Legato LTX 3085 Golf Ball Review

I have had plenty of request for this one. How does the Legato stack up on our ever growing list? Is it a Pro V1 Killer? Can it at least hang with most of the other D2C crowd?


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00:00 Intro
3:40 Design
5:32 Chipping and Putting
11:05 50 Yard Pitch
12:05 9 Iron
12:55 7 Iron
13:58 5 Hybrid
17:50 Driver
19:09 Durability
20:12 Conclusion

hey what is up my fellow golf ball addicts we have another review from another company you might not have heard of or maybe you have more recently it is the Legato LTX 3085 I know you’ve been asking for it it’s finally here let’s dive in all right so you know the first three years I had the channel I did not ever have a request for this Legato ball at all um hadn’t even really heard of it now I did buy one cuz I found them from one of my you know dealers and any type of golf ball that I you know is in this market I haven’t played or seen before that’s what I love to review on the channel so I snatched one up probably a year ago uh but I’ve just had it sitting in here not really realizing anyone wanted a review of it but apparently a couple months ago a bigname YouTuber I’ve already forgot it again I know you’ve told me you’ll tell me again uh apparently there was a big review on it he said it was better than the prov1 he’s now using them um or something along those lines and now a lot of people really interested in them which first of all good for them I mean that’s that’s one of the whole reasons I do this is to try to bring recognition to the right and Ditson to the cut you know to the to the vice to these companies that deserve it you know hopefully doing these reviews and reviewing golf balls and other people roll their eyes at or you know scoff and I never even heard of that I play my pro1 you know get it recognition out there so I’m really excited to try this out I know you guys have been asking for it um I mean yeah let’s let’s Dive Right In I’m really excited about about this one let’s start with the price point um couple interesting things here the first one is if you go to Legato website it doesn’t tell you much about the golf ball um but if you order it from their website it’s about $35 a dozen which is interesting because you can also get them on Amazon for $29.99 a dozen now the reason that’s so interesting is because if you buy them from Legato directly yes I understand that you know if you want to support Legato if you want to support you know the company and and help them grow I’m sure you know it helps them because their shipping costs are not as cheap as Amazon shipping cost I get all how that business works but the reality is most people are probably just going to order them on Amazon and you know we just got done doing two different golf ball models that were $29.99 a dozen you know the wri and dson as well as the the Pinson golf ball which was another underground director consumer but the difference is is $29.99 you got to pay for shipping unless you buy them in bulk with this being on Amazon at $29.99 a dozen you don’t have to I mean unless you’re not an Amazon member which would be kind of crazy I mean some people aren’t I know but I mean I think like 90% of people right now in America are so it’s just insane so if you are one of those 90% of people who have an Amazon account have an Amazon Prime subscription it’s one day delivery from where I’m at right now I mean I could literally order a box of these for $29.99 no shipping cost and have them at my house tomorrow that’s a significant advantage over the wri and dson and and the penson and all that because those you’re going to have to order from their website you’re going to have to wait you’re going to pay the shipping you’re going to have to probably wait five six days um if you’re someone who’s like oh I’m playing golf this weekend Oh I only have two balls I got to order more it might end up being a situation where you have to go out and just buy whatever until you can get you know your normal stock back whereas with this one day two day shipping to your house in one or two days that’s a significant thing I know it seems small but it does give this ball a genuine Advantage so love the price point it is three-piece urethane like the other golf balls I’ve tested the right and dson was a four piece but still your thing cover extremely cheap price point half the price of the Prov V1 and that’s kind of what it advertises that’s what a lot of these direct to Consumers advertise half the price but hopefully it’s just not half the performance as well let’s dive into the design of the golf ball um love the logo nice little cursive there it looks elegant it looks fancy I love the number on top the only thing I’m truly not crazy about is this LTX 3085 I’m sure there’s a significance behind that I I know usually with golf balls there are you know sometimes like the Muno 566 there’s 566 dimples that’s great I don’t need it in your name I don’t need to know that there’s 566 dimples and I don’t need to see it on the golf ball so I I don’t know what the importance of the LTX 3085 is but if this was just Legato boy it would look really really good but kind of a minor thing I the basically the reason I bring it up is because with the LTX 3085 it almost makes me wonder if I found this imagine for a second you don’t know what this golf ball is you find it in the woods you pick it up and you see that you you know you see that right there in the center and you see that with the three you’re going to I mean let’s be honest you’re going to look at it and go I have no idea what this is and you’re going to use it as a junk ball cuz you have no idea whereas if you see the Legato incursive and that’s all that’s there is the nice Legato logo incursive you might go um is this what kind of ball is this and you might look it up so it does kind of matter but it is small um coming around to the side here uh it actually has an amazing alignment tool they actually advertise it really well I love that it’s called bold track it’s a nice thick squared line exactly how I like it you can see it from here I mean look at that I can see it on the camera right there that’s something you’re going to see when you’re putting I love that they did that you know maybe it’s not as um it’s not as flashy as like the the 360 or anything like that but a lot of people are going to like this they’re going to like the Simplicity of it and they’re going to like how thick it is so they can line their putts up so really good there it feels really good it feels like it has a nice thick coating on it um I mean really nice it looks premium it looks and feels premium so that’s good there so let’s go ahead and get out to the shipping and putting green and let’s see how it does green side let’s try that again here a little bit more of a putting motion oh there it checked up so you get a little low and a little spinny and it definitely checks up all right let’s try this one more time here a little putting motion okay yeah that was actually a pretty decent amount it had a pretty good checkup there had a firm release we actually have a little bit of moisture on the green must have rained or something so I’m going to try to hit a really good cut here oh yeah really good there you could see the spin I opened the face up and hit a good cut let me see if I can get this a little further here I’ll do another one real quick really try to open the face let’s see if I can oh wow yeah that thing shot left so there is a good amount of spin on it for sure boy yeah no I mean you can see it kind of tailing left at the end but that’s just a good amount of checkup there’s actually a good balance all right get a good grip here okay pretty dead for the most part but there is actually a little bit of a click there I couldn’t feel anything but boy I could hear it I actually ended up a little short so let’s go ahead and try that again boy there just isn’t much spring off the club it’s I mean I keep hitting it thinking okay yeah that’s got to get there that’s got to get there and then it just doesn’t uh let me go ahead and see exact What It Takes most of these golf balls I’ve been reviewing lately they have a lot of bouncy ball effect which essentially you know you barely hit it boom it Springs off like a bouncy ball that just does not seem to be the case here yeah it’s it’s more of a true roll golf ball it’s more of a um which isn’t a bad thing some people like that they like that old traditional style more Tor feel um this actually has a 100% 10 out of 10 true roll so it’s not going to do you any favors as far as if you’re used to barely coming back and having a golf ball kind of spring off uh this one I’m having to bring my putter back a lot more and that’s with a very heavily weighted uh Mallet putter so let’s go ahead and try the uh the blade Putter and let’s see how that is cuz I’m kind of nervous all right so blade putter here yeah the loud is a lot more apparent is it going to get there boy not bad again just not a lot of spring this is a true role people who play more golf ball and like a Titleist or you know a tailor made tp5 or something and they’re used to putting with something that rolls 100% true opposed to having bouncy ball effect you might like this one cuz this is a little different than I’m used to you know I I love it actually it’s just been so long since I’ve tested a golf ball like this uh that has this type of feel this type of click this type of roll it’s interesting so I I like that a lot one more time here let’s try to get one in the hole just for the ball sake I love how this feels boy I hope you can hear that click now that was M hit and that’s punishing i m hit that a little bit off the toe and as you can see I missed it by about a foot and a half 2 feet actually yeah more 2 and 1/2 ft so that’s actually a very very bad Miss uh it’s not as forgiving as I’d like now with the putter I was actually really pleasantly surprised to see that it had a more traditional style feel like I mentioned haven’t had a lot of those lately so it’s really cool to see that again really fantastic roll I love how it comes off the putter um you know I really I gave you some feedback when I was hitting and I I think all that holds true I was actually really impressed with how it is it was kind of uh exciting to test something like that again you know you test a lot of these value golf balls and they’re more designed to Spring off the club so you don’t have to come back as far this one definitely feels more like those traditional buttery Titus balls you know maxfly is doing that really well tp5 you know chrom soft X things like that those golf balls that are at the highest side of the market and want that true tour like feedback and performance that’s what it kind of reminded me and I think for being more of a budget ball that’s fantastic you just don’t see that a lot so hopefully the numbers don’t represent and come close to that as far as how the Titleist does cuz I hope this golf ball performs really well I’m impressed so far okay so as far as the feel across all golf clubs um it’s it’s interesting it’s kind of in the middle so with the wri and dson I got kind of addicted to how it felt when you hit it in the center when you really hit it well you just you a smile came on your face and you were like oh man I want more of that this ball doesn’t have any of that it’s very neutral it’s very um it does have some spring to it but it feels kind of dead in your hands there isn’t a ton of feedback even on M hits there isn’t a ton of feedback I’ll be honest it it’s different it is more modern feeling it does have that more squishiness it’s soft it feels like it’s 85 compression um it’s not a bad feeling it’s it’s it’s a good feeling it’s just not with what a lot of these golf balls I’ve been testing have been there have been golf balls recently such as the Chrome tour the W and dson um a couple of the vice models I just tested they had a really phenomenal feel to where when you hit it in the center you you felt I mean you felt like a superhero you felt like you had superpowers cuz you just knew it was coming off the club now I’m not saying this doesn’t come off the club well we’re about to see that with the numbers but it just doesn’t feel like it does so if you’re someone who likes that more rocket type feel in your hands when you hit it you won’t like this this is more neutral subdued if you’re more of a traditional player and you’re just now getting used to all this modern feel nonsense you actually probably will like it to be to be completely honest with you I think you’re going to really enjoy it than more than some of the other ones so let’s dive into these numbers let’s start with the 50 yard pitch Back Spin of course 8,473 which you know let me look here wow yeah that is the most I’ve gotten so far now granted I have a small size pool I’ve only started doing the 50 yard spin recently cuz I got a launch monitor that would finally read it this is only my 16th golf ball tested with a new monitor so I don’t have a huge sample size but I do know that out of all those this one is now the spinning as golf ball and I’ll tell you what there was a lot of forgiveness in there too even on Miss hits I was getting around 7500 7,800 really good to see there sometimes with a golf ball like the brand new Vice Pro you Mish hit it you’re looking at like 5,000 and that’s really uh inconsistent to where if you Mish hit your wedge a little bit instead of stopping by the hole it’s shooting to the back but not the case here really good dispersion going to spin going to be consistent which was another thing that Legato really claims on their website that’s their big kind of selling point I noticed is they want consistency so we will be testing for that as well so really good numbers there from the spin let’s dive into the nine iron now uh smash Factor 1.25 which seems to be on par with everything we’ve tested so far really good 132.0 awesome number love to see that 133.5 amazing 101.8 on your ball speed which is well above my average I love to see that 6932 on your iron spin which uh is right in line with average anything at the the 7,000 Mark is is pretty okay it’s going to stop which is good um I really don’t get wor nervous until I see 6,500 or or even like 7500 cuz then it’s spinning too much and I’m losing distance but 21.1 boy it wanted to launch low so that’s something to keep an eye on there it launched really low but I’m going to let it fly here because now all you’re telling me is that’s keeping it out of the wind but it’s also spinning a healthy amount and it’s also getting a lot of distance which is really good so let’s dive into the seven now see if that can continue 1.37 on your smash factor which is one of the bestp tested 16.7 which is phenomenal 162.5 which is phenomenal 115 on your ball speed I gained about 3 and 1 12 milph of ball speed I love to see that 5,674 so that is a little low on the spin there um it’s still going to be able to probably hold the green but not as well as I’m used to I definitely would want to see if the European cating would help with that on the course uh and then 16.6 it still wanted to launch really low not as low as the Pinon I just tested but that one was egregious that was really low but 16.6 is definitely consistent with what I just got with the n9r and it’s still wanting to launch low now again I couldn’t care less you want to launch low and you just want to give me that type of distance and that type of ball speed cool I don’t care I’ll just keep it out of the wind you know at my home course I play at there’s a lot of wind usually 10 to 15 to 20 mph that’s pretty normal for there um you’re telling me that I can have a ball that would keep it under that wind and still get amazing distance I’ll take it getting into the five hybrid let’s keep it going 1.37 on your smash Factor uh which is pretty good right in line with just about everything else 170.56 4 12.6 uh 4795 on your spin which is slightly below average um and a really low launch at 13.6 so I do want to touch base on that for just a second um when I got to the five hybrid things got a little weird up until this point I’d had amazing consistency um amazing dispersion results uh really awesome forgiveness I mean hit it off the toe with a seven iron one time and only lost I think six yards and I mean when I say toe I don’t mean like here’s the center I hit a little off the toe I mean like off the toe I thought it was a complete Mish hit I only I mean amazing forgiveness I would say n out of 10 one of the best I’ve tested in the three-piece urethane range as far as forgiveness goes and it doesn’t change much much on the feel it still really feels like it’s it’s really compressing well when I got to the five hybrid however I did notice a drop in the Forgiveness as well as a big drop in the launch angle so where this really comes into play is the first couple I hit the launch angle was 10 n n and a half 10 and I’m like okay I’m doing something wrong let me figure this out here so then I tried to hit you know more of a fade a high high cut fade 11 and I’m like oh no I’m like is this golf ball really wanting to launch that low and it is unfortunately it is it wasn’t until I really slowed my swing down and treated my hybrid more like an iron and just came down on it and really tried to just a nice 160 170 and get it up in the air that’s how I got to 13.6 that’s the only way I could though here’s what I will tell you when I’m just swinging like normal the ball is a rocket launcher it absolutely shoots off the club with insane distance insane ball speed awesome um not probably the best but top five for sure but I couldn’t do that because the launch angles were so low and the spin was so low you know spin 2500 RPMs 3,000 RPMs I just couldn’t get it at one point I said well let me go get my driving iron and see if maybe that’s a little different worse seven eight seven and if you’re new to the channel and you haven’t seen my reviews before and you’re like well maybe it’s just you I don’t launch the ball that low I I just don’t like I I I usually have an issue like my my normal uh average launch angle with my five hybrids probably actually I have it on here I’m sorry 15 15.9 that’s my average 15.9 a couple balls ago I got 17.5 I know that’s really high but I’m just saying 10 and nine isn’t me it’s it’s that’s the ball it wants to launch very very low and so I kind of had to change my swing maybe it needs a little more testing but I was really disappointed in that regard now I don’t want you to think that this is a C or a d or an F performance it’s not if I swing the club normal the ball takes off but it’s a little weird because I’ve got to basically plan on okay if if it’s 180 to the green I’ll use that club and I’ll hit it 170 but I’ll let it run up and run up on the green because I’m not sticking to green with this thing it’s just not going to happen it doesn’t launch high enough and it doesn’t have enough spin um you know the the 4,000 795 RPM was after I deleted 10 shots cuz they were all really low if I had deleted those shots the average spin would be like 3,300 so not enough to get up in the air not enough to really stick the green so it’s kind of interesting it does stay out of the wind I mean if you need something like an AVX substitute this could be your go-to especially with the price point it’s at so let’s see how the driver does though if the driver does the same thing it might it might unfortunately kill it but let’s see how the driver is uh let’s start with the smash factor 1.48 that is really good actually um 235.68 half yards I love to see that 2 43.1 that’s a gain of 10 yards total distance 145. 6 that is a phenomenal number that is the second best I’ve tested so far um with ball speed and 2543 on your spin which is just a little above average but again the way I hit the golf ball I don’t care if it gets a little higher up in the air no problem with that and look 16.1 so for the first time it actually wants to launch high so I’m willing to forgive the five hybrid a little bit cuz the driver numbers are phenomenal it no longer wants to launch low it wants to launch a little higher which is good for you know it’s an 85 compression it’s meant for all swing speeds you don’t want a golf ball that launches really low with a driver you just don’t um love to see that those driver numbers make me feel a lot better about that five hybrid maybe it’s something I need to test on the course a little bit but overall we have a a amazing performance with the nine an amazing performance with the seven an amazing performance with the driver and the five hybrid maybe more testing needed but right now it’s probably like a B minus or a C+ somewhere in there probably um let’s touch real quick on the durability before I get into my final thoughts looking at the golf ball and feeling so feeling the golf ball it feels really good it feels like the coating lasted really well it’s held up if you look closely you can see the ball kind of start to have some ridges especially right here now I will say that I did test this golf ball a lot more than I usually do I’ve been kind of working on the swing a little bit and since I was already testing the golf ball I figured hey I’ll just get some extra shots this is 100 shots usually my testing is 70 to 80 somewhere in there but this is 100 shots so the fact that this golf ball I would still technically trust it right now I mean it actually still feels good maybe maybe another 10 15 shots and it’s done but that actually will get you a round and a half so that’s actually a lot better than some of the other golf balls I’m testing lately eight out of 10 nine out of 10 somewhere probably an8 out of 108 out of 10 on durability I love to see that especially for the price point usually when you pay $29.99 to $35 for you know a urethane golf ball usually they have to cut Corners somewhere it’s usually the durability but not the case here so I really like to see that in conclusion it’s it’s hard not to be impressed uh we have a golf ball that has an amazing price point a really good design to it um a great green side love how it feels love how it reacts uh the feel maybe not my cup of tea but considering the numbers I got it’s definitely something I could get used to it’s not a bad feel like I said and then you just have really superb numbers across the board you have you know that nine iron that seven iron who knows you might not use a five hybrid you might be someone who has a five iron and you’re pretty good with it maybe you don’t have those issues that I had but boy I just I had so many issues keeping this ball up in the air with the five hybrid but then once we got to the driver I I was hitting swamp donkeys you know what I’m saying I was just hitting them really really bar so I don’t know you know what I mean like three out of the four categories were amazing oh don’t even forget about the 50 yard pitch the 50- yard pitch was the highest spin I had ever recorded it’s a great golf ball it is really darn good um is it worth a shot if you’re playing a urethane golf ball right now a three-piece and or four piece or whatever and you’re looking for something at a price point that’s great boy the fact that you don’t have to pay shipping $29.99 delivered to your door in a day or two I I can’t I can’t think of anyone who wouldn’t need to give this golf ball a try especially if you’re someone who um anywhere in the 85 mph to 110 mph range if you’re anywhere in that if you’ve been looking for a cheap alternative to a prov1 or a tour golf ball or even something like a tour response or a uh a Callaway ERC soft or something like that that’s the 40 or 45 range if you’re like man I still just hate paying that $29.99 it ain’t going to get cheaper than that my man I can tell you that right now so I would recommend it to a lot of people I’m definitely going to be playing with it on the course a little bit to see how how it performs out there um maybe get some more data more more on field study with the the five hybrid to see but gosh really great performance there I can see why it got so acclaimed from that other YouTuber I can see why you all have been wanting a review so bad aade for sure a grade I love to see that so thank you guys as always keep watching to keep saving and keep learning until next time


  1. Gabe says it's a pretty darn good ball and he's been pretty accurate on a lot of his reviews

  2. Great review!!!👍 I haven’t had a chance to play mine yet, tomorrow, so very excited as I need that spin for around these fast summer greens.
    Also, these appear to go on sale during the big Amazon days as I purchased them for $24 a dozen. I’ll see if I need to stock up after my round.😊

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