Golf Babe

Blind Dates with Strangers: Top Golf Fun & Exploring Omaha Zoo | #FindRileyADate

The sixth and seventh dates of #FindRileyADate are… ASHLAN & KAITLYN!

Date #6: I met Ashlan at Top Golf in Nashville for an unforgettable evening. We enjoyed hitting some balls and sharing plenty of laughs. Ashlan entertained me with her hilarious accents and spot-on impressions, making the night even more memorable.

Date #7: I drove to Omaha, Nebraska, to take Kaitlyn on a date. We spent the day at the renowned Omaha Zoo, enjoying our favorite animals and each other’s company. It was a beautiful experience with a beautiful person!

What is #FindRileyADate?
My mom handpicked 27 amazing girls from around the country for me to date this summer, in hopes that I find the perfect match to bring as my date to my brother’s wedding in November!

⬇️Here’s the plan…⬇️

👉 Phase 1: Go on 27 dates in May and June with the ladies my mom has chosen.

👉 Phase 2: Choose 7 out of the 27 for second dates in July!

👉 Phase 3: Narrow it down to 3 ladies for third and final dates in August!

👉 Final Phase: Pick the one girl who will be my date to my brother’s wedding on August 14th!

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drive across the country you would tell me I’m flying around the country to date 27 girls that my mom picked out for me and my sixth date is Ashlin hi I’m Ashlin fair and I am 34 years old and I live in Nashville I would love to go on a date with Riley from his personality in the videos it seems like we would have so much fun doing whatever whether that’s laughing dancing or singing or just having great conversation um also another thing I wanted to note was that I’ve always been like attracted to people who are Ecentric just a little bit different you know I love that about people and I think Riley definitely is a little different than I love it I’m really excited to meet him on the date so take me she lives in Nashville so I didn’t have to travel far for this one hello Ash you are date number six and your surprise date today be best everything you’ll be going you’ll be making no way HP golf who would have known Top Golf yes o okay this is ashlin’s second swing you’re the bones inside my body you’re the fire that fills my lungs you’re the reason I’m still standing you’re the strength to car on and I want to know you like it we’re eating like it’s only the two of [Music] us so halfway through our date we saw a guy get swarmed by like little kids at Top Golf and apparently he’s like Tik Tok famous so after Top Golf we decided to chitchat for a little bit and I figured out that she has a hidden talent need a right now sorry if that’s inappropriate I’m from Belfast England Belfast uh Ireland oh my God she’s Irish and I never knew don’t be recording me on here did I give you my consent I never did you want to with me no one telling you right now I’m serious where’s my SE get her over here right now no don’t even laugh at me you want to laugh at me talk to Caro get the out of here you’re too good I don’t know how to compete with you okay we’ll have a conversation you’ll be on straight or whatever you are kidding me I’m bastard I can’t do this uh I can’t even think up I have all night if he wants to deal with me he’s got to go to fos and I’m not having no much Shi than that hey pretty lady you from around here you I’m going I’m sorry oh my God yeah so I tried doing accents too but uh I’m going to let the pros uh do that I’m not really good at the whole accents Impressions thing but uh not my thing now time for everybody’s favorite part here’s Ash’s confessional St freaking sucks I’m kidding it’s so so funny with Riley we’re having a last she is very funny having a really great time thanks Riley 10 out of 10 you’re awesome such a great person and I’m having so much fun with you Ash’s back there guys she’s really wonderful she’s really nice to talk to it’s been so fun she’s so sweet she has a really nice family which that’s what I look for ashleen has been a sweetheart she’s actually a wonderful woman and she’s really good at Impressions it’s very impressive I wish I was good at Impressions anyways it’s really sweet so after my date with Ashlin and Ashville I flew all the way to Omaha Nebraska for my seventh date with Kaitlyn do something something to pull you off that ledge cuz this world is confusing you said it’s just messing with your head underwater and you having trouble breathing is there a way to St okay let’s open hello Kaitlyn you are the seventh J favorite way is it yeah the fact that Riley’s back near his hometown seems like f your surprise date today will remind Riley of his childhood try to recreate his Memories by the monkey cage where we yes Ronda we’re going to one of the most famous zoos in the United States the Omaha zoo I haven’t been there since I was like 6 years old so I’m actually really excited for this one don’t you worry babe we’ll figure it out we can hold it each other when the world gets too loud no matter where I go you’ll always be my home don’t wor bab figure it out we’re both going to say where we’re going first or what animal you want to see first after three say where you want to go first 1 2 3 gorillas let’s [Music] go so we came across this overly conscious bird that Kaitlin was playing like peekaboo with and it was the funniest thing I’ve ever [Music] seen low key I thought Caitlyn was an animal whisper because animals just like attracted to her not only the ones that were behind CAG the one that infatuated us the most was the goose you know hanging out hey doesn’t look like he has good intentions no okay so I like the game M I’m scared we wanted to confront our fears okay I’m facing my fear mhm God no there ain’t no worries no there ain’t no worries there ain’t no worries when we are okay if I had to pick a spear animal of any animal in this world of that I probably resemble the most of or they resemble me I’d probably pick a mircat they’re so cute up all day we got rainbows on and my girls all tatted up girls all tatted up my girls all so after we got done seeing all the mammals we went to go see the amphibians see you girl you st Los time wor [Music] out I really love Ze because they make it so easy to be in the moment and also Caitlyn was a big help in that too because I mean look at her I’m in the wild I see something what is that it’s so tall it’s a Riley scared me a Kaitlin and I had such an amazing time talking laughing smiling looking at cool animals talking to each other it was overall an absolutely amazing first date all right let’s see what Kaitlin had to say about our first date okay best date ever I’ve had so much fun today and Riley is honestly such a gen in person yeah I really like him I would definitely go on a second date if he asked me or if he gave me a lemon I would take that lemon and run with it thank you Ronda for setting all this up I just feel grateful to be a part of this like and excited for the other girls to get to spend time with him cuz he is such a special person yeah it’s been a good day and here’s my confessional Caitlyn’s right over there she’s been just so wonderful a beautiful person beautiful energy she’s so nice to be around and being with her at the zoo has been such a fun experience she’s very sweet kind um she loves Jesus which is a huge thing her faith is really important to her you can tell you can tell when a person’s beautiful insided out and she definitely is and I mean that so it’s been wonderful she’s a really good girl thank you all so much for watching this journey I’ve learned so much along the way and I’m glad that you guys are watching and hopefully getting some value of watching me go on literally 27 dates with strangers from around the country one thing that I’ve learned from all of this is there’s genuinely really really good people out there you just have to give people the benefit of the doubt and put yourself out there be willing to be vulnerable and meet new people because if you don’t you’re always going to be in your comfortable little box and you’re never going to try new stuff or meet new people like Caitlyn or Ashlin so if there’s any message from this you know set of dates it’s put yourself out there be out of your comfort zone because that’s where you grow the most wow that should be on a t-shirt all right if you want to watch dates number eight and N that’s going to come out next week and I don’t think you’re going to want to miss this one because it’s got it fun look and some gold make sure you subscribe turn on post notifications and I’ll see you next week bye

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