Golf Players

Cooking with Joel Dahmen, Zac Blair and Mark Hubbard

In “Burgers & Birdies presented by Blackstone,” chef Nate Lippy is joined by PGA TOUR veterans Joel Dahmen, Zac Blair and Mark Hubbard to cook smash burgers on a Blackstone Griddle.


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how we doing to see you Joel so great to see you we just finished up with Mark herard we did a a tutorial on I taught him how to cook a burger so now you’re going to teach me how to cook a burger what are we doing uh well typically what I do is I either go to Door Dash or um go to the store maybe you play that well you play that well uh I want to show you a fun texmax Burger it’s a chizo burger bur with a green chili mayo Pico pretty simple sounds amazing want to jump into it let’s do it so these are your sauce ingredients 1 2 3 4 that can all go right in this bowl okay that sounds easy enough yeah are you the cook of the house no I’m not I am very lucky that I married uh an amazing cook at home so uh I’m very spoiled when it comes to that do you even like why don’t you try why would I try to I would just mess stuff up uh I would be I would be a problem so what I do I do the dishes that’s actually a decent trade it’s a great idea she cooks I clean it’s great are these some hatch green chilies in here yeah are you a fan I am uh my wife is uh Mexican actually so or part Mexican I should say so uh a lot of Mexican flare in our dishes at home uh that’s it for the sauce uh for the meat I’m actually doing 50/50 8020 ground beef and then 50% ground too you ever you like too love too we have a lot of too in our house man you got I picked the right recipe 5050 on the ground beef I like to make those into meat balls before going on the gdle like you when you make burgers you make the Patty you just do the ball okay and then we’re smashing well yeah but you wait till it Cooks a little bit just and then you roll the ball over so it doesn’t stick see these are tricks of the trade these are great to know I love that so for a Smash Burger we’re looking at like 3 to 4 ounces not too much more see this is a really difficult part for a guy who has no idea how to measure an ounce but that that looks like racket ball just under a tennis ball okay yeah yeah so let’s do one more of those because we are going to smash it down you could make your own Patty shapes this is just way more fun for me uh cooking on a flat top gives us the ability to cook the meat in its own juices let’s finish up our Pico while that is going okay are you a salsa guy you make salsa at home Yes actually we just we have a salsa Garden at home oh that’s beautiful it is amazing do you have a go-to dish during competition or something you stay away from no no I mean I like I like everything my wife cooks everything so I eat everything uh what about like a go-to victory meal is there like I’m going with a big hearty steak and potato like I’m I’m rolling with that yeah that sounds pretty good any like New York strip or ribeye I’m going big ribeye heck yeah I’m down with the ribeye it’s all the fat it’s all the fat speaking of fat that is a nice little sear we get all that juice it’s cooking in its own fat like that’s the magic of cooking on a flat top instead of Grill Grace that’s going to be magic in like 90 seconds I love that I’ve been talking to a bunch of the guys out here it’s it’s strange a lot of people at home don’t get to see uh the Brotherhood that really forms out here obviously you want to win you want to compete certainly but everyone wants to see everyone else do well too yeah I think the big difference in the golf world is that you actually can’t play defense on someone else so like you can still be friendly and root for them and um that’s anting yeah there’s one winner but top 10’s really good too yeah uh so in that sense yeah it’s uh we all know what it takes out here and how much work it is and so I think it’s it’s fun to ro for each other and to have that here you take the big side that’s nice of you all right say cheers when we eat is this sure cheers cheers you start it yeah tell me is that birdie or bogey that’s a birdie thank you so much for hanging out that a lot fun thank you so much for having me blackstone’s awesome I’m going to take this recipe at home try it out you’re going to become the new best cook of the house I hope so I mean at least on the Blackstone right true true what’s going on Zach hey how you doing all right you ready for some burgers today yeah but I want to throw a little curve ball would you consider yourself a burger guy oh oh yeah are you a chicken guy uh yeah you be beef guy I am Pork yeah well let’s put all of that on a burger how that sound all right let’s do it are you the cook of the house you like to cook definitely not but I I do like to cook but I I would definitely give my wife the she’s the pro yeah for sure have you ever made barbecue sauce I haven’t no very simple barbecue sauce just needs some acidity some sweetness and some spice so why don’t you start with the blackberry jam and I’m going to get started on these onions cuz we’re going to fry some onions too do you have like a go-to recipe a go-to food you like on tour um honestly kind of whatever whatever is easy but you know usually like to go find a good steakhouse around and you know see what they’re doing all right New York strip or ribeye uh probably a ribeye eat the fat or cut the fat off cut it off oh come on so good uh let’s go some ketchup and some rice wine vinegar okay we’re calling this a burger it’s got a ton of stuff in it uh do you have a fast food Burger that’s your favorite I got a couple like big fan of like five guys uh is great and and in and out I would say those are my two favorite and it kind of just just depends what sort of uh mood I’m in yeah you know they’re kind of different here’s the fun part about the Blackstone you can go and throw that pot right in the back corner okay yep just like that now it’s going to heat up as we cook the rest of it so grab that Smasher right there and smash it down pretty flat and thin yep all the way down perfect slow lift boom do it again good work look at that one more we’re cruising thought you say you weren’t a good cook you’re killing it there you go flip our chicken over gorgeous so it’s pretty competitive out there uh we had a chance to cook with a few of the other guys and they were talking about it’s a Brotherhood out there like obviously you want to play your best you want to win but you’re also rooting for everybody else out there is there a specific specific win that you’ve got your eyes set on I mean like any one of the majors obviously anyone would kind of tell you that or you know like a Players Championship but I I think uh I’ve been out here maybe close to 10 years now so I’ve never won you know so I think I would I would take a win anywhere I think it’s really hard to win out here obviously and the players are all so good oh yeah we’re done 100% done perfect done and juicy okay one on each boom gorgeous so this is a Barnyard Burger because we have the pork the beef and the chicken I don’t know man you’re doing all of this I think you might be the new cook at the house hopefully my wife doesn’t see hopefully she doesn’t see good thing there aren’t cameras around documenting all this for us to check this out so this is going to be sweet it’s going to be slightly acidic just let it Cascade perfect on now all right you smell Smokey I smell that yeah I can smell it super Smokey right onions yeah those smell good this is a beast all right I’m going to give this thing a cut we’ll see how we did do you have like would you say there is a specific club like this is my go-to I’m so confident with this club I would say like the driver um driver but I think everything kind of depends where you’re at right I hope you’re down with the uh barbecue sauce it’s one of my favorite parts of this whole dish yeah I made it so I hope so how what would you say birdie birdie or bogey how do we do yeah for sure birdie you want a little more of that yeah please thank you so much for hanging out that was a lot of fun yeah absolutely you you going have a Blackstone yet no not yet you’re about to become the cook yeah I’m excited thanks thanks Blackstone for having us out and doing this it was pretty eye open I’ll be a guest on your cooking show next time yeah please you teach me something dang look at thisk how’s it going good to see you my friend ready for some burgers absolutely did you ever make a morning glory Burger oo yeah yeah normally I don’t think I’ve ever started from scratch usually if we had Burgers the night before I’ll do like a leftover so I’m excited this will be better do you do most of the cooking at home uh I was would say yeah most uh on the road I would say my wife does most of cooking at our airbnb’s but at home I like I like to cook so boom there we go that all right use these tongs and go ahead and give that a toss real quick so that’s going to give us our acidity for the burger and speaking of our Burger I’m kind of doing two patties today so I’ve got ground beef 8020 and I’ve got some breakfast sausage you ever put breakfast sausage with your beef I haven’t we’ll do some bison Burgers every once in a while I like those those are fantastic but I’ve never done breakfast sausage that sounds good so you see our bacon fet over here we’re going to be cooking our burgers in the bacon F oh these look amazing this is a fun little trick too uh sometimes when you smash your Patty uh it’ll get stuck if you let it cook like a meatball when you slip it over little bit of cooked protein holds everything in place you want need a smash grab that Smasher and go for it yeah that nice flat smash it’s going to get crispy up around the edges oh come on is that what you wanted perfect that’s how you do it we’re fine it’s the breakfast sausage it’s not me the burgers Look So Easy we’ll use some cheese glue you know that trick that’ll work it’s never broken it just needs more cheese it just needs more cheese I like that go for it Go Hard yep hold perfect I mean I got to show but overall first attempt pretty proud of that ooh egg in the middle I like it this is to where you can kind of show off another little bit of controversy I love my eggs crispy on on the edges like that okay I’m a big fan of that then our top Patty and our bun and we’ve got breakfast brother it’s a little big if we take a bite of that right now it’s totally going to burn our face off do you have like a victory meal like the go-to I won I’m treating myself I mean I do now I think we’re looking at it no uh I I’m a big Sushi guy so if there’s a good sushi spot in town I think it’d be that I don’t think this is beard friendly NP you go first then I’ll keep my beard ma wo unbelievable mhm this is incredible dude thank you you start making these at home yeah I need one of those you got a plot top yeah do you have your eyes set like on one specific tournament like that’s that’s the one that’s the one I want to win I think the players it’s always been that for me I love that Golf Course mhm I love that week they triers so well and there’s just something special about it being our tournament um you know I know it’s not a major but I’ve always kind of felt like it was and I think year to year it’s just kind of the most consistent tournament it’s always the same and what do you have to do to get really test us well I I that’s one I get to play every year so um I’ve been gaining on I’ve been playing better the last couple years so um I’ve gotten a little longer in the last year or two and I think that’s helped me a lot on that course uh so yeah next year hopefully you said you uh you like the Dives you like those little local spots uh for eating would this burger make the cut me is this a birdie or a bogey this is a birdie this is an eagle um this would definitely be a stop got it probably uh maybe the night before my afternoon to time so I could have a little bit of time to recover from heavy but uh yeah no this this was awesome


  1. I personally really liked the attachment looting to fully kit out your guns rather than just building a loadout pregame and rushing to get it which just feels cheesy to me, but the TTK/sweatiness of Blackout definitely made it difficult to play lol 🍒🧡

  2. 8:47 mark. Mark. Mark…I know you been out on tour and making every cut but man do we need to get you a razor out. I love ya man

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