How to Swing a Golf Club: Lead Arm vs Trail Arm Swing

Learning how to swing a golf club properly can be complicated, so let’s make this an easy golf swing tip. It’s not about how to make a lead arm golf swing or trail arm golf swing, but rather what happens when one overpowers the other.

In this golf lesson, Todd Kolb shows us what happens when the trail arm in the golf swing takes over, the tendencies when you use the lead arm in the golf swing too much, and some simple golf swing drills to help you work on both!

Learn more about the Vertical Line Swing here:

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so which arm swings a golf club is it your lead arm or is your Trail arm well there’s a lot of confusion out there today I’m going to tell you which arm you should be focusing on when you swing the golf club I’m PJ teaching professional Todd Co director of instruction for us golf TV and one of the questions I get a lot is hey Todd when I’m swinging the golf club should I feel like I’m using my dominant hand or my lead hand and the thing you got to understand is where you focus that attention where you focus on can really dictate what happens so for example if you slice the golf ball if you slice the golf ball you come out and across the line and slice it I’m going to give you a tip on what might be causing that so first of all here’s what you got to understand is is that you’re actually using of course both arms when you swing the golf club right we know that you’re not making one arm swings although I’m going to give you a little drill here in a second that might help you with that but we’re using both of them so one of the first things you got to understand is that you want them to work together I don’t think that we should be really focusing specifically just on your Trail arm or your lead arm they really want to work with them together but I will say this if you tend to slice the golf ball a lot of you tend to use your Trail arm your dominant arm a lot so it looks something like this you’re set in here and you really want to get that club going so what happens is from the top you initiate the trail arm which is your dominant arm and you throw the club out and across let me go ahead and just hit a shot here so I got my seven iron okay and I really tried to throw my right arm and accelerate my right arm now when you do that it adds speed but it tends to get the club to go out and across I’ve also noticed that for a lot of my golfers it will open up the club face now on the flip side what I’d like to see you do is actually feel a little bit more of the lead arm so from the top I want you to feel like your lead arm pulls the club okay when the lead arm pulls the club the club will tend to drop more to the inside and we also help you get a little bit more forward shaft Lan at impact when we throw with the right arm or we dominate with the right arm the trail arm the club will go out and across let me go ahead and hit another shot here now this time I’m going to try to actually pull a little bit more with my lead arm then we’re going to talk about a couple drills that you can do to help with that so here we go got my seven iron this time I’m going to feel from the top I’m my lead arm is pulling the club through here we go okay that was better definitely straighter still a little heavy you can tell by the sound of it but definitely better now hey if you haven’t done already subscribe to the Channel all right and tell me where you’re from one of my favorite things to do is get up in the morning and kind of see the comments and the questions that people have I do my best to answer all those but I love hearing where you’re from and some of the stories and what it is that you want us to talk about so be sure to do that and also be sure to ring that Bell so you get notifications when we have new content coming now let me give you a couple drills if you slic the golf ball or if you feel like your Trail arm your dominant arm is working too fast here’s what I want you to do I want you to go ahead and grip the club I’ve got a seven iron right here okay and I want you to grab adj your lead arm and you’re going to take your Trail arm okay and you’re just going to place it like that see I’m doing that I’m doing that for support okay and I’m just going to make some swings okay and I’m feeling my trail arm which is my right arm just support I don’t want you to do it without supporting because you could hurt your arm and and your shoulder and things like that but you got that and see now notice when I do that see where that club drops guys and gals see that it’s going to drop to the inside and boom I’m going to do a couple of those you know me if you followed any of our stuff I love my three Setter so let’s do a thre Setter here we go there’s one notice where the club’s dropping there’s two there’s three all right now here we go let’s hit a shot that was better already okay now so the next thing I want to talk about here to kind of close some of this up is how about what hand should you use to help you improve contact you can see I hit a couple of those behind it so here’s what we’re going to do this is one of my favorite drills I’ve given this to even some of my tour professionals my really good amateur golfer so I got a a gapway you got my 54° now what you’re going to do here is you’re going to make some Swings with just your Trail hand you’re going to go ahead and grip down on it and just swing it back and through now this is going to be really difficult at first okay but this is going to help you with contact so if you’re struggling with contact this is a great drill okay so here we go I made a couple practice swings I’m going to go ahead and swing it all right that was pretty good off the start I’m going to give you three other things that you can do to improve your contact before you even start your swing check it out right here in my next video


  1. Hi you might be able to help me.. all my life I've been a slicer,. But i was able to correct it and i have been hitting straight…

    But all of the sudden i started hitting hooks,.

    I was also good in hitting fairway woods and hybrids, but since i started hitting hooks and pulls, i cant hit them now… the ball just rolls on the ground and goes directly to the left side of the fairway

  2. I like your videos. They do help me a little on the course, when I can remember to do them. The 3 setter swings before hitting my ball are a tremendous help. I will try this drill tomorrow on the course.

  3. I am lead arm dominate and slice and push right with the long irons and woods. 🤷. Columbia Maryland

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