Golf Players

Golf DMV: US Open Preview 2024, LPGA Shoprite Recap, & More!

The guys talk US Open at Pinehurst, LPGA Shoprite Recap, rounds and Piney Branch, Needwood & Waverly.

all right guys welcome back to uh golf DMV of course Vern lb myself and and also want to shout out Bonnie and Carol who Lawrence played with at Hampshire G Barry it’s Barry Barry Barry car yes we should reset the show right anyone listening named Bonnie that shout out is for you but then also Barry and Carol as well with LA Hamshire greens yes we’re going to get into that um in a second got a lot to get to of course we got us open preview which we’ll probably just do from the start um lb was at the shop right uh covering the LPGA tournament please follow golf DNB podcast on Instagram check out all those great pictures there and uh Lawrence is going to break that whole thing down but we’ve also got Hampshire greens um around Piney uh Piney Branch Needwood Waverly um I I also have another Sierra’s Corner uh like I said my wife sier she is starting to pick up the game and there’s just these things that again like oh there’s video on YouTube if you just watch them you’ll get better you know things like that that she’s uh picking up on and so it’s super funny and so U we’ve got another Sierra update but let’s start with let’s just jump into the US Open okay um it’s coming up it’s s pinhurst and maybe it’s because we played it not too long ago um maybe it’s because it was like the first kind of bucket list trip that that we’ve done um or at least for me it was the first bucket list trip me too that was before abandoned right yeah that yeah that was before before abandon okay right and as a matter of fact it was and and it was us three and Aaron and Aaron was pretty new to the group um you know and came you know out with us and stuff and um you know I look back at the video and then I’m looking online at some of the stuff and I think I’m anticipating this one this year more than the Masters now the Masters is kind of my favorite the Open Championship is usually my second favorite um uh major and then you know the US Open and the PGA but I’m really looking forward to this US Open I’m getting texts from Mike Crowley who we’ve had on the show shout out to Mike uh my my neighbor Gavin we were outside talking about it because he goes to P every year just looking forward to the the watching the pros play this course that we’ve played before and I don’t know is it only me Vern and then we’ll go to lb that you know like really looking forward to to this open no no it’s not just you uh I got asked uh by one of the homies is like why does it seem like it feels like uh this this US Open uh lb has more juice to it this is so this is Glenn who’s only been you know playing offl for a little bit been watching for a little while and he’s like it feels different than La Country Club and Southern Hills and I had to think about it and I was like yeah I was like you don’t you know he hasn’t been to Piner yet but many golfers have been to Piner and I was like yeah you don’t know we don’t know La Country Club and Southern Hills we learned about those week of and it’s cool and it’s the US Open it’s whatever I told Claud I said Beth Page uh Pinehurst probably Pebble Beach maybe to some extent Tory Pines these public Resort courses that we can all play that hold a special place and a lot of golfers you know who do golf trips lot of golfers hearts or whatever these ones are they mean more because it’s like oh I’ve been there I’ve played it and pineur man is so for guys who on the East Coast if you’re a girlfri on the East Coast yeah been there multiple times probably if you’re east of the Mississippi you should have played pin yeah it’s easy to get to so I think I think that’s why that’s like you said and hasn’t been here since what 2014 I think was the last time um one and then two I’m really looking for to now I’m saying this watch you know the winning score will be like 2500 but I doubt it like what I’m looking forward to what what I like about Piner is what I like about Riviera is what I like I kind of liked about Brookline a little bit uh Claude from three years ago I think with Matt Fitzpatrick won the US Open these old clubs that have like all this character and it’s just like hey well you know it’s just straight out it’s like yeah but this is a thinking man’s course you’re not gonna bomb your way around and even if distance is is helps you you got to be a golfer here we’re going to get offer you different shots and you’re going to get a chance to show your skill and you’re going to have to get the ball in a hole it’s just something about that and that same way wasn’t it like yeah wasn’t Hill way too yeah exactly but but again that’s one that like it’s not you know I don’t think that one we can play so I think I think it’s the playability to answer your question directly I think it’s the fact that Pinehurst is is uh available and attainable for a lot of golfers and many golfers play yeah it it’s just it’s just well known I mean everybody even if you I don’t think I venture to say that even people who don’t know golf know the term Pinehurst yeah you know what I mean so it it it kind of resonates with everybody yeah um and all the things you said are absolutely true I I I I am I am torn about watching it I know I’m probably let me say this way watching it you don’t even want you’re not interest well well I mean it’s it is Father’s Day weekend yeah um which which you know I’m fine with that or whatever but personally I mean just speaking for me I got a lot of stuff happening this weekend okay well yeah nobody said you sit down and watch this well I’m just saying and I’m almost I’m almost a little bit torn because I would like to see I mean to your point ver because we played the course yeah you know there are think my my opinion of pineur is very well documented and very well known let me rephrase that a pineur number two it’s very well documented and very well known so I’m not going to go through that again right but I am interested to see how they play it and how well they do right um but there but it’s it’s just a lot of stuff happening this weekend so I’m probably going to get to see much of I can watch some tomorrow on Thursday and hopefully I can watch some maybe Sunday afternoon see the last n say Sunday after the round that’s all it counts but yeah because I’m not g because Friday and Saturday it’s a was I won’t see much of any um but but yeah I am curious to see how well they do I’m curious what the score was going to be I’m going to if I had to pick a number I’m going to say at on the outskirts it might it might get to 10 13 under might might and I and I venture to say it might be less than that just maybe maybe around under 10 just because of the greens I mean and that’s and that’s and I’m this is a bad segue but we gonna come I’m segue we can go back to the parents so you can get yours in clar the greens we play today at where we play Piney Branch P Branch private course up in Baltimore uh is that Carol I think it’s Carol countyy up that way um I it’s hour from my house I live in Damascus an hour north of me um those greens had us cussing calling all people all kinds of names really talk talking about the greens Keepers and the the whoever placed the pins last this morning cuz he he put it he put He put everybody in a trick bag the way he placed those pens and those greens were very much unforgiving they weren’t Dome shaped but they had so many undulations in them that even when you got on the ground and you were like 12et away you were Happ to walk away with a three putt I mean that’s how bad they were I kid you not that’s how bad they were you would have to walk away with a three putt and you guys want to play on the eve of the US Open huh gotcha and I venture to say what those guys are going to endure at pineur number two on those Dome shaped uh uh greens it’s going to be it’s going to be a show it’s going to be a show and I’m I am interested to see how well they do no I’m I’m looking forward to it I’m looking forward to it uh and and do you guys remember any particular H you’re looking forward to I know for me I love uh hole number four which was a long Par Four went downhill and then kind of came up and over to the uh left um as you approach the green and hole eight which was I think it’s a par five but long hole and then maybe a 160 some odd yards away from the green it starts to go uphill and if you don’t hit it on even if hit on the green you’re in trouble because probably going to roll off but right like it slopes severely to the left to the right and behind the green and in front of the green and if you miss it it’s just you know it’s it’s bad news I watched a golf dig video about the course and they were talking about they were talking to Ben cor should uh core Bill core and Ben CAW I think that’s cor and kww yeah exactly the guys who who restored it to what it is Claud and they talked about they said that um there’s not green to regulation at Pinehurst there’s just they call it visiting you visit the green cuz you’re there for a little bit and then you go you off and then he also said that our green probably have like some of the highest square footage like on paper but play playable area is much much smaller well the green is massive but you can only land it like on this eight for so yeah yeah I was watching uh go I think it was yesterday I was watching Golf Channel and I forget one of the the talking heads on there and he brought he put a um a saucer plate on the on the desk okay and he was explaining to people how yeah this is the green this whole saucer is the green but you know how you had that little Peak at the top where it’s flat right he said but this is where you have to be your ball has to be in this little spot because if it rolls if it’s not in this little spot is rolling off and down back into the Fairway or into the rough or wherever so that was I mean pretty good illustration of how those greens are set up where if your your ball has to be within this six square foot spot if not it’s rolling it’s rolling back off there’s something that Jeff ogy said too in that same I was watching another program fried egg golf again it was very I’m very up ready to go for this but he said something I had thought about Claude where I know you don’t like the waist area lb but he said ogab is like he’s a fan of it because he said in most cases in the opens or the majors what do you have you have rough he said he says and it’s super thick super thick but but he says he says he says what’s the difference from like a 12 handicap and a pro out of super thick rough he said it’s it’s smaller than you think we’re all both of us are just hacking out of it like I’m going to do a little bit better but he said but he said at Pinehurst uh I can show my skill now because now there are shots that I can hit off of this sand and off of some of this waste area that you can’t hit that I mean he wasn’t just talking about him versus scratch golfers but even amongst the tournament Pros versus Pros it’s like well I have this shot I can pick this clean up theer or whatever it is to get up there versus like he basically saying the rough is homogeneous it’s just it just up everybody you only move is to hack out you can get creative with this one two the way the grass goes in the air like when we experienced this when we went to pineur you roll off off on you know Mr Fairway and it’s like it’s in the it’s in the sand from far away you’re like well it’s probably okay then you get up there and it’s right in the back of a of a wire grass thick or or it rolled up onto like a perfect little Mound and it’s sitting it’s basically sitting on a te right sitting up for you so the luck of the I like the randomness of that of like hey you don’t you know you don’t know what you’re get instead of it being like you know the typ you’re in R and you we know exactly how they’re going to play it so I thought that was an interesting take from no one more thing I on this whatever show it was I watched on Golf Channel and they were talking about so live from the US Open have that’s what it is I guess yeah from Monday to to Thursday right um and they were talking about how they interviewed the guy I guess he’s the course superintendent or head guy whatever whatever for the US Open and or pyur maybe I don’t even know his name but what he was talking about since that now is going to be on a regular rotation for the US opens how much money they put into the sub the underground works of of Pinehurst number two then they got they got ation and stuff they got this they can take moisture in they can put you know the stuff that you can do on Modern courses right now they can now right now they’re doing that now that P number two since they’ve got this contract now that’s going to extend for the next God knows how many decades right um so there’s a lot of stuff that they can do to the course now that they couldn’t do before and apparently there’s more stuff in the works they they working it you know working it into the schedule um so whatever they have for this year’s US Open when they come back in I think it’s five or six years or whatever when they come back to pineur it’s going to be able to do more things now with then than it than it can now okay okay that’s awesome that with that in mind before we get some to to our picks in the draft and you know Vern will update us on where we stand in the draft is um is and maybe this is a maybe this a dumb question if it is just let me know like what what type of player what type of skill set do you guys think it would take to um to win or to be in the Runnings uh this week and we’ll start with short game okay go ahead go ahead no like what type of game is gonna fit the winner yeah and I don’t know who this player is to be honest with I don’t know who this player is this player has got to be well yes I yeah Scotty but hard but honestly if if I if if I think about it logically yeah it would I would think it would be somebody from and I I hate this I don’t want to say this name yeah Lowry or somebody who’s from Ireland or somewhere in that part of the world where they play in this kind of stuff all the time um Donald Ross the was a Scott was a scottt cuz all the all your second shots unless you’re in the Fairway which is going to you know great that’s all F and good but right you know half the time you’re going to be hitting out of the thickets and the sand and the this and that and the other so whoever can whoever short game is tight enough that they can either a stick it on those greens which is going to be impossible or at least get it in a spot where they can have a an a relatively simple I put it end quotes T putt right from off the front of the green so a score I think those are the people that’s going to they’re going to do well the bomb and gal stuff for Bryson D Shambo I I don’t think that’s going to carry I mean yeah you might be to hit it down to the green but if you can’t if you can’t do anything with this short game to get it up onto the flag then what what what have you done you just wait walking away with a plus two right you you just wasted a 360 yard Drive I mean so so yeah I think it’s gonna be who who’s ever short game and I by short I don’t even mean the putting at this point I mean around the green and getting out of that stuff whoever that Game Belongs to will be the winner yeah but I don’t know who that is I know who that is that’s a great pool lb uh so the obvious yeah so I want to add one thing to that because obviously like I agree with 100% with everything you said short game basically inside 100 yards really really literally green side essentially around the green I had even considered that yeah like uh guys who play a lot of Link style golf where they’re putting from like 75 yards off the green and stuff like that that yeah that those type things um but there’s a an added one too and I think whoever wins Claude is going to have to have uh this Scotty would fit this this bold maybe maybe Shane too you’ve got to be very like kind of unflappable mentally and this is so I’m bringing this up because uh Glenn also we were talking about betting and everything else and he had some bets he put in and one of them he had Bryson the Sho I think in a Pary or something and I said no I said one for the for the game and then he he acknowledged he was like yeah he said you know pineur could be a frustrating course and Bryson can can blow up get his feeling if you if you lose it at Piner or if you get frustrated or downed it’s it’s it’s only going to get worse for you it’s going to take your throat which goes to your point that be about like you need to be used to these conditions to somewhere just like H you know it’s no big deal like you like you know maybe you make a six hole or you know for them I guess a bogey you’re not worried about it because you know you can make two birdies whereas someone else feel if you start to feel like it’s unfair or it’s doed and I don’t like the stuff was wasn’t it was it Patrick can no it was Windam Clark who was already complaining about the greens you have to have the mentality this it’s hard to describe CL like what what I’m it’s not because it’s not mental toughness it’s to me to me and man this is going to sound hokey but to me this is exactly what golf is you have to exist in this Zone where it’s just like um say lovey just just you know it is yeah hey I’m going to hit some good shots bad it is what it is but I’m not going to take anything from you and but you know I’m also going to hold my own hit but but but it can’t be this thing where it’s like I’m going to go out and destroy the no that because said you’re going to be hurt like Windom out here complaining about greens that greens that are too quick so whoever it is is going to be very chill going to be in a very relaxed mind State and they’re just going to be in the zone playing golf I think that’s Scotty um I think a couple other guys will going be do that who I think I’ll reflect in my in my pics here but um yeah it’ll it’ll it’ll beat you up and if you’re emotional you wear emotions on your sleeve you could have a tough time I think yeah you no no well I think both of you guys are 100% right if I could add something and this might this might compliment what you were talking about Vern I think um you know again you guys make great points I agree 100% I’m not going to repeat what you said but I believe that th that those are are key points but also you’ve got to be a golfer who is ready for a four round grind you have to be ready for like four round grind Hole by hole shot by shot it reminds me of like you know you’ll have a boxer or or or even in tennis like if men’s game or women’s game if I don’t get you out of here in the first few sets you know I’m done because I’m not down for long you contrast that with like medev or others who are like oh I don’t care if I go down yeah who’s the tall American who does like the four hour rounds all the time I can’t remember is Casper is yeah like like it’s like I don’t I don’t mind if you beat me the first two sets because I’m down for seven I’m good like it doesn’t matter I’m good to go six I’m good well I mean obviously it’s not seven and 10 but I mean my point is is that I’m good I’m good to go like the the entire distance we can go to tie Breakers every single set and I’m here to play as long as we we have to play in order for me to get this win it’s the boxer who’s who’s like oh if I don’t knock him out in the first three or four rounds I don’t know if I I’m good to I’m good to fight 12 and stand right in the middle of the ring and swing away at each other because they’re here so it’s the golfer who’s there for the grind and I’m I’m here for the win I’m here for the UPS I’m here for the downs I’m here to roll off the green and Chip up and score a plus three and I’m here to get that birdie and maybe even a you know a Lucky Eagle here I’m here for it I’m here for the entire thing and like you said I’m not going to be I’m not going to be discouraged by one bad thing that H one you know one or two bad holes in the second round and I’m not going to get too high I thinking I’m going to win it because I had you know a couple of good holes on in the third round like I’m here for the entire thing and so someone who has that kind of mental and emotional capacity to like I’m ready for the the entire match the entire you know the tournament I think that that’s probably yeah like 72 holes to the end not like oh if I go out get a birdie you know go on a birdie Fest scoring things I don’t think is giving that up like that I think you like you said you need to lock in and take this hole by hole Yeah 100% I’m leader after one okay don’t care gotta play tomorrow or you know I’m I’m you know T20 after one okay cool that’s fine I’ll go back up tomorrow see what I can do you know I mean I’m just because it’s a long round and it’s a long tournament you know all right so let’s do these picks um of course we got you know the favorites uh the long shots and the first- timers um you guys know how we how we um you know pick these and so I think Vern you’re first to pick yes I’m first to pick because I’ve lost twice now uh it’ll be won the Masters and he will collect this weekend and we owe Claude a nice little happy hour Ruth Chris for Xander for Xander finally getting I will really quick I do want to say it is interesting I’m going to keep this up like probably going to next year because it’s interesting how the names move around on this list the first two uh tournaments this year it was like for the uh excuse me for the um past M for the favorites Windham was up there now windham’s like uh he’s like below like hii matuyama on struggle so anyway uh so iside the first pick obviously I’m not going to waste it I’m going to take Scotty Sheffer with favorites um before you go further let me say this this might be the first time I’m not saying you would take Scotty like like you know you should have these bets tiger versus the field yeah this is the first time since tiger that not that I think you would take Scotty over the field with that bet but I do think you’re it’s it’s worth having that conversation like it’s worth putting it up again I can’t think of another player where you would say okay it’s going to be this player versus the field even when Jordan was on his te or when Brooks was on his major tear I don’t think there was ever a time where you could legitimately say okay this player versus the field since tiger and Scotty’s got us there right now I mean it’s evidence by we spent like we’ve been talking about the us over 15 minutes didn’t didn’t even mention this guy he won the memorial because just what he does it’s just keep won that from last week but anyway yeah so I’ll take that my favorites lb you have the next pick uh oh what my choices am I be looking at like a list or something or what oh yeah you want to take take I can I can go down the list if you like you want me go down the list you tell me who you want to pick y or tell me who am I suppos be looking from I mean where am iOS be picking from just anybody in the field no fav so Scotty so Scotty well okay I sent you a she yeah you you did oh I’m sorry you want me go down the list and just tell me to stop and no uh I’m gonna about why you pull it up why you why you pull it up I’ll talk about uh I’m just gonna go down the regular list here that I have I have the the tea times I don’t have a list of who the favorites are was that on my phone where where did that go to yeah oh was an email oh it’s in a shared document it’s in Google doc don’t wor I can go down the list and just tell me when to stop yeah okay yeah all right do that while I’m pull up the list so Scotty Chef is already off of it okay okay the next would be Xander shafley Roy maroy Colin Mo cower brce the Shambo give me Colin okay Colin was the favorite that I was going to go with oh wow okay my bad all right how about you CL you know what’s funny is I was tempted I was tempted to go Jordan speed in odd twist and irony I was tempted would but I think right now I feel between Fitzpatrick and and Xander but I just feel like this is the year of the of the hot guy like like there’s no reason to pick out side of the guys who been winning for the most part who’s been in in like top T so I’m GNA go Xander for my favorite okay all right Xander for the favorite all right so uh rotating down here to the Long Shots this one I so real quick pop quiz lb uh Brian Harmon what’s his what’s his uh most significant win oh he had the uh the British Open last last year because You’ be surprised how many people have already for that I did I did I did yeah you like Brian Harman what exactly he’s 100 he’s list he’s in the long shots 100 one past major winner so anyway I’m gonna take Brian Harmon for my long shot uh to do because shot I found the list now I’m going look yeah great iron player and everything else uh yeah so I’m gonna go and take Brian Harmon um and Phil the Bruster here a little bit while you look through your uh long long shots there long shots you don’t have to pick either you can also go to the uh to the other category you don’t have to pick in order well no we just keep it keep us moving out of this long shots I’m definitely not picking uh Sergio Garcia hell with him’s no reason no I’m not picking Ricky Fowler oh my god um asot asot but long shots is tough yeah he blew me he blew me off last time oh box box yeah c yeah because he I had him on my team before out of this long shot I’m going to go with the hometown boy and I’ll take Denny McCarthy that’s not bad because again when about putting in that short game Denny’s got a really good short game and I’m sure Mi this year too a bunch but I imagine that he’s been down and I was listening to the Bel buddy Alex Dixon the Beltway golfer show and he had an I think a kid who won the US boys am or something like that who’s gonna be playing at Pinehurst he’s a member at argal too just like Denny is and one day he went down to Pinehurst just to get a practice round in and he was paired with Denny randomly and so Denny’s been down there working like most these guys have but that’s not a bad choice lb I’m gonna go with Adam hadwin because now he’s he’s Hit or Miss but he’s been somewhat hot I mean the last tournament the memorial he was hot um and because his wife Jessica is the best follow on EX and Instagram she’s hilarious so yeah I’m I’m gonna go ad Adam hadwin with my uh with my uh all right and so for the first timers again for those listening who don’t know first- timers first timers is basically just anybody with odds better than 101 who has not woned make so non winner so this is your Victor hin your Patrick hanley’s this is listed Xander was traditionally on who he last couple weeks ago he moved off you know moved right off there Victor doesn’t have oh that’s right he didn’t win a major he just won the stuff for the FedEx exactly he won the BMW and something else or whatever right uh so man this is where I would normally pick Max hom or something like that and uh I’m not I’m gonna go ahead and go I’m gonna go sep staka because I was looking at some Stats today I was going deep on some St St got he got a decent iron game he could put he’s in the mix between him and Russell Hy so I’m going down there on list he’s uh I think he’s 8 to one he’s 8,000 plus 8,000 step strier and so this is is is the format of our picks the same as it was before the most out of our three whoever makes most money most money whoever force them makes the most money yep well okay well force them I only see three people on I only see three three lists here so the last so yeah exactly so the last one is BAS it’s your storyline pick it’s who you want who you want to win all right so my I’m second pick I’m going to go with sah let me no he didn’t let me down last I was say play last time he play yeah he placed last time um I’m looking at Tony Patrick kley has fell off the off the map completely listen off completely I mean dude come on man will Al Taurus I’m I’mma go I’m G stick with seah okay I’m G sck with the gala okay um so the the thing that makes Patrick kentley attractive to me here is that he has the personality that you need that we just talked about yeah true I think get super excited he’s going to play go he’s gonna play slow and he don’t care who G like it like making Brooks man so I’m temped I’m tempted to go there but I also feel like I mean I feel like Tommy Fleetwood has been knocking on the door and mat com has I mean not of not as of late neither one of them show much at the Valhalla yeah I’m I’mma I’m a go with burn give Sam burns from well you know now F and it could just be because I like following him and his family on Instagram I’m g go kley I’m gonna go Patrick kley go there play now I can tell you folks that for as much as he ruminated over that pick if Patrick kentley shoots a dud here this will be the last I picked him twice so far I picked him twice I will never do it again this would be last we’ve heard of Patrick kley last all right uh and then for my uh for my storyline pick again you can pick anybody from this list or whatever it’s essentially a wild card pick you just need to be prepared to talk about it you actually said it already el be uh Shane I I was going I was going Shane Lowry um because he’s another one he’s been in the mix in a lot of these tournaments lately knocking on her door and he just again he has the mental part of what we’re talking about for sure he’s super you know he’s just I’m having a good time I’m out here playing golf not tripping and for all the reasons you mentioned uh I think he can you know I think he can do something so I’m going to go with Shane for my storyline pick yeah I I will effectively root against Shane Lowry I don’t want anything I know I know you don’t um so for my if my uh just out of the blue pick I’m gonna go with uh yeah what the hell I’m gonna take T Tony Fe now okay top 10 all right top 10 Tony that was last year he was top 10 Tony not this year that’s true yeah actually I’m thinking that no I take that back I want I I want to redo since it ain’t been written down yet I want I want Victor H okay all right going to remember that yeah show me prove me wrong budy prove me wrong I’m gon go Tommy Fleetwood I’m gonna go Tommy and because again you know uh where he’s from what he used to playing on if he cuts his hair he might win if he keep that long hair he can’t he can’t win with that hair Claude for Claude has Fleetwood Patrick kley um Adam hadwin and Ander shley L sounds so weak my Force sounds so weak when you read it back that way lb’s for is Victor hin uh sahit tala uh Diddy McCarthy and Colin morawa his doesn’t sound too bad and then mine is SC Scotty sheffler uh Brian Harmon steepster and Shane Larry so I’m really I’m putting I’m seep ster Brian Harman doing a lot of work putot yeah you putting a lot of pressure on Scotty Scotty gotta win yeah you know what I thought about this for for a brief second but I was like oh what if I I said what if I I almost out thought myself just like well he’s been winning so much maybe I said don’t be an idiot don’t because I do it and he’ll win and you guys be like what what was your logic chance to have the number one pick even if he doesn’t take the CH of top finishing in the top 10 is earning decent money 13% like he’s would been the dumbest thing ever um I can just imagine ver not like out thinking himself not taking um you know Scotty and then just sitting there in front of the TV watching it not moving not moving just sitting there watching Scotty like on fire like like the like the uh North Carolina Pand man when it’s like hey Lamar is technically we can make an offer for him no we’re good we’re good in Atlanta in Atlanta’s too do we’re solid with what we got and then we gonna get Bryce young we’re good don’t need Lamar Jackson yeah huh yeah Dallas we’re we give Dak one give Dak another no we’re good with Dak yeah get Lamar but anyway so that’s that’s that uh let’s go to the LPGA lb um in New Jersey you went to cover the shop right and uh yeah give us a little bit on uh on that okay this Shar right classic in uh Galloway New Jersey uh I had I had a really good time I really I really enjoyed myself um I don’t even know where to start let’s start with the weather the weather was great okay the weather was spectacular it was a nice breeze blowing most of the time probably to the shagrin of a lot of the players coming off the off the uh bay there um but for the for the patrons of which there were quite a there was a few I mean really was I was a little disappointed in the uh the turnout I mean the years that I’ve been in in past was a lot a lot more people um I don’t know what was going on this weekend but the crowds were very sparse um but the weather was great I really enjoyed like I say the breeze that mean there was no bugs and nothing like that going on it was good all right so let me start uh I went on uh I drove up on Saturday morning uh went straight drove straight to the uh course uh you know got checked and everything um where the restaurant so we immediately they give you you know coupons to eat at the restaurant with which is in the hotel disappointing I will say that disappointing food was disappointing you know they give you the full menion you can pick what you went off the menu but the choices were really Slim I couldn’t imagine staying at this hotel which cost like 450 a night doing this weekend for the tournament so it’s you know little bit bit little bit of price gouging but if I came down I put $450 for a room and I come down to your restaurant and you give me my menu and it’s a one pager um and you know and half of it the sandwiches okay sure you have the choice between Tuna on wrist crackers or they Tuna on media right credential media yeah then you got to show your little coupon come on man we got to do better than this so yeah but you know you want to take advantage of eating this trash right I should be right what what there no there’s no Stakes on here I mean it was it’s really really sparse the the menu options but it is what it is it was free food so I ate it okay uh so so some of the highlights get some the Highlight stuff so the on I’m I I posted up on number 12 I don’t know why I posted up 12 but I did um let me back up so uh early this in May uh coach Howard and I drove up there for media day to play the courts right and we played with two randoms the one guy he shouldn’t even he shouldn’t had they should have took his we should have took his clubs from him he was so bad oh no so it was basically between me coach and this other guy who was a who’s a last minute standing for the other guy son who was out of town so we got two randoms one who don’t never never play golf and another guy who you know I guess he he has clubs and stuff but he don’t really play golf like that you know what I mean right he’s not he’s not a golfer he’s he has golf clubs but he’s not a golfer so between me and Coach we ended up minus I think we minus four minus five for the ram okay okay this is and it’s best ball which is terrible right I mean in my opinion that’s terrible mhm what’s her name I can’t make her name right now I never I never I never did a media day round where they had the groups do basketball no oh no we’ve always play basketball really at least the ones well at the sh always been best okay at the shop right yeah yeah it’s best ball yeah you yeah yeah it’s best ball but we shot like minus 45 or whatever um now I’m blank I’m blanking her name and I apologize the lady on the first day shot minus 10 um by herself you know what I’m saying she shot minus 10 on by herself we a group of guys we can’t shoot but minus four so okay so I’m I I’m sit up I post up on number 12 I’m about it I’m by the green I’m getting some shots and everything uh sh shabono that’s her last name I can’t say her first name I’m standing there and watching her and I take some shots of her taking her second shot from the Fairway man I watched that ball hit one time into cup I never seen that live you know what I mean it was it was amazing everybody you know screamed and hollered and stuff she didn’t know it went in it was a really it was a really uh something nice to see um this again back to Saturday uh Yuka Sasso who just won the US Open last last week she was there so uh again hold number 12 is a par four it’s got a slight turn to the uh right it’s a very thin green I mean it might be 10 yards wide at the front and goes and kind of turns off it’s kind of a dog leg green the green itself is dog leg okay he attempted to drive the greens 3155 yards do you know she ended up pin high oh but the problem was she went a little bit to the right a little bit too far right about 20 yards to the right okay and they had some some I don’t know why but they had Vans sitting over there to the right of the green over you know off you know off to the side right three vans passenger vans why they I nobody knew why they were there but her ball was like right next to one of the trucks I mean she get reliev though right well yes but they had to wait for the officials so you know you got people running around trying to find the keys they was like well we’ll just move the van well but nobody can find a key so we waiting waiting waitting waiting they finally decide that they can’t find the key for the van so they they do they official finally comes they give it two clubs length and she and she get she gets up and down for a par and honestly it was miraculous that green I kid you not that green had to be no wider than 10 yards from her angle was no no wider than 10 yards and she hit it she stuck it she hit the front of the green let it trickle up onto the green and she had a putt for so she actually had a putt for birdie but she missed it for par it would that was a one that was a miraculous par I mean any of us would hit into the woods on the other sideen it up close must have been yeah really yes it was it was very impressive very impressive uh I’m going down my list uh as you go down your list uh was the first round leader I can’t pronounce her first name but last name uball yes yes she the one she shot a 60 on the first got 61 yes 61 minus 10 Lord yes she saw minus 10 on the first day but on the second day she went what plus four yes on the second day the golf Gods will will bless you and they will Smite you all in the same time they and the bad thing about the golf guys is they know while you’re shooting 61 on the first round that they’re gonna get you the next day watch enjoy it they’re watching your have a good time have a good time TR I listen so I listened to one of her interviews afterwards and she has this phrase she calls happy golf where she just likes to play happy golf you know she’s not really worried she’s just playing so after this 60 she shoots oh 61 I’m sorry after 10 under she was like yeah I was just happy Golf and you know just going through and just not really thinking about anything just one shot at a time you know all the act all the regular stuff they always say yeah just happy golf so when I and I I I I caught myself because I wanted to say hey happy golf keep going happy golf on the second day when she was plus three about that I would have got banned so I didn’t say it um she would have cut you out more fun completely undoing all the stuff she said it was like and by the way she finished the t21 bringing in1 18,31 yeah yeah I mean honestly I really feel bad for because she yeah it it was 18 yeah and the next day when I because I’ve watched her a couple hoes on the second day and she was struggling I mean she was really struggling um so uh a friend of mine well Dawn friend of mine was with me on this trip and we were walking past one of the T boxes and uh it was the whole number 13 we’re walking we waiting for the the players to go past so we could go across to to go look at some you know another hole or whatever and a caddy and he was a caddy for Jenny Coleman who I wasn’t familiar with he he looked at me he says Hey catch this for her and he throws a ball at me and I you know because I’m an aete I instinctively caught the ball in mid a did you hear that CL did you hear what he said because I’m an athlete did you real because I’m an athlete I quickly caught the ball with little notice with little notice with little notice I caught the ball yeah out the air one hand grabbed it with the camera in the other hand by the way your camera that’s what I’m saying I got all this I got a backpack dude I got a camera around my neck you know I mean I got all these things but I was able to catch that ball out a b bar for athlete he caught the ball folks I mean but he says here uh he said catch this for her so I I catch it and I’m like really that’s we doing okay so here’s a ball for you all right he hit you with with the slick move to say man a ball for the girl right for your girl give your ball girl your girl a ball come on man what we doing um that’s a you move what are you talking about you got respect you be like exact G gay yeah so yeah that was cool um so I never saw Jenny play but I did go back and look she missed the cut at plus4 um all right I’m going the extra balls and something right that’s probably why he gave we not we not gonna need these here start giving these away light lighting up my bag um very smart uh Daniel Kang withdrew after the first round we don’t know what happened I I looked it up but I could well lpga’s website is trash so there was no information as to why she withdrew at least I and by the way LPGA you’re long we’re we’re longtime you know friends of of the tour someone or profit to keep the website up Lawrence has time okay so you can hire Brook I have some time but not a lot of time but we make a lot but you have time to improve what they’ve got now right right exactly I’m an athlete I can figure this stuff out what I would do you know what I would do I would take the PGA website and I would change it and say LPGA website they’re done add in all the same data we’re done it’s easy peasy true yeah yeah so she withdrew did you know she was 31 years old I didn’t realize Daniel Daniel K is 31 I didn’t realize that yesterday falling for a long time but didn’t get in as young as like you know Lydia Cohen and uh in Le I thought she did okay oh speaking of withdrawing we didn’t mention this but John Ram out of the US Open oh did he I didn’t know that really yeah he said not oh too hard can’t do it yeah well he has he has a quot foot injury oh yeah okay he’s complain you know what happened was he got used he this this live golf has taken him out of his game he’s playing with shorts music in his back in in his ear his game ain’t tight that’s what it is he his game is not tight but I will say watch this but in the last the last live event he did like when he swung a club one of the hoes he did Limp and like Grimace like and reach down to his foot so he might have a legit foot injury strikes me it strikes me is a little bit Luca uh Claude he’s one of these guys who’s who’s more injured when it’s going poorly no and that’s the thing he is definitely not the same guy since the p tour he’s not the same no no not at all not at all all right um okay next story camera snug so I’m at hole number eight um I put actually a couple shots I have on Instagram already I’m from hold number eight it’s it’s is green and behind it is just marsh land and then the ocean further back or Bay whatever the hell you call it um nice nice little thing so I’m I’m taking you know I’m taking some pictures or whatever and I’m walking away from the green of a a guy with a selfie stick this is very important with a selfie stick is walking past me he says Hey Sony or or Canon I said what Sony or Canon he points at my camera I said oh it’s a Canon he says what model I say oh I don’t know it’s a it’s a EOS it’s a r r00 he goes huh that’s a little one it keeps walking wow what really that’s what we do I said well it’s light and easy to carry that was the end of the interaction that was it I’m like he said little one I I’m should be ashamed of my camera where your camera at right you got a Selfie Stick Dude yeah you got a selfie stick first of all no one carries selfie sticks anymore number one even if you were in the era of selfie sticks and you had one that’s lame and two like no one asked you about what’s that Model come on man get out of yeah suris you help yourself rather composed for I did I didn’t want to get kicked out yeah I didn’t want to get K I’m guessing cuz you probably taking back like surprised by this interaction you say like what is this come on man what why you why you coming at me like this man come on process that very well la I did well I had to be on my P’s and qes cuz you know I’m I’m drastically outnumbered there I mean it’s yeah we keep we was keeping track and we would I think we got up to like nine okay yeah you can’t even Raise Your Voice exactly like excuse me excuse me I’m trying to take a picture excuse me um there was a lot of that um couple couple yeah a couple more things right um food we did find a great restaurant a blackowned seafood restaurant which is between uh Vorhees New Jersey was that Pennsylvania I think it’s p New Jersey where my hotel was and the T in the tournament in Galloway it’s about halfway between so about 25 miles away from the uh Resort but it was called seabar restaurant okay okay it was great they didn’t honor your voucher though I mean no no voucher I had to pay cash had to get them cash um was blackowned seafood restaurant okay um they have two things they make their own hot sauce like man and I had the flounder I had I had flounder I had shrimp and I had chicken fingers and I put all of it in that hot sauce it was so good very good um so I told him I was CU I I talked to the owner I was like yeah man this I’ll be here next year right yeah um and they make this stuff called sweet potato cornbread and I know Rick McCormick is going to love this place if he ever goes there um cuz he’s he’s into sweet potato casserole so it’s kind of like they took a take sweet potato casserole and they put it into the you know the little uh the little paper things that you use to make a cornbread out of those little PL with those paper B paper things whatever but it’s so it’s the cons it’s it’s kind of the consistency of of uh uh um what I just say about uh what’s it called cornbread casserole no no the yeah the casserole sweet potato it has a consistency almost of sweet potato casserole but it’s a little bit thicker and I don’t know what they put in it to make it a little bit thicker right so it it’s when you take it out of the paper it sits up like a regular piece of corn but it doesn’t not like a fall apart right it doesn’t fall apart it sits up so it holds its form um but it tastes like sweet potato casserole it really it was really good um and I had never lost 10 pounds we don’t need to take Rick there Rick if you’re listen to don’t go there yeah don’t go there Rick don’t go there um and the final thing I I would say about the uh this is my final little thing about the the classic um on whole 18 I I haven’t posted yet but there’s a I don’t know if anybody watching on TV probably not um there was a big Mound at the on the right left side of the green on number 18 um and I posted myself up on top of that mound I had great shots I was going to say to lb you got a lot of really good shot people go on instagam I mean you got a lot of great sh the trophy trophy ceremony like that was some really really really good work thank you I appreciate that I but I got on that spot right and I’m I got there when the when the leaders was coming in me so Megan Kan when she came up to 18 if she had birdie that hole she would have tied and they went to the playoffs she had the lead early but she lost it I think on 16 um she gave it back U which she was tied I should say they were tied and then she lost it somewhere around 16 17 so coming back in she had to birdie 18 to send it to the playoff chance yeah to playoff so I’m sitting up on this mound she sends her second shot long and it’s I mean it’s literally six feet from me when when it’s long so all she has to do though is Chip up she gota she got to get up and down for a birdie right and she had and I watched I saw this with my own eyes and here her and caddy are going back and forth about what club they hit and it’s it’s out of a relief area but it’s it’s it’s first cut rough it’s not nothing nothing crazy nothing crazy about it get the club on it okay yes yes I’ve seen other cuz as I was sitting there other ladies that was coming up who who shots went a ride ended up in the same spot to so I know it can be done yeah and they go back and forth and back and forth about it for you know couple seconds or whatever talking about what club he what to do and I swear in my mind I was I thought you know you not I I didn’t think she was giving it the attention that it deserved you know what I mean and she got up there and flued the shot she hit it off the other side of the green so now she’s got to make a chip back up to get it in for for birdie yeah and and and she and even that shot was even more rushed than the first shot was she just got there and just hit it and I was like no you know take your time this is this is this this shot right here is $100,000 yeah basically you know what I’m saying this is $100,000 shot right here between second place and first it’s bad job CAD man I mean what are we doing well I don’t know who’s at fault but in my mind I want to say hey sit down slow down slow down take your time you have let’s think about this what we gonna do here but she got out there hit this shot and I I mean she almost made it but but it obviously but she didn’t right um so that that that that kind of blew me um the fin the final thing was rookie mistake I made Friday before I left I charged up my battery on my camera got everything charged up got all my lenses together and everything put everything bag and go so I’m look I’m piling everything into my bag to take and I look at the charger for my battery for my phone I mean for my camera and I’m like I’m not gonna need this I just charge it up it’s good I’m only gonna be taking two days of shots Saturday about halfway through the round I’m looking you know I’m taking and I I don’t look at the LCD part I look through the lens through the viewer right through the viewfinder to take the take the L take the shots and I happen to see the little bar thing in the corner flashing well it wasn’t flashing but I was half half of my battery was gone I’m like oh man I still and this was halfway through the Saturday I still had a whole rest of Saturday to go I’m like I’m have to start you know rationing out my shots so Sunday comes I get there um and and it’s now I’m down to I had two bars when I left Saturday right when I you know when I turn it on on Sunday I got one bar left on my battery and and some other things that I’m doing I needed to get a shot I specifically wanted to get shots of the Trophy presentation right for the for the thing that I’m doing with Coach thing we doing with Coach B um I want to get the story shot of her with the trophy and all this stuff so I’m selectively taking shots on Sunday I mean I mean like I probably took five shots all day with my camera because I want to make sure I had enough camera left for the Trophy presentation so I’m using the uh I’m using my phone in other places whatever so the tournament ends they bring uh what’s the face out whose name I came anymore um St St something like that yes I’m sorry yeah the winner bring the the winner lady out talk about t for like 40 minutes talk about who was right we you talk about who went yet her they bring her back out they car her back out and do to everything do you do I took five I think I took five maybe six shots before my camera said oh I’m done so future reference always take your camera charger if you don’t have an extra battery but just take the charger stop buying them little cameras but you be all right stop buying the little ones yeah oh that’s a little right that’s what it was I got the little I got the little camera I should have bought the big one Canon correct correct but it was a BL what lene or Len strong yeah her 27 years old from Sweden there we go her her first LP and she sign she sign a minus 11 on um yeah on Sunday yeah oh yeah yeah she was she was she was at 52nd Place when the tournament started she went from the first look at that just y just out of the blue her first win and I will say this she was very welld dressed there was a lot quite a few ladies who were who attire Shar dress dress yes the lp like like the ladies apparel game is is like stepping up big time I mean you know you got malborne golf um you know of course pxg like the like the ladies apparel game is stepping up big time I mean the women on tour are loving it obviously yep yep all right I I will post more pictures got more pictures to post I just I got busy today got things to do ladies and gentlemen um so let let’s go to Piney Branch Ela you paid around a pine Branch let’s hit that up and then tag that with Hampshire um and then burn go ahead with Needwood and wav I’ll end up out in with this Sierra’s golf Corner okay I’ll make my quick um uh our buddy Glenn had um some kind of auction he was in he got him a free rounds at this uh Piney Branch it’s a private golf club up in in I don’t know what that’s called it’s somewhere in Carol County it’s an hour north of Damascus that that helps you of 27 um really nice course it was really unbelievably wellmaintained um Trenton Maryland looks like TR I’m sorry Trenton Mill Road Upper Co Maryland is what yeah upper Co and I was like what does that mean but yeah I never heard of up upper Co yeah what you said is best and hour north of Damascus yeah yeah yeah go to go to Blue mash and then go north for an hour you’re there um everybody know blue Mash is so yeah um very wellmaintained private course um so you can’t play it unless you somehow get through whatever some kind of situation but but very honestly I I’m trying to think I was we were trying to think of courses that were compatible to that um the greens were fast with a capital f and a lot of undulations in them three put if you got a three- put you were happy right you were happy with a three- put a two putt people were patting you on the back um that’s how that’s how fast the greens were um but the course is in beautiful condition I mean extremely wellmaintained it wasn’t really crowded um there was a lady maybe a ladies League or something because there were like four groups of ladies ahead of us that we had a 920 something tea time um I can’t say enough good things about the course it’s really really nice but again it’s it’s you don’t won’t get to pay unless you know somebody so really don’t even listen to what I’m saying I will say this though I will I will say this the one thing I will take away from this course I shot an 88 today and I’m and so we we pulled up to the TBO Glenn said you know he said we gonna play from the whites is 6100 where you gonna play from LB so I looked at the scorecard the next one is 56 I’m like I can’t do you know what I mean come on I said well I said I said this what we’ll do I’ll play with y’all but when I win I am gonna talk smack right and that has happened and so I’m talking smack I didn’t I gave him a pass while we were playing I didn’t talk a whole lot of stuff because I was hitting a lot dude I hit a lot of Fairways I didn’t keep track of how many numbers it was but it was probably at least 75% of the fairways I was hitting them puppies today you played happy golf you know I play Happy golf I hate happy Golf and and to be clear I I’ll drove them Bas quite a few times I just want to say that I just want to say that publicly yeah I called the ball middle middle of the face man it was gone it was gone couple times glim like where’s your ball and I go oh I think it’s there it’s up there 40 yards Whiskey’s gonna be great this weekend yeah I will hope I can bring that game with me on whiskey but it is what it is but it was a great it was a great round I’m appreciative of Glenn for inviting me out and being able to do that um but it was the putting was was was was treacherous pretty mildly okay yesterday I played at Hampshire greens my first Montgomery County course I think it’s the I think so I got to use my my birdie my little whatever that thing I get discount thing oh yeah uh whatever that’s called the Golden Bear pass senior citizens discount deily or something yeah whatever that thing it is yeah that thing so the round for me was 30 bucks yesterday at um at Hamshire Grant I like that it was a good number um so I played with I played with Sherman and I played with Barry and Carol husband and wife who are retired they’ve been retired for some time and great they were great couple excellent golfers and great people we had really had a good time with them uh I’m really appreciated that we didn’t play for money um because they would have they they own my house right now they would have taken it all they they they were they were both of them lights out I called them steady Eddie because you know I got to the I got you know how you get tired of saying good shot yeah somebody so good like make an eagle or something it’s like oh hey there’s a good right after a while I didn’t even say that anymore cuz every every time he hit the ball was in the Fairway it was just middle Fairway middle Fairway middle Fairway and Carol was the same way just straight straight straight but yeah but the good people it was a lot lot of fun to play with them and I told them I would uh shout them out today uh Sherman you know how Sherman is um he complains he hits a good shot and he’s like oh where that been all day and then he makes three bad shots but like but dude you don’t practice you don’t practice you can’t be mad you can’t be mad at the bad shots when you don’t practice just here having a good time man just enjoy enj and I made a mistake too uh I ate a gummy on the way oh and that was a mistake that was a mistake I shouldn’t have done the gummy didn’t shoot 88 that day huh no no no no no no no I I was I was apologizing the first eight holes I mean I mean I was it was left right up down dribbling you I mean popping them up it was it was it was it was a crap show it was a crap show I wonder what Barry and Carol were saying in in their cart as they were right right so but what’s funny was so I didn’t say anything to to them around it must been like the ninth 10th hole when I said I said I said uh you may find this hard to believe but I actually co-host a golf radio show based on how I’ve been playing today you would be prob as hard to believe that I actually you know talk about this stuff um but but toward the last I think the last four or five houres it it started to wear off and then I wasan back yeah I start to pay I started to pay a little better but that was a mistake I didn’t think it would you know I didn’t think it would mess me like that I thought I would just well in the in the in other sense gummy and then go deadlift or something to didn’t think it would affect me this way well on the upside on the upside even though I played poorly I had a great time I mean I was laughing you know it was all it all funny games oh good oh man right but yeah but yeah so yeah Carol and U and Barry again U appreciate playing with them um hope we run into them again it was it was a really good time okay there you go I’m done I gotta clear out here so look nothing was great I played with uh it was myself Rick krupin Matt and jamond uh the only other thing I’ll say ne were great condition we got around three hours 50 we’ve been playing fast rounds um only thing I say was weird uh Claud because Needwood usually a tough tea time to get and um there were there were threesome like I played with Rick as a tuome at on Saturday at seven and jammon uh Steve and Matt played as a threesome like two two spots ahead of us two tea times ahead of us and then there was a three behind us it was was almost like a bunch of people in the morning times canceled and they had no one to fill it so they just sent us out but it really enjoyable good time so nothing you know nothing to see there we you’ve heard talk about NE wood wly uh same thing this round was myself Mike Darren and Lou we got got to get out and and hit that was a great time I I think it was only his third round he played really well uh Waverly again in great shape uh nothing to complain about there also three hours 40 minutes Breeze I’m clearing out though because we’ve i’ you know I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention for those who made it who’ve made it this far you know that golf DV we have a uh we have a golf club an official USGA golf club and you know people we meet we play with we invite them and he’s like hey you want to get handicapped BL you join the club you know we’re trying to do events Lou Who I just mentioned is a member of the golf club and Lou couple days ago I don’t know the exact day forget me this L Lou made an ace Lou had a hole in one oh yeah he is the first member of golf DMV to join the ace gang and I’m going to present with something we’re going to talk about this later but uh I just want to give a shout out buoy Golf Club number five 183 yards a five iron I’m going to kind of mess the story up but basically he says like he I think he and Matt were were playing together and he he hits it up there and it’s one of those things where it’s like man looks like it disappeared like I know it’s good looks like it disappeared could that be in and from the T box he started recording and then when he gets up there they’re looking around and then boom it’s in the hole so in and I couldn’t be happier though because Lou again like said like he’s been like super busy to start this season had able to get out much and then he goes out there gets an ace yeah drops winning so I yeah so I you know again W NE those are great rounds we had a good time uh looking forward to that whatever whatever but I wanted to give the proper clearance to to him for the uh for the ace or whatever so that’s really and we got a bunch of golf coming up this weekend I know you’re going to talk about uh Sierra here in a second but yeah whiskey this weekend Little Bennett and then hopefully Hampshire next week it’ll be on Wednesday if you want to join us on I I’m I’m signing up as we I just saw it so I just signed up because that’s on Wednesday that’s on Wednesday we’re off yep that’s our day sh y oh that’s right that’s for you guys okay because I’m off every day Oh you mean that okay yeah I saying because it’s your but yeah yeah um but yeah so Claud you got it buddy oh yeah no just just to wrap it up you know I’ve been doing this whole thing with Sierra’s Corner because again she’s getting into it because you know the stuff with Manny and all the things she’s starting to find out about golf um one thing that you know so of course well documented the fact like oh they have stuff on launch angle on YouTube If Manny just watches this and he should be you know and then U what was it oh yeah I’ve mastered my pitching wedge I’m going to move on to other clubs now and so uh we played um Northwest inside n Sunday afternoon getting Manny geared up and stuff like that for one of his tournaments and um and so sier played this time instead of just kind of going and walking and stuff like that and she’s already made up in her mind that she’s never going to use her nine iron or her seven iron cuz she can’t hit those and so those are no longer in the bag okay so now she’s at the point now where she he’s taking clubs out of the and again never practices never practices but already has decided I can’t hit these clubs the seven and the nine they never yeah they’re useless it’s the it’s the clubs I can’t hit with them because she does so much better with the other ones she got Sheed the pitching W so remember correct correct so she’s got that one in the bag and she’s decent with the with with the uh with the draft funny yeah there it is all right we got more golf coming up obviously next week we got Father’s Day and US Open results and stuff so we’ll talk about that um and yeah again reach out to the to the um to the show if you want to play with us and all those other and all that other kind of jazz man we’re always looking to add people and uh countd down to Wisconsin it’s coming up can’t wait for it W Street Aon Hills All That Jazz all right guys we’ll catch you up next week on golf DMB

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