How To Get The Trail Shoulder THROUGH The Ball

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In this video, Adam goes over how to get through impact with your body. Our student in this video has a tendency to hang back in the downswing which causes high and starting right shots. In order to neutralize this tendency, the trail shoulder needed to get through impact faster! Adam also goes over 2 drills that will help the cause!

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there’s the no backup right there there’s the no that was pretty impressive by the way bro that was really impressive how your Club gets on your right forearm and then what does it do it starts to drop because your upper body is dropping that’s the only reason why we’re seeing that that can push it right or if you release the club too early can turn it hard left get these guys over here more and then let your right shoulder follow does that make sense right so we’ve made some huge progress here club’s coming down on plane gets a little bit underneath the plane I’ll explain why that happens from the face on view okay we’re doing better with not backing up but you can see how it still is in there a little bit okay now if I drew lines right you need look at where your head is here okay but watch ours right there the first move just drops back down right kind of in the opposite direction all right and that that’s when that upper body drops back is when that club drops underneath the plane you are in the right spot did you notice how your Club gets on your right forearm and then what does it do it starts to drop because your upper body is dropping that’s the only reason why we’re seeing that now the problem with that is that can push it right or if you release the club too early can turn it hard left so I know that those probably are the misses we’re seeing right and not as compressed and down on top of the ball as we can be so we’re going to fix that today um but I do want I do want to address because people will be watching this working on not backing up as a result of what we’re going to be doing in the drills that we use I’m telling them hey check the setup to make sure it’s correct there it was right away we’re trying to get cash not to back up if your arms and hands are slow and you’re trying to go forward you’re going to leave them behind you and as I said you’re then going to fight back to catch them up if your arms and hands can move first and get ahead of your chest which is really just staying connected with your chest right that’s going to allow your right shoulder to get through more so the thought for you is from the top of your swing go up there go up to the top for me and all we need to do is give me a little Flex the knees right there soften this right arm get that club a little more up in here right there we go here’s the feeling for you though get these guys over here more and then let your right shoulder follow does that make sense so it’s not like you know it’s so easy to tell somebody oh hey get your right shoulder to the Target well this yeah they can mess up things these got to be moving in front and then it’s possible not possible if the hands are behind you so the more I watch you take a couple swings right I’m like you know the reason if if any why you’re having to back up at all is you’re just waiting for your hands to catch up okay even though the swing plane’s good make sure you’re getting those guys moving first and then we’re in a good place okay gosh dude I’m going to pull this up and show you the down swing compared to where you were so the new guy on the left old guy on the right ready hold on let’s watch the down swing looks like it’s going to be good then what does it do drops underneath a little bit and see that club now now now watch this guy on the on the left now look at that crawl down the forarm look at it crawl down there look at it look look at it right in line with your hands now ready can ready here zero flip watch this oh yeah look at that dude I mean that just so much better and then yeah you’re having to back up and really save it on that one over here you don’t have to back up now you can just move through it it’s funny how one thing has an effect on other things in the golf swing and here we are talking about us not wanting to see your head move back and the right shoulder move back away from the ball and here I am talking about your arms and hands dictating that right I mean it’s it’s unbelievable right so it’s like you know yeah you being here now with a little more assertive gets it in front gets this moving and gets it going that way rather than it just casually hanging back here it’s awesome dude what’s your first move down it’s that just feeling it just like a little little bit more in front and then with the arms and hands right yes just you know getting through the ball after that turning across left side abs and I would allow I would say as soon as that right elbow gets in front of the right side of your body the seam on your shirt in your right pocket you’re allowing your right shoulder and your head to finish more towards the Target and I’ll show you if there was a complete rehearsal for you right now it be like this go ahead and do the back swing right there and then what would it be it would just be you just give like a little move on the way through with arms leading exactly does that you feel that just just like that you mean it just give it a little one two you know love that we’re excited to announce that poor Zack golf’s complete Game Clinic is headed to the east coast we’re going to be in beautiful Stonington Connecticut at Lake of Isles Golf Club one of the best public golf courses in the United States of America accommodations are going to be at Foxwoods Resort and Casino we have two 2-day clinics that are going to be first class from top to bottom and provide a golf experience unlike any other spots are going to fill up fast so reserve yours today we’ll see you in Connecticut what’s another good drill for not backing up well hey we can do one leg staggered just like this this is you know no back leg to back up on if I back up I’m gonna fall over right so guess what I’m doing rotating around my lead side another great drill right there move the ball to your front big foot like all the way the big toe there you go let’s try to finish right around your left side no backup there it is there it is just less backup you know you can probably feel like your upper body gets more round your leg side right a great one is go ahead and set up ready stay right where you are hit that golf ball that one right there that’s the money maker right there let’s see let’s see you attack that golf ball and actually try to catch ball first don’t chunk it there’s the no backup right there there’s the no that was pretty impressive by the way bro that was really impressive hit that pretty hit that pretty well I know it’s all ball I was really impressed by that that one right there your first move can’t I mean if it’s back you’re just not going to catch the you’re going to whiff it you know what let’s see let’s feel what it’s like to go chase that golf ball great drill for many of us that back out up out there who chunk it or back up because you know what the ball the low point of your swing should be four inches ahead of the ball anyways so that right there will really help you attack that ball ahead of the golfball make that first move be about reacting your hands go towards it your body goes towards it okay if the hands go towards it first just like we talked about in the golf swing today everything gets better be dude you stripe that one jeez yeah I mean look at this now here we go so the top of the Swing let’s keep let’s keep a mark on this let’s like look where you at cor the palom tree oh see the first move first move actually engaged you want to fight back a little but not much you’re actually going down straight there rather than back and down notice that so you’re actually not backing up too much at all right there but in finishing much more through a lot better that’s a good drill for you good yeah I love that the left leg forward you should hit that pretty good like everybody should hit that well a lot of our viewers are like dude I hit that better than I actually hit my real swing you know there’s there’s some it to that a lot of our players hit that drill very well uh the ball forward that’s it’s not easy to just stripe it but it’s if you work towards being able to says a lot of good things about your swing oh yeah and you know what’s funny I was blocking the shot Tracer and right before that one I casually just stepped aside because I knew this is going to be a good one that was the one that was the one that was the one my man that was beautiful right there thank you yeah you got it Kev Kev Kev appreci appreciates that dude huge improvements very subtle stuff that makes a big difference you guys have to understand you know just simple things like watch let me grab this real quick here you know when you’re when you’re when you’re sitting here talking about hitting on a straight line right and you know you want to go down this line the club that’s underneath that right forearm at this point right here versus right here that 6 seven degrees which doesn’t seem like it would account for much is a tremendous difference down here you know that club being here coming down versus right here you know this one look at the path ready and then versus being here and look at the path and the angle of attack so you notice now not as many thin shots they’re all compressed you know we’re we’re hearing some sounds today that we weren’t hearing on every swing before yeah I’m really really happy with this oh dude dude love it yeah yeah you’re the man buddy I really apprciate thank you so much you’re the best bud good job Kev you’re the man too yeah thanks Kev at porac golf we take a lot of pride in having developed some of the best and most consistent golf swings on the planet we do this through Simplicity our full swing master class will take you on a step-by-step easy to understand process on how to get your golf swing better than ever join the mini before you who’ utilized our full swing Master Class to take their games to the next level and Beyond oh [Music]


  1. You’re sooo spot on with the chain effect of one wrong move. I had this problem because i was hinging early and rolling my hands behind me. How in the world would I ever have faster hands like your student here with a terrible swing plane? Good stuff!!!

  2. I have been under plane on the downswing all year. Have always understood that the lower body needs to lead the dowswing. Will instead try to activate the arms/hands early.

  3. The trail shoulder through the ball? Absolutely!

    At age 77 I found a short cut using the seesaw effect of my scapula bone that is attached to my turning chest (rib cage)

    I start my backswing under the direction of my trail scapula bone gliding two inches towards my spine as this will automatically bring my lead shoulder/chest down. Under the seesaw effect of the scapula bone I start my backswing simply by activating my lead side scapula to glide about four inches towards my spine. This keeps me in my golf posture turning my right shoulder/ chest down as my club head centripetal force smashes through my ball sending it straight to its intended target. My club head will then continue around my turning chest over my lead shoulder to finish my swing.

    It is all part of the double pendulum swing known by some as the Bell effect of golf; the bell ring the gong; not the gong ringing the bell. Cheers 🥂😊👍

  4. Oh my goodness, I feel like this is going to help me a ton. Cant wait to get on the range now. This
    Makes too much sense.

    Is the driver the same? I’m so inconsistent 50% percent fairway finders 50% wayyyy left or I pull it way right (I’m a lefty) there’s really no misses that are still playable on a tight course.

  5. Kev deserves comment recognition too.
    Kev, you continue to be the man. Remember, the camera man always survives. You got that going for you and the Dalai Lama owes you one.

  6. i'm so glad you made this video. i have this same issue. ive never been able to find a video of anyone talking about this. 99% of the videos on youtube talk about slice issues. ill definitely try these drills

  7. Amazing video! Love this, i sent an email for info regarding the clinic, a michigan gent here, hoping there is some spots left to reserve!

  8. I’ve been hitting solid with a slight fade but today every time I got up to hit, my grip, backswing, downswing, everything felt off and I was snap hooking a lot. I think this video was spot on for me

  9. This all sounds good. I’m an experienced golfer 70 now. The biggest problem I’ve seen many golfers experience is coming over the top in their golf swing. I’ve found if I keep my back to the target longer, with my hands in front of my chest , with a slight closed stance, swinging inside to out, I play pretty good golf. I hit a natural draw. I’ve passed this on to many golfers that all hit the ball better afterwards. This may be contradicting what you’re saying, I’m not sure. Anytime that right shoulder comes forward has always caused problems for me. But every golfer is different. Look at all of the different swings on tour…

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