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OTB Tour Skins #122 | B9 | Hornings Hideout

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[Music] ladies and gentlemen welcome back this is the back n of OTB Tour series skins episode 122 from Hornings Hideout here in Oregon we got three skins on the line plus this card has agreed to do a lefty hole so they’re all throwing Lefty as righties we’re going to see how that goes this is second in the order is that Cole okay the Cole Gavin switch up still has me switch up I I tried to give him the pad he didn’t want it so he’s going to get it there with a Zone it’s 220 dog I can’t throw it that far my Lefty form looks nothing he’s got the croop luckily for the extra power okay all right I’m going to play a little Flex Shot Down the left side I’m just try to get lucky oh my goodness come back no no it’s kind of good come back it’s going to be great away wow my goodness you got a putt Lefty too yeah we already discussed no way that putt goes in but that would be wild Jake’s putt yes now we’re talking it’s not fair you know youo that’s not the Gap guys what are you doing oh it’s still going to play wait wait it’s still going to play it’s going to play it’s going to play I think Cole’s I don’t know if I call Lefty Lefty I don’t know 30 feet that’s pretty tough dang you are not 30 so what do you think thinking about here thinking about getting the form right with the power pocket in the left arm getting to 90 here and here exploding into the shot 30 seconds really oh my goodness go Inn oh my gosh what I thought I made it that would have been so crazy unbelievable you serious been the sickest one life this feels so I don’t I don’t think I’m I can even make that I think like 25 oh yeah that’s not stopping oh my God crushed it wow impressive lefties for those guys I really I didn’t think it was going to be that nice all of them were pretty nice with it gon almost rung it up this feels freaking terrible oh yeah gosh I feel like Jacob Curtis or something dude I can’t let him go so that’s not a bad run I’m I’m that one isn’t bad I don’t think that’s a made part honestly I got dang my Chris CL it must have hit that bush oh yeah did how close were you to go in no somebody needs to hit a H where’s my wait’s going for the swipers thought I made a lefty Ace it’s you Jake I hope you get for the basket oh yeah H let’s go bro wow that was good that was quality that was that’s not a gim not a gimme all right what is this how do I do this an Heiser how are you supposed to get any power with this stand it has to be anheiser there’s no power with a straddle stance just believe it you just got to believe an I mean it looks look good on the warm up yeah so you’re going to make oh my goodness that was so bad I’m just going to lay off I had no chance make this genon all day Focus did not translate this is lowy in the way I’m going to lay up wow $300 Lefty putt from a distance he could just drop it in with his righty the comebackers are going to be tough no way wow are you kidding me wow 10 straight skins now for G kidding me 10 that’s $1,000 thank you we got young Ganon Burr taking down that Southpaw contest getting 300 bucks three skins making his total exactly all of them every single one of them so far $11,000 in skins his way this is third in the order continuing to rotate that’s Gavin wrath bun cute little putter shot right here definitely worth the money oh my goodness I talked about the disc too much I said too much about the disc no that’s right you like push it and stall it oh that’s too much Hiser in that I know I thought about going flippy but oh there it is oh my nice J he got dial sick good shot wow than thank you that was like so inside was perfect uhhuh come on yeah Cole it did Nice Shot Cole oh my goodness we’ll see are you serious I hit a big tree but that was sick got these youngsters making all these smart wise Jak brother thank you love to see shop like that that’s you Jake yes sir this is a CTP hole it is not a CTP hole reminding me that we need to do another CTP hole so thanks for that bud welcome wow nice shot good ball good ball don’t forget guys we’re doing these matches all over the country we’re going to be in Minnesota at The Preserve we’re going to do one at the hollows coming up as well so get your tickets at gkr wow what a PT it’s all just easy for him he’s looking at it like just like just dial it up just as long as he does what he means to do it’s going to be dead center every time that’s a weird feeling to have oh yeah good nice PS thank you your bird’s cool Jake your bird’s cool sorry that’s the best I’ve ever seen that’s the best t-shot I’ve ever seen Yay good dve a push on 11 means we have two skins 200 bucks right here on whole 12 going the bottom of the order Mr Ganon Burr this one is tricky I’ll say it again it’s worth 200 bucks if they can get this one I’m saying that we should Mando the tight route Mando tight route what do you think I’ll thr I like it Mando tight route I like it Mand tight route hey my B my B I did that to Joel Freeman once by accident it was not pretty okay it’s going to be all right Lu he needed it’s going to be all right I better win this CTP sorry get it was almost an instant release gosh I got so scared oh God that was good [Laughter] oh no I’m want to pick my m man pars are good right now he’s actually genius on Cole’s part too cuz he started it and then you guys just got each other there it is finally somebody hit the Gap pretty that’s a birdie oh yeah o delayed Applause maybe closer what do the locals think how close is Gavin 30ish that’s for sure that’s for sure I’m going to say 30 maybe 40 maybe 100 oh got do it I goodness that was so close Jake’s just pleading for it over here dude that was so close Cole was it actually good yeah throw all the coolest shots that don’t matter it look good on camera that was [Applause] nice oh it is awkward oh [Music] noide it’s painful thanks after whole 12 one more push means three skins $300 are now on the line for whole 13 this is top of the order Jake Heimer showing us the way this is the first Par Four that we’ve played on this gon course worth noting see if these guys can attack [Music] it that’s not good is it just stolen kind of is that what you want sure it doesn’t matter is that is that pretty easy up and down yeah all the shots are the same it kind of blind over all shots matter whoa titer that’s still pretty good yep it look incredible it’s a crazy shot all right oh Gavin that’s so good move left that was yes sir it was close to the trees watching everybody watching them from up there oh they’re rolling you think we’ll get two birdies from there it’s not the easiest up and down it’s kind of weird everybody it’s pretty blind you’re not going to Eagle it unless you throw it in I feel pretty comfortable standing by that stat yeah it looks good it was so much lower did you guys notice that look at this hill AJ you’re just climbing up this hill boy you’re not even breathing hard do you do cardio I like wait I haven’t been breathing one over there [Music] you better be right about this 300 feet thing I’m not dropping her in there that’s got a swing was pretty good almost put it in you’re hitting the bullseye Jake you hitting the bullseye but you probably skipped a while always damn I tried to get rid of that with the spike yeah it’s it’s slap’s down behind it what are you throwing your putter there’s a putter okay yell steady let me know Jake that can’t be bad but it’s not going to go in 30 long 30 land right under it huh I’m not very Floy oh is that short short yeah it’s really short like how short like 40 short 40 all right that’s so good that’s too far might be deep way too far everybody’s got to make a putt oh no oh oh so mad where are we I’m I’m here it’s ugly SP on tour oh there who are you looking for probably You Gavin oh wow way left crushed it that was a big flip genon it was a flip oh it’s low am I good here yeah they’re good there I’m always bad string right nice P automatic this is ganon’s flip okay okay back to the pushes another push on hole 13 we now have this many skins quatro skins on the line right here for whole 14 second in the order that’s going to be cool and I just want to bring something out just show you guys what we’ve come come up with this is a skunked trophy you got skunked better luck next exiton there’s a few people on this card that are fighting hard for this thing right now so everybody remember that throw these shots with passion throw them with drive you do not want this ctps don’t count going sit right on the hood it does have a little cash cuz it probably means you didn’t make very much cash figure it out okay now it’s good you on this not on this one finding out today but yeah I had one in my bag already oh bounce backwards that’s good that looks pretty good oh yeah ni that’s short so soft yeah I don’t know what I’m doing F You’ have been better off throwing Lefty I might have been touch Grand and his skins account right now he’s fine oh that’s good super zoomed around it oh it’s bomb oh we’re going to have a puddle all right that was not good I think Gavin and I are pretty close couple of Park jobs Gavin throwing my A5 what do you know looking good you guys got to check one of those out go to luk or Prodigy find an A5 game forehand backhand approach uh okay look out heck yeah oh no way that for what happened ched out what happened chained out right side spun out it was so close that was a forehand no fade dang it was it because you were touching this Fern this beautiful Fern probably Budd keep my dreams alive woo that was a firm Puck that was nice Trust on that pole I tried after whole 14 a nice push from Cole and Gavin I hope they know that they’re both skunked right now and if one of them would have just accidentally missed that Ganon wouldn’t have won all 18 but either way he’s skunk intact we have five on the line $500 right here plus a CTP brought to you guys by yourselves the VIP skins members go to gkr skins if you want to become one of those it’s only $5 a month and it all goes back to the pros for situations like this $100 CTP plus the 500 this is third in the order that is Mr wrath bun hog Hogan Hogan I thought it was good hog it’s not coming near you beer them up way oh turn not right at the tree please damn that’s rough I’ve hit the first tree a couple times I don’t like this place oh this play side hand it’s pretty it’s pretty good it’s pretty good for a putt yeah right into that one oh really it’s all right yeah maybe it’s a what 40 46 it’s 80 is this allowed were you tying your shoe in the middle I don’t know man smart I’m not gning guys 30 that was me there it is doing the sandbags doing your sandbag routine yep do that you stepped your routine up though I like it I like it me yeah I’m fat bro I’m fast yeah well trust and you’re playing skin batches no no in real life that’s what Jacob Curtis said too and then I played with him that’s a good shot that’s going to be under it oh it’s [Music] a what thank AB dude Cole Rolan dealing my $100 this isn’t the first time today that we’re just going to give him the CTP right there from the members to co Rolan wait was that easy that was pure that was a CTP CTP oh my gosh do he never listen to me when I’m to stay focused that is awesome kids just don’t list no idea gav’s thrown in in situations just like this before daglo skins rings the bell think that Thomas Gilbert was maybe parked gabin from 250 out just Rings it up pushes it after I had already given the money to Thomas like I’ve basically already done for you Cole okay genon I give you permission to make this I give you permission to make yours oh uhoh you’re Jake we need you we need you we can’t have cold wining skins Jake Jake buddy you got it we need Jake we need Jake yeah we do we really need Jake right now to make this we really need Jake right now yeah Jake that’s the Jake we need Jake push last hole Jake pushed this hole pushing pushing pushing pushing use the pusher man come on Cole you got this put it just like that that’s stay Ino oh that was slow rough I can’t pick it up either thank you slow and painful Cole spit out clutch putt from Jake Heimer right there keeping it alive $600 six skins now on the line right here for whole 16 bottom of the order that’s going to be the tall guy but that skins that CTP rather brought to you guys by the SK members one by Mr Co Ganon show us the way oh too much absolutely way too much where’ that go maybe 70 front or back not good oh je apprciate you guys that’s dirty oh c had a skip angle on it not an ant it could have got an anti oh come on W it’s way too inside I think that’s a birdie I think so come on gav you got this course he’s got this who’s part is only one person close yeah just me pushing again don’t worry oh my sorry dude I got you’re going to have a chance it slid [Music] out I like it boys definitely a sidearm Jake that’s how you’re supposed to do it Jake’s close it’s all right I’ve been due for a long pot I think we got to end his hopes and dream you guys are both due for a long but tie this thing up man make this oh I’m not that bad coming in guys you remember that throw your bag thing that we did the the Sha shank skin so bad throw your bag you guys thre all all the discs in your bag that’s the right idea did you eventually win it I won yeah more something to hit wait you want me to go fix those no nope no okay change that right side we know why try some chalk right now 26 27 28 time oh chain out right side man that’s rough now if it was low I would have been mad but I don’t think it was that was never sticking you did that to yourself man thought I made it you summoned that we’re going to need a wrath bun no oh boy floaty uhoh jakeer Jake Jake’s got hard put to make still hard putt no G me hards are hard what if it’s another SP a bad this one 600 you know you want that trophy Jake I do not want the trophy oh this puts me in a bad spot hey don’t that chain oh professional shaky boy it caught finally go breaking that little sweep right there 600 bucks six skins going got our second professional of the day not the whole I thought I was going to get a skin on no was not that’s a hard hole we know one person who’s not getting that trophy today and that’s Mr Jake Heimer 600 bucks six skins going his way for that birdie unbeknownst to us when we arrived at that hole that that would be the hole $600 would be one on very interesting here we are the whole 17 this is a tricky one right here going back to the top of the order that’s going to be Jake himself show us the way wo yeah J come on one it’s got speed go a little bit close 12 ft further it’s kind of far again spy spce it’s not going to skip his big if you do that that was good what do you mean oh yeah perfect good work there’s two windows and I hit one of thems come on oh gav oh really nice shot okay I didn’t know there was a line there Bob spun all the way around though that’s that’s not going to be it’s not there’s a there is a there actually I tried it in practice did not succeed well we’re taking the Heiser it has to be like your stable PD how did you get through this yeah no no no no big guy no no no it was never going it was never going to work okay oh that’s so good woo nice dude you kind of need these we’re going to see I think right here one of two there we go sure let’s Co let’s go Cole keep it soft okay okay go boys two birdies for these guys I don’t know if they know but they’re like battling each other for the skunk spot I know that was really scary that was some skunky on the only skunk guy on the card all right a push on hole 17 with nice birdies from cver Allin Gavin wrath buun the two guys that don’t have skins thus far means that we have two skins 200 bucks now on 18 and if we push this one we’re going to play that throw your bag game that we do sometimes on skins to figure out who gets that last $200 this is second in the order that is Mr ralin these guys have requested a distance competition so we’re going to do it there is no prize but yep no prize just throw far so there is something on go back up there camera all right ganon’s putting hundred of his dollars on line that’s not what I said wow sorry I got to get back here you can do a long drive all right it’s brought to you by you guys this is for you right now the VIP members I need you guys to go sign up gkr skins so that we can give G genon his his $100 he’s not assuming I’m going to win okay Jake his1 there go oh he’s going wide hold almost I was going to go like low and penetrating I think it’s in the it’s in the trees it’s in the trees I want flat and get to this turn it more than that I can’t believe I lost it oh stable hey you going low gon yeah okay go under the branch sweet no this is easy money dang easy money he says yeah cut it into the ground yeah that’s better than being in the I know but it’s not going to win a long one more too I I’ll try one I actually won’t throw one until I hit one good 78 I think I needed this guy oh turn turn that’s so good turn that’s perfect nice Jake whoa all right far that’s the winner right there okay this is for not not getting skunked make it that’s not [Music] it it’s not bad yeah throw that many discs over a hill that you can’t see head up head up head up heads up oh ouch that looked like it hurt oh yeah solid work you got it oh do itk you okay where in relation to that bag of sticks is am I dang got some willing participants check this out walking into the swamp looking for Jake I’m just gonna go shoess right now oh this is going to be fun okay don’t pick it up don’t pick it up leave it leave it you’re good thank you you’re the man dogs out [Applause] yeah e what is that form dude your aut like a b g it looks like GB like Captain Jack running down the beach doesn’t look like an R my little kid handwriting yeah do it sit down okay I’ll do is a push we’re going to play throw your b in a second you guys got to stick around for this this is our best way to figure out who’s going to take home that last 200 in skins I think I’m pretty short down there all right all right thank you this will be a good spot to watch this next part from if you guys just want to chill here for a second I’m going to bring all the guys back here all right we’re going to figure out this last 200 bucks all right come back here guys oh we’re doing the throw off what is this you all the disc in your bag and just first one to make it okay from like 120 all four contestants can start throwing any disc in their bag as many discs as they want first person to make it into that basket gets that last two skins $200 right here give yourselves give yourself enough space yeah yeah yeah we tried doing it further trust me in like 12 seconds all your Putters are gone next thing you know you’re putting your 12 speeds all right on go it’s 3 2 1 go yall ready for this yeah three two one go go in oh oh gav ah come on these are all bad oh ganon’s hit metal like three times swinger haerer oh cool that was nice that was nice go Jake what is that sweet no Cole oh Cole that looks good too go go so stupid geten bird what was it oh my gosh are you serious that is so cocky that is so cocky that is so disrespectful [Music] wow all right guys that does it for the back nine here from OTB Tour series skins number 122 from Hornings Hideout your final scores right there exciting match Ganon looking like he was going to take the whole thing down grabbing the first 10 in a row then we had Jake stepping up and grabbing six of them I actually have the honor of awarding the first ever skunk trophy you got skunk better luck next time with little $50 bill on the bottom to Mr Gavin rathun yeah dude honestly I don’t feel too bad about it he’s on a streak he’s got a second and a third back to back on the pro tour kids got plenty of game this is no worries at all but thank you guys for joining us it’s been awesome to have this crowd with us hand for you guys as well and we’re going to see you guys next from the beaver State fling so don’t go anywhere we’ll see you there [Music] [Applause]


  1. Lefty hole only! Seriously?
    I love GK pro even more now! I have my notifications on all the time now…..

  2. Make GK Pro with ppl just under the cash line, but still driving cross country for the tour. Long time viewer and long time CTP prize donator and it'd mean so much more (to me) if my measly contribution had the impact of upgrading Dennys > Olive Garden for a straight grinder out there for the night after a long road trip. We see amazing disc golf on tournament coverage almost every weekend. I think it would be interesting to be THE platform for those yet to be knowns that are consistently out there and a chance to say "we saw them on skins and knew it was a matter of time"

  3. That lefty hole was great, I can't throw forehand so I tried lefty backhand and realized I can throw just about as far lefty as I can right hand.

  4. please, for the love that is holy, do an episode at Caliber dgc in Sandpoint, ID. 2 pro level courses, Caliber and Motherload. #8 in the world. totally worht the time to go there.

  5. The skunked trophy is hilarious! It`ll make the next skins match players work harder not to get it.😅 Super fun card on this episode, finally they are razzing each other like a good skins match is supposed to

  6. Gannon Buhr with his call out of dropping the disc on Joel Freeman. It was at Mid America Open Rd 1 Hole 3 and it was hilarious how much Joel freaked out about it🤪🤪

  7. Luke…I’ve known Jake for quite a few years, listening is definitely NOT his strong suit

  8. After watching the disc razz’s on hole 12, how about a razz hole on a future Skins where the participants have to try and shake the thrower?

  9. Can't put Gannon up against these guys with his lights out putting. Need Issac Robinson, Ricky, and Simon with Gannon. Would be a killer round of skins

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