STOPPED needing Golf Lessons After I Discovered THIS Swing Secret!

welcome back to the channel in today’s video we’re going to customize your approach when you’re hitting shots out the rof so the first thing we need to understand that is the LIE the LIE controls what selection of club we choose and it’s also going to influence how much the ball is going to project out the rough is it going to go too far is it going to go too short so understanding the LIE is going to affect the spin the trajectory and also the distance the one thing we need to guard against out of this lag is the club face shutting down so if we create too much grass between Club faces the he will dig in face will shut so the key indicator we need to achieve here is we need to hit the ball first too many people that struggle with a shot get the club working too far on the inside to start off with then as they come back into impact the club hits the ground behind the golf ball so what we want to do is you want to hit the ball first slightly sitting down feel like the grip end of the club goes down a little bit more that’s going to allow the club head to elevate up the way a great feeling to establish that is feel like you’re pushing down with your left hand and your pulling up with your right hand so we’re hinging the club up a little bit quicker push down with the left hand pull up with the right hand that’s going to allow us to hinge the club up a little bit earlier but it’s also going to allow us to avoid all the grass on the way back so I want you to think of the back swing as a letter V hinging the club up nice and quickly the backwing gets a little bit more up and down then as we come through we want to feel like we’re holding on with the last three fingers of our left hand so as we release the club we know the club face is going to shut down release the club we know there’s going to be a lot of grass interaction with the club face causing the club face to start closing the ball will generally fly further cuz there less spin so the last three fingers your left hand you’re just going to apply a little bit more pressure with those three fingers that’s going to help you keep that club face nice and open so a little bit of pressure feeling like you grip a little bit tighter over those last three fingers and as you release the club feel like the heel always stays higher than the toe if the toe overtakes the heel CL face shuts down and we reduce the Loft and also the ball will travel up further distance so feel like the heel always stays higher on the top ball a little bit further back than normal I’ll wait a little bit more into left side feel like left knees over the middle of your left foot that’s going to help your weight sit into your left side but also keep that left hip lower as you swing the club back I want you feel like you push the grip down the feeling to develop from here is just feel like you’re speeding the heel up and slowing the toe down that’s going to keep the club face nice and open if we speed the toe up and let the heel slow down the club face closes so just feel a little bit pressure with the last three fingers on your left hand hold that club face nice and open and nice and softly as well so ball further back weight further forward you’re going to hinge the club up a little bit quicker than as we come through grip a little bit tighter with lasty fingers keep that club face nice and open Groves to the sky and keep that chest rotating towards the target if you want to take the left shot out the way just grip a little bit tighter fingers keep the heel a little bit higher than the toe and feel like you’re playing a little bit more of a cut shot for this shot keep the club face nice and hinge the club Up release the club keep the club face nice and open dip a little bit tighter with the last three fingers if you struggle out the rough just allow the club to hinge up a little bit quicker grip a little bit tighter with elas your fingers keep that club face nice and open that is a recipe for Success out the rough and also just keep that club face nice and open prevent that ball going left here we go strle out the rof that the best formula it’s going to give you a little bit more success allow the club to hinge up a little bit quicker in the back swing the club face nice and open as you release the club and prevent that toe releasing over the heel keep that heel nice and high on the way through keep that club face nice and open in today’s video we’re going to talk about two thoughts I’ve been working on recently within my iron play that’s been encouraging me to create ball Turf contact consistently every time that I hit an iron is trying to keep the bend of my right arm for longer many golfers get to this positions and straightens too early the contact point is before the golf box so two things I’m trying to maintain the bend of my right arm for longer coupled by keeping my chest down in a flex position towards the ground for longer into the down swing that does two things allows me to get my weight into my heels and it also allows me to lengthen my low point after the golf ball and allows the body to start extending after impact so if you struggle with your arm play think about trying to keep the bend in your right arm for longer feeling to establish that if you think about the position of your right wrist relative to your right elbow your right elbow gets to the middle of your stomach before your right wrist so your right elbow elow is always working ahead of your right wrist that’s going to allow you to maintain the bend in the right arm for longer going to enable you to keep your right pal down towards the ground for longer which’re just going to allow this right wrist to stay in extension for longer so two things if you struggle with your arm keep the bend in the right arm for longer and keep your chest down towards the ground so keep your chest in a flex position down towards the ground then through impa you’re going to allow your weight to move into your heels the bend in the right arm for longer keep the chest down in a flex position so that’s going to help you stay down a little bit longer it’s going to allow you to push your weight back into your heels but it’s also going to allow you to maintain your posture on the way down and then lengthen your low point after the golf ball that’s going to allow your left hip to clear through impact but it’s also going to allow you to get your weight back into your heels if you struggle well extension and also get your weight into your left sides so impact and that’s going to lengthen your low point it’s going to allow you to create ball Turf contact that everyone wants to achieve so two things keep the bend on the right arm for longer keep the chest down towards the ground and the flex position that’s going to allow us to always get the hands ahead of the club head and it’s going to allow us to hit the GOL first and then take a small compressed divot after the golf ball that everyone wants to achieve so if you struggle with your iron Play here’s two thoughts that you can Implement within your practice we want to keep the bend in the right arm for longer into the downswing coupled by keeping your chest down in a flx position so right arm to stay bent a little bit longer into the down swing coupled by the chest remaining in a flex position towards the ground for longer to create this allow your right elbow to always lead the right wrist so right elbow to get to the middle of your body before your right wrist that’s going to keep the bend in the right arm for longer your chest down for the duration that’s going to enable you to push your weight back into your heels it’s going to clear space for your arms and body going to allow you to get your weight back into your left side the bend and right arm for longer keep the chest down Split Second longer into the down swing get your way into your left side impact and create a position where your hands are always leading the Club head that’s going to enable you to hit the golf ball first and then lengthen your low point after the golf ball so ball first then the ground after the golf ball is a great combination that’s going to improve your iron PL so maintain the bend in the right arm for longer keep the chest down or Split Second longer into the down swing that’s going to enable you to push your weight back into your heels maintain the bend on your right arm for longer keep the chest down a split second longer into a down swing allow the hands to always lead the club head two feelings as you come through and pack allow your left leg to feel really heavy that encourages your weight to stay into your left foot through impact and then a great feeling to establish that is think about better buckling chest to Target that’s going to enable you to get all your weight into your left side but it’s also going to enable you to create ball tarf contact that everyone wants to achieve so there’s two issues we do see you on a regular basis which is plaguing you ability to play golf early in the morning one is you don’t wake up early enough and two there a moisture on the grass so a lot of golfers will position the golf ball too far forward in the stance to get stance too wide as the club comes into to impact they don’t get their weight forward enough to impact the club hits the ground before the ball and when there’s moisture between the club face and the ball the spin will reduce one get the ball position a little bit more in the middle of stance grip in the club dissect through the inst step of your left leg as you swing back we’re going to take a shorter back swing 3/4 back swing then as we come into the down swing I’m going to a slight pressure shift into my left side so my chest is going to open up a little bit more my weight’s going to transfer into my left side a little bit earlier chest opening up through impact it’s going to allow me to move my low point forward chest is going to face the target chest opens up on the way through the more it’s going to encourage your weight to move into your left side but it’s also going to enable us to hit ball first and it’s going to move our low Point ahead of the golf ball

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