Golf Players

Damon Benning, Britt Prince, Kicking Back with the Cooks on Sports Nightly: Monday, June 17th, 2024

Welcome to Sports Nightly, brought to you by the NDOT Highway Safety Office! Join your hosts, Greg Sharpe and Jessica Coody, broadcasting live from the Akrs Broadcast Center in East Memorial Stadium.

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e good evening I’m Camden con and our Sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative earlier today Nebraska baseball gained a commitment from the transfer portal from former kraton baseball catcher Hogan Helo alixo is a 286 hitter that has five home runs and 49 RBI and is three years with the Blue Jays alixo will have one year of Eligibility remaining yesterday Husker volleyball picked up their first commitment for the 2026 class Gabby d a 6-1 outside hitter from Michigan is rated the ninth best Prospect in the nation via prep volleyball and 10th by prep dig last season in her sophomore year of high school Dita averaged 5.6 kills a set on a 445 hitting percentage in addition to 2.9 digs per set the Nebraska women’s golf team added yet another transfer today this time from Witchita State Lauren teal a graduate of Wahoo Bishop Newman High School is following in the footsteps of her older sisters Haley Hannah and Lindsay who combined to earn 11 women’s golf letters at Nebraska teal will have 3 years of Eligibility remaining the College World Series continued play up in Omaha today as Florida eliminated North Carolina State 5 to4 in just a few minutes Texas A&M plays Kentucky in a winners bracket game that can be watched on ESPN and later tonight at 7:30 central it’s the NBA Finals as the Celtics host the Mavericks the Celtics can win the NBA championship with a win in tonight that game can be seen on ABC our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative do you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 1890 hour one of sports nightly is up next right here on the Huskers radio network coming to you live from Memorial Stadium it’s Sports nightly all the Huskers all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the do Highway Safety Office who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down here come the Razer backs bumping over the left Gill and she stopped big alen block number 11 for the team 16 their body bumping in linoln Dylan turns hands it off to Dowell left side bounces to the outside 40 30 25 20 15 10 5 touchdown Dante Dowell Sil throws down low marowski kicks it out to J G knocked Away by Marshall seven to shoot six to shoot shell for three bet you Huskers take their first lead of the game with 30 seconds left here’s the two two pitch called strike three breaking ball outside corner making an even 10 for mcah and the hooers leave two more here in the top of the seven now the 3-2 and Bradwell swings and hammers it deep center field she’s gone home run Eva Bradwell and a two to nothing lead for the Corn Huskers toy kna with nine eight seven starts down the right side goes to the right sideline four second step back 30-footer got it [Applause] unbelievable I don’t believe what I just saw toy n knocking home here are your hosts Greg sharp and Jessica cudy on the Huskers radio network and we’re back for another week of sports iy I hope you all had a wonderful weekend I hope you all took care of the fathers in your world Jessica I don’t think your dad was in town but I think he’s coming so I hope you at least made a phone call to your dad yesterday yes he is going to be here this Thursday and I booked a tea time we talked about that last week so he wanted to try out a new course he’s been to a few and so uh we I got a tea time so he’s excited about that so we’re going to do that on Friday my brother told me hey go ahead and get him two different te times on two days he’s going to be here through Saturday but I think he just said one one round so we’re uh I can’t wait for him to get up here and and try out another course here in Lincoln there you go so good to see you by the way Greg hope you had a happy birthday or happy happy birthday happy Father’s Day well thank you you know it’s a dads are are are big I I’m still convinced moms are the key to most households but dads are OB obviously very very big and big influence in sports too and I know your dad was a big fluence on you and you getting involved in sports at the high school level wasn’t he oh absolutely so my dad actually was a high school basketball coach and was I mean I was born in October and was in the gym going to basketball games by November so I literally quite literally grew up in the gym and you know he was a superintendent at a small School in Oklahoma so luckily had keys to the gym anytime so we’d go up there and um so yeah big he was a coach and a lot of my sports growing up whether it be basketball or softball the little that I played up until my seventh grade year and and now golf so he’s coached me and and you know I just and I also go back to even me finding potentially wanting to maybe get into this career I was watching a football game with my dad and my brother and we saw a sideline reporter and at that time the women that you saw doing sports broadcasting were mainly the sideline reporters and so that’s what I thought I could do was be a sideline reporter for ESPN and uh so yeah that’s what initially sparked my interest in getting into sports broadcasting and then thankfully there’s been a whole world of broadcasting that’s been opened up the doors have been opened so wide for women in this industry but yeah so there’s a lot of things my love of sports specifically my love of basketball and now Golf and then uh me wanting to get into this industry a lot I can credit to my dad and also just allowing me to believe in and whatever you want to do you can do it both him and my mom were were big on that and if you find a job you love you’ll never work a day in your life so a lot of the things that were instilled In Me growing up and no doubt played a role into the woman that I became this job that I’m doing and absolutely no doubt about it my love of sports you mentioned golf is this where we’re obliged to congratulate the big dog I guess he’d be we should have just go the gone the whole show without giving giving him a shout out because he could not wait to rub it in our faces that he won the US Open pool but I guess you know we’re not going to be sore loser so we’ll go ahead and give it up to the big dog for winning our our uh draft US Open challenge you and I have football prediction crowns that we can tout yes multiple yes yes yeah which he’s he’s lucky to kind of be in the hunt so he’s we we’ll let him we’ll allow him to have this golf Ty title absolutely speaking of football is a busy weekend around the complex big recruiting weekend the Friday Night Lights camp and the Huskers lasto him a big commitment over the weekend Malcolm Simpson a defensive lineman from the Galveston area this is a fourstar defensive lineman if you follow coach knon on Twitter you could tell he was pretty pumped up yesterday uh when Malcolm told him that he was committing to the corn users some pretty good schools in on this young man and six 255 but I think Nebraska feels like there’s a lot of room to put some weight on that body as they move forward so now that class to 2025 class up to 11 commitments they have one more big weekend coming up before everything kind of shuts down in the month of July but the momentum continues to kind of spin for this program right now and it it’s it hasn’t come maybe in a rush Jessica but it’s been kind of a slow trickle that every now and then boom here comes another commitment I I think they’ve got to feel really good right now in the offices absolutely I mean it yeah like you said you just follow coach knon on social media and you could tell how uh ecstatic he was but just cannot say of how you know just how important it is to bring in yes a lot of times in the portal you can get the offensive linemen and the defensive linemen that can play right away but when you talk about development throughout the through throughout the program and getting them in here young and being able to to utilize them from a young age those those young High School defensive linan offensive lineman are important to the continued growth of the program especially up front I mean you’ve got to be good up front to to win in this league and so and I say that but then Coach knon had several true freshmen that were ready to go U last year and so that’s also got to be intriguing for some of these young guys that are looking and you know hey if I come as a true freshman a lot of places you might say oh you can’t play as a true freshman but um at Nebraska they’re going to give me a chance if I’m if I’m doing the right way but coach knon has done a heck of job recruiting and both out of the portal and building some some really you look at the list of talent that he’s been able to bring in on the defensive line the the true coming out of high school recruits just in the two years that he’s been here he’s got some exciting talent I mean cam linhard’s now the true sophomore Riley van Popple princewell Oman Manel and he’s been able to to rack up quite a bit of talent there that um and guys that I know he believes are going to have an opportunity to be able to come right in and contribute and it’s a line change with that defensive line as we saw last year he he rotates a lot of guys in keeps them fresh and the more of those types of bodies you can get in here that can play right away and spell guys uh it just continues to help the entire defense as it all starts up front you know if you if you said Greg pick up a guy on the staff that maybe has surprised you it would be him you know I didn’t have a lot of I didn’t know what to expect that a Terrance I know he played in the National Football League and sometimes those guys can make the transition to coaching sometimes they don’t but you’re right he has been phenomenal and then to get a guy like Ty Robinson to go I want to come back and play one more year for that guy I think that speaks a lot to Terrence but man I I’m not sure I would pick anybody else in the staff as somebody who’s maybe surprised me the last year and a half more than Terrence knon I think if you go back to this time a year ago and Sirles and I have talked about this a bunch because we talked about it throughout Spring football last year and then leading up into fall Camp talking about the defensive line could be the biggest question mark would probably be the biggest question mark just because you had a lot of young unproven guys and then it turns out to be arguably the the MVP right position group and the way that they came out and played in in so many players that were ready to go I think um yeah and just it speaks and I’ve sat down and talked with a new number of those def defensive linemen that speak about the job that Terence knon does developing not every player is the same and and that’s what he loves about his group I mean they’ve got a bunch of guys that come together but he he understands and appreciates each different personality and can relate to them and bring them all together and so then it’s it’s like the old line group it’s a a big unit and they take a lot of pride in that but how he’s able to develop guys at different skill levels right I mean from TY Robinson and Nash to the younger guys like Cam linhardt and Prince well man man Yellen I mean you just cannot deny the his ability to be able to develop and and continue to get guys ready to play it the the proof is in the pudding after last year and he’s just continuing to add to that group of depth but yeah it’s um he’s impressive and you know we joked about it when he came in for his turn on the football coaches show and I was like man you know I got to be honest I I doubted what you’re going to be able to do with that group just for the lack of numbers he goes oh I know we you know we took receipts and you know I don’t think for from the start I don’t think he questioned it I just think he knew they were a little thin in the numbers in the spring but then with some of the guys he knew would be coming in and and the the opportunities that Prince well and cam got and then he he they obviously s saw something special in James Williams that none of us really knew a lot about so I think he felt pretty good about it despite the question marks that a lot of of the outside world had and then he boy they came out and proved it right from the start from the start that very first game you saw the tone was set by that defensive line you have the unique perspective of being able to be down on that sideline what’s Terren like during games oh it’s it’s really fun i’ I’ve said this multiple times and I know Damon and you have talked about it but it’s it’s my probably my favorite position group huddle to listen into the way that he manages that group of guys he is very very quick to celebrate them and the way that he communicates with them but then also he’s going to get on them and and the expectations are there and and they continue to develop for that defensive line throughout the season and and he’s got high expectations for them but you know and then just just seeing how he communicates with rotating guys in okay it’s going to be this group here this is what we need and and then to see the guys that are around like to and Nash start to celebrate when those other guys get an opportunity it’s just it’s just such a neat Dynamic and that starts with with Terence knon and and the culture that he establishes within that room and how they celebrate each other but you know he coaches he teaches he pushes he’s not afraid to let them know when they have done something wrong but then also to see the way he nobody celebrates like Terence knon when his guys make a a good play and he’s quick to congratulate but he’s also quick to hold him to a high standard that also is a reflection of how he was coached by Matt R is also a guy like that that you know has high expectations but he’s also going to let you let you know when you’ve done something right and and celebrate that moment with you but he’s a fun fun coach and I just can’t say enough about just the things that the players in that dline room say about how he is when they’re even in their meeting rooms and how he brings guys together and how he teaches and coaches and the way he sees the game and he’s done it at the highest level so he’s able to implement and instill that but he also knows how to get certain things out of certain guys because they are so different but yeah he he’s a upand cominging rising star I think Matt Ru has said that in this profession and I think no doubt could absolutely be um a defensive coordinator one day if if that’s what he wants to do yeah well we got a great show line up for you tonight Damon benning’s going to stop by we’ll talk some some recruiting with Damon and get his thoughts about some of these particularly local guys that have already committed to this 20 25 class for Matt rule all kinds of things we can talk about with DB so that’s coming up here in just a couple of minutes next hour Jessica had a chance to catch up with Britt prince who is probably the diamond of this recruiting class coming in for Amy Williams who had a stellar career at the high school level here in the state of Nebraska dominant career four straight titles Gatorade player the year all of that so excited to have Brit now a part of the hcar athletic department as well have some of that and last week the newest edition of the kicking back with the cooks podcast came out we’ll play some Snippets of that where I guess they’re trying to trying to name a horse is that what’s going on with that thing yes Greg this is announced last week and they had over 10,000 responses so I don’t know how they’re going to go through them all I don’t know we probably need to pick the brain of Nick burkart or see what they’re going to do H how are they going to get it down from 10,000 to one I don’t know so but yes he put it out out there it goes back to my interview with him that I had uh when he announced that that and that was part of the release was that he was going to get this horse number 415 I’m like but what do you call him right I mean it’s not like 415 is not the easiest to say and so he you know he’s thinking about that I think and then ended up finding a way to be able to involve Husker nation and so I cannot wait to see what the ultimate horse name becomes but we’re going to dive into that with the kicking back with the cooks and why he chose the way he did to be able pick this horse’s name all right well we’ll look forward to what a cool cool sliced and diced I think Cole and CA did today I’m anxious to hear what part they pulled out of that that podcast for us to listen to and of course we want you to be a part of the program 402 41324 h00 that’s our phone number that’s also our text line love to have your interaction on the program well husar fans check out the all new hiy Perks program sign up for the totally free high ve Perks program and enjoy exclusive perks pricing on hundreds of items in in store and online score big savings today at perks hiy an official grocery partner of husker Athletics and it is your One-Stop shop for making your life easier healthier and happier visit your local Ive today back with DB next dear roads trails and rivers you ready for some SUV action Toyota SUVs can roll their sleeves up for tight turns and twisty Trails dress up for a night out on the town or head to the Great Outdoors take your family adventure game to a whole new level with the roomy Highlander make a serious Splash with the rugged revved up ra 4 and Tow all your toys in the spacious new Sequoia don’t forget the Trail T and 4Runner and a Sleek vinza hybrid all Toyota SUVs feature a whole Suite of Creature Comforts to keep you and yours cozy in the cabin check out this legendary lineup at Toyota Let’s Go Places see your Omaha Metro and Lincoln Toyota dealers Corwin Toyota of bellw Village Point Toyota of Omaha backer Toyota of LV Vista or Baxter Toyota of Lincoln Husker fans the 2024 Nebraska football season is right around 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chance to chat especially when uh there’s not a real football game to be played and it’s just you and I shooting the breeze with our listeners staying with the father theme Damon you got to move Caleb down to the university a few weeks ago how was that how’s he adapted to college life in his first few weeks yeah it’s it’s been uh it’s been amazing you know I thought he would have a little tougher transition than he did but um maybe that’s just how he feels about he’s he’s been fine you know they called and and on a Saturday he graduated on Sunday and he was gone Monday morning so he moved down a couple of weeks earlier from the intended due date and I actually think for the both of us that was a positive because I didn’t have a chance to lament and really say goodbye and he got a chance to get you know three weeks of a head start so like I said he graduated Sunday at two he was enrolled and in a meeting with Dennis LeBlanc Greg at 9:30 the following Monday it was uh it was an incredible weekend to get him to to get him on the move I didn’t I didn’t know if he was going to agree coach sharp Co or coach sharp yeah you’re right you’ve you’ve been coaching me to stay out of trouble coach Rule and Coach Coupe you know called on Saturday you know they they talked to my wife first which is kind of fitting and then uh Caleb knew ahead of time so when he I thought he maybe would just commute uh but he wanted to make the full move in just 36 hours so um like I said hindsight it was probably for the best because it it forced me to adjust quickly and him too so we’re off and running fantastic well this is a big month for recruiting and it certainly was an active weekend for the Oscars I think up to 11 commits now they got the big defensive lineman uh that was a nice get from the Galveston Texas area how do you feel this class is setting up in your analysis of where where this staff is going with this this particular class well I like it a lot and they’re not afraid to swing for the fences I you know for all the the you know talk and Scutt aut about them Finding Diamonds in the Rough and you know them you know kind of being satellite Camp guys and Friday night light guys they have they’ve shot their shot with a lot of quality players and you know they they’ got a couple of commits I think that are that are in the full most recently this weekend and they’re not done yet I thought this weekend you know the 21st Maybe maybe the big one G sh but this one is certainly no slouch it’s 1A um if not right there you know it was it was what I call a big guy weekend where it was a lot of o line dline uh obviously my guy Christian Jones uh outside linebacker was there and and so I just I think it’s interesting that June has become such an important month when we used to talk about it it was like this pipe dream uh well you know we need a different signing period I don’t mind a summer signing period I never thought I would see official visits and guys on campus and and get so much away from the game day experience like we have so quickly what about some of the Omaha commits you certainly are locked into that that scene pretty well tell us about some of the guys that have have already announced they going to be Huskers in the 25 class your thoughts on some of them yeah I’m I’m really you know I got start with Tyson Terry uh his dad you know coached Caleb for for three years over the Lil Vikes organization and and he’s such a competitor you know he’s a big strong physical kid he’s the cool thing about him is and you know I kind of like guys like this he’s he’s fairly mean-spirited but he’s also a guy that I would let babysit you know my my 5-year-old so um I I he’s a guy that they they’re very very very good friends you know as a matter of fact they could have had the choice at a third roommate uh and if tyon would have come out this year he would have been he and Donovan’s thirdd roommate so uh that’s just what I think of Tyson Terry you know Kaden vermos awfully explosive uh he’s been a handful for us to kind of Corral as we try to defend Miller North he’s going to bring a lot of speed and explosiveness you know he may try his hand at some quarterback this year and so we’ll see them how they move him around Carpenter if he was at any other school and this is no disrespect to Lincoln Southwest but another offensive School you move him down the road to 370 or somewhere at above you West you know he’s a 12200 yard receiver probably uh he’s explosive can high point a ball really really competitive uh doesn’t say a whole lot kind of commands um the the the respect of the room just goes about his business Conor Booth um well he’s a Workhorse you know if Nebraska wants a tough strong kid Conor Booth is is that guy not afraid to tote the mail stick his face in there he’s everything you want you know Pierce mberry again another long angular he’s he’s kind of built like a drinking straw Sharpie but but Pierce is he can really go get a football I know a lot of people talk about his defensive prowess but I’m telling you he he is a handful uh going to get some of those balls up the sideline he wins a lot of 50-50 balls well you you’ve got the behind the scenes look because you you because of of your recruit recuitment of Caleb you kind of know how this staff Works uh how impressed are you by their their organization their relentlessness just talk a little bit about that for the folks gosh it’s incredible it really is and that’s not lip service you know I you know me uh for a long time and i’ rather be right than well liked so I you know what I say is what I mean and they due diligence and an ability to to be highly highly organized you know for instance just with Caleb when they wanted to move early he’s 3 weeks ahead of schedule when we’re moving him in his dorms there’s only two other two or three other people in in the suite and Dr Elsa pokes her head in and she says hey no sure I’m glad yall decided to to come down early uh I told our staff on Saturday before we made the call let’s just plan on him saying yes and get the ball rolling with the student ID numbers his classes I’m making sure he was ready to start pre- session so you can’t do those kinds of things Sharpie without having everybody pull in the same direction you take a look at their um their strength and conditioning their performance their presentations are unbelievable the measurables making sure that you get that dexa Scan they know your body fat what what what kind of good weight you can take on uh where where you have deficiencies where you have an imbalance uh just the measurables the the academic side you know I asked Den this about oh was a couple months ago Sharpie I said you know what’s the difference I I’ve seen 20 some odd years of this what’s what’s been the difference for you not to take away anything from anybody else let’s just talk about Coach Rand he said you know the the one thing that he he came to me first and he said what what can I do to make your life easier what can I do to get our student athletes a better experience with their academics and you know Dennis said he said you know what just get them here get get them in the seats and we drive the bus and he said it’s been such a pleasant surprise with their attention to detail you know Caleb they’re basically busy from you know six’s he’s busy 11 hours out of the day and it’s a productive it’s a productive 11 hours wow the the cool thing about it is Sharpie the staff is so well oiled you know Avery gasset and Keith Williams and and Kristen and Ryan Callahan and Vince ginta uh they’re incredible they they’re they’re so I you’re you’re really good with words it’s this thing where there’s autonomy to do your job because he coach rule knows that um you’re obviously you you command a salary you have a job to do so he understands that but the fact that they know all the little intricacies of what the right and the left hand are doing have been nothing short of extraordinary last week they allowed some media members to kind of get a Peak at the go big project I know you’ve walked around there a little bit it’s just it’s hard to describe I I’m in awe when I’m in parts of that new building DB it’s just impressive it all get out couldn’t believe it you know true story I’ve never I haven’t even told this story when I walked into the staff room you know where they where they meet as a staff uh nobody had been in there yet it was it was pretty new they the automated lights come on I looked at the the table and the infrastructure and the seats and the and the sound system I literally laugh and I walked out in the hallway I I it was I didn’t laugh because somebody told a funny joke it was just an incredible room for a meeting of the minds I just couldn’t believe how far it’s come in terms of leaving no stone unturned utilizing all the space in the room the quality of the the furniture and I mean Cole’s probably the only one smart enough between the three of us to run any sort of systems in that room with with their technology it was I I was blown away the the walkthr room where you can get 35 to 40 players in there with with big you know huge televisions where you can literally do walkthroughs on Turf watching tape real time it’s it’s incredible the the lounge you know Kristen was very pretty animant cogin about you know she didn’t want Buffet stations she wanted cooking stations and she wanted it to be high quality it is the rest in recovery area I was I was flored their they their facilities won’t take a backseat to anyone unbelievable Damon Benny with us here on Sports a few more minutes with DB are you a magazine guy are you going out and picking up the athlons and the Lindy and the Phil Steels or do you try to what’s your strategy this time of year as you get prepped I’m concerning I’m consuming all the information I can get I want to be with you and at Big 10 media day so you can clue me in you know looking at people’s records and I can get smarter I was blown away by your wherewithal last year I’ll be prepared for you this year I am a I’m a big magazine guy and I think this year is a little different and I think you’d agree a lot of folks are there’s a buzz and there’s a little bit of excitement about Nebraska so it makes reading uh the pre-season prognostications and and and all that it it makes it pretty fun you okay with all these night games you know I I am and I’m not it’s good you know our pregame you know four hours Benny mckas kind of just shooting a breeze at least I know I can get to the stadium on time that’ll that’s always a bonus um but it’s hard to wait and and I don’t envy the players it’s it’s a really I know it’s good for the fans and it creates an electric environment but it is really hard to stay patient and in the moment uh so I kind of feel for the players a little bit but for everybody else hey I’m okay with it very good Damon good to catch up on it’s been a little while so I wanted to get you on and get your thoughts about some of this recruiting which obviously he’s grabbing all the headlines right now and Welly we’re probably what a little over 60 days out I can’t believe it’s going to be here before we know it yeah you made my week I appreciate it anytime you guys need me there he is Damon Benny joining us here to give us a little talk little Husker football talk in the middle of June you joined us on our Woodhouse Auto family hotline they are your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making carbine on your terms visit us online at all right phone lines text lines back open 402 413 2400 Jessica will rejoin me next dear roads trails and rivers you ready for some SUV action Toyota SUVs can roll their sleeves up for tight turns and twisty Trails dress up for a night out on the town or head to the Great Outdoors take your family adventure game to a whole new level with the roomy Highlander make a serious Splash with the rugged revved up RAV four and Tow all your toys in the spacious new Sequoia don’t forget the trail tame and 4Runner and the Sleek vinza hybrid all Toyota SUVs feature a whole Suite of Creature Comforts to keep you and yours cozy in the cabin check in out this legendary lineup at Toyota Let’s Go Places see your Omaha Metro and Lincoln Toyota dealers Corwin Toyota of bellw Village Point Toyota of Omaha Baxter Toyota of lav Vista or Baxter Toyota of Lincoln hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts hi I’m a baseball umpire my job can get pretty stressful I have to keep my eyes open at all times and if I don’t make the right call people boo me so to relax I visit a Nebraska Lottery retailer like this one and buy some scratch tickets it always calms me down hey you cut in line I did not all right you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game Husker fans Springtime in sarie County means sport and outdoor activities catch an Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at Warner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play round of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at if there’s one thing we like it’s choices find your Wars with Ford F-150 gas hybrid or all electric whether it’s Towing powering up or getting from0 to 60 and 3.8 seconds what you choose to do with that much power is up to you tough this smart can only be called F-150 get 1.9% financing for 72 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on a brand new 2023 F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers hey Huskers it’s a new day in Nebraska manzer equipment merch farm equipment and West Point Implement of Columbus have teamed up as true a and turf coach rule is bringing Innovation and high performance standards to Husker football and true a is doing the same to your farm with gamechanging fent equipment as big red establishes power on the field true a and turf does the same in the field by welcoming fent to Nebraska at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbor keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to Waterproofing basement to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we’d like to think our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we’re the nation’s leading Foundation Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers experience The Thrill of the open road at Woodhouse Hyundai least the 2024 Hyundai Sonata seal for $299 a month for 24 months plus when you shop Woodhouse Hyundai you can rest easy with Hyundai Shopper Assurance America’s best 10-year 100,000 M Power Trin limited warranty visit Woodhouse today 24 months 12,000 m per year with approved credit tax title and license extra $999 down plus first payment and $299 do fee do at signing stock H 24775 offer expires 7124 see dealer for details our hoscar radio network broadcast Center sponsored by Acres the Midwest Premier John deer deer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field GRE sharp Jessica cie back with you Monday night the middle of June great to hear from Damon Benning get his take about some of these local guys that have committed to the hoscar football team Damon certainly locked into high school football in the state of Nebraska so great to get his take on all the that AR in Los Angeles on our text line said Greg I really like the way the schedule lines up it’s fantastic loving those night games and yeah I I’m not sure you could really put it any other way that this is a nice schedule for Matt rur here in year two and I think we’re g to take full-time advantage of all of that um pretty cool thing today Jessica the city of Lincoln is going to name June the 7th Darius L day that’s a pretty cool little honor for the Husker hurdler yeah I mean he’s a local kid just won a national title the first Husker to win a National Title in 110 meter hurdles and program history so uh I I think it was it was in the works but Darius didn’t know until today and so I think it was a probably a pretty cool surprise for him we were supposed to get him on last week coming off the national title win but he got busy he’s working some camps but I am told that he’s going to stop by the studio tomorrow so we’ll be able to talk to him all about uh the the Darius left day and winning the national title but oh my gosh how cool is that and and just again for the local kid to go represent but then to still be being celebrated and I know he’s training for the Olympics as well right here in in in Nebraska so uh so cool and and so happy for him I I am too and it was a a little surprising to be honest with you I knew he would place and I knew he would be in the finals and but I didn’t I don’t know that I saw him winning so it’s great and that’s just all on him him that’s just his wanting to fight and try to get a victory and good for him you know he’s been right there so close and he’s been an All-American so many times but uh you know for him to go get it done and another thing that I want to talk to him about which they talked about on the broadcast and then he mentioned in immediately in his interview but they actually had a false start and he did not get off to he did not get off to a good start and so the having to come back and reset would rattle a lot of athletes but it actually helped him and that’s what they were saying the commentators on the ESPN broadcast was that if there’s anybody that’s not going to be phased by that it’s Darius Lu and I did I think it helped him to reset and then get off to a better start because even my dad noticed it from the start when when they got off that first time and called him back he did not have a good start uh so then he put it all together after that but hey took advantage of it and put it all together and what a great story and yeah um just the way that he was able to progress I also think that speaks to for recruiting as well uh Brenton Emanuel who just won the regional assistant coach of the year for track and field he is really really good and he’s a really really great recruiter he was the one that tag teamed the recruiting of uh both Bryce Turner and uh Jaylen Lloyd with the playing both track and football and so you know he’s proven kind of what he can do and then the development start of it we had Garrett Kalin on here who’s the fastest 200 meter hurdle fastest 200 meter runner in program history too he’s just a sophomore he gives a lot of credit to Britain and and so we when we talk a lot about that development um part of it with the football is it’s really important in track and field too and so you’re seeing them not only bring in the talent but also continue to develop them where they are getting better and better and better and now winning national titles and and setting themelves up to even maybe compete for Team USA and Olympics and even bigger bigger things well I sure hope he stops by this week I want to hear from Darius and congratulating him and that’s a cool thing winning an NCA championship in this St sport is really hard to do the Huskers had a couple of obviously a couple Champions this past week when they were out in Oregon competing for that so is there a Greg sharp day anywhere in the country no no that would never happen didn’t Lexi Rodriguez get named in her hometown in Illinois yep in her hometown yeah yeah I definitely don’t have a Jessy day Hartman Wellman day you hopped around so much I did right I did I moved around D moved you around you didn’t get your roots locked into one little Community down there I know I know that’s all right yeah does the uh NBA season end tonight I think so I think so I mean it kind of got disappointing it was pretty exciting and then it just w w like talk about peing too early the NBA Playoffs peaked way too early they did and I I’m I watched the Stanley Cup finals too and they’re the same way it’s just been a dominant for the Florida Panthers and so neither one of those that’s why I really needed the golf to be as good as it was yesterday he kind of wanted something to really pull you in and that was incredible drama I know we congratulated the big dog earlier but that was really some impressive golf I felt awful for Rory missing those two short putts uh but man Bryson is an entertaining guy to watch he really is you know I was one of the part of the camp that was not a Bryson dambo fan a few years ago he was just too much but he’s he won me over and I appreciated how he approached the weekend and Greg did you see I think it was live on the it was either on peacock or the Golf Channel that there was a guy one of the analysts that was talking about he was in the s where Bryson hit the incredible shot and Bryson pulls up with the trophy and this is all happening live and he he talks him through it and he’s celebrating him it just was so neat I mean I just think he’s grown up he’s how he’s approached things and just there were so many moments that you could tell just the way that he was handling it and this is a good time for golf right I mean I know Scotty shuffler has gone on a dominant run but I love that there’s different guys that are in the mix and and that are competing and it’s drawn like you mentioned that it’s not just guys running away with it every single you know major o major or PGA tournament it’s it’s competitive and that’s what we like to see I mean I want to see in a US Open it come down to the last hole and to maybe potentially have a playoff on the line and I I I like that that’s what makes golf so fun to watch and so there was a lot of fun moments but I I’m happy for Bryson and he won a lot of people over I think has started to win a lot of people over I think this entire golf season but certainly won a lot more over this weekend and I was one of them yeah his Q rating has gone through the roof you know he’s on the playing the final round of the US Open he’s in a battle to win the thing and he’s walking from the green to a tea box and there is a young man in a wheelchair and Bryson steps to the side and signs his cap who does that Tiger Woods would never have done that he would have been so focused he would have blown right by this but Bry had the peace of mind to see a young man and go sign his hat I if you if you watch that and you’re still not a fan of Bryson I I can’t help you I know I agree that was a really special moment there was one too the last I think it was the last major that someone he had tossed a golf ball to a a little kid but um an adult stole it from the kid and he came back again making his turn I think going from probably the ninth to the uh 10th hole when he walks through the the galley of people and he stops at hey that’s for that little kid you know so he he wanted to give make sure that kid the kid got the golf ball that he tossed to him so I think there’s been several moments like that I think he’s embraced it and he’s matured and grown up and and figured out how not to let the moment be so much where he’s so overwhelmingly intense and gets wrapped up in all of it I think he’s channeled his emotions to where it’s like he gets fired up but he doesn’t you know it’s not too much anymore I guess is what I’m saying absolutely good stuff I know Cole when he get to a break hey Woodhouse Auto family is your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 convenient Sales and Service locations we’re making car buying and your terms visit us online at 42413 2400 the numbers if you want to be a part of the program of the call or text we’re back to wrap hour one next experience personal life service and exceptional deals at Woodhouse Lincoln with cuttingedge technology and incredible design Woodhouse Lincoln is the place to find your next luy vehicle going on now receive 2.9% APR for 72 months on the 2024 Lincoln Navigator or save up to $2,000 off MSRP with retail customer cash on the 2024 Lincoln Navigator with approved credit $299 doe do it signing offer expires July 8 2024 see dealer for details hi I’m a baseball umpire my job can get pretty stressful I have to keep my eyes open at all times and if I don’t make the right call people boo me so to relax I visit a Nebraska Lottery retailer like this one and buy some scratch tickets it always calms me down hey you cut in line I did not all right you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts hi this is Husker national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career Chiropractic Care helped my athletic performance on the field and kept me in the game today regular Chiropractic Care keeps me healthy and active to do the things I love Chiropractic is safe and effective for all ages make chiraa your first choice to reduce pain improve your mobility and feel better naturally it works for me and it can work for you too learn more at Nebraska we like it’s choices find yours with Ford F-150 gas hybrid or all electric whether it’s Towing powering up or getting from 0 to 60 in 3.8 seconds what you choose to do with that much power is up to you tough this smart can only be called F-150 get 1.9% financing for 72 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on a brand new 2023 F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers [Music] Oscar fans check out the all new hiy Perks program sign up for the totally free Hy Perks program and enjoy exclusive perks pricing on hundreds of items in store and online scorebig savings today at perks hi the official grocery partner of husker Athletics and it’s your One-Stop shop for making your life easier healthier and happier visit your local hiy today again coming up next to our Brit Prince just get a chance to catch up with the one of the newest members of the husar women’s basketball team we’ll have that and we’ll also have a little bit of the latest edition of kicking back with a Cooks we talked about this earlier in the hour that this was the episode where John offered up if somebody can name his horse they’re going to give away a couple tickets to a a volleyball match you’ve got some updates on that correct yeah so I had said this but it was well it was over 10,000 submissions for horse names that they are trying to work through they took a all all through the weekend so they’re getting organized now they’re going to figure out how they’re going to tackle it and get coach Cook to go through it um and and go from there see how they’re going to determine a winner they might even narrow it down into another contest for the best five names or something like that but again they’re just starting the process of narrowing that down so that being said I guess there’s a spam email that’s been going out that’s saying that hey you’re the winner or You’ve Won I’m not sure exactly what the email says but if you’ve got an email that’s referring to you winning this horse naming challenge it’s a it’s spam it’s a scam and so do not click on it do not click that link they have not determined a winner yet they’re not really even close and when they do they will be reaching out directly through social media so don’t click on those email links uh from scammers saying that you’ve won the horse contest because that is not coming from the athletics department how about that in that crazy stuff like that happens but dog on it kind of kind of ruins it for some people I know terrible and the fact that like that this is I mean people have hopped on on trying to take advantage of this you know something like this so uh terrible but just so you know if you’ve gotten an email don’t click on that link very good stay away from it people get spammed uh by the way I really enjoyed your interview last week with Coach hoyberg I I’m telling I’m excited I think they did another really good job of putting this roster together and I could tell in his voice he really likes what he’s got now for a team yes I I think so I think he really likes the group already he can tell and he started to could tell something special about this last year and a lot of the coaches and players that were a part of it when I would talk to them at the end of the season when did you think that okay maybe this team could come together and do something special they all pointed back to the Summers so uh there’s a lot of newcomers coming in they’ll have to get going get in Jael but the fact that you’ve got some key guys back that can help set the tone for that and and but they’re veteran guys that are experienced and I think match the kinds of players that fit well in the system fit well in this culture and so I think he they did an outstanding job and uh now it’s putting it all together and building that team chemistry but I think they’ve got a really good group I’m excited for it yeah after I listened to that I was ready to go watch him play so good stuff there all right one hour in the books we’re going to come back Brit Prince is going to be in hour number two John Cook Lauren cook part of kicking back with the cooks also part of our too and hey we got weekend winners right at the end of the hour so a lot of fun still ahead come on [Music] back hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts hey Huskers it’s a new day in Nebraska manzer equipment merch farm equipment and West Point Implement of Columbus have teamed up as true a and Turf coach rule is bringing Innovation and high performance standards to Husker football and true EG is doing the same to your farm with gamechanging fent equipment as big red establishes power on the field true a and turf does the same in the field by welcoming fent to Nebraska farming today is a combination of hard work Innovation and Partnerships to help keep us moving forward sap Brothers petroleum has provided us with fuel propane and lubricants on the farm for many years for over 52 years sa Brothers has been a reliable partner to thousands of farmers across our great state we work hard to make sure our customers have the most reliable Supply provided in the safest Manner and at the most competitive price trust sap Brothers petroleum to protect your equipment and keep your farm fueled sa Brothers is proud to be an official partner of husers Athletics and to serve Nebraska farmers and Husker fans across America’s hardland for Farmers productivity isn’t an option it’s everything and at Valley we feel the same delivering gamechanging technology and irrigation solutions that advance Advance agricultural productivity with the results to prove it from our leading irrigation technology to expert advice you can always rely on Valley to bring out the best in your farm at Valley productivity isn’t an option it’s everything visit your local Valley dealer or Valley today hi I’m a baseball umpire my job can get pretty stressful I have to keep my eyes open at all times and if I don’t make the right call people boo me so to relax I visit a Nebraska Lottery retailer like this one and buy some scratch tickets it always calms me down hey you cutting line I did not all right you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game e e e e e e e e good evening I’m Camden con and our Sports ticker is brought to you by the 1890 initiative earlier today Nebraska baseball gained a commitment from the transfer portal from former kraton baseball catcher Hogan Helo Helo is a 286 hitter that has five home runs and 49 RBIs and his three years with the Blue Jays alixa will have one year of Eligibility remaining yesterday Husker volleyball picked up their first commitment for the 2026 class Gabby Dita a 6-1 outside hitter from Michigan is rated the ninth best Prospect in the nation via prep volleyball and 10th by prep dig last season in her sophomore year of high school Dita averaged 5.6 kills a set on a 445 hitting percentage in addition to 2.9 digs per set the Nebraska women’s golf team added yet another transfer today this time from witto State Lauren teal a graduate of Wahoo Bishop Newman High School is following in the footsteps of her older sisters Haley Hannah and Lindsay who combined to earn 11 women’s golf letters at Nebraska teal will have 3 years of Eligibility remaining the College World Series continued play up in Omaha today as Florida eliminated North Carolina State 5 to four they’re in the top of the fourth between Texas A&M and Kentucky and that game is scoreless and can be seen on ESPN and later tonight at 7:30 central it’s game five of the NBA Finals as the Celtics host the Mavericks the Celtics can win the NBA champ ship with a win tonight that game can be seen on ABC our Sports ticker is sponsored by the 1890 initiative do you want to support Husker student athletes through name image and likeness if so visit 1890 our two of sports nightly is up next right here on the Huskers radio network coming to you live from Memorial Stadium it’s Sports nightly all the Huskers all the time Sports nightly is presented to you by the ndot highway safety office who remind you to buckle up and put the phone down here com the Razer backs bumping over the left Gill and she stopped big Allen Block number 11 for the team 16 their body pping in linoln Dylan turns hands it off to Dowell left side bounces to the outside 40 30 25 20 15 10 five touchdown Dante Dowell CH throws down low Mar Kowski kicks it out to Jazz knocked Away by Marshall seven to shoot six to shoot Shelly for three bet you husers kick their first lead of the game with 30 seconds left here’s the two two pitch called strike three breaking ball outside corner Mak it an even 10 for mcah and the hooers leave two more here in the top of the seventh now the 3-2 and Bradwell swings and hammers it deep center field she’s gone home run Eva Bradwell and a two to nothing lead for the Corn Huskers toy knocka with nine8 seven starts down the right side goes to the right sideline 4 second step back 30-footer got it [Applause] unbelievable I don’t believe what I just saw toy Naga knocks it home here are your hosts Greg sharp and Jessica cudy on the Huskers radio network we’re back hour number two of our Monday show so glad you’re choosing to spend a few minutes with us here tonight got a great hour coming up going to hear from BR Prince here in a few minutes play a little bit of the latest podcast kicking back with the cooks with John and Lauren and at the end of the hour we’re all going to spin in our weekend winners and still time if you want to be a part of the program as well at 402 413 2400 Candon Jessica had the scores from up in Omaha today my goodness the start of the College World Series has been phenomenal amazing games walk-off wins they had a late night start because of a thunderstorm on Saturday where they didn’t finish till after 1:00 a.m. it’s been it’s really been fun to watch and this is two years in a row where the College World Series has really been High Caliber baseball yeah absolutely I that’s probably going to be spoiler alert my weekend winner with the College Baseball fans up in Omaha for the treat that they got the three straight walk-offs to start how competitive it’s been and that’s what you want I mean I guess you could say argue with got it right right with the the final the final field so hopefully the the fireworks continue and it continues to be entertaining because that’s what we all want we don’t want to see blowouts at this point right we want to see uh closed matchups and and competitive games that have a lot of fireworks and drama and we certainly have seen it they have not disappointed up in Omaha this week and what a I mean I say this every year but what a great 10 12 day commercial for the city of Omaha and the state of Nebraska I mean everything’s about Omaha they show you a lot of the night scenes and they’ve got different shots from around the town and the zoo and all those things it’s it’s almost like a paid commercial for the city and and in essence the state as well it’s just really remarkable for this area to have that it’s funny because you know again just the downtown scene you saw again the jello shot challenge we talked about that the other day at rocos that has become um a national kind of sensation and I know they donate to charity and so that that that was started being really blowing up last year but there’s so many things that surround the ballpark the FanFest is awesome it’s just the city of Omaha does so well with how it’s even if you don’t go to the games like I went down there last year and didn’t go to a game but had so much fun down there just being around the ballpark and in that atmosphere and there’s so many places you can go watch games and so many fun places to eat down there and it’s kind of funny Greg this year because there was a little bit more of a uproar about Oklahoma being in the softball you know women’s colge World Series and having an advantage quote unquote and a lot of the arguments were wait till Nebraska makes the men’s College World Series it just is kind of funny that that comparison always comes back to well when Nebraska men make the men’s College World Series because it’s always Omaha and Oklahoma City that always host those two events and they do such a great job of it and it’s become known for being the place to go the destination place and kids grow up hey I want to go to Al hey I want to play in Oklahoma City and it becomes the dream when you’re a young kid because it’s been at those places for so long and they’ve done such a great job both cities of really being the destination for both those uh both the sports and so it’s it was kind of fascinating again hearing this year a bunch of people all up in arms that Oklahoma has such a big Advantage but Oklahoma State hasn’t won a title and they haven’t dominated so I don’t know if that’s a fair argument Krypto wants to know if I think Florida’s going to win it no I think it’s going to be A&M against Tennessee as is what I think the finals will be but we’ll find out by by the end of the week do you see those great A&M fans that made some headlines that made my blood yeah boil I was so and because they were they were making fun of I think a bat boy that had died of cancer for Florida during the year when you hear that I oh I just I I was beside myself when I heard the whole story I hope they keep those two guys out of out of Omaha for good what a terrible terrible terrible representation of a school you know I mean just they had A&M jerseys on and and they were just carrying on and it became such it was all over my social media people tweeting or tweeting about it I I’ll keep it there for the big dog tweeting about it and posting about it and just awful and I’m glad they removed them they’re banned they can’t come back but uh yeah just just terrible so um I’m glad they will not be back on the premises because you’re right it just uh was awful awful display so you saw that on X on on Twitter um well she’s not from directly Omaha but elor North RIT Prince the I’m probably intending this pun the Crown Jewel of the Amy Williams recruiting class for this upcoming year all that group is now on campus working out and earlier today Jess got a chance to catch up with Brit got another newcomer episode for you as we introduce you to the new faces of husker Athletics over the summer and today a name Husker fans are very very familiar with Nebraska native Brit Prince Brit thanks so much for being here with us thank you well you’re all moved into the dorm how was that how was it getting moved in I know you you guys are living all together the The Freshman but how was moving in and getting settled in yeah it was good it was really good to get here and get to meet everyone again and um get all settled in our room it’s really nice you obviously know the team really well and and you’ve gotten to know I know your fellow freshman but how special was it for you guys when you pull up and and the teams there the coaches are there to greet you as you move in yeah really special I mean that’s just what they’re about good team culture and all that kind of stuff like that so um yeah it was good to see them and they helped us move all our stuff in and then kind of got out of the way kind of let us get settled in so it was good okay who would be the number one teammate that you would hire as a mover to help you move um well honestly I like I got there and then Coach ma took me to the desk to get my key and they by the time I came back out to my car all my stuff was already in there so I was like okay I like didn’t have to move anything wow that’s great you got the good end of the deal on that deal um so you didn’t even have time to even evaluate their moving skills no that’s awesome um so you obviously people around here know you very well followed your high school career career take me through your recruiting process cuz I know it was probably stressful at times for you just how you managed all of that really from when you first started getting offers when you were an eighth grader to when you made your decision to come to Nebraska yeah I mean it was a really long process um but just kind of like taking it day by day and my mom helped me with that a lot I mean like before you could before they could call me directly like they would go through my mom cuz she was my coach so um that made it a little bit easier and just kind of like balancing out like phone calls and then like your own life and then um yeah I think um once I made my decision like um there was kind of a weight lifted off my shoulders and I’m like really excited and happy with my decision so yeah what advice or what kind of I guess yeah advice would you give maybe some younger student athletes that might go through the process of how to handle it I mean and and how to manage all all the things that go into it yeah I mean I was say just make sure you have a balance between when you’re talking to coaches and and you need time for yourself and like the coaches understand like if you say I’m going to take like a couple days off and I’m not going to talk to any coaches or something like that like just focusing on yourself too um is good yeah take the time you need for sure um so you ended up uh landing on and committing to Nebraska you had offers from everywhere uh so many offers why did ultimately Nebraska feel like you wanted to stay here and and play at home yeah well I I always grew up a Husker fan and you know just being close by and close like um it’s always nice like if your family can come watch you and all that kind of stuff and then just like the girls are awesome and the culture and the coaches um like I have good relationship with them and all that kind of stuff played into it who was your all-time favorite Husker who was your favorite Husker growing up um I I mean I watched a lot of them I mean um maybe I like to watch Taylor Kissinger really good three-point shooter stuff like that and obviously like jazz really good and all of them so being a Nebraska kid watching you know what Alexis and Allison Weidner and even somebody like Jordy ball what was that like for you in your perspective and and just seeing those neb Nebraska kids stay home and want to play here yeah it’s really cool I mean like especally like Lex and Allison like I’ve talked to them about that too like they just say it’s like really special being able to play for your home state and stuff like that so yeah you have known coach Williams a long time I think you played with Kennedy right as I’m growing up how important was that relationship to you when when you are getting all these calls from coaches across the country to have that back ground already with coach Williams and and that trust I’m sure was was a big factor oh yeah for sure I mean yeah like you said I’ve known her for a really long time and just like yeah that trust Factor like um I know when she’s saying something like she’s being real to me and I can trust her and like I I really trust her and I think that was yeah a big thing too so give us um a scouting report on Kennedy and I’m going to ask her the same thing since you guys play together you’re familiar with each other what does she bring to the court um a lot of things I mean she’s a really good Defender um good three-point shooter she can and also Blow by you with her quickness she really quick um yeah I would say she was O Garden like the best player on the other team stuff like that so um yeah just really like gritty will’ll dive on the floor for balls and stuff like that but yeah just good overall player that’s great um for you and your game and just again I’m sure that was a big part of it too it wasn’t just staying home but what is it about this program and how they play their style that you feel like your game would will translate for what Husker basketball is yeah definitely I mean um they’ve got like inside out game both um skilled guards good posts I mean like to running transition different people handled the ball stuff like that got Shooters like to shoot threes stuff like that so I mean I think all those things would work well with my game so when you you you guys just started practice recently you’re you’re not completely dive in yet I know I started workouts but what was it like you’ve been recruited you’ve seen that gym but to be here in and to actually officially be a Husker how was that the first time yeah it’s been a lot of fun um we had it’s our third day of workout so um it’s been really fun it’s been like um really good good energy in the gym and stuff like that but yeah you you talked about your mom and how much she helped you through your recruiting process obviously your high school coach what what were some of the early things that she instilled in you that allowed you to become the player that you became um yeah I mean a lot of things she yeah coached me ever since I started dribing a ball in my basement and stuff like that just yeah we would always work on ball handing a lot specifically and and getting the right form and we were shooting when I was younger so just like yeah getting like perfecting my skills and stuff like that and um like I wasn’t even able to shoot threes until I got into Middle School just because like my mom saw all these people like checking up threes when they’re younger and just like they’re not strong enough yet they don’t have the right form and stuff like that so yeah just kind of mostly with skills like teaching me a lot of skills like that you don’t become the basketball player that you became without lots of work and so what drove you when you were younger to continue to get better year in and year out um I mean I think I just fell in love with the game I mean my mom was always coaching so I was always around it like going to her practices and stuff like that and um I mean when I I was really young like I I just loved whatever sport I was playing at the moment and then probably like once I got in middle school I really started to love basketball like the most so um yeah I just kind of fell in love with it you guys won four state titles there um at elor North how hard was that what was that like chasing that year in and year out yeah I mean I think the first year like brand new school no seniors like not a lot of people believed in us besides us and and so um we just had to work hard and work together and um then after that it was kind of like we always had a Target on our back and everyone was trying to like be the ones to beat us and stuff like that and so we just had to know that we had to bring it every night and always be prepared and ready to go but yeah it was a lot of fun I think if if you turn on and watch your film um or watch you play Live um even my dad drove up and when he he’s from Oklahoma and he drove up to watch you play and the first thing you noticed is just your and your your ability to get your teammates involved how much do you love doing that and and being able to pass the ball around and and get other people involved yeah I love that I mean I love being able to make a good pass and see someone else score like that makes me happy inside like as happy as it makes you to score even more you know so yeah I like getting my teammates involved and yeah so you just recently had a camp and you had a lot of campers there you been coached your whole life by your mom how much did you enjoy doing the coach this time around yeah it was a lot of fun there was a lot of girls there excited to learn some stuff and um yeah it was good just I mean mostly all the stuff that my mom taught me is what I used at the camp to teach them so um yeah it was a lot of fun are you a yeller no I’m not um you know just that part of it and and being able to be an example and we’ve seen if you come to a Nebraska women’s basketball game they come back out and they sign autographs for however long and and and just interacting with the young girls in the state how important is that for you now um to to continue to be that role model and set that example for young young basketball players young athletes across the state yeah for sure that’s really important I mean um that kind of stuff happened in high school too so it’s just like yeah continuing to be a positive influence and like a good role model to those little kids is really important what does that mean to you that that all these little girls look up to you um it’s super cool I mean like I looked up to those people like like they do so I mean it’s super cool that if someone’s looking up to me like I need to be there and like file and have a good conversation with them and stuff like that and just um yeah it’s super special so when you make the commitment and again there were a lot of Husker fans paying pretty close attention what was the reaction like when you put this the post out and you make it official that you’re going to be a Husker yeah um just a lot of text congratulating me like a lot of my like friends and stuff happy to see that I’m staying close and like all my mom’s friends and dad’s friends and stuff like that just really excited and happy for me and a lot of them wanted me to go here too so um it’s just yeah really special did you have to turn off mentions on your social media I mean it was like you were trending it was all over my social media yeah I just didn’t really go on my phone for that long yeah so you know for for someone like you that’s you you have built yourself into being a top recruit in in the entire country and expectations come along with that right and and I always like to get the perspective of of athletes whatever sport it might be how how do you manage the expectations that come along with that and and just you know people expecting so much from you yeah I mean you just got to like believe in yourself and know that you’ve put the work in and um you know you’re not going to have a good game every night and I mean some some people will expect you to but um you’re just not that’s not going to happen but um just having like teammates there and coaches and parents and Friends whatever just to support you and you just have to believe in yourself and know that you put in the work to be there so okay so what goes into the summer for you what are you looking to do to you know make sure that you’re taken care of to make sure that you can come in and contribute right away for this team yeah I mean I think the first couple days have been good I mean just continuing to get to know my teammates better um you know from that Bond off the court that’ll help us on the court and then getting to know all the plays and offenses and defense and stuff like that just um like familiarizing myself with that studying it getting in the gym extra getting extra shots all that kind of stuff you know for a lot of freshman the biggest adjustment is that defensive part of it uh how are you approaching that to make sure that you’re um also contributing on the defensive end as well yeah for sure that’s really important and and we just kind of like we’re learning like the defense today to begin with and um yeah it’s a little bit different than like what I’m used to at high school so um yeah just going to have to make sure that I like study that and I’m doing the right thing and yeah defense is really important if you want to be on the court so what’s been your perspective of just uh the chemistry that’s already in place with a lot of players that are coming back and and what’s already been established with the culture here and being a part of that yeah it’s super cool to see like everyone loves each other like you could see like jazz was shooting here the other day and just like all them being able to see her and then just like talk and laugh and like they’re going to miss her so much and like um you can just tell like the bun they have off the court and on the court is really special and they really play for each other so um super cool to see how cool has it been for you to see the uh all the interest and the hype with the WNBA and women’s basketball right now yeah it’s super cool I mean like yeah I was talking to a guy yesterday and he was like yeah got like season tickets and stuff like that and and he’s like um yeah there’s just so many more people watching like the women’s games now and I’m like I know like um I don’t know a couple years ago people wouldn’t be talking about like women’s called dras ball or WNBA as much as they are now so um it’s super cool and really exciting great time to be a part of it right yeah for sure speaking of that I mean have you thought about and I know it’s it’ll be here before you know it but just your first time you you’ve played in PBA You’ve Won state titles there but in that Nebraska uniform and and how excited are you to to run out there in front of husker Nation yeah I’m super excited I mean yeah that’ll be a really special moment and um yeah I can’t wait all right Brit Prince appreciate your time great stuff and uh we can’t wait to see what you guys get put together and and your contributions to this team this season thanks so much for being here thank you I really enjoyed chatting with her Greg there’s a lot of hype but um I know she’s excited to be here and this freshman Trio I think they’re uh pretty pretty solid and I already saw I think I saw way too early rankings or whatever and husar’s in the top 25 and uh this freshman class is definitely going to contribute now Kennedy’s going to red shirt because of her knee injury which I also got a chance to talk with her but Bren andaya both are going to play I think two huge roles for this team this year yeah and the Cornerstone will be Alexis I mean when you have a pry almost an All-American type player in the middle you can certainly build around that Brit’s got a lot of talent a lot of ability and I I think she’s a true Point don’t you you’ve seen her play some high school ball yeah I think she is but I do think she can score enough with Amy Williams system and the way that she plays her guards where everybody can bring it up everybody can play every guard position everybody can score and contribute in certain ways so but yeah I think you know her natural spot is probably point guard I think now she’s I’m not trying to say she’s going to be Jazz Shelly right know she’s she I don’t want to put her in that role yet but I think she can fill a lot of that void that the Huskers will lose of jazz shile with with all the different things that jazz could do for an offense hopefully I think Alison wier’s on Trend too so I think those two will be able to play pretty well together um so yeah I think it’ll be pretty fun to watch how she fits but absolutely she and I asked her about that you know just being a a distributor and and her vision of the court and that’s her favorite thing to do is is pass the basketball she’s really really special and gifted at it so I I think they will be able to utilize that there’s a lot of different players on the court she’s going to be able to get the ball to you mentioned Alexis marowski I think there’s going to be a lot of players that will benefit off of her ability to spread the ball around and and find teammates in ideal situations very good what El Auto family they are your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 convenience Sales and Service locations we’re making carbine on your terms visit us online at we’re back to Kickback with the cooks next get ready to rule the field and revolutionize your farming game with Valley The Game Changer in irrigation and agtech solutions with time and labor saving measures ground truthing results and effective input reduction Valley provides the perfect game plan so you stay ahead of what’s in the field from the best in irrigation and cuttingedge agtech solutions to personalized support valy is your winning team visit your local Valley dealer or Valley today farming today is a combination of hard work Innovation and Partnerships to help keep us moving forward sap Brothers petroleum has provided us with fuel propane and lubricants on the farm for many years for over 52 years sa Brothers has been a reliable partner to thousands of farmers across our great state we work to make sure our customers have the most reliable Supply provided in the safest Manner and at the most competitive price trust sa Brothers petroleum to protect your equipment and keep your farm fueled sa Brothers is proud to be an official partner of Huskers Athletics and to serve Nebraska farmers and Husker fans across America’s hardland hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts at groundworks we take great pride in helping our Nebraska neighbors keep their homes healthy from repairing foundations to waterproofing basement to fixing crawl spaces or lifting concrete driveways we’d like to think our customers choose us because of our attention to detail or the fact that we’re the nation’s leading Foundation Solutions provider what gives our customers the most Comfort is we’re right here in Nebraska visit groundworks tocom for a free estimate groundworks Foundation Solutions crafted with pride the official Foundation company of the Huskers hiy I’m a baseball umpire my job can get pretty stressful I have to keep my eyes open at all times and and if I don’t make the right call people boo me so to relax I visit a Nebraska Lottery retailer like this one and buy some scratch tickets it always calms me down hey you cutting line I did not all right you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game [Music] hey Mom yeah I got in a crash I’m okay I was wearing my seat belt people count on you to buckle up brought to you by the ndot highway safety office if there’s one thing we like it’s choices find yours with Ford F-150 gas Hy or all electric whether it’s Towing powering up or getting from 0 to 60 in 3.8 seconds what you choose to do with that much power is up to you tough this smart can only be called F-150 get 1.9% financing for 72 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on a brand new 2023 F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers for Farmers productivity isn’t an option it’s everything and at Valley we feel the same delivering gamechanging technology and irrigation solutions that Advance agricultural 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late last week we dropped the latest edition of the podcast kicking back with the cooks Lauren cook interviews her dad had volleyball coach John Cook where they talked about horses and a little bit of volleyball but coach Cook congratulations your coaching 2028 brand new contract and a brand new horse really is that all a is that all a dream or is that for real it it’s for real it’s in print this is real you’re not dreaming I want the unedited full story of how this came full circle and how all of this happened all I know from the be from the beginning all I know is I found out uh many people read The Wall Street Journal because the article was in there yesterday and a lot of people texted me that read the article in the Wall Street Journal so uh they did they found it a very interesting piece they they knew nothing about volleyball coaching Sports the Riders but or horses but they found the story fascinating and and ran it but uh so you were in the Wall Street Journal you were at Fox News I mean ESPN every major news source that some that don’t even cover sports are are heavily involved in the sports world like Wall Street Journal for example I mean that’s pretty incredible yeah yeah so anyway it’s well it’s a cool story but uh where would you like me to start Lauren from the beginning when when the wheels started turning on on this idea so the um when we were looking at horses uh Mark Ray who’s uh Mark Ray Performance Horses who’s when when is this back in this is all the way back in March back in March okay and I actually have been out this is he work he trains horses at the pitser ranch so it’s it’s kind of a big all all-in-one encompassing group out there so anyway I rode a bunch of horses your your brother rode a bunch of horses we were looking at and then when I went out late March Mark Ray brought out 4:15 and he goes I want you to ride this horse and I said okay and soon as I got on him started riding and roping on him I’m like wow this this is a really good horse he goes I just want you to feel like what a really great horse does and and how it performs and you know how you have to do very little just let the horse do the work and and I was blown away and so anyway fast forward the pitser sale it was going to be it’s a very expensive horse and anyway he ended up not selling it in the pitser sale he did this in April this is in April April 27th and he did what’s called a no sale so I I have my theories on why he didn’t he no sailed it uh because he got the price was high and and but he decided not to no sale which the the sellers have a right to do that and this is a horse he got as a a one-year-old and raised it and trained it so it’s kind of you know one of his babies and so he’s got a lot of horses though so but but uh the 415 is a really good horse he just decided that he he wanted to keep it and and I told him I was very interested in the 415 but it was out of my price range and um you know and he’s a lot of horse and he’s got a couple quirks that you have to work through with him but once you get once it’s game time he’s good to go so we just got to do some visualization and some breathing with him and he’ll be great but so anyway uh when I was driving from Nebraska to Wyoming after our spring match that week I went out back to the pitser ranch this is in May this is in May Road Road 415 again I uh and and just wrote him and appreciated him and I’m like man he’s I love this horse and so anyway that was it so when I was then I went to a couple brandings so I spent spent the week out there and then drove up to Wyoming to see you guys so when I was driving across the middle of Wyoming where there’s nothing out there uh Troy’s texting me about my contract you know some of the things in there and I was just thinking so I called a couple people because I thought you know what I I the stair step thing and all that stuff it’s I just would really love to get 45 so so I just I you know again when you’re driving you think and you’re just you know my imagination’s going wild and I I just I said hey what what do you think if we just get rid of the all the stairstep stuff and and put in a horse and Troy loved it and I said you’re going to make a lot of friends in western Nebraska so the Cowboys love it and um uh and anyway we got it worked out and um so that’s kind of the story and and it it was um you know it’s to me it’s a it’s also it’s a horse that connects me with western Nebraska more it’s a horse that connects me more with Mark Ray and what he does I think he’s an exceptional coach even though he’s training horses and and developing Ropers and different things he’s got two daughters that are great Ropers and Rodeo uh competitors and and then pitser Ranch and so now I can have kind of a horse here in Nebraska and I can go out there and continue to learn and get better and and and continue to work with these guys and Mark Ray is going to kind of help facilitate all this and help manage 415 and take care of him till he goes to Wyoming or or wherever uh but I can always bring him back to Nebraska so it’s kind of our relationship that we built and kind of what why this horse would be a great horse to have and um but I’m really buying the team here it’s it’s the Mark Ray team and and uh that’s really what I wanted that that’s really really important to me and those guys love it because it’s you know they’re getting a lot of recognition and people are appreciating what they do and and and their way of life and it’s it’s awesome and I cannot tell you Lauren how many people I have run into since this all happened that are from Erikson know somebody from Ericson Bartlett brewwell uh or it’s unreal the connections out there to people like our one of the guys that’s a security guy in Dean he’s he taught three years at Bartlett he was telling me all about it yesterday he he uh one in his classes was one of the granddaughters of the Brinkman family that owns a pitser ranch so I mean it’s just it’s just like non-stop all the time I’m running into people with connections out there so it’s uh anyway there’s the story well speaking of Nebraska volleyball and everything going on behind the scenes can you give us any quick team updates coaching updates I know you’re recruiting you have camps you have players going into the USA Gym post or former players getting married give us all the the team updates oh my gosh that that is a whole show right there so okay nichan just got married Kenzie congratul K wait congratulations congratulations nichan congratulations Kenzie Kenzie got married a couple weeks before that Maddie gets married at the end of June Jun destination wedding in Mexico I think I was not invited um let’s see uh okay Kelly gets married next January so that’s the wedding update that I think can think of off the top of my head right now um uh let’s see everybody’s here so ilila and Taylor are here so we finally had you know you see every body together is like okay here’s our team so that’s really kind of cool um I I have to tell you a quick story Madden always likes to look at the roster on a computer and she she knows pretty much Everyone by now she’ll go through and she’ll say you know that’s Merritt that’s Lexi that’s Papa that’s she even knows Jolene the trainer and uh so she goes through and and all of a sudden she gets to Taylor she goes who’s that and then she gets to Lea who’s that I don’t I don’t know them they’re not they’re not on the team so then we had to explain to her you know they’re new they they transferred in and so she goes oh I like them now and then her uncle my brother Taylor your son his his name’s Taylor and she um so then she was talking about how Taylor landfair and her T her uncle TT Taylor had have the same name and she was really intrigued by that so it’s just funny oh yeah toddler’s toddler’s perspective yeah cute but um they’re all here um three of them are leaving next to Tuesday to go to USA team older USA team that’s Merritt Lexi and Taylor uh so they’ll train and try to make that team and if they make that team I think they go to Dominican Republic to play and then three days after that uh let’s see um Laney Olivia Andy and Bergen all leave to go train in California and if they make that team they will go to Toronto Canada and play in a in a tournament so we’ll have one group in one place one group in another place and one group here so we’re going to try to have fun with a group that’s here you know kind of make it special we’re going to work really hard and and uh but we we’ll do some fun things to kind of team team Bond and build with those guys uh and uh so anyway that’s that’s kind of how our summer is we start camps tomorrow so the camps go here for the next eight or nine days then we go recruit and then we come back and we have our Dream Team camp and our team camps in July and then you know the other big news that was just announced came out today was we’ll we’ll open the college volleyball season against Kentucky in Louisville three days before the regular season starts so we’ll do what’s called zero week they call it in football um like our football team I think it was last year played zero week they played zero week before so we’ll actually start off college volleyball they got an exemption to do that we used to we used to do that back when you played um they had it was called the ABCA showcase and it would always be a week early to just kind of promote college volleyball so they’re trying to bring that back this is the first attempt of it and it’ll be um us against Kentucky and then Louisville will play Wisconsin and uh at in Louisville and uh Lincoln Arnell or Jacob Padilla uh had a great line I saw we should call it the John Cook init ational because Wisconsin was you know my former old school and then of course Danny and Craig Skinner are at Louisville and Kentucky so it’ll be kind of a I thought that was kind of interesting I never thought about it till I saw that but uh yeah it’s it’s not the John Cook Invitational but it’s it’s kind of kind of cool for me to you know those four programs uh there there’ll be a little more connection there with that so so we we really have to get it done this summer because we’ll have less days of train we start school that week so it’ll be um we’ll have to really be prepared and do a good job well that’s part of the latest kicking back with the cooks you can go find that or your normal podcast page and you can access it as well off of there’s a lot more to that than what we were able to play for you here tonight well what El Auto family they are your trusted Auto partner 20 Brands 20 convenient sales and Service locations we’re making car buying on your terms visit us online at all right 402 413 2400 we’re back with more of the show next if there’s one thing we like it’s choices find yours with Ford F150 gas hybrid or all electric whether it’s Towing powering up or getting from 0 to 60 in 3.8 seconds what you choose to do with that much power is up to you tough this smart can only be called F-150 get 1.9% financing for 72 months plus 1,000 bonus cash on a brand new 2023 F-150 only at your Midwest Ford dealers hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts did I forget something no just wanted to tell you I love you oh don’t forget to buckle up drive safe I will love you too someone is counting on you to buckle up paid for by the ndot highway safety office Husker fans Springtime in sarpi County means Sports and Outdoor activities catch an Omaha stormchasers baseball game or a Union Omaha pro soccer match at wner Park visit fontel Forest where you can enjoy tree Rush Adventures or hike and bike on one of the many trails play a round of golf or experience great fishing relax refresh and ReDiscover yourself with a springtime trip plan your adventure at hi this is tusco national champion and Super Bowl champ Tony vand throughout my football career 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provided us with fuel F propane and lubricants on the farm for many years for over 52 years sap Brothers has been a reliable partner to thousands of farmers across our great state we work hard to make sure our customers have the most reliable Supply provided in the safest Manner and at the most competitive price trust Sapp Brothers petroleum to protect your equipment and keep your farm fueled sa Brothers is proud to be an official partner of Huskers Athletics and to serve Nebraska farmers and Husker fans across America’s hardland get ready to rule the field and revolutionize your farming game with Valley The Game Changer in irrigation and agtech Solutions with time and labor saving measures ground truthing results and effective input reduction Valley provides the perfect game plan so you stay ahead of what’s in the field from the best in irrigation and cuttingedge agtech solutions to personalized support Valley is your winning team visit your local Valley dealer or Valley [Music] today if problem gambling is burning up your money there’s a way out help us free and confidential for Nebraskans and their families no judgment just help visit life Rick sharp cookie back with you here on a Monday night always enjoy listening to Lauren talk to her dad and you know it’s with all the national championship trophies and the wins and all the things that John has accomplished I think I really appreciate him Jessica for how many other coaches he has helped he talked about there at the end Craig Skinner kuy’s head coach used to be here uh Christy Johnson at Iowa State Danny bus Boom at Louisville I think that’s a I think it’s pretty impressive that he’s kind of mentored these other coaches to kind of carry on a legacy yeah for sure and you just see them every year not just the ones you mentioned but someone like haes who just graduated who was a ga last year who coach Cook really bragged about really having a potential in future in this and Kelly Hunter jayen Reyes the just players that played for him that want to get in into it that stick around and then learn under him um yeah there’s it’s impressive his his tree and how they’ve and I think that also speaks for programs also say well look the proof is in the pudding pudding so to speak I mean look at across the board how many coaches have gone on to do great things and then not to mention he’s the goat himself so I think it also gives him a leg up in the hiring processes well Rhonda revel’s tree coaching tree is pretty impressive as well yep starting to grow it’s the one you know it was it’s hard to criticize Tom osbor but it was the one criticism of Tom is that none of his staff ever left and so they didn’t go become a head coach somewhere else to come back because they were taken care of so well here and that’s that’s certainly a different way to do it but John has certainly gone a different path than what coach coach osbor did all right need to work our final break in we’re back with everybody’s weekend winners can’t wait for this segment that’s next hi I’m a baseball umpire my job can get pretty stressful I have to keep my eyes open at all times and if I don’t make the right call people boo me so to relax I visit a Nebraska Lottery retailer like this one and buy some scratch tickets it always calms me down hey you cut in line I did not all right you’re out of here hey he didn’t cut all right you’re out of here I feel better already the Nebraska Lottery top prize odds vary by game hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts a few drinks at home after work a couple of hits at a party with some friends over the- counter drugs for a minor illness a new daily prescription and you’re not quite sure how it makes you feel it doesn’t just matter how much of a substance you take if it impairs you driving becomes deceptively dangerous don’t drive impaired paid for by the ndot highway safety [Music] office woodh housee Nissan is an Easy Choice When shopping for your next vehicle right now lease the 2024 Nissan ultimate Sr for just $255 per month serving the Metro for over 20 years this is Woodhouse Nissan 36 months 5,000 m per year with approved credit tax title and license extra $2,995 down or trade Equity plus first payment and $299 doy do at signing discounted price based on a sale price of $31,100 VIN number RN 35 3132 aler expire 7124 see dealer for details Huskers radio network broadcast Center is sponsored by Acres they are the Midwest Premier John Deer dealer supplying the equipment and service to advance Agriculture and much more Acres solutions for every field big six inning going on up in Omaha the agies of A&M talli five runs against Kentucky and I am told former Husker Trev Alberts is in the building tonight up in Omaha well we reserve the last segment on Mondays to recap the weekend and let everybody talk about weekend winners so Camden I’ll let you lead us off thank you I’m GNA go with former Husker Adrien Martinez not just from the UFL championship game but his overall season um but his Birmingham stallions won this past weekend for the UFL Championship um he had 98 passing yards and a passing touchdown and then he had 52 rushing yards and two rushing touchdowns um and was named the championship game MVP and after the game it was kind of cool to see Tom Brady hand the award over to him um on the stage I don’t think he would have thought that would have happened before when it was time at Nebraska even so hey we heard surl talking about that last week cuz Sur agency represents him and saying that he needed a bounce back game and boy I think he delivered in that he sure did he he made the comment in the postgame press conference that Tom Brady looked like a wax figure I’m not sure that’s going to help him a lot but that’s pretty cool for him all right cool yeah I i’ I’ve got I think a pretty good winner here in that um so Stephen Curry’s shoe brand uh announced Friday that they have signed Kay Tomy Naga to a multi-year shoe deal and uh Tomy Naga is Curry’s first uh brand deal with International athlete so congrats to casay on that that’s fantastic good for him all right Jess well I I know it happened last Wednesday but I can’t get over it I just got to give one more shout out to Izzy pan with the Corn Crib crew and how they announced the volleyball schedule with the clay figures I mean just brilliant and some of those volleyball players are should go into clay molding when they’re done playing volleyball it’s incredible some of their figurines that they came up with but if you haven’t seen the schedule release video that they did they put together the Husker volleyball players they had them mold the opponents mascots and they they did a cool photo shoot with all of it but it was impressive it was so cool I never seen anything like that but they continue to set the bar and do things differently and they’re just the best in the country so I just had to give them one more shout out for that boy I would have loved to have been there wouldn’t you I know I wish you let me know I love to watch it first hand oh the laughter the ribbing of that looks terrible that looks good I mean that that just and how they landed on who was going to get to do which mascot like okay you gota right you got to do the horn frogs you know like so it was fun my winners Bryon Des Shambo I I just I’m so enamored by this guy right now and his top 10’s the Masters and the PGA now winning this the way he handled himself with the crowds the press conference all of that it was just it was masterful I was watching his press conference last night I’m like man this guy is hitting every right note and in his golf is is so exciting to watch and so Bryson to Shambo my H weekend winner and um I think there’s going to be some announcements coming up Jess in the next couple days about maybe some partnership between Liv and the PGA let’s hope they maybe get that all back on track yeah cuz it’s better when they’re all playing together it is I totally agree totally agree I’m surprised didn’t go with sir as your weekend winner he did request that we did earlier he got our love he did andon Cole thanks to you guys for hooking me up remotely tonight we’ll be back tomorrow at full two hours have a great night hit us up on the text line text 402 413 2400 with your Husker thoughts farming today is a combination of hard work Innovation and Partnerships to help keep us moving forward sa Brothers Patrol has provided us with fuel propane and lubricants on the farm for many years for over 52 years sa Brothers has been a reliable partner to thousands of farmers across our great state we work hard to make sure our customers have the most reliable Supply provided in the safest Manner and at the most competitive price trust Sapp Brothers petroleum to protect your equipment and keep your farm fueled sa Brothers is proud to be an official partner of Huskers Athletics and to serve Nebraska farmers and Husker fans 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