FINALLY Master The Takeaway With This SIMPLE Drill

Learn how to master the takeaway in your golf swing with this comprehensive lesson! We’ll guide you through the key elements of a perfect takeaway, ensuring a smooth and controlled start to your swing. Discover how proper hand positioning, club path, and body rotation can set the foundation for a powerful and accurate shot. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced golfer, these tips will help you improve your swing consistency and overall performance. Watch now and take your golf game to the next level!”

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master the takeaway, golf swing takeaway, perfect golf swing start, golf takeaway tips, hand positioning, club path, body rotation, smooth takeaway, controlled start, powerful shot, accurate shot, improve swing consistency, beginner golf tips, experienced golfer tips, elevate golf game.

all right all right golf pit F welcome back to the golf pit the place where everybody gets better come on in have a seat today we’re back in class okay we’re talking takeaway I know it’s your guys’ favorite subject I’m going to give you a real easy way to check and understand the takeaway and then make sure you’re doing it correctly when we’re talking takeaway we really refer to about the first quarter of the back swing okay the takeaway concludes at the set position right this is a position that you guys hear Adam and I talk about all the time it’s a position around where the the hands are around waist high the club is fully set with all the leverage created and the hands are right in front of my body okay this is presetting everything in my golf swing I could move forward and hit a solid straight shot right where I’m looking I could turn back a little bit a lot of bit and I could move right back where I came from and again hit a super solid shot so this really is an important part of the golf swing is going to be one of the first dominoes in the movement of the golf club that gets you striping your shots better more often now here’s what we’re really here to talk about today I want to show you exactly what to look at to figure out what in your takeaway needs to be fixed okay so there are two important things that I like to look at in the takeaway number one I’m going to put them kind of I’m going to illustrate them a little bit here with these lines on the ground so what I’m going to do is I’m going to put an alignment rod on the outside of the golf ball okay and then I’m going to put one at my feet all right and really these two lines are really important the yellow line is going to signify and symbolize the path the club head takes on the way in the back swing and in the takeaway okay so the club head is the club path that’s going to be one component of the takeaway but it’s only one there’s another really big component this orange line that is the path my hands will take okay so we’re talking about the club path and the hand path in your takeaway so you can figure out what’s going on with yours now again I would say probably seven or eight out of 10 golfers we see get in here and they start to see the club get way behind them all right they start to see the club head move away from the yellow line very quickly instead of staying down the line longer trying to stay as close to the yellow line as possible on the back swing all right so that would be the club head if the club head is going inside like this and coming away from that yellow line it gets underneath it gets inside I can now chunk it I can hit it right I can flip it over and hit it left a lot of tough things from there okay but check this out if I can get in there and I can get my club head just going straight back right up the shaft just staying as I look down at this club I’m going to see my toe of my club stay pretty close to the yellow line right there about the same distance and then it works right up my hands okay now here’s the thing and the big piece about the Orange Line everybody tries to fix this and everybody tries to fix it by doing this and taking their hands and moving the club more out okay so remember how we phrase the takeaway it’s not hands out club out because now I’ve disconnected this now my hands have not gone down the orange line all right now my hands are being lifted out away from my body causing a whole another mess of issues and timing to be resolved by the time I get to impact all right so the hand path is very important the hand path is going to be where the hands travel now here’s the thing guys the hands are connected to the arms which are connected to my shoulders so as I turn back my hand should travel straight back and then begin to naturally Arc in okay they’re going to travel down a little Corridor here and Visually for me it’s going to look like they actually go inside this this um orange line and probably go over my shoelaces that’s what it’s going to visually look like from this perspective okay that’s going to be a connected hand path one that’s right in front of my body we’ll see people with hands that get way too deep maybe they’ve turned their hips really quick and their hands come way inside right away get way behind them look at that right we see players that are trying to correct the inside takeaway of the club head and they start lifting their hands out both of those are incorrect we want there to be a little rail right here just outside of your right pocket where your hands can just boom travel right down okay so we get in here if I feel my club head move down the yellow line if I feel my hands move down the Orange Line what I should see is the culmination of that being the club work right up the shaft into my hands and then be pointed right on my forearm where the butt of the club is at the golf ball or slightly inside of it the big key I like to show for you guys is if you’re doing this grab a mirror turn your phone around the best way I found to watch the hand path is to watch the butt of the club in the takeaway the butt of the club will stay right where it is in a connected takeaway okay it will stay it won’t be lifted out if it gets lifted out it starts to go in it won’t be ripped inside because of a premature turn okay it’s going to feel like it goes and you can literally look at it right down the line it stays when I take this away we can watch this can’t tell you how many hours I’ve spent in the mirror just watching this gray little cap and going okay looking at that gray cap watch it do nothing and look at what happens there gray cap just does nothing and because of my grip and The Leverage I’ve preset in my setup right with the proper grip the club head will work its way without me doing very much at all right up the shaft all right right so again there’s two things that work in your takeaway number one is going to be your Club head and your club path number two is going to be your hand path so make sure you know the pitfalls of each if your Club head is going in well check your hand path if the hands are going in you may have an easy fix maybe you just get to keep your hands more down the line boom now those things work together and they get right to that spot if your Club is going in this way though and all of a sudden your hands are moving out we got to do something else we got to make sure the hands stay more in and the club stays more up in front Okay again as the hands stay the same level and that little string or rope goes right over the butt of my club look how the club gets to parallel to the ground just outside my right leg what a great checkpoint and then I keep moving a little bit and I get some pressure into the grip and I get the full hinge okay watch it again the butt of the club is just going to stay right where it is I’m going to use my body and my chest to move the club back right there awesome again you would find a first checkpoint where the club would reach parallel to the ground and the hands would be right where they started basically from the down the line perspective and you would push a little bit more into it and you’d get this full hinge wow very very different look there um very very consistent this is the path to the least least amount of manipulation for your takeaway okay which really leads to the path the least amount of manipulation on the downswing from this great set position as you guys know Club head down the yellow hands down the orange boom I can just turn and I can hit it all right guys thanks for tuning in I hope you understood and learned a little bit more about how to diagnose your own personal takeaway and see what’s going on in regards to your hand path and your club path and again the goal of those to get to that sweet spot that set position where now our golf swing is almost I would say 75 or 80% of the way complete from there we get to turn it and we get to be aggressive and only good things are going to happen all right if you like the video please like comment subscribe let your friends know about it and we’ll see you next time [Music]


  1. uhh ok skip to 6:59 for the actual instruction. so much wasted time barfing about angles and checkpoints. if you're supposed to move your body and chest not your arms and hands, a movement that is completely counter-intuitive and not what 99.9% of golfers would naturally think to do, maybe you want to start with that, right? it's difficult to master the takeaway when you don't know what to do. i still don't know if i believe him.

  2. Mike, this is awesome! Thanks for all the time you spent with my swing, this further reinforced it!

  3. First time watching you absolutely fantastic golf instruction you make it so simple this video is going to be my number one go to when I'm working on my back swing, sweet as a nut

  4. I have been working on this premise for several years and I think the biggest issue I have is that the right arm stays on top of the left instead of bending up. It causes me to not be as deep on my backswing and be across the line the longer the club.

  5. When I try this with the pinky squeeze my club gets too far outside my hands. Miles off the “p2” position, not sure what I’m missing

  6. Easy with a wedge,,, but longer irons like a 7 iron is where I struggle. Even though it "should" be the same swing the feel is different somehow.

  7. This helped a ton during my round this morning. I don't even realize myself disconnecting and hands going out.

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