Nelly Korda, Charley Hull and Brooke Henderson’s Wedge Tips For Around The Greens | TaylorMade Golf

Team TaylorMade’s Nelly Korda, Charley Hull, and Brooke Henderson grab their MG4 Wedges and TP5 and TP5x golf balls and head greenside for this wedge tips clinic. They go through multiple different scenarios such as the dreaded 40-yard bunker shot, how to hit off an upslope and more. They talk about how they like to set up to certain shots, what they think about when hitting them and how they use the equipment to their advantage.

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[Music] he I’m Chris tro with Team tailor made joined by Charlie Hall Brook Henderson and Nelly cord this is M Grime for the toolbox we’re going to start in different locations move around with the long bunker shot first Nelly’s going to talk us through what you see when you hit this golf shot maybe we’ll have someone else chime in what techniques you play how you hit it and I’ll put you in some challenging spots and we can talk about the mil gr four wedges perfect let’s do it okay so are we going to that front Pin Front pin Nelly you called this shot didn’t you off camera I noticed so you handed me two wedges Straight Out The Gate you’ve been eyeing this one for a while I have your 50 and your 54 what club do you have I have my 58 right now there’s not much I would say if there’s not much room between The Fringe and the pin I like to hit my 58 I won’t open my face as much as I would with a shorter bunker shot just to get maybe the distance but with a 54 it tends to release more or come in at a like a lower trajectory and shoots a little a little bit more so if I had the shot in a tournament I would definitely probably probably would pick my 58 over my 54 and 50 you guys the same page there uh yeah I really like your reasoning I need the distance so I would go with the 54 just because I need that little bit more I hope they yeah I mean I would hit my probably my 50 or 54 to the back ones but I just feel like with I would say maybe this is my max range for a 58 but since there is not much room between The Fringe and the pin I would probably want something that spins a little bit more from this distance okay right let’s see uh see some magic and if you can come through with the description let’s see if I can do it these bunkers are soft okay so I won’t open up my face a little bit more obviously weight on my left pretty good yeah I’m very good would you be happy with that w right but not bad okay and then let’s play one of the further Flags in then okay Club change you think yeah see like every course that you play there it depends on the grain of sand and the firmness of it right so these are pretty soft so which one am I going to let’s go to the red okay I would probably play my 54 for that one I feel like for this kind of Bunker shot it’s harder when the the Sand’s softer soft yeah hard it’s better for like a closest a little no one you can get under a soft one short one for sure so Nelly I’ve got to ask it before you play this one you got I’ve got three wedges that are all yours in my hand and they’ve all got different bounces yes what’s the thinking behind that you now have the high bounce 54 you have standard bounce 50 and low bounce 58 where’s your head at and can you just explain bounce in your own words um for me the most important bounce is the 58 because I like to hit obviously growing up in Florida you chip on Bermuda grass so I um mainly use the bounce for my chipping I don’t like to ever use the Leading Edge and then for my 50 and 54 it was just something that performed best when it came to pitching okay I’m not really too specific with my 54 and 50 just really my 58 I really want it if I want to hit a flop shot I really want it to be flush against the ground not kind of feel the bounce a little higher and again I want it to perform well out of the bunker but fe uh making sure that I feel the bounce when I’m hitting the chip shots is kind of the key for me when I pick a 58 degree great okay just gonna guess the number of this one oh this actually goes well to that first one it is an awward yardage show I find especially with the green going that way I’m going to try one more shots for sure how far do you think this is be shot at 47 47 you get like draw ones out of it or not really I I almost feel like I can kind of chip it out of here yeah SP not shot I mean honestly if I have this yardage in a tournament then we’re in trouble cuz you don’t want this yardage in a tournament do you know what I’ve noticed about doing these things in the past as well that’s the sentence that comes out from so many tour players like if I’m here then it’s the Caddy’s fault I shouldn’t be here not the yeah for sure I don’t know in Brook’s case because C’s her sister but if I’m yeah if I’m in this position on a par four or par five then we’re in trouble because I think this is one of the hardest shots in golf and it’s just so inconsistent so strategy comes into it 100% so Charlie then let’s go with you next and put you on these lies here as the English person in the group we touched on or Nelly touched on Bounce and Florida um go to the near flag for us and tell us a little bit about what you might do here and then change one up back to that red flag behind well when I first come to America I find it found it really hard to be chipping on Bermuda grass cuz we’re not used to it in the UK um so my coach so even like tells me now I I can lean the club too much so I have to kind of feel like I is it you release like almost release it yeah so and this one I don’t how the greens are running but probably pitch it couple like four or five yards on and hopefully he’ll spin to really get that right hand and release the bounce yeah that’s really good yep nice that is very nice actually kind of fish actually so the thing is when I chip on Bermuda I kind of straight arm it so I never hint because then I feel like I start using the Leading Edge when I straight arm it then I at impact demonstrate that to this camera here so when I straight arm it I feel like at impact my club is in front of my hands and that is how I use the bounce revealing the underside the camber of the bounce I love that so less wrist hinge and straight arm correct yeah and that’s just how I chip on Bermuda and I feel like I always get quite risty because England it’s always a lot wet it’s quite wet and you don’t want to be hitting them D so my bad mistakes is I go in to fiery so my coach is always trying to get me to to level it out very good try to play that one a little bit higher two great shots what about the red flag I know you got your other two wedges there would you changed the Loft for the red flag um I feel like these greens are kind of fish how far do you think that is did you say Brook earlier you 47 47 from here yeah um yeah kind of just feel it great jot at what yardage do you bring in the laser or whatever you’re measuring your yardage I I’m kind of I like I like a yardage like 20 yards away sometimes it just gives me an extra bit of feel um cuz I know I’ve got a pitching position my half like here um my wed is like 55 Yard that’s in the UK that’s like a base yardage and I just feel it back from there and I just found like that helps me quite a bit cuz I like actually on power five to get as close to the green as possible because I feel like I CH pretty well so I don’t mind a high shot or tricky little shot um I would agree with that too I definitely like to send it again being a little bit more aggressive exactly I walk it off till about 50 after 50 I start to use either the markings on the ground or because I like to see where I kind of landed or if there’s some undulation on the green you get a total and then you get a land number correct yes and I think sometimes on par fives I like to get down there cuz if I’m like say 100 yards away or 0 yards away I find like I sometimes do spin it to like you know when you get that bit back yeah so that’s interesting one and obviously with the spin treads on these mil Grime fours which are those little laser markings between the grooves did you notice more spin you all changed into these wedges so quickly what did you notice about that when you first got into the M Grind fors um like fmer golf courses you just have that bit more Advantage you know like when it’s US Open and it’s a bit firmer um you have a bit more Advantage around the greens because you it can just you know you know it’s going to spin a bit those nippy tight shots that you kind of need a little bit more spin because you don’t have much room to land it or for the ball to react you just need it to like check check and then yeah yeah you know and like they were saying you know in on part fives when you send it and get it up near the green you have a lot of confidence in these wedges because they have a lot of spin so you can be in tight spots or tricky spots and still get up and down really easily so you’re more confident in the Fairway so Brooke you’re up and I’ve seen how much you wear out those wedges you’re obviously a maestro with the wedges let’s go on the up slope and talk a bit about that let’s go a bit closer to the hole I’m going to grab your uh my symbol Canadian Golf Board all right you got three of these take us to an UPS slope and talk to us a little bit if things change for you there sure where do you want me go over there where Nelly is I reckon is there any grass that you don’t like Ching on no I like all of it like I think the one in the the grass that we chip off like let’s say up north I find it’s so easy to chip off of that like it’s it just is like let’s say the ones that are teed up right and you always make like those really good long divots like when you get iron shots like that kind of grass I’m pretty sure it’s bent Ry grass up North so what about UPS slope then Brooke what does this change any think are you wanting to take a divot not take a divot I saw you just pce something off there talk to us about what you’re doing yeah so I like to know the exact yardage pretty much on every shot even my putts I pick them off um so I like to know the yardage there I just kind of went up and took a look at the the slopes on the green and tried to get a little bit of a feel like that um with the up slope here I’m definitely going down and Loft because I don’t want it to come in super high wanted to come in a little bit lower so I went down to 50 okay and do you chum and change around greens a lot or yeah I changed a lot um so yeah these three wedges they’re pretty worn just cuz I I like to alternate um you know back and forth CU in the UK like when I was growing up I always used L wedge but loads of people like England golfers they all used from lob wedge to 79 like that’s quite common in the UK isn’t it one of the big things in the UK is obviously get the ball on the green as close to The Fringe as you can where’s a feel in America that’s just not the way they play yeah I had an English I had an English coach growing up and he was like it’s sometimes a percentage play just get it on the green immediately yeah but then I sometimes think you taking a lot all the trouble and you’re just pitching it in a hole Yeah shot great shot but I mean like let’s say at British right you don’t know like how it’s going to react with the wind and with the firmness of the greens if it’s down wind and sometimes the downwind holes really affect a ball the way it checks like it just doesn’t check at all so you kind of take that variation out of play by just knowing that you’re going to hit a little bit of a bump and run yeah so technique changes for the slope anything there more weight on a different fot than the other yeah honestly I don’t really think about it too much um very much a field player so I just kind of go in try to uh just kind of feel the slope and compensate for it naturally um I did go up in Loft here so I am now using a 60 just because there’s not as much green to work with um but with this uphill lot it’s it’s going to go pretty high from there but this way I feel like I can swing at it a little bit more and I don’t have to worry about it um you know running out too much good on that yeah good and then give us one to that back light last back white flank sure so I’m going to go back to the 50 just CU it’s uh lots of green to to work with and uh I feel like I can run it in a little bit more good job Miss re but good Pace need Brit where’s Brit at yeah exactly so there you have it I mean the marks on the turf and the shots from watching you three just play different shots and go through your toolbox is something I think we can all learn from if you want to learn more about about the M Grime 4 wedges be sure to check out tailor


  1. Crazy how when you get shot it’s not a strobe light show. Visibility seems soooo much better too. 👅💋

  2. Nelly, charley, Brooke you come across as good friends please do more videos it would be fabulous if the 3of you done some in the UK ❤😊

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