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Norwich City loan watch | Insight on Adam Idah’s productive period at Celtic | The Pink Un

In part two of our Norwich City loan player series, Connor Southwell (@cjsouthwell1902) caught up with journalist Ryan McGinlay (@TheRyanMcGinlay) from the Celtic Way (@celticway1888) to get the lowdown on Adam Idah’s loan spell at Celtic Park.

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Hello everybody welcome back to the pinkin channels and welcome back to episode two of our deep dive into nor City players that have been out on loan and are returning this summer as of the moment and that’s a particular caveat in this video as we talk about Adam eeda and his lone spell at Celtic I’m delighted to be joined by Ryan McGinley from the Celtic way to uh talk about the Irishman and what was a very successful loans belt it appears so Ryan let’s um let’s let’s let’s talk all things Adam I I think let’s start at the beginning because it was it was quite intriguing and I remember I came on on your guys platforms um around the time this signing got confirmed or was about to be confirmed it was in the stages of it anyway and I remember sort of being asked a lot of questions about Adam Eder and the type of player he was but but also perhaps some of the fan reaction that that had been around the signing from from from a Celtic perspective in terms of taking a norch player who perhaps hadn’t been First Choice at the club and taking him him on loan so I guess the first question and and and maybe this is an easy one to answer but he has he changed that perception of him because it certainly from the outside looking in feels like he’s he’s he’s done that listen I think there’s been a lot of a humble pie being eaten over in the north of the Border um after after the second half of the Season listen I think a lot of people were a bit underwhelmed when Adam’s name was mentioned maybe just due to looking at his goal record looking at where he was in the packing order at NCH at that point in time I know he was playing FD Choice was it was Ashley Barnes and Josh Sergeant were the two players that were ahead of him at that point in time you know what was I I was trying to figure out what was going wrong for him because he’s an Irish International he’s got Premier League experience and he’s not getting game time for norch my goodness what a what an impression he’s made in the four five six months he’s been at the club got to remember he was brought in near enough on Deadline day as well you know a loone player coming in a lot of fans were a bit unimpressed with you know maybe what it looked like Optics wise but when he got on that pitch my goodness I think he’s H I think he’s almost single-handedly won Celtic The League season this season the league title in the double definitely has won the double single-handedly with his goal he’s let goal in the Scottish Cup final which is further endeared him to the to the the Celtics support and everybody covering them even the guys like myself and Tony who are on the website we we all can’t get enough of adding me that at this moment in time even seeing him doing well the other night for Ireland against Hungary scoring goals you know I I seen a tweet saying the Norwich City man I’m like I’m so used to calling him the Celtic man for a bit um so it’s it’s very much a watch that space I guess with with Adam but in terms of perceptions he did so so well to change perceptions of what was you know maybe a bit of an ey roll when he came in a lot of fans were collectively doing an ey roll as if another another loan player coming in that will do until the end of the season now everybody wants to sign him so I guess I guess he’s done well in that regard is is there a moment or a goal or a game that really stands out as the point where that flipped and and that view on him flipped was it something that happened pretty quickly did it take a little bit longer I remember when he came on in his debut he assisted Nicholas Kon who was another one of Celtics January signings he only signed two players in January which a lot of people said wasn’t enough K had good moments here and there but it was Adida that was the big success story out of the two he assisted K by passing it out to him at todrey now Celtic drew that game but it was an important point in the long term because he didn’t lose the game they still get that point they were they were behind in that game and they brought it back to get an equalizer so that was a good moment he’s also had a couple of really big late goals specifically taking penalties as well Celtic had a lot of problems with penalties this season Lis Palmer was taking them at the start he missed a few I think katti missed one as well and mat oil’s now taking them and but that’s just due to the fact that Adam was on the bench at that point I’m sure if he was starting he would have been the designated penalty kick taker um hibs away scores two penalties including one in stoppage time which was a massive massive moment Celtic were you know on the ropes to use a boxers analogy or a boxer boxing term the the title was not a guarantee this season the way that Celtic were playing they they did so well to get eight points clear and then they squandered that with the new Rangers manager coming in obviously Todd cell being a part of the Rangers side so that’s a familiar name um but big moments scoring penalties Big H headers strikes you know poachers goals he really has scored them all at Celtic I think it’s nine goals and 19 appearances but he start record he start to goal record is something incredible he makes a difference when he comes onto the park and I think he’s a he’s very much in the hearts and minds of of the Celtic support now yeah it’s interesting because you know I think you referenced it there I’ve got I’ve got the stats in front of me in terms of the amount of starts that that he’s had for for Celtic I think it’s it’s something like four in in in the league yeah four four in the league one in after obviously the the the split so five five in the league and then two in the in in the Scottish cup which obviously you know we we know he produced a a rather big moment in so we’re talking what seven starts out of out of his 19 appearances and you referenc it what was it nine goals in in that period a couple of assists as well it’s it’s a remarkable record and I think probably and again I appreciate this is difficult for you to answer because maybe you didn’t watch a huge amount of him at norch but there are norid fans who are wondering on Earth has changed has he kind of spoken about what he feels has changed or why he feels he’s he’s had he’s had more success at at Celtic and in those conditions or are there any changes that Brendan Rogers has made to his game to help that I think you’ve half given it away there by mentioning his name Brendan Rogers a guy that knows him from playing against him or managing against his teams in terms of when he was playing for Norwich and Brandon Rogers was at Leicester city he’s obviously kept an eye on this player and it’s been a perfect a perfect thought I say like a reunion I know it’s not a reunion I know they’ve not worked together before but like you know two the two actually coming together again but actually working alongside each other Brandon Rogers was waxing lyrical about him when he came in came through the door because it was a lot of people that needed convincing about ader um just due to you know the amount of games he’s had maybe he’s poor goal return even though he’s is still quite young for a striker he doesn’t have the best goal the game return but Brandon Rogers was like this is the sort of player that he’s needed he’s got a a diminutive striker in kyogo fahashi that scores goals and he likes playing getting the ball inside but with Adam he changes the game completely he can hold up the ball he can bring other people into the game he’s quick as well he’s deceptively quick I know I’m telling you things that you probably already know about ader but in the short time that we’ve seen him at Celtic he’s really s this if this is an addition process then he’s passed with flying colors because he really has been exceptional for the for the limited time he’s been at the club I can only imagine how many more goals he would have scored if he came in at the start of the season but from the end of January to what the middle of may you know it’s it’s an incredible goal return for him I don’t think he could have done any more although maybe there’s he actually could have scored more goals against strangers he had a couple more chances particularly in the home game but I think a lot of people are hoping that they can save that for next season if he joins in a permanent yes it’s interesting isn’t it and and obviously there’s there’s so much from an orage perspective that that we could speak about being in the same environment for for a long period of time and maybe that sort of fresh scenery has has really given him the Boost that he he needed and I think that was a little bit of what they you know David varer spoke about actually at the time in January a reason as to why they let him out but but also he he’ pushed to go out on loan to kind of experience that but to be dropped into that in I mean you you know all too well the the the pressure the size of representing a club like Celtic that comes with that and I think from a norch perspective everyone was looking at it looking at how he struggled with confidence and he’s admitted this over over the last few years at nor City and thinking goodness me you know dropping him into that type of environment could be very difficult for him but actually that seems to be something that he’s really relished and something that he’s really sort of grown into and taken on his shoulders quite willingly yeah I think it’s just a change of scenery that really really helped him and you talk about his confidence he hasn’t looked like a player that’s short on confidence whenever he plays for Celtic when he comes on to the park you can see he’s Welling everybody he’s well in his teammates he’s also well in himself to get goals get assists make himself a Nuance a past up front that’s another thing that’s good about him even though he’s a tall player I think he’s what six foot one six foot two he’s a bit of a past he’s at people’s knees and feet and trying to get trying to get the ball off of them he’s a guy that’s clearly bought into and there’s a cliche up up north that we always talk about about a player that gets it he truly does get what it means to play for Celtic and be part of that winning mentality it’s that option that extra option that’s that’s been when Adida comes off the bench either that or if he starts it’s just having an extra option to have kyogo is a good Striker and he’s own right a very good Striker but Adida is probably more akin to what brandan Rogers likes to work alongside I know he worked alongside players like Paton D Jammy VY at Leicester but he does like a Powerhouse up front as well you know you look at M and Bell you look at oddson Edward these are all these were all big imposing figures and ‘s kind of like a hybrid the two I would say but it’s it’s the best of WF worlds because he’s mobile but he can still put himself about I just think he’s really enjoyed his time at Celtic and whether that’s the end of the story or the start of a permanent deal I think it will do wonders for his career having that confidence I think you can even see that when he plays sort of Republic of Ireland he’s now got a Swagger back that I think he’s been missing for the past couple of years and people can’t speak highly enough of him up north yeah it’s definitely nice to see him with a smile back on his face I think it’s it’s something smiling a lot that’s it’s absolutely he’s quite a frustrated figure at points at Norwich and for good reason like you say not not I think he would argue he’s not really had a run in the team to show what he can do he’s obviously spent a long period of time behind Tam booki then he’s behind Josh Sergeant that’s very difficult to to deal with and like you say different sort of role but I guess it’s All About Management isn’t it and making him feel part of of of kind of the side and and making him a key part of that as you mentioned even if he doesn’t perhaps start um a lot of games one thing I did want to ask you about and you referenced it right at the start and I’ve heard Brendan Rogers describe him as Catalyst as well to to Celtic going on and and doing the domestic double that they did um just explain to us a little bit about what he gave Celtic at that time compared to what they were missing because everyone saw how the title race narrowed after Philip kont came in at Rangers and it looked a bit hairy for for various points what has he injected into that team that that was that was required is it a bit of competition what was the key and why are people sort of describing him as the Catalyst I think big goals competition and the fact it was a third option as well or a second option because Celtic have three Strikers at the moment get kyogo who has very much First Choice he’s the main man at Celtic in a striking capacity when you think of Celtic Strikers you think of probably kyogo at this moment in time they’ve also got a South Korean Striker oong Yu who has been in and out of the squad he’s not hardly had any game time this season he was an an POA cogo signing I think he’s kind of been he’s kind of fallen through the trap door in that sense of being in between managers where an poog left Brendon Ro is in and he doesn’t have any allegiances or loyalty to him so I think he’ll probably move to pastors now in the summer big moments you know goals at far Park the goals at Easter Road goal at I Brooks goals at Celtic Park he’s been scoring everywhere and then finally that goal at hamen massive You Know Jack butland does make a mistake admittedly but he’s there he’s he’s there to capitalize on the error and put it in the back of the net you know 25th me is a very very important day in Celtics history that’s the day that they won the European Cup against Santa Milan in 1967 he’s wrote his own wee bit of history as well with being at Celtic and scoring in a cup final in the 25th of May so regardless of what happens now whether he does get a permanent move to Celtic whether he gets a Perman move to somewhere else or he reignites his career at Norwich he’s he’ll always have that great five six months at Celtic and I think loads and loads of Celtic fans supporters will be so you know proud and and pleased and thankful that he’s had that because without him I don’t think it would have won the league with the big moments that they had you know it’s not just big goals away from home it’s big goals away from home late on in games 89 998th minutes you know scoring doubles scoring late goals scoring goals at I Brooks when there’s not even any Celtic fans at their way ground you know to to channel that pressure and then use it as something to thrive upon he’s just he’s just been an absolutely Mammoth signing for Celtic and I think I speak for a lot of Celtic supporters and saying that we do hope that he does stay because I think we’ve only that to the surface of what we of what Adida could be ESP especially at Celtic you know the load of the Champions League might be big for him as well in order to take that next step and doing it in the Champions League there has been links with other Strikers Danish Strikers um oddson Edward returning although probably the the wages will be a bit um Skyhigh on that so if Celtic could do a permanent deal for Adida then I think everybody would be pretty happy with that that recruitment yes and and that was going to be my my final question really because Brendan Rogers wants it Adam probably wants it from from what he said the Celtic fans want it what are the feelings at the is it one of optimism pessimism around ad amida returning on a permanent basis what’s what’s the the Celtic feeling on on that the moment I think at the moment there’s more optimism regarding poo Bernardo rejoining Celtic who was the other player that was that was on loan this season from Benfica benfica’s a B team and sort of on the on the fringes of things he’s under 21 Portuguese Captain so he’s quite highly rated but he’s came out and said that or he hasn’t came out and said but the reports have said that he wants to stay at the club permanently the club that he settled down with and played a lot of games with either I think the feeling is that a deal can happen it’s whether or not C want to pay the five six million pounds that that Norwich are um are asking for I think they can spend that money they’ll get a lot of riches from being in the Champions League they need a striker because it looks as if o as I said previously will leave the club they’re still question marks on the long future of kyogo as well being 29 years old but with Adam 23 you know he still get loads and loads of years he’s still essentially a baby when it comes to striking he won’t he won’t hit his prime until he’s 27 28 and even then Celtic might not even see that even if they do sign him permanently because he might have moved on to his next club by then but I think you know taking taking the biased point of view out of it I think it would be a good move for him as well because he seems to really settled he’s got goals scoring maybe he SS the league a bit better we bit more more physicality in the Scottish League um and he he he can just play on all surfaces you know you’ve got to play in the you’ve got to play in the plastic pitches as well although they’re getting outlawed in Scotland very very soon but you could say that arguably his best performance was on a plastic pitch which is great to see Celtic had so many problems in the past with players not being able to play on that artificial surface and at rugby park against karik he was the best player in the park it looked as if it looked as if karuk and Derek mckennis were having Kens watching him because they they were expecting kyogo to be playing up front instead Rogers throws a curve ball and throws um Adam straight on from the start and he he scores the opening goal and just herodes kic’s defense for the the full time that he was on so yeah all good reports from from up North I think we’re all hoping that he can sign in a permanent deal but I guess it’s more of a watch this space at the moment rather than you know hoping we’ll see how it works out I know that NCH have got a new manager and he’ll want to assess his his Squad that he’s inheriting but you you would hope that maybe a deal can be done between the two sides from a personal point of view at least yes and as as you say very much one that’s I think is going to rumble on for a lot of the a lot of the summer it feel as you said I think nor are back in preseason at the end of June so doesn’t necessarily feel at this moment in time things can change They do change very quickly and they can move but it feels at the moment like nor are expecting him back at this stage for for for preseason Ryan thank you so much for your Insight for your words that was a a really glowing and and and insightful bit on Adam eer maybe I think some nor fans will probably be slightly surprised by it given maybe the player that that departed in January compared to maybe the player that is coming back this summer so um yeah g sorry yeah that that that’s the thing as well but Celtic are experiencing that too with Mikey Johnson who’s went down on loan to West bromich El now we’ve always known that there’s a player there like I think a lot of Norwich supporters and people who cover norch will think about e as well he’s had moments but for the first time in he’s Ked it seems as if miky Johnson has put it all together and he’s put put together five six seven good performances maybe not in a row but in a short spe period of time that he couldn’t do at Celtic so it just goes to show you how important um how important a change of scener can be um and who knows maybe even Mikey Johnson further down the line could make that move to norch if if norch were interested in a Winger you know that could actually be not to not to play Devil’s Advocate or anything like that but that could be part of the deal if Norwich are looking for maybe a Winger down the line and a player that’s used to the championship as well you know West Brom didn’t make it up to the Premier League at like likewise with Norwich unfortunately but you know a player that’s used to playing in the championship not not to do all your signing and recruitment for you but that could be an an Avenue that you could potentially go down yeah well he’s been linked before so um yeah I don’t think it’s it’s the worst shout in the world Ryan thank you so much I really appreciate your time and your Insight I’m sure everyone else will as well and like you said it’s going to be absolutely fascinating to see what happens with with Adam um this summer just just finally for people who who are watching and and maybe aren’t familiar or don’t know where to find your work just uh give yourself a little plug where and and and let everyone know where they can they can find more of your Celtic ramblings yeah so if you’re looking for some of the best Celtic content on the internet at least so we see it’s www. Celtic way. subscribe you’ll get some free content on there as well as some paid subscription we’re also on YouTube on the Celtic way if you just type that in we do daily morning briefings and you can find me on X the so if you want to give me a follow and ask more about ad I’d be more than happy to share my glowing review of of the Irishman so man thank you very much and thank you very much for watching and uh and listening and we will see you again for episode three which I think at this stage is going to be about a certain Abu Kamara see you soon


  1. Ryan isn’t half talking some shite here 🤣

    People are acting as if Adam Idah is some sort of God. He did alright, but absolutely no where near the level so many Celtic fans are hyping him up to. Three or four of his goals were penalties and even the winner in the Scottish Cup was a rebound that fell at his feet.

    After getting subbed on against R*ngers at Celtic Park he should easily have had a hat-trick but he squandered every chance (probably because it want a penalty or tap-in).

    I personally hope we don’t sign Adam Idah again because 100% there is better available!

  2. I not the only one who saw the raw talent…

    City managers and fans gave the lad little chance to shine.

    Lack of consistent game time and playing to his strengths were obvious issues.

    Norwich have a history of not making the most out of young striking talent. Ryan Jarvis, Carlton Morris…etc

    I hope Brendan Rogers and Celtic will give him the opportunity to show what we couldn't nurture.

    He's better than Solanke, probably as good as Isak and Calvert-Lewin given the chance.

    Good luck to him.

  3. Norwich have never given Adam idah a proper run in the team maybe now he can have his chance with a new head coach

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