Fathers Day Golf Talk ACCRA Shogun

What did Dads get for fathers day? Also talking about the Shogun golf shafts. including golf club repairs, reviews and fittings

[Music] happy belated Father’s Day everybody we’re going to talk about what we got if we got anything at all what we did on the weekend we’re going to talk about some fittings some uh extended reviews and and some repairs all next on what’s In My George golf [Music] talk welcome back to what’s my George golf talk Jimmy clear here and it’s what’s in my drawers because why old clubmakers and Club Fitters are tremendous packrats and no different it’s about what’s in my drawers that was over there in my shop and this channel is all about this discussion is all about Golf Club repairs reviews and fittings also your scores can go low so if you got questions throw them down there in the comment section and be part of the community’ be great also like subscribe hit that Bell across the bottom down there that way you get more of these uh notifications when they drop and I promise you there will be a video this week I’ve said it the last two weeks and I have been absolutely failing in that regard but I’ve been making pieces and parts and now I have enough for at least three so I should be caught up I should be ready to rock and roll okay so let’s get started Bryson D Shambo wins the US Open The Americans are seven for seven uh that is cool uh I was kind of torn between Rory winning it and and Bry winning it um you know it’s kind of a live PGA thing right there but I will give the nod to Bryson he did handle it like a professional he did very very well I do like that and we’ll just see how professional his handlers are from there on in for Rory I got to say it’s disappointing he guy played some excellent golf only to uh well watch the putter get cold right the putter got cold and unfortunately that’s what happened uh I think the media was ready for Rory to win and uh it’s just what it is so we now have a uh he’s a multi multi-winner now on the on the circuit and uh and good for him right good for him alrighty so uh repairs we did quite a few we had we the week has been quite hectic in between uh doing trips and stuff like that however I did a uh I did a bore through and we put this shaft on it if you can tell there we go it’s just an Acro Fairwood shaft but I put it on that and I put it on a Callaway Big Bera Hawkeye 3-wood came from New York apparently nobody wants to touch those things anymore well I did and uh it’s on its way back to its house and hopefully it works out for him very good for that one uh fittings wise uh fittings uh we had a handful of fittings and I got to say this weekend I did probably the fastest fitting I’ve ever done and it was one of those things where we were just firing on all cylinders I saw what and it was a she it was a she she was a she and uh and just love golf very active very outgoing person and we started with the Putter and she showed me what she was doing we did the we went through the same Paces it wasn’t any different than I do anywhere else but my first my first handoff to her was what worked right then and right there and so we did the putter fitting she ended up with an odyssey model 7 with a s neck and she had the the screen Dory kind of putting stroke and and she was carrying a mallet and she was like oh I always missed off and that well there you go because the Mallet putter would hold open and uh so as soon as we gave her the gave her the one that actually wanted to close right on the money and we had to make it a little bit shorter not by a lot and uh she was putting fine put I mean she was putting lights out that better than fine so congrats to that then we brought in here for the irons and uh watched her hit and it was a very abbreviated finish and I’m like what’s the deal with the abbreviated finish as soon as we started joking around a little bit and she hit one and she wasn’t really used to she says I’m not really used to hitting a straight and I said we’re doing a fine job of it now and we got her in here and she started finishing and it so here’s the difference uh by abbreviating your back swing you started making a change in your swing back here to be able to stop right here instead of finishing all the way through and when that happens you slow down the shoulders tilt all kinds of things can happen and you will hit fat you don’t get all the ball you top it there’s all kinds of things that can occur and she said topping was one of the things I said well there it is so if you stay down and through and you go just to finish you don’t have to do the whole thing you see on TV but bring the club up and you’ll hit it better and she did and she tagged it I said we’ll do it again and she did and she tagged it and I said okay now how much how many yards do you think you gained by just finishing she did do anything else didn’t create any more speed none of that stuff how many yards she say oh I don’t know three or four I said how about 20 and at one point it was almost 40 just by finishing because now at the 40 she did pick up some speed I’ll give her that one but the but the the Finish allowed such good contact the smash Factor was just so high it it was allowing for that so good contact right it’s all about finding the middle of the club face did wonderfully with this wonderfully and she also found out that she liked lighter clubs so she had some heavier clubs by a uh we’ll call it a direct to Consumer one but uh one that I wouldn’t call very good and she uh they were heavy they were very very stiff for regular flex and we put her in actually she liked the Callaway uh High launch the smoke High launch and we put the ELO lady shaft in there and at a seven iron she was hitting it further than her current six and and straight and high and it was just all really good things coming to coming to pass then we got into the the wood section and says well you know my my my fairway wood and I’m like really you hit a fairway wood and she goes yeah and I said said well let me show I said here hit your fairway wood and I said okay and then I handed her a hybrid and I said here try this instead and she hit a four hybrid much much much further than her three would again it comes down to contact and there’s certain styles of swing that marry up to those kinds of clubs to be sure right and that’s what happened then we get to the driver and the driver was very very close she had a uh Tailor Made Driver with a Callaway rch very very lightweight shaft in it and and it worked she didn’t like it much but uh I don’t know why but she you know maybe she had some bad luck with it a couple of times but she hit it good in here when I gave it to her at the right length and she said she kept fading it and it was because the club was basically an inch and a half too long so once we I said choke down and hit it and I next thing you know she’s striping it and again it would have been the same concept as what I would have given her a very lightweight shaft at that very you know about 11 and a half 12 degree of Loft and watch what happened so I gave her a smoke with that same kind of shaft set up and we beat it but it was by you know three yards maybe three or four yards tops and I said well she said what do you think and I was like we will say this I did beat the driver but for the cost of the new driver for three yards I just don’t see the bang for the buck you would be far far far better away to switch out your irons and those Putters then you would be to switch out your driver and uh I think she respected that and she ended up walking out with a Putter and I think they’re going to consider the irons here in in the very far future or the very near future for that matter so there’s that uh so the fittings went well everyone we had in here was a lot of fun we had uh another young man going to college to become a teacher uh and I’m telling you the the subject that he and the people he’s going to teach you have to have a heart of gold to be able to do it and more power to him and we got him playing a little bit better too that man he had a he had a swing I know you guys have seen it where he makes his monster shoulder turn but the head goes with it so if he makes a shoulder turn like this his head is looking like that I could have sworn at least a half a dozen shots he looked me Square in the eye in a back swing and I sat directly behind him I said o we got to work we got to work on that and and he’s good you know you’re good while you’re fresh it’s when you start getting a little bit tired that life gets a little bit hectic when you swing like that so we covered a lot of that stuff so there there’s some fitting some different swings and uh he ended up we uh put him in a a would call it a a it was a stiff shaft but it was one that took took an aggressive swing so it worked out pretty good for him okay so there’s that one uh further on Shogun there will be a video on the Shogun and it had to do with lot with last week when I told you that I did some more testing and I actually started hitting it even better and only for me to go out and play and got around in with my buddy Bob we did a Father’s Day round and he had me uh he says oh let’s do some warm up and I didn’t think anything of it hit some irons some stuff out of the sand and I pulled out the driver and everything went to pot and my driver left me again and uh it was it was awful and I was totally upset and totally mad and uh went back to the two two hybrid so it kind of give you an idea uh the first four holes on the back nine I bogey the first one I played the next three to like seven or eight over the last five when I put the driver in the bag and used the my two hybrid or my three hybrid I played to one over and uh and if I would have not got a a terrible bounce but that’s Golf and may have played it even so we got to get it back and I know it’s just a matters if you it’s just getting the Rhythm back is all it is and will be good to go but I’m here to tell you the that Shogun shaft it’s for real uh I do like the feel of it I do like the way that it performs uh everything that they said about the shaft is true and uh so way to go ACA well done for you okay last but not least uh salute I was wondering how this was going to go so this kind of a leadin uh yesterday was it yesterday no Saturday sorry Saturday Miss mcgl took me on a Father’s Day Excursion we went to two Distillery one of them was called Old Pogue it’s in uh Mayville Kentucky which is about an hour away and this thing is back in the middle of nothing and uh and it it it has history to 1836 and six generations and that’s what it looks like when you walk up on it however when you get into the driveway this is what you see if you can get what we’re going with here right so you walk up onto it like that get a little closer and you’re going you have to go across the Rock Bridge to get there and everything inside is it almost feels uh civil warish all right almost Colonial but civil warish and you get to see it and there’s tons of Articles the history there if you’re a history nut this is the place to go this thing had writing had the in the Old English in there it was just it was some super duper cool stuff and uh and what you got to see is some of the the original bottles that they made back in the day and some of the the you know some of the accolades that these guys received and then there’s the outside of the Distillery number three that was a lot of fun it was just a tasting it is a very very very very small uh Distillery but the folks there are very nice love to tell you about what was going on in there and a good trip the second one was a revisit and the revisit was to Augusta Kentucky not Georgia Augusta that’s the reason why I like this one place I mean who doesn’t who as a golfer doesn’t want to go to Augusta right well there you go if you like a little bit of bourbon there you go so this is a a fledgling uh Distillery where they last year they put some of their product into a contest and came away winning like the best bourbon on the planet and uh and so they were releasing another one well they’ve grown enough that they’re starting their own Distillery and they now have their new head distiller and there she is that’s Alex and uh she is very very nice very very smart and her husband loves golf I’m telling you this is a match right here we need to get something done between us and Them hopefully they’re watching so here you go on a tour and they have three barrels to sample and it’s called The River prooof series and this is a tasting so when I go to these things what I some of the things I like is when you get some Bourbons or some some of their product that you can’t get anywhere else you have to go there and get it and so we went through this tasting a lot of people from Cincinnati were there and and so you have a choice you know you don’t have to get it you you can taste it if you don’t like it don’t get it right and this is kind of where it came out there’s a fouryear a two-year and a six-year of all the proofs that you see and then the mash bills there was a higher Rye a weer and then a low rye and and they’re all pretty good so what they look like is this when you put them together and you get the river prooof series there’s three kinds and so what you do is you can put anything you want if you see I put a mick so now it’s Mick austa and uh and so that’s what this one is this is the weater one and so that’s what we got there let’s keep going down here all righty so after I bottled it there’s me bottling it you you th it out of the barrel and then I’m a happy camper getting it and then this is what we brought home from uh the old POG obviously and that’s what we brought back from Augusta now I will say shout out to these guys at Augusta you want to talk about some of the most helpful you know uh customer service oriented people on the planet is there all right Bill the guy that’s the manager of the of the warehouse helped us out a huge amount all right Cody was our was our guy that takes us around and Mrs mcgl will put the other two the there’s our first our very first um tour that we took that gu was there she was help super duper helpful she did some work with us and it the tour was just phenomenal anyway the reason why I say this about our friend bill is he hooked us up with two more barrels and what he did is he gave us a fresh coating on the uh on the label that goes on the top of the barrels so they’re this old with a brand new label on the top so that was freaking that was basically outstanding all right enough of that so last bit of it Father’s Day this leads us into Father’s Day what did everybody get on Father’s day did you get anything did you go golfing what did you do for me uh because my dad lives next door uh and so what our thing is barbecuing out and that’s what we did here so we did a pork loin a barbecued porkloin we got a little bit of klaa and some smoke baked beans porkloin turned out pretty good I got to tell you it turned out pretty good so that’s where we went okay so currently to get back into the golf ring uh in the shop that I’m going to go do after we get this done is I’ve got a set of p790 coppers which is going to be another video that I when this finishes I they got to take that last little snippet and then we’re all done and we put we took out a brand new set the grips weren’t even on the clubs and we’re taking the shafts out and we’re putting in some steel fibers and then he has an old set of p790s that were taking the shafts out of the ones they had which were NEOS and we’re putting in some G7 of the 950 gh’s and it’s just a hair the pro they’re both 95 gram shafts that the profiles are different and we’re going to extend those so uh a lot of work that’s about 20 plus CL well 20 clubs and uh so we got a I’ve got it sitting in there now I just just before sitting in the chair I extended the the older clubs and so now we’re going to do some feral finishing and some cutting down and some gripping and then they’ll be able to go out in the morning so all right so there it is hopefully you guys don’t forget to like And subscribe and I swear I will have a video this week uh don’t kill me just yet and uh hopefully you guys had a really good Father’s Day all right let’s get to the top alrighty Matt revock got to play golf with my nephew who plays in the NFL oh nice who is it shot 72 loads of fun will single length iron sell more now that Bryson won his second at Pinehurst well tradition would dictate Matt that yes there’ll be people interested in how that guy did that now typically that goes hand inand with popularity and for those that are not uh fans of Liv golf which is probably a larger sect than those that are that might deter it now the other part is is that I think if if memory serves that he no longer has a contract with Cobra so I’m not sure where he’s getting his clubs done at and but he’s going to make they’re going to make a big deal out of his driver which it looked like he sprayed a lot of places but he has a cranked driver in the bag so it they they got to know what kind of clubs he was using in order to be able to go find them and buy them but as far as the idea of single link yeah there’s probably some guys that’ll dabble in that for sure all right Jim Anderson he is from Mr Scotland what are you can say buddy hope everyone had a great Father’s Day unfortunately had to watch I’ll have to watch and catch up tomorrow still a bit under the weather well we hope you get better sir and some fantastic golf yes there’s the hammer any experience kbx uh High launch shafts I have a 42r coming in to try my driver I’m a slow swinger if I like it how would this shaft play a five or Serv currently okay so the the only downfall with KBS and their product is that they really don’t come out with a fairway wood shaft fairway wood shafts truly need to be a little different in that they got to make up for a a head that’s you know this bigger round versus one that’s that bigger round and heavier and the idea of just going a little bit heavier and cutting off a little bit normally does not work well okay normally does not work well uh if I were you and I was looking to do that and this High launch shaft works really good in your driver then what I would look at Hammer is um I would look at Acra and acra’s new GX line and they have the Acra blue which is the high launch line and it is also light okay is also light and you could get one that would be the next uh next level up with an rlex and that would probably marry up pretty good Christ got on here early from Sweden how how are you sir hopefully the weather is treating you much better hope everything is fine there Jim and Robin they are sir I appreciate it all right John Cherry greetings all Jim and Robin and fellow golfers from Myrtle Beach as far as single length irons man I think more people will consider it I’ve played them for years and now prefer them well there you go very cool Bear’s Peter he shot a 75 on Saturday oh is that with your son I knew he was coming in uh and did you get to see your [Laughter] irons very nice sir Charlie how are you and there we go nice round to Matt Robin talking along there there’s our other buddy Matt how are you sir Dean what do you say from a h hot Southwest well Dean yeah you’re not you don’t have a what do we call that you don’t have a monopoly on that it’s stinking hot in Southeast Ohio too oh it was awful and one of the buildings I was in today did not have air conditioning and for two hours it was absolutely miserable and uh it’s supposed to be like this for the next couple of days and then turn around and get back into normal weather I can’t wait there srer tubsy Malone I peeps he’s back look at this Aston Villa all right look at that that’s a cool little logo going hi buddy I salute you from Puerto Rico thank you Mr P same to you sir it’s not it’s not run but it’ll do okay that stuff’s getting better and better and this is the yeah the higher R that’s not bad and it’s really cool that you can just pull it straight out of the barrel that just just kills me no filters all righty that’s a decent round there yes it is very good Lawrence Bronson how you doing buddy and Happy Father’s Day do you bore everything out to 370 with shafting I want to go lighter I do not uh there Matt there are just some folks that don’t want to change that kind of stuff and they and they go 370 tip now uh it just so happens and a couple of the shafts I have are are tapered and I make them fit in the fitting system that we have and they give it a different reaction sometimes I won’t say every time and so in those cases I will not um but no if you want to go lighter and and all the way Matt the when you go to do this you’re going to only lose when you go from taper to parallel you lose a gram and a half Max you know Gram it two grams to the max that’s it two grams so I don’t know if that’s what the kind of lighter you were looking for or not Robin saying hello to everybody there we go just got a bunch of bore through repairs and said I’ll never do a bore through they do come in waves Matt I don’t know what the deal is they they when you start talking about everybody goes oh yeah I got one of those can you do this for me too yeah yeah yeah and they just keep coming through I’m trying to get Callaway to just say here’s MC golf’s number just send it this way but uh so far no good Robinson hello there’s Charlie Hammer with a sha that’s 23 grams lighter than what you currently play you’re going to notice a difference in weight sporting on the Lighter Side you may like it and you may not that’s a possibility yes and if he’s slower it might actually be better but it it will take a handful of swings to be sure there’s hello markn Jim are you able to purchase Club heads only directly from oems if so which ones yes I am sir that’s taken me a while to get to that particular point but we get it because we’re kind of a brick and mortar shop here and uh I can do mauno which I’m number 19 in the world uh shrix on I can do Cleveland and Wilson I could do Callaway but the program is not where I like it so we stay there as a normal dealer with them everyday golfer good day Jim and Robin from the Southern Highlands of Australia well hey thank you for joining us there in the morning there well done sir thank you there’s Matt hello Robin and everyone else Manuel what do you say Sir hello Jim and Robin and the mulf disciples been extremely busy with reshaft it’s that time of year isn’t it it is that time of year it’s like you know it it’s it’s almost as if the the high schoolers are getting ready to go golf and they’re tuning up dads are finally able to get out it’s the summertime people are playing a little bit more and shafts need replacing [Music] okay I believe they’re not getting fit or getting lessons and breaking the shafts on the Range you know we had a lot of that the uh uh you could see them and they just hit and you well you know for sure when you get some of that green goo on the bottom of the mat or on the bottom of the clubs and you’re like oh I know where this one came from and uh it’s you know it’s unfortunate but at least they’re out there hitting and learning that’s the idea hello Mr Jones and he got his hats thank you sir if you remind thank you for the that was a good intro if you remember I do have some new hats uh I did have a picture of them anyway a blue a red a white and a gray and they either have this logo on them or they have the USA flag on them which would look a lot like a lot like that one okay call Mrs Mcall or call give us a shout out at MC golfshop and we can help you out Michael Moody what do you say there sir she’s got got him there’s Mr G from St Louis if you’re if you’re fitting watch the US Open should have seen the putter pays off big oh my God [Laughter] yeah brandle sham B yes well I tell you what the I the the putting circumstance out there that whole week if you got to see some of the small Clips where they just you know where they drop the ball they drop the ball and on the you know from their waist and it just hits and it just rolls and literally rolls 30 yards away from you man you talk about some serious penal stuff there and uh you know they started figuring it out a little bit but man Rory missing a couple of short putts he hadn’t missed anything all week long and all a sudden then that’s that’s pressure for [Laughter] you there’s Emanuel talking about that Manuel saying great round Peter brendy what do you say sir went for a Callaway driver fit couldn’t get a shaft to beat my hazardous smoke 6.0 the Max D head was the best only thing is they don’t sell heads only I have to buy a new club with a stock shaft and sell it that’s unfortunate but they’re true uh the hazard if it was the black they have a black I’m not sure you but maybe not all Fitters even on the other side of the pawn might be able to have that uh it particularly CU that was a stock fact I’ve got it in my collection it’s a black 6.0 and they could do it I was kind of hoping that they might find that Denali works out pretty good it’s not a bad little setup either Matt saying thanks to Emanuel here we go Michael shoram I hopefully I said that right Shrum from Indiana well done sir and you can never go wrong with a picture of the Duke on your logo well done thank you for joining us Mr Moody got my Miz 245 sty outstanding best iron my good old 32 oh since them yeah what a feedback so 245s are a very very nice club they are they do very very well they were you know neck and neck that was I was positive I was going to be building a set of those in the middle of the Year this year and ended up going with the other ones uh but you are not wrong Mr Moody you are not wrong it is a very very good club head Mike delvesco a tutorial on extending shafts would be good well okay if you want here’s a here’s a real easy one for it number one it’s a three-step process number one the same material for the same material meaning that if you’re going to do steel use steel to extend if you’re going to do graphite get the graphite extenders to extend why because on the steel ones they have a bit of a flare at the end and they turn into when you put them in graphite they turn into a saw all right and it’s it’s a little bit harder so that wiggling around tends to want to cut through the whole idea of doing these extensions is twofold one so that it feels the same as if you had it at whatever length it was and two so that it transmits that same kind of that same kind of feel and be sturdy okay the other one now so you got the right one uh the second one is making sure that the extension that you put into it that part that extends into it which is pretty much about an inch and a half to two inches is braided very very well and the inside of the of the golf shaft you is you take about a half inch pipe cleaner and you get in there and you clean it out to remove any of the crud so that it doesn’t has something to adhere to on the inside and then uh they got to the other one is they got to fit there are several several several different sizes and you can actually slide one all the way in and it’s lost forever and you don’t want to do that you want to get the most appropriate size for the tightest fit once you get that and you get all those three and you put the glue on just like you’re gluing a head wipe off the excess set it down you’re good to go now the last bit of this is is I would uh I would limit the amount of your extension all right I personally don’t like to go over an inch and a half I have done two inches uh but I don’t like going any further than that because you know if we use this as a your hand if this is basically 2 Ines if you look at it and this is the end of your hand right that’s the end of your hand there’s very little regular part of the shaft and now right where my finger at is where the extension is going up into the up into the club so in essence it’s as if you’re holding you know in my opinion it’s as if you’re holding the club up in here even though you have all that stuff and it’s made to be extended but what happens here when you’re on the back of your hand a lot of people do this right they do the regrip and when you do that regrip it pulls on that that’s just that’s that’s experience talking now if you don’t regrip it will it do it probably not if you uh if you shorten it will it be a problem no for certain it will not be can you go longer yeah but I don’t recommend it again from a from a business perspective you want to limit failures and that’s what we’re doing the new shrick on irons arrive with a 95 stiff and the six and seven arrived with the 95 constant weight shaft even though Shon said that they don’t do constant weight I got it sorted hitting them is unreal okay you have brandan you have waited a significantly long time for those dude uh congratulate you have the patience of a saint so well [Music] done Manuel he says I am off to the enjoy oh cool enjoy Golf Club in indicot New York to work as the first and 10th Hole Marshall for the Dick Sporting Good Champions Tour event love the event seniors are fun to hang with well you know what I can only imagine those guys are are stupid fun to be around Emanuel because you know what they’ve already made their money they’re just out there collecting a little extra paycheck for retirement and you know and they know how to deal with the folks it’s just it’s got to be total fun well done on you Father’s Day played golf 39-43 you go man well done sir appreciate that I hit my 52 degree really well so I’d like to make my nine iron and eight iron Pros the same length should I use a spinner shaft for the nine and eight irons my ball flight is typically low dos and don’ts uh well Lawrence the probably there’s a lot of reasons for the let me start over and I’ll speak English no uh the I not knowing your game that well Lawrence that this is the problem with being able to give this kind of advice typically I would say no okay what I would do as far as the shaft concerns uh before you go cutting anything down I’d make a mark on your grip and go play a couple of rounds and seeing if it truly makes a difference okay see if it truly makes a difference the eight iron the so the 52 that you have there’s a pitching wedge in between you and that nineiron I check that first and if that’s the same length and you hit the pitch and wedge well then I would make the nine iron and the pitch and wedge the same and I’d probably leave the eight iron alone because the eight iron it has a different job where the nine close but the pitching wedge for sure so I try that out first first but no I wouldn’t necessarily put a a spinner wedge in there if if the Apex Pros are feeling a little bit flimsy that’s probably the reason why that spinner feels better and I would look at maybe a different Iron shaft do you think after a year of playing a newbie should get fitted yeah you’ve had a year under your belt you know what you you know you’ve hopefully you’ve gained some level of a swing uh you know and it just depends on how much you’ve played in that year right so if you’ve played in that year and you’ve played a lot of golf chances are you get a truckload out of a fitting if you’ve been playing once a week and I know you can play all year long down there uh and you’re your game is coming around Yes again A fitting would be good a a fullon no kidding fitting uh if you’re out there playing once in a you’re very sporadic and you’re playing and you’re still trying to figure it out uh maybe go and get what I would call a basic fitting just through the basic Loft fine length and just see what happens and see and then if that if it’s going well then keep going but yeah uh but after a year I’d say for sure all right uh here we go Matt’s gonna talk to Emanuel about that J maruto maruto to gap wedge is a dynamic gold s200 oh okay uh so the dynamic gold s200 that’s their for a wedge so that would mean that if you’re really hitting that thing well Lawrence uh and and again it’s it’s probably their idea of a of a higher end the 200 is really not a big deal it’s the S it’s the 115 tour it’s probably an S Flex in order to get you in there again I’d say the same thing still occurs don’t cut it down just choke down a couple of times and then if you’re if it doesn’t come to you uh unless what you’re seeing is if you’re playing some very very stiff shafts in your irons you might want to uh bring it down a notch and get into those if it’s the the way around they’re very flexible then I would move it up a notch there we go Peter he is coming for Father’s son tournament in July oh that’s what it is okay very cool very cool uh he was terrible when I played Friday so I couldn’t hit the driver gem I used the mini burner well you did like the mini burner though right that was uh how’d that turn out for you Glenn wise what do you say buddy or we Jimmy Robin the US Open was awesome Bryson sold the show I’d have to say great performance why did Rory leave with no press conference it seems like poor sportsmanship you know I heard I didn’t know that he did it because I didn’t watch the ending of it but I heard the radio cast and they said somebody had left without talking to the press and Rory should have stayed and talked to the Press he should have and he could have you know he if knowing how he can answer some questions I would say that he would have gained even more fans now he’s on the cusp of losing [Music] some I think D had a VTO golf on his bag never heard of him either I don’t know who they are but if they uh I’m sure they got a truckload of TV time so probably going to be covered up how you know’s working out Charlie mine are working out good even when i m hit him and I I’m still not you know this is my third round of the year and uh I’m to the point now I know where uh I know where I’m hitting them and and I know what I’ve done in my swing in order to make that happen and but the funny part is when I do hit them poorly I don’t lose distance I just lose lose I lose uh angular control meaning they don’t go here they go there that kind of thing uh my direction goes away but uh been hitting them pretty good the U the gap wedge is a wonderful tool actually the I’ve been hitting the six iron from the under the tree shots low shots up in the air shots they they’ve all been quite they’ve all been quite nice I’ve got to uh my all my gloves are turning red from the from the red on the grip uh but they that they’re staying right there very nicely done they are Manuel says he does not there we go Christ shot a 72 today all right yesterday we had a second Team Series event uh faran 40 I shot a 90 gross had a nightmare day t-shot was all over the place I felt I had to save on brother I am with you on that one uh I I had more par saves hitting that damn driver 60 yards into the stuff and then having to rescue it out and then chipping it on close and and I having to get so many one putts it wasn’t even funny I got to get back in a Groove I’m with you Glenn we saying that Matt saying uh they were customers for years and did a great job fitting and building ah okay there’s Dan hopes all living where loving the Cleveland tour raw wedges I’m glad you like them dude did they did they patina up on you already or is that a slow process I’ve not seen it and oh by the way Robin got told of a new wedge that’s coming out and uh from calway and uh I don’t have any I don’t have the first specification I don’t even know what it looks like alls I know is the name and you know what I don’t even remember the name Mrs McGolf got it and maybe she’ll publish it in here and it’s a new one so we’ll see what happens there 78 is gross for me ah okay very cool that’s good that’s a good round for the rest of us Christ I’ll be reaching out for nudge bills when those upcoming you know I’m glad you got an inside track here I am a dealer and I don’t know anything about it I wonder where are you getting that from 7 was on my horm course 90 was on a new course okay yesterday I used the brampton’s 30-minute epoxy 5 minute setup time the feral setup quick below the driver Cog and it’s not set all the way we found out a little bit we found oh if this epoxy works I hope so dude I really hope so that uh don’t have anybody standing in front of you I mean just don’t do it let’s see is this going to move on me nope not anymore thought I saw it move I’ve been pretty good today about that well good luck just don’t have anybody in the front of the Fairway with you Christ we have all kinds of rounds that are unfamiliar courses still hurts but it happens yes sir and I’m feeling it my Rex says thumbs up students imagine if brushing could hit a fairway no doubt right no doubt all right per meon said yes that makes sense Jim myON shafts are Elevate 95s 5.5 two flex and flimsy love the mini Burn yeah so chances are Lawrence that the iron heads are just fine the shafts are probably just ill- fitted and might be something a little bit more uh players likee they do they do Glenn I like them a lot they’re uh I had a dieh hard mauno fan in here and I he was just all about 245s and I agreed with him and then I turned around and I showed him these and uh I let him hit them he’s 70 years old and can still put a six iron out to was it he’s like 175 is I mean dude can swing he’s got he’s got game and I gave it to him he likes a little heavier because his his Tempo is quicker and he started hitting these things he’s like oh no I like well that’s my job man I gotta sell you an iron but he really liked them he could hit either one of them though I don’t blame Roy for all the disappearing he gave away the tney and is facing an existential crisis as a pro golfer Matt I think that’s just part and partial of the game man agreed I absolutely I’m actually yeah you hate you hate to see a guy you know it’s funny and the thing is with that Dan is that if it was say uh ludig edberg and he did that everybody be giving him a pass right because he’s he’s not he’s been in contention what hardly ever uh good great golfer nobody denies it but you just got to get in those situations uh if it would have been even one of those uh the amers that were out there playing go Ohio state that that guy won the low Amer uh and they would have given a given a pass Lori Rory Rory is a season professional he’s been in that situation albeit not for very not for a while now in a major Champion uh and probably just needs a little bit of time to process it what grip solvent do I use I use the the grip solvent from Golf Works Glenn it’s the uh it’s the stuff from uh Florida chemical Florida chemical has a uh and you could go to Florida chemical and buy it I don’t know how much it is but what you do is the they they sell you this this solvent and in some cases what they do in professional applications they take that one gallon and they’ll uh blend it down with water and turn into a cleaning solution for windows countertops that kind of stuff uh we leave it at full strength and they use it on grips smells good oh yeah I thought Bryson was going to run out of luck hitting into the junk but Roy missing those putts I didn’t think it would happen well I got to give you you know I got to give it up that that was it a 50- yard bunker shot I mean that’s not an easy shot and he he pulled one out of the junk hit into the sand trap but he got out head out of the sand trap got real close and then had the uh presence of mind to finish the putt so he deserves the win uh so good for him alrighty so we got down to the end guys a lot of guys uh hide current comment I’m not hiding current comments there we go we got down to the end guys a little bit early uh but which is a unique one hopefully you guys again hopefully you guys had a really good Father’s Day and I swear I’ll have a video out uh we got to finish some clubs here anyway so that that’s a good thing for us uh keep an eye out with the new Callaway wedges that are coming out uh that we’ll we’ll probably once they come out we’ll start talking more about those uh if nothing else oh I will say another thing uh from a a product perspective you know golf balls the golf balls this year have been a uh they’ve retooled a lot of them I will say Callaway’s retooling was a good thing they did very very well if you like the ls but you just thought it was a little harsh that the gold box the Chrome tour is a very very very very good alternative it feels wonderful and performs the same if you didn’t want to jump into it that big that Wilson Staff is also another big deal I would certainly recommend either one of those okay uh and then you go like that and Matt will be my last guy it just doesn’t it just it doesn’t just happen when you choke like that it plays tricks on you I think Royce conference is shattered yep but I’m sure he’ll come back he’s a consument professional I mean he’s got to figure it out alrighty so guys I appreciate it yet again thank you so very much we will be taking off just a little bit early today not by much again thank you so much from from around the world all over the place Australia Sweden across the pond over here in the United States Indiana Ohio is everywhere even Hawaii we we span the globe uh again keep an eye out like And subscribe and as always let’s see your scores go low


  1. one length is the way to go- up to a 7 iron and then standard after that. Also look at how many pros are using 7 and 9 woods in place of hybrids- and they have plus 115 mph club head speed. Dustin Johnson is way faster than that and he uses 7/9 woods

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