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National reporter James Palmer discusses Vic Fangio’s fit with the Philadelphia Eagles

James Palmer has covered Vic Fangio up close and has plenty of deep connections inside the Eagles’ building. What does he think of the pairing of Fangio with Nick Sirianni? What’s his insight on Howie Roseman as a league power player?

Palmer joins Zach Berman and Bo Wulf to deliver his perspective. Join them!

(0:00) Intro
(1:00) James Palmer on Vic Fangio
(15:42) On Howie Roseman
(24:35) Philly Culture
(36:47) Future is Bright
(40:33) Justin Simmons
(53:57) James Bradberry
(55:16) Mailbag – Zach’s book
(1:05:00) Outro

An ALLCITY Network Production




Twitter: @PHLY_Sports
Instagram: @PHLY_Sports

oh [Music] hello everybody and welcome to the PHL Eagles podcast on a Wednesday High Noon Bo wolf Zack Burman here to talk about the Philadelphia Eagles and let’s get right to it because we are thrilled to be joined at the top of the show by national reporter James Palmer out in Denver James how you doing I’m good guys it feels like home a little bit right now I like this this feels good this is a nice it’s a nice proxy for we will get to your your philly Philly Roots Zach how are you doing by the way I’m doing great I’m P I didn’t want to let James stir in the in the waiting room before brought him on I’m pump James is on and I’m I’m always happy when we speak to people from the area who since moved elsewhere but they keep the area code because you know it’s it’s it’s a part of them so I won’t give James his number out on the show but he’s like the first seven digits but but he maintains the area code and and as as someone who who who moved and came back I would not give up that phone number no matter where I went win no sticking 610 forever come on love that uh all right so we got a lot to talk to you about James because you know a lot of the new players here uh very well you also have deep connections to this team so so we want to get to all of that I guess we should start with with Vic fangio uh you were up close and personal with him as a as a head coach what uh what should Eagles fans expect I guess schematically personality wise how do you how do you see this whole thing fitting personality wise that’s a good one B yeah Vic is and he’ll admit it he’s oozing with personality to to Showcase to everyone I I can’t remember how many times we saw him on Hard Knocks uh with Miami was it like once zero I I that was uh that was by design that like the Clos captioning would have just said like Grumble like I think it’s right I think it’s right actually um he he is not one to put himself out there but I mean in all I see what they’re getting I mean this is used this scheme and what he’s developed is used through most of the NFL like a good chunk of it in one capacity and it’s morphed into different ways it’s changed how offenses are played what I think is kind of misunderstood with Vic a little bit is that it’s going to be his way or the highway there’s no bending there’s no breaking that’s not really accurate like it’s not his opinion on what you run and what the Eagles will run defensively it’s really what you show him you can do and what you show him you can’t do and then he’ll mold the defense to that if that makes sense if you’re a linebacker that wants to Blitz and he doesn’t see you beat a running back picking you up repeatedly you’re just not going to Blitz if you continue to beat him he’ll Blitz mercilessly yeah he’ll just keep coming like if if that’s what he you show him so what players need to do is they need to show him what they can and can’t do and then the defense will be molded to that I think the ability that it’s Vick way or the highway is a little bit misunderstood in a sense players care about two things uh winning and making as much money as possible right I mean that’s that’s pretty evident I think it falls on the assistance a little bit with Vic though in terms of massaging this going if you do this look at what Justin Simmons did at the safety position and the number of picks that he was able to go out and have because he played it the way Vic wanted it to be played and Vic played to his strengths that’s kind of on the assistance that work with Vic a little bit in massaging it but Vic will do exactly and show you exactly what he wants um but you have to show him that you can do it and then he’ll move things around and so to build on on that you you mentioned the assistants Vic really got to to pick his staff which sha Desai really didn’t get the the the chance to do that per se the the coaches that Vic brought in I know you you know some of them you’ve you’ve you’ve been around some of them what’s gonna be the big differences with with them under Vic that’s what I think I think Zach the biggest thing is relaying that message right they know what Vic wants out there like I said vic isn’t going to sit there and like the way it was described to me once by by somebody on his staff back in the day was kind of like well how does Vic get that message across how does he convince players to do that they was like Vince doesn’t Vic doesn’t worry about convincing anybody like he doesn’t worry about convincing anybody at all now he’s just gonna like I said show you how it should be done you show him what you can do now it’s up to the the assistants like you know Christian Parker running the backside of that group who knows Vic really really well and I think is one of the better teachers in this league from the buzz I hear about him around the league um that’s somebody that Vic would lean on of of like hey I’ve I’ve coached you you want to know how this is done right like I’ve coached Pastor Tam he uses these exact same techniques and that’s how it works they kind of relay that message act for Vic and I think that’s why it’s important that he was able to pick kind of his guys and have a say that was a big part of Vic coming to Philadelphia obviously it’s coming home for him and huge Phillies fan rock on they Rock Solid but it it was It was a big deal for that to happen so it can be done the way that it works at its highest level if that makes sense for Vic and his group so as we think about Vic’s like gruffness right and you you heard the the reports out of Miami last year that he did not get along well with some of those guys especially in the secondary that was maybe an awkward fit with Mike McDaniel Nick serani has has never worked with uh a coach of like this gravitas as one of his coordinators it has always been guys who were sort of on the come up like him teachers by trade right what do you like what do you expect from that fit between those two guys that frankly was was probably a little bit frankensteined in at like Hoy Roseman and Jeffrey L’s behest yeah that’s that’s a really good point and and I don’t know why I was thinking about this uh and thinking about Kansas City a little bit about while you were saying that but it’s like I wonder if there’ll be a little bit of an approach with spags where it’s like just let him run inside like kind of just let him do his thing there’s there’s a track record with both guys in terms of what they’ve done and I’m curious to see how much Nick wants to be like maybe if we just let Vic be Vic on his side of the ball like that might be what’s best for us and it might be honestly now I think sometimes when you have a guy that that has gravit toss was a good word or has you know kind of kind of the machismo that that Vic kind of has on on on one side of the ball like I think you can hurt yourself by meddling sometimes I think you might have to pick your spots um because I think the track record is so deep that if if he does do it is the right way it is going to have success I do think that the unit talent-wise is above and beyond what it was a year ago and now you coaching wise are above and beyond what you were a year ago I know that when a lot of these coaches were coming in Nick was very honest with them about what happened on that side of the ball about the blame that he took uh for some of the decisions that were made by him on that side of the ball and that meant a lot to a lot of guys including Vic that were coming in on that side so that gave me a little bit of a thought that maybe you let Vic go be Vic on that side until you have to see a reason or a time that you got to come in and step in it’s funny to think about because like if Nick is not as involved in the offense but he’s not gonna be doing stuff with Vic like what’s he doing Chief he’s the chief morale officer right but no no we’ve talked uh for the past three years honestly that the Eagles have chased this scheme right and now they get the originator they they they don’t get obviously Sean was the pupil it it it seemed Jonathan Ganon was using elements of that scheme but what types of players whether it’s on the Eagles roster or uh players that he’s had in the past particularly thrive in this scheme I think versatile players I do specifically on the back end like I’m really curious to see what they do with Cooper dein because I think that type of player now they don’t really know where he’s going to play I know that there’s a thought that he could even line up some at safety uh from some people in that building they they do think and they’re not alone in this during the draft it was like how do you use them is he a Kyle Hamilton type of piece is he you know a guy that plays inside because a lot of teams and the Eagles weren’t alone in this thought that and I’m going on a tangent in a second on Cooper but I got to do this is is like in terms of spatial awareness vision field Vision all of these things he was kind of the best of the corner group is he the best corner no but in those tra enough people around the league thought that he was maybe the top of the class in in those traits to me those are valued in vic scheme um I really do I know outside corners can play outside and lock and do things out there but when you have the other pieces that can mix things up and move guys around I think that is important for for the way that Vic plays I brought up Justin once and I know probably everybody in Philly is curious about Justin right that you’re coming on we’re getting like ask him about Justin Simmons ask him about Justin Simmons we’ll ask about Justin Simmons yeah it’s a really we can talk about he’s a really perfect example I mean he’s a guy that can play in the Box he’s a guy that could play deep um since he came into the league nobody has more interceptions in him not safeties players um and and that’s a lot because of Vic and how Vic used him and and how he was able to be disguised and moved around like I said if you can do a lot of things Vic will have you do a lot of things you just need to show him that and I think that’s why versatility specifically on that back end is extremely important because there also our players and I know like Draymond Jones draymont Jones Draymond Jones who was with the Broncos yeah and now Seattle he he he got really frustrated playing in this in this sche it wasn’t like I I can’t attack I can’t go down field as an interior pass rusher that’s not what he wants me to do and he would get frustrated well back to what I’m saying I’m I’m kind of curious too like well maybe he didn’t think you could get downfield like maybe that’s why he didn’t have you go that you know you know go after the quarterback I think Draymond has a little bit more talent to go after the quarterback than maybe he was used it’s my personal opinion but I’m not going to say no more football in right but like I think that’s kind of the two sides that you see they’re going to be players that get frustrated because they think they can do more than what they’re being used for but players that show him all these different ways they can be used those will be showcased but that’s an interesting thing to bookmark for for Jaylen Carter I feel like exactly yeah the whole point with jayen Carter is to get to the quarterback right exactly now that’s the thing I do think like like I like the example I used in the beginning though like is is if Jaylen Carter is going to show that he’s winning sure repeat on the inside they’re going to set it up on the defensive front to make sure that continues and Deon white actually talked about this last week about how like he’s heard that he’s gonna have to prove to Vic that he can be effective as a Blitzer if he wants to Blitz and he hasn’t had a chance to show that yet and he’s sort of getting in his ear like he wants to have a chance to show that so Le does that sound weird but it sounds accurate right like it sounds like that’s what you should have to do as a player like you know man I feel like I got to really show this well yeah you do right how about the the Justin Simmons followup what what’s going on there I don’t from my understanding I don’t see anything happening anytime soon I think uh from what I’ve gathered he he knows his Market he knows the pay is not going to be what he has made uh in the past and he’s made plenty uh in the past I think that’s why you’re seeing him be patient because it’s not going to change between now and the you know closer to Camp uh at all right the Market’s not going to shift and he’s going to get some ridiculous you know payday he knows that so he knows he can be patient he knows he can look around he can knows he can look for the best fit there have been offers out there obviously there have been teams that have that have tried to go after him but I think he is kind of trying to pick that spot with I don’t want to speak for Justin but like the dude’s gone through a lot of losing and a lot of coaching changes and I think that is playing a part in this about where he lands and I know the lines of communication are still open with a lot of places that were interested the first time around um but I think he’s being smart with it and my my thought and and belief right now is nothing happens in the immediate future right now because nothing’s going to change in terms of the landscape of the market I I’m always curious when I speak to someone like you who who covers the whole league that uh you know one thing is is you’ll be in Philly and then you might be in in Denver the next day and and people in in Denver will want to know all right what’s going on in Philly right uh and it’s it’s kind of the cool thing about National reporters so what’s what’s kind of the buzz on the organization right now elsewhere in the league we’re so locked in on what people in Philly think what do people elsewhere think about the Eagles right now I I don’t know if people know this the way the front office is thought about of Zach because like there really are two schools of thought in the NFL right there’s like the front office that’s really Scout driven and it’s film film film and it’s a scouting background and that’s what they do and then we need to see what’s on tape and that’s the way we go and then there’s that analytic Harvard Yale style that we’re seeing around the league where it’s the numbers sell us this and we’re going to play the probabilities and we’re put it all on the machine that’s going to fire out what we’re looking at and this is what we’re going to do the Eagles in a lot of people around the League’s opinion is they’re like the one team that does both almost like 5050 like I I would say the way Howie is thought of is most gmms are one of the two that I just described I’m not saying Howie’s looking at film like you know some of these Scouts look at it but I would say he looks at a lot and he studies a lot yet he still has the other side and the numbers side and I think what makes them stand apart and it funny I was talking to somebody in a front office in the NFC like a couple days ago and he was like I was trying to describe because they’re always every front office is looking at every other front office trying to steal and and figure out how they do it and he was like I was describing to the guys in the room what Philly does and it was like they’re not scared to make mistakes and they have a plan if the mistake happens how they’re going to correct it and there’s so much fear he said in this league right of like well if I pick the wrong guy admitting that I picked the wrong guy to ownership is just like telling my boss I effed up like nobody in the NFL loves to say you know what every GM is telling the owner now he’s gonna come around he’s gonna come around this is going to work like it’s it’s very refreshing in some people around the leagues or maybe envious around the league of how Howie and Company will say n this didn’t work like let’s move on and we’re gonna fix it by doing this and I think that’s that’s what makes Philly a little bit different um than some of these other places and and I think to me talking to people in front offic around the league if you do it the same as everybody else like you got a pretty damn good chance of just staying in the middle yeah like right you know Dallas for instance doesn’t take a whole lot of chances like a whole lot of risks they never bought him out really but they haven’t been able to get to hear and maybe there’s a safety net in in just staying in there and Jerry a gazillion dollars and being relevant all the time but like Philly has has an ability to find ways to try things that are outside the box and there’s no fear of trying them and I think that’s what makes them different than a lot of teams in this league yeah it’s interesting because it it’s almost like once you get good enough you know Howe has the luxury of knowing that Jeffrey has his back and so he has the to make those mistakes right it’s like once you just sort of cross that threshold then you get that freedom the other thing I want to ask you about with Howe is is something that we have talked about on the show is just like from a national reporter perspective there is the information Marketplace in the league right you know GMS and reporters talking to each other sharing information and hoe has been at this so long it is it is a great strength of his can you talk to that at all about like how important that is to him because he says the thing that keeps him up at night is like the idea that he might not know that someone is available right like that he might miss something so how important is that to to his success do you think I I think it’s I think it’s everything I think it’s it’s part of their draft process too what’s what’s like a little bit of an offshoot of that is like one of the things and this came back to me talking about them with you bringing that up B is like they never write players off like they in the draft process they never do that and that happens in a lot of buildings like the initial couple reports come in and it’s like n this guy isn’t for us they Circle back all the time and go let’s double check and make sure maybe he is for us maybe this you know this scattering report is a little bit different than a couple of the other ones come in and how he always circles back to make sure and it’s in the same vein of right being like I don’t want to make sure that I don’t miss that this guy’s available I don’t want to I don’t want to eliminate a lot of guys off my board too early I want to make sure that they’re all available so they Circle back a lot and he circles back a lot in the National landscape of of players being available I don’t think anybody calls more probably than hoe Roseman I don’t know how you guys do it actually in the market I want to ask you because like it’s got to be do you report every time like howi Roseman called about so and so cuz like he calls about everybody like it’s it’s kind of the do you do you report all that do you yeah that’s that’s kind of a a big joke we have is that like the easiest headline leading into the draft is that how he’s looking to move up because all how does is is move up like if if if you say breaking news how he’s just gonna stay where he is he’s not trying to trade like that would be the headline more so than how he’s working the phones well it’s like this year they end up staying at the pick but like obviously he he had called like every team ofs what what the C is going to be in situation yeah and I do know talking other teams like he is a master poker player in like I know Atlanta thought a little bit that they were interested in Bean um and I and I think everybody in Philly was probably like I mean the coward bet his life on it or something right like I think everybody in Philly was kind like he doesn’t do that but like he somehow made Atlanta believe that he was interested in in Bean like he plays the game really really well and I think if you work as hard as how he does and make as many phone calls as he does it’s pretty easy to cover your tracks because you called on everybody so like how how do you how do you give a couple of uh breadcrumbs that you’re headed in this direction when you called everything so I think it’s kind of the better way to work it was like I’m sitting here in Denver and we mentioned it like if John Elway showed up somewhere it was like well John ain’t going on the plane just to go on the plane that is not John Owen so you were like we should read into this a little bit like how he’s going to call everybody Phil Eagles are going to be everywhere and I think that’s probably to blanket the league the best way to go about it because there are plenty of teams that think how’s doing one thing and he ends up doing something else go ahead yeah as as a as a follow up to that the off season that they had now this our this my first chance catching up with you about this uh because I last saw you at the combine adding saquan um obviously we expected them to to to kind of move off of Hassan Reck or or potentially do that but then bringing in Bryce Huff bringing back CJ Gardner Johnson some of these other moves they made acting early on the contract extensions what jumped out to you about the offseason that they just had I think the saquan deal Zach is number one to me in all honesty just because it was an outside of the box thought for how how he works but really if you know how and I know you guys do it’s what does my coaching staff want what Does My OC want and I’ll try to get him that to me that was him really listening to Kellen and really understanding what Kell wants and making that happen and going maybe away from what some people believe are his Tendencies but listening to his offensive coordinator and going well he really thinks if we had this piece we’re a different offense and he can do all the things Callen can do all the things that he wants to do with this group I’m going to make that happen to me Howie listening to Kell in that sense of what would make it this offense work stood out big time um some of the other ones were things at the combine you mentioned that I had kind of heard I heard Huff was like pretty much you know gonna happen uh reic that type of situation with with those guys I mean I know they looked around at a lot of other guys I know it was close with Justin Simmons and CJ Gardner Johnson at the safety spot um I know age played a part in that decision um because when you’re trying to change your identity and nothing against just this kind into like the Justin Simmons podcast but like nothing against J is one of my favorite people in the league and one of the best human beings on the planet uh and still I think a great safety you don’t tell everybody you want to get younger and faster as a defense and then one of the first moves you make is a 30-year-old safety like that just kind of goes against what you’re trying to put out there I think that did really play a part in kind of the decision between the two um but but Squan was the one that really jumped out at me because of everything that went with that move it that that is also interesting that Justin Simmons angle to keep the Justin Simmons things go going uh just from the you would you would think that if if Vic had like pounded the table uh and been like this is the guy that I want to lead my defense that that howwi he would have followed suit right so it’s interesting that that Vic was at least open to I know there was a lot and I know that kind of happened but there was a lot of different things that went into play on how you were picking some of these pieces and at that time I don’t I mean now this part I don’t even know like I mean how different was the money how different was every aspect that you’re looking to do you know what I mean so there are a variety of of of I guess boxes that were being checked on both sides between between everybody I’m a little just blown away by like the the the professionalism from James I mean the backdrop is so fantastic we talked about the painting you know the audio quality the shot this I mean what a pro yeah guys how many people come on here like full ifb like in full no airpods the pinned mic I mean you got all going on guys come on this is a professional setup here I’m not going to sit here and will nilly this thing in with you guys this a big deal for me absolutely go are are we still hitting on the Eagles want talk Philly or can we talk Philly okay let’s go anything else on on Eagles because I I I love talking phly with people well oh anything I think the one thing on on on the team that I’m really most fascinated about is is we kind of T touched on Cooper but like how the the competition at corner really plays out and I think that they’re waiting for Camp to my understanding to see these things play out and it could be variety of things of who loses out on the second Corner Spot might be who plays nickel honestly like it could they it could be that and somebody else you know there’s the competition and then who somebody else shines a nickel somebody else plays sa you know bradberry’s been back there at safety for a long time which is kind of funny but just nobody in the media has seen it just because for one reason or another he wasn’t you know at practice for the what did you guys get three OTAs we got twoot then three days mini camp yeah yeah and then he gets he gets the groin injury right and he can’t participate in in mini Camp so like it was established pretty early like that he was going to go back there just no media had seen it and nobody really knew about it kind fun that’s a good nugget um yeah and so you know him back there and nante maybe playing some safety and then moving these different guys around I think back the back end and how it shakes out is going to be my favorite part of of training camp and hopefully I can get there for some days uh to kind of see how it see how it all goes well and it’s interesting also because somebody sort of touched on this in the chat I don’t think that this is necessarily intentional from hoe but for so long the defense has been built front to back and right now the structure of it just where the Investments are I mean they’ve still got Jaylen Carter they still paid Josh Huff a lot of or Bryce Huff a lot of money they’ve still got Josh wet Jordan Davis first round picks but talent-wise it feels like at least the focus is right now back to front as opposed to the traditional High structure exactly and I think those guys up front I mean like there there’s a lot on them like a lot they’re they’re not as deep as they’ve been in years past I think there’s there’s a lot on that group up front that needs to needs to perform so when we’ve had people like you know whether it’s it’s Colleen wolf Andy mcole different guests who grew up here and then go elsewhere the thing I’m I’m fascinated about and and you grew up steeped in kind of the Philly media culture as well is what’s different per as as a sports consumer as just a person when you’re used to the way it is here and then you go to Houston and you go to Denver like like is it as as pronounced as it seems or uh am I making too much of it like are we in Philly that much different oh yeah it’s different it is it is it is definitely different um my comps to some extent would be Chicago and Boston um in terms of just the 24hour local sports talk like nobody in Philly is listening to a schlub like me like a National like show in their car like they’re not they’re they’re listening to what happens in Philly like that’s the way all of Philadelphia works like I truly believe two of my best buddies that are cops in Philly could be on WIP like like that like from our conversations I’m like this this is all you guys think about you sit in your Cruiser all day and you just you know you want to and you listen to sports St radio and you listen to everything that’s getting put out there there’s a different I think uh fandom I think there’s a different education to the fan there’s a different I don’t want to say criticalness but there’s a I I expect this from you as a player in our city to do this and if you do do it like you will be rewarded I think it was while I was like pulling my hair out and dying with the Sixers in the postseason which was just a terrible terrible run uh in my opinion just a frustrating team to watch like JJ reck said I think on one of the broadcast he’s like there’s no better place to play than and he played a lot of places like he’s like there’s no better place I’ve ever played there’s also like no worst place I’ve ever played like I mean like and it’s and it’s kind of true but like he did say like you know if if you do things the right way you’re rewarded and I think the fan it’s because the fans are somewhat I mean they probably drive you guys not sometimes but like they’re educated they they know more I think than some of these fans and not to down the rest of the country but there’s a different commitment I want to say time commitment from the fan in in Philly so is the rest of the house joining you in the Philly fandom or is it Denver so we had to like we had to make decisions uh like on this so like my wife is from California and Denver like back and forth okay so she’s a huge her dad was a huge Broncos fan so she’s Broncos and then um she told our son like you can you can be everything else dad does but but football you’re with the Broncos I thought so like I got I know so I got Ohio State and I got the Phillies and I got like we went to the series here in Denver went to two of the three games we go to the two games they lost Bryce haror gets thrown out in the first my son’s like devastated like he’s like crushed we’re sitting there in the stands he’s like well this is my favorite player I get to see him once a year it stinks and so he he got he he’s Philly on everything but she told him like this is my one team Broncos we’re going Broncos but like I think the last few years he’s probably like eyeing the Eagles like quite a bit with what’s going on in uh Denver and the shuffling going going on in this city what was 13-year-old James Palmer like as a Phil sports fan I was an I was a loon for the Phillies uh number one um I loved basketball great I mean Philadelphia is such a great basketball town I got my ass kicked by like ridiculous players in high school like really really good players like my first start in high school at upper Marian my sophomore year was against Matt Carroll and I thought I did a good job and then he dropped like 32 I think he missed like two shots yeah hro Horan colen wolf oh I got I did not get a hand in his face like 6 foot 150 pound James Palmer did not get a hand in Matt Carol’s face but like um all the like Jamir Nelson all those guys like they destroyed me in high school but like I I even younger than 13 Zach like I would wear my full hockey like pads to a Flyers game at like nine years old like what kid walks in with like a helmet a flyers a Dave pin Jersey and like and like their gloves and like their elbow pads like like I thought they like we need him you know you know on the fourth line you know what I mean like I wasn’t going to play but I would come in all of my P but you definitely weren’t going to play if you weren’t suited up I mean yeah exactly they weren’t even going to look at me if I didn’t have the gear on so I was always kind of like you know hey this guy’s over here he’s got a CCM GL glov was ready to roll um but it was it was like Philly sports everything it was going to St Joe’s basketball camp John Cheney basketball camp like it was Hoops was a big deal for me at like that age uh then I realized you you know after getting waxed in high school all the time like it was it was the end of it but hoops and and baseball were the two that I really really like was everything to me that’s why like the vet and getting a chance to play at the vet as a high school kid was like the coolest thing in the world just because I worshiped that place um so yeah it was it was basketball and baseball were like the the top the top for me like everything I thought Von Hayes was a god him and Darren Dalton just and so when when work brings you back to Philly what are the what are the spots you need to hit well my parents live like out like in Wayne King of Prussia area so I gotta like I don’t go to the mall but I got to go out and see the see the parents and then I’ll see a lot of my buddies that live in like you know the Ki area and stuff and you know I got one of my best friends from that I played all three sports with actually coming out here with him and his family next week so like I would I I stay like at the notary like right downtown by by city hall and try to like hit up a bunch of different like local spots that I love like little hole-in-the-wall joints and then and us usually it’s with like the same it’s the Buddies wives that don’t mind like it’s the same three that I know I can call right every time then I’m like hey I’m in town we’re going out and like the other ones are like nah man I got like four kids it ain’t happening like and that call just doesn’t happen anymore I know my crew from home growing up with that can that can roll with me each night I’m back home all right the comment in the chat right now is this guy gets it so yeah you’re speaking to your people right now we appreciate these are my Hey listen these are my my people these are my these are my best friends these are this is this is everybody you know how many like group chats I am on about the Phillies like that I don’t see every game but I’m like I I know everything that’s happening from like four different group chats about everything that’s happening with Ruto and everything that’s happening I mean lot of love for stubs guys lot of love for stubby coming in there yeah uh from all of my boys there’s there’s a bit of a risk of overexposure now over the next month but that’s I think there is we’ll see I think there is I don’t know J’s been getting beat up lately though like he needs a I mean I know the knee aside but man he’s been taking some shots lately he needs a little break well James thank you so much for the Insight we’ll let you get going to Broncos mini camp uh but we really appreciate all the all the Insight guys I’m gonna tell you like just talking that the players we just talked about and we didn’t even talk about like AJ Brown and Dallas scard and Devonte Smith and Lane Johnson and Jordan myada and all these like there is a talent drop off to the practice I’m about to go attemp um I’m Ser I’m serious like this is what do you before I go real quick like where do you guys put this roster talent wise in the league like it’s top three say top five for sure but yeah I think that’s I I I think there are more questions on the lines of scrimmage than they’ve had in the past if if they are what they think they can be on the defensive line and if at Center and Right Guard they’re where they want to be then I think they can be really good but but usually you say all right they’re set on the lines let’s see how they are on the back end or let’s see how they are as some of these other spots they have more questions on the lines of scrimmage than they’ve had in the past I would just say like there it was still a top five roster in December and January and it didn’t necessarily work out well so they still they still have some some work to do in terms of proving it yeah it didn’t go great uh I think I was at that last one against the Giants yeah I think I week I was with you guys right I think week 18 yes yeah that was New York yeah that was yikes that was brutal all right guys this was a blast this was Wonder so much you open I don’t like the Penn State I don’t like the Penn State penet back there being a buck guy but I’ll let you know what a little inside baseball we we we’d like to get that one replaced as well but that’s okay but people what would you put up in place we had a we had a Brian Dawan one Dawkins W there before um but yeah I mean there’s some love for temple people people want Temple there I you know favor but just just a picture of Z’s face is what I would like yeah or a palestra just to please everybody that’s perra that’s what I would do yeah all right boys all right thank you so much easy hope we’ll talk to you again soon sounds good oh come on let’s do it see you all right uh well now I’m going to take the opportunity to tell you guys about our friends at sleep healthy PA and that is Dr Andrew Cohen at sleep healthy PA they are committed to helping Philadelphia residents stop the snow and find solutions for sleep apnea that will allow you to rest well and improve your health here’s what causes sleep apnea we’ve talked about this over the past couple days there’s a choke point in the throat that causes snoring kind of like a kink in a garden hose and what Dr Andrew Cohen can do is work on fixing that Kink Dr Andrew Cohen is a board certified person in Dental sleep medicine and his staff will work one-on-one with you to provide first class care that will meet your needs many Physicians aren’t equipped to provide other options outside of cpat machines more than anything Dr Andrew Cohen just wants to see his patients healthy and you can be one of those patients his team is committed to stopping the Snore tell him phly sent you and receive 15% off your initial workup the process is a 2-hour initial exam split into two sessions you got the information gathering with the medical history and the Imaging all that good stuff and then you’ve got the reviewing of the results and the sharing of recommendations if you are experiencing sleep apnea and are looking for a custom solution to stop to snore reach out to Dr Andrew Cohen at sleephealthy or call 215 33725 Z1 tell him phly sent you as much as I like speaking to people I really like efficiency and when you have a prescription and it’s and it’s and it’s running out and it’s not automatically refilled got to make this call and you got to make that call that that’s not efficient that is inefficient that’s why I want to tell you about Right Aid Pharmacy Services because with a my Pharmacy account at Right Aid you can refill your prescription schedule a vaccine get personalized care recommendations sign up for prescription notifications and all you need to do all you need to do to get started is a prescription at WR Aid get started at WR mypharmacy uh I don’t mind when I can do everything online and you can enroll in the autom courtesy refills it’s free it’s easy and most prescriptions qualify you talk with your rid pharmacist or sign up through your my Pharmacy account at restrictions May apply and if your prescriptions are 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you by Shady raay head to Shady and use code phly at checkout or 35% off polarized sunglasses it’s for 35% off we got to add we got to adjust this copy there’s a small typo there we’re going to fix that but uh yeah I think I think it’s fair to say that James is pretty bullish on this team don’t you think yeah and and it’s it’s the perspective that uh is is always good to get from people outside the market because you can sometimes forget that it’s not the norm to have AJ Brown Devonte Smith at wide receiver and Jordan Milad and Lane Johnson as your offensive tackles right um and that if if one of your questions is how’s this Edge rusher who had double digit sacks last year going to do in a full-time role this year or uh can this other Edge rusher who’s who’s 27 years old and has been like a two-time pro bowler or uh can he rebound this year and can your top 10 defensive tackle emerge into one of the the top defensive tackles in in the league like oh and by the way you just signed a running back who might be one of the top five players in his position in the in the league right this is a roundabout what I’m saying is that there’s a lot of talent here and there are a lot of teams that are either rebuilding or they’re in that constant state of like trying to get to the top half of the league and the Eagles are one of those teams that they’ve been in the top half of the league and now you’re trying to get into the top you know five of of of the league it’s a it’s it’s a good situation when you comp you know I understand expectations are high in Philly but if you put this team in like Jacksonville right now uh or Denver right now um I mean those those fans would would say man I didn’t know we have it this good fair enough they would say the don’t you think that I know that Les said this when he was on with us last month but it is it is kind of funny that it’s like all of these things what if what if what if what if Jaylen Herz just come so much comes down to jayen Herz yeah that’s that’s that’s always the analysis like I I I say that a lot of years we can’t do a show every single day but if your well it’s all depending on jayen Herz but exactly like you know I I remember for uh those two weeks leading up to the Super Bowl and and this was the one two years ago and we’re going through matchup by matchup and like you know how how are they going to defend uh you know ju guu here and and you know you know can you exploit these safeties or whatever it may be and it’s like well if Patrick Mahomes is great then you’re gonna have a hard time winning and Patrick Mahomes was great in the second half of that game so it’s it’s a simplistic way to do it but it’s also you know happy Tom Brady day um to all those who celebrate he’s getting honored tonight Bo keeps a straight face get your your HGH injections ready but uh there was there was always those those thinking or there was always that that thinking that when he’s on your side like you can have all these other questions on on on your team he’ll figure out a way and uh it’s simplistic to put it that way but the quarterbacks has such an outsized role in any conversation uh a couple interesting things I think are are worth pulling apart from from from what we uh heard James very good he did a fantastic job the uh the actual having some some factual reporting that the Eagles were like on the fence about Justin Simmons or CJ Garner Johnson and that they were really looking into Justin Simmons I think is interesting and one to want to follow yeah that is a good one and you know we had done or I’m sorry we did the free agency Quack itology and what James said there is is something we kept going back to that they want to get younger they want to get faster and they’ve had I understand some of their best players in the past that have been older players you know Kelsey uh and uh and Cox and you know Brandon Graham and Lane Johnson but if you just sort their their roster by age right now they don’t have a lot of these older guys um and in the past they’ve signed some of these 30 plus year olds to one-year Deals they haven’t done that as much this year besides your boy Devonte Parker um but for the most part like they your boy Paris Campbell they but he’s he’s what 26 right so they have tried to get younger this year yeah and I imagine that that was a factor there okay people are talking about how we’ve got a nice uh contrast white black thing going on here you know uh good cop bad cop sort of like man in white man in Black little lost thing going on you’re the you’re the bad guy you look sharp there that’s that’s like the that’s that’s the Cape Cod look right that’s um is that the Cape Cod look is that like a Cape Cod that that it’s like a I’ve never been to cap regular polo shirt oh okay what makes the Cape Cod look I I think that I associate you’re a Mr Beach shirt over here don’t don’t come at me not that one but you are the Mr Beach shirt somebody in the chat said that they wore a similar linen shirt and someone else at their office asked them if they were going to the beach oh really yeah I don’t know if you saw that that’s just people who are not up to date on style right I guess so yeah you got to read the latest GQ Magazine it’s a white shirt no I it’s like uh I that’s a compliment that’s like you’re you’re going out to eating Cape Cod that’s that’s why is that a compliment is there something wrong with I don’t know neither good or bad but why is it a compliment it means you look nice you look sharp today yeah you’re you’re 38 you’re yeah day after your birthday what you talking about giving you a cou someone says are are you tan did did you spend more time outside I know you walk to the office yeah I I think I just was outside this weekend I don’t feel not something that I was consciously working on cousin Grace says is that a birthday present shirt no okay no this shirt has been in the rotation okay all right uh that that shirt’s probably I was going to say top of the pile but that shirt hangs I the shirt does hang that’s right yeah how about that one a pile shirt this was top of the pile this morning yep okay what kind of what kind of drawer situation are we talking about what do you mean what kind of drawer situation you say top of the pile what like what’s the pile like uh there’s two drawers in the pile Oh I’m sorry two piles in the drawer I got that in inverted there’s you guys do you and Emily share a dresser or do you have your own dresser we have our own dresser um separate dressers yeah and uh um I’m I’m I’m not particularly like um you know clean on my uh like I’ll I’ll throw my stuff in to draw right difference between uh cleanliness and TI you you’re untiy yeah sorry that that’s that’s more so that’s that’s dir clothes no no but no thank you but like what of her pet peeves is if you open by drawer it’s not like folded perfectly in in there where if you looked at her drawers it’s like right I mean it’s it’s like if you go to a department store it is like you know nobody got time for that perfectly yeah well she does like she’s she’s very meticulous now you’re dresser are we talking is it a is it a classic uh three levels top level is two smaller ones and then you got two wide ones on level two level three I have two I have I have shorts t-shirts I uh you know boxers socks and then uh yeah I I have two t-shirt drawers two t-shirt dra how many so how many drawers are we talking about there’s uh there’s eight drawers oh eight drawers interesting so four levels two by two by four yes exactly yeah tall one I mean they’re not like huge drawers okay so eight drawers and so on the top level where you got boxers in one socks in the other yes yes okay second level what do we got t-shirts on both sides uh no t-shirts on this side and then shorts uh shorts are on yeah so so second from the top there are two drawers right no so there’s six drawers then then there’s two like small drawers at the top like those thin ones okay so so there are four levels of the dresser yes right the top level has two different has two Thin drawers okay the second level and the third level and the fourth level all have one big drawer or we’re really getting too hards yeah there’s there’s shorts there’s there’s two drawers with shorts two drawers with t-shirts one drawer with uh boxers one drawer with socks and then one like the these small ones are like uh there’s like um you know cuff links uh oh I see so it’s really like three levels but then there’s like a half level yes exactly exactly now do you delineate in the two t-shirt drawers is there any difference between yeah yes yeah actually there’s the T-shirt a nice t-shirt drawer yeah there’s t-shirts that I would like the linen shirt t-shirts I would wear on a show and then there’s t-shirts when I’m just kind of like playing ball with my son okay and you do keep them separate yes I keep themart yeah uh yeah she actually labeled them so okay so I know what to put now within I know you said you’re untidy in the drawers seriously we were spending way too much time on this year but within the drawers when you when you’re putting them in there is the your draw there’s the stackable fold or is there there is like the um this is a new fangled thing where like you fold it and show and it’s like facing up and you see the logo that no no stackable stackable F yeah the classic yeah yeah stackable less efficient but easier to EAS to so when I say top shirt on on the on the pile I’m not paying attention to like oh I wore this last Thursday right I’m I actually want to I want to reduce the amount of like decisions that I I would be okay decision fatigue if I find going Style on me four shirts and just rotate them and that’d be cool but but so anyways when the shirts on the top of the pile that’s that’s what I put on so I decide you’re not doing digging through the pile you’re going I I don’t dig through the pile that’s that’s how it gets untiy honestly if I just stick to the top shirt on the pile it doesn’t get untidy anyways let’s talk about drawer hold on I have one last the the two different shorts drawers any difference in the shorts well yeah it’s like the same thing there’s a nice shorts and yeah it’s like the sports shorts that you wear then like you know like the like the you know khaki or like they’re I I I used to call them khaki shorts now they’re they’re kind of um it’s more like the it’s a different material what’s the the um I don’t know what they they’re called Tech shorts that Tech short yeah they’re called Tech shorts yeah but they but but you would wear it to like a why why do they call it the texture is like like like a Silicon Valley thing like it look like a yeah like a then I’m more into it then right of course no wonder you want the tech shorts yeah yeah um but uh yeah so I have shorts that I would have wear to football practice or I went out to dinner in the summer that kind of thing uh and then I have shorts that I would wear if I’m playing ball with my son okay what about what’s your dra working with a uh working with three levels top top level is two different drawers you got the boxers and one socks in the or uh yeah socks in the other oh no no I have no I’m actually I’m wrong I have socks in a different in the in the in the closet boxers in one undershirts like uh like white undershirts in the other and second roar I didn’t know you an undershirt guy you’re an undershirt guy sometimes okay I don’t that drawer doesn’t get as much doesn’t get as much use in the winter under a I mean certainly under like a a sweater oh often times you wear a you know wear wear a v-neck under shirt second row vneck second yeah nobody wants to see your undershirt yeah no I know yeah uh second row is is t-shirts third row is shorts and pants did not have like uh not like nice pants like you know you know pajama pants or something like that yeah or sweatpants you’re a pajama pants guy I have a couple pair of pajama pants for the winter yeah not it’s not not like going to bed like a sash on my on my head every night but walking around the house sometimes to wear you know a nice LL Bean fleece pant yeah interesting okay I I I didn’t take you for p actually I I could see that as a pajama guy Leisure at home absolutely oh yeah no I’m I’m uh I’m just wearing shorts or joggers at home yeah okay what if you’re cold H joggers yes oh joggers okay I don’t have the dedicated pajama pants okay yeah all right this will this will be our clip for the day we we’ll put this up on uh nice nice clothes talk uh all right let’s talk before we get to a few left over questions from yesterday Zack our friends at mortgage CS mortgage CS actually let me figure out which of the mortgage CS reads we doing oh the competitive one today’s real estate market is ultra competitive people perspective home buyers perhaps just like you are missing out on opportunities to win the perfect home but why why could 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people win more with mortgage CS so call or text Ben now at 267 39174 25 and see for yourself you can also go to www.m morgage phly to check them out or view their 370 plus Perfect fstar reviews by searching mortgage CS right now the advertisement is not a commitment to lend or extend credit mortgage CS is an Equal Housing Opportunity mortgage broker all loans are subject to credit approval certain restrictions May apply company nmls id46 4766 visit mortgage for more information it’s Father’s Day this weekend and I imagine Sunday afternoon Sunday evening a lot of fathers are going to be sitting back what’s what’s the golf tournament that’s on US Open the US Open um thank you I should know that the US Pinehurst that’s North Carolina right yeah okay yeah so they’re sitting back Sunday afternoon and they’re going to do what maybe their fathers did 30 years ago and what their sons might do 30 years from now and that’s crack open a nice ice cold Miller Light because a lot has changed over the years one thing that hasn’t is the Great Taste of Miller Light another thing that hasn’t changed is that it’s less filling so what is the best thing about the original light beer it’s a a Miller Light has sparked debate uh has sparked this debate since 1975 we still haven’t settled it because there’s so many great things about Miller Light there’s The Taste there’s the fact that it’s a light beer but it’s also the memories the good times that it that it delivers like I said you can it could be 1975 it could be 1995 it could be 2005 it could be 2024 it could be 200 uh 45 21 years from now and you can still sit back and pop open the ice cold Miller Light and know that you’re getting quality taste at less feeling Miller Light keeps it simple undebatable quality Great Taste only 96 calories it’s the beer that strips away everything you don’t need and holds on to what matters most a light beer that tastes like beer less filling and only 96 calories the original light beer since 1975 you don’t have to choose what’s best millerite has great taste and is less filling taste like Miller time to get Miller Light delivered right to your door visit Miller phly birds or you can find it pretty much anywhere that sells beer celebrate responsibly Miller Brewing Company Milwaukee Wisconsin 96 calories per 12 oun fewer calories and carbs than premium regular beer now the other thing that he that he talked about is he said that James bradberry’s been playing safety all L do you read into that as like this is a plan for them or it’s the same way you felt when Nick announced it last week uh I I actually do read into it that there’s maybe more of a likelihood of him staying um than maybe we thought I still think it’s a little bit of posturing but from bradberry’s perspective if he was expecting to go somewhere else to play corner sure would he really be willing to you know take up all his time in the spring playing safety presumably if he’s going to play safety he has to change his body a little bit right so he wouldn’t do that if he was expecting to go somewhere else to play Corner uh so from a buyin standpoint I think that that I think that that’s very interesting yeah that that um it’s it’s not just something that they did for mandatory miniamp because he was he was he was reporting we had heard that he had been in Philly at at times throughout the offseason program and so this this shows that uh this is something that they had planned going back a few months that’s a good nugget from jaes really interesting yeah and then also the the note on on Draymond Jones you know not loving that he wasn’t getting to to rush as much just something to keep in our Yeah in our back pocket uh all right I’m going to give you a chance here from a leftover question from yesterday’s mailbag episode need some water Zack uh for you to uh to plug the book here because Nick field wants wants to know who were the most informative interview subjects for your upcoming book and was there anyone who wouldn’t agree to an interview um well you know the thing about this book is is that really it’s it’s been you know 13 years of interviews right and and so 13 years covering the team and as I wrote in the acknowledgement section there have been some new yeah and yeah yeah there are new ones as I wrote in the acknowledgement section like I don’t want to sing out any one executive coach or player because I appreciate everyone’s time and like everyone has a story that that that I could try to share but um I would say and I and I’ll get more into this as the book gets gets gets closer I spent a good deal of time talking to Jeffrey Lorry for this book um and I found his perspective uh fascinating um Joe Banner was really helpful um I I did not uh uh I did not cover Joe and I I knew Joe uh i’ I I’ve spoken to him for a few stories over the years and you know I have respect for for really what he was ahead of his time in in in a lot of ways but and then I remember frankly I was always envious when when Y and sheeld would talking to him for the as asj Banner col that that you guys did on a weekly basis uh but it was it was it was great hearing some of his his his memories his his perspective catching up with guys like uh Brian Westbrook and Trey Tois uh Malcolm jaids right there was there was a lot of good ones and then um or yeah there are some people I I would have liked to speak to for the book that either didn’t respond or didn’t um you know they they didn’t like flat out say like Zach I’m not helping you but um but um you know I I’m grateful for for for those that I’ve spoken with or or I’m I’m grateful for those that I spoke to but really I can’t emphasize this enough it’s it’s like 13 years so um you know I I could there’s there’s transcripts that I found from previous interviews with Nick f that were like that was like really helpful and it’s like oh I remember talking to Nick about you know you know it’s interesting um I had a conversation with Nick back in 2014 and I asked him if you were at a dinner table with Donovan McNab Ron jorski Randall Cunningham what would you ask them and his answer was like how they dealt with failure or something along those lines and so fast forward to the day after Nick Foles wins the Super Bowl what’s Nick F’s Message Nick F’s message is about dealing with failure wow his whole thing was about dealing with failure and so it was fascinating for me like this was just this was a comment that he made like it was was just he and I talking something that clearly it was like remember something that he thought about a lot yeah and I I remember specifically where I was I was right outside the wait room in the Eagles facility like the Breezeway from from the locker room so and he and I were were catching up I just spoken to you know jorski and and I asked him I I was I I thought it was like a good question and so he he he talked about how how they would deal with failure so um the Nick F section of the book a lot of it’s about like what he yeah a cousin Grace says you sound stuffy as hell I I don’t know why I’m sorry um but uh the um it the nickf section leads with the morning after the Super Bowl when in his in his like Pinnacle moment he chooses to speak about failure and like how failure has helped shape him and so then when I go back and I’m reading my transcripts and I said wow like 2014 he brought this up this is and so you can kind of Link those those two so I I bring that up as as wife saying there are different things from over the years that um somebody said something at a given time and and then it’s like a a seed for how it it it turns out years later and um there’s there’s stuff uh like you know with with whether it’s it’s Jason Kelce or with um you know Brandon Brooks like things like you you Zack her you you kind of combine different things that that you’ve heard from them in interviews throughout the years and perhaps it’s it’s it’s it’s a rationalization but I actually think it’s true sometimes that’s better than like if you speak to someone 10 years after the fact and you say because we all you know I I I found this out with my Super Bowl book I I say that it sounds kind of pompous when you put it that way but the way people people remember things looking back sure is a lot different than the way it was in real time so for instance uh if in 2017 if in during the Super Bowl and I I in 2018 when I’m writing that book if you ask people like uh you know what’ you think when Nick Foles took over it’s a lot different than like in the moment what what it was so sometimes the best stuff you get is like the Real Time interviews you have in the moment and that’s why like I try to keep all my transcripts and and you know keep as let’s let’s go inside baseball here how does that work you have all your transcripts like on Google Docs what do we got let’s for for for the uh aspiring journalists yeah um yeah in mycri well I mean fortunately the Eagles transcribe all the coach interviews but what’s like really helpful is each each year for the past decade outside of the pandemic year um around the time of like once mini Camp’s over you sit down with uh with the head coach you get them for 30 minutes an hour whatever it may be you know it varies and uh those are like really good um those are are really good transcripts there uh when I I was at The Inquirer and even at the at at the athletic I would try to do a big story on the quarterback uh before each each season like taking the temperature of a quarterback and so it’s it’s it’s transcrip but it’s transcripts but you can also go through all those stories so I I I went back and I read like uh you know different Michael Vick stories or or Carson you know I should mention Carson Wentz there’s a lot in there on Carson Wentz and um you know I I was in bismar North Dakota and I was in uh um I was in Fargo North Dakota and then I I spoke to Carson at different stages of of his of his career and so uh and then you you you kind of see like the way it ended um so yeah so it’s it kind of puts a lot of those things together love it thank you the book Zach the franchise yep comes out September 24th let’s get those pre-orders in and I have some some I have cool news about it that I’m I will break it on this show okay I’ll share it on this show maybe tomorrow or or or Friday I I think I think you know what it is but like a you know and then I’ll then I’ll put it out on on social there after but you’re gonna go show over social good for you you’re growing you finally mean something to you no but it’s it’s uh it’s it’s a cool thing about you know someone who’s a part of this book that I’m really excited to to share with with with the audience and then I will and then also uh as as as we get closer I am going to work out a system that if you are interested in a signed copy of the book like you can message me and I will send you the signed copy and you can just vend M the book yes one of the questions from yesterday from go Birds was if I buy your new book can I have an awkward hug that lingers two seconds too long no no no I’m not doing any awkward I’m doing not doing any awkward hugs you you won’t give you won’t make a hug for book purchase transaction firm handshake you gota you got to be very careful this day and age like you know what does that mean what what does that mean you can’t just go hugging people randomly like you know oh this person is coming this is a consensual situation they’re asking for the hug I I would prefer a handshake make I can do a handshake maybe they don’t want a handshake um you know I can do the wave I don’t know you gotta be careful with that I’m sorry this is the wave h i this like this like theater move you can give him the way that was I don’t know what you want me to say you want me to hug people I’ll hug people I’m just trying to I do yeah po Jam says ZB doesn’t want to get canceled definitely the last thing the last thing I’ll ever be is canceled like I don’t speak it into existence yeah I’m trying to be uh I try to be very uh this day and age professional can’t be hugging people what a what a take so someone says he been listening too much Sebastian I can never listen too much Sebastian manow he’s awesome you a Sebastian fan no real quick it’s too much about me what are you watching these days well the show is over okay oh sorry so we focus on me and my drawers but I can’t ask you one question I told you about my drawers about about what you’re watching yeah I need we we need a new thing to watch we we’re making our way through uh season three of hacks okay um top chef but that’s we we need we need a new thing in the rotation okay yeah all right that’ll do it for this episode of the PHL y Eagles podcast thank you again to James Palmer for giving us some breaking news some deep insight into Vic fangio and uh what the eagle how the Eagles are viewed around the NFL we uh we look forward to getting James back at some point that was a lot of fun back tomorrow at noon Friday at noon as well for Zach and Bri on the ones and twos we thank everybody for listening and watching we’ll talk to you tomorrow and as always we love [Music] you like May


  1. I think Sirianni has learned from last year. If Fangio runs the Defense and Kellen runs the Offense, then Sirianni can do conditional football. That's his strength

  2. J. Palmer u nailed it. Plz come cover the Eagles full time bc,, this Philly media feeds off controversy instead of covering the Team.

  3. No one has anything good to say about Devin White. Bottom line is he’s the best linebacker we’ve had in 10 years. Who cares if he’s not an All Pro. He’s a major upgrade.

  4. Definitely fold facing up with shirts. Fit more and you can see any shirt without disrupting the whole pile.

    Now this is what I call real content.

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