This Chipping TECHNIQUE is SO EASY you’ll be SHOCKED

PGA Top 50 coach, shows you a simple trick that will turn you into a chipping machine! Go from fatting and thinning your chip shots to using the Unbelievably Simple Swing Discovery that Nobody Tells You About Chipping Onto The Green. All my clients who are mid handicap golfers, low handicap golfers and average golfers, say that this is proven to work for anyone and that you are making a mistake if you do NOT use this simple golf swing chipping method as its a simple swing discovery!

Whether you are beginner golfer, senior golfer, mid handicap golfer, amateur golfer or professional golfer this simple golf video is a must watch.

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this has to be every golfer’s worst nightmare like literally the worst nightmare so worried about blading it across thegreen in a scenario like this we sort of just then fluff it in front of us it is literally the worst nightmare there’s only two things you need to be aware of now I also realized with chipping there’s loads of different like nuances and what I mean by that is like risty little shots flop shots but let’s make it simple let’s just give you a go-to shot that you can trust in scenarios just like this the first thing to be aware of is how this club sits on the ground okay it’s really important with how the club actually interacts with the turf so we never want to see the club sort of in that scenario right here and that looks very much like that because that is a dff waiting to happen and the reason is really quite simple when the club is set up like this it wants to bury itself into the ground like look at deep the divot wants to go and of course don’t get me wrong right you could hit a really good shot but you’re less likely to because you’ve got to be so so precise we want the club to work a little more like this now I know it looks a little open but I just need you to go from here to somewhere like this just somewhere there because now look with the exact same intention how the club Glides through that sand and digs far less I mean look at the depth of that divot compared to this so you can imagine you don’t have to be absolutely perfect in order to hit a decent chip right you don’t have to be perfect so that setup point the face slightly open somewhere like this my hands on the golf ball and my weight a little bit left we are Dawn and dusted there with that in terms of the first point and the first thing to be aware of they’re quick that moved so so much wowers let’s just collect this golf ball and I think it’s a good time just to remind you that this channel is powered by you the viewers So today we’re answering all these questions here about chipping which I’m so happy to be helping so many of you so thank you so much for the support but I want to help you too so if you haven’t already subscribe turn the bell and be quick right I could help you literally next week if you put what you need help with Down Below in the comments okay let’s grab this ball the final point of this video and let’s just go in this scenario right here it’s about regulating distance is point number two and people never think about this but if I hit this shot right here I’m got a position get in oh I’ve got a position in my mind of how far I’ve got to take the club back to have momentum momentum not here and try and brush through cuz this it’s game over let me explain a little further and what I mean by this is simply okay we want to take the club back and a feeling that the club drops on the ball it’s a bit like pulling an elastic band back if I want to flick it further I pull it back more it’s also key to allow the club to drop on the ball the further you swing back the more downwards yes the more downwards it is on the golf ball the easier it is to get a slight descending blow and that ball then bruising Turf contact if I try and regulate that distance all from a short backstroke and all on my through stroke well my momentum is always usually then very upwards now look at this closely right if my momentum’s always upwards and controlling my distance on the way through could you sort of see where I could catch the ball halfway and that leads to that bladed shot across the green whereas if I take the club a little more up and go the same through this is where I start to get that strike downwards downwards not this way not this way that is so bad and for me and a lot of my students it really just makes sense however far back I go is how far through I go I feel as though I have momentum to get that club to drop on the go ball I’m not trying to hit up this would be for any wedge any standard chip like this allow the momentum of the club to drop on the ball this is so key so how far back you go is how far through you go and it just makes it so simple can you just see how having two simple thoughts in the right area is all you need to fix your chipping this summer thanks so much for watching and don’t forget to subscribe and also don’t forget to get your question in so I can help you


  1. The level of intellectual rigor in this thread is unmatched. It's like having a front-row seat to a masterclass in critical thinking.😘

  2. Le niveau de nuance et de complexité de cette conversation est vraiment impressionnant. C'est comme éplucher les couches d'un oignon.😘

  3. Just getting back into golf after a shoulder injury, these videos have been such a help rebuilding my swing. My consistent issue seems to be hitting straight but a good 20-30 degrees to the left of where I’m set up and aiming. I’ve followed your advice on ball position and placement in my stance, so I’m thinking it’s more to do with not turning with the swing enough and actually connecting true to the ball just with an open angle. Any thoughts?

  4. Alex, I need your help. I keep chunking my irons and I don't know why. My weight is left, am not swaying, am following through on my shots. But every other shot is a chunk.

  5. Even more basic…clean that shit off your club face before chipping.
    Can’t believe an instructional video shows hitting a shot with dirt and sand still on the club face.

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