Create an Effortless Powerful Golf Swing without Hitting it Hard (Simple Drill)

►if You rush the golf swing then understanding how and why can help you develop the effortless golf swing that you crave

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Not many golf coaches on YouTube even coach golf anymore! I am an active golf coach taking inspiration from live lessons to deliver relatable golf coaching content. Having worked under Pete Cowen for 3 years the information I provide really is from the top table!

The content you will find on this YouTube channel will be informative golf tips that will help you improve not only your golf swing but your golf game in the sole purpose of lowering your scores and enjoying golf more & more.
Other content will include golf club reviews and golf accessories which can help you improve your understanding of what to buy as the market is constantly changing and being saturated by brands.
A lot of the content you will find on the channel is of Andy Carter being out on the golf course showcasing real-life scenarios and shot that all golfers will encounter on the course. If you can improve these areas of your game then for sure scores will lower.
Popular content throughout the years has been golf course vlogs,with Andy either playing against the golf course in his Carter vs Golf series, or playing against fellow PGA professionals, Tour professionals and even amateurs. This content is not only a great watch but also a great learning experience for viewers.

Happy golfing ⛳⛳

how many times have you hit golf shots on the golf course and thought oh I’ve rushed it I’ve rushed that golf swing or you’ve said to your playing Partners oh you look like you’ve rushed that swing a lot of the times you feel when you hit a really bad shot you’ve rushed the transition or you’ve rushed the back swing You’ you’ve taken the club away too quickly and hopefully that mindset resonates with a lot of you watching this video because there is an element of Truth in it there’s also an element from from a golf coach’s perspective where there’s an element of poor technique in this but also I think how you approach the golf shot and how you start the swing or how you feel like you get the club into certain positions during the swing is really really important a good pre-shot routine can certainly help you stop feeling like you’re rushing the golf swing but also the understanding of what you want to change in your golf swing as well the most common one I see is actually golfers feeling like they’ve yanked the club away too quick so they’ve kind of pulled the club away too quick and they never really then able to kind of catch up on their Rhythm and their timing throughout the rest of the Swing the second common one for me is golfers that get to the top and they rush and this feeling now you as a golf M go I rushed it from the top of the back swing I try to hit it too hard again a really common saying amongst golfers I try to hit it too hard and don’t forget just going off on a slight tangent here but when you try and hit it too hard a lot of that comes from the transition and the arms when you’re trying to let’s say for example if you’re punching you feel like you’re hitting something really really hard with just your arms but actually if you went for a a boxing lesson they would coach you to use your torso and your body better so you’d create more power from your bigger muscles as opposed to your smaller ones and that absolutely resonates with golf as well you get to the top of the back swing and golfers want to go fast on the way down to create as much speed and power as possible but they don’t use the bigger muscles therefore they don’t actually gain anywhere near as much distance as what they probably should do so when you’re learning golf as well and if you go for a golf lesson and they say to you right just swing up to the top let the arms work down but really work the body through the golf ball and so many times my students say to me Andy it felt like I didn’t even hit it or that felt with that felt powerless or oh I didn’t put any effort into that swing and all these comments are because you’re using your bigger muscles your bigger muscles obviously cover more of your body so your whole unit is moving together whereas your power feeling is that and that’s not powerful so coming back to the concept of this video which is rushing your golf shots rushing is from here a lot of the time is from the arms on the way down we’re trying to create Power by going faster and when we get it wrong it feels rushed all right so what I wanted to try and do I want to try and really coach you on a super effortless golf swing okay so when this when when you swing up to the top of the back string I want you to go one- handed I just want you to turn your chest away from the Target and move your back towards the Target and get your arms up almost straight vertical in the air okay so this is obviously a position we’re never going to be in cuz my left arm won’t be able to reach the club but from here I want gravity to pull your arms downwards but I want your chest to move back to the Target so the chest is rotating around the spine angle it’s moving away from the target it’s moving back to the Target and what you’ll notice from this face on view is that my chest is always ahead of the golf club so my bigger muscles are guiding this golf club back to the ball okay now whether this swings into out or out to in is completely irrelevant because the num the the angle into the ball will be very minimal whether it is both in or out to in so as your arms work downwards gravity just lowers the arms down the chip chest will turn back towards the target I I often go back to Target arms down chest to Target and my upper body now is leading into the the ball my arms are working downward so obviously a lot of players talk about this vertical angle of attack to compress the golf ball and I’m using my bigger muscles to create the power and that is key using your bigger muscles to create the power now when we go back to rushing the golf swing you you’ll get to the top you’ll allow the arms to work downwards in front of your body or more towards the the outside of your Trail foot as your chest Finds Its way back to the Target so we start to create this kind of more effortless motion and again how many times do you as amateurs say that Pros look like they’re barely hitting the ball they look like they’re putting no effort in they look like they’re not even swinging it fast because they’re using the bigger muscle they’re using resistance and ground pressure within their and in their body to create this powerful action they’re not trying to hit it hard from the upper it’s like again I used to do this a lot with my student my junior students throw a golf ball how many go how many students would go like that and then how many will go back and throw like this so we’re using the bigger muscles to create power and that’s really really important this drill is just so good for rhythm allowing the arms to work up and down as the chest moves away from the Target and the chest then moves back to the Target and you can start to create some nice rhythm in this as well and that brings us back to point number one which was about the takeaway you’re going to feel that on the takeaway your hands stay in front of your chest as your chest moves away from the Target and then on the way down you’re letting the gravity pull the arms down as your chest moves back towards the Target as well so we’re creating that really effortless golf swing oh my word beautiful that is pin seeking folks a lovely effortless golf swing with an up and down Motion in the arms and a chest motion that moves away and back through to the Target it will feel effortless it will feel powerless because you’re not giving it that foot with the arms you’re using your bigger muscles and you’re creating a bigger range of turn your golf club’s probably going to travel further than ever and it’s probably going to travel faster than ever because the arc is getting bigger so use that one arm swing create chest away from the Target and arms up gravity with the arms down as the chest moves back to the Target you’ll feel the club just starting to brush into the ground from a downward angle so we’re hitting down on the ball you’ll notice the chest is move is always moving in front of the golf club but the golf club is not stuck in behind my body or my shoulders and my arms are not out here the golf club at this point is now pointing straight down my target line so it’s on plane and I’m just hitting down on the ball and my upper body and my tips are also in front of the golf club which on the golf swing as you probably know creates maximum power hugely important drill that you can all do very simple to feel that effortless action but be more powerful than ever before give this a try if you feel like you snatch it away on your takeway or you rush it from the transition go into this drill you’ll start to feel and build more consistency within the way you bring the club away and you’ll start to build more control with the way you deliver that transition therefore putting together a much more on plane more powerful more consistent golf swing if you enjoyed this video hit the like share it with your friends subscribe to the channel hit the bell for notifications I’ve got videos coming out three times a week hopefully you guys can learn so a thing or two and I’ll see you in a future video thank you very much for watching take care see you soon [Music] n


  1. Excellent video Andy on how to create an effortless, powerful swing without hitting it hard! I've found over 70 years of golfing that 80% power is always better. I like the "chest away from the target" on the backswing and then the "gravity drop" of the club to hip level and turning the "chest to the target" on the downswing. Very simple and effortless! Well Done Andy!

  2. Another awesome lesson video. Love the new graphics Andy! Look forward to giving this at my next practice session 😊

  3. Thanks for the tip, Andy. I teach swords, and it's the same principle, with a surprisingly similar skill set. I do a lot of core exercises to help stabilise my swing during fatigue and develop power.

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