Golf Babe

Ladies European Tour Player Georgia Oboh Sharpens her Short Game! | A lesson with Dan | Episode 6

Georgia Oboh is professional golfer competing on the Ladies European Tour. We spent time working on her Release 1 chip and run, Release 2 soft-landing, Release 3 lob shot and bunker shots. Watch as a professional displays real finesse and class around the greens!

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right it’s great to have you here Georgia so Georgia oo here ladies European to professional there you go nice that’s a nice color actually first time we ever had some with these shoes on Tim isn’t it pretty close take it much better that was a bit aggressive little aggressive I quite liked it though yeah so if you can just Begin by just telling me a little bit about your short game historically where you feel it is today and what you feel you need to do to your short game to take it to the next level obviously got high Ambitions which is fantastic um and it’s a for your your level it’s all about having a versatility and play different shots but yeah be great to hear about your short games well um I think my short game’s been pretty consistent over the years um I’m probably better putting than uh chipping in some scenarios so that’s one thing I’d like to change and then also for those like flop shots I have struggled over the years it’s gotten better but yeah I would like to just get more comfortable and um being able to trust the uh being able to trust the technique so then I can just go and execute the show okay good right so what we we’ll run through different releases today and see where we are with things we’re going to start with like the bread and butter basic chip and run the shot that you get hopefully the most from a fringe Li towards that back pin okay so we got plenty of green to work with Okay so in terms of Club selection is that something you stick to the same club or do you like to move the club Club around a little bit um I like to move the I like to change clubs I mean for this one I mean I’m holding a 54 right now but I think I’ll I think I’ll stick with the 54 actually in this case let’s have a good luck see what’s going on okay few want yeah okay know what I’m doing yeah and then I do struggle yeah sometimes with the landing Zone I end up executing it well and then just Landing it in the wrong spot all right some good stuff in there very good good hands good to see I I have been watching your video so good there you go and I can see some see some of the traits in there for sure you know you’re setting up very well to the ball um in terms of I mean short game is all about two things it’s improving your Technique but it’s also improving what I call your golfing IQ okay it’s how you think it’s Club selection it’s lie reading that for me is equally important if not more important than technique right you know if you’d have gone to the 50 there you’d have had less spin it would have gone up the slope so that’s just like the the think inside of it yeah to be they’re the first shots you’ve hit we haven’t any shots off camera so I’ll let you off there but Club choice is absolutely vital right so I think it’s probably a 50 day given the conditions up up a slope and it’s soft um but I think you set up really well to it the only thing I want to do to your setup is just really get your heels a bit closer together and really get this foot flared out quite a bit more okay it’s flared out a little bit but it there’s quite a big gap between the heels and your biggest fault in your in your action it’s a little bit about the takeway which I’ll talk about in a minute but you get quite a long way underneath it and that’s why you tend to bottom out quite early with the ark okay so we need to make sure that and what you’ll get away with here a little bit you won’t get away elsewhere yeah that Mak sense okay so you set up as I say pretty good we’re going to tidy this up because by flaring this foot out here it’s going to help you move much more around the corner and that’s your biggest thing you get a little bit underneath this way okay this right shoulder drops a little bit and you’re underneath and that’s why it bottoms out so just by opening this up it’s going to get the hip set a little bit more externally this way and it’s going to allow you to move around the corner a lot easier you got to get your hand path much more this way after the ball essentially now when you take it away you don’t help yourself because when you take it away you definitely in terms of what ignites your action it’s definitely I would say from the from the elbows down yeah primarily with your with your wrists so you kind of go this way first yeah so you don’t create much depth and you don’t really get the ark working this way in the back swing which then encourages the arc to work back this way so you’re a little bit like this you kind of go here and a bit under and I’ve exaggerated but you can see what I mean okay now if you practice that enough you can become pretty good at that right but if you want to become absolutely world class yeah right we need to make that safer so you can repeat it you know when it really matters does that make sense right so saying to keep the heels that’s better already there you go maybe not quite that much but that’s good there yes okay that’s it setups the ball now just get the wrist a little higher as well for this shot see this wrist angle here really for this chip and run you want to keep that flat there when you start dropping the hands can you see angle in here yeah and that kind of wants to done get the wrist working too much right so an easy fix for you just to try and quieten these down and work it more with the bigger muscles is just to raise the hand a little bit straight away okay okay and if you feel you got to move a bit closer that’s your call just try and feel balanced right you you’ll feel that bit and I can see it yeah okay so you got your foot out you got your heels closer that might as well just push a little bit more pressure left just Naturally by floting the foot more yeah okay arms are hanging softly okay and we’re going to make sure this arm sits more vertically rather than dropping it down this way too much okay okay good that’s 10 out of 10 that’s really nice just going to level a shot more that way that’s it and this is important as well because you tending to sort of set up a little bit with this way you know you drop there so you want to feel like the zip on your top here is just aiming kind of in this region here about one to two inch in front of the ball everything we’ve done there is going to encourage you to work left and around the corner okay okay breath so it feels very different different is good if it feels the same you haven’t changed it right so that’s good so you get set up there again now when you take it away I want you to feel like it’s going from the left shoulder pushing the club and letting this right hip move backwards as well okay you see so you’re a bit static in these two points and that’s why your wrists overwork and you does that feel different yes feel that movement there yeah yeah yeah much better there you go and already work around the corner yeah okay right I’m going to put a club here just to uh get the Fe in just take it away again push the left shoulder with the hip that’s much better so do it again so your feeling basically the shaft angle is more of an extension of the arm there yeah that’s pretty different CU before it kind of want to set in like this you see yeah so it’s more there so already you should feel like you can go this way through the ball M so don’t hit it just follow me there you go yeah yeah and that’s what I call release one you see that see the butter grips pointing at the just on the outside of the hit there okay okay and that’s the release point to try and hit this low lowlighted shot okay I’m just going to move you for one shot okay so you’re going to swing the club I’m just going to do a little bit of work but you do majority okay okay in your own time right how does that feel this way does it feel different yeah it feels a lot more over this side okay should you have one more yeah I’m doing two things here I’m kind of encouraging the right side to work back hang on come back to the ball what I’m really doing I’m I’m making this left arm work back without yeah doing this smooth okay just flexing and rolling in okay so we’re going to go back and then we’re going to turn on and that’s much better you hear the noise yeah and it’s not stalling now good nice do you hear the nois is slightly different yes what a lovely noise yeah the sense of sound in short game is incredibly strong you’ve got to tune into that can you hear it now yes yeah just sounds different sorry there a little underneath there just a little bit you feel it yeah feel it just dragged pull down yeah good for you actually something you can do at home is uh you just hold it down by the feral okay just black bit on the club that’s it and put it on your left hip nice Square Face okay now whereas before you see when you took it away if we focus on what the hands are doing here right your hands would do this and the club would come out like this exaggerating a bit Yeah I want you to feel like you’re going to be able to take this away and it stays on your hip you feel that yeah so it’s coming from here and then the right here pass to exactly you rotating back now if you and go through from there that’s it you see how it takes the hands this way yeah and then the zip to the hands to the club face and the perfect release point so it’s on the hip okay so this just simply doing this drill will be great for you it’s going to teach you away from this it’s going to keep you more pushing from the shoulder and then it’s going to give you the feeling because the but as you start moving the but of the grip is going to push this way and it’s going to get you turning onto the ball yeah I need it for my full swing too there you go did you get a little underneath in full swing uh um a little bit but also it it starts from the takeaway the same same takeaway pretty much yeah good good you want now I got stuck watching now I think you you’ve really taken the um the hand igniting out of that now that was much better I think there was like 20% of the hands in there but nothing like before you were just a little bit sort of non-committal through the ball there yeah you know just watch me play a couple so so what you you you looked a little bit like this and you got it back on a good plane it were just a bit sort of quiet through the ball yeah bit lazy if you like now we don’t want huge accelerations on this shot but there is an acceleration on on a on a chip and run shot but it really is just making sure you get a little bit more nip can you see there’s a bit more Force there just threw the ball yes okay just to turn onto it yeah to get that little pinch like that there you go brilliant shot there yeah you got it now got it now yeah I just have to remember to get the shoulders Square from the beginning just feel like you’re going to point your zip here yeah yeah good just one of a little thing there that was pretty good but you just sort of stayed a bit what I call ball bound like your eyes were sort of glued on the ball a little bit too long yeah and if you look at the great chippers they’re actually their neck and the eyes release with the ball so feel this this time when you’re going to hit it you’re going to do the same thing you’re going to commit to it but I want you to watch the ball straight off the face okay okay okay see that freeze it all up and encourages again more of that movement yeah that was much better it’s just a it’s a little difference but I can just feel it straight away that I’m just taking off better and then I can get around properly MH good very very good okay right so we’re going to we’re going to stick with this technique but I just want to see you play a longer chip and run okay uh more towards the back of the green so don’t worry too much about the pin we’ll aim towards that tree but I want you to finish it On The Fringe okay and I like to see you do this with a pitching wedge all right run into the back Fringe nice you just see how simple Club change is got a lot less spin on the ball if the pin was up by The Fringe that would be the right Club to use okay setup’s much better you got it relax your arms don’t get too tight right left arm is going to get away correct open that right side very nice how’ that feel uh very different it felt softer yeah so it felt like it was um there was a better Rhythm to it more consistent yeah the reason some of those are coming off just a little bit soft is your follow through gets a little bit long this side of the ball sometimes so you’ve got to feel like your follow through is going to be a little bit more swn off okay so you’re still rotating but if you look at me see when I play these shots I’m rotating but I’m going to be a little bit more nipped tick is I want the ball to run more I want to make sure I don’t get too long in the follow through I’ve got to nip it okay feel that yeah that’s a really nice way of just protecting against that riding up the up the club we’re using that pitching W for a reason we don’t want to get that ball climbing at the face too much and if you just think about a nip in the in the follow through it gets a bit more ball speed you got it that’s about as good as it gets right there all right so should we get some short sided ones okay soft Landing yeah yeah yeah this is what release two this is around here the two would get the job done here yeah around here is when it’s like it’s not a flop shot it’s not a bump and run and that’s where I get good Stu and hopefully the release one two 3 makes sense cuz that’s what release 2 is there for sits in the middle it’s a mid- flighted shot but a high spinning shot at the same time so it does stop quick yeah you know it’s because there land angles coming in a nice nice height with a bit of spin it’s going to stop quickly and it’s no problem you know to to deliver this um and stop it quick right let’s see your play a few ENT that that pin there coming out really flat isn’t it yeah okay okay so you got a few things tell you’re all ready to go there a few things that address that aren’t quite matching up for the shot so the ball position is about 2 in too far back okay and and you got a bit of bit of forward sha leaning there so the first thing you need to do that’s it a bit more that’s it I go a little bit wider for this shot with the right foot right foot oh right foot left foot needs to move an inch near that’s it good the ball feels that’s much better there yeah and they’re not as much shling exactly so the shling is now on line with the back of the ball okay you can afford for this shot because it’s it’s a shallower attack particularly off this wet line you would just allow the right shoulder to drop slightly so you can still do that and not get shut now you were a little bit shut at the beginning now go this way s that way that way okay little bit further away from the ball as well because we want the wrist to sit down a little bit lower now okay so we’re now into this second wrist angle the one you kind of had at the beginning yes is now what you want for this shot okay all right your biggest fault and it comes from when I first saw you this is why it’s coming out so flat is you are going back to this here turn your body a little bit and you’re you’re going this way that so your Club face is not too far away from there can you feel how this left wrist is arched yes and that’s taken a loft and the bounce off the club okay and then from there you’re doing your best but it’s just going to come out really flat from there isn’t it yeah yeah so set up above and your setup’s going to make a big difference lower hand slightly relax right shoulder right this will be the new back so tell me what you feel right just relax your grip a little bit look at the ball don’t look at the face I want you tell what you feel first right ready y all right so what have you felt it’s any different though there uh shoulders uh taking the club back and um hands are further away from the body than I okay sa travel further yet anything different in the left wrist so then now yeah now the wrist isn’t as arched yeah you bad one that’s where you are now look what look at the club face now you see that’s very different yeah nice all right and then from there I’m not too tother down swing but it it will encourage the club to work more this way that way release two look and then round okay so what release two is we basically we returning the shaft angle very simply to where it began this way so returning it back to where the belt buckle would be and it’s releasing this way and You’ have got a little bit of cup in the wrist and then you work round the corner and you can see how the loft is on that’s going to allow you to hit one two inch before the ball and hit like a softer flighted shot okay okay so try and think about this now I want you to hit 2 in before the ball okay but all Le so far you’re getting the ball first okay got the ball first but yeah F let me show you some right so so I’m going to just really hit this back on the ball but I want you just to watch a few things here I want you to just really look at getting the club in that position but also the speed of it like I want I’m going to just on purpose as a drill here I’m going to give myself a really long back swing and you can see the height you can get yeah how you can land it softly so as a drill I want you to really feel like you’re going to get that club seriously back yeah and then it’s going to encourage you enter to be a bit smoother and a bit softer okay and allow this to release looking slow I a real slow motion one just look how the club works you see hitting that 2 in behind the ball okay is that a different concept for you uh yes yeah uh a for this kind of short yes yeah got super long back so we can cut the wrist slide it beautiful okay ball forward I want to slow it down now really slow it down wide and slide it wow that’s the best one you’ve hit yeah yeah well done well done is that ball stopping now yeah pull forward I love what you’re doing your left wrist now you’ve got in a much better top of the back swing now look at the height okay now that was too quick wasn’t it yeah just too quick but we’re getting some flight good how’s up feel it feels actually quite slow considering how far it ended up going it feels quite slow and see how quickly that stops yeah but I think when you watch that back you’d be surprised actually it doesn’t look slow all right it just looks smooth now yeah all right Sor that’s that’s good listen I think just just look at me second you’re doing you’re making your wrist movement so much better yeah I just my only concern is you’re so concerned about it you’re not really moving your body with it so you got to feel like blending it yeah okay nice could have released it a bit more but nice well done yeah it’s going to be a game changer if it is yeah blend the chest turn with a little bit of wrist cut get the Loft and bounce on release it through that’s wonderful it was just 10% too hard yeah but technically really good yeah just trying to slow it down but still allow the body to be moving and not feel like I’m stopping beautiful constant speed with the chest as the club’s releasing come on just little bit smoother I’m look at that control now like night and day yeah that’s good that’s good come on we haven’t quite got it yet though we’re nearly there we’re nearly there don’t get too open with your with your alignment yeah that’s tell you just about this why it’s so important okay the alignment let me just stand in here if you so you can have that ball position in the right place here look just on the heel yeah if I start shifting open which is what you’re doing what’s where’s the ball position going yeah it’s going backwards yeah so you just got to be careful on that’s why some of your shots are going a bit left as well so you know we want the toe line to be slightly open but really the heels are pretty much parallel to the Target okay so it’s forward there and just even if you just do that much see how to move ball moves back yeah just keep half an eye on that okay yeah good okay so sh in good you’ve got the left wrist blend the chest with it smooth smooth as it releases so good just again just what it say 20% too hard well you’re not I mean you’re slowing it down but you’re still you’re still going to actually be accelerating through this it’s going to feel feel much smoother see that’s lovely there you go look at that what interesting let’s h a couple with the 60 now okay now you now you’re not doing this you’ve actually got a little bit more bounce on it okay so this is probably a little bit more of an option let’s just have to see how you get on with 60 okay I mean it’s it’s it’s it’s possible it’ll it’s really going to depend on what lie you end up getting um I mean maybe if it was Bare not as wet it actually be a bit easier with the 60 exactly and it’s sort of bare tight links tip course yeah yeah 58 El the bounce on this uh mid bounce okay supposed to be oh that feels very yeah it feels quite different actually compar you got the benefit there of a nice bounce it’s not on your 60 but it’s the same bounce as your 54 but you got that a little bit more Loft I think the 56 was six in the middle of that those two yeah great yeah even that one I mean I I think I dragged that a little bit but again because of the came off okay didn’t it yeah yeah shot it’s quite now you’re now developing you know a better a better better shot by number one you’ve improved your Technique and understanding the shot we’ve also just got the right Club in your hand as well yeah yeah very good yeah much better we got a softer shot there so have a look at your lost and decide what you want to do you know yeah you might want to keep the 54 in and just put the 58 and you could do that you know play around with it beautiful very good you’re going to turn with it keep it smooth beautiful shot good Pops to the right a little bit didn’t turn quite when have threw the ball but fantastic yeah I’m wondering why it’s going a bit right that’s fine so just even as you’re watching the ball you got to keep some rotation going like keep moving through it ah yeah fantastic beautiful oh that’s much better get in good all right good work I mean that’s that’s you know you pretty good at the first one and almost like the way you were doing that first shot closing it down a bit wasn’t the end of the world if you’re trying to flight it down low but this shot you can see where the struggles have been because of where you’ve of where you’ve got to with that yeah right so we’ve got further away you flared your foot out you’ve not got to open because you know that now puts the ball too far back yeah okay and you’re much lighter got your hands a bit lower you’re understanding where this left wrist needs to go and how the knuckles move and how you create this angle here and you need to make sure you blend the chest in with it yeah okay once you get it there everything will get there from practice you you’ll you you’ll get it working exactly as you want but the your key point if you were to think about it is just letting the weight of the club fall a bit more so it’s a bit smoother so you can then let it land and slide through and keep moving past the ball uh um and don’t don’t struggle with the 60 the 60 is not going to help you cuz there’s so much loft it’s going to not not going to incentivize you to find the loft of the release and also the wet ground we’ve got at the moment is just like a nightmare combination with really low bounce try it all right but that’s good right you want to hit some lob shots then yeah sure yeah all right going we’re going we’re going to hit a uh a lob shot now to this pin here okay about 10 ft on right over the bunker lies a little bit tighter and because it’s a bit kind around this bunker it’s a bit it’s a bit drier and a bit sandier okay so you got 60 yeah right Club in this situation so we’re going to see we can get that really high lob shot okay there we go pretty good it a little driven wasn’t it okay that wasn’t the that wasn’t the plan um usually I’m better at these actually that was nice You released that well that was good well done I like that so just set up to the ball I just think if you can stand much wider than that really go wide really go wide and get that left foot really flared out 45 de really go for it that’s better now Point your knees forward more like this oh that’s it and then you can let your body just drop back a fraction this way okay okay A bit further away from the ball and’s nice and low see now we’re in a position there to a better shot okay all right so nice and wide low hand that’s going to help you get a bit better setting with the wrist lowering to your knees is going to help that’s good right so it’s a bit like let me show you so assessment better there it’s a bit like the shot we said there you you’re like really focusing on hinging the wrists and you’re doing it but we got to make sure we turn the Torso at the same time so look see how my torso is going to turn to you as I blend the hinge right so I’m going to do the and it all works together then yeah okay so it’s much more this way right is you’re just getting it set a bit yeah we’ve got to blend it more okay the setup’s going to help cuz you’re going have you’re going have more of a stable lower body but you want to feel like you’re moving more okay that’s so much better you feel the chest moving more yes and I wasn’t actually as concerned about the strike as well MH that’s brilliant much better yeah it feels very different yeah help the Loft turn the chest rotate through great shot great shot you feel you got a bit more s of rooting down now Fe down more yeah very good yeah I mean I have been told to you know be closer to the ground get the hands lower but because I wasn’t moving the chest with it best case now was just moving maybe a little bit so I wasn’t getting the results and so then going get a bit too steep actually when when you just pick it up your wrist there generally you’re going to plow the thing straight down when you can start to turn with it it’s going to allow you to release and let the club bottom out early obviously all lie dependent these lies are are okay yeah if you were in a divver we need to get steeper right it’s all looking at the light make sure you enjoy that moment of the top don’t pull at it right you got to feel like it’s just really smooth then you can put the release and speed at the bottom but don’t RAB at it nice shot now there’s one other little thing you need to do it’s just this club face yeah and you go through the ball you want to feel like the Loft stays on this way yeah okay we don’t want be doing that yeah all right so you’re going to feel like the Loft stays on looks back over your left shoulder until you follow through okay good got caught bit in the ground that’s fine that’s what it was like there but the Loft was more on it came off online it came off softer BR that’s the best one you’ve done yes in the holster look at it in the holster there you go great setup great setup get a loft on the club let your right torso turn that’s lovely right better yeah look at that Loft on and you put it in the holster so a whole holster thing I’ll talk about as you release it this way this a release three by the way now it’s back on the on the hip here as you come round Moves In The holster this way that’s a sign of the wrist been in this cut position which allows it to go in the holster if you go more this way if you over release it you see you can’t put it in the holster yeah so that release all comes from how you keep a loft on the club and put it down all right no similar sort of shot out the sand really to hit some bunker shots it’s the same it’s the same action really let’s let’s see where we are let’s s to that we’ve got the 58 hereen we which is 9 9° of Bounce is it y uh 10 10° okay so just I normally hit it then nor this kind of lie I mean again pretty good pretty good I would just look at that divot depth yeah I would say that’s a little steep see the depth of it so you you’ve kind of hit down a little bit too much now I would do that if you stand this side I’ll show you I would do what you just did if I had this sort of L yeah you see yeah no sand and I want to make sure I’m down I want to hit down and create some good depth if I’ve got this sort of sand where it’s quite nice and it’s quite even I want to be a bit shallower than that it’s going to help the ball spin more and get much more finesse and touch and feel about it and not drive it too hard that’s already a much much better result in terms of spin noise and divot depth what you’ll learn to do now because you’re actually going to take in in less you’re going to take less sand you can dial your speed down a bit okay and then you can start to feel it you know great bunker players don’t kill it okay they can be smooth through sand because they they’re managing divot depth better they’re using the bounce through the sand better okay okay don’t want to see get shallower turn beautiful yeah yeah and then I could um Al I had more feel with the speed with how much speed I need for this shot totally I thought that was fantastic and look at this divot depth here yeah you don’t actually really notice it as before we could have could have buried a squirreling it right but now it’s much shallower you can just working it through okay good oh no hit it a bit yeah I think I just felt yeah I think I just felt uncomfortable just panicked a bit Yeah so I go there right go back top turn from there you feel like he going earlier okay earlier this way okay and as you strike you move and you put it in a holster okay and I want I want a light noise what a beautiful bunker shot that is yeah there you go yeah okay now that was just so easy and repeatable and when you watch the very very best in the world they’re just doing it every time because they’re managing it okay they’re the speed the divot depth and you can start just like you said you start to feel it don’t you yeah and then you start to be able to repeat every time when you’re really plowing down as steep as you were hard to really get that finesse you just showed there all right that was world class okay that’s exactly how we want that ball to come out good now you can go too slow yeah right but look you it it to a foot yeah yeah good yeah like I wouldn’t have thought with that long a swing yeah it would just land there and just slowly released exactly it’s got all that spin just lands and it just trickles like a putt was before it was coming off really hot now if I give you this line okay you do it as you would previously okay because we got to get a little steeper you can play the ball a bit further back you can pick it up a bit more of your wrist and you can drill down a bit more and I want a deeper di it this time that’s it so you have to play it that way you’re not going to spin it it’s just going to run more it’s not going to have the same finesse but you’re going to manage the lie because if you try and do the technique we just did there from that lie it’s just going to it’s going to bounce isn’t it it’s going to kick J do you hear it like a louder yeah it was yeah now if we go back to this Li I want you to give me a light noise didn’t turn the Torso got move yeah good nice shot well the what what do you do if you have a lot of sand like under the so let me show you so when yeah so you go Sun bunkers it’s been freshly topped up there loads of sand yeah like this sort of thing right so the more sand there is the more bounce you want to be using so you’re going to be using this part okay so but you really use it and you and you do have to apply more speed mhm okay cuz it is going to slide the cler down yeah so with if it’s just a nice depth of sand like we’ve got there you watch my speed I I can be quite shallow and I can be quite smooth with it look fine if I play that there I might not get that same sort of control so I’m going to have to play this there’s loads of sound I’m going to play it right off the front foot almost get the handle back of bit I’m going to really release the club and I’m going to increase some speed okay okay so this is really releasing it you can see it still pops out absolutely abolutely fine right so you set up to it and just um bit up b r the front foot okay not there yeah and you can almost bring your hands back a little bit now that’s it okay and and just really release the club like really feel like you’re throwing it this way and increase your speed okay good oh yeah I yeah came through fine I’m going to put more sand there for you yeah because my last tournament I did actually I don’t think I ended up in a bunker but when you did you got that well if it hadn’t rained it would the their bunkers had a lot of sand and I was thinking I know to increase the speed but yeah and then increasing your release with it yeah there you go shot yeah came out fine and it’s just then practicing speed yeah we should just practice just to get the feel of it but that’s good noise so you basically got if you light you got three lies three different releases you release one for the tight Light release two for the medium Light release three when there’s lots of sand but you and it’s just controlling the attack speed and um you you just getting a little more control okay that’s good yeah I think you’re good out sand I like that that’s very good right show you some pit shots then as well yep don’t know why I’m aiming so far right yeah that’s all right if you want just get used to it yeah I might not be releasing it properly well you just a little bit let me show you so if I was if I was playing this shot I’m going to set up similar to you but I’m going to really make sure I work onto the ball so I go onto the ball yeah you see so I’m turning onto it and that’s allows you then to go this way you look a little bit like we like you suffered at the beginning where it’s a bit slow and under yeah so just really get onto it or that way okay there you go yeah so it a little bit of your Club face alignment yeah and and just because You’ probably been setting up for for longer pitches you’ve been having to take power out whereas you’ve Now setting up in for for a shot for a you’re trying to play in terms of your in terms of your setup you can commit to it all right whereas before you were actually trying to take distance off okay whereas now you can fully commit to it from that setup but turn that right side onto the ball and don’t open that face have it really straight yeah that’s good there come on turn the right side onto it much better yeah feel that yeah very good I just have to if you land it a little bit short it takes a bit of break there doesn’t it so you need to hit it another 5% hard to carry it up there yeah good stability in those feet now you got that left side pivot there okay the club that’s Square does that feel shut to you um a little bit good there actually got the line this time then didn’t get the that’s good that’s all right now I like the technique now we’re going to come on you’re going to deliver a bit more torso speed into this we need a little more speed okay A bit more commitment I want to land this right up by the pin okay that’s fantastic technique there we [Music] go yeah pass a pin there we go yeah if you do off these lies you can do off any lie yeah okay great shot so much better yeah that feel that’s the best you turned on to one yeah yeah in terms of how you delivered that way covered it yeah it felt like that too actually I to Filly this yeah you got it now totally got it yeah that’s what you want little three and four Footers from 50 yards okay pick up your birdies on your path fires you know yeah when you’re out in trouble on a PA four you chip out you get up and down this is what really helps you score okay and compete this is what it’s all about this pitching game is absolutely key all right so I’m happy with that over to you to practice it really all right thank you all right thanks so much it’s good really good


  1. the spin she got out of those bunker shots was wild! The amount of times those balls hopped and almost spun backwards!

  2. I would like to believe that Dan's coaching played a part in Georgia winning The Shippen Invitational Tournament in the US 2 weeks ago! It lead to Georgia earning 2 spots on US LPGA tour namely the Meijer and the Dow Tournaments for June. As always any good changes in swing or technique needs hundreds of balls of practice for pros and amateurs alike! Dan's coaching certainly helped me since me chipping ability has gone down the last few years because of the occasional yippy chip and accompanying loss of confidence. I thank you Dan, from the bottom of my heart, for the help you have given to thousands of golfers! 😁😁😁🙏🙏🙏!

  3. Hi Dan. It would be great to see you challenge tour golfers at the short game.
    You could have some kind of format that tests different types of chips, bunker shots and even pitch shots. Scoring a point on every shot that is closer.
    This would not only increase your youtube views, but also probably get you coaching work from them.

  4. Great student teacher relationship that's how you learn ..
    Both are excellent in their student-teacher relationship

  5. What's interesting to me is how slow, smooth and easy Georgia's swing is through these shots, particularly releases 2 and 3. Going to take that to the practice area and see what it can do for me!

  6. Hi Dan
    Bunker shots: Am I right when I say that you are getting club onto the ball, not sending the ball out on "cushion of sand" as I thought I had to do?

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