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The Actual Stanley Cup, Chiefs Championship Ring ERROR, UFC 303 Update | Ep. 175

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Today we’re talking all the dents/mistakes on the Stanley Cup, a glaring error on the Kansas City Chiefs’ Championship Rings, an update concerning UFC 303, and more on Punch Lines with Frank Nicotero.



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[Music] everybody’s working for the weekend name that band somebody ah it’s lover boy working for the weekend ah how do you not know that song Hello everybody welcome to the show we call punch lines the punches for the jokes the lines are for the folks who love to gamble on Sports so basically that’s you watching I hope it’s Friday you just got paid right so if you want to come down to the South Point or jump on the app we can help with some advice okay picks at 1236 coming up I’m Frank ncar longtime comedian lifelong sports fan and Today’s Show we will try to predict the future at 12:36 with picks and I hope we could be as good as this guy at the Mets game last night on predictions yo got the usbn alert let’s walk this off right now did this unbelievable I mean you know he does it every pitch for the whole inning am I open am I up yeah okay yeah and Bam is that JD JD Martinez there you go he called it yeah I think they said that was his first walkoff I was just gonna say that you stole the Thunder but that’s that’s why you’re no that’s your the call I I can’t introduce you yet I have to introduce Ryan first hold on behind the glass is Ryan B McCormick the b stands for Bost Austin who might try to win the NBA title tonight we’ll talk about that uh much more later in the show and here to give you the rundown of the day is Ry guy going with Ry guy yeah yeah yeah I that’s fine dude you gave me that nickname for you yeah I was going to call you the Ryan Ry dude or something you’re calling me Ry dog dog from Drew dog and you went Ry dog Ry guy yeah all right Ry guy what’s what’s coming up today on the Big Show well so it is a farlay day considering it’s Farid farlay Friday um but it is also a championship Friday being that the Celtics can end their Series tonight the Panthers could end their series tomorrow the UFL Championship is uh the what UFL Championship yeah I know um and then we’ve got some uh teams that have gone back to back the last two years talking about them in posts or bit of that’s crazy today so yeah what what is it called again an what that’s crazy I was waiting for meow oh meow there we go uh by the way we hope hope you guys are enjoying the new thumbnails we’ve been doing kind of previewing what’s coming up on the show you saw on the thumbnail for the show you see a Stanley Cup you see something wrong uh Travis Kelsey’s eyes look really weird he’s wearing glasses he’s wearing GL those are glasses all right we’ll get to that and then uh there’s two white dudes but anyway I it’s Conor McGregor and Michael Chandler of course it’s Michael CH Mike Adams Mike oh M Mike Adams oh we’ll get to that uh anyway Ryan uh thank you for being here and producing the show killing it lately and you have a nice desk a nice work area I also have a nice work uh desk area but ESPN does not for the NHL coverage did you see know in Edmonton yeah I don’t know the billion dollar Corporation look at this desk yeah it was kind of kind of embarrassing yeah they that is a foldable desk no it’s an Ikea table it it has to be yeah there’s extra parts under there there’s a handful of screws you can see their legs yeah that’s ESPN lent thin table they that broadcast is terrible yeah the excitement from the broadcast the play- byplay is not there it does not compare to TNT the last few years it it’s not good well you know what No One Compares To The the L sitting to my right on the show it’s Friday ladies and gentlemen uh everyone’s in a good mood close out the week we have two-time national champ she doesn’t drink tea because it gives her a headache she’s a country music fan and a sports betting on us it’s the one and only Alex white ladies and gentlemen it’s here closing out the week Monday and Friday Alex what’s happening I’ve got a few baseball picks and then we’re going to talk hockey like Ryan said tomorrow’s game pick that I love and then I even have a college baseball pick that Kenny white gave me to share so I’m excited to share that Dad gave you a pick and college baseball is his like colge that’s his thing all right uh Alex um what was I gonna ask you I had a question on my head I can’t remember um tea does give me yeah oh that was it so how did you you just green tea or iced tea or hot tea all tea cuz I like the taste of green tea so I’ve tried to drink it multiple times and I’ve gotten a headache every time and then those new energy drinks that came out with a little bit of green tea um yes um those made me sick as well so there’s definitely something to that but I love coffee I can drink caffeine I love Diet Coke and like you too and yeah uh Ryan anything give you a headache besides my voice constantly in your head yeah uh not yeah he’s like yeah that not anything that I consume that gives me headaches I more just get migraines when I don’t sleep enough oh yeah you do this is very very our subject with Ryan he actually missed a day this year recently um well today is Flag Day by the way so I wore a red shirt three we have Alex white and we have blue light so happy Flag Day uh June 14th that’s also Jackie Mar Fugi caprio’s birthday yeah happy birthday Jackie happy birthday Jackie love Jackie we have a Raiders flag hanging right there I wish I would have grabbed that so I could have how long is it how long is that been there the entire time we’ve been here no it’s not yes okay wellow well I never noticed that before uh hello punchies what’s up everybody out there uh hello Keith Ryan hey Keith Ryan and Alex uh wait no hey Keith Ryan and Frank Tommy didn’t welcome Alex you didn’t say hi to Alex you say hi Alex Keith already with the jokes by the way I’m I’m a little mad I want to thank Jerry or Kane whoever retweeted uh the fact that Keith got me yesterday we were talking about Matty Aloo was a trivia question and then he said oh his brother Bob was also traded for Desi aret and I went Babaloo so Keith L will be here on Monday and I have to we have to I have to plot some sort of Revenge for him on that you know he’s watching right now he’s in the room yeah Alex what about a Long Island Ice Tea he’s wondering do those give you headaches they give me headaches I tried a Long Island and no I little what little rewind what do we got here showing the I’m showing the flag showing the flag the Raider flag yeah that’s really dark you can see the the post I’ve never I never look left but it was above the slot machine I just focus on you Ryan I never look left uh does anything of you headaches we didn’t ask um lots of alcohol the next day uh no what gives me headaches um no I don’t think so no I have the strength of 10 men uh comedy clip of the day let’s do it speaking of the NBA uh Boston could close it out we’re get to that I know I’m I’m skipping backwards I skipped over the comedy clip I’m sorry it’s the CC o the D CC o the D I’m trying to make that stick uh here we go so Dirk nitzky last night volunteered oh G before game three so before game three Dirk Nowitzki volunteered to stand under a hoop and have a guy try to dunk on him dun over him jump over him to dunk here’s what happen little dunk and then gets dunked on it’s a Hall of Famer right there and the guy almost killed him yeah and who shot that through a window I don’t understand yeah the way the perspective that was anyway anyway we thought that was funny we wanted to show too not even close not even close no it’s just like a random like derk’s like yeah sure I’ll let some guy try to jump over and then the MC was like yeah give a hand for I forget the guy’s name that was trying to Dun give a hand for him no give a hand for dirk don’t give a hand give a hand for dirk uh today is Flag Day again talked about this a week ago I learned these dates in school no one else knew that but it is also Alex it’s national cupcake day it is National bourbon day so maybe a bourbon fon it’s International bath day and it’s National movie night Kaden please tell me you had AI do its thing and combined all of these things in I love the guy okay there’s a guy in the tub he’s taking his bath he’s got a flag he’s got a cupcake in there somewhere oh cupcake holding a cupcake and bourbon and bourbon and um he’s very happy about it yes he is very excited then we have a cat I believe that’s chalk or crash the cat who’s celebrating Flag Day with his cupcake and bourbon I love that one uh why is a cat and the hat in the middle what happened there uh well it’s the poster behind the guy in the tub oh you did a zoom in so we would know kateen very good and then there’s just yeah it’s a very I don’t know what’s going on with AI it’s very crap oh is it I don’t I don’t know what’s going on there I can’t what am I looking at oh yeah thank you I’ve never noticed that monitor’s much that monitor down there’s much crisper I’ve never I apparently have never looked left in this studio never seen on shots here I I never no that that monitor is very high res well now it’s gone I I gotta look at the crappy one all right so H Cat in the Hat all right well there you go anyway uh I love doing those Kaden good job uh movie night National movie night what would be a good movie to watch on a Friday night what would be a movie that you’d watch or the most recent film you’ve watched people could watch 500 times he’s watch Jurassic I actually haven’t seen the new Dune yet so the new Dune 2 yeah Kaden saw it five times with five different ladies four times more like 10 times you got you went six the last two with two different girls in the theaters and then he’s watched it since it’s been on been on how many times have you seen D dun probably Jesus I haven’t watched yet what’s the last movie you watched Alex a three-hour movie man I I don’t know she doesn’t know one of the movies you told me to watch one of the one of the gambling movies well I watched Argy pretty good Argy by the guy who directed uh gentleman distinguished gentlemen whatever those are called Matthew vaugh anyway I was it was entertaining Scott Bryce Dallas Howard Sam Rockwell’s always good Brian Cranston huge cast Katherine O’Hara was good action movie it’s on Apple there’s my recommendation all right the next movie I’ll watch is that the Deadpool though oh yeah Deadpool Wolverine yes if you’re also looking for a movie tonight you could watch uh the wishmas the original wishmas and um Ginger Dead Man 2 the ginger Dead Man 2 is always good Wishmaster look for me as pharmacy customer number two oh if you’re not going to watch it I’ll do my entire scene one more time for hey buddy are you okay thank you very much thank you Andy martello in the chat saying if that monitor is big and blocking the view give Frank a golf club everything will work itself out from there oh Andy Martel Andy and I were at the Ballpark last night we had a good time uh we had flip-flop days so you got to watch hockey last night Andy uh Andy give my best to Willie Nelson that’s an inside joke for Andy and I that I can’t explain to anyone anyway uh the ballpark was kind of fun last night I want to point out there was a guy there that is throwing out he’s breaking the Guinness World Record he’s throwing out 50 First pitches so we were stopped 14 he flew in from New York he had no idea what time zone he was in his name is Eton uh LaVine something like that I told him we would love to have him on the show and talk about it he was off to like Colorado he’s doing like I think he’s doing like 11 major league stadiums he goes the ones with the bad teams are really easy to do he goes he’ll be doing Chicago White Soxs and Colorado Rockies but he gave me a little sticker 501st pitches he interviewed Andy and I both really nice guy so the record was like 40 but he’s do it for a good reason he’s raising money for make a wish he was a cancer survivor so uh also the money that he raised last night by handing out his stickers or whoever donates stays in Nevada uh for the make a wish really cool thing and he called it Nevada in the middle of the interview and I wanted to correct him but he was talking about make away so I didn’t want to correct him so do you see him Ryan so is this 50 in one year 50 in one like summer yeah he’s doing them like right in a row yeah yeah look LaVine yeah so his Instagram is e t an the goalie yeah it’s also a comic uh but a nice guy and he’s going for the record I said hey next you know when you’re getting close to the record we’ll have him on and uh he shoot a lot of video and a guy following him around so uh yeah it was an exciting night at the park and uh the team won with a walk-off win last night yes uh Jordan Diaz had the winning hit yeah you know what that means car free car wash Diaz had the winning hit or you scored the winning run no he’s number 13 he had the winning hit okay uh and then we went to interview him slide at the plate and we didn’t know if he how fluent he was in English and then poo the catcher yelled at Andy like why you ask him a question and Andy’s like oh we were told just to show clips I’m like I just want to get the hell out of here but anyway it was a good time at the Ballpark uh and what was what did I skip oh the AI thing no I didn’t let’s go to we got to it we just kind of we did it like that yeah because I said that 10 minutes ago it’s National repeat day it truly is what okay ladies and gentlemen it’s episode 175 Chris Andrews the director here of the lovely sports book wants me to point out that it’s Joe Green Day he was number 75 we did this 100 episodes ago but anytime 75 is around anyone from Pittsburgh is going to think about Joe Green now you want to talk about being thrown for a loop on episode 75 it was oh I see where you’re going with this na oh no you said it was National opposite day a 100 shows ago so I en roll the beautiful footage of meat and a banana here we go 100 episodes ago Ryan and I it was opposites day ladies and gentlemen here’s the show open are we talking over this you are all right it was National opposite day here we go happy Thursday everybody and welcome into episode 75 I’m your host Brian McCormick and we’ve got two special guests on today’s show got Jeff parles coming in later we’ve got Dennis Evans a repeat appearance uh coming in via the video you guys are probably wondering why I’m sitting here and where the Frank is nicot Tero but it’s uh it’s opposite day it’s National opposites day yay so look I’m producing the show where am I am I on yet here I I don’t have any glasses on uh anyway it’s National opposite day so Ryan and I have switched places for the full show uh Ryan will be hosting and I’m I’m G to be producing Ryan would you prefer to be back in your chair yeah okay we’re gonna switch all that was our national opposite day bit ladies and gentlemen yay that was a good countdown that was a good count that was fun that was fun we’ve gotten much more comfortable since then yes we have yeah you got yeah you you’ve gotten way more comfortable yeah yeah yeah yeah we have a good time so do you never know when you’re on camera oh if yeah if that monitor is not turned this way I don’t see you didn’t know where to look to know if you were on I didn’t I didn’t I didn’t even know there was a monitor right here and I’ve done that for 170 Plus shows uh yeah there we go there we are I mean that I mean that opening it was kind of crazy wasn’t it what that’s crazy what oh we didn’t get to see the little kitty you want the whole thing yeah let’s do the whole thing why not we uh someone spent time making that graphic was a Jerry or that’s crazy ladies and gentlemen there’s our cat we call him chalk we call him trash not [Music] really Jerry Travino writes from downstairs I love tea Jerry’s usually he loves tea there we go uh what are we talking about what what else has gone here theaters now for horror lovers yeah late night with the devil uh I hear it’s really good my cousin told me it was really good uh is that available streaming somewhere for free it looked interesting it’s like a 70s spoof on the late night oh it’s Kaden telling me that that I’m reading it too uh look look at the punchies say hi to each other like he’s hey Paul I can’t believe I’m nearly 15 minutes to today I’m nearly 15 minutes I don’t know what he means there all right so it’s that time for that’s crazy ladies and gentlemen Alex is taking pictures of her laptop right now with her phone we don’t know what she’s doing but Alex we always let you lead off that’s crazy so what do you got well I got to get my eyes checked because I can’t see like the graphics and read them from there so I have to pull it up on my phone so that’s what I was doing oh so I was pointing out something okay I apologize it’s okay so we’re going to go to the aces who did win um finally after their three-game losing streak but Asia Wilson did something pretty incredible so she is now has the most consecutive games in the regular season with 25 point points she also is now tied at 15th for the most blocks in the league she has 372 the crazy part Frank is she has done this in 200 games so the 15 in front of her right now their average amount of games that they’ve done this is 388 and the median between them is 401 you love the medians so I mean that’s pretty crazy she’s done it in 200 games can’t catch very many and I have to point out somebody else and I did it on Sports by the book too Britney Griner yeah is third on that list she has 769 blocks she has done that in 287 games like Asia Wilson can’t even catch her she’s awesome but to the point Asia Wilson also is putting up a bunch of points so she’s just all around amazing and then Ryan added in somebody else for me double crazy because oh it’s a double crazy W we’ve never done a double crazy Jackie Jackie young had a career high and look at this amazing graphic that he even made with her here but career high 34 points seven threep pointers made in that game I love the red white and blue ball Jackie young and Asia Wilson became the first Duo this season in the entire WNBA to each score 30 plus in a game so yeah I mean they’re going for three in a row right high for Jackie young and then a historic night for AIA Wilson we got to get we got to get to I got to get to a game I want to go to n’s game we have to go to’s game somewh that’s crazy uh Asia Wilson is she on the Olympic team yes yeah she is that’s what I thought yeah right uh Kaitlin Clark is I think there’s three right three from the aces I believe so it’s her and Kelsey and Jack trackie yeah as long as Kelsey Plum’s going I like that uh that’s good that’s crazy Ryan what do you got for us today so going from one backtack champ uh in the Las Vegas Aces going to another back-to-back champ in the Kansas City Chiefs okay they got their Super Bowl rings last night um had a whole ceremony uh getting the combination to their their cases with the Rings get out of here come on which was 777 in Las Vegas fashion um so there you’re getting an image of the top side of the Ring um and then momes and Kelsey’s reaction you’re going to see uh them each flash their three um yeah cuz they won the first one in at 70 at 70 yeah so the Chiefs yeah have won four so that’s why you can see the four lombardis on it um but then the crazy part about this uh we’ll roll into my second half yeah um is second it’s another bonus that’s crazy another bonus we get to see kind of all the details of this so in that um get to see the the 16 custom cut rubies um for the 16 outright division titles 58 diamonds on it uh for Super Bowl 58 yeah they’re 11 rubies to for the regular season wins uh 39 diamonds for the 39 touchdowns scored last season uh momes you get to see the captain signature uh for each captain in the Super Bowl um tribute to the L outest fans in the NFL the backto back stuff um but then you look at the other details so they’ve got 505 my God diamonds um 19 baguettes yeah pan panning up so it’s the second second overtime game in the middle of the ring you get to see uh depending on how many s lombardis that each players won but the crazy thing is so getting into the bottom the underneath of the Ring right they’ve got the scores of their playoff games but somebody did not do the proof reading of the dolphins being the seven seed the bills being the two seed because the chiefs were the two seed playing the six seed dolphins and then the chiefs were the two seed playing the three seed bills so somebody messed this up and I don’t know how you do that you had one job yeah yeah someone had one job to do and they screwed it up and you messed it up on every single round not like halfway through they I don’t understand how you do that well let’s be honest the Dolphins played like a seven seed really let’s you know they didn’t beat any winning team so did the seven seed yeah what’s that’s a clear mistake that had to have been caught I mean I want to know like once they caught it they were like oh man Tim’s getting fired that is crazy though rings are pretty cool uh we got to stop them though I don’t want to see them win again I agree Chief completely I mean really three seed Chiefs the chiefs were the three chiefs were the three cuz yeah cuz they played six and then the two buffal Buffalo was correct yeah okay it’s just Miami was fin yeah the fins were wrong that’s what I thought but anyway uh that is crazy those rings are crazy uh you’re that whole thing was amazing yeah did you do all that panning and all that did you really yeah how did you do that that’s crazy he needs some time to teach you we’ll do it off the air oh I don’t want to know how to do that you know what we want to do for that I wasn’t pre I was like oh wow someone did that no it was Ryan yeah Ryan B McCormick Kaden’s applauding now too uh for my that’s crazy we have The Mentalist clip right yeah so there’s a there’s a couple of these guys you see them on Hard Knock there’s that Oz guy that always trips people out in football looks like toy lell and the Arizona dicks the National League champion dicks that’s right you got to remember they were the national league Champs last year brought in a mentalist and uh I don’t know who the player is who is the player uh it ended up being uh I can’t remember his name I know but anyway so he he kind of does a mentalist thing with them I like the clip because it’s wild but also because he asked him about a random baseball player and he says Doug dreck who won the say young for the Pirates in the early 90s so I don’t know why this young kid thought of uh Dre Jameson who is it Dre Jameson okay so let’s take a look at this clip here we go we can talk over this right you thought of something yeah all right Dre Jamon no no way you’re going to try to read his he’s probably friends with okay you got something manager you awake yeah yeah so he had to close his eyes cover his ears they like passing thoughts back for so so he says they he ended up getting numbers says the number 660 well he says like 4 4660 yeah 4600 and then 660 and then he draws those writes those numbers on a board and then Dre ends up saying no that’s not what I was thinking yeah this is where he says Doug Dre you could have thought of anything what was it Doug Dre Doug Dre when how and you had 646 watch this this is kind of weird sometimes when you’re doing this for the first time this is the first time wrot a number down you receive thoughts in kind of creative ways sometimes that’s where I saw six so yeah if you end up flipping it upside down it spells out sa young 60 yeah the way he wrote it yeah spelled outside that’s pretty I I don’t know how these guys do that yeah 6 do I believe that they can read minds no but they do something yeah I don’t know how you do that I have no answer that is truly crazy what with the deliberate push uh that’s freaky man I don’t you know David I I’m a big David bla fan like all his street magic I think he’s polar I think you either love or hate David bla I like David bla he did a trick where he went to celebrities houses he went to like Margo Robbie’s there’s one where he went to Harrison Ford’s house and he pulls out a car there’s a card that comes out of an orange that was sitting on Harrison Ford’s kitchen and everyone in the background screaming and Harrison Ford who loves to smoke by the way a lot of marijuana it’s legal he looks at David Blen and goes get the F out of my house like he’s so creeped out that he flipped him out he kicked him out of his house it’s just I after this show T after this show today stay on YouTube go Google Harrison Ford David Blaine it’s pretty funny all right well there you go that was our that’s crazy I love it it’s good stuff um do we need uh we we should just go right to post because there’s so much good stuff there too um let’s see he should have said octovia Hotel hahaa uh the dude should put together a 12 leer exactly why doesn’t need to do a parlay any other comments I’m missing in there Sean or Sean Ryan I don’t know Sean is he missing any comments Sean how’d you do on your parlay yesterday you had like a six how many did you miss five five out okay but let’s point out let’s accentuate the positive here you’ve done several very multip numbered leg parlays and you’ve come within one yeah so you’re getting it’s a race between Sean and Reno Paul to see who gets the uh the long shot post on Instagram well I keep joking I’m like Sean give me your parlay after cuz I will bet them individually right I know then you’d go like six in one yes that would be a great day that is a good idea it’s a good idea like uh what are we doing we should go to after the losing day then you really want to because he’s gonna have a winning day he’s do it how manyer did you do today Sound the Horn Ryan sounded the horn W she say you barely Sound the Horn I like it you don’t ever ask me to do it I’m sorry no one gets more thrill of doing it then Jeff parl Jeff is like can I sound like can I Sound the Horn I’m like please please do that that started from March Madness too is that when we started doing them or that’s what I think he did that when we came down here to be the first day of March Madness when you guys had been upstairs for a while I had not had any drinks yet it’s true Jeff had been upstairs a while we’ll say that all right Ryan it’s time for posts uh Ryan does a fantastic job uh scouring the internet we throw Clips at him and he puts them all together he does a great job briyan what are you leading off with today as I sip my soda uh I’ll wait so we I didn’t know we’ve talked a good amount about back-to-back Champions uh today being a championship Friday we’ll look at last year’s NBA champion okay um who ended up being knocked out of the playoffs by a team that’s about to get swept so I feel like this is what you do when the team that knocks you out is about to get swept Nicolo yic dancing drink I will take all of his dancing videos it’s so funny it is great and then he yeah it looks like it cuts off when he was about to do like a little jump shot or I love it he did it after winning last year too remember all those clips kept coming out of him now was this after his raft trip his white water rafting trip where he was spotted which still is the creepiest clip like someone was actually on top of M like there’s Joker I got him Joker and like filming him on a raft that was Joker Joker Joker look up here Joker that’s me holding my camera all right uh that’s cool I mean yeah he’s having a good it’s so hard to repeat it really is but um I don’t want to see Boston win I know Reno Paul doesn’t we don’t want to see him break the they’re going to get their 18th Banner right well yeah it’ll be the if the Mavericks end up pulling off this comeback it’ll be the first time in NBA history that it’s happened let’s talk about the Mavericks not winning the series and you know who I’m I’m looking at you Steph furry for blowing $10 in my hard-earned money cuz Steph furry predicted that they would win in seven also predicted that the Oilers would win oh God go Steph furry in six too so it’s an embarrassing Steph furry he was a little dog who hit the balloons or the balls or whatever Corgi Corgi it was a corgi yeah it was was a uh all right what do we got next um so we’ve made a lot of mentions of Jaylen Brown and how smart he is so I feel like since this series could very well be over tonight or at least this weekend um we actually take a look at how smart Jaylen Brown is yeah and we’ve been we’ve been teasing this for a while right yeah I think we talked about it with who was in the studio with us uh it was Alex it was Alex oh okay uh so he was saying that he’s too smart before the draft um and then so going from high school he was Mr Georgia basketball graduated the to his class chose C over Kentucky um Pack 12 Player of the Year enrolled to graduate level courses Varsity chess learn to speak Spanish and Arabic yeah um NASA offered him uh all the yeah he’s a brainiac NBA uh vice president as soon as he came in the league um NBA MIT media lab fellow um gave lectures at Harvard uh NASA offered him an internship in 2021 and then he goes and plays in the NBA finals against the Warriors um and now and then yeah showed his contract details and now he has a chance to win Finals MVP I remember he’s making he got a $300 million deal and when that happened I’m like I you know I’m like what yeah does he deserve that I mean five years yeah over five years that’s just crazy money speaking of big contracts how about Trevor Lawrence today yeah well we’ll get to that in a minut oh we are oh okay late breaking news though will also point out Jose Bru of the Astros Astros cut as yeah where does he end up immediately R goes Dodgers yeah yeah pirats need a first baseman but he’s kind of done no some someone yeah someone will give him a shot that needs a slugger Off the Bench he just needs to change the scenery maybe I don’t know yeah he was instrumental on their P World Series Drive the other day other day the yeah oh that that’s so much crisper you just yeah when did you take the jacket off never notice that monitor okay uh I should break that one all right next what uh okay so now going to NHL stuff um the Florida Panthers are now one win away uh they had a viewing party uh in Sunrise Florida and this is their fans chanting one more or we want the cup um and then the team tweeted out this uh their saving the pucks from all their games that they’ve won so they have one final empty spot in their little their Shield that was and uh they were calling for champagne showers in Florida was that the little title you had there yeah one win from Champagne Showers and sunrise I just I just have a hard time this like the Florida Panthers winning a Stanley Cup but Tampa Bay Lightning the Ning the Ning as everyone everyone knows it’s the Ning uh what’s the when is that game that’s tomorrow tomorrow and are you going to watch that game no I’m actually going to work at the Ballpark tomorrow for our special um oh talk about this the oat milker well this is I want you guys to talk about it cuz you guys have been talking about it you bought some you bought some shirts right Ryan oat milker shirt you had an oat milker shirt no I have a Danville Danville da daddiy oh Dairy Daddy’s oat milkers it’s all the same my God no oat milk is different than cow’s milk what what so yeah so tomorrow the aviators the local AAA team affiliate is going to every minor league team is doing this right yeah that’s what I understand that’s what Andy said last night that it’s a promotional thing to promote oat milk I guess yeah well yeah Oley is a sponsor of minor league baseball um so every team in minor league baseball has taken turns becoming the oat milkers uh for a game this year U Saturday is the aviators turn um becoming the I believe 121st minor league baseball team is what they’re adopting it as uh but yeah they’re going to be wearing special like pinkish uh jerseys with the OM for Oat milkers yeah so you’ll be there working the game yes you and Andy see that’s what okay I didn’t know that they were taking turns and every team would do it very cool yeah yeah there’s yeah a bunch of teams are doing it and the j a bunch of teams have already done it well I knew you guys said post show post of that so you know what keeps showing up in my algorithm now is I every day at least two clips of cosmic baseball pops up which we talked about on the show and because I like it Chili Peppers what’s that the Tri City chil yeah and because I watched it like several times they came I’m still amazed that they could hit a ball at like it just seems so dangerous but I we got to do that somewhere here call the aviators get on the horn call Gary arlots call someone making uh well the ball is it glows it glows in the dark but the uniforms I mean it’s just that would be so cool to have you know restent yeah anyway all right what do you have next there young so still talking about the Florida Panthers this I immediately uh I saw this yesterday and then immediately went to go and bet the Panthers ended up getting him at plus 125 I know it was my my lean that I gave out yesterday but I saw this and went and bet it um so check out this account tomorrow at scouting the refs um so the Florida Panthers have gone now 140 and one in their last now 15 games with referee Dan oor uh as one of the zebras in the game um the Oilers are now 0 and5 this postseason with oor and the Panthers are now 5 and0 um and my title for this one was this zebra in the the Panthers are best friends that’s cute that’s an amazing set so you ran to the counter to bet that one my mobile app yeah mobile app you got the mobile app yeah that’s uh that looks promising for uh Florida I mean the not good for him though yeah it’s not that they pointed that not a good look at all who’s the ref that Hates Chris Paul like isn’t there that ref that like Chris Paul like never wins against uh I can’t remember it’s not Tim Don Scott Foster yeah it is Foster yeah very good nice memory uh are we talk oh play ball weekend that’s what car let’s just chimed in and there’s some clinics all around minor league baseball parks tomorrow oh that’s Jr chiming in JR’s awesome I talked to him again of course last night and there’s some kids clinics all around Minor League Baseball tomorrow he believes okay was was Tommy in the chat sounding like jar jar I missed it Ryan Isa vegan Misa Misa USA I think he was uh no I’m not there was a funny meme it’s not funny but I mean Jerry West passed away but it was like West would rather die than see the Celtics on their 18 championship did you see that I did yeah we didn’t use that cuz it’s in poor taste but Paul put it up there and I I said that uh I thought I thought BR did well with the Astros in the World Series he has been done and the reason being he’s three years older than he probably is I’m sick by that he’s he he looked old when he came over all right so anyway uh we got picks at 1236 coming up but should we do one oh we doing the Stanley Cup stuff yeah but the video is going to take us 2 36 let’s do it do the video then okay okay yeah we got it right well yeah but we’ve got stuff to follow it’s fine we can do it well we can know do what you want what do you think should we put the breaks on we can kill time for a minute and 20 seconds well yeah I let’s do that sure all right what are you doing this weekend Ryan no I feel like that’s not what we should talk about what’s that I feel like that’s not what we should talk about okay what do you talk about do you have uh a pick well not necessarily a pick but what’s your what’s your take for the game tonight game tonight I Le to the Mavs I do think that they will extend this two five games because I think it’s more of a pride thing than anything and I do think that they figured some things out think Kyrie was really good in game three but they didn’t go to him enough and utilize him I do like his over points is 24 and a half um I know Boston is the better team and they are very good and they’ve shut down a lot of things that Dallas wants to do but Dallas also had a lot of turnovers in game two that they could have won and they’ve cleaned that up in game three so I said they’re fixing little things and just like the Timberwolves you know won that game four and then ended up with the gentleman sweep I kind of think that what will happen with the gentleman sweep gentleman sweep what is that just one loss really I don’t know if I’ve ever heard that term it’s not getting swept it’s like you have a little bit of Pride yeah I’ve never heard that the gentleman sweep I like that I never heard that Alex that’s good uh yeah what’s the line it’s floating around one right it’s a pick them here it’s a pick them here at South Point yeah I know Boy again everyone I think loaded up on Boston as an underdog CU they’re just they haven’t been an under they had been an underdog since like April 9th April 9th was against Milwaukee yeah it’s been months and they were an underdog and look what they did and all those scores are so close at 1236 punchline picks at 1236 we do it every day Monday through Friday here on punchlines we like to be consistent we know you guys like to get your picks at 1236 that’s why we have sports betting analyst Alex white here Alex what do you have for us today but after I do want to hear you guys’ thought on that game too but I am going straight to baseball we are going with the Phillies here um oh those darn Phillies Rangers ranger sorz has the most wins in the league right now at 10 85 strikeouts he’s tied at 16 second best ra with 1.81 yeah Kyle bradish has been really good for the Orioles but he hasn’t pitched as many innings just 34 Innings pitched 14 walks to his 49 strikeouts so Phillies 28 and 10 against righties batting 257 averaging 5.6 runs a game um the Orioles were on a nice win streak but the Braves just snaap that so I’m going with the Phillies tonight I also like the Yankees and you’re getting plus money here with the Yankees um a lot of money coming in on Boston I think it’s just been a little bit over beat the Philly I mean they they they cost me two wins because I had the Phillies two days in a row as a pick figuring come on then Arona was going to be my bail Aron NOA solid pi pitch gave up eight ear runs in like three innings did the Phillies lose two in a row now they lost two in a row to Boston two in a row to Boston so cuz I gave them out two days in a row and I was on such a hot streak still run 11 and four my last 15 but uh so anyway you like the first so I like Phillies I do like them and I like the first five innings because I like the pitcher with Ranger Suarez who probably could be the starter for the national league right now you would say he’s probably the leading Contender his name’s Ranger Suarez and the game is in Texas so Ranger Suarez in the Texas says Ranger Park could be the starter in the National League American League starter uh possibly the Yankee guy Lucas or Gil yeah possibly Seth Lugo that’s it I would say Seth Lugo from I can’t if Seth Lugo starts on All-Star game every Major League team’s gonna first of all the Mets will die but I mean every major league team could have had this guy I know the Pirates were talking with him probably the cubs too right did we talk about this no a lot of teams were looking at him Kansas City uh locked them up and look at the Royals Royals are having a nice year fun team to watch with Bobby White Jr all right picks for you McCormack um so I am tagging along with Alex’s Yankees uh I going with them on the money line today in Boston um the Red Sox as you just said beat the Phillies twice in a row um but they have not the Red Sox have not won three games in a row and almost a full month um the Yankees just lost their last game to the Royals they’re in the middle of a road trip um so I maybe wouldn’t lay the Run line um but I do think the Yankees take this on the money l or yeah on the money line in Boston all right I need a win I need a win after the Phillies screwing me two days in a row I am going with the Seattle Mariners because they’re starting a big three- game series at home this weekend against the world champion Texas Rangers these two teams do not like each other now I hear the voice of Matt nett in my head who constantly hammers home how much he loves Luis Castillo I like Luis Castillo too every time I bet Luis Castillo he has a bad outing this must change Luis Castillo you got to do it for me the Mariners are 24 and 12 they’ve had a lot of heroics lately uh some late games that we’ve shown uh late home runs comeback win so there’re they’ve been on at home for a while where they’re U they’re playing very they’re 24- 12 at home and they’re 22-2 in games they score at least five runs they’re going against Andrew Heeney who ER is super high for the Rangers so I like Seattle I think this is a statement weekend for them right they got the world Champs coming in so uh I like Seattle to uh extend that lead I believe they have the biggest lead in the majors right now right in a division divisional lead yeah so uh I like Seattle minus 137 it looked like at South Point so um I’m rolling with Seattle tonight it’s a late game I like to watch the late game so perfect I watched the Pirate game with no pirates with it’s probably a bullpen start they don’t even have a starter posted yet but I like Seattle tonight so the Mariners have a five and a half game lead over the Rangers The largest division lead is actually the Phillies the Phillies the Phillies have a nine nine game lead over the Braves what do the Brewers have the Brewers have a six and a half game over everybody over the Cardinals yeah Cardinals Cubs Pirates they all like right there yeah and then the the O’s are closest to the Yankees just two and a half back but then it drops off in the AL uh East uh yeah yeah the O’s are going to hang around yeah the O’s are going to hang around they’re the O have been really hot but the Yankees also haven’t lost so they haven’t gained any ground they really haven’t and by the way this is maker break for Aaron Boon this year if he doesn’t win it he’s got to go this is true uh they gave him the team they gave him everybody and they get Garrett Cole back soon oh they get the sa Young Award winner back soon so yeah I don’t know what the Yankees future is but maybe get your future now they look the part yeah you want to do it now before G they do look the part it’s good for baseball the Yankees when the World Series but it’s the Yankee fans I can’t stand and the Celtic fans I can’t stand all right never mind um so you’re including you’re doing the Mariners for your iers yeah and then I am doing the Yankees for my farlay Alex do you want to give out your what’s your stronger pick first five or Phillies overall I’m going hockey oh you’re going hockey we going tomorrow’s game she’s going hockey all what did you take we’re going over five and a half over five and a half cuz you figure I’m got to open it up right it’s make or break they did they did last night there was only one goal scored in the first period and then there were six scored in the second and the third it’s that’s what the Oilers are really good at speed and offense it’s their last chance here um they kind of found something I want to say broke boski because that’s impossible but they they did score too late in the third yesterday so maybe they did find something in that third period can start off hot in game four the ice is faster though in Edmonton as well so and both teams are more than capable of scoring goals should be six we’re going over five and a half this is why we have her here twice week they were finally able to find a net front presence in that third period they hadn’t been able to get in front of the net at all because Florida was protecting Bob so well and and you could tell that they that’s you know they were thinking gentleman sweep all the whole game gentleman sweep well going back to that that Celtics series um yes Kyrie yeah finally helped the Mavericks in game three but Luca fouled out towards the end of the game and that kind of killed their momentum you better challenge that yeah coming back from being down 21 points in that game 21 um dubs what’s the over Ender on that game CU don’t you think it’s going to be it’s two 21 here now all of them have gone under so far right correct I feel like this is the if I would lean I’d lean towards the over in this game Dallas is going to be chucking it up they gota they gota that’s the only way they can really beat Dallas or beat themselves Beat Boston I don’t know I look at the over at that game hope for some points that’s just me though yeah and if the Mavericks were to win this game that gives the Celtics a chance to win the title on their home court at home yeah and a lot of Boston fans I was listening on on TV are like we want to win it on our court let them win one let them have one gentleman sweep yeah by the way by the way the Boston fans sound like New Yorkers so maybe it wasn’t we’re like yeah let him have one yeah come back here guy some Duncan I will add in there um first quarter over 55 is two and one right now in this series so that first game it went over 55 kind of Lucky cuz I mean the Celtics just came out really hot game three in Dallas it went over 55 again so if you’re leaning towards Dallas and then coming out like that maybe you want to go with the first quarter and then you don’t have to this is why we have Alex white here ladies and gentlemen to give us numbers like this you also mentioned earlier the college baseball something I do have a college basball colge so and this is plus money it wasn’t quite enough for Kaden he was hoping we were going to get a little bit more than that but it is plus 140 here with Florida State oh and their Ace is going that’s Jamie Arnold he leads right now in the College World Series all pitchers in wins with 11 strikeouts with 155 Innings pitched 100 and a3d innings there um and strikeouts per nine innings 13.8 so um of course they are going up against a tough opponent here in Tennessee who is the one seat on that side but double elimination if they’re going to try and get a win I mean they’re going for it with this game and using their Ace okay lots of picks for the weekend lots of thoughts lots of picks that’s why we love having Alex here you’ll be back Wednesday and Friday next week I sure will all right uh let’s continue on let’s march on with the posts right got some more stuff sure um so going back to the Stanley Cup um we decided that we wanted to take a look at the Cup itself okay um I’m taking a drink I don’t care um really my mouth was Dr and I had to take a sip on camera sorry uh so somebody decided to give us a closer look at all the dents and errors on the cup I mean come on dents hits runs errors Stanley Cup are you supposed to handle with gloves1 ruins if you look closely in theyou has Q’s just the guy who carries him Islanders is missing an S yeah they spelled the Islanders wrong right here can you read those the cup there is a team defeated canora HUD glass GI Julie that guy’s had a Frank he’s had a fews Mr chip Chase dick inste of ear 9s uh that’s early 1900s this guy is like an expert on the cup man right there Edmonton Oil I hope they’re double cheing that there’s no Evan on there that’s right so the owner tried to put his father’s name on the cup which he did but he had nothing to do with it so they ex his name oh wow that’s cold oh my God just a bunch of bunch of scratches your who are these guys that had C by the way I I I think I think I think uh Stam Co was at that party oh okay Sten stos yeah so I think that name a little all right so we actually have pictures of uh I think all of us with the cup correct correct all right now we’ve seen the picture of me with the cup I believe uh there’s me that’s my sister Gina that’s 1991 I guess that’s like 30 years ago good thing you saved Gina from that fast car she was stuck driving it super yes that’s right pict it’s a second appearance this week for my sister Gina and then that’s her with the cup uh with Phil Bourke Phil Bourke who was a really important part of the Penguins back-to-back cups in the early 90s he was the one who was on the radio station that I was a frequent guest on too and he brought it out to our softball game and he was allowed to hoist it and I hoisted it because I saw him do it all right and then we have Alex with the cup in her Aviator shirt yes they brought the cup to the ballpark last year oh is that where it was yep what is that backdrop why does it look like brush I don’t know we were up in it was brush it was in a suite in a suite yeah oh okay very cool and then we have Ryan Ryan you did this uh while we’ve been doing the show I remember right yeah yeah this was yeah the knights brought the brought it up to the their practice facility um last uh November maybe why do you look four years younger in that photo than you do now yeah uh yeah and then there was also a picture of me in 2005 so that was the my second time that was you in 2005 wait go back to that please you know what we got to get him a Superman outfit that little kid right there he could be a Superman as well that’s a great that who won that one was that the wings pict uh that was the wings the wings my stepmom was a all right and then I mean come on punch Lin’s regular Vegas icon Ron Futrell local sports hanger hoisting it not only hoisting it but on the ice that is so wrong that is so on brand for he knew better too do you think he didn’t I didn’t know better but you yeah you see the smile and the twinkle in his eye like oh I know I’m not supposed to be doing this oh God send this clip to Ron Futrell you got to send that over to him so Ron did that one year ago yesterday yeah they won the Cs won one year ago yesterday so uh since we didn’t mention it yesterday we’ll go ahead and mention it today um they somebody posted the video of the final moments and how loud it was yeah was this you Ryan the hockey guy no could be you Incognito the moment the gold Knights became Champions it’s the loudest I’ve ever heard in that build and then the they kind of pile up in that corner and really iconic photo of uh marshy yell looking up and yelling and they look like uh they’re in the where were you at that moment where were you watching at home or where were you um well if you want to show the next video oh I was joking you actually have a video I did not know you had a video of it is it of you oh you were there this is my video yeah oh get out my uh my dad and I were at game two and then my dad and I my brother and my stepmom were there for game five um and so yeah that was that was my there you go so you saw them win a Stanley Cup in person I did see them win a Stanley Cup pretty cool where were you for the game last year I was at the Ballpark you at the Ballpark at the Ballpark I mean well well no wait a second was everybody on their phone like all the fans everybody watching this game at the same time um CU I remember it throughout that series it was really cool we we actually we were sounding the horn anytime they scored Sound the Horn yes so we did the hockey in the middle of like an inning oh no guys like 3-2 pitch well they scored nine goals oh yeah a lot of it was pregame that we were okay the timing worked out um you know it’s nice that Vegas got the clinch here you got I mean I’m sure Vegas was wild after was I here for that no I wasn’t I was in the summer um that must have been great here’s the thing about Pittsburgh since okay so we we we’ve won six Super Bowls but they’re not in Pittsburgh Pate have won uh 7179 they won the World Series uh the last time a Pittsburgh sports team has won a championship in Pittsburgh was 1960 when Bill mazeroski hit his famous game seven walk-off Homer the only one in baseball history in a game seven to beat the Yankees that’s the last time a championship happened in Pittsburgh we’ve won so five wait six Super Bowls two World Series and five Stanley Cups four four five back to back three I’m not sure uh Crosby went two or three they went back to back and then I think it’s five they have five so that’s 11 14 championships have happened in Pittsburgh or have been for the Pittsburgh but not in the city so Steelers they can win the Super Bowl on the the Pirates but that’s another thing everybody wins the Super Bowl I know but I’m saying I know but I I’m understand that too I think our best chance of winning a CH the Pirates who knows but I just it it’d be nice for the city to you guys got it know yeah to be able to celebrate with your city that night yes um but I think that’s another point with the Celtics yeah winning closing it out tonight you get to travel back home and have everybody waiting for you at your plane get to have your own little private moment with the team on the plane celebrate by yourselves I I I don’t think the team the Celtics themselves are thinking about winning it in Boston right they just want to get it over exactly but I mean uh pretty amazing that you guys got to experience that last year and I can’t stoping into fut Tri picture it’s still up in the monitor all right uh what do we have next so uh still talking with hockey the Utah Hockey Club announced their team colors yesterday uh Rock black salt white and Mountain blue I’m a fan um I am too if these colors tell you anything it is that it’s going to be the yeti Yeti it has to be but I thought they’re going to but next year they’re just going to go by the hockey club corre yeah that’s that was the big announcement I thought but the colors are amazing yes I mean no other I can’t think of any other sports team that has utilized those colors right the Rockies are purple and yeah no blue North Carolina tels uh the North Carolina tels Who currently are tied one1 I think in the College World Series uh they’re awesome uh Utah but here’s another genius thing is they’re GNA sell a ton of those right because it’s first year and then the next yeah they’re GNA come on everyone in Utah will buy that and then they’ll go oh by the way we’re the yeti so now’s have to buy the yeti stuff yeah kind of a genius move the guy who owns that team is that young guy who made all the money uh you know that guy specific yeah I’ve seen him on pet M yeah he’s on maail he’s a really smart guy he’s really funny he’s the one who lifted the blackout on games so everyone could watch the games does he own the Jazz too maybe I don’t know whoever that yeah he’s awesome he’s an awesome one he’s gonna be the next Mark cubin there was the Suns owner that did that oh is it the sun’s owner yeah I forget everything I said but do you yeah you’re right I me it may be the same ownership group that owned the Jazz but son’s owner was the one that Liv those are I just think those are plain and simple those are really cool yeah wait isn’t that the same as Carolina Panthers yeah oh yeah there you go yeah who thinks hor mistakes I’ve made horrible mistakes in the past yeah but who even knows about the Carolina Panthers did you see someone on an ABC affiliate uh someone put it on Tik Tok they had the uh instead of the Florida Panthers they had the Carolina Panthers they had uh Ed was playing Carolina Panthers uh happens all the time I guess in local news they don’t know their Sports they just grabb the Panthers all right what else do we got oh Trevor Lawrence is next yeah so speaking of not the Panthers that was an announcement yesterday that the hockey club was going to be their color so another announcement that happened yesterday was that Trevor Lawrence is getting a contract extension signing a fiveyear $275 million extension 200 million guaranteed 37.5 at signing um 142 million fully uh yeah fully guaranteed um 50 5 million a year um there are now nine quarterbacks being paid more than the best quarterback on the planet in Patrick Mahomes but he’s smart he’s like look you got to surround yourself with good people I’m gonna give you the freedom to go out and keep these good players like Kelsey and Jones and everything I mean I me at the time that Mahomes signed his extension that was the biggest extension and now the he reset the quarterback Market being the best quarterback and now there are more quarterbacks that have done less than him being paid more than him how many playoff games has Trevor Lawrence won I don’t understand the philosophy in in paying your quarterback this much it’s too much out this year because we have two quarterbacks for a million each so yeah and they’re talking about Dak Prescott’s extension they were going that he’s exceed that no way should he be paid more than 55 50 million no way should like Daniel Jones got 40 million last year yeah for what you win one playoff game against the Vikings who yeah it’s ridiculous the biggest guaranteed money still is uh abely insane it’s too much too much of your chunk of your salary cap you can’t keep all your good players but the salary cap has increased exponentially the last few years but it still doesn’t make sense to pay that much no I understand they’re touching the ball every single play but that that way too much money for guys that aren’t good enough to begin with to go win you a Super Bowl and you’re paying them and hindering yourself from going to win this the shocking stat I saw was uh the top five quarterbacks most passing Ys in their first three seasons he’s fifth it was like Herbert’s won I think like Payton and then uh I don’t know it doesn’t matter but he was fifth which I was shocked but again hasn’t own a playoff game but they’re banking on it now it’s a lot of money 50 million I agree to your point about Patrick Mahomes I mean Tom Brady literally wrote the blueprint for quarterbacks and if you want to win rings and you care about that more I mean he showed you how to do it he did you got to leave that money for everybody else you can’t you know that’s you got to have a Supporting Cast that’s why Jerry Feld was a genius he got super talented actors to be with him a lot of comics just wanted to be the center and the focal point and they got crap but he got Julia Lou dfus uh Chris is agreeing with me on S all right uh what do we got next what is that poll what is what poll we got a poll in the chat my haircut in the photo and two people voted gross what kind of stuff is that are you talking about the Stanley Cub photo where he looked like he was yeah very young I gave it fire but some people did not so two people did not like it Ryan is in Fuego thank you Tommy Ryan’s in Fuego whoa Ron is a true Rebel mini Dar I couldn’t agree with you more champ from Anchorman who said that Gary he said you look like who champ from anchor man hamy that guy he was bald David ketner no my my coat oh your Co who am he I did notice it is a it is a nice p is that a newer coat yeah it is sharp yeah I’m wearing yeah Carolina blue today oh it in see what he does there did you notice all of these um college baseball teams I mean of course we know they’re only from two conferences but North Carolina NC State Tennessee it looks like the basketball all over and Virginia’s in there playing a slow grind amount game what is it one1 in the six you’re North Carolina T Hills uh oh extra base hit though oh man on third for Virginia uh how many more posts do we have um so we’ve got we’ve got three more okay let’s do them um so another update uh announcement that came out yesterday um Conor McGregor is officially out UFC 303 Michael Chandler that fight with Michael Chandler has been postponed um maybe looking at the sphere in September that’s was I thought it was is it official at this feere or not no no no no no no uh McGregor is still it’s announ maybe two two months before you can come back um but anyway the main event will be Alex Pereira versus Yuri prasa um for the light heavyweight title um it’ll be their second bout against each other uh prasa has been a uh belt holder um Pier or Pera is the belt holder um so this will be at the end of this month speaking of hair what’s up with his hair he’s got like that little cone going up there he is uh I believe polish okay speaking of the sphere I don’t know if this is true or not but I saw something last night that the Eagles are going to be doing a residency okay and I figure like Jaylen Herz I don’t know what he’ll do to entertain the crowd what different Eagles like say say on Barkley now they’re going to be good there well yeah and they don’t have Jason Kelce who would have been fantastic oh wait what’s that oh the band the Eagles oh okay this we’re riffing I made this up all three of us uh I’ve seen the Eagles like four or five times I think I told the story how he ended up in the front row once I will have to go to that show at least one time maybe twice because it might be their last tour it probably is their last T all right so anyway what else do we have uh soin Clark a Kaitlin Clark this might be my favor one um so from Clark Range it’s no longer Curry range it is from Clark Range her average three-point shot distance uh as a rookie is 28 and 04 feet um the WNBA three-point line is 22 feet she take she’s averaging shots from 6 feet behind the three-point line um her 2.6 three-pointers made uh per game is the most by a rookie since 1997 um so there you’re getting a at Trey young Damen Lillard and Steph Curry’s highest season average three-point distance 2 uh yeah 27.94 27.6 eight and the guy that’s known to have changed the game with this three-point line Steph Curry 27.5 eight um so it is not Curry range it is not Dame time CL range it is Kaylin Clark range’s no no other option cuz how they defend her you know I had I had no idea of her height I just looked it up does anyone know how tall she is six six foot yeah six foot yeah yeah I didn’t realize she was I mean1 I didn’t realize she was that tall that’s tall anyway the picture though she’s like crouching with the ball but she’s just loading up yeah yeah uh can’t wait to see her play Ryan you should tweet those out it those are good graphics did you make that chart like I mean I know it’s a picture of a tweet so maybe just take credit say yes no I mean that’s why I give the the credit to these guys you always do and we always do yeah but that’s that’s a really that’s that’s phenomenal uh Mamba does a really basketball stuff Caitlyn Clark all right we have one more yeah one final post um looking at a former NFL coach The head coach of the brahmas in the UF pH thing Wade Phillips could win his first uh football championship um despite his 50 plus years of coaching oh yeah there he is um so as the Broncos defensive coordinator in 89 to 92 the bills defensive coordinator from 95 to 97 um and then the Falcons defensive coordinator in 0203 chargers chargers and charg chargers at that point defensive coordinator a career Phillips his brother the Cowboys head coach in’ 05 07 to1 the then goes to Houston son their defensive coordinator in 11 to13 then back to Denver their defensive coordinator from 15 to 16 uh then goes to La when they just moved to LA so 17 to 19 and and then the back to Houston the Houston Ru necks head coach last year and now with the brahmas in the UFL Championship I misspoke I said he was the brother of bum Phillips I forget how old I am he’s the son of bum Phillips bum Phillips coached the Houston Oilers and all those great games against the Steelers I always like bum Phillips uh but Wade Phillips you want to root for him who who’s he coaching again the brasas he’s got the bromas San Antonio brahmas right San Antonio brahmas versus the uh the other team Birmingham sallans right who’s favorite in the game um just root for Wade Phillips yeah I don’t see a line you want to see him win that I mean it’s it’s a title let Wade Phillips win I’ll root for Wade Phillips so not one title with all those yeah is amazing not a single title and Den’s been with some good franchises too yes really good franchises well the Chargers won a couple super no they haven’t sorry sorry and all right uh everybody great week as usual next week we have Monday we have Keith Lyle coming in I’m going to get back at him for the Babaloo thing uh Tuesday we have Matt nett I talked to Matt last night even though he has no idea what tickets Chris needed he is going to be here Tuesday Wednesday and Friday the one and only Alex white will be here on Thursday Jeff parls and Bob zany will be here and I I spared you Alex with bubs now he wanted to come in on Thursday and we might have Greg Von’s grandson come in and wow us with some stats we’re going to work on that too so big week next week big weekend for everybody to watch sports we really appreciate you guys watching make sure you share like subscribe I know I know you hear everybody say it but it really does help us so keep helping us get the numbers up we appreciate you watching us on South Point Studio and of course over on the punchlines FN and we have Alex’s picks here on a slide so you can take a picture get your camera phone out now there it is oh that’s a good picture Alex Yankees first five Phillies first five she also likes the Panthers over the Oilers five and a half Panthers and Oilers over five and a half sorry and Florida State going against the overall number one seat plus money with their Ace Jamie Arnold sounds good Ryan what was your pick you kind of liked Yankees money line and then if you tie Alex’s over 5 and a half tomorrow in the hockey game Frank’s money line with the Mariners today my money line with the Yankees today it is 5 to one 5 to one wow sounds pretty good listen you guys help make the show punchies all our regulars thank you so much it’s a weekend have a good time be safe I’m Frank nicaro the show’s punch Lines line stands for live in Nevada he [Music] [Music]

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