You’re not paying attention! You need to understand this is NON NEGOTIABLE!!!

You’re not paying attention! You need to understand this is NON-NEGOTIABLE!!! 😳

#golf #golfswing #golftips

do you really want to swing where you got to wonder if it’s going to show up no you want a swing that’s going to show up so what did they do they set the weight forward and throughout the swing they’re going to keep their head in place consistent contact so weight forward head in place consistent contact


  1. Appreciate these videos so much! I am tired of inconsistencies and dropping my back shoulder hitting 2-3 inches behind the ball. Nothing more frustrating lol. Keep up great coaching!!

  2. i swear the golf swing is like a lifetime key. you have to spend so much time learning new positions and how to make it all click, i’m 3 years into golf and basically only now making consistent contact (most of the time)

    it’s so fun to get better at golf. golf is the ultimate human sport ever created

  3. I agree too many thoughts can get you crazy, I try and concentrate on those two things and not worry too much on my takeaway and backswing.

  4. What would cause my swing to be corrected by a very narrow stance? Normal shoulder width means horribly inconsistent contact, usually topping. Narrow stance is perfect. Should i just run with it or is this a bandaid for something else?

  5. I just left the range after watching a couple of your videos, I’ve never hit the ball this far. Hands forward at address and keeping weight on the front, I’m hitting 165 yard range balls with my 7 iron. I hit my chrome soft balls that far on a good strike before today!! I’ll be joining your website very shortly. 18 birdies (got) me for $69.99 since I forgot to cancel my trial subscription yesterday 😂. Next I’ll be with you!

  6. Gorgeous weight shift. It’s the hardest part of the game for me according to my pro. He has gotten me to take practice swing after practice swing and he films it and shows me that it’s good. It’s a decent golf swing. Then he gets me set up to a ball and I invariably cannot get that weight shift done properly. So we’ve spent hours just doing weight shift exercises and the habits are starting to become ingrained. Crispy ball striking that felt so effortless yesterday at the range. No excessive strain on my lower back, no knee pain, just smooth action all the way through. I believe the ability to shift your weight properly in the golf swing is the most important factor toward becoming a decent golfer. Thoughts?

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