Faster golf swing #golfswing #golfer #golftips

right this is how you swing the golf club faster and hit longer drives without changing anything in your golf swing and without feeling like you’re trying to swing it any harder and when you get a chance test this out on a launch monitor promise you it works but firstly let me try and explain the physics all right this is dangerous territory so we got forces that we apply into the floor right you got the vertical Force you got the horizontal Force which is this way and then you got the lateral Force which is the old cheffer move all you have to do right and tigerwood has talked about this you hear a lot of golfers talk about this when they’re really trying to wind up all they do is take a big step back with their right foot so they make their stance wider so there’s a leverage and it’s called the moment arm which surrounds all of these forces if you can make the moment arm bigger these forces will be greater so imagine a hammer imagine a bigger Hammer the force is going to be greater with less perceived effort because the moment arms bigger we got more leverage


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