Golf Players

Travelers + US Open + LIV Nash | Almost too much content!

The boys recap a wild week at Pinehurst before turning their attention to two more majors – Travelers and LIV Nashville.

All content at

00:00 Intro
08:20 Bryson
17:40 Rory
27:50 Sandy zones of uncertainty
29:30 Pat and Tone
32:00 Pavs
34:00 Henley, Ludvig, Ship, Brooks
38:20 Scottie
40:30 Scottie vs Bryson
43:00 Travy keys
47:30 Scottie
49:00 Rory vs Xander
50:30 Collin and Ludvig
53:00 Vik
55:10 Cantlay, drift and Hideki
57:40 Burns
59:30 US Open form
01:01:10 Harman, JT, Theegs
01:03:30 Tone, Russ, Tommy lad
01:05:20 Sungjae
01:08:30 Guys in 50s
01:11:30 Random Euro of the Week
01:13:00 Viking Cup
01:15:20 Zal, Cam Davis
01:17:30 Longshots
01:21:20 Malnati and food poisoning
01:24:30 LIV Nashville
01:32:30 Pinehurst

[Music] all right Matt andon Jers we are back the US Open is behind us at Pinehurst and what a week it was we’ll get into all of that the highs and the lows I know a crushing uh loss for you on the outright front we’ve also got Liv Nashville this week the the highlight of the month maybe some people are saying and of course the actual biggest major in the month of June Travy a home game for us here the lone time that golf comes up to the Northeast uh most years I’m from the Pacific Northwest originally so we never had any golf uh so I’ll take one event a year even though I know a lot of people up here wish there was more but jur how you doing how’s it going I know you texted last night in the middle of the night you said you couldn’t sleep because of what took place with Rory maroy uh give us give us how you’re feeling on this Monday morning yeah I appreciate you not putting Rory in the thumbnail cuz he probably doesn’t deserve to be in the thumbnail but yeah just there how am I going to recap it it was we all saw what we saw I never seen anything like that outside of Sebastian Soderberg on a few days ago just an absurd few misses from Rory and absurd a few decision making from Rory and now we’re going to break down the that the US Open final round shortly and we’ll go through some of the poor decisions or mishaps from from everyone not just Rory but yeah definitely that one hurt the most I have probably a lot of my outright losses up there for sure but I mean that’s that’s luck I I got lucky this year Taylor pendrith was a lucky win you got to be lucky to win outright bets you got to get your guys in the mix and from there get lucky and uh shout out to Bryson welld deserving like he deserved it what he did short game was tremendous and surprised us both out of the bunkers out of the tight lies 10 no not even 10 10 25 out of 10 impressiveness from Bryson so congrats to the Bryson backers congrats to brush Jambo but another uh failed major for M yeah and we’ll get all get to all of that here in just a second it’s funny I think we were we drove around the the great state of North Carolina reasonable amount we had a lot of time to chitchat in the car and I think we were talking about how the luck had seemingly gone a little bit your way this week so or this this year so far so I do feel bad for you but not quite as bad because you’ve got me twice in the final round with at the PGA and uh pendrith over nap at Byron so I feel bad for you don’t feel as bad as I would if things hadn’t gone your way I feel good for our boy BK he needed something to he had a great week well well let’s do a quick hous keeping to get started we’ll also have a pod I think we’re recording it tonight with BK we’ll be on tap and birdie because we’re all going to Travy together uh this weekend if you are going to be up at trabby shoot us a DM shoot us a tweet we always like to as we always say we like to talk to balur we like to make new friends in the space if you’ll be up there uh let us know would love to uh hang out grab a drink and watch some golf uh like And subscribe on the Pod we really appreciate it helps the Pod out there in front of more people and thanks so much to everybody who uh subscribed to the site last week I think it was a really awesome uh week for for that and uh as always you know we try to give the best content that we possibly can I wish my picks had gone a little bit better we’ll talk through kind of our thoughts on the course how things went overall I think we were very much in the ballpark of how things were going to play obviously you made a great call on Roy so I hope people got some value of uh what we had up there on the site um and I will say this is a uh I don’t even know the right word for it a disclaimer just a reminder if you did sign up for weekly and you don’t want to keep subscribing to the site unsubscribe it’s a Weekly subscription it’s going to charge you uh on the day that you subscribed and it costs us a lot of money to uh basically pay back subscriptions with the fees and things like that so we don’t do any refunds for that type of stuff so this is a I guess warning for people to listen to the Pod who signed up and for whatever reason don’t the Travi Intel I would want the Travy Intel but if you don’t uh just make sure to unsubscribe so you don’t get charged the 10 bucks but again we really appreciate everybody who signed up I think for the most part uh the engagement in the Discord was really awesome and as as we’ve said before I think one of the coolest Parts about the Discord is we don’t even do a good chunk of the talking it’s people in there coming up with bets coming up with stuff and I know you had uh some non obviously up on the side of the outrights and things like that but you had some cool whole by ho bets that you nailed probably was that your biggest win of the week tell people about that yeah the the hole by hole definitely paid for for the the majority of the week I I mean from out there we were we were looking at the holes we noticed that a few holes hole four and hole 16 just visually looked insane and we talked about that on Monday of last week and uh FanDuel and DraftKings was offering props for like whole score which they do in Majors more than anything they do that in regular tour events um so they offered a whole four bogey or worse for about 50 golfers on Monday uh or sorry on Thursday and they were around from they were plus 180 to plus 300 and I was like this hole is going to play absurdly hard if 30% 40% of these bets hit I’m going to cash very highly I think 45% of the bets cashed from plus 180 to plus 300 and I made a very sizable return off just that one uh call I made so I just when we were driving to the hotel on Wednesday night I was depositing money into DraftKings I’m like I’m betting every single one of these whole by ho props for whole four and it uh they nerfed it after day after day one because they realized that the hole was hard and so pce to pce to be boots like we we knew more than the books on that hole like no one knew that information so uh definitely took advantage of that there yeah and I think the other small Vic for uh the site and the model in the boots was another great result for the model and I think what I should have done is just trusted the model and I this probably true for the last two majors and I think let’s just’s get into the into that now is Bryson was three in the model Rory was five in the model at the PGA I think Xander was two Bryson four Scotty obviously number one at the Masters so the model’s done really really well in the majors this year and we tend to make the model on Monday nights after we see the course for the first time and I think when we saw the course on Monday it was very clearly and we talked about this on the Pod that we did on Monday there was a clear distance bias like the fies were wide enough that hitting it long was going to be an advantage and then being able to come into those greens with a nineiron versus a six or seven iron was going to be key and that’s kind of how I made the model and that’s kind of what my thoughts were on Monday and that’s what a lot we talked that was kind of your initial lean for Rory right out of the gates was all of those things kind of together you add in the Bermuda Rory’s good on that I think it makes sense as we were there Tuesday and Wednesday I genuinely think the greens were firmer Tuesday and Wednesday than they were at any point the rest of the week and what started to happen was even with nine irons even with pitching wedges no one was being able to hit the greens on the Tuesdays and Wednesdays in the practice round and we saw these guys working on their short game almost exclusively I think they had to the green speeds were getting so fast that I think they had to choose between firm greens or fast greens because if they’re firm and fast like no one was going to be able to keep the ball on it’s going to just be ping pong back and forth I think they ended up going a little bit softer on the greens but keeping the speeds High which spun it back towards kind of how it looked on Monday where the bombers were able to keep the ball 30 feet versus the guys were missing the greens you start doing the math you hit a few more greens than everybody else in the field that works out we still saw a reasonable amount of guys make a ton of putt scramble Henley finish top 10 solely because of that but I think I would have been better off just sticking to what we saw on Monday than what we saw on Tuesday and Wednesday just because I don’t think they ever truly pushed it to the limits that we saw those practice rounds yeah if they pushed it to the limit it could have surely been a overpar winner but it’s still played basically how we envisioned it I was never going to I I never thought that they were going to just make it unscorable like they did at shinok in the past because I mean you I think it was perfect like what they did truly but yeah we you mentioned that and that was the reason I uh I bet Rory like that uh Apex height thing the uh distance off the te and Bryson obviously fits that narrative as well like he does everything that Rory does as well he just uh made a few more uh clutch moments and uh didn’t make as many unclutch mistakes as uh as Roy did so yeah they very they fit the same exact Bill what Bryson did like what Brayson did that we didn’t think he was going to do was Bunker play we thought if he was going to get in bunkers he was going to be [ __ ] and he’s mentioned in his career before how he doesn’t play the best in bunkers doesn’t feel incredible from bunkers and like he he did we were wrong I will hand up say we were wrong and I’m ha like I’m I’m not happy to be wrong but what he did was so so impressive because you know Bryson as the the bomber and the great putter but I I was so impressed by his tight lie chipping and his Bunker play I thought Bryson was going to putt everything off the green because he’s an exceptional lag putter he did not do that very much at all he was chipping and spinning the ball like I did I’ve never seen brush and to Shambo do truthfully like in his whole career he’s never never been that guy so he’s just just just shows how talented and skilled he is of of a golfer and I’ve been a Bryson guy for a long time I I it sucks that I’m not on him I’ve been on a lot of his other wins but and and and what happened with Rory obviously makes it 10 times worse but I’m not mad losing any BR Bron yeah and I think you nailed it for me and we talked about it like Bryson was a guy who coming into the week we didn’t like but then Monday Tuesday Wednesday I was talking to you a lot about Bryson being a guy that I might want to bet like we spoke about it a reasonable amount just because it did make the way he was driving it was really good we saw him a few times not a ton we didn’t see him that much but the driver was amazing but to your point we didn’t think this was a course where you could exclusively win with off the te and when you look at Bryson stats yeah he drove it really well he was first in driving distance but he still only gained 4.4 off of the te that’s not going to win you any tournament that’s going to give you a great head start but you’re going to have to do things elsewhere he has struggled with his short game on tittie courses we just saw it at Augusta that’s what took him out of the mix after a great opening round at the Masters like he couldn’t he had those flub chips off the tight lies he has struggled historically out of bunkers and out of tight lies and he hasn’t been that great on Bermuda either so those were kind of the things you put together and you’re gonna have to scramble at this course that was enough to get me off of Bryson and that’s why what he did was so impressive like you can just point to getting up and down from behind the green on eight twice as what won him the tournament because that up and down they talked about it a lot on TV they gave it the respect that it deres bones was like this is incredible I’ve never seen anything like this and it’s because that green is insane like we stood there we watched guys get rejected repeatedly it’s if you stand behind the Green from where you’re going to chip the green is twice as tall as you if not higher than that like way higher and then the pin was that’s the only one that that’s the only one that I think TV you can actually see that it’s like slopey and the triple what you see on yeah that’s the only one that you could really say and both times he missed long to a back pin when the pin was maybe Five Paces off the back like he made par on both of those he had to make 15 foot putts but even giving yourself a 15 foot putt there is impressive he could have made double A lot of people made double bogey from back there so that’s a four shot swing in my opinion the way he got up and down on eight obviously he wins by one so that’s crucial but I was stunned and then it comes down to 18 the bunker shoty hit was amazing obviously but his short game won him the tournament and if you had told me that Bryson Des Shambo was going to win any tournament because of his short game I would have never believed you like it wasn’t his amazing driving that won him this tournament it helped him a lot it gave him a head start but Bryson winning with his short game is incredible to me especially with what we just saw at Augusta only two months ago and now for me that almost changes my perspective on Bryson entirely for the rest of his career because if he can get up and down if he can scramble like this he’s starting on second base maybe third base on every course he plays with his driving it’s it was not what I expected and it really changed my perspective on him almost entirely truthfully I think it’s more I think it’s more impressive that Bryson getting up and down on eight 10 and 18 from the positions that he was in then Rory missing those two putts those were truthfully I would say Rory would miss those two putts more often than you get those three shots up and down give the magnitude of the situation and I I I’m not even kidding you those up and downs are jokes he do no one is doing that three times in a row uh number eight we just talked about it behind the green it’s three times his height to a Downs sloping green impossible and I tweeted out going over the green on eight is going to dictate this tournament For Better or For Worse It ultimately was a factor in that 10 on the left side to a left pin over a bunker on the corner had to land it in a three yard radius to get it to within 15 feet that was probably one of the easier ones then 18 we all know what he did on 18 55 Yard bunker shot truthfully uh 1% 1% what he did getting those all three of those up and down yeah legitimately incredible like it was so it’s just not what I think of Bryson like I don’t he yeah he’s fine around the greens and he’s always been an solid putter but not necessarily on Bermuda as much if you had told me that Bryson was going to gain eight shots between with his short game then I think everybody in the world would have nuked Bryson because again like I said he gets the head start off the te the approach play was fine it’s not amazing he I think his Advantage 17 was a great example he played 17 very well uh he made Birdie on it on Saturday he made an easy par almost birdie in the final round like people talk about his irons because he when his nine iron is like the loft of a seven iron or something like that and people always get up in arms they’re like oh oppos yes yeah like he and they’re saying how when he hits nine iron like it should it shouldn’t count as an N iron because of the Lofts and it’s like it’s clearly an advantage for him he hits it so much higher than everybody else does with his irons and I don’t care what the lops are like the way he designs his clubs whatever it is for him his iron play especially versus Rory like it’s really really good it’s not amazing he’s not throwing darts very often but on the longer holes when he needs to hit a 200 yard shot or whatever he hits it to 15 20 feet so consistently and the ball flights incredibly consistent like Rory was flaring things his ball flight never looked great out there Bryson it’s his strength it’s I don’t know how he swings so hard yet the ball goes straight every single time with the irons it doesn’t really make sense to be honest with you like even the short game his his his angles on his chips don’t it doesn’t look right I think it has something to do with his clubs the way he designs them it’s weird I got to be honest yeah I was going to say that and you can just say like oh why doesn’t Rory why doesn’t Brooks why doesn’t anyone just use like these types of Lofts to get a higher clubs they can’t it’s because Bryson it’s it’s a combination of his swing speed and his angle of attack to replicate the RPMs on the ball to get it to spin an apex at a certain height so it’s not just like anyone could pick up these clubs and like have that same Advantage it’s not it’s science it’s he’s not crazy every he’s been doing it for a reason for so long and it’s has been a story for so long but that’s why he can do it and other guys can’t it’s clearly an advantage like I talked about how important Apex height was because just over 72 holes you’re going to hold x amount more greens than the field um Bryson did that I guess aot more than Rory I mean 15 is a great great example of it but at the end of the day that was just a Strokes G caddy decision which I want to get into at some point and uh yeah again proper winner yeah his ability I think also in these clutch moments where it’s important we saw it at the back n of the PJ cuz he played really good in the final round obviously the PJ he he didn’t play his best uh yesterday but he played solidly enough obviously to win his ability to just go full bore on every swing and still get the ball flight the driver wasn’t as accurate yesterday maybe it was because you had to switch out the head was worse in the field I think yeah he couldn’t hit the Fairway but his ability to go full bore at irons even short irons and not have them go offline is a huge Advantage because when you get under pressure just being able to swing out of your shoes kind of takes some of the pressure off of you ver flight things I think we saw that a lot with Rory where he was kind of in between those change up shots obviously aren’t his cup of tea but yeah Bryson more than a deserving winner he’s been great in the majors this year I think a few weeks ago we talked about the US Open we didn’t think it made sense for Bryson because of the short game I think once we got there we started to see more of a path but I still didn’t necessarily trust him uh around the greens or with the putter on Bermuda both recks are you mad are you mad that you’re not that you weren’t on him no like like I said we I talked about him a fair amount I I took Brooks at the top of the board but if I was going to take another player at the top of the board it would have been Bryson like we talked about that there you even asked me on Wednesday like why aren’t you betting Bryson because I had talked re each time we were walking around I was like this this makes sense for Bryson I didn’t trust the short game and like that was my belief and so I can’t really have regrets you know and it was something that like I took a stand on and he simply greatly outperformed the short game aspect than I thought he was going to so I can live with that he puted great he was clutch all the things you need to do to win US Open picks up his second US Open win we gave him 10 minutes I think that’s fair enough because what people want to know is about Roy maroy and what took place for him out there I’ve been on the record going into all majors for a long time now that I don’t think he ever wins another major but on the 13th hole Matt I thought it was going to happen I was I basically thought it was his it wasn’t his you want to talk about 15 to start with because obviously what everybody’s going to remember is those putts on 16 and 18 the short misses but with that said he still gained 2.2 putting in the final round so you can’t you can blame his putter but he also wouldn’t have even been in that position if he didn’t make a lot of long putts leading up to that point yeah I’m notame his putter yeah goes up by two on 13 didn’t play 14 cleanly missed left missed left but got it up and down pretty routinely then gets to 15 and goes long there which is basically guaranteed bogy we talked about Strokes gain CAD we talked about Strokes gain preparation we saw po preparation from Rory when we were there he looked unfocused kind of just out there for fun maybe not taking the same level of focus and caddy like prep that we were seeing from other players you were on him you saw the results I think you want to point some fingers the stage is yours yeah um first off I’m not going to blame his putter second second off I I we talked about shk caddy so much during the week and it was a massive point of our handicapping and I knew that going into the the event that Rory caddy is has Maybe not maybe lost him a few tournaments in the last five years for sure but everything else for his golf game I I loved and I mean no one was going to be perfect going into this event so got to make choices and Rory wasn’t perfect in that department with The Strokes and caddy but I’m gonna start with five whole five he obviously is a par five that he didn’t play well this week in the middle of the Fairway you saw him hit a what people were calling a perfect shot to the middle of the graen um we were there we saw that hole so many times that has to be discussed I mean I’m sure it was discussed but if you’re Harry I don’t know how you H you have to say Rory this cannot be missed short if this is short this is going to get rejected left and I know he got a bad break going into the uh the the footprint where Klay was in the bunker they both ended up making par and and six but even if it did go into the bunker that’s such a hard up and down if you’re Harry you have to say Rory if you’re going for this green and two you this has to fly to the middle of the green and go over the back and much easier up and down or you have to bail out right this cannot miss yeah basically if you drew a line up the middle of the green and then like halfway horizontally there’s like a triangle basically like this where if you ended up on the left side it was never going to get up there yeah so left is was 110% Dead all week throwing a left pin left pin that makes it 250% dead just take it out completely if Rory would have hit a a a pitching wedge to lay up that I would have loved that more than because I I knew as soon as he hit it the shot has to be so perfect or out to the right to even have I was like he’s not gonna have a great look for Eagle he too like he was lean go yes so okay it looked great on TV and then he ended up making six horrible decision that’s one for the sh and caddy and then on 15 it looked like Rory probably by himself decided to hit a flighted down seven iron looked like he was trying to land it in that Bank to like kind of what Pavone did to have it like pop up and have like would have been the perfect fancy shot to 15 feet for birdie time in place Rory time in place is that what we’re trying to do we trying to hit a flight a shot you got adrenaline so if you fly that bank a little bit that’s Landing in the middle of the green that has never one standing Club down he hit a seven iron why not hit the hard a iron put it to 30 feet you chut you make it easy par and I mean his his uh chip on 15 was truthfully tremendous puted the wedge a little bit got it to curve back he had like a 20 foot putt for 30 foot putt for par which is like the best possible outcome obviously he didn’t make it but what’s what is that decision right there why are we hitting a flighted down seven iron because I don’t think he hit it thin I look like he tried to flight it down to land it in front of the bank that’s my thought why truthfully why so those are two decisions that costed him it’s a three shot swing and I truthfully you can say those two Miss putts like he he makes those putts 99 times out of 100 it’s golf [ __ ] happens but that’s like it happens I’m talking about the actual decision- making that you have control over he didn’t have to he didn’t have to go for that green and two and if you were GNA have to go for that green and two go long he didn’t have to hit that flight a shot into 15 I the putts are whatever like it’s gravy he made some long putts in the tournament it is what it is I’m obviously mad but it is what it is the decision making is what I’m mad about he also I and I don’t this one I could see both sides of it but because he was driving it so accurately but he didn’t need to rip driver on 18 either you could have hit aad about that got it in the Fairway but he he had the left Miss in play basically as soon as he took the lead because he went left on 14 he went long on 15 but long and left kind of fall in the same bucket of just holding on to the club a little bit too much little too much adrenaline a thing that I think was highly noticeable between the two of them with it being largely I think it was pretty clear it was goingon to be Bryson versus Roy around like the 12 13th hole Klay was kind of hanging on fow was there Pavone was you know doing Pavone things but Bryson from day one was so into the crowd good or bad didn’t matter he showed you exactly how his emotions were feeling the whole time like every single shot emotion Rory was making some huge putts through the first 12 holes like insane I was that’s why I was like Rory’s actually gonna finally win like this is amazing like yeah he never makes these makes these putts his reaction was always so muted it was It was a fist pump like okay like here we go like the just the looking at the vibe difference between a guy who’s just embracing everything that’s happening just like living in the moment versus the clear tightness of a guy who’s who almost maybe himself is like I can’t believe the putts are finally actually going in for me like this is finally happening it was just such a stark difference in Vibe between the two of them over the last six holes of a guy just riding the wave good or bad because even when Bryson would miss he would like fall to his knees with devastation like he was giving you every bit of emotion and who knows you can’t go in their heads like what works better for which guys and whatnot but when you see them the two vast differences between the players down the stretch the guy who wins and the guy who loses I think there’s just something to be said about 10 years of history enroy is back down that stretch and him just feeling a little bit more that pressure than Bryson who is just like live or die I’m giving it everything I’ve got out here like this is the most important day of my life that to me outside of any of the decisions which I totally agree with and the putts was one of the things that jumped out the most to me just Vibes related yeah I agree and I forget who it was it might have been one of the broadcasters they said uh yeah I just saw Bryson in the Fairway he said I’m I’m going giving it everything I got and which yeah I mean unbelievable from Bryson I’m I’m happy for him got his second year open uh best major in a long time this was a fun watch I I mean I broke I fell to the floor on 18 after brory missed that slider I it it hurt me I can’t imagine how he’s feeling right now I know he had he won got cool 2.5 mil and has a great life but he’s he’s a competitive guy and that surely hurt I yeah tough tough scene I have a surprising declaration I now believe that Rory wins another major in his career I know it’s been 45 on the record saying he doesn’t win one but I think it’s going to be a US Open because this is now what five six us Ops in a row with a massive off the te Advantage if you can drive the ball long and straight at the US Open you literally are starting on somewhere between second and third base and we’ve now seen Rory with six straight top 10 finishes in the US Open like he’s really figured out how to play the US opens two straight years he barely does anything on approach and gets beat by one shot by bombers effectively like Wendy and Bryson his style of play the way he’s driving just sets up so good for these us opens he’s going to win one by accident like he almost won this one by accident he did basically all he made all the mistakes you could possibly make and still almost one I am canceling my he never wins another I saw a lot of people not changing their takes to say he never wins a major I’m gonna go the opposite way here and say that he builds upon this it’s going to hurt for a little bit but I think he’s smart he’ll look back and say the US Open is my opportunity now it’s not Augusta it’s not the PGA it’s not the open obviously wants Augusta and the open just fits him well because his history on the links I think I think the future is still bright enough even in this dark moment happy to hear his driving was a joke this week it was like laughable to watch how good it was it was every hole too yeah he gained 7.2 off the T which was which which you said like he’s gonna get he can gain ad off to T so easily here you literally said that yeah so he almost the next closest guy was L who gained a 5 point2 so I mean it’s like a joke what he’s doing that’s such a head start that you can literally miss two three foot putts and still probably win the tournament if you don’t make the stupid mistakes that you talked about like yeah those putts I mean the one on 16 it’s like that was the worst you have to make that either a dead straight two and a half foot putt the one on 18 at least was a slider you could say that his chip to leave himself above the hole there was probably more of a mistake than the actual putt itself if he would have left himself The Bryson putt he probably makes it it still a good chip it was I mean it was a t- shot like that got him in in the mistake I’m not mad espe could have hit 82% of his Fairways to miss the Fairway on 18 in that moment not what you’re looking yeah I mean and then we talk that’s like one of the easier drives too we saw and he tried to hit a big high cut which is not a shot he really hit a lot he hit that big high fade and and the low cut a lot so I mean it was the right shot shape he just pulled it a little bit and he he got one of the one of the poor breaks in the in the pine straw that we didn’t really see so I think the Sandy zones of uncertainty played exactly how we expected the Sandy zon of uncertainty to play I would say 80% of the times guys got playable good enough shots still never better than the Fairway like you couldn’t you’re always going to be in better position in the Fairway but like you were fine most of the time for some reason like brandle and the announcers were like I cannot believe that it’s another good L again it’s like yeah it’s every time the balls hitting these hard clumps and plinking and ending up next to them and that happened a lot saw a few times guys got boned Bryson finally got boned on 12 and I had to go out sideways um there I hope like Pinehurst was so sick it’s great that they’re going to be going back there every 5 years let’s you’re the Botanical guy you were there you got to feel with your water bottles you might need to get boots on the ground maybe in a couple years and help them in the Sandy zones of uncertainty because I would like to see guys get mega boned a little bit more often when we come back in a few years yeah I’m excited that was unbelievable pin her I mean I saw a lot of people [ __ ] on pineur too non-ball knowers absolute non-ball knowers so I’m not even going to pay them the time of day CU they non-ball knowers uh unbelievable major I’m glad I had a a really really really unbelievable sweat I I’m happy with my Rory bet it was kind of a a hot take to pick Rory again not many guys were on him so happy I I went that route so but yeah I’m gonna take uh probably five more hours to recover and then then we’re then we’re on to Travelers actually no two minutes we’re on to Travelers soon yeah we’ll be on let’s we’ll be on travs in like 5 to 10 minutes let’s fly down the board quickly some other guys cuz it was there was a lot of interesting things I think that happened outside of the top two names uh big tone T3 shout out to Big tone he actually gained with the putter played good on Bermuda I think his ball striking has been great but I didn’t necessarily expect him to putt very well I don’t think he puted very well over the weekend but big tone continues to flush it big tone here’s a question because Klay was a guy who we saw looking suspect for the first two days he had looked suspect all year in practice rounds when we had seen him he never looked good he he did look a little bit better on Wednesday um he was hitting more Greens in it makes sense as it can’t like hor when it’s going to come down to short game and putting which is his area of expertise he tends to bring that every single week Tony and Pat finished T3 who do you think is more likely to win a major now in their career between tone and Pat Pat honestly I’ll say Pat you gonna say tone no I think I’m gonna say Pat honestly Pat could have been there he missed so many five foot butts like a lot he went from like he went from at the start of the round his iron play was really off like brandle was all over his iron play and then all of a sudden around like the sixth hole he started to stripe his irons and then he couldn’t make any of the putts but he was making every par putt it was one of those classic like that’s what happens to a guy who has no dog which Klay rarely has every now and then can’t has a lot of dog but most of the time he doesn’t especially in Majors the par putts were going in but then when he had the birdie putts that were going to bump him up into a tie for the leader right there of those would fall but I think you and I are some of the biggest Pat fans out there I know a lot of people don’t like him I I actually have to say one thing on that I saw a tweet from somebody with a reasonable following who was like the least that Pat could do is like acknowledge the crowd or tip his hat [ __ ] Klay on the ground is a top five player in acknowledging the crowd I promise you like what good does it do me to defend KL like I’m just telling you where to see when we’re there wouldn’t you agree that no one like he looks you in the eye he tips his cap he says than he’s not like pumping and going [ __ ] crazy but he acknowledges the crowd in a way that a lot of players don’t yeah like n nine players not nine probably six players out of 10 won’t say anything they’ll keep their head down and keep going Pat will always give you a nod Pat will Pat will show the respect good guy Pat like we all we love him he gets so much hate in solely because of his pace of play and it’s like we’ve had this conversation it’s not even the worst on tour he’s a slow player it is what it is it’s golf Pat is fine I love Pat just clip it shout out to pavs because pavs has been playing absolutely horrible lately 5001 he he’ been playing terrible like he had he was playing awful he had shot in the 70s at both I mean he shot a 77 at bhalla I could shoot 77 at balla like that’s an incredible score he lostra he lost 11 Strokes total at Valhalla and then he lost in two rounds then he lost four strokes in two rounds in Memorial then he finished is fifth at the US Open like and was there from the jump it wasn’t in the back door it was Thursday to Sunday and he was doing a little bit of everything he gained across the board obviously he puted really good the first couple rounds that’s what like got him up there but he pavs definitely isn’t the mayor of tempo Town Chris Kirk is the mayor of tempo town but pavs is on like the city council or he has a high position in Tempo town because he just hits that fade so consistently and his Tempo is so pure I love pavs and it was it was great same up there just he plays his game he knows he he knows he’s got that one shot why do anything that you know you can and yeah it it was working and it’s good to see him playing well he’s fun to watch he’s like he’s a funny guy with his sleeves and his caddy uh crazy that he was 500 to1 and Ryan Fox was 170 to one that was my take my thing to remember on pavs going forward first of all is watch out for him this week because when he won Farmers he almost won Pebble the very next week so when pavs gets the vi pavs is a Vibes guy you ride pavs when pavs is hot like I don’t see any reason why PS Camp mix again this week uh his win at the uh open DEA in October came after a T6 so like PS historically on the DP when PS is hot you ride PS so that’s a trabby note ride paps uh when it’s just straight holes when you don’t have to shape it that’s when PS is good because he can just hit his fade and hit it consistently tor’s a good example of that all the holes are kind of straightforward this just right in front of you pavs when it’s straight in front of you pavs on Bermuda pavs when need to make a lot of putts Mark it down uh remember it Dey did what he should do shout out Russell Henley I was on Henley simply because I thought he would make a ton of putts on Bermuda he led the field in putting if I think if thingss had he finished his t7 he played great in the final round he was coming there in the final round I think if it had played firmer throughout the week I would have felt better about that Henley but like he did what I wanted Henley to do which was gain 10 Strokes with a short game just couldn’t keep up with the ball striking uh let’s talk you make his odds at uh at Windom Henley’s uh minus 400 I was going to say assuming actually actually I have horel uh Glover and Henley all minus 200 and then everybody else is 200 to one so that I can get the right uh Vig in my in my market gotcha okay lvg uh I think we nailed our L viig takes that we were worried about the short game we were worried about the around the green play obviously the driving the ball striking is immense like that’s going to travel most places the putting is good when it was a little softer in the first two rounds life was was great for leig he was hitting every Green he was having an unbelievable ball striking performance as soon as it became a little bit more difficult to hit the greens that’s when it started to go wrong for ludvig a great performance but I never even when he had the lead going into the weekend thought he had any chance to win uh L Big’s first Us open at Pinehurst is a great thing for his career he’s going to get to the next US Open sit to be like what the hell what this is what we’re playing and they they asked him in his pre-tournament interviews what’s the hardest course You’ ever played and he said her when he was here for a US amateur a few years back so lv’s back played tremendously like what he did from T to Green on Thursday and Friday was like truly a joke like I know the fairways were wide and the greens were big but you don’t just hit 95% of Fairways and greens like first two rounds yeah any at any course like no any course like insane I was like Wow and then but even when he he was missing those those few Fairways and greens he was making those par putts on Friday I was like okay they like this isn’t going to hold for Saturday and Sunday it blew up in his face rather quickly uh on Saturday but like 24 year old in your first major point and shoot he looked confident out there looked like he was having a good time I I I always like love I’m really really happy to see him coming out the stage again in another major obviously the PJ wasn’t great like whenever you’re on L just like it’s just that’s the your worst guy he’s your worst guy for sure I have zero personal beef with leig like I truly respect his Vibe and his game like he is a cool guy like I have zero I like him like I like him as a person I just he [ __ ] me betting every time like if he had one i’ been so upset because I was just on him at Memorial he played pretty good but for him to be like out to this lead he always hits every Fairway when I don’t bet him he always misses every Fairway when I bet him so that’s why I dislike him but it’s nothing personal I like l i will stand by my take that he needs a good caddy sc’s not getting the job for him I believe scob is an overrated caddy we saw that on 13 what do we do in there that probably cost him the tournament Strokes gained cadd I’m not buying the scbn stock I said it on Monday that I was that I was on the fence about him and until otherwise I’m out and that’s my take and a lot of the times he was making the right choice too but 13 and also quick note on 13 uh Bryson not going for the green on Saturday and people like kind of [ __ ] on him 110% the right take cuz the way the numberers set up he was probably going to be a little short short of that green and if you’re in that dicey danger 40 to 50 yard Zone that’s staring at a bogy so and he ended up making a a birdie from from the from the bunker but he I just wanted to say he got a lot of [ __ ] for not going for the green on Saturday was the right call to not go for the green uh shout out Neil ship low am we didn’t Neil ship was on The Struggle Bus in the practice rounds like hard we thought he’ finished last place so shout out to Neil strok get dog for him uh I was on Brooks Brooks couldn’t make any putts Brooks puted terribly he uh gained a reasonable amount T to Green he was uh 13th T to Green I would have been happy if You’ have told me that he was putting good in the practice rounds he had that egregious uh for putt on the thir on Friday they kind of got him out of it uh so Brooks lets me down there let’s talk about though Scotty uh we saw Scotty hitting it off the planet in the practice rounds we said this is not a Scotty course Jers people were saying that no course in the history of golf was better for Scotty than this course do those people need to apologize yeah I mean you you you waited all year to bet Scotty at plus 280 I mean I know he was plus 700 500 400 300 you got him at his absolute Peak um didn’t go well we we both knew that it wasn’t a Scotty Kors I tried to bet the no at minus 400 but I couldn’t couldn’t find the line so yeah uh I I I set Scotty’s line at T28 uh which he didn’t he didn’t get it didn’t even accomplish so uh yeah we got Scotty right and we’ve been good at getting Scotty right or wrong we set players lock we get Scotty right at Masters lock PGA yeah I think our we have good Scotty I think we understand Scotty I like I think we have the Scotty senses we know he has looked worse in practice rounds this year except for players he was [ __ ] at Players last year in the practice rounds I never saw him hit a bad shot both Valla except for the open except for the open and that’s when he didn’t play good he didn’t look good like JT was hitting it better than him JT obviously shot a million but like he wasn’t hitting it good and he didn’t hit it good in the first couple rounds he ended up hitting it better over the weekend he couldn’t make any putts but at the end of the day and he even said in his interviews he was like I couldn’t hit it close to the hole no one was going to hit it close to the hole Scotty was gonna have to make putts he put it worse than I expected him I still thought he’d finish top 10 just because it’s Scotty and like what’s the worst Scotty could finish I was surprised he finished as low down as he did but yeah it like that’s the value I think of boots that’s a value of not getting like too biased by recent form because Memorial is a place where Scotty plays off the charts unbelievable amazing every single time so is API so is Augusta Scotty’s a great player obviously I’m not going to like [ __ ] on Scotty overall he hasn’t quite yet proved to me that like in every type of conditions that’s his type of golf because I still think the putter is a little bit of a liability my question to wrap up the US Open I think it’s an interesting question that seems obvious but I don’t necessarily think think that it is Scotty has two masters now Bryson has two US opens so two two each but they’re in separate ones which player wins a major that they don’t have so for Scotty that would be US Open PGA or open and for Bryson it’ be open Masters or PGA who wins one of those first um it’s a great question I I’m going to go with Scotty to win one because I think he is overall more well-rounded and better golfer this short game thing from Bryson was kind of an anomaly and I mean hopefully it’s a new thing because I I love Bryson but like I’ve been banging The Bryson at Augusta drum for like five years now I’ve always thought fit him well but I will just say it’s probably Scotty I’m gonna go Bryson I don’t think either of them are a huge threat at the open I think Scotty’s probably a better threat at the open than Bryson is for sure but Bryson fits Augusta for sure like we’ve saw if he can What If His short game can do what he did here at auguster he will win like that’s the thing about Bryson is he can gain six eight Strokes off the T with his distance at certain places and Scotty can gain a lot off the T but he doesn’t hit it quite as far Scotty obviously a better iron player Bryson’s a better Putter and if Bryson can break even around the greens like I like Bryson so much now at austa and pgaas where obviously Scotty Fox at Augusta but I don’t love him as much at pga’s in more easy scoring conditions like Quail Scotty never even played Quail like he clearly isn’t that excited about getting to Quail and playing there I like Quail for Bryson so I’ll take even though I’d probably get plus odds in like the market I think Bryson can sneak ahead of Scotty in a major count uh on like Scotty could win The Masters every year for that’s not part of the yeah but like new major I’ll actually go Bryson which I wasn’t thinking coming into to this I thought it was funny with Scotty this week like in the first two rounds playing with Rory and Xander like him hitting first into greens like every hole was so funny because like Xander is like long as [ __ ] now and then obviously Rory so it’s like it was just funny like seeing Scotty being the the beta in that three group and that group of three off the T yeah and that’s all what leads to travia actually I think Scotty is much more likely to win this week than he was there like he’s gonna have a Vengeance this I wrote that he might shoot 59 this week just to prove a point he only made four birdies last week so he might make like 16 birdies in the first round just to to prove a point to people because his short iron play has been off the charts like he’s number one in the model this week he was not number one in the model for the first time in a long time at the US Open but we get a course this week jur that to me is an accuracy iron play but most importantly Spike putting course and we get a course that has made some changes since uh last year they decided to make or they want to make the course more difficult effectively after the tournament last year the heads of the tournament came out and said like we don’t want it to be a birdie Fest like we want this to be like a reasonable test we’re going to make it more difficult I don’t really know if they need to do that but if that’s what they want to do that’s great I don’t know how they can do that really basically they narrowed down some Fairways and they shrunk some green so I think they’re going to try to reemphasize accuracy a little bit because last couple years we’ve seen the G percentage like go up it was usually like high 60s and last couple years it’s been like 71 and 73% so I think they’re going to try to lower the b a little bit and it should be a little firmer this year because it was really wet last year it might rain a little bit on the weekend this year but it’s it’s hot it’s hot as [ __ ] New York like the weather’s been pretty nice for a while now I think they want get the around the greens the scrambling a little bit more in Play Because when the greens firm up at Travy they can put some really tough pins on ridges and in spots that yeah so I think we and that’s sass number two comp on the week up there with uh Harbortown uh Scottdale is up there as well that’s why Scotty’s probably gonna to wreck us this week but I think we see a little bit more difficult Travy this year and I think I’m leaning a little bit more on the short game than I have been in recent travies how are you thinking about the week what are the profiles that you’re after yeah it’s one of the courses that you can have really any style of game to to compete but I think with this with this field going elevated I think I’m going to take a massive look to just total driving long and straight uh because you could cut a lot of corners and if if if Zach Blair Russell Henley those guys are hitting every Fairway and then you got like a a can’t lay Rory Xander Scotty hitting every Fairway 50 yards further obviously you’d want the b50 Ys further and you could do that like remember when Rory was hitting every Fairway for Thursday and Friday of Travelers the year’s Ander one and was up by four or five until he hooked one left on 12 like there is a clear path for a bomber to bomb bomb away on this course if they’re dial you can’t spray it and be all over the course but you could take some crazy lines even if you’re in the rough a little bit and get a get get a wedge up there so this course is very short you can I think I’m going to go with the total Hammer total driving this week yeah no total driving is is in the model at a high weight I saw the same thing like looking at some of the previous profiles too like Keegan was getting it’s you don’t have to be a bomber but I would like a guy who’s like positive accuracy and distance give me positive accuracy and distance the thing about the bombers that is useful is and we saw this with Rory a couple years ago and and Xander does it too here they can just hit their three-wood off the te on like every hole here and then they’re in the Fairway every time so like right it’s it’s strength and and and then the driver holes they can rip nuke nuke yeah definitely whole uh whole nine the dog leg right where they take it over the houses they they moved the T on to try to cut down on that angle one of the changes that they made yeah okay it’s a liability of the fans because guys miss it right yeah so Trav is a sick tournament because everybody’s in play I think it’s a hard tournament to handicap because everybody’s in play and like we’ve seen I was I wrote about it on the site like the spike putting a lot of times when you have a spike putting tournament you get guys coming in who had good Spike putting coming in and then then they Spike guys have spiked putting here with no good stats like it’s almost a Vibe based putting like you need to be a good putter but like it’s hard to know who’s going to putt well here so take some shots do you think I mean we’ll get into the board in a second but are you leaning a card top of the board focused or because it’s so wide open we had 80 to1 Keegan win here last year you going to build a bigger card also KN we’re not boots on the ground and we’d love to have somebody in the mix and that’s when I tend to want to have more guys well we will oh yeah you say we we we’re gonna be boot on the ground yeah for for the for the tournament also we we want no boots on the crown coverage pre- tournament this is purely to go watch golf and out uh track yeah I mean I’m definitely leaning with a guy from the top of the board like sub 20 to one I can get myself to either ludvig or Colin I just love that ludvig is just young and playing golf he’s still in the p and shoot mode I’m still like buying the stock and it’s a fine number on his his overall Talent uh Colin obviously makes so much sense uh the putting is surely a question mark but those are probably my two guys that I can I can get to in that range yeah let’s get to the top Scotty like we said I think Scott like I think Scotty’s super Al this week I think he is going to be super [ __ ] pissed I’m actually mad that he played so bad at the US Open even though I kind of wanted it to happen from like a Content perspective I didn’t want him to care about this tournament uh what’s your Scotty take because I think he’s like gonna be super pissed and he’s played really good here before he’s played good here before without making any putts and I think his putting last week was an anomaly I think he gains putting again and he probably finishes top three and he probably wins yeah he’s played good here before he became Scotty shler like he like when he was younger yeah just like I love literally like Saw Grass like it’s a narrower Fairway conditions but if you’re long a TR hitting every Fairway he’s got no more like I remember his uh like round one or round two recap for for no I think it was actually round four one of the rounds for track uh for Saw Grass he were they were asking him do you remember what club you hit in every hole I think he said 60 degree wedge on like 15 of the holes he just hit a wedge into every single hole because he was just that long and straight and that’s the same exact path here like if Scotty hitting every Fairway he’s Elite with inside 120 yards and then get out with the putter I mean like down procs 50 to 125 Scotty’s first in the field procs 125 to 150 he’s fourth the only other guy who’s top five in both of course the great Tom hogi uh and then Russ Henley and Lucas glub so Scotty like is a position he he has a positional player profile he’s good everywhere but like he’s better at these courses because it fits perfectly into his game uh if you can win at Harbortown and saw grass in the same year you can easily win Travelers so that so Scotty’s live as as he’s ever been this week Xander Rory who you going with Rory on the bounceback or Xander just [ __ ] here every time and didn’t play great last week it’s actually this is one of the tougher Xander versus Rory questions because obvious Xander loves the the this these kinds of courses Rory has had mixed condition mixed results in these kind of courses I could see a Rory we’ll know early Rory will be either either head down and pissed off the rip or off rip where Xander he’s going to play well like Xander’s floor is so high whereas Rory has more of a range of outcomes that’s a really tough question um I’ll go with Xander just because like I’m high I’ve been high on Xander so much this year so I’ll pick Xander but it’s not a strong I’m not gonna bet in a match up yeah I agree I have a hard time picking between them I think on the question of does Rory show up like focused and ready to want to win or or just doesn’t give a [ __ ] I think he’s going to show up wanting to win for some for some reason when I think of Rory like messing up his next tournament for whatever reason my mind I imagine him playing good I could totally be making that up but that’s just a vibe that I feel like I remember uh it’s such a straightforward course for him I just don’t see how he doesn’t shoot like three or four under and that’s the same with Xander like that’s why it’s tough to choose between them I don’t think Rory just shows up and like completely mails it in I could totally understand if he does and I it’s not like I’d be shocked if he did but if I had to give a take I think Rory shows have been plays reasonably well you mentioned lebing and Colin I agree at 16 that both of those numbers are reasonable I like Colin a solid I’m surprised Colin 16 like this is a great course for Colin he’s been driving it so straight I think it’s because he hasn’t played great here before but all of that has been because of his short game like he struggled around the greens and on the greens here his short game’s his his thing now he’s great with his short game I think Colin uh he gained again with the short game last week he continues to hit every single Fairway like how does Colin not finish top 10 here and be firmly in the mix I don’t really understand how you know what’s funny it’s like I always want Colin like everyone wants Colin at sass everyone wants Colin at Harbor toown colonal these positional courses and he’s got like Fine Results but like his best results are on like sometimes big boy tracks like he and it’s the opposite like L and Scotty like they [ __ ] at these like shorter tracks whereas like their their build makes sense for this positional game but like they playing better in these like tougher conditions longer courses so that’s going to make me like lean with ludvig even though like the results are better for leic on these shorter tracks most of the time but the profile makes better for Colin you know what I’m saying yeah and Colin’s third round uh at Pine was electricity he gained eight Strokes total it was the second best round of his entire career yeah was incredible he played really the only he played bad in the uh second round which was the only thing that kind of derailed him but him and yeah him and Brooks were in the same group they both started good they didn’t play good in the second round and then they played okay over the weekend Colin played better but I think people will be off of Colin because of his stats here historically I just think he’s playing fantastic golf right now and sets up well for him I worry like Le bigs and my takes on leig don’t even matter because like whatever I say about leig the opposite is going to happen I totally agree though that his short positional like record speaks for itself and this is a course that should totally make sense for him he played here last year early in his career played fine finish t24 it’s another course where I’d worry about the short game a little bit like most winners hit every Fairway and he will hit so many greens yeah he he his ball strike he’s going to gain he’ll gain eight plus with his ball striking like I wouldn’t be surprised I don’t know if he gets it up in down quite enough times to win and so if I had to bet somebody to win at 16 to one I’d probably go Colin just because I trust Colin to win this type of event more if I actually had to say who I think finishes higher like over 10 tournaments here I might go LEF just cuz like he’s going to gain so much with the ball striking but both intriguing options and you could bet both if you wanted to at 16 to1 uh Vic is 20 Vic got eviscerated uh by Pinehurst which I don’t think we were surprised by with what we saw I mean the man was there wasn’t a second we saw him a lot we saw Vic a reasonable amount at Pine he was within one foot of Joe Mayo like fidgeting around and talking about everything that exists in the world and like in deep thought every step of the course no one else does that I’ve never seen anything like that in my life the short game still not there what’s the state of the union on Vic and at 20 to1 is that a fair number and of course that when he’s playing well theoretically makes sense I do think it’s a fair number I this game is just like a question mark because he’s I don’t he was trending in the right direction looking so solidly and then I think he just wanted T wants to tanker more like okay how can I do this better now and like we saw it with our own eyes he was looking insane and it really showed fast at uh at Pinehurst I think he was three over like very quickly so tough tough to trust but like this this is another like Cookie Cutter golf course that Victor can just tear apart I think the hard part this week is like it’s hard to find a guy from the top of the board or not like it kind of makes sense for him because like anyone can like it’s pretty straightforward course if you’re a good golfer looking a bit closer I think I’ll I’ll take being out on Vic he’s gained a [ __ ] ton ball striking here in all three starts and his best finish is t11 cuz he’s lost around the greens and putting in all three starts here uh his short game remains a problem I he he lost almost four strokes in two rounds at Pine these are different around the greens conditions obviously than Pine but like I still need you getting up and down at Travy especially if I think it plays a little bit harder which I think it will and his putting is still just okay right now like when Vic is really [ __ ] it’s because his putter is is really hot so of these guys we’ve talked about so far I probably trust him the least in 20 to1 yeah that’s a reasonable price but he was just in the 40s and 50s of these type of events not too long ago let’s let’s hope he struggles a little bit drifts let’s hit him when we get across the P because that’s where Vic will be uh a threat I was surprised we already texted about this but 25 to one on Pat Klay I expect that number to be absolutely nuked into Oblivion like Klay you don’t have to worry about his long-term form once he finds it he finds it he played great last week we know his track record here at Trav he has finished top 15 one two three four five six straight years he probably could have won last year he probably could have won the year before what am I missing here why why is he 25 to one yeah and I really it’s when I looked at his stat profile I thought it was going to be all short game for for Piner but he actually hit the ball very respectably uh good to see from Pat I I love Pat this is a course that you want to run Pat out like early on in the season uh so it’s good to see him playing well makes a ton of sense I worried he’ll be hammered where will be popular that’s probably the only negative and the another actually another negative it’s yeah it was one really good week so that’s it yeah and speaking quickly of The Drifters in the movers chart once again we have a Drifter winner Bryson drifted 4% most of the guys at the top of the board Scotty moved like 6% even though he was already like plus 300 start the week The Drifter list does it again Jers every tournament it’s been like what 95% of the tournaments we’ve talked about a guy who drifts wins we’ve got the odds moving up on the side we updated every like six or eight hours uh to find the guys who are drifting Pat to me is like one of those that makes so much sense in the world he’s going to like 25 is going to be a good number on him it’s going to be plus EV he’s going to end up at like 18 to1 but for whatever reason the guys who get nuked they can’t win I don’t know how it works it just does so I think I love the concept of Pat but I’m gonna need to see for some reason he’s not popular and he stays 25 to one then I’m gonna nuke it but I’m just worried about the guys that get hammered and I know you are too yeah I agree uh decky play here once yeah that’s it I don’t really what’s his number like 30 28 yeah sure yeah uh the guy want he’ll he’ll be unpopular I think yeah nobody ever bets Dey for the most part except when it becomes diff last when they do they Hammer him yeah it’s either yeah they are uh he’s t13 here I mean he’s gonna gain Infinity ball strike he’s gonna get up and down I don’t know if know if he makes enough putts but he looks like top 10 would be the worst the deck he could finish based on how he’s playing if he becomes like less popular in things like DFS or placement markets or whatever because he was so popular last week hot back on Deck he he’s just playing so great this year and everything’s pretty straightforward for him the guy I wanted to talk about uh I fancy myself as the burns whisper I think I continue to earn that title I don’t think I’ve been that wrong on burns this year we we were relatively high on him last week didn’t think he could win but one of his best major finishes got on the Bermuda was able to kind of hit it wherever he want and played well I think he’s goingon to be popular this week but I saw 40 to1 on bet 365 earlier jur and I have to notify the people no decision has been made no no triggers have been pulled but you give me a inform driving an inform short game Sam Burns at a course where it’s going to be mostly wedges I’m highly intrigued at around 40 to1 on Sam this week yeah I thought I thought we’d open at 35 so 40 is a good number uh yeah definitely down for some s b it’s not any overwhelmingly good or bad course history nothing to steer you offer on him so maybe if he stays a little under the radar it could uh can go we can bet him but um that T9 happy we called the his best Major Performance so um we’ll see we’ll see what the what the market does on S B but he’s definitely on the short list as of as of Monday afternoon yeah I mean he’s played good on the courses that I’m looking at this year T3 in Phoenix which I think is a good comp T10 at RI which I think is a good comp uh just finishes his best he has in a major clearly I mean he’s gone T10 T15 T9 his last three starts in the memorial and US Open aren’t courses where you’d expect Sam to play really well so I love anytime you get a guy who just played pretty good in courses that don’t make sense for him going to a course that makes a lot of sense for him at 40 to one he can win for sure this is no one would be surprised if Sam Burns won The Travelers like that just makes sense uh so Ison Sam for sure overall how are you thinking about translating the US Open form to this week I think last year we saw Keegan lost Infinity Strokes ball striking at missed the cut and then won I tend to think I’m not going to care too much about the US Open form these courses are vastly different the skills you need here are vastly different I tend to say kind of throw out last week where you go on on that question because I know a lot of people I mean yeah what what do we see Keegan versus chz last year down the stretch like I mean those guys were not in contention at the US Open obviously short hitters and and then Pat was there too he wasn’t conen in the US Open at all I think if you were really In Contention like Rory or there wasn’t really that many guys there was like Rory and Pat that were like had the mental Warfare for four days I think that definitely takes a toll on you like we saw Alexander take a lot of time off after he won uh so I mean maybe that’s my my route to get off Rory just because he’s mentally drained and he was there for four days not that I was going to be on him and like outright but any other Market uh so yeah I think anyone’s live missing a cut last week is it doesn’t matter at all it’s totally different course like we just literally saw Keegan miss a cut we guys miss cut and win all the time so uh yeah I I don’t think it’s much of a yeah and I think what people do historically here is they’ve always pointed to chz finishing like T3 at the US Open at Pebble and then playing good here and winning that makes sense because Pebbles a lot like this course like and short you’re going to hit more wedges at Pebble than you’re going to hit at most courses like this is wedge heavy so I think if you want to ride the wave of guys who played well I think that’s a reasonable narrative but for me I don’t really care how you played with USO but if you played good I think you can play good if you played bad I think you can play good uh it doesn’t really matter me I am looking for guys who hit a lot of Fairways I think if you’re were groov in Fairways uh seep was groov and Fairways Le big Rory Colin all those guys who are just minting Fairways like bring that form here you’re going to play well J which is the worst of these bets because all three of these numbers seem grotesque to me TS 33 JT 35 Harmon 40 Harmon 40 is the worst bet it no chance it’s um yeah Harmon no chance he’s got absurdly amazing history and he finally played well makes so much sense almost too obvious at 40 to1 a major a major winner why would you not want that uh yeah Harman 40 I think yeah he’s the worst bet I think JT is probably the second worst bet but I think th is the best bet out of those three so I I wrote up and I believ this like I’ve gotten bonees in the 30s and 20s all year and I’ve gotten a lot of good things out of him in like the 70s 80s he’s 30s again I mean obviously he’s played well here what do we do with that information yeah it’s definitely a tough number and I was he’s in the early leans as well but I just love that like we the the interaction we had with his caddy and we when he said like basically in short he was like his aggressive style of play is not really going to work at Pine like he didn’t say that but that’s what he alluded to that that that plays at at TPC River Highlands you could be aggressive as hell and you could put the ball close so finished T2 here before he’s got other poor results but he’s as consistent and complete as he’s been in his entire career and he should be confident heading to a course where he knows like okay hit Fairways be aggressive point and shoot let go let’s go all in and when he’s clicking it’s all it’s it’s clicking it could it could eject for sure but which is why 33 is a tough number and his putter has been the issue of late the last few tournaments but he’s putted really well here before we know he’s a good Putter and I mean on the comps capalo is a good comp because you get a ton of wedges there he was second there he’s fifth at uh Phoenix T9 at the Players second at Heritage like he has played good on the teags courses this year he’s played good here it’s a brutal number um I always get sucked into tees if if I have boots on a Sunday and teags is in the mix I’d literally like sell my soul to enjoy that experience because I love tees and the vibe so much and we were there when he was in the mix a couple years ago it wasn’t on him but it you you went out of your way to like follow te because we were following other guys yeah like and our boys with Carl like if it all of these things I really wanted to happen so I might overexpose myself this week because it’s it’s Travy week and I might throw him on the card even though I know it’s a bad number just because like I want to be a part of it at 40 who do you like the most out of these tone Russ Tommy fleets Russ seems so obvious uh positional golf course not Bermuda though obviously uh how difficult are we are we making are we making it because Tommy fleet’s no he’s just so gutless it’s so funny but um stats last week what did you finish Tommy’s stats are so funny t 16 he gained in every category he gained almost four off the te one one on approach one around the greens and four putting just like steady one of like almost excellent driving accuracy like almost H every Fairway with distance it’s just like it’s like they don’t it’s like they’re not real stats like how did he do this he doesn’t have good course history here uh he doesn’t like play this event that much I I’m gonna go with Tommy just [ __ ] it how’s Tony played here Tony’s played all right he can’t put here but’s how’s Russ played Russ was all putting last week like pure putting he hasn’t been hitting the irons like Russ he’s been hitting the Fairway no he hasn’t been but his iron play here historically is Elite give me Russ this wor iron year in in like a long time it’s weird yeah give me Russ but uh I like Tommy too I kind of like all these what about tone like you you said tone right yeah I’ll pick him third just because I don’t trust the putter the most of those three guys this was the first time in truthfully like multiple years where it looks like it looked like Tony like he was showing emotion on the golf course usually he misses poon’s like literally shows nothing just picks it up and moves on but he like really he looked like he really wanted to win on Saturday afternoon which is good to see from tone I’m not sure if that ches to The Travelers it’s like the US Open at Piner but tone cared I like tone at uh at the open keep your eyes on tone at the open because why not tone at the open makes sense uh sunj [ __ ] us last week sunj we need to quickly talk about sunj sunj made all the sense in the world last week to like finish top 20 I was like sun will finish top 20 I don’t know how he couldn’t he looked great in the practice rounds everything was perfect he’s he’s an unserious player jersey he’s everything about it’s unserious it sucks because we love sunjay he’s one of the nicest guys I gave him a great fist pump we chatted for a quick second Willie we’re boys with Willie like we want it to work for sunj it didn’t work last week it’s not working at the majors but it should work here at Travy Jers this should be a place where Sun makes like 800 birdies and plays great in the Battle of South Koreans at 50 to1 Tom Kim or sunj and do you have any thoughts though uh wow good question see wo is 75 so I’ll I’ll go with SEIU in that battle but um sunj yeah we it’s not like we obviously we wanted him to play well last week I mean you you him but I really thought he’d play well it’s not like and we didn’t we didn’t try to will it to happen what we saw he was like one of the better short game performances of anyone in the practice rounds like confidence-wise like looked really good and it’s Bermuda like sunj should play well on Bermuda just a bad I feel like it was bad decision making bad execution tough tough tough from sunj because it looked like he was this is he gained it with ball strike and he hit it really good his last five putting performances Wells he gained like seven PJ he lost five in two rounds gained two at Schwab gained like fiveish at Memorial and then lost four and a half putt like the two major courses for whatever reason he is missing every putt but that’s not this week here before I kind of like I like of course that makes sense for him it’s of course that makes sense for him for sure and he’s he he’s two top 10 or what is it three top 10 in his last five starts the good golf is not far far from for SJ but you’re taking what is it about seu that you like besides the die connection or is that the reason I I honestly wasn’t even thinking that but just like the ball striking season he’s had is just so good literally like a top 10 ball striking season this season season this season of anyone and yeah definitely the die connection the positional style Golf Course the putter is a real question mark if it’s even a little bit more difficult that helps seu so and then the number has been massacred on the greens here like Massac on the green so I think I’d be out on seu I’ll go sunj I I’ll run him back out there I’ll give him another shot he’s been top 10 in the last three non major starts that he’s made he’s playing as consistent as anybody in those events so [ __ ] it uh that was absolute garbage from sunjay at at pineh her hand up I had it wrong but I’m gonna blame sunjay not myself uh for that performance sunjay bounce back spot Fitz sucked uh benon sucked Wendy sucked Connor’s played good H sucked I’ll give you those guys again who do you like between Fitz benon Wendy Connors and hom you can only have one H what’s his number 55 that’s an absurd number on a golf course that he’s played so poorly on he I don’t think he’s ever made a cut here but this number is too this number is too good like and he he’s playing bad it makes so little sense that I love it and this is for DFS I think I don’t think he I don’t think he’s going to going to win but 55 number is not a Bad Bet 55 to1 Is Not a Bad Bet but it makes so little sense that it makes sense for me like I’m his course history is so bad and his form is so bad that I’m I’m going to play home in DFS because No One’s Gonna Play him and he’s like at at at a macro level H is so much better than a lot of these golfers like H’s in that in that top two ranges eight times out of ten yeah I hear you on the number for sure I still like I genuinely have a concern about driver not like a concern about how he’s going to play this week like he has The Yips with the driver and that derailed his career like a few years ago would it turn out this week last week driver negative he like he hasn’t been plus accuracy in one two three four five six straight starts and like it was his accuracy that went haywire when his career got [ __ ] up I don’t think it’s to that extreme I think he’s a better overall player now he can overcome some bad driving and I think he can bounce back at any time like he’s not going to have this devastation into his career that happened a few years ago but I don’t want to see a guy who historically had The Yips with the driver showing like yish stats with the driver like I just ah that like I don’t want that and then you missed all five cuts here like I like The Vibes you’re you’re saying and purely from a numbers and like he’s going to be low ownership maybe take it a swing but like I don’t know It’s just tough right now from Max but if he can start hitting the fairways because he clubs down maybe hits a lot of irons off the te or something this week everything else in his game is okay okay it’s not terrible I like Connor Conor Conor is such a high floor he’s Scotty he yeah he finished T9 here last year without gaining putting he’s gained around the greens in three straight starts and putting in two out of the last three what do we say about Connors if he ever fixed his short game he would be Scotty like I invented that take I think Dan WAP stole it for me but I that’s my take I’ve invented that on on Connors I like the model loves him he’s playing so good he’s finally putting better his around the greens has gotten a lot better if it plays a little bit more difficult like maybe it’s minus 14 winner Cory CS I’m down yeah I I don’t hate that at all of course makes so much sense and if I’m trying to have a guy who’s like at least in the mix coming the weekend when we’re there I feel like I can trust Connor to not that be a that’ be a tough sweat in person to watch Connor in the mix because he would it would be boring and he would not make any putts Let’s Get Down the board let’s do random year the week actually we got some options in the random Bure of the week Market obviously sep is going to be Mega popular this week he makes all the sense in the world Lowry I’ll give you Bez in the random Euros Market will include the South Africans this week because I’m sure Bez makes sense here and will be popular uh yags played better Tommy Deets obviously Bobby Mack pavs Rose lots of options in this in the random year of the week Market I think there’s plenty of live options in the random year of the week Market where are you looking Sheamus power for sure Sheamus power random EUR yeah really I WR Dam I’m down for that yeah he’s not been playing decent golf the last two months great stats course that makes a ton of sense for him this is one of the courses that he’s played well on like three four years ago before he’s like like as a sponsor as like a a few like a starts that he’s earned this is one of the courses that he played that summer so I like shamers power a lot in that standpoint course makes so much sense down for sure random year the week I’m looking for any other for any others catch in the field I was just about to say Vic perz I like Justin Rose potentially for random Euro of the week he’s played really good here before uh positional nothing wrong with that from Rose uh NOP out on Nick Taylor I was gonna include the Canadians here Vic Perez I don’t know I don’t are we are we letting uh Michael thoron be European this week uh that’s a fair question is theor bornon eligible for the Viking cup that is a that is we have to talk to the the committee Thor boron’s like family history because it it has to interact with the Viking cup Nations and in like soccer you can play for pretty as long as it like somehow is connected to you in soccer if you commit yourself to that like path you can play for that country I think theor Boron I don’t think we have to like look into it just look at his last name like yeah if you have a last name with one of the O’s with a like a diagonal line through it you’re on the Viking cup like you’re in the program and you can choose which country you want to play for our roster is building by the week the roster I mean Tim Ving it’s Ving by the way not Whiting which makes sense we’re we’re also bringing on an intern to the Viking Cup who’s going to be from one of the Nordic countries who will help us with the pronunciations because I always feel bad when we [ __ ] up the pronunciations when nobody like cares more about the Viking cup Nations than us beautiful from feeding he the dude’s going to be a problem like he’s playing great on kft shows up in a major play as well this roster is better than the rest of Europe like in the power rankings they might be number one right now yeah I mean really good effort from from Timmy he was beating Brooks up until whole 18 yesterday he made a triple on 18 to lose that matchup not that I beted or anything because why would I why would I do that and uh yeah so uh Timmy he’s shout out San Francisco he’s here uh great for his cup stock we’re going to definitely in the probably the next month come up with an official Viking cup Power Rankings and it’s probably going to be around 50 golfers we have to get the the ranking system out so the players know where they stand so that this can continue to build towards the Viking cup uh in the coming years but a great Nico played really well he didn’t play good in the final round but Nico is up there uh for a while another made cut in Majors Nico makes the cut in the major every single time if you’re looking for a guy in DFS in the majors he’s always like 300 to one just put Nico on the card because the way he drives it Nico I still think his path number one makes sense like yeah he’s fine little little Hal a little Hal in the system like a month but that’s fine he made the hard holes look like a joke more than more times than once this this week he was he he put put one to tap in on whole four from the bunker I was like is this a flaw in the shot Tracer I like but no he did it yeah that was insane uh all right quickly down the board Willie Z let us down I think deep down we knew he was going to let us down like I wrote We bet him because we had to he passed our test but by the end of the week i’ had written up that like I couldn’t really confidently say to play him in any formats he’s 80 to one this week uh any chance for a bounce back tough man it’s really tough from willly Z that this one it might hurt more than than RoR honestly because as a wi Z fan I am yeah that was a horrific bet that we made we thought the North Carolina thing was going to be better he looked better than he played uh and he looked fine on Thursday he was two under or one under at one point around like whole 10 hes in and then it ended up not being great obviously from will they easily missed the cut so uh tough look there so I know we both bet him not great from we Z what are you doing I’m in I’m in the midst of my computer’s dying and I thought it was plugged in it was a different plug so I’m gonna work on this but you give me your triple digit or like long shot guys that you have your eyes on this week while I Sol this okay yeah okay I I’m want to talk about Cam Davis for a second and he doesn’t have the best course history but I just want to make the connection a dual connection these are similar similar style grass that we see in Detroit a place where he’s putt well in before and one and then you want uh the tight driving corridors shout outs to Holly women’s women’s US Open is this week or women’s PJ championship this week women’s PJ it’s a holly uh positional accuracy precision if if there’s lpj betters listening send us your cards please yes okay so Cam Davis uh he’s probably infinite odds he’s does not have grid course history here but I like the way he’s put at Detroit making that connection and then he’s played great at Club down courses so always can be for us and I think this is we can I might plant this as a cam dwe because we know our guy we definitely know cam so and I remember when we were there a couple years ago going into the weekend he was mixing because I remember BK was on him and he played good there uh I also think it’s hilarious that I I gave you the mic and you take it to Cam Davis as you you were just given the freedom to to roam coach said isolation for for jurors let him run what every play he wants and he calls the C Davis number uh that is beautiful and perfectly on brand let me to end Travy let me give you some positional guys that just like to me it sounds like it would make sense for them and you give me your quick take on them OE at 100 or actually of these three OE hogi posty at 100 who do you like the most I like posty a lot but I I didn’t know a was 100 100 I like posty because we’re coming around to the the the Poston birdie Fest weeks where he’s like most tipped and makes a kind of sense I want to get ahead of that because this is really where it starts he doesn’t have the best course history but he’s done it here before and this is that style of course posty is a microwave and can light up at any single time and then once he does light up it’s like a three-week spurt so if we can get ahead of that spurt because posty will get down to 35 to one at the jdc so this is obviously a tougher field but the course makes so much sense yeah I love he play played really good last week has hogi played good here before horrible horrible this is another one of the Mirage courses where it makes all the sense what the why does this keep happening like yeah it makes yeah so I guess we’re out because we keep saying we’re out when this happens so I guess we got to be out again and it it’s it’s been true to so far like the courses that hogi makes sense on and doesn’t have the course history he he hasn’t done it yeah yeah I’m out I like hawj for sure uh M Hughes was just like favorite at RBC at like 40 to1 he’s 120 to one now and he’s finished top 10 here or he’s finished T3 here before solely short game like do we have to it’s always going to be solely short game it’s always going to be solely short game which is fine with MC Hughes um I don’t love it I I was really I was high on MC Hughes last week like as one of my favorite 6K plays and then he was going fine until he made an eight on ho one on on Friday then it was just downhill from there uh so yeah it honestly like we had some really good picks last week and some really bad picks last week like up most besides sunj and Z who both like played terribly ejected all my guys made the cut and played fine they just I never got a guy who like spiked except for finally Henley got the putter going but it’s it’s Russ Henley but okay last question for Travy 150 to one you can only have one uh Ben Griffin CK e goove e shot like 20 over last week we made the cut this is course for sure yeah give me Ben Griffin I think he’s riding the wave right now and he’s not accurate but maybe he can just find the fairways here didn’t play good here last year we obviously prefer him on Bermuda but I don’t know I just have a feeling that and he’s probably pissed that he wasn’t in the US Open because that was an auto T20 which he he knew do you think hadwin’s pissed that he lost his spot on the Olympic team do we need that on hadwin’s 170 to one that did that happen last week he lost his spot yeah he lost it to Connors damn I mean I think that that’s fair though yeah but no I saw I mean out of honestly out of all what you say sus I was gonna say had one sucks here so I think I’m out all out of all those I would just skip them all and go to Brendan Todd Brendan Todd at I don’t even know what his odds are 350 yeah he’s missed his last two cuts year but he’s got a t11 four years ago but I like brenon Todd because this is the place where I found out that brenon Todd talking to Scotty shuffler in a group and he said to Scotty I I really only like to play courses where I think I can contend at and this is one of my favorite ones so I’ll give you another tidbit to end on up that alley I was watching the CUV I got absolutely massacred I saved this for this deep in the Pod because at this point the only people listening at this point people who just like really like the Pod like to listen to us so hey yeah we we appreciate you and the live people are are punching walls like they can’t believe we haven’t got to live yet we love live we’ve hit more winners on live than anybody like live is a money is the only way I’m making money this year like minting money on live but I had the worst food poisoning of my life on Saturday morning like we came back we were here Thursday was fine Friday was good like I was watching the golf I woke up at 4:30 the second I genuinely thought I was going to die like I was laying on the floor in the bathroom for like eight hours like I think I’m dead like this is how it ends like right here right now I think it was food poisoning because it very quickly went away and like I’m totally totally fine now but I was watching a lot of the CU like laying on the ground in the bathroom with like my phone because like I literally thought I was going to die I’m listening to the CU in this moment of like delusion on like Friday night no maybe it wasn’t like I think I was re it was a replayer somehow I was watching in this state and I S heard this quote on the broadcast cuz I don’t think malady made the cut did he no chance right no he did not no because so it wasn’t the but maybe I was rewatching some highlights or something like that or or watching because I had nothing else to do but like try to survive these like hours on the floor one of the announcers goes I was talking to malady uh earlier in the week like he told me this isn’t a major for him next week’s his major Travelers so Peter malady declaring this his major at 750 to1 I have to tell you that he’s never played good here but this is a new PG tour winning Peter malady FYI this is his major he’s from around here apparently is he really I thought he was from Arkansas Missouri all right I’m down no I’m down I mean unless this announcer was lying to us to try to bait us into betting him at 350 to one yeah he’s from Indiana he went to Missouri maybe it’s family he’s got up here the announcer was like I talked to mount Na and he’s all in on Travis so just so you know yeah no I I I’m definitely down and what are God Up’s odds ALS so cuz he’s price on draf things price on draf yeah he randomly spikes on Approach at random like he Lo the last time he lost four the last time he’s lost on approaching four straight he won the next week he’s lost on four straight uh I assume that putnam’s DK number is insane he’s 300 to one this makes sense for putam uh Jake knap is 300 to1 also and like Jake knap sucks but if it’s a club down course and he can just hit Fairways Maybe maybe uh but yeah that’s Travy obviously everything will be up on the site uh we’re going to try to pick the winner this week because we’re going to have boots and it’d be great to have somebody in the mix I’ll probably bet more guys than I usually do that the seven to 8X this week might be a Sixx just because I need to have at least one guy at least sniffing contention while we were there it’s never happened for me I always pick Travy terribly I picked it good last year I had all these guys in the mix Denny [ __ ] me over the weekend there but let’s try to get some guys into the mix we’ll also be on tib but this is all that matters for us it’s Liv we’ve crushing live uh I generally think we’re probably the best live betters on earth like I I don’t think that’s an exaggeration uh three wins for both of us in eight events for Liv we get a course that’s hosted last week was great in or two weeks ago was great in Houston because we got a course that had hosted the H Houston open we had a course here that’s hosted a corn fairy event do you remember what it’s called Simmons Bank open Simmons Bank open for the last three years it was a playoff event last year uh it to me looks like a course where it’s little driver putter I actually think it looks a lot like Houston uh is it bent or Bermuda do you know I believe it is Bermuda could be wrong okay we gotta look that up because if it’s Bermuda I think like comping to Houston a couple weeks ago is going to be crucial but uh I see driving being the key here uh hold on just a second I was going to pull up the uh leaderboards here from this event uh rest in peace graceon Murray actually won here last year that’s kind ofra crazy uh the guys who were in second there all pretty solid drivers Brent Grant here the one the year before that he was like a really good Str yeah and like accurate too though like he was a good Str scan off the T guy last year on the PGA to or Kevin U was second if K Kevin U is finishing second you know that ball striking and and driving Smotherman one here uh so I see a course where hitting it long and straight is going to be a huge Advantage what are you looking at at uh it’s called The Grove I’m actually looking more towards approach and driving accuracy so like fairly opposite of what you are so definitely interesting to see how that plays out I’m looking at it I would say it’s the opposite I think like off the te with accuracy and distance I think it all starts off the T and then I’d probably still say maybe approach more than putting so I think we’re in the same ballpark um I’m just heavy on off the tea I think you’re probably a little bit more on the approach okay yeah so um looking at like hit your Fairways hit your greens cuz if you do Miss I think there’s some Fair pen for missing both greens and missing and missing Fairways so just because anytime a corn fairy event is subed is not 20 under that shows that it’s somewhat of a test because these guys go to like 25 to 30 under every single week truthfully and also corn Ferry played this at a par 72 Liv’s playing this as a par 71 so it’s going to make scoring even that much harder I’m thinking this is going to be like the second or third toughest live event in terms of just score to par that we that we’ve seen so far so I mean which is fun different test always fun to see a new course um we got the dip that we talked about in the car we have a 10 on John ROM all right that’s noted I know we did talk about that and you’ve been we’ve the funny thing is as we said we’ve both hit three out of eight on Liv uh two of them have been overlap one of them wasn’t but there was a stretch there where you were only betting ROM single bullet every week and who knows how many more winners you’d have on live if you didn’t do that but at least at 10 you could bet some other guys and to your point on the scoring here it’s been- 17 – 16- 16 in the three corn fairy events and to your point Lake it’s usually minus 25 at the corn fair so a little more difficult conditions I think that speaks to the importance of good driving to like keep yourself in play but to your point maybe hitting GS is going to be more important than putting because like there I think there’s reent amount of slope like around these screens that will challenge it we’ll see how Liv decides to set it up a guy that came to my mind and ranks out highly in the model and played good on well yeah Sergio and so these are drafting SS the better odds uh come up yeah that wasn’t one of the times where we were on the same page but uh Dean Burmy I think is back in business this week TAA Green Machine short game specialist we saw it in person he’s 18 to one I could see myself starting the card with some Dean Burmy I wish pone was on Liv he he should be they should do sponsors exemptions for Liv because yeah I mean obviously we’ll see what happens this week with the Liv PJ drama but at this point with Bryson winning and like becoming the biggest fan favorite in the world all live hatred almost has to it has to be put aside like it live I like I don’t know what to say we like to bet live lives fine like get let them give sponsors exemptions if let pavs ride the wave and play Live Nash because mainly so that we can bet on it and make money uh but for the Vibes it would be great he could pick a team who knows which team he could play for uh it would be fascinating Sergio has only 20 to one which isn’t great I think he makes sense Carlos I will say Dean wanted a sharp number Carlos wanted a sharp number those are both their highest odds of the Season like shortest odds of the Season yeah so that’s why I like Sergio well I also like Sergio from like a pure golf standpoint but then I saw his number I’m like all right I’m gonna it’s like the opposite of what a PJ like The Drifters are winning on PGA the sharp numbers are winning on on Liv so that’s the opposite of the ROM thing but for Sergio I think I’m gonna do that that’s a that’s a great call I like that what do you think Bryson does do you think he’s going to be like or party he’s he’s I mean he he I don’t think he drinks he’s plus 750 but like I If Bryson wins as the favorite after winning the US Open that would be more impressive than winning the US Open yeah I mean we can live with ourselves if uh Bryson Bryson does that I don’t think this is really a great braing course either maron’s 40 to one uh just hit yeah like I don’t know why he’s 40 to one uh any well like from so you’re leaning ROM at the top top of the board or do any of basically do any of the other big names matter because I think a lot of successes year on betting Liv has been just ignoring the big names but which ones are you looking at gu is 12 to1 it’s a course that makes sense for GU but the numberers Absurd and he hasn’t been playing good golf so I out what good shoot in Houston he was not great he battled back on Sunday to to almost help your smash B he shot 600 on Sunday but I think he was over par going into that round yeah if good play great in Houston I don’t know if I love him here in general like I said I think just comping to Houston won’t be too bad this week uh interior point about the smash bet I’ve now bet Smash in the team Market uh single B the last two events they finished twice both times I don’t think I’ll get there this week because I think Brooks isn’t going to give a [ __ ] and he’s going to be uh on vacation mode but we’ll see I’ll obviously have a team bet uh it’s a fun thing to bet and it’s been in the mix the first two times that I’ve done it which makes me like it even more but yeah for Liv I think you got to drive it well Hatton is a loser but he kind of makes sense cth we should team bet I think it’s a horrible Golf Course for cam Smith by the way team bet I like Ram I like ROM you texted me last night satat home game Le leg they’re probably the favorite though Legion team uh yeah let me see if I can get the team ODS up really quick like seven to one I’m down for Legion team betat I don’t think you’ll get seven to one they’re usually like uh plus 400 let me see if we can get the odds here uh lift Golf Nashville odds to win we don’t have the team yet we do not have the team bets yet we have to come to the site for those uh it probably won’t hit but it’ll be fun yeah I think it’s a good live tournament like I said I get excited for live now I don’t know just mainly because it’s been so straightforward from betting I think people are you can hate on live you can hate on whatever you want if there’s a place where it’s easier to bet like that’s where all bet that used to be the DP I don’t think it’s the DP anymore the DPS too random but like live it’s good and it’s is it km week shout out to uh Pablo he’s be to win again soon so watch out for Pablo Paul Casey’s 35 to one I’ll be kind of be interested in that sense for Casey Tommy Pete definitely um yeah real quickly with live week uh so Sunday we’re going to be at Travelers and know if you guys are there definitely come say what’s up unless we’re under a tree watching our phones we’re sweating live bits do not come say what’s up then yeah I mean it’s a true uh live versus PGA scenario this week if we’ve got people in the mix I’m going to find the shade there there Trav and post it’s going to be hot any when I think of travia I think of like the hottest weather uh that I could possibly imagine speaking of the weather the weather was really hot in Piner but jur to end on outside of golf like I said we made it to this point the people are listening just kind of want to know the Vibes of us I’ve officially declared my bachelor party which is TBD when that will happen is going to be at Pinehurst I’ve declared I’m moving to Pinehurst after the age of 50 there’s Pinehurst I like I’ve obviously people know about Pinehurst it’s not like pinst snuck up on anybody and then like I feel like I’m in the no on golf in general and I know like where people are playing golf and things like that I think it’s underrated like I people still talk about Bandon more and like other places like I’ve been to Bandon I grew up on the west coast Pine is sick Pine is unbelievable nothing is like Pine it like it’s it’s insane yeah uh Carolina golf is really good this is we played midpines in another Carolina Trace it’s my fifth or six course I’ve played in the the Carolinas including South Carolina unbelievable golf so fun treel line slopey challenging but fun nothing I mean obviously you could play a crazy course but very fun I’m I’m with you there I’ve been talking about it since we played and uh part of my take talked about how Mark calovi tweeted that Pinehurst is not Pinehurst number two is not even the best course on the on all the Pinehurst rotations and then people were like yeah in the comments midpines is way better stuff like that I’m like Vic like they’re right it is better yeah I mean like I obviously hadn’t played golf in over a like I played a couple times with rental sets like when I was back in Washington but I hadn’t played like my clubs or anything in so long like I don’t go to the driving range I never Golf and I didn’t play good at all but even with how difficult the courses that we played were they were still fun and like they weren’t they were hard but not in a way that like ruins your day like you’re hitting in the water every single time or loosening your ball on every single hole like it was it allowed me to still experience like the difficulty because like when I was in position I still had to deal with the Donald Ross greens or like all that type of stuff but it wasn’t the demoralizing like your balls lost every hole like you infinity penalty strokes and that’s awesome because like some courses are really hard but then they’re so hard that the average player can’t like enjoy it in any way shape or form or or get some of the Nuance we got the Nuance even though we weren’t hitting the ball great yeah that was exceptional I’m definitely tailing you on that bachelor party as mine will be there as well so 100% sick we’ll get to go twice in a uh some all right well it boots on the ground we’ll be on the Pod tonight with BK tib I think it’s going be like nine o’clock or something like that so if you want even more takes from us uh in the Pod format that’s where you’ll find us this week and then you’ll see us boots on the ground we’re playing golf on Friday and Sunday you beat me uh in both matches that we played you got me pretty good in the first match I think it was like six and five I shook off some of the rust I think it was two and one in the final match BK and I are going to team up against you and your buddy I’m going to make us this favorites just because I think I’m trending back into form and I think BK is in the best form of everybody right now but I’m excited to do battle with you once again this weekend yeah let us know if you guys want to get down on that any any form we can cross cross match me versus Adam me versus BK uh we will take it we will take your bets awesome all right thanks Jers let’s have a week yep


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