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A Small group Of Steelers Fans Need To Do A Better Job!

A Small group Of Steelers Fans Need To Do A Better Job!

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coach you drafted three offensive linemen so far in including one at the very top there in Troy fatano all of them love football all of them passionate all of them real physical was continuing to address the offensive line a big key for you guys heading into this draft we just want to roll people man to be honest with you guys you know we got some backs that we like um we we we’ve got a good offensive line we we took brck Jones a year ago um this this draft pool or class uh we thought was really a loaded with some top end offensive offensive line talent and um we just wanted to draw from that well all righty Ste Nation welcome back to Steelers Nation Australia and get a 46ers um where is that thing okay I will be very very very tilted or unhinged today I might not be very likable today just to give you guys a fair warning out there uh I got a lot of things I want to cover and I’ll be bringing on a special guest as well later on the show you guys know who he is from the chat uh around midpoint and yes I may not be very likable today so just giving everyone a fair warning but I want to express some of my black and gold uh Steelers opinions now the reason why I sound like this is because I’ve been working all week and I’ve been yelling out yelling out instructions and and yelling and talking about my job in pickleball uh talked to over 70 people on Sunday had a really big day so that’s why my voice sounds like this sounds like sounds like it’s going to giveway right but I haven’t been live for a while um I’ve really just seen around the news that you know I’m want to talk about Naji today going to talk about Cameron Haywood talk about HBO Hard Knocks uh all those kind of things but I just keep seeing this and I’m I’m complaining about the complaining right but I keep seeing people complain about stuff and the big issue for me is is the Cameron Haywood thing I’m not I’m not in into that I feel like as my title says a small group of Steelers fans need to do a better job I look around the internet media makes things up they take things out of context and then next minute uh Heywood you’d think he’d already signed right now you’d think he’d already signed for the Cleveland Browns because he read some comments out there and yes it’s only online so I’m only focusing online I’m not focusing on the guy you know uh Randy down the pub or Pittsburgh Randy who’s been a Steelers fan for I don’t know talking about social media I’m not talking about the local bloke that you know might like uh everything’s been happening but I do find that Cameron Haywood is getting thrown on the bus 100% if you saw my two previous videos about this kind of stuff he’s getting thrown on the bus um he’s getting called a bum you know we don’t need we don’t need him then that it can be critical if we need him or don’t need him but for him saying he’s got family in Ohio and family in Cleveland that does not say he’s going to be a Pittsburgh stealer anyways I want okay let me calm down a bit calm down I can’t go I can’t go on to it yet let me calm down and then we’ll go into it all right uh but I will be I will be un go off I will be unhinged today I I got to wait until till YouTube allows me to swear which is like you know a few minutes in get the Rhythm and I can’t I can’t go off too much because YouTube will just be like oh this this video sucks and I won’t show anyone uh but let’s go into some of the some of the people the chat we have nine people in the house we in the we are in the dead the dead of offseason right now there is nothing to talk about really journalism should just go into into sleep mode you know turn the turn the computer off sleep mode and then and start again in 25 days right I’ll be doing things sparingly here and there and I’m not a journalist I’m a fan so I can talk about whatever I want to I could have made this top 10 you know best places to eat in Pittsburgh and you guys would hopefully chip in and tell me where to go right but the but the journalism out there is grabbing they grab everything from a podcast they grab words and even with a BRI mcfaden one uh somebody wrote a story about my interview with Bri mcf now he talked about that was a good story talked about uh uh Joey Porter in the locker room and how that inspired the team but journalism I found there’s only a few good ones out there that I listen to I don’t know about you guys let me know let me know live chat I listen to Steelers now I listen to sometimes Matt Williamson here and there on DK I listen to DK I listen to um yeah Ste is now Alan saers and Zack farar and there’s another one too I can’t remember their name but a few blogs like that who are in the building but tell you how it is that to me they have honest takes and they might have an opinion about something but at least they don’t make something up in the video I did yesterday uh talking about Steelers report and Steelers chat they were almost convincing the audience and the fans and the fans need to do better much better by the way convincing the audience that Cameron Haywood had already signed a Cleveland Browns contract that’s my issue now the fans have to do much better ultimately you you pick the videos you want you jump on here and you you you have your you base your steel as World viiew on others telling you what’s happening you know got to use reason and logic and then they need to do much better I’ve got to do better for sure but when chat and steals report puts that absolute crap out there and says that the it’s tragic and the Steelers need to sorry Steelers are interested in signing sorry Cameron hawood Steelers is interested in signing for the Browns it’s an absolute lie it’s one big lie so that kind of stuff frustrates me because it it giv it it’s trying to represent uh what was the other one the other one Steelers chat had a really really bad title yesterday saying we’d almost we almost really uh lost Cameron Haywood to the Browns let me read their title for you uh it was Steelers news Cameron Haywood says he’s considering leaving but he never said that right Cameron Haywood this is why I [ __ ] hate it Cameron Haywood says he’s considering leaving Pittsburgh for the Browns next off season that was still his chat that represents a high majority of of subscribers uh world view Steelers View and it paints a really bad picture for Cameron Haywood then everyone starts talking about Cameron Haywood and it all goes into craziness right that’s what I find really really frustrating but in a sense of it and I told you I’m I’m being I’m I’m freaking unhinged today um and I get rid of J’s comment right excuse me so he never said that he said I have talk to my wife and we know the reality she couldn’t she couldn’t she said it could be fun to play somewhere else Heywood said this this week I still have family in Cleveland my wife is from Cleveland that does not mean not in a sense does that mean he wants to play for the Browns now I had a good comment from West Steelers at West said something similar that maybe that Cameron Haywood should not have brought that up possibly right but what if I were to say I like the color blue I’ve always had like a little bit of a soft spot for the Lions or I don’t hate the Saints does that mean I’m going to make a New Orleans down under podcast no it does not if I like the color blue which I do it’s my favorite color and I am cheering on the Detroit Lions to win last year to go to the Super Bowl does that mean that I’m going to change this into Lions Nation Australia no Cameron Haywood never said it he never said it he says he has family in Cleveland my wife is from Cleveland we’ll see what happens but I’ll show youall play in 2025 now could he have said it different of course 100% did he say anything wrong no not at all he’s having a conversation online a podcast not one time in that interview did he say I want to be a Cleveland Brown or I’m trying to work things out with the Browns he stated and and and said numerous times he wants to be a stealer so then the media grabs that and and the shitty YouTube channels grab it and they make it into something then the fan base reacts to that shitty YouTube clickbait crap and goes wild and says we don’t need cam Cam’s awful cam has been 100% a true stealer from the very day and I feel like that the fan base is really turning on Cameron Haywood soorry I didn’t get I didn’t get into rest my chats uh thank you Jean Smith I’ll I’ll get you on the show in about half an hour so you can help me out and we can we can break these things [Laughter] down hey that deserves fireworks too it’s going to be a fun show but I think this is like like it’s look I want fun but I just need to check this a bit I need to check this a little bit because this whole Cameron Haywood thing has really pissed me off to the fact that I just see the fan base giving up on him and and if he’s not if you think he’s not a great player and with you can say okay he’s not a great he’s not he doesn’t play that well now I don’t feel like that uh that it’s time for him to stay with Pittsburgh if he retires I wish him luck but to say all the hateful and mean things because he’s because he’s the rumor is started about the Browns going to another team that’s what annoys me Cameron Haywood has been nothing but a true true gentleman for the Steelers on and off the field leader in the locker room would be a great guy to have a beer with probably probably you know fist bump or shake his hand or whatever it may be he’s done so many cool things for the Steelers and he’s been a really tremendous player at that too on the front line done all the hard yards he’s he’s he’s always checked in for interviews and then you have a small part of the fan base a small group the fan base that is now going after him because he wants more money and and the whole this whole money thing too from my view I haven’t heard numbers we’ve heard estimated numbers we’ve heard ideas around numbers because he wants to be a top five player there we haven’t heard any legit serious correct numbers it’s just theories on theories what what fans think he’s going to get and they associate the the I guess the bad vibes with him and Cam and say we don’t need him for this much money he he all he wants is money you don’t know what he wants and yes it is a business and both parties need to work it out Cameron hood needs to work it out Omar KH needs to work it out the Pittsburgh Steelers need to work it out but for a small majority of of the fan base I’d say probably 25% maybe more and it’s mostly online because I read I’m basing all this online everything is based online it’s not based on Gerald down the pub all right good old Gerald sitting there having his whiskey and then sitting back and talking the good days about the Ste I actually kind of I wish I I was living in America and I could do that maybe I could form like a bit of a every every Saturday or every Friday I could go to the bar and talk Steelers with with um you know uh uh real life and barber that’s why we have this live chat too we can talk Steelers all we want Cameron ha to me is getting uh I think thrown on the bus by the fans and it’s completely [ __ ] it’s absolute [ __ ] for all that he’s done and these these YouTube sites out there still report calling him a Trader just because you have a Trader with a question Mark that is that’s not just saying it’s showing your intent it’s showing your intent saying I think he is a Traer he could be a Traer that he’s going to the Browns and not one time has he has he written a check uh sign signed a deal talked about the Browns or whatever he just said he has family in Cleveland and yes maybe he shouldn’t have said that all right okay I want do some more intros and then excuse me uh more intros and I got some other things I’ll talk about then Jean’s going to come on the show about about halfway um and good day Aon what’s going on good day George uh thank you Jil good day vicious Violet H get day Chloe happy birthday happy birthday for yesterday or the day before I’m pretty sure get day Kelly um I agree a bunch of Dick weeds thank you thank you and yes okay pause uh did I do fireworks I didn’t no pause here’s a here’s a pause with some fireworks for Jean right also I can also acknowledge too there are great fans out there there are great people out there like George like Jean like some of you guys in the chat that understand how football is played and how much support we need to give them and you you are backing Cameron Haywood I get that 100,000% there are people out there that buy the jerseys that support them that send them tweets uh you know probably fans that send them letters all that kind of stuff but most times in these situations the negativity the negativity always some comes to the Limelight always in front of your face right here and you can see it bang bang bang and these YouTube channels are just there to piss you off and create drama that’s why mine is so up and down and also by the way when when I showed that um that logo that 46 logo the other day I want I’m just taking the piece right um that 46 logo the other day I really wanted to do it for I was trying to do it for 46 minutes I came home from the pub I was a bit I was a bit half cut I had a few I had a few beverages uh a few few skooners few sherbets I was pretty done I was just laying in bed and I was like I haven’t done a video for a while so I’m going to put up a logo and I chose the 46 uh Christian 46 I put up there I’ve really tried to make the video on my phone 46 minutes but it didn’t allow me to do so uh only allow me 10 minutes now that video doesn’t go anywhere right but but it shows you one shows you how drunk drunk I was uh two it just shows you like how much of a fan I am and I’m not not really that invested with all these madeup rumors and I have to be I can’t be first you know what I mean it was probably something I shouldn’t have made because it doesn’t do anything for the channel it just sits there but it’s quite funny for a few people to laugh and go oh yeah marks a bit of a character that’s how it is right uh I forgot my point the point was That these channels are not fan channels they they’re driven by they they they they trick you they they grab the ne negative drama take spin they’re trying to get your views to build it up the YouTube algorithm doesn’t doesn’t base the channel of all who’s the bigger fan or who’s you know um legit or honest or 100 100% truth they base It Off The Click rate and and that kind of stuff so when fans do that fans are backing there that’s why I say some fans need better job because fans see this like steel has trade for auk cck cck cck in the next minute boom fans see the the steal his chat and steal report and say uh Cameron Haywood to the Browns that’s when the fan you guys me we need to use reason and logic and we need to figure out if that’s going to be a good video or a bad one or a bunch a bunch of hogwash or like George Tesson says the the comments are a bunch of Dick weeds love that we need to figure that out that’s what is the most frustrating part is people complain on the internet about clickbait but you are the sole purpose of that clickbait the reason why people quick today was I appreciate everyone being here 15 but I didn’t I didn’t even make it I didn’t even make a a thumbnail I just wanted to rant on this topic for like 30 minutes 40 minutes but the sole reason why they complain about the clickbait is them is them by clicking it because you got fooled into doing so and yes the media’s got to do a better job but the but the fan has to do a better job too so I read that and that’s what it gives the overall impression when you give the overall impression from uh Cameron Haywood to the Browns or Cameron Haywood said says says he wants to go to the Browns he never said that it’s just lying it’s lying it’s grabbing what he says and I never do that grabbing what they say mixing it around throwing it in a blender coming out was something completely new deceiving the audience deceiving the player Cameron Haywood now looks really bad as a stealer uh in in Sumer Steeler nation’s eyes and we don’t need him but he’s been a fantastic player throughout his his whole career and I would love to get him on the show I’ve actually I’ve actually spoken to his his mother twice I helped him with his YouTube channel I reached out to him on Twitter on his on sorry for his for his mother cuz I cuz I um had said to her in a previous post that that her podcast was really good she said thank you I I you know I I respect that um thank you for your good words CU she she has a podcast too and then when I found out Cameron Haywood had his own podcast I didn’t know how to get in contact with him so I reached out to his mother and I said this this this you got to make sure you turn on turn on this video isn’t safe for kids so you can allow comments his very first video on uh his his own YouTube channel got no views none like 1,000 2000 and the reason being for me is because he didn’t have comments on and when you guys know at home when you go into a video and you you want to write comments you’re less likely to watch and and pull away uh when you can’t use the mini player and when you can’t write comments so Cameron Haywood I I I would hope that his mom said something I’m not looking for anything in return all I wanted to do was help out his channel because as a YouTuber here or a content creator broke in his room when you the comments on it’s fantastic right and that’s why when I see this stuff about other YouTube channels they just so blazingly don’t even think about him as a person don’t think about him as a player don’t think about him as any kind of uh respectable person in Pittsburgh what he’s done for the city I can’t even I can’t even I don’t even know the amount of stories he would have been done for for his charity or Rand random acts of kindness he’s been doing or supporting or or Camp work or anything like that or signing autographs and from one point you see everyone start to go after him that’s what really makes me pissed off is these stories come out then the internet fan base and the Steelers start to go after cam when in reality he’s 100% a true stealer and if he wanted to if he wanted to go to another team [ __ ] it who cares who gives a [ __ ] does that make sense I need fireworks hang on all right Jesus Christ I told you I was unhinged today oh boy okay uh who else we got we have good day Zoo what’s going on yeah I I’ll try and organize that like I said guys I probably I probably will communicate through membership so if you want to be I’m not going to tell the whole public where I’m going to be to to be to be honest um I’ll be telling uh people who I trust in Ste nation and who I trust in not that I don’t trust anyone but you know what I’m saying the internet is internet who I trust in this community um and I’ll be probably putting posts out but be mostly like in bars and stuff like that we’ll do meetups I might have a bit here and there so we’ll see how we go um not that I’m not that I’m fearful of anything just that more of like a trust Factor because we only really know each other on the internet but definitely we doing doing some TR of some kind of uh meetups and things like that uh but definitely definitely doing something but I will that’s that’s that’s going uh down the track uh 6 months away really uh get a jio what’s going on uh I had a good we we don’t celebrate fathers actually here we wait until uh Father’s Day is our September I think 11th so the kickoff kickoff week for football is our father’s day that’s the only one that’s different so our Mother’s Day is the same in America but our father’s day is different uh now it’s all good like either way I I understand that comment like I understand I probably should not talk about it but it helps me it help helps me uh get off my chest and this is the reason why I have YouTube so I understand I probably should push this aside and not talk about it but at the same time it helps me like when I finish today and when I get Gan on I get Gan on in about 10 minutes time uh when I get him on we start talking about it it helps me push everything aside and deal with it you know what I mean um if I was talking with a with a if I was talking with a if I was talking with another Pittsburgh Steels fan at the bar we’d go for the same things that’s what this is like right we talk about back and forth what’s happening so I understand I shouldn’t let it affect me but I wanted to rant and rage the way I did uh fans yeah that’s exactly right 100% um oh 100,000 yeah I agree with you y Dead Set uh and I probably do that too much I I I I self-reflect on some of my work here what I talk about and yeah I probably should bring it back to more football uh I know I know that I I’m always calling people and calling out the media and stuff like that so I probably need to do a better job and do that less but for some reason this really pissed me off this really fired me up to the fact that everyone’s going after cam you’re going after Cameron Haywood Cameron Haywood a legend a legend for the Steelers people are going after him and painting him in in in a really bad light for what because he’s a because he’s a free agent next year so I understand I need to do a better job you can always improve all the time in my job in my real life all the time I get that dead set dead set um getd what’s going on all good we might be gone for an hour or two hours I don’t even know uh get a Raul is it R I can never pronounce your name uh no 100% And I get that I shouldn’t feed them but today I had to it’s R ra I cannot pronounce that um so good uh oh 100% yeah it’s crazy yeah J says Never Say Never but never um Tom one on on cam heading to heading to Cleveland uh Dead Set anyone else good day Stephen oh that’s right Papa New Guinea that’s fantastic I’m pretty sure that’s Papa new guine and good Sean what’s going on yeah true uh what’s up with Roger okay now before before I get before I get J on here we want to tle some of the few things and talk maybe talk some football talk too I want to go into there’s a few there’s two other things I want to talk about before I get Jan on so I think my my Kem Hood rant’s good enough we’ll talk about in a minute um let’s start with though let’s start with uh this one yeah and we’ll do the the HBO thing the Hard Knocks thing next right so Brooke Pryor Brooke Pryor had put this out a few days ago and I’d been really busy like really busy with work CU I had no no chance to do it right Brook pry put this out out um just wrapped up final media availability of OTAs such mini camp thought it’s worth it’s worth nothing uh running back Naji Harris who hasn’t done any interviews since January declined every request asked in the locker room today Harris said he’d talk at training camp next month Harris fifth year option was the C last month while he attended mini camp he did not participate for what it’s worth najie Harris is now my my new favorite my new favorite stealer he said he said I don’t care I I don’t want to talk to the media I love that now in some some circumstances they have to I think after certain games and I think the deal the NFL has like you know remember Martian Lynch he’s like uh I’m just here so I get find now there are some circumstances where where where Naji Harris has to talk to the media but I love this I love the fact that like she had to bring this up and look I’m not just picking on women or anything like that I’m just picking on Brook Brook prior as an individual but she had to bring this up and for what it’s worth nji Harris who hasn’t done any new interview since January has declined every request and I say again who gives a [ __ ] who honestly cares maybe that should be my My slogan my my my I just don’t care I legit just don’t care if najie Harris if you’re trying to give me if Brooke Brooke prior is trying to give me some something to talk about and you know get my view on this or have an opinion on this by tweeting it I simply just don’t give a [ __ ] I really don’t if n if Naji Harris declines every interview what what does that mean he doesn’t want to be a stealer does that mean he’s not going to sign next year does that mean he’s gonna have a bad year no it means absolutely nothing these things get so blown out of proportion it’s not even funny so may maybe I need to chill out and calm down but I dead set gave you guys a warning at the start I was going to be unhinged because this kind of stuff is absolutely insane and maybe also maybe it’s just my person it and also it’s like my Aussie attitude with both things that you just go oh well life happens you move on right just because he didn’t he didn’t just because he did not entertain the idea of being on media didn’t be on media NJ Harris didn’t be on media that that now it’s like oh for what it’s worth uh you know and linking back to the contract for what it’s worth no one cares it doesn’t matter I’m excited to see naig Harris play and run over people and have a really great year and get another thousand yards and get touchdowns and hopefully we sign to a three-year contract after that I hope we can keep both I hope we can keep both Naji Harris and Warren a dead set hope we’re gon do both so let me know guys what you think about this uh get a she’ll be good day j52 what’s going on uh good day Matt Quinn what’s up says something say ghost dealers everyone on the North except uh yeah everyone in the everyone the North yeah exactly right um I agree with you [Laughter] um yeah right look she she’s okay she just just I don’t know man maybe maybe the as look I’m 34 35 soon maybe the older I get I just don’t care anymore I legit just little stories like this that come up they don’t annoy me they they don’t if if if Naji Harris doesn’t want to talk to the media I won’t make a whole Bamboozled story about it and say oh should the steals be roed should the Pittsburgh Stills be worried that Naji Harris won’t talk to the media is there trouble in Camp I won’t do that and if I did do that a lot of you guys might not be here or girls might not be here if I went the opposite way let’s let’s okay let’s let’s start let’s start this again just for just for an uh a bit of an exercise all right in 3 two one and go good day guys welcome back to Steelers Nation Australia have some breaking news from few days ago we have here Brooke prior all my goodness just wrapped up oh this is crazy just wrapped up the final media availability for OTAs that was a few days ago I’ve been pretty busy though guys few days ago uh for what it’s worth uh Brooke it is worth your weight in gold and trust me that’d be a lot of gold right for for what it’s worth uh running back naig Harris hasn’t done any interviews since J January [ __ ] that’s like six months ago this I’m getting a bit worried if he hasn’t done any interviews since January M maybe he doesn’t want to be a stealer what’s going on here what’s going on uh declined every request well that that could have been a lot of requests too it could have been a ton of request so I hope that I hope that Naj wants to be a stealer if he’s not doing interviews in the media availability maybe he doesn’t want to be there maybe he wants to be a bengle there could be a chance he might want to be a Green Bay Packer maybe his favorite color is blue could he move to St Louis can’t the team’s not there he might go to La instead where the Rams are he might end up being a chief to to go and get some Super Bowls next year with mahomies hm if he’s not going to be if he’s not in the media then I think we might have lost him next year definitely going to happen hey I can’t believe this uh so every request have been denied the locker room he said he’ll talk next month at training camp Oh anything can happen in one month in one month and we haven’t got his uh media availability maybe his season’s over and C you see how [ __ ] stupid that is all right [ __ ] me oh if anyone didn’t get that that’s sarcasm that was sarcasm okay uh holy de uh Matt says I’ve been trying to say I’m steal stories because everything from field as a return Oh my Jesus Christ [ __ ] me man I’m I’m just I’m tired today I’m tired of him I agree with you that was unbelievable it’s been so it’s been so exhausting you’re exactly right um uh exact true he doesn’t have to that’s why I found it funny um yeah I think he is too okay few more minutes we’re going to get jean on the show we keep a bit more light a bit more fresh and get Jean’s take uh what what a what an absolute off season remember the days where we just had Big Ben and when you had Big Ben in the team you thought all things would be fine and then you just go and win the Big Ben it’s like everything’s such a such a drama show a drama field show uh crazy I will get I will get Jen on the show in about 5 10 minutes I got two more things I want to cover and not as not as much detail all right the first one I want to cover was no one more thing Daniel Jeremiah right now he he says this if Bren auk is truly available VI trade because there was something some video went around viral on Twitter verse and he was talking and his his girlfriend was uh you know doing videos what not right uh I could make a strong argument that Pittsburgh would be the perfect match now Daniel Jeremiah Daniel Jeremiah has definitely missed the boat because the last probably two months every Steelers beat reporter out there has linked uh auk to the Steelers I’m going to just be clear clear clear and cap I I don’t think it’s going to happen one I don’t think the Steelers would do I think they’re going to run with they’re going to my opinion they’re going to run with the receivers they have and figure it out via tight ends and running backs and use offense that way and use pigin as a number one I don’t think it’s going to happen two if it does happen sweet fantastic I was wrong about Justin Fields sweet he’s a stealer but I don’t think they’re going put they’re going to trade for him and give him all the money and lose draft picks where Omar khah is building this roster from the offensive line he’s going to probably want to use those draft picks next year in the draft right so I don’t think it’s going to happen um there still talk about it I think people are really done over hearing Au to the Steelers there’s no confirmed confirmed actual you know uh receipts out there that’s happened it’s just a lot of rumor all right that was that was only a middle mini r not a big one my last one is this and I’m actually I’m pretty excited and then I’ll get J on after this next one so hard knocks so we found out today guys uh in Pittsburgh and and uh Pittsburgh Cleveland Ravens and the Bengals uh for oh wait where’s the Tweet is this the Tweet did I get it this one here we go from Adam Shey schfer says for the first time hard dos in season will feature a division in the in the AFC North it will debut tues Tuesday December 3rd at 9:00 p.m. on HBO stream on Max and will Air subsequent Tuesdays throughout the end of the regular season and continue into the playoffs so what’s that from like week 111 12 um that HBO now I understand there are two different parties here uh you’ll probably find it real shortly that doesn’t bother me but there are there are people out there that don’t like this idea of steers being on on HBO on Hard Knocks I’m okay with it because in reality it’s the 14 that are being shown um I have heard the argument so far that this will be a distraction I I technically don’t think so uh steers players are in the in in the NFL they have media training they they wear big boy pants they wear adult pants I think they should be fine to that sense where if they see a camera crew it shouldn’t distract them that much where they can’t drop they can’t fumble the ball you know maybe the ego might get a bit up there they might try and put themselves on show a bit we all do that when cameras are around we kind of do that kind of thing uh you might see that as as an athlete but as a professional athlete I don’t think it matters too much to be honest the fact that they are surrounded by cameras creating a show and also the access point like you won’t get really a lot of access where you’re going into meeting rooms of Tomlin breaking down other team stuff uh that’s going to be like a secret you might get interviews here and there but you won’t get a lot of things where you see um uh you know like you’re a a spy like the Patriots were you won’t see stuff like that now I’m okay with it some of the fan base doesn’t like it because the negative attitude towards a where Hard Knocks is really a struggling team uh going you know that’s the the the perception or that’s like the idea of around Hard Knocks was that you haven’t made the playoffs in two years you’re a bad side you know you go through the the hardship and you show how the team working from the inside out right and it’s normally based on before the season now this is going to be in season so I already saw numerous comments that I can like on Facebook and stuff like that that I can discount because they’re saying oh I can’t wait to see Rodney Williams play I can’t wait to see Dez Fitzpatrick now nothing against those two blocks but they probably won’t be on the 53 now I want Rodney Williams to try and make it but he’s got to try and battle Pro it too at that that tight position if they were to create uh four tight ends on the roster so already people think that they got to be on Hard Knocks throughout the whole season no they start from uh they start from December 3rd it’s the the back end of the season now here’s another link that was very interesting that that I saw um Alex kazora hey everybody he brought it up this on one of the tweets he said that isn’t it crazy that the Steelers have Ravens Browns Bengals Browns Ravens Bengals in the last part of the year and what a conspiracy connection that you have six games for the last 11 weeks in the same time that you have HBO Hard Knocks the AFC North that is quite an uh an interesting link to me the fact that you have six AFC North games from week 12 and what happens you do an AFC North program because that’s where the content is now I reckon that’s no mistake that is 100% or 99 94% 995 95% uh legit a connection because the schedule was made that probably that way because they knew what they had a deal happening with AFC North unless it wasn’t there is zero connection and the schedule was made right schedule was made Browns Ravens Bengals all of them in six in in six games in like in 12 weeks and then AFC North football was like oh we should put a show on but I feel like it was made for us that way uh to have the connection is is is the AFC North and that and that schedule anyways that’s kind of I want to talk about that and then I’m going to bring Jean on in about three minutes um and we’re going to cover a few things and get jean to go off his rocker it’s GNA be fun be fantastic and have a big laugh too but yes in summary I’m I’m okay uh that’s that’s s that’s ceron haywards one I’m okay with the the AFC AFC North football should be fun for me to watch outside fans and international fans have a chance now to watch it somehow someway um the brook priz stuff is absolutely crazy and the a stuff what do you do mate if it happens it happens and one big thing when when Jean comes on we’re talk about the Cameron H thing where fans are dropping off I don’t get it so I’m gonna read a few few more comments and I get you on Jame uh good day West what’s going on 99% yeah good Apex what’s up oh yes so okay you guys on the same wavelength yeah 100% planned on purpose Dead Set uh first ever hards with 2001 oh so coming off a super bow win there you go uh Jesus [Laughter] Christ oh that’s awesome oh I don’t I had I had one the other day I I put on the Discord SPID I was um I was fueling my car up I was fueling my car up and uh yeah man um fueling my car up and then the next moment um there was a huntsman next to my bloody uh fuel tank thingo all right Gino Gan let’s get you in here mate talk some football maybe calm me down I might rev you up a bit too and we’ll see how we go so I sent the link right now when I see in there I’ll put I’ll put the headphones on we’ll have a good time yeah uh Jans is Madden Curse and yeah I understand the the I understand the connection with that kind of stuff uh you know but I just don’t I just don’t think it’s that that big of a deal but most things I don’t think that is that big of deal anyway so I don’t know we’ll talk about in a minute uh release the fields and and Wilson I don’t think oh that’s h no today today today was uh today was just the Cameron Haywood thing uh good day yie there was one there was one car that had a problem we it design really is is it the mg3 cuz I hope not I hope not um yeah yeah we we’re going to talk about all that kind of stuff when when Jane gets back on who he do or when he get when he gets when he gets on not back on but I think I made my point my point very clear uh the Cameron H is just is just insane to me all right let me here we go give me a thumbs up Jan when you’re ready and we’ll talk mate you good uh no no you good to go mate going on can you hear me I can hear the whole world can here what’s what’s happening all right I think we need I think we need some fireworks and then we’re going to start the show we going to start the show again all right my Dad’s hat from the 197 7 so there you go that’s all I’m going to start let’s make fun of these people in 3 2 1 flow all righty still Nation welcome back to the show again the same show we’ve been doing 40 minutes and Jean uh I like that tag by the way I’m with this bloke you are live now on Z Nation Australia what are your thoughts so far like of my rant about Cameron Haywood I’m wearing the Jersey get out of here he’s he’s staying is he going to Cleveland so the funniest part about what you brought up in your other show was his family in Cleveland that doesn’t mean he’s going to Cleveland it’s like two hours away get out of here with that you know honestly get out of here with that that that’s what makes me laugh about that one he stayed in P there there’s the there’s the thing that Wes brought out west said um that maybe Cameron Haywood shouldn’t have brought it up right you know would you would you agree with that no I think that’s I I think it’s just like hey I have family in Cleveland he wants to stay close to home it’s two hours away yeah West sayi this is where we disagree West I believe it doesn’t matter if you bring out like I said with my analogy with I like blue doesn’t mean I’m a line suppor doesn’t mean I’m going to make a channel so so Wes is saying that Cameron hawood brought a lot of himself by you’re going to play it with fire you can get burnt by it but I I think the responsibility really as on a fan watching Cameron Haywood for the last 12 13 years and and then and and and see how that goes whereas he’s saying well maybe Cameron Haywood shouldn’t bring it up but what happens is Cameron hywood brings it up and says oh my family’s in Cleveland that could be out of context he never said he wanted to be it he’s just having a laugh at it do you know what I mean does that make sense like he Tak taking a piss yeah I probably thought two in his position you know like we we saw the thing with um jayen Warren the kickoff return right he just said that just to see the reaction and then people went off they thought it was an actual thing it’s not a [ __ ] thing dude like they don’t want to move anywhere he’s not going to Cleveland no [ __ ] way anyone any player like that wants to go to Cleveland but the thing is too like if if we were to even ENT entertain the idea he’s already beaten Cleveland the Browns so many times so many times that he’s beaten Cleveland why would he want to go dra join organization to what not win for the next three years that’s that’s my assumption four quarterbacks two coaches no he’s staying in Pittsburgh so I want to stop I I want to stamp that out right now as a true Pittsburgh fan he ain’t leaving you live there you got the Hat on everything like that you got the Jersey on but so how does it make you how does it make you feel what are you what are your thoughts about when you because I always base these these most of these shows are based on the internet when I read comments it gets me fired up right like I said you know different BL in the bar could not even even know this existed but how’s it make you feel when when Steelers fans on the internet are bagging him out saying he’s crap saying he’s terrible we hate Cameron Hood now because the idea of him going to Cleveland what about that well I don’t care what team like if he decides to go to another team I’m on the same level as you go where the money is you know but at the same token I’m like he’s not Lev on Bell you know he’s not gonna like dish out for money he knows he’s got maybe a three-year contract Pittsburgh’s going to pay him I I don’t hate him for holding out a little bit but the same token I still think they’re trying to work money and they’re still like 13 mil or 10 mil or seven mil in the cap space they can pay him for three years I don’t think it’s bad so w says here I’m not saying that Cameron H was talking about going to Cleveland I’m just saying he’s postering with the Steelers was trying to get a get a contract he has brought some some criticis on him of course you’re always GNA been criticis on yourself but I still think yeah I still think though this is where so why I think the fan basee and why I said a small group of the Steelers fan base needs to do a better job because you have to take things with I was having it having it my my waking up today having a shower getting ready to my coffee and I thought a lot of these things need to be thought with reason and logic reason and logic reason being that the bl’s been here a long time and logic why the [ __ ] would you go to Cleveland like you said hours it’s a two-hour Drive yeah but it’s a bad it’s a it’s a bad place to go and and he’s he’s been a pittsburger for that long reason and logic it’s like that some of the fan base small group of them out there would now say that they’ve given up on Cameron H because of this this story no if they have they’re not Pittsburgh fans in my opinion it’s crazy I’m sorry I’ll take I’ll take the hate for that one like they’re not Pittsburgh fans well there’s some an I think they have because because I I think to a point I would entertain the idea too where some fans you could probably you could probably argue a bit of Point say if I was in the position right and we’re having a debate over do we need Cameron Haywood that’s a lot different right than just saying getting rid of him because he wants to go to the Browns no disagree I I I don’t think we need Cameron Hayward but he’s a stealer you know what I mean like no he’s still a stealer but I’m saying like I’m not saying I believe this I’m saying some fan the fan base if they’re going okay we would no if I’m just saying if he were to who go and sign for a different team or didn’t sign with us or the Steelers that say we lost him I think the F some of the collective fan base small group of fan Bas is now going after him because he’s going to be a brown and they’re going real hard painting that they’re going crazy but the thing is that if I were to say that uh if I brought up an argument and said that Cameron Haywood you know maybe he isn’t the best football player anymore they can find a better replacement for him then yeah that’s maybe an idea I’m not saying that’s my position but I feel like there attaching this whole story around what report made up and chat made up and all these media guys made up this whole story because based of that one quote uh and I do have it here again is the quote was it’s all it’s all based off this it’s all based off I still have family in Cleveland my wife is my wife is from Cleveland we’ll see what happens that’s what I think it’s all based off yeah F them like literally I really want to go off on the fan base because it’s not the fan base I’m sorry but just like the real people that actually watch the Steelers Hayward is a Steeler he’ll always be a stealer I I saw the end of your video you know he’s GNA retire a Steeler I hopefully so you know whatever but it’s what makes you laugh in the in the end of the day like what makes the biggest storyline yeah and I I agree with what zoo said before too zo was like like you know sometimes I shouldn’t I shouldn’t feed the these kind of ideas but for some reason this one hit me so hard that now it’s been three videos me talking about it because it’s it’s it’s Cameron Haywood he he’s a [ __ ] Legend do you think he’s gonna leave like really no no not at all he’s got get refitted for pads he’s got to get refitted for helmet he’s gonna find his favorite his favorite uh you know chair in the diner you’re gonna go find to his favorite workout machine like he’s he’s G to have his mates there like I think the money will sort itself out and Omar KH we’ll spin this a bit now we’ll talk about his contract and maybe what he means to Pittsburgh like he’s gonna find the money will figure out om my will figure it out he’s gonna sign a two two or threee contract and then yes Ste fans can debate if they need him or don’t need him but he’s a leader on the locker room and who else would you replace him with right now very tough to to do that here’s like here’s like the funniest thing this is one quote I came up with do you think the media controls the Steeler Locker room no absolutely not so let it alone yeah the media controls the fans perception of the locker room you know isn’t that funny yeah that’s what that’s what gets me because these stupid YouTube channels put this out and they go and it’s like Cameron Haywood has interest to join or Cameron hawood might be will be joining the Browns he never said that no all he didn’t he said his wife is from Cleveland his family’s in Cleveland land that’s it I Shan sums it up KCK returner well here’s the funniest part like cim said it or his wife said in that quote it would be nice to play for a new team and do you not understand this is a new team uh he says so I’ve talked to my wife and we know the reality she said could be fun to play somewhere else head to this week if that is what is needed to be done then so be it but even that even that is like it’s not saying I want to go to the Falcons it’s not saying I want to go to the New York Giants it’s like it could be fun it’s like it’s like an option you know this is what makes me laugh about [ __ ] media presence so I’m gonna get [ __ ] super rude I’m ready wa do you have some fireworks first or you good to go oh you doeworks if you want all right right after this we’re going to get the real take from uh Jean in a in a quick uh actually know you know what we’re going to do not fireworks just a b of Mike Tom to fire up in this oneach let’s go for the win so yeah when so when you what what what makes you really really angry about this stuff well I’m sick of saying that they can’t win or they can’t do anything or it’s a disgusting team or it’s a brand new team or it’s coaching staff or whatever I was like do you not understand like like you and Maddie talk about it all the time everyone talks about there’s 32 teams that can win the [ __ ] super roll period do you do you not think this team is good and if you care about that I mean that’s cool if you’re like oh there’s no [ __ ] way that makes me like Angry that’s what grinds my gears mark I should bring you on every weekly segment to really gr gr here here’s why so DB did a really good OT DT or sorry offensive versus defensive like breakdown and I agreed with every one of his points but here’s the whole thing is like if you don’t believe your team can win with the players they have on the field you know you’re not a fan period and that’s coming from a Steelers fan does that make sense I’m just I’m just thinking so you mean like you mean you mean you got to have a bit of Hope right a little bit of Hope but do you not believe in every player that was drafted or brought back up or sent back down or you know all that stuff not believe that the Steelers could win every year whatever team you you are on Ravens well think think about it if if you had okay if you had no belief in your team then what’s the point of watching and why would you complain about it and exactly right why would you complain if you didn’t believe then you wouldn’t watch right correct so if I was like oh I don’t believe we can win you know I I’ll I’ll come back in 2027 when we have something else going on on right I think this team is amazing I think it’s good I think it’s as good as it was last year but better you know what I mean um yeah that’s what that’s that’s what’s fun about sports though and Pittsburgh and Steelers is that we have that belief uh we have that belief about a team we have that hope that we can go and also like you said the players and the skill level and the coaching position backs it up right now it would be very hard well I was going to say and again it’s a new whole coaching staff it’s like a whole playing field right now but like it’d be very hard uh and we still do it right imagine being a Browns fan for 50 years you know the belief if we were there the belief is there but you’ve got a bad team when they were going Z and 17 I wouldn’t want to do it yeah you’d still have to what what the hug Jackson era they went what three and 36 right yeah so you got you know but I think with our our Steelers and a lot of Steelers fans do believe they can win it they can because they have now the veteran p and Wilson you see what he can do the running game looks much better defense but the players itself they have like the talent to do so so I I agree with you well I would like to see another team that believes in a coach that much that’s like and I’m going back to the Tomlin thing like I’m I’m Pro Tomlin like you are going to get [ __ ] for this video but I think four people just left I think what’s that I said four people just left oh because we’re talking [ __ ] it’s Tom Tom one Tom one’s fine I think I think we’re at the point I think I made my point clear the other time I’ll go go back to you in a minute but the point was for me is that if you don’t like it it’s time to accept it because you’re having for the next four years unless you’re GNA complain for four years again I’ll go back to like what everyone saying what coach if you fire Tomlin would come in I don’t know I don’t know actually no I have no idea no one that’s as a as a business sense the the roonies are like yeah Toman have another year I’m not I’m not even saying business sense like who would you rather have come in like where players actually want to play for you that’s what I find funny funny too is that TJ cam Queen most of the locker room wants to play for Tomlin and yet the fan base still doesn’t like Tom people you support the guys you support on the on the on the team have upmost respect for the coach and yet you don’t want him because of XYZ those are the fair weather fans dude they won a championship and I I understand you can be critical cuz I’m getting a bit frustrated that they haven’t won a playoff game in seven years but I know that coach tomman has has the best chance for them to win something in in the next you know time I’m not frustrated like I’m not frustrated that he hasn’t won one because I I went through the 80s with it no absolutely not he’s a good coach he’s a great coach I mean you gotta think of again cower Chuck Nolan his last years’s all that [ __ ] we don’t need to talk about uh well it’s like I said in in in my videos too I think I’ve only since me watching the team since 200 uh three or four I think I’ve had one no when’s the last losing season 2002 2001 think about how many seasons Andy Reid lost before he went to the Kansas City Chiefs he had a tough time I think uh with the Eagles right and couldn’t win the big one with them correct with one of the greatest quarterbacks in the league h got jonovan McNab McNab and the other one because he was there for a while when I was growing on watching and they always always seemed to get to the N NFC Championship game they couldn’t win the next one you know this is this is what always like blows my mind Steelers fans need to I don’t know get enlightened a little bit lighten up enlightened okay touch grass yeah touch the grass I’ve done it it’s so cool here’s what it is tou the hfield G uh Sean Man’s last leading season3 right so I started watching my first season was 2002 and I was like 12 years of age so the fun fact I like is that only one one game in Mike tomas’s career has he never had a chance where it was it was uh it wasn’t meaningful you know what I mean he couldn’t he couldn’t there was no point playing the game but he wanted to win every game you could see it yeah but but they couldn’t get into the playoff so there’s no there’s no yeah but the whole thing is like you know Tomlin like when when you saw him on the sideline he’s like you know what I mean like head down he knew he lost the game that’s like the hey the cool thing dude that’s a good point if you go back to inman’s Career you’d be 170 to 100 so You’ probably be up if you bet the same you know what I mean if you I’m not saying better out there but with’ Tom in his career that’s what I find crazy too Tom has won 170 games in in 100 um 100 losses so uh yes Tom has a better winning than no C six and 10 then we’ve got pick Ben then we got Ben for 11 um exactly right great these are all great points Apex says get a Apex because the Patriots because they in the [ __ ] way Tom Brady was in the way they were too good Patriots were really good but they cheated they were good yeah but that too I think sometimes the the other fan base fan bases forget about the other team it’s like that year we went to we went to get went to the Chiefs the chiefs were freaking great team playing football and yes we saw TJ run away for a touchdown and and all Yin nation was like oh we’ve got a chance and then we got smashed that’s football that’s every given Sunday Thursday Monday Tuesday whatever do you think um do you think in this terms of like you know when stuff like can fans do fans deal with losses that well no no no they don’t like like if you come out of the stadium after a loss the city smells like stink that’s not a joke can he can yeah all the so cuz for me like in when I watch a game or a season’s done like I I don’t know about you but I like like the Journey of seeing what naji’s doing or seeing what Warren’s doing and those kind of little story lines or you know getting getting all TJ What getting sacks I understand we want a Super Bowl and we always want that but inside the the the season there’s many games there there’s many things where Pickin having a great season like you know seeing players progress like jpj or seeing us getting Queen I love those things about football and the law and going back to when you talked about the 80s or the 70s like I I think Steelers fans forget that there’s more there is more to to fast forwarding if we if you were have fast forward to the end and you missed all that but you had a Super Bowl I don’t think it would mean as much as going through all the adversity and all the hardship it doesn’t and I don’t think people H I think a lot of the fans don’t follow all the players you know there’s people like MADD p and Shannon White those guys you know where they follow every single player and I think you see their progression you know herbig is the one that they’ve been talking about recently not those guys but just in general I’m just like when you see them grow as a player I don’t know what it is to be uh you have no American football there like many leagues oh we have like uh Sydney we have like Carnival actually got an academy coming up in in Gold Coast but I’m talking about PE like when you’re 10 years old through 15 really they have like some some clubs now that are doing their own little thing like there this football around here it’s not as big but there’s now going to be a Australian connection from Gold Coast there linking up with colleges over there so we probably see more in the future you’ll probably see more AUST Australian athletes going over right on so this is what I’m saying is like when you grow up and you watch those guys progress through the leagues and I I check out on college football because I think it’s kind of joke because of the way the leagues are structured I’m probably going to get [ __ ] for that in the comments but I think it’s I think it’s kind of crappy because like some of the best players will go to the best teams because they’ll transfer or do whatever I’m gonna get some [ __ ] from that where they could have play JJ 52 says X league has Japan has 55 that’s crazy didn’t know that 55 football teams that’s fantastic I I got to watch that I’ve got I got to pick that up um no I’m with you too I’m with you too as well because that’s why I like the NFL that’s why I like following and once the player goes to another team I don’t follow him as much but I like seeing the the Underdog Story with Jen Warren right and yes we all want a Super Bowl but like I said if you fast forward today and we went there in in in real quick time seven months or eight months and we win it and you didn’t have any memory of how you won it it wouldn’t mean as much you know same with the story with like with 40 and in the BS and we saw um 43 that amazing defense and I think James Eber Harrison won 2008 thing it’s hardship it’s football it’s sport I think a lot of go I got I’ve played mostly you know single sport but to me it’s just hardship and you get through it then you’re like [ __ ] yes I won not like oh another tick on the the doll but again I’m gonna go back to your mcfaden thing it’s the one he lost that’s the one that keep him up you know so what I think is these players want to win as far as I’ve seen like every interview everything that I’ve seen Pittsburgh News so on so forth these players want to win a Super Bowl they’re not going for a playoff win they actually want to run for the super bow so I’m curious I’m really curious about it to see what happens I want to bring up something a sidebar here that um that Sean says here says I enjoy the UFL games I wish I could watch them because did you watch the UFL this year no I don’t watch it didn’t get into it well um there’s one big team and I want to talk about this because kind of brings me back to a bit of Pittsburgh stuff and I think like I just like football in it sense is like the just the history of everything and like I love stats right and you can’t beat the you can’t beat the stallions now I’ve got a picture here uh and I find this truly amazing as as a as a football sense going back into more like looking at the players and like the team and the history all that kind of [ __ ] right I love this [ __ ] so we have um the stallions right they started in the UF sorry they started the stallion started in the usfl the Birmingham Stallions in three years in three years in three seasons in in in usfl usfl twice in a row now they’ve joined with the XFL to the UFL in three years the stallion have and yes it’s not like crazy football but they’ve won uh that should be three us two usfl titles right the first two titles usfl and they won the UFL title they’ve won three championships like that and also their overall record is 32 and four and they’ve won six postseason games that includes all the semi-finals uh semi-final final and whatever it may be and they won them all right so they’ve been like a like a mini Dynasty and that kind of stuff to me is kind of fun and that’s why I like football that’s why I get behind the Steelers and stuff like that and that’s why you’re talking about like you don’t if you believe in your team or you believe the players on it like you oh Steelers won’t win it’s like dude they got a good team this year we can we have a chance that’s why it’s all fun that’s why it’s the greatest fun but would you hire that coach the coach the Pittsburgh Steelers oh yeah fire Mike Tom and high skip HS yeah that’s my joke I wouldn’t be against it the guy knows how to win you know like that’s that’s like in a in a in a competitive sense in a football sense going 36 what was it 36 I said no 32 and four in a regular season is pretty good and six and0 in postseason that’s not bad that is like you own the league like you are the stallion are the best team in the UFL and the usfl any any kind ofl maybe the NFL they could probably makes it makes me laugh because I always think about the last Boy Scout when I see that team the stallions it’s a movie The Last Boy Scout yeah it’s the best football movie that’s what I like that’s what I like about football and the same with us like have like you said you made a good point you have this team if you believe them but you’re also backing a team that has skill level that they have dedication they want to go win Russell Wilson didn’t come here to be do nothing but the coaches are backing them and they’re backing their coaches every single one of their coaches they’re like Zach is cool you know Zack is let’s talk about him what are your thoughts about him and and he’s like new you know like him he he is like No Nonsense but he’s like I Love Austin Austin there’s your W there’s your W2 oh [ __ ] yeah whoa hang on a minute L dude he’s like that guy does more work than anyone on the field like we should do that the next the next Emoji is W uh re it to it to the chat that that is one big thing oh that’s what I was going to what what uh while you’re here right I think I put out a a post the other day saying what’s the most overrated do you remember that one I did offseason thing what what was your I said WT the guy like I was like no it was a it was a hypothetical question read it like because he like busted my balls on it so a few days ago I pull out a post uh here it is what of the most annoying overw story lines you’ve heard this season start I said reive it too uh and what was your your response to was um you said we don’t have any what we you said we don’t have any wide receivers as side picking also KFC is better than popey’s yeah that that was my joke and so read the response guy was angry J jevil says here Popeyes is greater than KFC another another Bo here someone dog says BS just because receivers we haven’t aren’t on a 30 million well a few means absolute F all it was a like it was kind of a joke comment I didn’t mean it to be serious it’s very hard to do sarcasm on the internet it really is uh I’ve never had popy popy way better I’ve never had popy ohko out of nowhere Jean done yeah sorry oh so anyways so yeah you said we don’t have any any wide receivers aside from Pickins so were you take that that was like my joke because we have three other guys that can actually do the job and and maybe and maybe there are other BS who can step up I always think right I think it’s gonna be Austin I do like van Jefferson I think he’s impressing but from what uh derter said it’s going to be Austin like I think he’s the route Runner so you in a comment you pretty much just said oh there’s only one receiver there’s no one [Laughter] else J now no wonder chair missed his leg day no no wonder you got so much hate uh in the comment anyway so so a few other comments I had had here as well and I was going to show but I got too busy uh that was 4 days ago W thought fli what are the most annoying overused story lines you go oh you going to say something no no I was just gonna say like we have four other wide receivers that are capable of being WR tws stop it not a story line that was my Jil and and also in the receiver two talk I’m I’m over okay that’s a great I’m [ __ ] over I’m over the a a talk I’m over the a talk I’m over we’re not train for anyone dude but but I’m done with the a talk or whatever his name is great player love him I had him in my fantasy last year I’m done with a receiver two talk because in my my view of the Steelers it’s going through running backs it’s going through tight ends more it’s going through other receivers and yeah give Cal Calvin Aus a shot or give the other guys a shot what have we got five tiend right now seven seven I think on the technically seven they’re completely capable of running across oh you are right five one two three four five yep five yeah Rodney WS Michael PR Conor Haywood Darnell and fire so get out of here with that and you have capable wide receivers we don’t need to sign like auk or whatever I’m done with that but even going even going back to what you said about the coaching and Zach aani right and there’s a question by Sean too right zakani he he got asked that question from the media because they’re like oh who’s going to be your receiver too and he’s like well we don’t really we don’t really think about that we we we more think about scheme and packages and like getting four men on the field and this this and this I’m like thank you zakani for clearing up the nonsense he’s actually really he’s a good coach I think so and they he came did he come from he came from the Jets or something I don’t know where he came from was he from the Jets or I making that up or he was was he one was he no maybe from the Falcons maybe was with Al Smith might have been might have been his mate uh but yeah Sean says who’s going to be the receiver number one I think in a sense if from like maybe the fan view it’s probably picking right they’re going to get him as most they can a wide receiver he’s gonna be number one but receiver number two like I said I was getting over it because I felt like there was there was pickings here there was no one in number two and the other [ __ ] the other 14 receivers over here were [ __ ] next to Nowhere they like could here’s the fun part mark what if you had a wide receiver two a wide receiver three a four and a five and a six and you didn’t know which one was coming in Oh you mean you mean in in the play yeah so they’re all they’re all pretty so okay that’s a good point so you’re saying you don’t need a you don’t need a disy number two but you have these guys who can all play that level and next minute the defense is coming in thank well that would be the smart [ __ ] answer wouldn’t it geez that’s too that’s too smart gonna be a one in a two the defense has to know it’s going to be number two all game is going to be van Jefferson and we know that van Jefferson will be number two the whole [ __ ] game yeah for sure it’s not even like even when you play Madden when you play Madden you can substitute certain receivers of certain different packages and take on certain linebackers or take on different safeties or move them around they had um was it Pickin playing in the in the in the slot and he said you know what get me the ball I run past him easy TD this is why I hate [ __ ] well I mean granted Pittsburgh last year was pretty obvious but at the same token you got people that well okay Canada aside you got people now that can actually run with the offense that’s in so imagine you have two capable running backs of going, 1500 yards all right we we’ll call him 900 at Short now you have like a stud receiver don’t Target him all the time you got a crap toad of tight ends and then you have like four other receivers that can come in and substitute you you’re out of your brain why do we need a wide receiver too well that’s that’s that’s the connection I was making was the missing connection was we have one whose pickings 02 and all the other blocks were non-existent they couldn’t couldn’t be they don’t matter they’re not even on no they’re either three four five and six and seven 8 n 10 and they can’t be number two so so so when they go out there they’re going to field 10 men on the field every time because there is yeah they’re like okay or if we verse we ver the Falcons week one they’d be like oh sorry you can’t you can’t bring out 11 11 men you haven’t got a receiver to you got to sit it out you know got put 10 out there uh get a St what’s going on I know they were doing a live too I’m G have watched um uh The Hangover was on BTS check before uh with uh Shannon White too so I’ll go back and watch that get what’s going on mate get a um get a working working out Olen from memory I think it is and also big shout out to uh Jamie as well what’s going on so look I I know we’re making a bit of taking a bit of fun a bit of lie but you have to that sense I’m G to read some some of these other ones oh you go it’s [ __ ] off that’s what I’m saying like seriously it’s [ __ ] off oh love it no I’m serious it’s [ __ ] off I mean do these guys actually go and work out and play and [ __ ] like that [ __ ] off dude no there’s a lot there’s a lot more to it like as I think and look I gave a lot of heat to clayo but anyone else besides clayo I was good with and there lot there’s a lot more to it than this receiver to there’s drills there’s team meetings there’s weights there’s you know right diet there’s all things for being a football player there’s got to be a media presence Mentor as well so much you know and here we are oh this guy can’t do that [ __ ] give the team give the team a chance and also you’ve got Russell Wilson I think he can probably make these guys better as receivers too or fi or Fields you know they can they can easily make them better so I think the steel Nation well that’s why it was one of my most overrated things and I’m going to go for the list right so I said one of the most annoying overview story lines You’ heard this season ice have receiver too um you had your your comment there that they got a bit of heat uh uh Peppa says Tom on the hot seat slash after a fight after a loss we’ll come back to this in a minute or’ll go for him in a minute um that was was one of them Ste CH 46 said michah Parson preseason favorite for 2024 de that’s yeah that’s that’s stupid um rooster says here quarterback competition Russ is going to start we can talk about that in a minute too uh we had Roberto Campbell agrees with most things on here um jevil said picking up picking up every free agent on the market when someone when someone leaves stealer just steal that guy oh by the way hang on a minute T Higgins [ __ ] T Higgins he’s a bengle j always has the best comments T Higgins was meant to be a Steeler this offseason that didn’t happen did it was one more from uh from Matt Quinn says here yeah Justin Fields returning quick so ridiculous that some of these Dum anal actually took that seriously yes right do we want to break some of these down bit by bit go go for it start all right let’s start from the bottom let’s talk about quickly about Jay Fields returning Quicks what was your like this thought I was like are you [ __ ] serious like did anyone actually believe that is that really a media story no it’s a [ __ ] quarterback it’s a quarterback two hired for quarterback two get the [ __ ] out of here with that so how how did that become a thing because like even J waren made a joke it’s like me saying there’s a huntsman behind you right now oh don’t but that’s that’s the joke it’s it’s a it’s a jag off quote I I saw it and instantly thought the Steelers wouldn’t sign a quarterback two to be a quarterback two to play kick return he’s not cordel St in the league is evolved since that and I was just like that’s the [ __ ] dumbest [ __ ] I’ve ever seen in my whole life dude it was a funnel web that’d be even more scary they they’re really dangerous he means funnel web oh dude fun ridiculous if any choice and I hope Mr Beast isn’t watching because he probably put me into a test for a million dollars I’d rather hold a huntsman than a funnel web oh absolutely fun yeah yeah dead set but then I’d rather get bitten by a funnel we than talk about receiver two anymore you okay there you go perfect perfect Segway to the next point I’m only joking all right so another yeah because I thought that the the kick return thing was a bit crazy and thinking there’s no there’s no way and actual the NFL media run with it like guys like Adam schfer and those guys are like yeah I think he can be a returner technically he could be but it’s like why he could he could I’m not I’m not saying his athletic ability that he can’t for sure a he could go and do whatever he wants to dead said but they’re not going to no absolutely not they should do it the first one they should just a just just a spark some some some black and gold craziness they should put him out there and then call a time out they really should you put him out there and just see what happens have him line up like Cordell Ginsburg put it up pass it to Warren or shovel pass to Warren or Harris then have like dump it to Justin field have you have you I don’t mind that I don’t I don’t mind if they use him in the offense like that right but have you seen this meme uh it’s when the guy’s making pasta if I had two wheels I could be a bike do you remember seeing that when he’s making the um the pasta jevil where’s it from he’s like if he’s like um he’s like oh can I please put some more cheese on the uh can I put no can I put bacon inside the cabonara or something like that or something CRA I don’t know what it was right something crazy and he’s like what it’s telling go like why would you do that he’s like I think it’s that he’s like if if I um I don’t know I’m messing up he’s like if my mom if my mom wait if my if my auntie was was male he’d be my uncle or something like that yeah I don’t know anyway H oh wait a minute is that sh Wait a minute is that Shane oh yeah it is Wu did you make that cuz I was telling Shane to make the new the new channel if that’s Shane that’s awesome uh cuz he’s a w and this is someone else Mountain Mafia uh M Mama hang on a minute we might have broken news here uh I can’t get it where where it go Channel hope it is Shane anyways I’m gonna go to one one of the another comments right the the the offseason craziness Jay Fields not going to happen now what about the other one picking up every free agent what about that well that’s just a joke but it’s not really a joke but here’s the funny thing we picked up dudes that were kind of free agents for minimal contracts true but we still have hay wordss to sign so no I’m gonna call that one off it is it is it is interesting when every um every time someone you know the bud depri or whoever may be they they do that you know that guy at the airport saying he’s at the airport this is this it’s pretty crazy to me uh it is kind of fun it’s like you can speculate all the time but when it when it hangs on for a while like Brandon auk maybe not um but yes that is actually our mate Shane from still dasty podcast if you guys are WVU fans by the way dude I love the logo I think the logo is sick and I like the name too WVU Mount uh M mountainer Mafia that’s his Channel he’s going to be talking um all things uh West Virginia football so if you guys are fans of West Virginia football I’ll put the link in the chat um something’s going on um Oh you mean like Russ and that is that what you mean to me yeah do you mean like do you mean like Min minimal contract is like Russell Wilson oh yeah and Justin Fields you got two1 million quarterbacks that are worth what 130 combin maybe 160 were you were you were you talking then or not because I might have played I might have heard you from the from the you weren’t talking before no okay I might someone else I heard you from another video I’ve got us on so I I had had the audio on so I had the audio on from uh before that makes any sense so I thought I thought you said I thought you said something all right Russ what’s going on but it happens it’s it’s it’s the delay that’s why pa much that’s actually pretty good okay so another one I want to talk about is in these uh offseason most annoying overview story lines you’ve heard this offseason right so we’ve gone through a few of them Fred and stuff uh what about the quarterback competition with Russell G to St what about that what are your thoughts about that there’s no competition it’s Russell I mean that’s and all be all I wish people would start talking about how he’s the starter and stop talking about how the middle the middle bit yeah yeah I agree Russell’s gonna start you know and Fields will come in and if he plays and if he plays well you have to realize there’s two other quarterbacks behind him B behind the two so that’s like the funny part but it’s Russell and Justin Justin’s our he’s probably gonna be our quote unquote franchise QB yeah I think this season I think we should have the expectation that it’s going to be Russell’s job to lose like like like Barton says here um but yeah you’re probably right maybe a lot of fans are putting a lot of energy into having the change already and we’re still months away from the season where it’s like give Russell Wilson a chance see what happens and see how it plays out because this year I didn’t think we’d see uh or some one of them we didn’t see all three we saw all three quart so last year we saw all three quarterbacks in Justin’s field Justin Fields will play this year like he will not not play this year so somehow some way yeah definitely seey yeah look I’m happy I don’t care who plays man long as they can actually when I say that chabis was [ __ ] awful to watch that was something did you did you see chabis in person would you go yes absolutely he was terrible yeah how bad on a scale of one to oh terrible I would say drew blood so terrible bad because because look watching from home was pretty bad you know it made me sick that I had to wake up at 3 to watch him all right a few more uh Michael Parson pre fa for 2024 de that’s not gonna happen no that that that that’s not gonna Happ but 46 has seen that a bit um I think Tom on the hot said we talked about that a fair bit so I won’t get involved in that too much is Tom okay quickly is tomman on the hot seat no absolutely not there’s a reason they gave him a three-year deal there’s a reason they want players to come to Pittsburgh I’m just gonna end it with that like there’s a reason people want to play for certain coaches and you have to understand like tomlin’s one of the 10e coaches period how many how many coaches have been in the league as long as Tom at the moment he’s he’s active one he’s the longest uh coaching the league at the moment now there’s I think there’s like maybe seven 10 more in in or maybe more in life I don’t know they’re going to bring it up in the chat but that’s what I’m saying people want to play for him there’s a reason for that I don’t I don’t know it because I’m not a player if you were a player what would you be what would you what position would you play Oh linebacker inside linebacker yeah inside he why is that why is that I like to hit people would you be not bad way like would you be like playing the role of like Elena Roberts that kind of role or would you be like more of a coverage linebacker so my my football career I was an inside linebacker but I’m a small dude I’m super tiny like this big but is it Mark Robinson a small block too is he like five so I would hit people so hard that they would go off the field wow and then I stopped and I quit all sports and started skateboarding fair enough I guess the only person only person you can hurt in skateboarding is maybe yourself or a random skateboard oh yeah broken wrist Pam Pam’s ramp you know Pam what’s that it’s in Australia it’s the steel ramp pram skate park is it is it is it oh you told me is it down is it down in Adelaide or something isn’t it down yeah it’s R yeah it’s hot uh West says he tried doning membership so so I appreciate for the attempt but it doesn’t H shot for something that’s all cool man I appreciate it there sometimes YouTube can bug out um I think we have um uh SC what scared was was the worst show scar scar not scared scar sorry my bad SC we’ll go laugh at people now never seen that um but yeah yeah I think look I’ve kind of calmed down a bit now because because I need to do that is there anything else you’re really mad at Jean grind gr gr gr ke hold any anything else oh I don’t think that’s true Steve picking says this’s a good point right now probably 60% of steals fans are over Tom another Med season and could could climb higher I respectfully disagree I do not think it’s 60 I think it’s the other way I think the I think that the fire tomman guys are maybe at 25 20% and they’re the minority acting the loudest I don’t think Tom me what tell me what coach tell me what coach you would pick over Tomlin if you would fire him today yeah that’s for you Steve not for me I’m a Tom one guy I think Steve’s been here a few times um but I don’t think it’s going to be 60% it’s not 60% that’s fraking high that’s that’s like half the over the half the fan base does not like him I want to know what what coach you would hire over Tomlin bring into the league move up push down whatever respons he says belich he’s he’s banging a 24 year old yeah he’s busy yeah well there’s no way belich wouldn’t come into the Steelers though that that that that relationship wouldn’t exist it’s not like you fired Tom one day and then belgic comes in next the whole culture would change a lot of Steel fans think we’re a coach away from a Super Bowl we’re not it’s it’s about the team not not just not just a coach and isn’t there you haven’t got a chance I this is what grinds my gears right here comment here we go so who tell me who you would [ __ ] hire s and now he says or maybe Vel Mike Mike Vel Vel is a good one I like that one and I wondered why they didn’t bring him up for like offensive coach because brael was awesome here’s a good point by a good point by TD as well I love TD’s name too Tom desenberg uh future future future quarterback because is a burger OG guys like me believe in our coaches and that I do too I I think I think the best chance to win you know and yes it’s it’s hard to win I’ve been through a million times and I know I know that when you know funny is when we start in week one what’s gonna happen Jan we’re be probably losing maybe 3 n or s0 no no no we’re winning three in well but you know you know I’m trying to say but when people see that they give up straight away you know and Tom Toman gives them this the the best chance to win do you want to see what my anger do you’ll see my anger that’s why this why I this has been great for everyone I brought you on because this reason because you were like I want to come on like yeah come on on vent uh it does help so look varable would make kind of make sense but there’s going to be a time where tomon does retire but I think the still have some some plan where it will be a guy maybe in the in the building you know and maybe Tom goes back to oh [ __ ] but right now tomin and Omar Khan are just getting started just getting started oh [ __ ] could it be the new offensive coach that they just brought in to train him Smith right yeah was he was he not a head coach before oh they wouldn’t like that because he had no success he had he had no success as a head coach or limited success so they probably wouldn’t like that there’s my heart that’s my heart take mark it would make it would make sense though because you obviously if you went well with him the next two two or three years and tomin said you know what 20 23 years enough or 21 years enough I’m out and now Smith has been there for a three oh hang on a minute when’s his contract you is his contract three years don’t you tags that’s a hot tag could be but he is like threee contract rights if they marry up together maybe they switch roles and he gets promoted to be a head coach and it’s now Arthur Smith the Steelers how old how old is Arthur Smith is he like he looks like he’s 35 but he looks like what 60 right uh he’s 42 there you go still his next head coach Arthur Smith after after Mike Tom one that’s my heart too but you know what would happen is we would be so successful we could have a number one we could have a number one ranking offense as Pittsburgh offense for the next three or four years right be be unstoppable but the minute the minute the minute he turns to a head coach they would revert back to Falcons am I right they would we’ll see hot take what takes um is that Tom Brady uh Bel is too old for a one Tom Brady carry the team uh 100% yeah that’s right when Tom Brady left everything fell apart it really did patri P Pat are like like non-existent right now they have no they have no team uh the only coach I’ll take over tomin is Andy Reid but that’s never happening so I could wi could just breaking news Andy Reid wants to be a Pittsburgh Steelers coach and make a video that’s a hot take yeah he’s sick of momes I want to say welcome again to Apex too because i’ haven’t seen Apex before in the chat you you fire Tom when you’re basically built yeah exactly right you basically rebuild um yeah so I think we we agree on that stuff there uh Hines Ward could be imagine the smile that’d be that’d be interesting uh Co we had coach uh paalu for number 43 for head coach uh dude con even I’m going oh no second receiver talk okay we need we need okay let’s reset we do a few more questions we GNA make it Aon we’re gonna have uh for the next segment uh inside this video we’re gonna have we have questions from you guys and we’re going to answer them and then we’re going to call today but we’re going to talk about this receiver two next so let’s do some fireworks we’re going to come back and go all right as Jean has a swig of his beer like like his uh he’s Kenny picket champ swigs it down like Kenny picket I love that by the way that photo because it it’s funny to me and it annoys some people so all right we’re want to talk about the receiver toothing uh Steve I appreciate the comment but I we talked about before back in back back in the video I’m okay there’s no rule it doesn’t receiver two they’ll figure something out Zak aan is doing good things he’s got plans to put four receivers on the on on the field and doesn’t need to be a receiver too in my opinion you know but it looks good draft looks good so we’ll see see what happens um but if you guys any questions in the chat I’m gonna end with that too let’s do that I got one any send send send questions for Jean more for Jean than for me uh what’s your question oh so mine is fake Club is the best ever besides Point Break Fight Club you know what I hav even seen it besides Point Break Point break’s pretty good I like Point Break I always remind there’s the one scene where they fight the beach right something the two BLS have a fight Bell Beach Australia is it okay I want to give a shout out to to um uh the limb report David he said did you see Tom Brady was in the booth of the U yeah did you see that oh no you didn’t you UFL I saw well I saw the interview I didn’t realize how tall Tom Brady was he’s like up there he’s tall shorter H oh he’s a patriot guy sorry David mate but he he’s good too David L yeah he’s got you but you’re like us you’ve got six of bowls you went you had one of the most exciting times in football history of what what I guess in the 70s too we had it right but in 20 20 years they they they won six and went to [ __ ] 10 or something like that so it’s it’s weird because uh they the most exciting time because it was so fast and short just like Tom Brady that’s my joke I can’t believe that Tom Brady is in is gonna be an answer now too that’s crazy uh yeah any he agrees with you oh F Club is good Point Break is awesome um pepper said acknowledge me where is it did uh did I miss it I have a question uh I like the hand up hello yes you’re on the back I said send your question pepper uh what happened to a pepper salt uh where’s the question of pepper I don’t know I can’t see it yeah there you go and that’s then look he’s we I can bag at Pats you can bag at Steelers but L David you’re cool man um I got to see Tom Brady and that team that’s awesome that’s unreal yeah Tom Brady is that’s unreal Beyond and by far the best quarterback in the league yeah I agree or we’ve ever seen Rick he could Su play probably I mean HG is awesome mean his hair bad he looks looks like a he’s 21 I’m trying to find Peppa’s comment I can’t see it I don’t see it either it’s uh I don’t know where it is exactly she she called me an a-hole or us an aole jeez what have we said wrong I don’t know I’m a Celtic because I grew up in Northern California and didn’t have a close team that’s a good one it’s isn’t it interesting how that kind of works you know obviously me being in Australia but other fans still out west and how things kind of work with you know you might follow certain team certain time periods or people were Chicago Bulls fans you know stuff like that we we all so here’s like the fun part that brings us together it’s like a funny podcast with all this cool random stuff Browns versus Steelers average score JJ 52 let s us like I’m looking at it and they’re all funny we all have different things that we like it’s it’s always funny dude would Tom Brady would would have won those two bowls without cheating I would say no at Apex which which was the one they had was it the flight gate they actually was that the Super Bowl they did that they they no no it was just random games and then like leading up to it again but at the same token like was it worth a four game suspension no when did they do the um they spot on the Jets right didn’t they do that I Spy on the Steelers too true and didn’t they didn’t they turn off like the some didn’t they turn on someone’s alarm some way so it’s weird listen everyone does it they got caught you know what I mean didn’t Bill didn’t Bill b say something like that like in one of his interviews I would assume so but yeah like there’s nobody that doesn’t have Scouts in the stand that’s my whole thing how they get the Cameron is whatever but um good comeback says deflate gate says blame on your starting quarter for 2024 just give the ball a Lynch I agree if I see if I see Naji Harris and there you better give the ball to to Naji Harris that was one that got away from Seahawks Seahawks fans that would hurt me a lot the fact that you were that close to winning Super Bowl and you threw the ball away game over that hurts that hurts a lot uh I got a question here for you uh we’ll start the questions here um we’ve been over a few times but if anything for me it’s going to be ca3 or van Jefferson and they’re going to rotate guys around like you said other guys come in to fill the role I think there’s no wide receiver to I think that’s the fun part about it I think it could be a tight end three or a tight end two or based on certain down package scheme vers player all that kind of stuff momentum too if the guy playing good or versing a certain Team all these kind of things right football basically basically football yeah it’s garage football that’s what Steelers have done for years and years and years it’s gonna be Smashmouth you’re gonna get punched in the face in the front line then when a wi receiver comes open see you you know what I mean whichever one it is we have one from Steve says uh I’m other one that doesn’t trust pigin he reminds me of a flip out when he they get traded do you think he’s gonna he ego’s going to get the way kind of I actually do a little bit but it depends if he wants to win a championship or not so if he wants to build a team this is my this is my answer to that question if he wants to be a part of a building team like a winning team building possibly win to you know no I I think I think I think yeah guys in his position where he is a very talented receiver he’s the best receiver in the league yeah he has he has that you know mentality behind him definitely that can always get in the in the role in the way of certain things too I I I I agree to that and pins has been known to be a bit of a hotthead now can you just just play team football and yeah they’ll they’ll feed you the football don’t worry they’ll get the ball I’m sure there’ll be some kind of big crazy H pigan said this P said that kind of storyline the end the season which which I think is kind of [ __ ] but you know he’s the interviews I’ve seen with him are are always kind of like he’s cool headed this year like right now he’s like straight across the line he got a bit of arog arrogance about him but most football’s got a bit of arrogance about them too a bit of confidence you know to an extent that’s why Nai hasn’t talked this year and all this other stuff did we talk about that what do you thoughts about that I’m okay with that that doesn’t bother me what Nai not talking yeah I think I think he’s a cool dude I think he he wants to run the rock I think he wants to prove and I think he knows that jayen Warren is on his coattails and I’m not saying that to be like an ass but he’s like spot could be gone tomorrow yeah with jayen war it’s a good point here what uh what zoo says in terms of um Pickins you got him wrong he’s more misunderstood than most look I’m in his I’m in his favor I’m he’s caught love yeah he’s more confident and arrogant I’m F I’m fine with him I think he’s awesome so I just think that the same thing that happens with Cameron Haywood these little mini stories is it gets blown out oftion there is so many times yeah so many times you see stuff like that he’ll say something crazy well they did it last year with it with Pickin was was um deleting the Instagram or something like that and he never said he was leaving so that’s where it all starts and that’s why I’ll call it out because the Cameron Haywood stuff is just stupid uh beond stup it is dumb like I I don’t know so those are all dumb I want more questions so uh again um oh do you think that pton Wilson will be the starting next Queen by the end of the season no question no you think it’s be Roberts or Cole hules back too if he gets out of his injury he might be back I would say no absolutely not I think pton Wilson be a good second guy does that mean to fill in you know what I mean when they have to rotate like rotate rotate so could he be could he be receiver number two you’re saying is that what we saying he could number two receiver no he’s he’s running back number one one k k number one Oh’s um and that’s what I’m saying too I I agree with you I think I’ve numerous podcasts I’ve and I think sometimes too in the podcast land and also like in the in the world of take land if you say one thing that people have your like perception on that thing it’s like no go back and watch numerous times you’ve been on the show or numerous I’ve done my stuff you know it’s fine here here’s my Curious question like this is not not a stat show this is like a more for fun show meaning like what do you guys expect from the Steelers like period to win and have fun exactly and have F people up yeah it’s Smashmouth football like you can go over stats all day on paper we’re what last looking pretty good no we’re last dude Oh you mean like oh yeah we’re we we are we are uh slatest division last division we have the worst quarterback we have aging defense what they might say with Cameron Hayward or t w hasn’t done this and done that you know Minka wasn’t there last year that March so but really for what Steels fans are checking all the time every day what they see is is a team that’s kind of rebuilt through the offensive line they got two good two great running backs and they’re going to go crazy it’s I agree I agree dude what I love about this team and everything I’ve seen from him is they actually want to win yeah that for this team this team this year yeah all the interview all the post interviews ca3 I think you’ve had Wilson come out and say he wants to join the team Queens come out and said he wants to be like come here to win championships does [ __ ] about Baltimore not FS is like it’s a fresh start you know you got all these guys coming in here that said Arthur Smith came here he could maybe could have went for some another job here but he came to be to to the Steelers to get another positive record and Zach’s like i’ I’ve never seen better receivers not talking about you know this like na Naji is saying nothing because he’s saying F you to the media and he’s just speaking with his legs and his body you was one part there was one part when he was picking on that Georgia that Georgia Bulldog or whatever um in that in that that clip we saw on the internet he was um because he was Alabama guy right who’s yes sorry yeah he was running through the thingo and he’s like get out of here get out of here because he was having the the competition with Alo so there that that speaks more to me than than speaking to the [ __ ] media uh I want to bring this point up though Zoo says here we have way too many analys channels I agree that’s why mine is a [ __ ] bloke in his room talking football and our team and that’s it don’t don’t says I’m with his bloke so it’s two BLS two different rooms and talking football that’s what it’s about we’re not about like stats and [ __ ] like that we’re about like the well I don’t want to say hype but the love of the team still backed up by the team is getting better we can see certain pieces moving around right super getting better just not just sitting here going I love the Steelers and they’re going to win like a robot like an AI robot um here’s another question too Apex says what are your thoughts um wait yeah come back so here here’s what I think about I’ll do this one mark because here’s my thing about suon he’s a great football player we don’t know what happened outside I don’t care about that per se like I care about the outside thing but not the inside thing uh I don’t know if that makes sense but I would never none of us in this chat would ever like beat on anyone but he’s a great football player and I think it’s a good pickup for a football team is that I don’t want to get too far beyond that but they I said a million times there’s yeah probably right no one in this chat would advise to uh a BL on a woman a bloke hit on a bloke a woman hitting on a woman or woman h on a bloke there’s no way we we advocate for that but as a football sense it’s a pretty good move to bring him back for a vet minimum and let them or organize and figure out the legal sense that kind of stuff because I don’t want I’ve had my say too so I don’t want to talk about too much either um the on thing is like will he actually make the team could there be other guys that could take his spot we don’t know it’s going to happen but I was okay no no no no no no 100% it’s fine it is fine it is fine to talk about but I’ve just talked about it before but um I am a huge dog guy and and Michael Vic did what he did against dogs and I was still okay uh you know supporting him in that aspect and people don’t want to I that’s up to you for the fan base to decide you know what I didn’t like what he did or didn’t do and that and that stuff and you go with that but as a football S I think it makes a pretty good move to bring him in because he knows he knows he knows how to play Steelers football uh and then yeah there could be competition from beanie Bishop because I’m not too sure if he does make the roster we don’t know just yet with um maybe he just teaches them yeah maybe just goes through training here but they’re like no maybe maybe to a certain degree with all the stuff he’s going through he just needs some some brothers around him and this could be something that could because all the time yes if he you know what if he did was really bad then then he maybe deserve a second shot and Tomas said come to Camp come in we’ll see what happens see how we go well you know here’s other portion of it is like uh make came out and he’s like cam Sutton’s the best dude ever you know what I mean the best free safety in the NFL and Ming is a very respectable uh good day DB uh MinGa is a very respectable guy too so so and also um Rod’s in the house too G Rod is in the house as well um look I I think yeah we’re all against what he what happened but as a football s is a good move are we talking football show or like personal opinion show like or he one are we talking pizza pizza podcast was here before that’s why J signs up I thought a pizza podcast I’m in the wrong spot what the hell where is this it’s like where’s where’s the pepperoni talk all right what’s your what’s your favorite um your your favorite pizza of all time who mine ever yeah mushroom ham pepperoni cheese I do like that combination mushroom ham pepperoni and so that was that’s your go-to every time if you’re like in a Pittsburgh it’s where I go to for my pizza spot right do you have like uh is it like baked pizza is that what it is yeah so 475 through home bake like hand well not hand hand Presto and a cast iron skillet so it’s kind of like pizza but like way better uh say thank thanks to uh to daveid for coming and saying hello Yeah so that’s so that’s my my go-to because I actually bought I got Domino it’s just easy to get the only one open uh mine’s pepperoni I just love pepperoni just normal pepperoni but straight pepperoni is no joke yeah I I think it’s one of the best pizzas you can ever have like anywhere you go I’ve I’ve had uh uh Pizza in uh New York uh uh Brooklyn I was in Brooklyn in one of this is unbelievable oven fire came out cost me like $35 it’s crazy for 20 bucks whatever restaurant me and Dad had it it was a simple pepperoni there’s only like three or four bits of per size but you know just like the oil on on it what great um pepperoni and bacon I’ll agree with that I had piz on had a pizza party on a boat R say kind of mushroom Min squirrel Hills Zoo is from The Hills OH Apex says what’s the the best pizza spot in Pittsburgh col Andes probably col Andes J says the the he I was gonna say kandes or uh there’s another one k sounds like a good piece of play that sounds like like a mad spot they make some crazy stuff there white pizza meat lovers yeah Rod says here what kind of mushroom and then jev backs up and says the ones that send you to the shadow real no no 9 says uh I can’t do veggies in the pizza they all taste great in their own just on pizza that’s a fair call so it’s all meat lovers uh Zoo says Chicago deep dish extra there you go not some fans not a fan of mushroom I think pepper Wars 2 no toad STS in my pizza I don’t I like Mushroom on a pizza I think it’s great Mushroom on Pizza is delicious yeah CL say pepperoni and bacon pepperoni and bacon so they they they’re like yours without the mushroom I know so [ __ ] that’s like they like me as a Steeler fan without Mike Tomlin okay what about this spinach what are you doing DB spinach on a pizza that’s spinach is not bad like have you ever fried zucchini on a pizza no I’ve only I really just have pepperoni or stuff like that or good uh Rod say Hamburger pepperoni extra cheese there you go oh dude like hamburger meat like like like ground beef meat is that what I’m saying yeah yeah it’s just like hamburger it’s like a cheese pepperoni large pepperoni small pepperoni K what’s pepperoni man that’s great um what’s what’s that what are what are the on meat H white pizza meat lovers garlic garlic sauce yeah no it’s like oil if I’m thinking the right thing it’s just oil one top and then cheese and meat you know we’re 22 hours away from a 24-hour show we can do it right now just on pizza chicken and pepper said give me the [Laughter] shits oh uh zo says oh hangang hang on minute so Zoo says spinaches fire on a wood fire pizza yeah that’s fair cool I do like so chicken and jalapeno do you like jalapeno on your pizza I do I’ll put a little tiny bit yeah yeah I don’t mind I don’t mind having stuff like that too like you know pepperoni jalapeno to spce it up bit chili thank you NSM 99 uh so beos pizza that’s the one you can go down there and they’ll put cold toppings on it really you got to go home and make it no it’s like a pizza made and you put cold hot that’s how you eat it okay Vos so you so wait they do they cook the base the base of the pizza yeah so everything’s like kind of cooked and you can eat it raw but it’s it’s literally a cold pizza cold cheese on top interesting I do like the one that that was I think the square pizzas I found them interesting that’s what it is square pizza oh sanity yeah event uh tody says who eats a raw Pizza okay here’s here’s another good one because this could actually go for six hours what about this what about this take do you eat the next day when you have leftover pizza do you eat it cold or do you heat up the microwave toaster oven toaster oven right so you get get it fresh again right yeah so you crisp up the bottom so here’s like the weird part Sicilian I’m just looking the weird part is like you could take a pizza so if you have a skillet put a little bit of oil in it not a lot just a little bit flip the pizza over cheese side down and you fry that [ __ ] if you don’t have a toaster of it right most delicious pizza you’ll ever have so so I’ve got pizza in the fridge so so if I put a little bit of oil cheese bit of cheese and then I flip it and I refresh it again yeah you put the she on the bottom right but you have to watch it you can’t let it sit right the other option is the toaster oven so rod rod says if if this was the pizza right Rod’s like I don’t want next day Pizza throw away R rod rod is Rod he wants he wants new pizza he want he doesn’t want that that that second day old Pizza sitting there like rubbish he says no I don’t want that [ __ ] he says nah dude I don’t want that [ __ ] D if I if I didn’t eat the first day the second day [ __ ] that um uh J says cold uh Ste that West says yep toaster oven there you go uh and no air oh I I’ve got air fryer what air fryer don’t put it don’t put it in the air fryer that shit’ll burn oh hang on a minute hang on a minute this is this is this is this is complex this is more complex take the top of the pizza put it in the top of the eggs next morning that a bad I don’t want so no she has or sorry zo zoo Basics yeah so what you do is you you can take pizza and you chop it up you kind of make like a uh what do you call like a kiche out of it so you scramble two eggs oh then you put it back in the pizza yeah yeah okay so you have so you it’s like a pizza kich so you have like a full pizza roll maybe seven slices or six slices cut it all up together put together eggs and then bang new key then but then do you what if you don’t eat the kich do you heat that the next day no no and then Rod’s like Rod’s like I don’t even have that problem I would just throw it away anyway I need so terrible all right um 99 says some P taste great reheated it’s all and epic it’s all robbery I can see that uh Jesus that might help wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute wait a minute that’s a great question hang on a minute hang on uh’s like no that’s terrible um no this is a great question so we’re saying our favorite piece is pepperoni right or yours is pepperoni ham mushroom who’s going to be it’s a hard question who’s going to be a receiver to for pizza who’s the pepperoni who’s the mushroom what okay let’s go what you think what is your second who’s receiver to your second favorite favorite oh that’s maybe not favorite because receiver doesn’t be favorite I know how can you pick your favorite toping receiver to okay receiver to to me needs to be reliable it doesn’t need to be your favorite you know what I mean to be reliable mushrooms grow in the yeah so but like pizza like not toppings like pizza like what kind of what kind of pizza would be your receiver too [ __ ] um question I’m thinking what your think I gave to you first I did it so my pizza number two would be just straight cheese it would just be straight cheese be like something you go over to someone’s house and it’s like oh this is cheese so if I were if I were to say to you you know here a cheese pizza you would knock it back you’d be like yeah it’s pretty good receiving number two Pizza right there yeah you know that’s good it does a does a job catches the ball gets TDS right not bad it’s not bad uh I’d probably say to be honest my receiver number two Pizza because I like pepperoni being number one my number two is I don’t know if you guys have it over there but it’s like Supreme it’s like it’s got everything on it it’s got It’s got the uh kabosi or crany or whatever meat pepperoni um pineapple is that’s the next debate pineapple and then mushroom all that kind of stuff then thin thin base you have one of those and you’re set you’s pretty good pretty pretty standard pretty good um a pepperon this well try try Pizza in a pan with a special water cover the lid yeah yeah yeah because it because it gets all the um uh what’s the word all the the heat heat rises and [ __ ] like that the Steam and stuff doesn’t that make re you know I might try that too actually I’ve only got three sauces left so I can’t do everything at once see deep cheese pizza is your number one wa Ron says we want fresh pizza oh man buy everyone Pizza in this Chan sometimes sometimes though like the next day of pizza I I will purposely not eat that much so I have next day pizza but he is right because you could also you could also go to a new shop Deb Deb just said yeah no one will turn down she’s Pizza I’m telling you that’s wide receiver won where’s I’m getting there I’m getting there so Peppa says I’ve I’ve never seen this in my life Peppa says bacon receiver for number two that’s fantastic there’s something you’ll never hear on any other show um Deluxe Deluxe number one pepperoni number two oh Deluxe and mushroom peeron number three uh 100% okay’s oh you go yeah all reliable would be a cheese pizza that’s AER number two yeah simple right simple cheese pizza but what kind of Base though I’m telling you it’s funny dude go through the comments they’re hilarious which which which which base would you put on that I’m catching up which which base would you put on that does it matter thin base pan base you know me stuff Crush cheese I’m up to here too I’m up to oh hang on uh Toy says put the pizza and toast remove before it starts melting s it out put it on a tray that’s a lot of steps though isn’t it and then I revert back to rod with his throw it away that’s like the opposite of rods comment Rod’s like [ __ ] I’ll buy a corette to’s like I’m G I’m gonna make a whole new this whole new pizza is gonna be revamped like no see you later um wait put it in a toaster oven yes that’s step one remove it before it melting step two slide it out three put on a tray four wrapping tin five once it’s bubbling six you’re golden six steps for a pizza all right uh DB says Old Reliable Heath Miller that’s fantastic um and true oh pepper pepper oh thin crust I like yeah I like thin crust too uh pepper just picked up a pizza I’ve never my either pepper just picked up a pizza I’ve never said that oh yeah uh Rob receiv games pepperoni yeah we you go to camp and tell them that they’d be like what the [ __ ] um deep deep dish uh bab did I say that wrong baby yeah hand toss hand I’ve done made hand toss at Pizza Hut hand toss is good uh stuff cross okay now I’m back down here okay and then Rod’s coming over for pizza that that is probably the most indepth or deep pan talk we’ve ever had about pizza am I right this is a Steelers chat now before we before we get out of here what what is the sides what are you going for sides oh side salad house Italian based on the restaurant are you um not looking towards wings or meatballs or garlic bread or things like that well if I’m going like d what if you and I you know you and I might go to the pub out there and get some pizza out in Pittsburgh right and then we do a pizza podcast out there in real life if we go there you’re getting a pizza but are you getting an entree before you start with your pizza it depends um do you know what a wedgie is not like the wedgie is like that no so it’s like a half a pizza crust folded in half with like ham cheese and stuff oh we call we call them a c a cowone okay well it’s not like that it’s not like baked it’s like the crust cut in Corners oh okay I I’ll send you a picture it’s it’s more like a Sub sub or sandwich or whatever so it’s got the feelings inside of it yeah but it’s just like two pieces of bread so it’s like a toasted bread sandwich oh cool cool cool I like what uh 412 says here Pizza PES are going off the hook that’s fantastic and they do that’s I look I love pizza with anything it’s my favorite food of all the time like it’s something that if you’re having a bad day and you just want to chillax and eat some food just go Pizza like you know it’s just easy to eat it’s just on there you know I I eat pizza and I watch South bike that’s what what I do holy de pizza’s food on a plate yeah or or oh here here’s one for you here’s one for you when you grab your pizza right and it’s the the old triangle shape do you do you squish it up you have to like uh makes it go down faster dude like that you squish it up whatever yeah it goes down faster so like like that like a plane or whatever yeah that’s a P lot of Steel Nation right there we both did the same time fantastic um I wanted to talk about this before you go dude so you’re not a Steelers fan I I laughed about this for the whole [ __ ] video that you made a rant about how people laughed about you for not being a Pittsburgh Steeler fan oh yeah it was a few few weeks ago um I know it was a few weeks ago I haven’t had a chance to talk to you about that but I call [ __ ] yeah thanks appreciate that I’ll fight everyone for it um I mostly get it from comments when I write comments here and there or no sometimes they will see one video out of the Thousand I’ve done or four years I’ve been on YouTube and they’ll be like oh you’re not a Stealers fan for this but they don’t understand the fact that I’ve lived and breathed this since pretty much 2007 well every day every day I’m in contact with you guys or every day I’m watching the podcast I cannot stop it is in [ __ ] in this is why we’re here in in June talking pizza and Steelers because we [ __ ] love our team so that’s why I’m here I just want to give you props for that because I think it’s [ __ ] stupid so like thank you well jevil sums up and says Mark knows the steel is like the back of a ganger do you know what a ganger is yeah no it’s like a okay because somehow Jed knows this so in in Australian language a gang let me get the let give me the term uh this the Australian Aussie slang right so I’ll get the the okay a ganger is it means a girl who has Rel has relations with multiple partners in turn the term is Infamous for Infamous connotations several very shameful terrible case of the girl want was not consenting or whatever so genger means um yeah she’s around town so J was saying like uh you’re not a ganger no he I know the steal is like the back of a ganger well that’s weird because she doesn’t know where she is yeah well look we call them because he when jev gets here he wants to go to the goal Cod that’s where all the Fun’s at uh and I I back that by the way uh St West says if you’re Australian you can’t be a real fan of the Pittsburgh Steels yeah come and listen to it’s exactly right uh and that’s why we have a great podcast with great people here and um yeah it is insane and look not all my opinions are right but I know the team and I understand and I like I just know what’s going on and my thing is if I I [ __ ] wake up at 3:00 a.m. no one else in the world wakes at 3: a.m. maybe except like New Zealand like that that’s if they not a fan for that [ __ ] me I don’t know what I’m what I’m doing then the hobbits D the hobbits were in New Zealand I’m just joking I want to go there too I want to go have you I want to go the uh where they do that place I don’t know if if you to walk in there they still have all the stuff make make another movie you know you know you know the third movie right Mark I wouldn’t mind going over there I’ve been in his Z once you know the third movie you seen the third movie where the the he has a ring near the end okay would you did you go the cinema for this we yeah I went to all three yeah absolutely can I can I ever guess that you had to take a p right near the end and you couldn’t go no you can’t it’s like two and a half hours long you’re just the movie was that freaking long I was near the end and I was like oh [ __ ] oh I I already went a few times and then I was like oh it’s almost over and then the almost over went for another almost over bit like this podcast keeps going going going going you know and the bloke the guy trying to throw the [ __ ] ring in the fire took forever yeah oh should I oh yeah and then like this took forever and then finally then you had a half an hour of him like recuperating in the bed yes and then he had half an hour of him at [ __ ] at home talking to some other hit some other Orit about something else like it took the the last ending took like an hour to throw the ring in the fire and then he went home to his like hobbitville land and him and the old bloke had a coffee for 25 minutes see I’m going to stir up some controversially right now because that’s why Clerks 2 is the best movie ever yeah like clerks one well be honest if if you if there was no Solon Bob and and and you and Solem Bob was in the same room you could be you could be the same people you know I mean sorry you need a Jay not no I’m not fat he’s fat with the bead though for it it’s not about that so thanks uh saying um I lost my train of thought where was it where was it he says here you’re definitely a uh Pizza fan um but yeah zo says you get more breaking news than most P oh the thing is I can’t break the news but I’ll still talk about it uh and then y says anyone talking football every day is hard is Hardcore um yes unless you chat and they’re [ __ ] rubbish but it is true all right anything else you want to bring up uh Jan before we get out of here I don’t know um let’s talk about like fun stuff like Steelers football I mean it’s cool you’re coming to America like that’s the most hardcore thing that’s why I brought up the Steelers fan thing because I think it’s most awesome that and I’m saying that in the Bill and Ted sort of sense that someone would come for great movie too by the way Bill and Bill and when I was younger the first one and they go which is the one they going get the babes is that the first one one first one is babes second one is Bill and Ted die oh that’s when they play Death they play death in the yes they play first they’re like they like oh we need we got go get the babes yeah that’s cool you got a worm com out but I I think it’s funny that anyone doubts your stealer oh happens all the time at least at least once a month and look it’s because in my opinion is wrong but but the fandom’s still there wrong opinion I know you’re just coming over for Taylor Swift that’s fine it’s totally fine dude coming over the uh for Sierra yes the Swifty in me is like that’s why I chose the game no the reason the reason why I chose the Christmas game is because I had such a connection with uh Steelers Raven 2016 and I’ll tell you what that is [ __ ] amazing when I was there there was 65,000 fans and it was like unbelievable and I stayed back half an hour and I took it all in I went to the bar and had drinks and it was good time Christmas to me was because it was it was Unreal it was one of the best times i’ ever had and I think something special will happen that night too I think I think we have a chance where we we might win the division uh that night next week yeah it could go 12 and5 or something like that maybe the other guys are a bit lower it could set our up where you beat KC you in the division where the other guys aren’t there because it’s such a could be a big moment I think it’s cool like that you’re coming over for and I just want to tell people that you’re you’re stupid for not believing he’s not a Steelers fan yeah it was that one BL I didn’t block him anyway but uh it’s just that one it doesn’t matter dude it’s [ __ ] gnarly I wouldn’t pay most um $15,000 for I I paid Flats 3 and a half thousand 3 3.4 for 10 days I’m just saying but but you know it’s cool though too right I’ve been there this would be my fourth time there fourth time you’re fan dude shut up yeah I’m just going for the weather that’s what I’m going for I’m going for the weather going when it’s when it’s [ __ ] snowy uh I’m going for the I’m going for the pradis no I’ve been there three times now once in my I took my dad there was really special taking my dad to to see to see um Mount Wasing Washington and and to see Pittsburgh and walking around him with my dad was kind of fun that’s that’s really something I wanted to do um being there for the the the Steelers 2016 game was great being there for superow 49 in drone Better B and Grill when um uh I was there in the city when Steelers weren’t in the playoffs but Russell Wilson threw the pass to watsy H that was fun but get getting there was was was a great was great achieving because I told my boss at the time in Canada that I’m going to Pittsburgh and I’m having this offer Christmas you can’t do that I I’m giving you six months notice if you don’t let me go I’ll just quit and all was was a dishy so she didn’t give me time off give me five days I didn’t get any 10 days off and then at the time my friends were like how did you get off uh 10 days during Christmas because I I worked in a hotel they couldn’t believe it and I said to them they’re like how and I was like well I just told her I was going I just said I’m going I don’t care I’ve I’ve Got My Ticket I got my plane ticket I’m going and if you don’t want me to go then I quit and then she she gave me time off you’re not a Steelers fan D no and I stay I stay at the Fairmont too because I had a really good deal because we we worked for the B Springs Fairmont Hotel and the Fairmont gave me $55 a night so I was like local bloke just wearing shorts and you know in in the hotel and everyone’s like oh my you need need a bit of money to stay there like like over now $500 a night I’m just walking around drinking beers going hey what’s going on how are you guys how your not you know this seen aie me what good when everyone’s oogling Taylor Swift in the stands you know what I’m going to do I’m gonna go look at the Super Bowl trophies and the bottom yeah yeah I didn’t I didn’t get a chance to go there actually um I did see them on this the third time I was there with my Dad we went on a on a on a tour in heines field uh when it was still called that and we walked around but the first time I couldn’t get down there I was too busy I didn’t know where to go you know you know the best thing is though and I said this a million times well we got some people here too um this you know the intro I play every time right the here we go that came from the stadium yeah yeah that came that when I play that uh do I have this audio of it no I I don’t have it I’ve only got this do you understand that that goes all the time what’s that here we go Steelers goes all the time yeah when I was doing it when I was walking up the ramp thing I right so I filmed it I was filmed it and then I had to go after so some bloke said here we go and it’s like because it all echoed and that’s my that’s my cat phase my cat’s phrase intro the sound and I’ll never get rid of it I hope I never delete it um and I when he finished I stopped my phone and then I then I did one and it was amazing because you feel that like that sense of this like [ __ ] thrill you know what I’m saying when you’re there you’re surrounded by mate like everyone’s your mate kind of you just go [ __ ] let’s go I’m telling you man it’s gonna be a Fight Club what not a fight club in a bad way like when you when you actually I don’t know man it’s I’m not saying like between you and me it’s just like when a chief what’s up I’m gonna F I’m gonna fight a fight a chief you can’t fight a Chief in the bathroom that’s R not not in the bathroom yeah actually I’ll probably get uh local Australian fights Chief in in America be oh sheez I be C on a heartbeat um no Jed says I need to protect Gracie from that fight yeah Gracie H that’s that’s his date all right let’s get let’s get out of here man I’m G almost two and a half hours in I want to say thank you to to yourself J for coming on it was a fantastic show two and show I want to say thank you to on the chat um that’s this is what it’s all about man I want to thank uh we have and not really com to the minute I want to thank uh West 99 Rod Peppa H Steve Zoo some new faces to Apex hope you come back Peppa as always uh Rod waterburger I saw I saw uh Mark what’s his name what’s it what’s the guy’s name Mark wallberg wallberg yeah wallberg so 99 you guys have been F been a real long show but I think I think we I needed this I think Jean wanted to say his thing he said his thing he’s need it too it’s been fun J show what’s up I was gonna say just [ __ ] the haters believe in your team like seriously and no love it it is good and now we have like it’s it’s like rumor it’s rumor Central now too for the next 25 days would be good guys go do some gardening and [ __ ] like that and still check out the podcast but just put me on the back um what if I did 24 what if I did 24 hours a day yeah never stopped Ed TV remember that show yeah you remember that movie yeah we’ll do that I’m the only one wearing a uh on this show he’s coming back [ __ ] you guys I’m gon I’m gonna get him on the show um I want to say thank you to that’s you thank you Jean Smith for the five thank you yie for the the uh the watties the membership which one’s on there and we’re all good and yeah man I’m um I’m I’m Keen I’m Keen for this season um the comments and we’re all good uh wait a minute wait a minute this is gone Pizza life the garden dig isn’t that from um Jo dir dear he puts a KN what does he what does he say he’s like you want to see was naked areed okay it’s okay he ate french fries off of meteorite that was made out of did too that’s actually Joe D was one one of my favorite movies it’s pretty funny movie and he’s like it puts a lotion on like all right all right okay he’s like down where’s that auto trador I do like when he goes gets the fireworks from that from the the Indian or whatever and he’s like the little like no no no where are the good ones and it’s they find like a bomb or something don’t they find a bomb you have no you have no ziser dudes no Zach Doodles he goes for a list doesn’t he yeah Jo Joe D actually is a really good one because it it shows the film from his perspective when he talks about it yeah like should we do a Joe Dirt podcast because that’s [ __ ] it is it is actually a great show he’s like oh oh lucky he’s like I fell lucky my neck broke my for then I saw this chick dude when he gets the beer [ __ ] superbe in that that seam because he’s still trying to look dude and the dog gets his nut stuck to the POR yeah and he gets he gets the uh warm water come on now boy come on oh you be right there just go oh P fell oh come on one two yeah yeah oh man Bubba we’re just ending up the show so I want to keep going but we we have to call it some stage otherwise B needs to start up one that if you want it babba get on it what what time is it now in America uh 10:37 1037 but definitely uh I will get you on the show again Jane that was fun all right I’m only here for hilarious stuff and just for anger stop talking [ __ ] about the Steelers don’t believe anything that you read believe in the players believe in your team like it’s [ __ ] stuff it’s super easy it’s so dumb I’m I’m sick of like understand these players actually do want to win a Super Bowl like they’re not here to play for money per se they are but they aren’t they want to win so that’s why I think like the Hayward quotes are [ __ ] stupid I think everyone’s quotes are stupid um [ __ ] them [ __ ] them if they don’t want to get paid get out I agree with that let’s win a championship dead set and I do like when J says 737 because I always base my Steelers content based on the East Coast good that but there are lot fans the West Coast you know and and peppers uh Texas area and then we have West Coast too so I always try and start my thing around 8:00 p.m. uh you know uh east coast and see how we go but J mate it’s been great you guys are great you guys know who you are that was actually one of the funnest ones I think in a long time that we had um to B yeah and we’ got um Ste Don podcast check out uh bber and Shane on the Thursday show I’m trying to organize with them to do a to do to a video two every week or whatever we might be doing uh 10:38 everyone came in was really fun really interactive that’s why we do it it’s it’s a it’s a it’s a a bar setting a good time and we’re here cuz we’re absolutely nuts around this team and it’s like you g to enjoy the journey have a good time so when you see those things where said Cameron ha to be a brown there’s nothing really behind it he’s a Pittsburgh stealer needs to be a stealer and if he did sign the contract so be it you deal with it right it’s life you know but he’s not gonna Omar Khan’s gonna work something out a team deal and get it all done he’ll get sign dead set so thank you everyone good time um and I will play I think Felipe can send us out I’ll see us later thanks Jan mate see us later thank you thank you [Music]


  1. I am excited 4 the season 2 start. I t just seems 2 me that the guys drafted r really team players. It is seems 2 be more of a team then all individuals. I am not worried about Cam. Cam is such an NFL team player. Cam does still have it inthe tank.

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