Golf Players

2024 PDGA Masters Disc Golf World Championships | MP40 R5B9 | Rovere, McCabe, Laikko, Faes

Welcome to the 2024 PDGA Masters Disc Golf World Championships in Emporia, Kansas, USA! This is a 5 round PDGA Major featuring over 900 professional and amateur players from around the world!

MP40 Division | Round 5
Course: Champions Landing

Lead Card:
Joe Rovere
Eric McCabe
Mika Laikko
Jeff Faes

Coverage filmed and produced by @GatekeeperMedia

Commentary: Nathan Johnson and Dan Brooks-Wells

[Music] welcome back to Emporia Kansas for the 2024 PDGA professional Masters dis Golf World Championships presented by Dynamic Discs thanks for tuning in this coverage is brought to you all by gatekeeper media I’m Nathan Johnson joined in the booth today by Dan Brooks Wells Dan how how are you doing I am doing fantastic thank you so much for asking our competitors must be doing fantastic we got a little bit of a cooler day cuz we started earlier in the morning and uh we do have a runaway Joe Riv but we do have a awesome battle here for some Podium finishes yeah Eric mccab 26 under we have Jeff FaZe and mik Leo sitting at 25 under and keep in mind there will be a cut to the final four players for the final nine holes so keep keep an eye on Scott Conway Brandon cawthorne and kale Lisa looking to make a late push so here we are at hold 10 this is a par 4 585 ft got to get out this Gap and end up on the left side somewhere once you do that you have to contend with a few of these trees to get yourself up and into this green there is Obi on the left side as well no Joe Rivier going to be kicking things off sitting on an 11 stroke lead just looking to hit this Gap looks good out of the hand but catches a tree late in the flight doesn’t quite make it out y they just have to play for par from there not a problem Ma with the hot score so far five down through nine holes let’s see if he can keep that going that is going to be a good way to do it puts that in the perfect spot he should have a pretty open Heiser into the Green from [Applause] there and Jeff here he’ll try to do the same right down the middle just missing that y tree and getting a nice flare skip as well looking at the same Gap as M that puts him in a nice spot Eric mccab struggled on the front nine was throwing pretty well off the te just the up shots and putting were not where he would like them to be this looks like a good line out of the hand and is going to end up in a very similar spot as well three great drives we’ll see where Joe ended up H he’s in a great spot what is he complaining about I don’t know I I I couldn’t ask for a better spot right here yeah pretty much just a wide open shot into the green leaks a little left we’ll see if it hangs on and it does nothing to worry about nothing like not liking two shots and having a 25t look for birdie those are my favorite so actually ma a little more left than he might like to be has to go with the outside turnover line over the OB oh wow that’s a yeah he heard it on the safer side he did that’s the first time we’ve seen someone take that left side we saw feldberg and we saw mccab take this middle Gap like through the skinny gap on through the trees um M does not have to do that this time but he does pump it a little deep it seems yeah going to be right around Circle Edge long coming back to the basket f is in a similar spot coming up a little short not I mean pretty short considering how far away his shot was M here just a bit high and everyone’s kind of got some tester putts to make here for their bird cave is going to be up first looking at about a 40f footer low right catches some chains but does not stick oh and it rolls away oh my goodness adding insult to injury just can’t quite catch a break this round and another little roll away Jeff just leaving it a bit short little uphill there ah this is the Miss we’ve seen from aave lately it’s just this low shot into into the Rim Yeah just didn’t have the commitment Joe Riv sneaks one in right low right does stick though so a birdie and the only Birdie on the card just going to grow his lead even more Jeff is looking up to the golf Gods saying just let just let the wind calm down for 5 Seconds come on of course it picks up as he does that no problem though he’s able to tap in his par on a little bit of a par train hopefully we can see him get some birdies here in the future worth I I’ve heard this before I don’t know if it’s true but I’ve heard heard the flags on these courses are like nautical grade so like if they they’re like heavier than normal Flags so if you see them move they that’s how you know it’s it’s windy it’s it’s definitely blown that’s actually a really really cool feature uh we are on to hall 11 this is a par 3 395 ft OB on the right side past those uh mining trees uh you really just need to pump one up here and uh you know I got to tell you re has owned this hole so far yeah he’s been about 12T combined distance in the first two rounds this is looking just caught something there yeah yeah I think he got it out a little wider on the last two attempts it’s a really it’s a really hard shot to pull off which is why it was so impressive yeah 395 uphill the whole way with a low ceiling and very tight left to right this is a pretty common result just throwing something that bails out left and taking your circle two putt from over there oh he knew it out of his hand he just a pull shouldn’t be a problem for him to get up and down but yeah just just bad yeah just a Mis relase happens to the best of us a this is looking like a good angle if it gets back to Heiser little bit of ground play little Chip Shot forehand Jeff likes to go to this for those open field shots as a lot of people do I believe that’s an entropy well Throne going to save his par couple outside looks coming up yeah there’s nothing much you can do I mean you can kind of you know these are in that zone where like you you know you want to run it but you might not necessarily expect to make any of these it’s just kind of a bonus make yep o for three from the card from that there’s that nautical look at that nautical flag going oh my goodness and if you don’t believe us look at the trees in the background like those branches are dancing all over the place this must just be like a wind tunnel coming up and over the hill yeah pretty wild just two birdies on the day I think that’s worth a shout out for tall Paul Omen and Travis Powell picking up the two on whole 11 full 12 par three 44 feet I hit this tight Gap up the center here and kind of fall into this green I wouldn’t say it’s that tight I lied got to you got to just throw it straight and let it fall fall out of the sky really the danger is kind of letting it go a little too deep and left OB this is looking perfect from Joe Rivier pending the ground play and uh yeah Taps the Koozie to put him at 7 feet for a drop in birdie pretty good pretty good seen Leo kind of cool off the past couple holes after that nice hot start 5 down through seven see if he can get back on track here if this finds some late stability that was some nice ground play there kind of worked out in his favor that’ll do right there himself with a 25 foot look and face as well not not really doing much right now he needs to start picking it up just a bit here and that’s just left a little deep probably circle’s Edge Look for him cave currently sitting at two over and a three-way tie with these guys for second that was a very fortunate tree kick that was heading straight out of bounds yeah so he’ll have a short up shot to save the par or maybe throw it in almost you got to think he might be trying there’s a there’s a chance Jeff is sitting around 35t or maybe closer than that 30f footer we’ll call it for the comeback birdie and he knocks it down there a good strike right there weo probably 5 to 10 feet in front of him maybe 5T in front of him very nice and he will stay tied with FaZe at 26 under yeah I think the first time these guys have passed M on the leaderboard in quite some time so got a a new pair of players currently in second place as we look at the leaderboard keeping an eye again on that fourth play Spot Eric MCC with a three stroke cushion over those three guys we mentioned in the intro we’re through 54 holes it is going to be an exciting Championship Sunday avalina with what might have been the single best Drive in the division evina has been so good at throwing those direct lines 2024 pdj Champions Cup presented by Bushell winner Emina Sal visit quirky today we have over 100 Fun unique disc golf tees along with Hats stickers metal wall art and much more use code PDGA 20 for 20% off coming over here to Hole 13 this is a par 4 397 ft you can take the left side nobody really does what you want to do is go up this Center Gap and make sure you clear this Zone this is a hazard Zone and there is OB off to the right once you clear the hazard Zone it’s an easy pitch up to get your birdie or as we’ve seen R do the first two rounds that we played here get a little Eagle I would be quite impressed if he could go three for three on this hole looks a bit higher than he’s thrown in the past so that’s going to leak out l left I think that’s the same tree he threw in from in the first round yeah I think it is I think I think he has to go for it he just has to it would be too cool to not at least give it a chance this one is pulled from Leo does it hang on oh yeah I got through just got in front of the hazard flag as well yeah those those Hazard flags are pretty generous I would say probably only in that 330 range to clear so all these guys not too worried about it as long as you hit the Gap it’s still you know it’s still uphill if you don’t you know for whatever reason you accidentally lay off you can kind of find it but I’d probably agree with you that seems like a common tree to find once you get up over there yeah although it is getting a little bit windier now as the round kind of goes on and we move into the early or later morning per se this is a nice shot from a cave over by that same tree we find as a very common collection Zone somebody give this a good run oh not bad not bad I give I’ll give that a seven out of 10 all right that’s that’s that’s pretty good score it had the height at least from that angle not not terrible all right what do you got Joe can he go three for three okay that’s and that’s a one out of 10 Joe I mean come on we got to give it a chance dude got you got you got 13 Strokes to work with come on do it for the fans Joe you’re killing us though gosh well that’s why he is where he is and we are where we are so yeah about that D all right Eric is our last hope give it a chance not a bad bid what what do you give that one I’ll give that one A 5.6 out of 10 all right it had it looked like he wanted to just kind of leaked out a little bit you know maybe a little wind kind of messing with it but a good yeah we we will have a star frame here pretty easy star frame if I’m being honest yep one Eagle Daniel pulk with the two on whole 13 nicely done only one in the field on this semi-final round right here at 14 this is a par 4 858 feet OB on the left OB on the right got a good deal of space to work with here trying to land somewhere in here and then having your upshot he’ll pass this large tree and get into this pin now the danger here is letting something obviously hitting early but also letting something leak to the left and like skipping OB but Joe does not allow that to happen and this will be center cut yep well thrown good angle control there Leo now does hit the Gap if this comes out at the end it is going to be in a really nice spot able to bite off a good chunk of distance too yeah he gets he gets a full flight out of that and he is up on the hill a little bit more than if you go down into the left so I’m curious to see what kind of look he has from over there testing the ceiling phase is a bit overturned catches that mushroom looking tree over there on the right side that is a dense tree nothing’s getting through that yeah I think the wind’s starting to affect some of these shots yeah maab there kind of did that I believe he did that the same thing last round just short and low and he really lets this one air out ah wanted to see that one finished that was smoked it were yeah it was it seemed like that tree dropped him behind it too so we’ll have to see what kind of lie he’s left with I assume fa is wanting to take this right side I wonder if he is close enough to be able to actually try and get a putt out of it n he was just too far back he ends up right next to the cave yeah both hanging out under that tree this is such a good angle wow that just it’s inevitable that tree is just it’s a magnet it just every disc hits it and and mik likeo just staring right at it come on M be the one we go four for or is he the chosen one to to beat the tree nope Tess no ma ding ding ding winner oh man every single player hitting this one tree in the Fairway that’s got to be pretty freaking rare it’s so funny especially on a course like this like so so open so few trees to to work around for everybody to hit the same exact one is pretty funny yeah now I mean look at what they’re left with I mean everyone’s going to a knee crouching down doing everything they can yeah it’s tough low sealing upshot now into this green so far nobody’s been able to to stick it close maybe mcabe can be the one got got to have a chosen one just like you said it’s tough to get all the power you need from an KN M that was a mean roll yeah rever is like you guys should have thrown in front of it like me right here to the side of it yeah just has a nice little step out pitch up as Eric takes a a nap on the ground over there oh man we’ve all been there niy from Joe o not bad bid from where he was Jeff here what would you say this is 50 oh so that was looking good it really was cut down in its prime by that Branch yeah Leo is outside the circle too from about 38 ft just a little high yeah he’s he’s had a lot of those today and he’s he’s connected with a few of them that one just leaking a little bit little bit High left with 20 ft for the comebacker still bogey free on the day too so this is a good par oh oh no that is going to be his first bogey remember the tree yep the tree I can never how could I forget so be are going to pick up yet another stroke on the card growing the lead to 14 Strokes man wow and these guys still battling for those Podium spots and we are heading over here to hole 15 this is a par 3 439 fet you’re teeing off from OB this plays like an island OB left OB right it’ll be long it’ll be short uh but you’re really just trying to swing something in here very similar shape to Ho four on the front nine just a big spike Heiser I would say it’s like the exact almost the exact same shot I think most of these guys are throwing the same disc I know Joe’s been thr on that I would assume it’s a destroyer a lot on these courses P now this looks like it has good width see if it can check up looks like it’s going a little deep just deep enough and that will be what looks like a tap in 15 ft yeah 15 ft or so if the wind stays down I’d call that a tap in to to grab the bounce back birdie little inside from FaZe catches the tree about 100 of the basket maab trying to do the same thing as ma definitely gets the width that he would like see if he can get the skip in beautiful wow and the Koozie has the back stop can’t get much closer than that watch your head emac R will be up first with his birdie putt from about 20 feet or so mhm oh just over take that thank you very much River has found his stroke here on the back nine he’s three for the last four as we would expect of him coming coming back here maybe a little bit longer than what I originally thought but not a problem it’s good bounce back birdie get him back to seven under I think that will officially put him in second place in a backyard Kingdom not so different from your [Music] own a prince of Southern royalty was born of the pl stick Stone and we are over here at ho 16 Par 3 320 ft the famous island hole got to get past this hole to score well here we have seen guys hit you know this this this uh this island kind of pushes back a bit and we’ve seen people hit the back wall and just kind of laying up so let’s see if we can get some a little bit closer closer today and give give some of these puts some runs if you’re up first trying to find his grip this one is leaking a bit left will it hang on didn’t didn’t catch what he said but was able to stay in bounds after hitting the wall see if Miko can do this same he did go OB I believe last round does seem to make the correction this time there we go thank you and that is a dangerous putt let’s see if he decides to run it today y that that’s scary Uber death putt 30-footer this is wide from the cave as well and it catches the bran I think the wind kind of got a hold of that one and held it out there a little bit bit longer than what he anticipated FaZe looks like he’s lining up a little bit more of a direct approach yeah this looks great go in why not oh buzzing the tower H so hard to park this one uh m is content with laying up looks like he’s got a little wind that is back there I know the nautical flag is not blowing but that does not mean there’s no wind this is true I love saying that nautical I don’t know you’re referencing it way too much now it’s like if I if I just made that up then I just look like an idiot Dan well that’s what I’m going to call it for the rest of my life so it is what it is now is Joe running this no know come on he want to he really wanted to oh I don’t blame him for laying that way one up that’s a that’s a two-stroke swing kind of putt so not I still I still wanted to see it I mean it would have been baller if he makes it that’s true there’s a good put by FaZe taking taking the lone Birdie on this one ma smartly laying up taking his par and I believe a cave laid up for his bogey here and we are back to tide for that second place ho 17 par 4 645 ft OB lining this left side OB lining the right side trying to get it up and over this hill if you can leak a little bit to the right uh you can kind of cut the corner and Pitch over this OB into this green [Music] the hole plays so this is an interesting t- shot because it plays slightly uphill but then it becomes a low ceiling once you get to these branches so it’s it’s still technically somewhat of a tight window this one comes out a bit high from phas honestly not a bad thing to hit those branches cuz that could have easily leaked left out of bounds you want to hug those right side trees as much as possible to leave yourself with a short upshot kind of like this yeah this just keeps floating right a little bit gets a skit might have some trees and some like some you know depending on where you land there’s some low limbs you got to contend with make the shot a little bit tricky yeah I’ll definitely have a low ceiling but still a good t- shot either way Leo now this is overturned and does not come back in time yeah does find that OB that’s the first we’ve seen of that so far the good thing is he gets to take it where he went out and he’ll have an opportunity to save his par theave just a little low out of his hand and uh it’ll be a tough up shot from there curious if he’ll just kind of lay up what what what FaZe is about to do here yeah we haven’t really seen anybody on our uh filmed cards on this whole have to make this decision but if you come up too short on your t-shot the way the hole plays with the severe dog leg right and the OB area you sometimes have to make a decision we saw FaZe opt to layup but we’re seeing mcabe here go for the aggressive play and try to reach the green into yeah I like it and that is a great attempt right there inside the circle for his bird after a not so great Drive kind of a weird Limb Tree for Joe to deal with here you’re going to have to go a little wider than I’m sure he would like but this is swinging back nicely yeah a little back door right there that was fantastic yeah well thrown gives him about a 20 footer and pretty generous spot for you can see Leo’s disc up there I think um yeah like I said a bit of a generous spot leaves him with a pretty wide open upshot into the green and he uh takes advantage throws it well yeah very nice some sometimes you can’t tell where it went out uh benefit goes to the player just make your best guess I’m sure that was was fine Jeff here well played to get up and down uh try and get up and down for his par okay to the knee able to make that one that’s a big putt there it’s worth mentioning at this point the cape kind of sitting in that fourth place spot kale Laisa is hovering right around that 25 under Mark as well so that was a big birdie for emac to keep himself in this top four a good par save by Ma and Jeff will try to do the same here and gets it done R will be stepping up for his birdie putt he does lengthen his lead by another stroke we’ll take a little walk over to Hole 18 and at whole 18 par 4 575 ft OB lining the left side trying to land somewhere in here and pitching over the water onto this island green little bit of an elevated basket just for that little extra added bit of difficulty really good finishing hole got to throw two good shots to make sure you get that bird this is looking very well thrown from Riv puts himself right in the middle of the Fairway we’ll probably have a nice easy whatever he wants uh not easy still stressful cuz you got to hit the island green but yeah very manageable we’ll say shot from there looks like a slowed speed disc out of macave just looking to throw it straight that’s exactly what he does probably just how he drew it up yeah I think these guys are starting to have this get this whole figured out no reason we saw some folks mess with those right side trees but these guys realizing just a nice straight mid-range shot nothing too crazy to bite off here three well thrown drives so far we see if M can do the same same this looks good yeah that’ll do yeah I mean it’s not it’s not the longest hole in the world but definitely the farther you get it the easier this up shot becomes not that this is ever easy just got to trust your distance control pick a nice overstable disc and uh throw it like that pretty good nicely done from phase the cab needs to stick this one to keep himself in the top four and he does just that very nice this needs to swing back to the left and it does just that all these guys are on the dance floor so far Joe here just making sure he clears the water yep that is the Smart play see if he decides to run this putt for the star frame and I think he wants to knocks it down I think that’s a little too close to layup maybe for the win you know after the final nine but at this point why not why not get take another stroke and get to 43 underpar after five rounds yeah some fantastic play from Joe likeo for his birdie as well connects that will at 8 down yeah great round made up a ton of Strokes on his card mates given him a great chance to finish with a second place maccabe a big putt there to keep him on our lead card and playing nine nine more holes later this afternoon and a nice starf frame from the guys to finish out we got nine more holes left to go only these top four guys are left we definitely have a little bit of a blowout right now from Riv but we do have a awesome battle between macab FaZe and Micah for that second and third finish yeah so make sure to tune in for that final nine holes good effort from kale Laisa and Brandon cawthorne making a push there and everyone else in this top 10 but we will only see four more competitors for the final nine holes of this year’s MP 40 Masters World Championships we’ll see you then he


  1. Shout out to Jeff Faes for Representing Northern CA like a true Champion! Jeff's been tearing up the local scene around here for years. He's also the nicest, most humble guy on the course no joke! It's good to see him succeed at such a high level of play, against the best in the country. Much love, mad respect Brother…✊

  2. Is Round 5 for FP4O not available, or the Finals 9 for both FP40 and MP40? They were being uploaded every day but haven't seen anything for 2 days for FP40

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