Curing a Reverse Spine Angle in the Golf Swing | Titleist Tips

In this video, Titleist staff member Jason Baile shows how proper spine tilt can reduce the stress and twisting forces put on your lower back during the swing. With Jason’s simple two-stick practice drill, you’ll be on your way to creating more efficient, pain-free golf swing.

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00:00 – Description of reverse spine swing fault
00:21 – Dangers of reverse spine angle
00:35 – Description of stick drill
00:44 – What reverse spine looks like
00:57 – What a correct pivot looks like
01:19 – Drill summary

so we’re going to talk real quick about the dreaded reverse spine move if you don’t know what a reverse spine is think of Dick fosberry going over the Hyrum okay that’s reverse spine too much extension all right caused by too much rotation and a lack of forward bend so we lose that at the top all right and that ends up looking like this this is a number one back killer because this really never hurts anybody as long as you don’t make a down swing where you feel like you crunch over here so we’ve got a really cool drill I’ve got our director of performance Lance Gill that’s going to help me out a little bit with this it’s called our stick drill we just have two alignment rods he’s going to put one right here on my lead ear and on my trail hip so reverse spine tends to look like a bump with the hip and a tilt and turn with the upper body that way I’m running into both sticks if I want to make a really powerful pivot I’m actually going to move away from both sticks creating space here and a little bit of space here at the bottom connecting myself to the ground and not getting the top of my spine closer to the Target than the bottom of my spine if you early extend meaning you move this way too much and thrust into the ball one of the key components of that is reverse spine at the top and then the early extension comes from recovering from that so if you’re going to make a great pivot start with that left hip high a little right side Bend at a dress and then move away from both sticks in the back swing I


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