow second shot and he’s in great shape well the previous group made this hole look like an absolute monster time John Rah is making it look fairly simple first time that’s great Championship has return to allport russan 1951 Wallace has already driven with a fairway metal laid it up just short of the second right Fairway bunker tiger going to do the same here a little bit of wind helping in front of the r died down for the moment after that storm that these guys played most of the seventh hole in what’s there is help helping from the right so it should help you bend it with this hole that gently bends right to left the best swings Tigers made today have really been shots where he’s tried to draw it some of the other times he’s really got it stuck inside and had to flip at the bottom to squore the club face up so we didn’t lose it to the right so he’s going to want to aim it just inside or just left of that first right bunker and just draw it excuse me read and it’s very comfortable doing that that’s perfect straight down the middle Matt Wallace’s bow you can see there just in front of them two two perfect t-shots Tiger has a three-wood as well and there’s just that area in between those two right bunkers that you just want to lay it up it’s a short Par Four today with the wind helping just to lay up in a wedge bit droppy one for Tiger done loose this hole’s called same is the name of the golf course one of the MU holes the E come on tiger there you go that’s okay as we pass the wonderful old ruined done loose Castle on the way back to the hotel don’t we it’s spectacular there apparently Was An Old Village there at one point long since gone but archaeologist have found the remains of Foundations there so there was actually habitation around dun loose Castle well of course there was that’s why they built the castle but there’s a huge tourist attraction up here in the North Coast of antrum along with the the great Giants [Music] Causeway there you are there’s dun loose castle at the 15th L here’s birdie and in she goes well done Louis Haan joins the big group of players on three under par six of them already finished their run but there’s quite a number on the course with a chance of getting close to our joint leaders in the 148th open Shane Lowry of Ireland and Brooks capka of the [Music] USA what was that [Music] Hazen moving into the group at three under Lee Westwood two under John Ram two under Yuki assaji we saw him tea off at the first just four hoes ago in the last group to tea off he’s two under after four Good Start by the Japanese alongside Countryman Yuki in amori [Music] already been a fascinating first day here at Royal Port Rush plenty golf still to come the leaders won’t be in for another 4 hours or so not the leaders the the last groups who knows might be the leaders Justin Harding there at one underpath as his Tony canal and Jason day Jordan spe has dropped a shot so he’s also one under great round of golf there first off first shot of the day Darren Clark and he finished with an even pass 71 he’s playing partner with James SRU an amateur also shot [Music] 71 now canly third shot into seven up the hill [Music] delightful shot what a swing that boy’s got cancel it he’s going to be around for a long long [Applause] time looking over the North andrum Coast and you can just make out not one but two rainbows out there just that kind of day Heavy Rain lot of sunshine bit of wind typical open weather oh R you do get a pot of gold each the pot of gold is right next to Brooks kka absolutely right in the wonderful little town of Port rush just 7,000 people except this week 143 for Tiger not much win less than a club behind him [Applause] look at that 189 shots better than any other player yep in terms of the total score to power in majes during his pick years that’s just phenomenal he was so dominant wasn’t he 127 for Patrick here ball slightly above his feet play a little draw shot in here this left hole location [Applause] also have to pay tribute to the RNA for the signage around the golf course absolutely fantastic wonderfully informative for The Spectators here 118 for Wallace off an uphill Li it’s going to shoot it even higher up in the air and we’ll likely have more spin electronic scoreboards video scoreboards all sorts of information of course the open app if you are out and about and can’t sit in front of the TV gives you all the information you want there’s the rainbow the that’s where you want to go everything you want to know about this 148th open at Royal Port Rush the Jason day second shot into the B 49th it looks like a goodie looks like a very good one wow let’s take another look at this look at that wow a bit of luck a little bit of wind Blane behind him that ball flag could have moved he could have jumped in the hole Bobby locks Hollow is when he played all four rounds of 951 made par every time let’s see what Tommy Fleetwood can do at 16 it’s not the worst place to be it’s certainly better than being on the right of this famous hole to we got to give Bobby luck a little bit more mention for Dennis Hutchinson sitting back there inside Africa he came here he’d won two opens when he came here in 1951 he was going for three in a row 36th it’s going to come back very nicely for Rose oh that’s unlucky that’s okay though finished well arrived here early last weekend come out and played the course had a few pains a Guinness which is pretty much compulsory for anyone visiting Port Rush [Applause] fin now at 10 also looking to use the Contours and using them very well well work time Tony beautifully [Applause] executed to eight and woods awful run of scoring love the birdie he’ll take the par stops the rot he remains four over par as do playing partner Matt [Applause] Wallace kka at this famous par three Calamity corner just known as Calamity and it is if you go right the safe option change of personel on the box alongside me again s and Dale have taken a break Thomas and Tony are back well that’s a nice little come to the turn of his round here for Dustin Johnson nice birdie after the bogy on eight level power for his front nine left a few opportunities there only 8 ft left but a little bit of a double breaker it’ll be left move left in the beginning right at the end brought Lord in to take a look one birdie one Bogey and lots of frustration in the front line for Justin Rose another part at [Applause] 10 Jason day with his birdie attempt trying to get to two under wonderful strike nice compact B from lovely acceleration down the line never was going anywhere else out at 34 nice opening nine for the Aussie John birdie here on seven positive stroke well done very nice three on the power one behind doing a lot of good things out there Mr arm at the moment no problems Tony Fino rolls it in for birdie he moves to two [Applause] under scoring his playing Partners Justin Rose as we saw is even bar lookas bagore three over unfortunately just two bad holes one of double one a bogy Turell Hatton has joined lowri and Kea at 400 after a birdie at 17 so three men now tied for the lead here at the open Tommy Fleetwood and louio Tas coming towards the end of their round done a lot of good work so far still got to get through a pretty tough closing stretch though and this is how Hatton got to four under theart long body put at 17 beautifully judged four birdies and no Drop shots very great good start to the open for turle Tommy Fleetwood after the driver he’s trying to urge it not to go too far left very good chance that finds the pot bunker it’s like a black hole that bunker just anything that it’s anywhere near it it just sucks it in mostly a right to left win but hurting just ever so slightly here on n9t couple of bunkers up the right the perfect line is right in between [Applause] them yeah [Music] boyser tiger did not hit a good t- shot it turned out fine on eight he’s very comfortable with a right to left wind he likes to play his safe shot which is a cut up shot but if you play a cutup shot here that doesn’t fit the hole you have to aim it at the second of the right Fairway bunkers and work it Up Against the Wind plays the makes the whole play a good bit longer that way [Applause] though legalities like it but not always the best as judges have to say and it’s not very often you’ll see Tiger Woods L his balance on his follow through which sort of hints that he’s having issues physically he overturn that that’s perfect from John Ram absolutely is right in the middle of the Fairway you had him in your Rider Cup team Thomas he’s got Limitless potential really hasn’t he amazing amazing player in the Striking sitting behind John R on a driving range watching him hit balls is is actually a real pleasure even for professional golfers it’s it’s wonderful to watch here’s another one that can really hit it just turn that over a bit all depending on a line now looking at it anxiously mentally begging for a good lie change of equipment change of caddy for Justin over the last few months CAD change in forced with having his health problems happily he’s recovered for the moment anyway it’s going to be lordy on the bag which of course remains an important member of team isn’t that a beautiful picture though looking down a North North andrum Coastline just over an hour or so from Belfast and the opening day of the open has lived up to all the expectations Lowry Hatton and kka all on four under apart and this sleepy very attractive little Seaside Town suddenly swells by about quarter of a million people over the course of the week you can imagine the massive boost to the local economy as well everyone made enormously welcome capka we saw him early in the round just nip went off these tight lies came in low and gripping man he’s got some skills around the green great touch awkward lie here for Tiger this is not good for his back ball well above his feet a wispy kind of flyer type Lie from 188 oh there you saw that’s and if you slip in that type of lie that’s how he can hurt his back even more more he’s putting on a brave face but I don’t think he feels well he’s been at pains literally to tell us that he’s fine that he doesn’t have any particular issues but I think just watching him I think we all know that he’s not 100% sad to see now within three of Jack Nicholas’s famous record of 18 maures it’s still a lot to ask to win three majors in his 40s with the health problems he’s had well it’s only a little p push in here for John Ram straight down the middle and the spin everything is going well everything is under control great relationship he has with his Kad Adam they work well together on the golf course and everything is going smoothly [Music] today sit [Applause] links gol it looks pretty nice really at 10 but don’t have to go all that far away to 14 and it’s a slightly different picture Jay we just had a big Squall come through it’s all but died away and Patrick Reed’s going to play from 159 here bit of a hanging lie here ball below his feet on a down slope holes cut over the right side of the G there’s a lot of water on the ball from the shower sometimes it’ll slip off the club face [Music] [Applause] 160 for Tiger he went from the ball way above his feet to the way ball way below his feet and that’s the difference between practice in tournaments and that’s why it’s more difficult for someone with a bad back you practice off a level lies this is awkward out here he made L one look pretty good and simple he is you can see there’s a lot of thought in this now certainly concerned about something Tiger Ryan Fox birdie P at 17 crawls in the leftand door and he gets into red numbers good work for the Kiwi some Runner scoring in the back nine from foxy isn’t it wow what a run of birdies this is all about the lie he’s a strong boy but even Links Golf it’s all about the live for the strongest wants like he likes it I don’t think he can believe that that didn’t bounce forward huh out of that rough no I think I think he’s uh got quite a good argument to be fairly cheesed off with that out of that thick stuff that has dis scattle onto the green or maybe not this for a bogy at the last for Eric Van royan yeah never like to drop a shot at the last hole but lots of people do as a tough finishing hole here at rport rush it’s still a very good day’s work for the South African finishes at one under par L Hatton and capap four underpar leading the open good rounds by noren by Simpson Garcia forelli McIntyre on his open debut k k barrat all in at 3 [Music] under Tommy Fleetwood coming to Wars of his round also in three under as is John Ram he only played Seven holes so you’d fancy John ran might well be the man at the end of the day with that run of budies Ryan Fox climbs into the group at two under little surveying going on here from the back of the ninth going down to the hole it’s going to break right to left the right to left slope is more severe at the beginning of the Putt and as it approaches a hole it’s going to lessen but it’s going to want to still creep right to left the Squall that came through here before he hit his second was pretty heavy so there’s going to be some moisture on the surface here and that tends to take some break out [Applause] 17 Tommy to join the leaders it’s a big ask that’s a good pop the money is raised by the RNA from staging this great Championship are used to benefit golf worldwide 80 countries worldwide benefit from the the funding 200 million over the next decade will be dispersed around the goal to the benefit of the game of golf and that’s absolutely what it’s all about for the future we hope that never mind the 148th the 248th open will still be the huge worldwide attraction that it that it is this year at roal Port Rush this for birdie from Wallace oh came so close to just toppling in the side door just such a simple sound ping action he got looks so comfortable standing over it great posture and just that little backstroke accelerates straight down the line and he’s pretty deadly uphill left to wrer here for Ty this to save par he’s really been on a bad rooll [Applause] this is tricky you have to bump it into the top of that Hill he did that very well we saw foxy on 17 making birdie here we are an 18 there you go that’s a great finish to a around of golf well done Ryan fox six under par the last seven holes packing 29 shots three on par but he didn’t think that after the front 9 or 39 now pter no reason not to very tight fringes up a little Ridge oh that’s CR that’s the hardest hole on the course today the 11 Jason D sorry I said f well you can’t believe two guys put that shirt on this morning can you they must be getting paid a lot of money this morning the average score around rport Rush was 73.2 7 this afternoon it’s 75.1 15 so so far the average score in this opening round of the open 73.4 five that’s two and a half overp par helping win from the left here at 10 just trying to hit a slider down there to an elevated [Applause] Fairway it’s an absolute rer just about bcts the Fairway big crowds behind the te and then all the way down the right side up on the mountains to the left f fabulous atmosphere out here tiger aiming well left he’s going to play a slider on the Wind here you have to say he moved quite freely on that one he find a fairway a historic Old Link scores it’s not exactly two Loops of nine ninth is out in the middle of the layout Rose very long range birdie Pat not far away from making it super effort there a choice from JB Holmes this is from a long way off the green it is for Eagle though you’d have to chip well to do better wouldn’t you Tony yeah absolutely you can see how hard he hit it it’s not always easy to gauge Pace when you’re giving it such an awful thump K go 17 was in the rough left he’s Advanced it to here that left apart interesting hole 17 you had it what 300 yd to the top of the hill and then it careers down the slope and finishes what 20 30 yards short of the green and the practice rounds they were running it onto that cream from just over the crest of the Hill bit wet now fin now for his par and N she goes well done always happy to walk off 11 with a par that’s the hardest hole 18th is the second hardest just to underline how tough the Finish is the last four holes are all on the top seven and terms of degree of difficulty now Hatton joint leader at 18 you found a rough of the tea there [Applause] CHL so this was his third shot have that for par tying for the lead such an inviting driving Hall isn’t it the 12th just of these buers up the right Fleetwood final hole three-wood started at the little clar jug emblem with a draw is perfect swinging well Tommy Fleetwood good indication of the layout here as I say nine out in the middle of the layout this is where Woods Reed and Wallace are big dog like left or right tuer on a little bit of a down slope and it’s a blind shot because he’s down the right side he didn’t get it far enough up the Fairway to get a clear view of the green 135 here straight down wind on the angle it’s a very inviting whole location this is one you just have to think about making birdie virtually no wind at the moment I think it’s more mechanical because there not many that are better with course management than Tiger Woods he doesn’t often choose the wrong shot slightly frustrated Justin Rose I’m sure Bird’s just haven’t been coming in the front line this would be a good P for Brooks you see that from him he was he was up and out a it pushed it when he got left to right and you just get the head up a little bit it’s so easy to just Shuffle it out to the right haton for p on the last this is round in 67 really got it online but it’s a fine fine rting from till Hatton that will be his only bogey of the day [Applause] whatever you’re watching around the world I’m sure you’re enjoying the opening round of the open here at Royal Port Rush 148th playing of this great Championship going all the way back to 1860 Willie Park Jr was the best of the eight-man field at Prestwick and the West Coast goes to Scotland we’ve come a long way since then at the moment Shane Lowry and John Ram tied for the lead at four under depa rain longas has debut as a pro in a major did play a couple as an am this is his first as a [Music] pro still a little little bit of drizzle out there as Tommy Fleet went Tommy Fleet would just rifles one into 18 okay half a club shy but it’s okay you can see Justin Thomas there behind him he found the rough of the te see how close the out of bounds is there on the left they got good sounded like a good contact just trying to chase it up of course this spit soft now it’s difficult to get those out of the rough to get the contact when the grass is wet to to get Chase on it and the fa is a bit softer so everything’s just played a bit longer but good effort looks like Tiger’s trying to just move this three yards onto the Downs slope and let it chase out oh no he’s not he’s trying to land it on the I don’t know if he was trying to do that the practice swing was very short as was the follow through I wonder if he got a little mini flyer there let’s have a look here I think it might have just come out a bed hot Thomas what do you think well he played it very Square faced which surprised me a little bit from up there thought if he was going to land it on the green he would open the face up and kind of slide it under and pop it up in the air so it looked like he was just trying to pop it out and roll it down but got a bit too much Carry On It Patrick has this one coming out of a little bowl it’s going to climb up onto the green doesn’t get flat until it gets almost halfway to the hole from the Green’s Edge and it’s trying to go right to left well Le well done always the thing with him that you feel like when he got when he holds those pots he’s in contention when he can get them in between 4 and 8 ft then he can he’s got a chance of being there it’s probably the place where he struggles the most in his game [Applause] this is JB Holmes 13th long birdy put at the the par three for the American dropped a shot at the opening Hall JB but he’s picked up four birdies since Matt Wallace made a nice birdie putt from straight behind a hole for a three this one for Tiger the green book says it’s going to go right to left but it just I’m not sure I believe it love didn’t look like it turned too much I think he just started it after the hole went pretty straight not what tiger was looking for it a pretty disappointing opening round so far anyway as we go to 18 cap C pretty good line was a very good line yeah that is definitely a proper Drive fantastic coocha birdie chance at nine and to get into red numbers left to right as he got the speed he has you know Well Done The Smiling assess F now going for it in two at 12 leftish though that’s okay 6 o’ in the evening here in Northern Ireland doesn’t look to me as if there’s many going home that’ve waited 68 years for the open to come back they’re not going home early [Music] Johnson this be a wonderful thing to play gol for that relaxed and attitude and [Applause] demeanor feel guys like him could just keep going into their 80s Tommy cuz they’re not going to burn out are they no he he didn’t learn that from you or me that’s for sure there you go there you go John Ram it is pure and simple at the moment it just looks amazing what a front nine he’s just playing beautifully at the moment John Ram five birdies 31 to the to he now leads in his own and for the first time since what lunchtime early afternoon Shane Lowry is not leading the Open Championship well whatever you are around the world perhaps you’re just joining us at Royal Port rush so let’s just bring you some of the highlights so far it’s a day that Emiliano Grio will long remember this was his t-shot at the 13th this morning [Applause] bake Smiles all around a moment to remember for ailano Grio now what of Rory M right this was just unbelievable Tony wasn’t it it was a mind Bender iron off the tea out of bounds second one wasn’t far away opened with a quadruple Molinari at 14 birdie Patty was struggling gets one that right there no doubt some of the favorites have been struggling after that eight at the first Rory went on to shoot 79 Eduardo Molinari over par Tiger Woods over par how about this one you don’t see tiger do that very often what of it Shane Lowry he was impressive today thas wasn’t he he certainly was it looked simple you know and fly Irish L as well as much as the northern i l this is a big week and to go out and do that he said himself uh after the round that he’d probably never been this nervous as standing on a first te so that was a fantastic performance from Shane that was a birdie at the 14th for Brooks keco who’s right up there in contention well of course he is it’s a major Turell Hatton all the way across the green at [Music] 17 and that pleases the crowd no [Applause] end the man who just in the few last few minutes has taken the lead here in the open is John Ram of Spain this was his second into the eighth look at the action on this just terrific he would knock that one in and follow it with another at nine for three birdies in a row five in the front nine and John Ram leads the open by one at five under par Shane Lowry second and then quite a list of players at three under par Dylan fatelli just about the last man in when he won the John di Classic on the PGA tour last week and Tommy Fleetwood coming to the end of his round here and it’s been a fine one two puts from here would be perfect he will take that he’ll tap this in and you’ll go home and have a nice meal tonight he’s got everybody around him this week oh his whole [Applause] team you know having a pop at the 12th and two didn’t quite make it but should be able to KN it pretty close here to set up the birdie Chan might even knock it [Music] him lovely stuff from Tony [Applause] Fino take tall American to three under nicely done doy I think that’s the raw Shack ink block ink block test that shirt you know I see a dog you see a plane and Thomas sees a bunch of bananas and depends what we our minds are all about just Thomas just he’s used to making those isn’t he he’s a very very good P ex his very good near Department even par 71 from the former US PGA Champion well he did find the rough of the te here Justin this is for birdie he’s worked his way well up this hole come on Justin knock this one in straight in the middle into the red figures and he’ll know that this is where he just kind of got to keep going he’s not swinging at his best he’s not hitting his best but he’s still in a good position just keep flooding along better from tiger Brooks kka beautiful [Music] t-shir H all three players coming up Shy I think they’re all very aware that if if you go up the screen that left comes comes into play if you pull it a little bit and it’s it’s a quite an inviting pin position today you know that is certainly going to get a lot tricky over the week the 18 pin positions a view of the Glorious North andrum Coast here in Northern Ireland and John Ram will like the view of the leaderboard as well he leads by one two-time Irish open champion in the last three years he’s fallen in love with the Irish fans I think they’ve fallen in love with him he’d be a very popular winner if it’s not going to be one of the Irish players I think the fans here would been more than happy to see John Ram win again on Irish soil straight back into the breeze here for Tiger from 190 he’s been doing a bunch of stretching waiting for his turn to play in the [Applause] Fairway it’s okay looked a little disgruntled with it it just doesn’t look like he can turn out the way properly the way he normally would Tony that was a good result but it was a poor strike yeah it didn’t sound ideal Jay Jay what’s what what vibe are you getting off him out there I think he’s just trying to get in and hope he feels better tomorrow okay it’s good on the Range and you were hitting in 170 okay yeah more wind cool of the evening W you’re helping yeah definitely with all the room behind Matt you know been a tough day for Tiger Woods it’s it’s painful for him and it’s painful to watch well Doogie he’s he’s walking with his arms across his chest now kind of flexing his back before he had his arms behind you know stretching the other direction Wallace after a brilliant t- shot 167 into a right to left wind and you have to be careful there’s a big false front it can roll 30 yards back down the Fairway if you don’t get it up there well call J exactly what’s happened again a characteristic of this great golf course there are runoffs there are false fronts changes in elevation you’ve got to be on your game to score well around ra Port Rush this is pretty much the rerun of Tommy Fleetwood he was there three underp hitting that pot up to the hole and Brooks will be the same he’ll be happy with his day’s work just have to focus on tapping this one in but I think we all knew that he was going to be somewhat a contender this week on to the back tier for John R for the flags on the middle very difficult path three 13th Westwood with a birdie Pat needs to throw out the anchor though that’s a little bit ambitious L Tas and found the rough off the te to just dig it out so this is for a par for him doesn’t matter who you are or what score you’re on you finish with the bogy it’s always always deflating Shan Karma of India is on the same Mark as louio tasen one on par pared the first 12 holes shanka got his first bird at 13 and he’s pared the four since and this for another par well done shank karma that’s a very good first round 17 pars one birdie no sign for a 70 Brooks to finish up yeah well done and his love relationship with the majors continues here in the first round of his 148 Open Championship great start and as if he needed any extra motivation that man alongside him Ricky ellot is providing that because he grew up in Port Rush he was a top class Amer became a pro himself and I’m sure Ricky never dream that one day the open would return to rport rush and he’d be involved in it as a caddy for one of the best players in the world it’s a great story and Brooks I know is very very keen to give Ricky the dream ending Happ long P up a little Ridge there down the other side and just bang online bang online very easy though down that tier to just get a little bit boisterous and knock it four or 5 ft by so that’s a smart play there a lot of emotions with him and I I look at him and I go like as a player you think well that was nice you know I’m I’m going around I’m five under par I just want to knock it down to the seeing his eyes like keep thinking about holding it I sometimes thinks with John that might also be the thing that gets in the way a little bit because all of a sudden a bogey will appear and then then it’s not then he’s not ready for it that these things can happen and then he’s mind goes off a little bit but he’s certainly playing a great round at the moment oh even the pting touches a little arai they’re not many better and haven’t ever been with a p of than Tiger Woods 200 yards just a 99 I did look at that and I thought how do this there’s a big one though there something not fitting my world here but it was a 99er it only went 190 though the symbol was upside down on the soul maybe come on Tiger Come on come on yeah well done I mean if somehow he could find a couple of birdies on the way home get get himself sorted for tomorrow you know what he’s got exactly the same look as he had at the Ridder Cup last year he just looks he just looks [Applause] battered you have a look at that war compared to an austa it looks about 30 years older the way he’s walking it’s it’s horrible to see JB Holmes for bir at 14 confident C from the American fifth birdie of their own just a one drop shot at the opening Hall he moves to four under tied with Lori in second place little bit conservative from Justin from the te I think eventually that’s actually done okay it looked like it was going to run out of a lot more Steam and a lot sooner Jason day going along very solidly at two and for a birdie not to be keep coming keep coming that’ll [Applause] do Dustin I’m quite to be here on the 12 been playing easy this afternoon the 12th [Applause] hole for a guy with his length that would be disappointing John R sweater off I was just about to say every other hole is he’s got that blue sweat on and then all of a sudden he’s back in Orange and he’s not making it easy for us John yeah that should be good he’s got it on an absolute string today yes it just tumbles off the left Edge but the whole Fairway slopes right to left that is just fine where it is Rowen for par at 13 He will stay at one under four behind the lead held by John Ram there’s where they are on the course Woods wall and Reed on the 12th far five see what can of Drive Woods could get away six over par would love to finish with a couple of birdies just to lift his spirits a little yep good t- shot from the former Champion 15 former champions in the field this week and a little bit of History made as well because the man at the bottom there Ryan Fox from New Zealand the first man ever to break 30 on the back nine in the open he a 29 on the way back and his 68 no one has ever shot sub30 in the open so well done foxy little bit of [Music] [Music] History SL golf still to be played those three names at the bottom all still very much in the front line of the golf course we’ll be playing on here till well after 9 in the evening lady peppol and Brandon Grace Henrik Stenson Russell Knox B vburger Ricky Fowler all winners in the European tour so two is Kevin Kisner [Music] [Music] 148th open back at Royal Port rush for the first time since 1951 when Max ftner was the champion when Frank Stranahan won the amateur medal and amazingly was the only American in the top 30 Americans tended not to travel to the open back in the 50s Fairway cers just from the right to left over for that new bunker on the left hand side but that L to be a pretty confident swing no trouble there laying back from F now what’s the weather doing to you at the moment Allison I’m dry incredibly I think the wind stried us out but it’s it’s been interesting talking to a couple of people around here it just depends when you get those squalls you wouldn’t want it on certain te 16 certainly one of those it just adds about two or three clubs into the no surprise to see them just chatting a little bit after Rose’s t-shot back on 12 just got the left shot back again and uh found himself in the rough got away with it that bunker down that left hand side 330 yards so something up that right hand side I feel like this is one you can kind of open your shoulders on a little bit if you like that right to left shot shape launch it high sling it down there you’ve got a real Advantage given that you know it is 458 yards today and that’s purely because the pins on the front and this looks to be started down the left again that’s found a b bunker there off the T for Justin Rose this is trouble 259 to the hole 238 to the front edge but in into the wind Tiger has to bust this one cooling temperatures and that is just a very poor shot just seen a bulletin from the RNA to really add to David deval’s misery his score on the power five sth has now been adjusted to a 14 instead of a 13 his score is now 91 20 over power to be fair David he doesn’t play a lot of golf these days but of course is entitled to be here as a former Champion but it’s an awful day for [Applause] Dev you can’t believe it Jason day looks so good be tricky now I watching JB Holmes and practice rounds absolutely crush us down on that golf ball all these players strike it well but that’s just some that has that sound where you go oh that sounds a bit different he’s certainly one of [Applause] them yeah here’s another one sounds I don’t know sounds when you’re behind them on the Range the balls sounds like it comes off the face it sounds like Patty I stood next to him hitting balls on the rains and valderama I had to leave it was it was annoying me about how good he was tring it yeah I always felt like that with Norman and Ernie else two guys I never wanted to practice next to because I just felt like a complete second raer clunking it and thumping it and they just flashing it that’s what they were thinking as well though oh I know they were don’t be nice big mistake there by the way coming up short man Thomas you’re brutal no there’s no point giving me a hug now I’m going to go in the corner and cry you think he’s joking 303 Dustin Johnson oh this is beautiful this is beautiful what a t-shot from Dustin Johnson I think his third birthday of the day is about to come and that was awfully close to the second old one we’ve had today at 13 this was the first of them this morning Emiliano Grio of the Argentine just listen to the bul up here as it starts coming over there they they’ve got a feeling [Applause] well we hope ailano has a great open but even if he doesn’t he’ll have had a moment to remember for a long long time I think I might have kept that ball don’t you think he gets to put a one on the card though maybe that’s reward enough this is tough for Jason day there’s a few old divots down there from practice as well with a bit of sand in them so just getting everything right here can be quite tricky up over not run away from he’s done well here Jason brilliant absolutely brilliant John round on 11 saw him come up short there about the first time today we’ve seen him a little bit out of position John and this will test his skills to the fullest bump it into the hill skip it up pretty [Applause] good JB hes birdie Pat good looking stroke oh so very close 6 in more Pace that finds the bottom of the hole he Westward at 14 this is for par as Thomas was saying that’s a distance that does occasionally cause Lee some problems and unfortunately that’s a bogey back to one under up Dustin Johnson two wins and two seconds already this year the two seconds and two majors the PGA and the Masters happen bir 2 at 13 to get back to red figures for the day two wins incidentally in the WGC Mexico and the Saudi International on the European tour look at those galleries the first open that’s been a complete sell not just tournament days but practice days as well showing the enormous worldwide attraction of this great open round by one at 5 under Jordan be he’s hold a fair few of these in his time oh straight over the marker I wonder that took a fraction of pace off it was online I think it might have you know it hit Dany Wills I think I think he’d asked Danny to move his marker and then H hit it straight over it M Wallace not much of a runed eagle there he’ll be very disappointed with that hasn’t even guaranteed the birdie well Sam Torrance is back with us and golf lover that you are Sam I can see how much you’re enjoying today this is fantastic DIY what a nine from John Ram front nine he’d like Ryan Fox’s back nine 60 that would be bit cat amongst the pinons this one for Park he’s very solid on these he’s very solid in every Department of the game this man they’ve been talking about him probably a year and a half before he came on tour that’s a bad one I was up and out of that one that was not his best so we’re now tied at the top three players shout Lowry Holmes and RAM now they are all three and four on the par how much of a lift will this give tiger words to make bu he hasn’t had one to day sadly still hasn’t there was an example of keeping a head still when you’re patting he is the ultimate DJ crushing it with an iron down [Music] 14 it’s over there it’s over here and Matt Wallace on 12 for birdie keep himself going here today well done M three bird in his last [Applause] five Jason day three wood for him one very low trajectory low Chaser proper lynxy wind t-shirt interesting one only play with eight or more appearances the open have made every cut this is Tony feno short 14 a crack it just run a away bit past I’m not sure ton the former number one in the world is going to be happy that he made the cut eight times no it’s never easy there to get a run like that is it do you think well not of these guys isn’t I was just came through the the players bios last night and it’s amazing how few have done it of this field Ram this guy is so strong helps when you’ve got two thighs like b b trees man he’s powerful you have to be to have a back swing that short and to hit it as far as he does you have to have Incredible strength great shoulder turns big big part of it there as we go to Patrick Reed for let’s take it back to level for the day that’s okay Sun Shines out it’s been an up and down day depends where you are on the course when you get caught one of these squalls you could be walking up the Fairway or you could be on the tea brose opting to Pat it and why wouldn’t you nicely [Applause] judged now WW 15 couple of Bogies in the back nine oh that’s magnificent Oh I thought it was going to jump in there great shot there from Westwood turn to get back to 200 under he’s been a wonderful Striker for such a long time hasn’t he fist on this whole Tony pretty special isn’t it oh it’s amazing what was that goodness a how we going to describe that I don’t know it’s a good shot it’s going to end up in the green SM Duff low sky hook just off the front left Edge I think we got it covered have we it was ugly to trer showed us exactly what it was but it got there there’ be a lot of guys today who actually hit flush t- shots there and got nowhere near that well this is already played he’s kind of right side of the green only a third of the way up to the hole not much wind but what there is just barely off the left that’s a surprise elevated T here it’s playing much shorter than 200 holes cut 29 on six off the left there’s bunkers up the left side obviously bunkers up the right just hit it in there but this green All Slopes from front to back you just want to kind of take little air out of this land it about halfway between the front edge and the hole and just let it release back to the hole even with the softer conditions it’s going to want to release if you don’t hit it straight up in the air come on keep going that’s they’re trying they’re trying to egg him on spur him on get some fire back in the belly come on [Applause] tiger even the walk looks a little looser there finally hit a really good iron shot cam Smith coming out the rock on the left oh so unlucky multinational field this week the qualified all over the world one spots three spots and some as we go to The Big Easy I’ll leave this one to you Tony talk about a guy who’s Struck it for decades he’s even par still an awful lot of good golf left on this man oh I do that thought it might just pop in there I tell you what that golf swing hasn’t changed I presented him in award at a Junior tournament in 1984 I think he was about 14 he was even then he was 3 feet tall of the me but that swing has not changed one bit Lowry Holmes Ram all tied at the top four under all the players in the clubhouse there seven of them minus three Ryan Fox back in 29 Dylan fatelli winner last week good week for South Africa last [Music] week s you were so right too about the the big shoulder turn big shoulder turn and short arm swing never gets you in much trouble does it so much easier to keep everything connected it’s I think it’s one of the best swings I’ve seen he likes the look at this too bar five remember settle just tickle back down that first Eagle to go six under another great example of course was Sandy L huge shoulder turn short arm swing so much power lovely contact there with a two or three YN ball first just a little sliver of divot and a crushing iron blow really compresses the ball beautifully as does this man Tony it doesn’t he just completely different actions they’re both enormously powerful amazing the variety of swings isn’t it if you walk down the range and sometimes you they’re not all playing the same game sometimes they’re so different but whatever works for you and what gets the job done that’s the Golden Rule now cam Smith the last this is uh parpot this for 70 well done cam good day Aussie a birdie pet from M Wallace but I think you take two pets all day long Jay well he’s looked at this a lot it’s downhill at the beginning of is going to go right to left but the last 10 ft it’s uphill ever so slightly and breaks left to right easy to miss this on the right Dave mcne ram rod straight looking like a sergeant major it’s [Applause] okay former number one in the world Jason day Steve Williams on the back it’s an interesting partnership Steve coming out of retirement oh that’s a beauty always found it very funny that they say he was the highest paid Sportsman in New Zealand Steve Williams I just wonder when cading became a sport tiger his this one a little right to left here and just gently uphill at the end I think just barely outside right and firm this was a beautiful t- shot just played a perfect link shot to get to this position oh just one come on just one just to get things up and running he’s been out of sorts all day to be honest Tony we watched The Big Grimace on the first he looked like he hurt himself held it to together for two three four holes level par and then horrendous weather and it can’t be great in cold weather with the the back problems he’s had it’s just a tough tough day for him yeah he must have been dreaming for a day like Tuesday when we came into town it was it was just glorious not to be sadly Westwood with a good chance to get to two under par oh a little cruel JB Holmes after hitting it right out The Sweet Spot of somebody else’s Club but it doesn’t matter it’s all about the result and you can get away with that sort of shot on on Links Golf nothing wrong with having a good break and he’s had an excellent touch from where he was this is Andrew Wilson second ma last match out on the course the group behind will have to bring the flags in that’s a lovely front line two birdies no Bogies and sometimes late out in the open first day second day any day obviously Saturday and done Sunday is the best time to play but they can really drop down at night the win the only problem is it tends to get pretty chilly doesn’t it it most opens you know I mean you know what it’s like Sam I’m sure you’ve had some late times I remember at St Andrew one year we were we were finishing it after 9:30 and it was a beautiful day but by the time we finished it was bitterly cold even the guys picking up cleaning out the Dust had packed up and gone home Johnson is he oh it’s not just going to tail off to the right gorgeous shot in but it’s just going to be a part John Ram after his bogey at 11 with a chance to make amends and then some at the 12th great pae and going get the line but should make birdie now Jason day on 14 Causeway the Giant’s Nephew just little Hill to come down it’s the name of the hole in case you think i’ just gone a bit mad there it’s all right Sam we always make allowances for you surprised I got back in to be honest I thought the door would have been locked right over to he of the same shirt Tony fin he got wonderful wonderfully natural swing for now great hands stay there stay there it’s okay going to drop right next to it we saw the t-shot of Ernie almost bounced in the whole second bounce he par let’s take it in the red for The Big Easy no it’s just going to skip by the right hand side lovely three at 16 level power is a good [Applause] score he’s going to be captain of the international side at the President’s Cup this year in Melbourne you Vice Tony no no I’ve got no vies whatsoever he put his fee up and wasn’t picked he’s you know he’s got a lot on his mind it’s I always find it impressive when captains you know can can concentrate in events like this and actually put scores together because for two years there’s just so much going on in the background same with the rer Cup captain Sam as you will know biry but to get to five take lead on his own just straight in very good very solid and RAM gets back to five under immediately the bounce back birdie so Aly captaining the Internationals and tiger captaining the US isn’t it yes yeah absolutely at one point we thought they might be uh playing captains tiger winning the Masters I don’t know if it’s I don’t know if it’s a great idea though you know there’s so much going on in the background it’s hard to focus here we go means a lot to the little youngsters well done John ROM some players just are fan friendly aren’t they and and some aren’t and I’m not criticizing those who aren’t you’re out there doing your job but it’s nice when they do interact a little bit with the with the fans homes for part no problem JB stays at 4 under lovely angle for us to watch the great just rolls just a in left time filter him from left to right cirle little unlucky oh yeah well it’s a great par three isn’t it intimidating par three and like so many Westwood goes [Applause] left sunlet evening here in the North Coast of antrum and uh it really is a beautiful part of the world driving around through Port rush and the great course on which the open has been played all the way to Port Stewart where we had the Irish open a couple of years back lovely beaches we pass that house every day doy that one just there on this side of the road oh my goodness the views that man or woman has there just beyond belief it really is extraordin really beautiful isn’t it the Giants Causeway way over to the left which is one of the natural wonders of the world really 6 billion years old the giant Causeway it’s astonishing bassal rocks can’t damage it stack of hexagonal rocks rising up from the waves a world heritage site if you come to Northern Ireland then you have to go and see the the Giants Causeway just along the coast from is here at rport rush 13 feather bed this one’s called I spent a lot of time trying to find out why Sam last night just couldn’t I Googled it I tried everywhere couldn’t find out why feather bed because most of the names have a reason John R won be worried about that after a terrific iron shot a nice view from up above in the light aircraft that’s taking some wonderful shots for us this week absolute Beauty well tiger got it in the Fairway and a pretty nice one as well unfortunately the balls above his feet here not what you want downwind left to right 163 and this hole is cut five from the right Edge but it’s not five from the false Edge there’s not much space to the right of this hole where it will go down into a little sale you have to keep it left of the hole man he is struggling he really is you could see he just cannot get his weight onto his left side through impact looks like he’s completely completely stuck so frustrating so much work gone into this so much preparation look at that for aint John Denver absolutely he sang a song called Grandma’s FEA bed you don’t think he designed a bit of this golf course do you hadn’t thought of that JB hommes giving that a massive lash some interesting footwork Tony Fino the world number 17 that’s for a birdie at the 15th come on come around so many of these players it’s a very first visit to Royal Port rush they some of the Europeans would certainly play in the Irish open seven years ago but uh for a lot of the International Players I’ll be their first looking how impressed they have been now Westward oh this looks good this a birdie at 16 goh on yes that’s a real bonus for Lee Lovely two at Calamity corner beautiful line and it just had the [Applause] legs saw Justin Rose delightful second in here this for his biry to get two under slow up this hill is it going to turn it is going to turn no it’s not shame a good effort almost finished behind the hole P just hasn’t worked its magic for Justin today just the two birdies one bogy one under well Al wher has gone back to join John Ram certainly have Matt coocher maybe a little bit unlucky that that didn’t just stick on to the back left Edge but also equally lucky not to be one of those little divots just R of him which means that he can pull this club really a pace putt up about a 4ot rise very nice it did having to get that a give that a proper Clump up that steep slope gauging it well well it’s a a deep bunker with a huge Bank difficult shot for Woods here oh dear me another foot gets a Downs slau little unlucky he’s not enjoying this is he he’s trying not to let it show but it’s not much fun out there for him back to the 10th this is sangun Park of Korea couple under sorry only one under now he’s two under third from last group only just turning into the back nine it’s a long day at the open but it’s a wonderful day nine times out of 10 I think today you’re going to see players miss this to the left side of the hole you can’t actually see it there should in theory be a little bit of right to left in it but from where John’s standing at it looks pretty straight so very easy to underere this part you can see it from the other side what a great opportunity it is after that nice little bounce back birdie for him after the bogit 11 just to keep motoring on certainly goes in the makeable category number eight in the world John Rams last three tournament outings third second and first US Open the Andia Masters and then the Irish open no surpris that he’s playing so well and leading the open at the moment Woods to avoid dropping another shot t f now 16 ft three under it’s leaking right will it carry the front oh only just it’s a dark and dingy place down there short right of this green down the hill at 17 for JB [Applause] homes 16th there Justin Rose yeah that’s why he sits where he does in the world rankings if he’s unhappy with that johnan Ram leads the open five on par still with five holes to play Shane Larry and JB Holmes tied for second noren Simpson Garcia Fratelli McIntyre happy barnrat and fox round in 68 Ryan Fox the first mine ever to shoot 29 on the back nine of the open Hatton Flintwood and capka also in with a 68 Tony finno looking for a strong finish but in three difficult holes good start for rain longas as first professional major Le westw going well Jason day going well Andrew Wilson in the second last group out he’s only just turned on to the back [Music] nine Eric Van royan one of those signing for a 70 at the end of the first [Music] round Darren Clark who teed off in front of a huge crowd this morning at 6 35 a.m. and was three under at one point eventually it was uneven par 71 he had for company the British amateur Champion James sugu from the marel golf club in Co and he’ll be delighted with his efforts as well Justin Thomas a 71 Justin Harding a 71 I think this is one of those t-shots Lads where you really want to think about the pin when you pull the club I really like trying to get down there as far as you can with driver given that front right hole location today you want something that you can go into with a little Loft might force the issue off the tea just maybe be a little bit more aggressive this is started left it’s staying left it’s online with the bunker John deciding not to go with the the driver maybe should have taken Allison’s advice don’t think he heard the bigy don’t think he’s supposed to that’s a good look at what’s facing Dustin Johnson here just going to bump this into the hill Nice Shot little bit of work to do but well executed Le Westwood 17d have top Tracer here just gorgeous it just flights the ball so well well he was always one of the best drivers of the golf ball in the world this isop stop there there yeah no all good but he was always one of the best drivers of the ball in the world all his career and that still keeps him right at the top of the game when he’s on you know he it is his ping it is those four six Footers that is is the big question and sometimes they’re there and sometimes they’re not and but his striking you can never question that IR as well Thomas one of the best iron players now Jason day one of the best players and Australia’s produced long birdie P up 15th Breeze has stayed pretty much the same all day it’s coming back a bit at then not too bad for Jason to JB Holmes at 17 he’s had a win this season in the Genesis open his first in four years actually since the Houston open in 2015 very short with that that was a poor birdie attempt from JB Holmes it’s a good t shot today from Tony three is good three is always good on that hole and en thring day golf at the open isn’t it always but a surprising one too in many ways I don’t think anybody expected Rony michaelroy to make 79 with an eight at the opening all I don’t think many expected Tiger Woods to be struggling quite the way he is he’s seven over playing 15 but isn’t that a beautiful picture of Port rush and the Great Links just to the right there all the information you would ever need about this 148th open on I was a little later starting today so I spent a lot of the morning watching the three hole coverage and the featured group coverage on the open. it’s terrific so if you can’t get to a TV set to sit down and enjoy it with us go to very goody Justin Rose down the hill Oh Well Done Justin Rose Justin gets to 200 under it’s a great two at 16 and the app the open app is also very good if you go to the App Store download it for free gives you all the information there too and live scoring another look at this B from Justin it was a gorgeous t-shot just hung on to the left side the speed is perfect and so is the [Applause] line TA in for JB Holmes here and for in the par there’s no rain out there it’s not too cold I wonder if they’re just lazy not getting their waterproof buttons off I was always a bit like that it gets warm but I can’t be asked to take them off there’s only one hole to go now Dustin Johnson oh that was a horror did we hear last week D get one of the colleges in America if they put your waterproof jacket on you never took off for the rest of the round yes it was a it was a coach wasn’t it yeah they advise his players that’s it would disrupt the rhythm of their swing if they either put one on when they hadn’t started with it or took it off bit of a shocker of a lie here for John really sitting down he’ll do well to kind of land this short I think and run it up maybe down at the bottom of the hill needs a bit of a bounce but just never got any good contact on that yeah well that’s all right from where he was about where you want him miss it I did well to get that out of it really great LED hands there just holding it on the way through to keep it online you can hold it on the way all the way through that grass with those arms can’t you Sam I certainly can perfect t-shot top of the hill for Westwood [Music] kept it on the top cuz he’s not over the hill yet still a lot of golf in this man’s life that’s a beauty as well 144 for Tiger SL downhill shot to the green wind coming off the left Wallace has already played out of the right Fairway bunker had a terrible line could just splash it out it’s only two men in history have won the silver medal going on to win the championship medal and that TIG is one of them Rory michelo the other and Incredibly there are only five players in the field worse off than Rory mroy at the moment 79 for8 over one of them is Miguel anel in incidentally 82 sadly for Miguel who’s closing in on your record Sam 700th European Tour event this week for Miguel you’re on what 706 something like that but I have got someone watching him he may be kidnapped in a little while golf club’s taken away great drive from JB Holmes 18 D just stay out the divot yes I I admire him very much I hope he goes on and does it if you believe that you believe anything to the 11th this is Yuki inamori of Japan going along very nicely a couple under third last game of the day playing with Paton Kazar and sangun Park oh that was a handy bounce lovely and don’t depress just love it when the second last man comes out and shoots 63 to lead the open all the stories are done they’re sent in yeah I remember that happening a couple of times actually all the stories are written all the the boys are all looking for what to going a beer or something to eat and then somebody comes in with a low score late in the day he certainly turned that one Jason but we’ve seen a lot of guys in that H not not too difficult from there one of the things John Ram has in his favor is that it’s just one consistent slope all the way from where he is right up to about 3 or 4 Paces short of where the pin is today so just a little bit more predictable he’s got that Ridge on the right he can use as well doesn’t have to bict that it’s a comfortable part give that a rattle go only 3 ft past two well judged have a look how hard he is this well you won’t see it in this but you’ll see the contact beautiful contact very rare for the ball to take off as low as that oh it’s changed its mind it’s look at those bobbling along there you know if a player could see some of these things they’d never haul another pot would they that ball did a bit of hurling there didn’t it finished not badly at all though oh gave it a chance 46 noly we saw the wood ends were here little bit lucky off the edge but that’s Link’s golf that’s what happens when it’s going well it’s going really well you get the bouncers with you this is a good round going actually talking about upsetting the the Press by a good score later on there’s 1 2 3 four five five players at 200 under or better in the last three groups little down the right Tony that’s okay that’s absolutely fine half decent l no problem one of those players at 200 are better is Yuki assaji in the last group oh he’s in for birdie o the headline stories might have to be Rewritten and our dinner reservation at isn’t that a glorious picture John Ram leads the open at five under par but the man who has led for most of the day is Shane Larry 67 for 4 under JB Holmes alongside lry at 4 under well let’s he what the popular Irishman had to say after his opening 67 Shane well done today 67 to start off your 2019 open but first of all how much did you enjoy playing Port rush in an open competition yeah it was uh it was amazing out there you know I got a great draw as well playing with Phil and Brandon and you know the crowds out there where the stands were full from the first hole so it was uh it was very exciting it was nerve-wracking at the start but it was very exciting uh you know I really enjoyed my day obviously it helps when you play some nice golf when I did and uh yeah it was it was it was a day that like I’ll remember obviously um I’ve got a lot of work to do for the rest of the week but I’m going to enjoy this one because you know days like this are are hard to come by and I’ve had one today I think you came into this saying you want your expectations are high but when you get on the golf of course you want to keep them low so how good does it feel to come off with the 67 yeah great I mean I my plan like this week was just kind of come up and do my own thing and kind of slip in under the radar and see I’ve got off to a nice start now so I’m up near the top of the leaderboard but um you know we talk about myself my coach we talk about all the time uh no matter what score we shoot today they’re still tomorrow still got to shoot a score tomorrow so today is 67 I just have to go out there and and grind it out tomorrow and see what I can shoot last thing as you’re standing here the winds picking up the rain’s picking up the smiles are broadening on your face what does that mean yeah uh look um I can’t believe it didn’t rain for us at all out there today to be honest with the forecast but uh We’ve obviously got lucky look I wouldn’t I wouldn’t wish any bad on anyone else but um I’m I’m looking forward to sitting at home this afternoon and watching some golf you’ve convinced me thank you than Shane lry talking much earlier today to Rishi pad and he’s still up there not leading but only one behind here’s the man who is leading yeah it’s been a little bit of a tricky way up this hole but this is for p beautiful just solid right in the middle hold on Jun now Woods for birdie few Shadows might help tiger get a bit looser ah tiger tiger tiger that’s a cracker there you go great stuff great stuff [Applause] tiger a lovely moment there it’s been a tough old day for Tiger Woods but at last what a cracking but to get his first birdday too yeah well tough for him but also tough for all his fans and been looking forward to this for a long time come on be right yeah just a beautiful iron shot there from JBS setting him up for birdie chance on a last great round of golf JB Holmes who boogied the opening hole but has picked up five birdes since alongside Shane lry in second place John Ram still leads though with four hes to play that’s how it looks as we head into the evening in this 148th open at Royal Port Rush Tony fno still to finish Yuki Mori as we saw only 11 hes into his opening round he’s on three under Justin Rose two under with two to play Eddie peppol amusing as always he was talking about the fact that Brooks kka had been talking about not practicing much or playing much between tournaments Eddie says yeah I’d do that pretty much as well not much practice not much playing trouble is he wins Maes and I miss cuts which is very Eddy isn’t did Kevin kizner with a 70 today Lou Hazen the former Champion a 70 Darren Clark who hit the opening t- shot in with a 71 even par alongside him the amateur Champion James sugu from Ireland 71 Matt Fitzpatrick Justin Thomas Annie eles with just one to play also on even par Dustin Johnson three to play for the world number two these golf fans here at rwport rush just do not want to go home they want to relish every last moment of the open’s return to their great course her Neils just off the back left of the green can see there is level par one double bogey one bogy two birdies up and down for 701 at least he’s got a bit of green to work with so I suspect at the weekend we’ll see that flag a lot closer to the left hand side that huge runoff this looks good this looks very good oh great shot from Al a car of the game that will never leave him it’s just been Sensational all his career there you go most consecutive appearance is 28 only else he’s a part of this Championship like nobody else 15th T way up in the right hand side [Applause] there the perfect t-shot from Ram this is down in Bobby lock country it’ll kick back down and just uh the further up it goes the easier his shot gets that’s lovely you’ll see a bit of class from there from Woods Justin lengthy pot here for birdie it’s been good from distance today [Applause] Justin we head forward to the 18 screen JB Holmes and his Cy having a good look at this this to a share for the lead boom there you go well done amazing round of golf 5 under pass 66 started with a bogy and then Flawless from there well he’s playing some good golf JB Holmes and he certainly knows how to win golf tournaments so don’t be surprised now ER I said he had two birdies I me an the double bogey a bogey and three birdies so level part this for 71 a nice day for The Big Easy hopefully very nice very nicey 71 only five behind this playing partner who’s leaving still one of the most popular players anywhere the game has played great day work for and Els well there you can see exactly what he’s got tough to get into the back of the ball which is did oh it’s just steady very well played tough to get the ball up in the air when you couldn’t really get a normal back swing done very [Music] well okay quiet please guys quiet thank you time to stop and smell the roses it is absolutely stunning here this section of the golf course at this time of night but better pinch me pretty quickly but 125 to the PIN for Ram cannot miss this right it’s a little bit of a red light flag even with just a little wedge in hand well it could have been a lot worse zipping off the front of the green there got it a little bit heavy he knew immediately it wasn’t enough but he’s he’s finished on the first level of the slope short of the green Lucas got off to a bit of a shaky start but he’s fighting his way back he’s leveled par there you go oh on Lucas red numbers great back nine tiger from locks Hollow it’s like three 12 year olds having a little chip off there it for for S who’s paying for the sandwich why did you think there were 12 year olds I still do that do you you know I’m not sure it’s for a sandwich though Sam for now for par at 17 well holded been a good day for Tony [Applause] finner three birdies 14 pars no bories good start to the open wonderful view there what was left for Lee Westwood he’s posing that means he likes it it’s online oh it’s better now fantastic shot from Lee Westwood 200 under he’ll have that for [Applause] 68 tight little eye ball slightly above his feet here don’t expect him to open up the club face much we’ll play it pretty straight faed land it say about 8 yard just short of that mound let it take a couple of hops up there and stop that’s magnificent touch from Ram they so important not to give shots back turn three into two as often as you can you can see all the Contours around the green excellent shot from Ram well there’s an interesting s certainly learned from his first nine Majors he’s cracked a secret Sam isn’t he I bet he doesn’t tell him either awkward for Matt coocher really if he’d just been even two or three feet to the left this part would have been much easier cuz he’s almost bisecting the ridge that little Mound and if he goes too far right it’ll break right and similarly out to the left has to split the middle she’ll break left at the end was involved in a old tussle with Jordan spe at rber they couple of years back to 14 this is Kevin stman of the US not having a good day until the last couple of holes bued 12 bued 13 and in at 14 three in a row and suddenly it’s not such a bad day after all back to just two over par for Kevin stelman tidying up well there tiger well done so the chipping contest was haved they all made the power this is a quite inviting second shop when it’s not too windy [Music] man oh Jason from 137 yards this I mean that’s the very most that can be as a 99 very most you’ll be unhappy to say the least [Music] that’s how it looks in the opening day of the 148th open here at Royal Port Russia 66 from JB Holmes in the clubhouse leading at five underpar alongside him is John Ram who still has four to play two names conspicuous by their absence and that top 20 Rory mooy and tiger Woods 79 for Rory Michel Tiger Woods heading for something not that much better six over at the moment with two to [Music] play Ashton Turner’s name just going through there he was the very last man to tear up at 16 minutes past 4 this afternoon it’s now halfast 7 local time here in the north of Ireland there’s Matt coocher one under with three to [Music] play John RAM for his par at 15 oh try to power it through the break it still took enough to miss though it’s a poor wedge Tony that did the damage really put himself under pressure and now JB Holmes leads on his own this is just hideous for Jason day slightly on the down slope being bothered by the backl certainly being bothered by the front lip it’s massive that’s a very good shot from where he was Lee Westwood this is a great great opportunity after a beautiful second shot in here why not why not well done Lee I paid for dinner last night he can pay tonight after that Tony absolutely get your money’s with even get a kiss for that [Music] 40 career wins the runner up three times in majes still plenty of golf left in Lee Westwood brilliant tied forth but three under par final t for Justin Rose nice low ball fight keeps the wind off [Applause] it very good that lovely swing way back in the 12th one of the later starters Patton kazaya is for an eagle to get to one under all right Tony hold it oh Tony got away with that might just have got away with it age stage technique and hide are going to dictate whether you’re pulling hybrid or the longest iron in your bag right now 222 wind hurting off the right hand side John Ron trying to sling it in from right to left out to the left edge of the green the design of those little runoffs and Hollows is just absolute sheer Genius around this golf course P for DJ up a little Ridge I think we’ve seen Thomas we’ve seen more chipping off these tight fringes than we would normally around a lyns course so often we would just see out with the patter wouldn’t we from all sorts of Lies but greens are soft enough to allow the chipping I think yeah I agree with that I I think when it’s as green as this is it just gives you a little bit they still giv in the Fairway so it’s it’s actually quite nice to Chip and Pitch off and and there’s a bit of bit of grabbing the greens and then these guys as good as they are they feel more comfortable with that control what a view that is this is a pretty good view as well there’s one looking into the green here start again guys quiet on the hill please I think both GIS Lord and Justin Rose realize how important this all is he’s worked so hard that’s a good shot from Justin he’s worked so hard today he hasn’t had his best and he’s still to under par aware that this is make for get out of here just regroup for tomorrow and try and still built on get better as the week goes on he’s right in it and it’s a good start to the week he did get away with it and he’s got a decent lie yes the ball’s a little below his feet but it could have been a heck of a lot worse his biggest B is being on that steep UPS slope it’ll get a lot of elevation will it take much off the distance no well judged and the other ball there is the ball of Lucas bagard he was three over after 10 h he’s had four birdies in the last six and he’s got it to one under everyone in the group subpar excellent work well done Jason day Tony feno and Jason day getting up and down from that bunker and when you walk the course in practice you think this is not where you want to be were they done well just a bad stroke at the last easy putt to read really paid the price John Ram you think he might be just trying to talk himself out of being a little hot under the collar reached straight for his putter could have kind of gone up or over but this will sling left to right good twoot rise right in front of him that’ll do that’ll do perfectly the big slope at the 17th 152 yards for Tiger Woods but a 22 ft drop P at 17 14 on five from the left [Applause] back in the 13th putting into the wind Yuki inamori three birdies no Drop shots the Happ he playing very nicely six to go we’ll just slide ahead to 18 Justin Rose will be first away that is not an ugly sight those little Islands out there called the scares nature reserves I think they’re actually called areas of special scientific interest is their official title but he won’t be thinking about that he’s thinking about an area 4 in below the ground about say the only interest he has is ha holding this pot it really has have been it has been a professional performance by Justin Rose today not quite mark up a little bit of work to do Patrick KL for a birdie at 16 fresh off a birdie at 15 back to back beautiful gets him to 200 under just maneuvering a along quietly I put the question to Dominic holer earlier today what’s the name of this young gentleman his name is Lucas Bor and this is uh a lot of people will struggle with that name but I’m not sure the beer tent or whatever everybody else is calling him is the right pronunciation of his name but but he’s done wonderfully well here Lucas it’s a it’s has been a big occasion for him playing with Justin Rose he’s coming of age with his golf game and four under the last six holes has been great and this is a beautiful opening start to his Open Championship he’s had a couple of wins in the European tourer very talented player yes when he first come out into it I did hear a couple of beer guards which is not that close as Thomas has just demonstrated Thomas Bago is a waste of a heck of a lot of vows in that name isn’t it well there is a lot of vowels in the name so you got to pronounce pronounce them Tony Bago is that all right Bago yeah eventually you’ll get some nickname like you ois all of those things it’s be a lot easier in a few years time will be tiger what a tough day he’s had out there man settle alwayss the way on 18 you desperately want a hole apart and then you just roll a three foot behind you oh maybe I should have been a little more cautious I always felt twitch on the 18th on those return plats Thomas you because you knew if you missed you were just going to be in a filthy mood for the next hour didn’t you not you I mean I know how calm you were out there sorry just run that past me again I always felt like sometimes it when you walked up to the 18 screen it was easy to lose your concentration because you would like you almost felt like oh the round is over and you forgot to concentrate on the last few parts and then you let one slip away and that that does annoy you going into the evening so true well done none of those issues with Tony finau very nice day work three birdies no Drop shots doesn’t get more solid than that he’s a top player and a very very nice young man yeah well done Jus Rose that’s a really classy 69 a day when he didn’t quite have it the pter was a little bit cold and he’s still come in inside the top 20 with a 200 power [Applause] 69 good three ball to watch for now three under Rose two under here go one under love this big dog in hand wind wind hurting off the right hand side needs to really hug this right hand side of the Fairway o we’ll wait and see almost got the Marshall scurrying up ahead on the green Patrick Reed birdie Pat it’s a little left to right is it that much it is yes certainly is beautifully hold back to even par little taste quite nice it’s not never easy this old 222 three little ducks and we got the strike Jason day there it’s not going to be easy from down there which is quite unusual I like this is the first major in about three years that Jason day wasn’t dying of something before the tournament thank you Mr sympathy poor old Jason he said all sorts of injuries and illnesses but Tony Johnson’s with him disappointing day for Matt Wallace three double Bogies in the card my goodness even at that he’s only two over five bird he always makes birdies Matt okay he’s he’s struggling but you know one thing with Tiger Woods there will not be a single shot that he will not give his absolute 100% best effort might not be working but he’ll keep trying that could be a little bit awkward it kind of depends if it comes back of that slope then it could be quite easy but if it doesn’t if it gets stuck on the hill a bit then it’s it’s really really tough I kind of assumed it had thas I would have thought it would have run back down into the Gully but maybe it has we just didn’t see it not quite the performance were expecting from certainly Matt Wallace but uh you do fear for Tiger a little bit Jay don’t you you certainly do do the Grimace and the poor shot off the first uh hole and he fought bravely for a while but these guys really hit the wind and uh and rain at seven into the wind and uh really kind of took the sails wind out of the sails of both uh Reed and tiger at that point it’s been a real struggle always a tough t- shut into the wind with an elevated te here at 18 big wide Fairway you can’t miss left out of bounds pretty close to left but I don’t think you can reach it today Wallace has fought bravely couple of shots got away from him the T shot at four and then he drove it in the Fairway trap at 15 had to Splash out and then made a mistake and made a double so he’s made two doubles but he’s fought pretty bravely he’s had everything pretty much under control you know everyone’s on Wallace watch watching his behavior and that he’s been fine today but you can just see the talent in his game unfortunately it’s not his best day today looks good and he is making a concerted effort it might not look it but he’s making a concerted effort to contain his frustration I think the only thing people don’t like is that he tends to looks like he takes it out on Dave mcney you know if he took it out on himself gave himself the right uppercut I think we’d all enjoy it a lot more now Tiger’s looking down there in the Fairway below him it’s a big wide Fairway but it play is more narrow when it’s into the wind and he’s just trying to get in and not hurt himself at this point pretty cool damp a little too far left yeah another Fairway missed by Tiger he’s missed a few today the Master’s Champion I’m not sure that many of us thought would ever be saying that again about Tiger Woods [Music] Jason day ball just in front of Johnson it’s been a pretty good day hasn’t it for Jason jokes aside two birdies no Drop shots that takes some doing on on a fantastic but tough course in in reasonably tough conditions he’s done well what about Ryan Fox though back in 29 unbelievable that’s a tough Back N that’s really is nice when you have a little spell like that what a beautiful pop 121 left and I have to say a very attackable position with the pin on the left he can sling this in off the right hand side with just a little easy gap wedge nice low ball flight he’s hanging out there a little could be Trouble O that’s an unexpected mistake that as Ali said a reasonably straightforward shot for John ramp I I always found it’s quite easy EAS when you get a little bit of wi and you you take one or two clubs more and then you you almost go too easy on it you forget to hold the ground you see he just comes out of this a little bit he doesn’t have he doesn’t hold the ground properly he doesn’t get down into the shot and hold his spine angle angle and then it you just lean one out to the right it’s more lack of concentration than anything no he carried it too far is Yuki inamori the Japan open champion last year that’s what got him into the open 24 year old three under hasn’t dropped a shot walked around on Tuesday du again we didn’t know who he was but Warren Humphries and I went for little wander and we took one look at this guy his caddy told us he was the winner of the Japanese open and we both said to each other you can just see and he’s a tiny little guy that this boy knows what he’s about out there and he really does come on a good try that’s all right Jay it’s all right that is a good day’s work just picking up one or two scores remember remember we watched Kevin stelman making it three birdies in a row at 14 sadly Then followed it with a seven at the 15th triple bogy back to five over for Kevin stelman Jason D despite a drop shot at the last finishes under PA for his opening round bit of a rough lie as well needs to dig it out a little bit but has green to work with quality shot again from the Irish open champion and that’s relevant of course two times Irish open Champion must be something in the Guinness wonderful acceleration what’s the release clubhead almost almost overtakes the hands stays down until the ball’s well on its way mag isent shot You Got That Awkward Chip Shot he had there Dustin Johnson to here this makes a big difference in your mind there was never online and there is a big difference in your mind when you go home and you shut overpower you shut level for some reason it’s just when you go home you sh level oh well it’s not too bad if you shoot one over you go home and go oh I got a lot of work to do do tomorrow it’s just the mindset really never got the speed of the greens today Dustin Johnson just a bit awward from the beginning hit l a great shot didn’t hold the pots it’s just turns out that way on link sclf sometimes Tiger has a terrible lie here from 216 into the win he’s going to play this little choppy fivewood but there’s all kinds of fern bushes over to the right none of us can believe there’s gaggle of commentators over here that he’s not laying up he got incredibly lucky to miss the ferns there wow that’s lucky 195 from Matt Wallace here perfect t-shot nice position into a left to right Breeze here the holes cut over in the right center of the green you do have to be a little careful there there’s some feet off you can lose it if you Bloon it a little bit he does have a high launch angle the front right bunker could be in play anything 15 ft left is a good shot [Applause] not the day Matt Wallace was anticipating certainly not the day that tager Woods was anticipating and certainly not the day that Rory mroy was anticipating the open as always throws up wonderful golf great drama and any number of stories It’s Not Over yet JB Holmes in the clubhouse 665 under for the man from Kentucky five time winner in the PGA to Shane Lowry who led for a long time after his morning 67 John Ram has played beautifully this afternoon he’s on four under still with two to play but the return of the open to Royal Port Rush has been an absolute unqualified Triumph we’ve known that for the last couple of days the atmosphere has been Electric the course is wonderful and we’ve got three more days of it to look forward to what a treat so it’s Holmes at 5 under L and Ram at 4 under day one at the open and look at the crowds who have stayed on it’s now now exactly 8:00 in the evening here in Northern Ireland and I don’t think there’s many going home relishing every moment [Applause] lovely just powering It Down Under The Wind [Applause] Yuka Inori and the third last group stay at three under VI down into the great Bowl which is the 18 green Tiger’s drawing a great lie over here he’s going to pitch it up in the air there’s a ridge about 12 yard short of the hole from this angle he’s flown it over it need’s to sit down hold on Johnny biller 1976 last man to won the open having not played since the US Open that year he took a long break Tiger’s taking a long break I’m not sure how much of that was his own choice that’s a little bit quieter out by the 13th isn’t it Ashton Turner the very last man to te up today this is say t- shot at 13 oh my goodness me we’ve had one hole in one there almost identic to Emanuel guo com in off that left bang with him fantastic shot there two feet for birie Patrick Reed hit a good solid shot in here this is going to have a little right to left movement it’s going to come off of that uh back from the to slope that I said tiger flew it over the top of I thought tiger would land it short of that and just let it run over the top and dribble down to the hole this one for Patrick is also just a little bit uphill it’s such a flat green the break are very subtle a great way for Reed to finish birdie at 17 can he get a birdie at 18 oh almost almost he’s done well there Patrick three Bogies three birdies 71 it’s only five behind day one of the [Applause] open now Tiger has this one for par and certainly it’s a disappointing day but this would make it end better this should go just a little bit left to right as it loses Pace at the hole and sadly that Kenna sums up Tiger Woods’s day another drop shot at the last it’s going to be a round of 78 of the former Champion the 15 time major winner the current Masters champion but it’s hard for him to raise a smile I think it’s been a painful day both physically and mentally for Tiger just that one birdie at the 15th we always fears despite his protestations that all was not well physically and that would hardly be surprising given all that he’s been through all the surgeries he’s been through it’s miraculous that he was able to come back and win another major but he’s not going to add to it with Victory here at Royal Port Rush sadly this one’s uphill a little right to left for Wallace this would be a great finish and he’s really gutted it out pity real pity would have been a r way to finish the day two over it’s not the end of the world at the moment there are 76 guys between 57th and 76 on one over so just outside one shot outside the cut mark but only six off the lead seven off the lead that’s what we here’ll be thinking about couple of tired specimens climbing those stairs almost exactly 4 and 1 half hours to get round they teed off at 3:30 back in the 18th T John Ram that’s perfect for Ram right over in the left corner fabulous view of the flag from there we’ll get to see it oh remember Jack Nicholas taking his jumper off in the last St Andrew Ashton Turner for a birdie at 13 terrific t-shot and he’s in for birdie well done 23y old from Boston not Boston Massachusetts Boston Lincolnshire and it’s the second year in a row that he’s come through final qualifying to make it to the open so a lovely birdie for Turner at the very last man out earlier today the 13th saw real drama great excitement listen to the Roar of the crowd when this from amelo Grio makes its way towards the [Applause] hole a hole in one for the Argentinian just need confirmation from you guys in the box that that they did actually hit the green with this pen it doesn’t look like it from back in the approach area I have to say it doesn’t from where you are absolutely Ali it’s on the short stuff 189 for John Ram straight back into the teeth of it wind’s been consistent today this is a low ball flight turning it over a little bit as well oh we hat that one just got it heavy was trying to hit a hard cut in there you can see where he’s aiming once you get it heavy you’re never going to get the control on the ball all three players in this group underp par John Ram Patrick cley and M coer M coocher head into the sorry can is in the bunker shot right this is this is obviously Mt CER Alison he’ll be using the P the flags at the back of the green to try and work it out can’t see any of the Green from where he was launch this up high little left of the PIN very consistent player K never lets you down always there thereabouts he’s not been a prolific winner he’s certainly been a prolific earner and amori get 15 played in 22 tournaments on the Japanese tour last year made 21 Cuts it’s a tough tour so he knows how to find his way around and that is a terrific shot have that to get within one of Holmes and this is the reception for John Ram well for all three players but it’s Ram’s very much a favorite here in Ireland after his two Irish open wins and he’s delivered today he would love to up and down here it’s pretty obvious statement but it would finish his day just nicely one over the last five he would hate to drop another one I 31 remember five under power leading the open one of the favorites the back nine has not been as kind to him see of the last 11 Champions won earlier that season in the PGA or European tour they tick that box takes a lot of boxes just a little discussion yeah no one wants to go I would have thought it would actually be Ram just on the angle this the way that this hole plays if you’re up the right hand side you’re usually substantially shorter than down the left but he’s going to go ahead can’t we yeah he’s had a peak John Ram he knows he’s going to lay out plenty of slope to contend with from here needs to throw it past it if he can if his left foot is any deeper in the bunker there he might not get out that must have been a very tricky one for canly there don’t Hill lie had to get it up quickly not too bad but not great well if these last few holes or any indication he’ll probably landar this shorter than I think and really roll it out pick that flat spot about six Paces onto the green up over a slight rise it’s not bad he’s left himself a little more than he would have [Applause] liked there’s an intensity about this man isn’t there as a coach in America Mike Abbott used to come over a lot here a lovely lovely man wonderful dresser elegant clothes but he used to have a great thing we were on the Range and working with them said yeah not bad pretty good try it again every shot you not bad pretty good try it again if you’re listening matee we miss you come on back to the open I think Matt cooa he’s walking on this screen going what do I have to do to not have to putt over a tiar by my calculations he’s done it four times in the last five holes the only easy read he had came on back on 16 green still pretty straightforward will go from right to left when it goes up over the little rise more about Pace than line here lovely p so 70 for CA good start nothing wrong with 70 back slightly uphill for kley he’s almost down in a little bit of a valley where two slopes just Collide off his left and right so be putting up through those he’s done well to battle it out today really I keep checking the scoreboard and I’m always surprised to see him under par he’s punched well above his weight today that’s for 69 no it’s going [Applause] left Inori oh pett oh wow give me that a blast that’s a shame that would have got him to within one would have Lear a little bit from countle just at the end so maybe might have taken just a hair little less Breakout big PO for Ram day one is he within one no he’s not that’s a poor finish for John Ram you’ll be so bitterly disappointed with that 5 under at the turn drop back in the pack only to tie third to be honest it’s he would have taken it before he started but 68 for John Ram the 18th claims another victim only 13 birdies today 47 bgy six worse than that second hardest hole and John Ram with a disappointing finish but hey as Sam says still three under po still right up there in the challenge for his first open and the 70 for Patrick can young American huge star in the making already a multi-winner there are currently 15 players at three under par tied for third place [Music] still five groups of three players on the golf course and one or two of them going pretty well notably in AI and Turner and here is the Japanese player Yuki inamori Japan open Champion he stays at three under three to play this young Englishman ion turn having a great day unfortunately he’s drove it in the rough this is his third shot on the par four oh it looks a good one oh it’s not a good one it’s magnificent great shot from Aston Turner keeping it going four birdies one bogey so far he had a fall when he was one year old fractured his skull and that led to a form of cereal py his parents were told he might never walk Ashton Turner fortunately by the age of six he was fully recovered and a professional golfer and is on that leaderboard JB Holmes looks like he may well be leading the open though after day one at Royal Port Rush a 66 from the man from Kentucky five under par he leads Ireland Shane Lowry by [Music] one all of those players will be delighted with their day notably perhaps Bob McIntyre on his open debut and certainly Fox who made history the first ever round of 29 on the back nine in the Open Championship there’s ason Turner and that big group of players two off the lead Henrik Stenson and B vurger both very impressive in last week’s Scottish open at the Renaissance Club both round and one under pass 70 L tasan former Champion also a 70 Jordan Smith [Music] likewise Yuki asaji on the 14th hole in the final group with Ashton Turner and how about Darren Clark and James sugar they played together first off this morning and both round in an even par 71 Annie L’s in this 28th cons consecutive open also a 71 for the man will be 50 in [Music] October all of those players know they’ve got a bit of work to do tomorrow if they want to be here for the weekend and of course they do Dustin Johnson disappointing 72 for the world number two Amano gria H in one on his way to 73 Young American Amer Brandon woo impressive again beef Johnson 73 gr McDow really had it going today but finished really disappointingly and had to settle for 73 [Music] Matt Wallace playing with Tiger Woods also 73 Xander chaule runner up last year not quite so impressive today for the American howong lee third in 2016 Franchesco Molinari the defending open Champion a 743 over [Music] par Danny Willet another who had it going for a while bodri hington 2007 2008 open Champion 75 Ian polter had a 75 Paul Lori the 99 Champion still not fully fit after his foot problems but 75 for four [Music] over 76 for [Music] Nicholson getting down towards the back of the field one or two names we didn’t expect to see there look at the two at the bottom there Tiger Woods a 78 and Rory michaelroy a 79 and for Rory it started with an eight and it finished with a seven and after that horribly avoing round he spoke to rishy pad well I got to be honest I’m not entirely certain how to start this interview because it’s sometimes a little bit awkward to ask about the tough things that you’ve been through today so I’m going to leave you to describe it if you don’t mind yeah um I obviously didn’t get off to the best of starts um you know understandably nervous on the first te um you know made a you know I felt like I had a you know an I made an okay swing the ball the ball got going left in the wind pretty early and and you know it didn’t really have a chance after that but after that I felt like I played okay you know I was pretty resilient I I made you know I played the next um whatever it was 13 holes and in two under par you which was pretty good in the conditions and then you know if anything look the start’s the start and that’s fine um it was the end of the run that really you know played the last three and five over par and um sort of un undid all all that good work in in the middle of the R so um you know I tried to stay with it you know I did for the most part you know I I lost concentration after I missed a little p for par on 16 uh and then I drew a pretty bad line the rough on 18 and um you know just one of those things but uh yeah tough day you know it’s you know I put myself behind the it ball early and you know always trying to claw my way back and you know was doing okay for for a while and then just let it go at the end and I guess a day of difficult emotions cuz it’s a a big day for for you and for for golf in Northern irand uh yeah I mean it’s a big week you know I think the open coming back here is is wonderful for for the country and wonderful for the game um regardless if if I were playing or not but uh you know of course I wanted to go out there and play better and and shoot a good score and get myself into contention to to try and win another Open Championship um but you know all I’m thinking about now is trying to be around for the weekend say you got to turn it around can you turn it around will you turn it around I hope so um I I need to hit it better uh especially off the tea tomorrow I need to hit more Fairways uh and and you can play this golf course from the Fairway you have plenty of chances so you just need to keep it in the short stuff really appreciate the time AG gent as always no worries thanks that’s well done Rory that kind have been easy to go in and talk about such a disappointing day I liked his choice of analogy though behind the eightball that was unfortunate he’ll laugh when he hears that Ashton Turner plays most of his golf in the Euro Pro Tour the sort of third division of European Golf so this is a terrific performance by the Englishman po keep turning keep turning oh pity in his biography it says he’s 5’7 well I walked past him the other day and if he’s 5′ 7 I’m going to join the Bas [Laughter] League he said he was just talking to Big Tony Johnson actually so who’s at the top of the leaderboard on this opening day on the open’s return to rport rush the answer is ky’s JB Holmes and afterwards he too spoke to Rishi yeah JB very well played today this is your lowest ever round in what is your 10th appearance at the open so how pleased are you walking off 18 today oh I me fantastic anytime you can get a get around like that and um you know get some putts to go in but I I hit it really great all day and put the ball in the right position so um it was a lot of fun it’s interesting hearing saying that you know getting around like that going is is is is a good thing but going out there today with the way the conditions were set up the way the everyone’s been talking about the course did you have any expectations did you set yourself a Target before you walked out there no it’s really tough to do that in in um you know the open just because you never know what conditions you’re going to get um you know I’ve played before where you know I think I shot 72 at St Andrews uh when it was real windy and I was the second low round in my group and you know they were shooting 67 66 in the morning so you really don’t know what you’re going to get so you just have to go out and um you know accept the conditions and and and do the best you can and add them up at the end it’s an extraordinary day lots of things happening I mean how aware were you what else was sort of going on on the course and and and where you were in relation to everybody else um I try not to look at the scoreboard too much I mean you get caught up it’s a I mean this is a long tournament there’s a lot of stuff that can happen wind conditions and weather and so this is just a small step so far it’s nice to get off to a good start but it’s a you got a long ways to go good start it definitely was very well played today all right thank you thanks very much yes well done JB Holmes a round of 66 and he’ll lead the open going into today to Shane lry the Irishman leads or is in second place rather in Northern Ireland a terrific round of 67 and then a big long list of players at three under par in including Sergio Garcia Dylan Fratelli Bob McIntyre and the names that are up there will cause as much discussion as those which are I’m sure there will be all sorts of inquests into the performance of in particular Rory michaelroy and Tiger Woods it’s been a wonderful day here at Royal Port Rush another one in store tomorrow from us all bye-bye for now [Music]

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